How many calories are spent walking 1 km? Homemade bread kvass. How many calories does walking burn?

If the body asks or requires regular training, you want to have more physical activity, but you can’t or don’t like running, cycling or going to the gym, there is a good way out - ordinary walking. Walking is not only a pleasant pastime that provides good mood and the release of endorphins, this effective method losing weight. Provided that you walk in fast pace, and not walking or shopping. How many calories does walking burn? All lovers of fast hiking want to know the answer to this question, and we will voice it in this article.

How many calories do we lose when walking?

How many calories an hour of walking burns depends on what kind of walking, how fast you walk and a number of other factors. How many calories you can burn while walking is affected by:

  • Availability or absence of equipment - Nordic walking poles, weights, dumbbells
  • Athlete weight
  • Physical training
  • Walking pace
  • Walking type
  • Lesson duration
  • Terrain or type of road - more calories are burned when we walk on uneven terrain, uphill, in the forest
  • Intensity of hand movement
  • Clothing (the more an athlete’s clothing weighs, the greater the energy consumption)

How many calories does a person burn when walking? On average, from 177 to 700 kcal, depending on the pace and type of walking. These figures are approximate, calculated for a person weighing 70 kilograms. The more weight a person has, the more calories are burned when physical activity.

Walking types:

  • Slow walking - a speed of about 2 km/h, so you burn few calories, approximately 177 per hour. A person takes approximately 70 steps per minute.
  • Walk at an average pace, at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour. This is a normal walking pace - this is how we walk when we are in a slight hurry. At the same time, we take 100-140 steps per minute. We walk a kilometer in 15 minutes
  • Race walking - approximate speed of 5-10 km/h, arms bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees - a mandatory attribute of race walking. The athlete's heel first touches the ground, and then the toe. Legs at race walking do not bend, the main load is on the muscles of the thighs and calves. The athlete walks one kilometer in 8 minutes, taking approximately 140 steps per minute
  • Fast walking is carried out at a speed of 7 km/h, or 8 km/h, which is practically running, but you should not start running
  • Walking backwards improves posture, sense of balance, strengthens the muscles of the back, buttocks, and calves. Moreover, walking backwards develops a person’s peripheral vision and even thinking.
  • Walking on steps or uphill with a slope of 15 degrees. It burns a lot of calories, but it is better to choose a ladder outside. When working out in dirty, stuffy hallways, you shouldn’t expect much benefit.
  • Nordic walking with poles - especially popular look physical activity in the modern world. People can exercise different ages. The poles are selected based on the athlete’s height. It is believed that Nordic walking expends 45% more calories than regular walking. This sport will help you lose 3 kilograms in a month.
  • Skiing also burns a lot of calories. Especially if a person makes his own ski tracks, and does not ride on a knurled track
  • Walking with tight buttocks

How much energy is consumed during race walking?

This sport burns a lot of calories - up to 400 units in one hour. You need to walk straight, without whirling, taking small but frequent steps. Don't forget to bend your elbows and tense your buttocks. The pace may vary, but generally they walk at a speed of 4 to 8 km/h.

More calories will be burned if you keep your feet in good shape all the time, without relaxing them even when climbing uphill. In race walking, you need to walk without swaying your hips and keep your spine straight.

You need to start with ten-minute workouts, gradually increasing your workouts to 45 minutes a day.

How many calories are burned during brisk walking?

It is believed that walking quickly at a speed of 8 km/h consumes 10 kilocalories per 1 kg of a person’s weight. Thus, for our hypothetical 70-kilogram athlete, an hour of brisk walking burns 700 calories.

If so, how many calories does vigorous walking burn? Walking at a speed of 5-7 km/h will help burn approximately 5 kcal per 1 kg of weight per hour. A person weighing 70 kg will consume 350 kcal per hour in this case.

How many calories does Nordic walking burn per hour?

If on a hot summer day you see a person with ski poles in your hands, don’t be afraid: this is not a mirage, not sunstroke and not even a collective hallucination. You see in front of you a person who is taking care of his health and striving for a good figure.

Nordic walking uses 90% of a person's muscles, including the abdominal muscles, abdominals, buttocks, thighs, back, chest and arms. A person has to actively “work” not only with his legs, as in normal walking, but also with his arms. Walking poles help you push off the surface of the ground and at the same time act as a weighting agent. By the way, the weight of the poles during Nordic walking is taken into account when calculating the calories burned. If a person’s “net” weight is 70 kilograms, the weight of clothing and the weight of all equipment are added. Such poles, depending on the material of the product and the purpose (for athletes, children, the elderly), weigh from 550 grams. They also choose sticks based on their height.

A huge advantage of Nordic walking is that it has virtually no contraindications, unlike, for example, running or brisk walking. You can train people of different ages and different, even very heavy, weights.

Nordic walking burns approximately 500 to 700 kcal in one hour. Of course, speed of movement is also of great importance here; the most effective will be interval training. By the way, any walking in the cold contributes to an even more active consumption of “eaten” calories.

You need to start training at a speed of 5 km/h, after 20 minutes the speed needs to be increased to 7 kilometers per hour. After 10 minutes, return to 5 kilometers per hour, after 20 minutes, again 7 km/hour. And so on in a circle, as long as there is time, strength and desire.

The first training sessions should not be long; at first, you first need to master the Nordic walking technique at a slow pace. But if you constantly walk at a low speed, you shouldn’t expect much weight loss.

How many calories does it burn when walking up stairs?

Regular walking up stairs is also good way lose weight. In an hour of training, a person weighing 70 kg can burn up to 1500 kcal! Moreover, you will burn more calories if you honestly step on each step, and not skip over one. This type of walking trains a large number of muscles: from the buttocks and thighs to the abdomen and back. Start training with sessions lasting 10 minutes. By the way, you can burn as many calories as you burn during an hour of fitness. However, for the effect to not be long in coming, regular 25-minute workouts are necessary. When long exercises become a habit and you get bored, you can pick up dumbbells for weighting.

Unlike regular walking, or Nordic walking, walking on stairs has many contraindications.

Other types of walking

Skiing is a good way to get rid of extra pounds. How many calories does skiing burn? For a person weighing 70 kilograms, skiing will help you spend 470 kcal, and downhill skiing will help you spend 274 kcal.

Treadmill It will help if the weather is bad outside, or you are embarrassed to exercise in front of strangers. After all, on this simulator, despite the name, you can not only run, but also walk at any pace. To lose weight, you need to walk at a speed of 5 to 7 kilometers per hour. The good thing about a treadmill is that you can choose the desired mode: walk on a flat “road” or up a “mountain”. How many calories does walking on a treadmill burn? Up to 400 kcal at a fast pace.

If there is no treadmill, there is slush outside and there is no desire to go out, it will be interesting to know how many calories walking in place burns. You can find information on the Internet that this type of physical activity can burn 700 kcal per hour of exercise with a weight of 70 kg. But home workout lovers have such high performance raise serious doubts. Heart rate monitors and other measuring devices provide more modest information: from 400 to 500 kcal per hour with a weight of 70 kilograms.

How many calories does walking burn?

We already understand how many calories you can burn in an hour of walking. What indicators are typical for the distance traveled?

Many beginners are interested in the question of how many calories a kilometer of walking burns. To make it easier to understand the information, we will provide the data in a table:

When making any calculations, it is important not to forget that how many calories a person burns per hour of walking, or per kilometer, depends on the pace. When walking slowly, energy will be consumed insignificantly.

To be healthy and stay in good shape, a person needs to walk 10 kilometers a day. To lose excess weight, you need to walk even more. The effect will be from regular classes lasting 70 minutes. After all, to burn not just calories, but fat, you need a long-term load at an average or fast pace.

Not all people who fight extra pounds, can tolerate intense physical exercise such as fitness training or on a treadmill. However, in order for the weight loss process to be effective and ongoing, it is necessary to supplement the diet with physical activity.

What to do when it's too heavy weight interferes with active training? Race walking will come to the rescue in this situation. Walking is the safest and most comfortable sport for people who are overweight and want to exercise. How many calories can you burn while walking and how will this affect your weight loss process?


Ordinary walking, of course, is not the best efficient look workouts, but if you know exactly how to walk, the calorie losses can be quite significant. Just by walking at a leisurely pace for an hour, you can lose from 50 to 100 kcal, depending on the build and height of the person losing weight. The more weight a person is losing weight, the more energy the body will need to move and the more calories will be burned.

Walking at an average pace in normal urban conditions at a speed of 5 km/hour will allow you to lose about 200 kcal. When moving at this speed, a person covers 1 km. If you walk for an hour at the same speed, but on natural soil with periodic overcoming of holes and bumps, the calorie loss during such walking will be about 300 kcal.

If physical training If someone losing weight allows him to walk a little faster, then such intense walking at a speed of about 7 km/hour will allow him to lose 350-400 kcal.

Particularly useful for weight loss is intense walking uphill. Of course, such training is not for everyone, but you can always try. How many additional calories will the body lose? Due to the fact that walking this way is much more difficult than on a flat road, calorie consumption will additionally increase by 50 calories per hour.


To make your workout as effective as possible, you need to walk correctly. This must be done in small but very frequent steps. Hands should be kept bent at the elbows. Steps should be energetic and clear.


Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (lips slightly closed)
Breathing should be uniform
If we experience discomfort, reduce the load or rest
Should be a pleasure

What weight loss will be, exactly how many calories will be spent, depends on the person losing weight. To lose weight, you should start with walking four times a week for 30 minutes each. In no case should you focus on the weight loss of other people losing weight if you are working out in a group, since the number of calories burned depends on the initial weight. The more excess weight, the more energy the body requires to move the body in space and the greater the loss of kcal and weight will be.

As soon as the number of classes reaches 10, you can switch to six training sessions per hour. The more intense the walking, the more calories you will burn. If you master race walking, which works much more muscles, and do it constantly, you can not only lose weight, but also strengthen the muscles of your back legs.


Experts recognize everyone’s least favorite exercise as walking up the stairs as the most beneficial workout for losing weight. In an hour of such training, from 500 to 700 kcal are burned, depending on the complexion of the person losing weight.

It’s hard to imagine a person walking up the stairs for an hour on end, but if you need to lose weight and don’t have any other exercise equipment, you can walk. To protect your joints from injury and at the same time get a good workout, experts recommend training in a nine-story building with an elevator.

The training should be structured as follows:

  • walk up the stairs, trying to do it at the same pace throughout all nine floors;
  • go down the elevator, trying to regain your breathing during this time. You can drink some water;
  • resume lifting without interruption.

Classes must be conducted daily, preferably in the morning. You should start training with 15 minutes, gradually increasing their duration by 1-2 minutes until the total training duration reaches 30 minutes. This kind of walking allows you to burn calories very effectively and is an excellent aid to the body in restoring normal metabolism.

For training to be truly effective, you need to build a certain training system from the very beginning. For example, you can exercise every day for 30 minutes a day, or if you can't exercise every day, you can do 45 minutes of climbing stairs every other day.

Find out exactly how many kcal you managed to burn while walking or any other activity physical exercise possible using a special device that is often used by athletes. It is a kind of wrist bracelet that can record such indicators as heart rate, number of kilometers traveled, speed of movement and number of calories burned.


No matter how fast you walk or how many kilometers you walk, all your efforts will be in vain if you eat everything. Compliance with the following rules will help to increase the effectiveness of your training and say goodbye to extra pounds as quickly as possible:

  1. completely stop eating sugar. Even just 2 teaspoons of sugar can greatly increase the calorie content of a cup of tea. In addition, eating sweets leads to jumps in blood sugar levels, which is why, after 40-60 minutes, you will feel hungry again.
  2. flour products, sweets, cakes, pastries and other delicacies are prohibited. You can only eat sweet fruits;
  3. eat at the same time, in small portions, so that the number of calories eaten is equal to their losses as a result of training, or even better, it is less;
  4. instead of the usual side dishes, use fresh, stewed or baked vegetables;
  5. drink at least two liters of water. In addition to water, you can also drink natural juices, fruit drinks, and green tea.

By turning exercise from a necessity into an activity you enjoy, you can get much more out of it. Breathe fresh air, experience only positive emotions and radiate only warmth and light. Positive attitude proper nutrition And regular workouts will definitely give results and your figure will come closer to ideal.

Walking can be used to effectively and safely get rid of excess ballast on the body, since not every person can exercise active species sports

When walking, everyone selects the optimal load for themselves, so as not to feel “broken” later. Even with a sedentary lifestyle, a person moves on his feet a distance of 1-10 km per day without noticing it.

If you make walks in a green area the same distance more intense, you can improve your mood, replenish your cells with fresh oxygen, strengthen your heart muscle, blood vessels, improve lung function, and also lose weight by burning calories and develop endurance... while racing walking.

How many calories are burned when different types walking, you will find the answer to this question in our article.

Race walking

the more meters you walk, the more impressive the number of calories you will burn

It is this that, at a speed of 100 steps per minute, will allow you to break down fat in the subcutaneous tissue. You need to start with 10 minutes and gradually increase your daily walk at a sports pace to 40-45 minutes. Along with calories you can get rid of extra centimeters on the waist and hips and get health, lightness and moral satisfaction in return.

You need to walk in a straight line, using small and frequent steps with your elbows bent and your buttocks tense.

How many calories do we burn during normal walking?

with fast walking you can burn about 200-300 kcal in an hour

If a walk takes place in an urban area on pavement or asphalt, then fewer calories are spent than in a park area with hills and depressions. On average, you can get rid of 200-300 kcal per hour when using a fast pace. With a weight of 60 kg and a speed of 4 km/h, you can lose an average of 250 kcal, and at a speed of 6 km/h - 320 kcal.

  • at a speed of 4 km/h on a flat road per 1 kg of weight in 1 hour - 3.2;
  • at a speed of 6 km/h on a flat road - 4.5;
  • at a speed of 8 km/h on a flat road - 10;
  • at a speed of 2 km/h uphill - 6.4;
  • during a regular walk in the park - 6.4;
  • during race walking - 6.8 kcal.
  • 3 km/h is 50 steps;
  • 4.5 km/h is 75 steps;
  • 6 km/h is approximately 100 steps.


When skiing, not only the arms and legs actively work, but also all the organs and muscles of the body

If a person prefers skiing in winter, it helps strengthen blood vessels and the heart, lungs and spine, vestibular apparatus and nervous system and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Everyone knows that walking, like other types of daily human activity, requires certain energy costs. Calorie consumption when walking depends on the type and intensity, as well as the speed of the person’s movement. If we count how many calories are burned when walking normally or slowly, then this figure is the smallest and is only 250 kcal per hour. When walking quickly, calories are burned much more intensely, especially if you climb stairs - from 540 to 740 kcal per hour. Naturally, climbing stairs for an hour is not an easy task, so you should start walking for the purpose of losing weight from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the load and time.

In addition, there is also a healthy brisk walk at a speed of 5-6 km/hour, which helps burn approximately 300-380 calories per hour of walking. You can also combine different types of walking, such as climbing stairs with brisk walking. In this case, you will be able to burn about 450 kcal. If we talk about calorie consumption during sports walking, during which almost all muscle groups are involved, then this figure is about 420 kcal per hour.

Remember that you can engage in race walking only after appropriate physical training and warm-up, as well as consultation with a doctor, since such a load may be contraindicated for your body. All data on how many calories are spent when walking are approximate, since they depend on the time and intensity of the walk in each individual case.

How many calories do you burn when walking? What kind of walking is most effective?

As we have already found out, how many calories are burned when walking depends on the type of walking itself, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person: his weight and speed of movement. The greater the weight and the higher the speed of movement, the more calories your body can burn per hour of walking. If the speed of movement is about 3-4 km/h, then it is considered a regular slow walk. If it reaches 5 km/h, then this is the approximate average speed of a pedestrian, and movement exceeding a speed of 6 km/h is already fast walking.

The most calories are burned when walking quickly. On average, this figure is at least 400-500 kcal/hour. If you have data on how many calories are burned when walking, then you can not only calculate the speed and time of your walking workout, but also lose weight well. And if you also use various weighting agents, the positive effect in getting rid of excess calories will be obvious. Therefore, the most effective is considered to be walking quickly up the stairs with additional weight in your hands.

Here it is very important to know when to stop and distribute the load correctly, so you need to start right away not with long hikes in the mountains, but with a daily walk in the park. And for those who love active recreation and at the same time want to lose weight, walking over rough terrain with climbing mountains along a certain route is recommended, which is considered analogous to walking up the stairs.

How many calories can you burn walking up the stairs? Benefits of walking

To determine calorie consumption when walking up stairs, you need to know a person's weight. Scientists have found that when going up stairs, a person spends 0.14 kcal per 1 kilogram of weight, and when going down – 0.10 kcal. In order for walking up the stairs to become more effective, you need to train for at least 25 minutes, which is about 16-18 descents and ascents with an average heart rate of about 140-150 beats/minute.

It is very important that when walking you do not miss steps, since this involves the use of certain muscle groups that must certainly work. In addition to the fact that walking up the stairs helps reduce fat deposits and improve the condition of the legs, it perfectly tones the body and helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increasing the body's endurance. In a month of such walking, you can reduce your waist size by several centimeters, as well as increase your lung capacity, normalizing your breathing, thereby getting rid of shortness of breath.

However, if you have problems with blood pressure, then you should be careful when climbing stairs, as this type of walking puts more strain on the heart. For training, use any staircase 4-5 flights long. Before you start, do not forget about the mandatory warm-up for your leg joints. Alternate the pace and intensity of walking, take your time when descending, and when you feel very tired in your muscles, be sure to stop for a few seconds to rest. It is normal to experience pain in the legs because it means that the body is receiving the correct load.

How many calories are burned when walking at a fast pace?

Fast walking is rightfully considered one of the most natural and safest aerobic exercises on the body. In order to avoid health problems, you need to take at least an hour of walking every day. Scientists have found that fast walking burns about the same amount of calories per hour of exercise as doing aerobics in the gym - about 450 kcal. In addition, the main advantage of fast walking is the fresh air that you breathe during training, tempering and strengthening the body.

Before you start walking, choose a suitable route, which will include from 3 to 10 km of territory, both on flat and rough terrain. You can also buy yourself a heart rate monitor or a special sports watch that will help you monitor your heart rate while walking.

Always start with a leisurely walk, gradually increasing the distance of steps, speed and pace, helping yourself and waving your arms to the beat. Always walk straight, with your shoulders back and without leaning your body forward. Remember that regular walks at least 3 times a week will help you burn enough calories to always be in shape.

Hello my dear readers! Many people don't have enough time for sports. And not everyone is physically capable of jogging on the street or lifting weights in the gym. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the extra pounds will not leave you alone. Just don't despair. Better take up walking! How many calories are lost when walking? Let me tell you.

It turns out that walking is a wonderful sport. Yes, yes, walking is a sport. The benefits from it are special. After all, it trains all the same muscles as running. At the same time, it does not have a negative effect on the knee joints. Plus it improves heart function and saturates our cells with oxygen. Everyone can walk: fat and thin, old and young.

Many people care about the topic of weight loss. It is very difficult to fight the hated kilograms while sitting. Forcing yourself to play sports is even more difficult. But going for a walk in the evening after work is as easy as shelling pears!

Of course, to lose weight it’s not enough to go shopping. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • presence/absence of additional equipment (walking poles, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it’s harder to walk uphill);
  • intensity of hand movement.

It is clear that if you walk quickly, you will burn more calories than if you walk at a slow pace. Plus, it is better to conduct classes in a park or forest. The load will immediately increase due to unevenness on the road.

In 1 hour of walking you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will burn.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends an hour walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km/h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km/h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost running (8 km/h) 10 kcal;

There is also a convenient sign where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

Speed ​​/
Body mass
50 kg55 kg60 kg65 kg70 kg75 kg80 kg85 kg90 kg
3 km/h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km/h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km/h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km/h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km/h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km/h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km/h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, if you weigh 55 kg and walk at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal in an hour.

Considering all this is completely inconvenient. After all, you still need to correctly estimate the speed. If you know exactly the distance traveled, calculating the speed is easy. And if not? Count steps per minute? This will make you more tired than walking itself!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he counts how much time has passed. For me, this is a convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Although there are, of course, many applications on a smartphone - download it for free, install it and use it. They write that it counts the distance traveled, speed and number of calories lost. But is it really that convenient? No matter how many programs I tried, they produced a huge error. I walk 10 steps, and he counts 7 or doesn’t even understand that I’m walking. So you have a choice - toil with a free program, or purchase a specialized device.

How to walk correctly

You don’t need to immediately start walking quickly for 3 hours a day. Especially if you are no longer 20 years old and do not weigh 50 kg. Start with hour-long walks at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes and so on. Gradually you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then increase the pace again and add time.

The main rule is to walk for at least an hour. When walking, fat begins to be burned no earlier than forty minutes later. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends available carbohydrates.

Also remember not to exercise immediately after eating. The optimal time for training is an hour after eating. And when you finish your classes, don't rush to eat. Drink a glass of water. You can afford an apple or.

While walking, remember to breathe. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to quit smoking. It negatively affects breathing and the cardiovascular system. Shortness of breath and even dizziness will appear.

Give yourself a nice gift. Buy nice sportswear and comfortable sneakers. Better yet, buy special clothes that help burn fat. For example, . They create a sauna effect and help you lose weight much faster.

How to increase your calorie expenditure

There are several ways to increase the load. Race walking will make you sweat. But this is a super-effective way to get rid of extra centimeters. The tummy will be flat, and the buttocks will be a sight to behold.

Swing your arms

To work your upper body, swing your arms. This will increase the load and walking speed.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90° and make amplitude swings of your arms back and forth.

Add weight

Is it easy for you to walk and don’t you get tired? Try adding weight. This will increase the intensity and challenge your muscles. Avoid wearing weights on your wrists and feet. They can change your gait and posture and increase your risk of injury.

Instead, grab a backpack or weighted vest. If you decide to wear a backpack, fill it with water, sand, or simple cat litter. This will distribute the weight evenly.

If the weather does not allow you to go outside, take the stairs or stay indoors. Do a short warm-up first. How many calories are spent during these types of training, read the article “training options for losing weight.”

Walking with poles

It is one of the best ways to increase the number of calories burned. It is suitable for all ages and skill levels. The result is incredible. Nordic walking uses 90% of the muscles in our body and increases calorie consumption by up to 46% compared to normal walking. Poles help reduce stress on the ankle, knee and hip joints.

I recently purchased some poles myself. I noticed that the load on my legs doubled and the muscles of my arms and upper back became involved.

We walk on a treadmill

If it is not possible to walk on the street, then... On average, a person walks at a speed of 4-5 km per hour. To lose weight and get in good physical shape, you need to increase your pace and walk from 5.5 to 6.5 km per hour. By increasing the pace, you burn about a third more calories. It’s just not worth increasing it any further, because... It will no longer be walking but running. And this is another story, which I wrote about in the article 😉

Uneven terrain

Walk on uneven surfaces such as grass, paths, gravel, sand or snow. For example, walking in the snow increases calorie consumption by 2-3 times.

And with fins, even more effective training :)

You can also walk up the stairs or just uphill. You can walk backwards. Or change the pace. Maybe you know some other ways? Be sure to write comments. And to my blog. Bye bye!