How many fights does Conor have in ufc? “Crazy” Conor McGregor. A story of life and success. Conor McGregor's titles and achievements

Conor McGregor is an athlete from Ireland, a mixed martial arts star. According to the authoritative pound-for-pound rating at the end of 2016, it was among the top three best fighters MMA regardless of categories. The fighter performs under the pseudonym Notorious.

The Irishman's fighting technique is based on Brazilian jiu-jitsu, classical boxing and taekwondo. Now Conor McGregor is a versatile fighter with knockout punches from both hands.

The youth of Conor McGregor

Conor Anthony McGregor was born on July 14, 1988 in Crumlin, a suburb of the Irish capital. Initially, he was fond of football, for some time he even played for the popular youth team Luders Celtic FC, actively supported Manchester United. At the age of 12, Conor left the ball game for kickboxing, in which he quickly achieved success, becoming the national champion among his peers.

McGregor's first trainer was John Cavan. When John is asked how his mentee achieved success, he answers simply: “Getting to Conor’s level doesn’t happen overnight. He was with me every day for ten years. He gave his life to this cause, day after day in the gym.” And he adds: “In general, a universal secret is that you cannot be afraid to lose. If you are defeated, you get up and go on training. Among the great people there are none who have never fallen.”

Despite Conor’s passion for kickboxing, the family believed that the boy would follow in the footsteps of his father, Tony McGregor, and become a simple hard-working plumber. But from the age of 16, Conor began to specialize in mixed rules fights. Trained by his trainer Tom Egan sports institution SBG Ireland. Although, one might say, genes did play a role in Conor’s career - in his youth, McGregor Sr. was fond of boxing.

In 2006, the McGregor family was forced to move to another Dublin suburb - Lucan. Conor completed his education at Colaiste Cois Life College.

McGregor's professional career

Conor McGregor's sports career predictably began in the lightweight division, since the fighter's anthropometric data did not exceed 175/66. In 2007, he fought his first fight in the ROT: Ring of Truth 6 tournament and became the undisputed winner ( TKO already in the first five minutes). Conor's opponent was Ciaran Campbell. For him, this fight was the first and last in his career.

In 2008, victories followed in the “Cage of Truth” and “Cage Rage” tournaments. Conor's opponents in these fights were Gary Morris and Mo Taylor, respectively.

McGregor also had failures. After the victories, the fighter lost to the Lithuanian athlete Artemy Sitenkov. Then came the loss to Joseph Duffy.

The fighter’s mother always provided him with the necessary support. According to Conor, when he was completely desperate and wanted to leave the sport, she took his fate into her own hands: she talked to his coach and convinced him to continue training. Since then, the woman goes to all her son’s fights and hugs him after the final gong.

When Conor scored his tenth victory in professional ring, he lost weight and moved up to the featherweight category. The title of champion according to the CageWarriors organization was evidence of the correctness of his choice. However, he later returned to the lightweight category. He won the champion title in this category in a fight with the Slovak athlete Ivan Buchinger.

The peak of Conor McGregor's career

After conquering two championship titles in a row, the UFC drew attention to the promising fighter. Conor McGregor fought his first fight in the ranks of the organization in the spring of 2013, spectacularly defeating the American athlete Marcus Brimage. Subsequently, the fighter was remembered not only for his brilliant victories, but also for his behavior that was offensive to his opponents.

Then there was a forced break in McGregor's career due to injury - the fight with Max Holloway ended in McGregor's victory, but a torn cruciate ligament forced him to take a break to rest.

When the fighter returned to the ring, his fight with Brazilian Diego Brandao was marked by a technical victory. This was followed by a series of successful battles. In particular, in a fight with the Brazilian fighter Aldo, he became the champion in the featherweight category. The pinnacle of McGregor's career at that time was the recognition of his best fighter 2014.

Conor McGregor. "The Irishman Without Rules"

And even more unexpected for many was McGregor’s defeat in the next fight, although it can be explained by his rise to a higher weight category. Subsequently, the fighter got used to it, took revenge from his offender Knight Diaz and earned $3 million for the fight and the “Best Fight of the Night” award.

Conor McGregor's last fight in 2016 was a title fight with American champion Eddie Alvarez in lightweight. McGregor won, which meant the appearance of the first fighter in the UFC to combine two championship belts in one hand.

The main intrigue of August 2017 was the fight between Conor McGregor and 40-year-old boxer Floyd Mayweather. The press dubbed this event the “fight of the century.”

The most charismatic MMA fighter, who promised to destroy his opponent in the first round, lost to the great boxer. Mayweather increased his “unbeaten strike” to 50 wins. The fight ended in the 10th round by the decision of the judge, who declared a technical knockout. However, the Irishman was a winner: he received at least $30 million for this fight, not counting income from ticket sales, accessories with the symbols of the fight and royalties from broadcasts, and, of course, increased his recognition enormously.

Fight with Nurmagomedov

McGregor has long fueled public interest in his possible fight with Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov. The Irishman either aggressively challenged the Dagestani to a fight, or backed down and claimed that Nurmagomedov was not yet old enough to meet him. On April 5, 2018, McGregor, enraged by his sparring partner Artem Lobov’s recent clash with Nurmagomedov (Lobov publicly called Nurmagomedov a “prick”), attacked Khabib’s team bus. No one was hurt, but Conor narrowly escaped prison.

McGregor attacked Nurmagomedov's bus

In August of the same year, the date of the long-awaited meeting between McGregor and Nurmagomedov in the ring became known: October 6, 2018. Having met in the ring, the fighters did not shake hands, and even the jokes of commentator Joe Rogan did not dilute the hostile atmosphere. From the first minutes, Khabib had the advantage. He almost immediately “dropped” his opponent to the floor. Already after the first round, it was noticeable how the Dagestani’s pressure exhausted Conor. In the second round the situation repeated itself. In the third, the opponents began sparring, McGregor landed several punches, but this was not enough to break Khabib. In the fourth round, he knocked McGregor down and applied a choke. The Irishman gave up.

MMA fighter Dillon Denis from Conor's team provoked a brawl: first Khabib jumped into the hall, then members of Nurmagomedov's team attacked McGregor. As a result, three Russians were taken to the police station. McGregor later tweeted that he was eager for a rematch.

Personal life of Conor McGregor

In 2007, Conor met a girl named Dee Devlin in a nightclub. As she later recalled, McGregor managed to make her laugh at the first meeting, which attracted her attention. Soon she became his wife. Conor McGregor now In March 2019, Conor McGregor announced his retirement from his sports career. According to the mixfighter, he decided to devote the rest of his life coaching activities. In 2016, he already announced the departure of their big MMA, and then his threats turned out to be an ordinary PR campaign. This time everything went according to a well-established rut: only 9 days passed, and Conor promised to enter the Octagon again, simultaneously calling Nurmagomedov’s wife a towel because of her photo in a burqa.

Meanwhile, the fighter immediately got into a series of unpleasant incidents. Firstly, a week before the announcement of the termination of his career, the Irishman was arrested for damaging someone else's property. The impulsive athlete smashed the smartphone of a fan who was secretly trying to take a photo of Conor near a hotel in Miami. And on March 26, the American edition of the NYT reported that back in December 2018, a girl who wished to remain anonymous to the public accused McGregor of sexual assault. The incident allegedly took place on the outskirts of Dublin. The fighter’s guilt has not been proven, but the investigation has not yet been closed.

Hello readers of our sports site. Today we will talk about a strong-willed athlete who went from the very bottom to the top, namely the UFC world champion title in lightweight and featherweight - Conor McGregor. An outstanding athlete, a fan of the public, originally from Ireland. As of 2016, he ranks firmly in second place as the best UFC fighters. The “Sherdog” version also consistently took eighth place, regardless of the weight category. In a word, Conor entered the top ten best fighters in the world. Height – 175 cm, weight – 70 – 66 kg.

In this sports review, we’ll tell you a little about the fighter’s biography and show some spectacular photos of Conor McGregor.

Conor McGregor biography

The full name of the Ultimate Fighting Star is Conor Anthony McGregor nicknamed " Notorious" Born in Ireland in 1988 on July 14th. He competes in the featherweight, lightweight and welterweight divisions. He is good at fighting styles such as kickboxing, boxing, karate, capoeira and taekwondo.

The boy's first sport was football. Conor played for the Luders Celtic club. He began his professional career in the lightweight division, where after ten worthy victories he fit perfectly into one category lower, where in just two fights he became the world featherweight champion. The champion then returned to his previous category and took the world title from Ivan Buchinger. Thus, Conor became a world champion in two weight classes at once, which made him very famous.

Conor's impressive fights were so beautiful that the UFC fight management signed a contract with him. The first fight in this organization was against Brimage, who, after precise blows from McGregor to the jaw, knocked Marcus down and began to deliver crushing blows. As a result, Conor's debut took place. After this, Conor suffered a knee injury, where he had to recover for ten months.

Conor McGregor fights

In his native Dublin, Conor won a technical victory over Diego Brandan. McGregor then knocked out Dustin Poirier, who had never been knocked out before. The fight was spectacular and Conor attacked the whole round strong opponent. We recommend watching the fight against Poirier. After defeating Ziefer, Conor looked at the champion in the audience and began shouting something in his face.

The moment of truth On December 12, 2015, Conor met Aldo in the cage, and won a simply phenomenal victory in thirteen seconds with a blow to the jaw. The champion's five-year dominance was ended with just one blow.

Conor's victory over his arch-rival Nate Diaz on August 20, 2016 helped McGregor become even more famous. On November 12, the long-awaited fight for the lightweight title took place against Eddie Alvarez, where Conor won by technical knockout in 3 minutes.

Conor McGregor weight and height

As for the question of what weight the champion has, it is difficult to say exactly, since the athlete competes in different categories.

Conor McGregor best fights

Conor's best fights are against Dustin Poirier, Dennis Siefer, Chad Mendes, Nate Diaz (defeat), Nate Diaz (rematch), and a title fight against Eddie Alvarez.

McGregor's fighting style is quite unusual in the world of fighting. Since the conduct of the fight is peculiar and unpredictable. Many respected analysts in the MMA world believe that Conor has an effective arsenal for all occasions. The fighter is better known for his crushing blows in the style of boxing and taekwondo. He not only delivers powerful blows to the head, but also works well on the body, which greatly disorients his opponents. Both of Conor's hands have knockout properties.

However, the champion is not only popular for his fighting skills. He is often the center of attention with his weird antics to annoy and piss off his opponent. Before a fight or at a press conference, he pours out all the negativity and all the dirt on his opponent. His harsh statements make him even more popular as all the media pay attention to him due to his antics. Conor McGregor knows how to market his fight wisely, attracting a huge audience of fans and haters. Proper promotion of a fight means a lot of money.

Titles and achievements of Conor McGregor:

  • UFC lightweight champion;
  • UFC featherweight champion;
  • winner of the title “best knockout”;
  • owner of " best fight pm" (twice) against Diaz Nate;
  • CWFC Featherweight Champion;
  • CWFC lightweight champion;
  • best fighter of 2014.

McGregor Conor Anthony. A fighter from Ireland, he is a mixed martial arts fighter and also participates in professional boxing.

  • date of birth: July 14, 1988
  • Place of birth: Ireland, Dublin
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • height: 175 cm
  • weight: 70 kg

The town of Kremlin, where the future athlete was born, is a suburb near the Irish capital. The boy's initial hobby was football. There were even performances for the Luder Celtic junior team. At the same time, he was an active fan of the Manchester United team. But the hobby did not continue for long, and already at the age of 12, Conor gave his preference to kickboxing. The boy shows great skill in this field and even wins first awards.

Conor was lucky to start training with John Kavanagh. For 10 years, the coach and his student were inseparable. Every day of training, full dedication. No distractions or indulgences. But the most important thing John taught Konar was the understanding that one should not be afraid to lose. After every fall, you need to get up and go back to training. Because there is not a single great champion who does not have a fall to his credit.

The boy’s successes in kickboxing did not become convincing arguments for Conor’s future for the family. Here they still thought that the boy would continue his father’s work and become a plumber. However, Conor had a different vision of his future life and at the age of 16, mixed fighting became a professional activity. Here John Kavanagh was replaced by Tom Egan. The training took place at SBG Ireland. The passion for combat cannot be called an accident. Conor's dad Tony McGregor was a boxer in his youth.

When the young man was 18 years old, the family moved to the city of Lucan. Here Conor completed his studies at the local college “Colaiste Cois Life”.

My sports career McGregor started at lightweight. This is due to its parameters, which did not allow it to achieve more serious indicators. At that time, the athlete was 175 cm tall and weighed 56 kg.

At the age of 19, Konar had his first fight, which took place as part of the ROT: Ring of Truth 6 tournament, and emerged victorious in the first round. Next were the “Cage of Truth” and “Cage Rage” tournaments, which ended in Conor’s unconditional victory.

But there is no great man without falls. This happened with McGregor. The first defeat came from Artemy Sitenkov from Lithuania. Next fight was lost to Joseph Duffy.

After this, the athlete had a breakdown and wanted to leave the sport. However, there was a mother nearby who persuaded her son to continue fighting. She talked to the coach, classes continued, the world got Conor McGregor back.

The lightweight championship belt was won as a result of a victory over Ivan Buchinger.


UFC representatives noticed the promising fighter after Conor became champion two times in a row. In 2013, the first match took place with the participation of Conor McGregor in the ranks of the prestigious organization. Naturally, the battle ended in victory. Then there were other brilliant victories, but this was not the only thing the athlete was remembered for. McGregor often insulted his opponents before fights.

Then there was a break due to a serious injury, but when Conor returned to the ring again, he continued to defeat his opponents. In 2014, McGregor was recognized as the best fighter. But the transition to the next weight category began with a lost fight. But, subsequently, there was a victorious revenge and the final transition. In 2016, he defeated American champion Eddie Alvarez. Conor became the lightweight champion after already being the featherweight champion.

Personal life

Since 2007, Conoro McGregor has been married to Dee Devlin. In 2017, the couple had a son, Conor Jack. In order to be near his pregnant wife. Conor refused to fight until the birth of the baby.

McGregor had to work for some time as a plumber, along with his father. But as soon as the prospect of becoming a professional fighter appeared on the horizon, I happily quit repairing pipes.

Conor participated in the television project TUF 22, where he coached the European team, which then defeated the Americans, thanks to his coach.

Conor McGregor is a classic red-bearded Irishman, with the cockiness and uncompromising nature characteristic of his youth and nationality, today he is considered the most dangerous fighter in the ring. Today, at twenty-seven, this athlete-fighter is making the entire world sports Olympus talk about his success story.

The Internet is either replete with pictures of his wide, white-toothed smile, like the soul of the Irish fields, or suddenly reveals the concentrated, courageous look of a fighter in the ring. Then we see his almost bestial grin with his mouth opening like a predator before an attack. And here is a dandy in a white suit and black glasses, sitting at a press conference as if in a restaurant, as if winning over visitors with charm and... All this is him, Conor, a sports star in mixed martial arts.

“Conor the Barbarian”, “Notorious” - these names have already become the middle names of Conor, to the description of whose behavior many add such epithets as “crazy”, “shocking”, “sharp-tongued” and others, characterizing him as an irrepressible fighter paths to glory. He wants to prove to the whole world that he is capable of delighting and awe everyone, and not only in the world of sports. Yes, he is famous today, but what was and is Conor McGregor’s path to fame and recognition?


“I couldn’t just do sports, martial arts for myself, I wanted to tell the world that I am special”

Conor McGregor was born in Ireland on July 14, 1988. Astrologers, characterizing his horoscope sign, have already nodded meaningfully, saying that Cancers are full of pessimism and hidden grievances and will go to great lengths to satisfy their ambitions. The Year of the Dragon, in combination with the element “Earth,” gives him the opportunity to avoid the gateways and be a successful strategist in life. The way it is.

Being an active and strong-willed teenager, Conor was seriously interested in sports. At one time he played football team“Luders Celtic”, and playing in an amateur, but quite reputable football team in the country is already a certain indicator. To get accepted there, it’s not enough to just run around with a ball every weekend with your friends. Need daily personal training to become a master high class, “drive” to the highest standards, be not just a football player, but an expert in this game “from start to finish” and keep yourself in excellent condition. This character trait of Conor McGregor - honing a skill to perfection - perhaps became the basis of his further dizzying sports career.

Martial arts is not only a sport for me, it is an opportunity to feel who you are face to face with a conditional opponent.

However, McGregor did not pursue a football career, probably deciding that team play is good, but a bright personality needs to express himself in a different way. It is necessary that they see you in person and evaluate your personal results, where you and only you are responsible for your actions. Conor spends more and more time training in martial arts, trying to prove to himself, and not least to others, that he can fight, and fight highly professionally, strongly, with a pronounced character and the stubbornness of a Varangian. But success did not come immediately. First there was a dream and a goal.

Examples of goals in a person's life.

The goal arose when McGregor saw the athletic fighting techniques of mixed martial arts coach Tom Egan - he would later become UFC fighter, and then Conor follows his example. By the age of sixteen, he was already representing SBG, a competitive team whose representatives compete in championships in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, grappling and mixed martial arts.

Conor McGregor was impressed by the abolition in SBG of the traditional martial arts traditions of bowing and complex rituals, simplified terminology and other formalization of the process of learning fighting techniques. Founded in the USA, by the end of the 90s the SBG team organized its representative rooms in different countries, including in Ireland, and today they are proud of Conor McGregor as one of the brightest representatives of their school.

But this is now, and ten years ago the success story was just beginning. “When people at 18-20 years old think that someone is destined to be a winner, and someone must shepherd those left behind, they are partly right. But only if they tried every way to win, if they got up a thousand times after losing, if they forced themselves to go to training a thousand times even when they weren’t in the “right” mood, if they closed their ears a thousand times when they were told to “boy, leave it, it’s too hard for you” - this is all about McGregor.

Yes, he has that charismatic streak that gets people in the gym in awe, but he also has excellent fighting skills. Yes, he has the iron hardness of a Nordic character, and it serves him well. What would his innate qualities be if, at the age of sixteen, he gave himself some slack and began to think whether he could achieve something? But he went to Gym and did the job. Hands, feet, head. This was at a time when most of the teenagers next to him did not burden themselves with such things, mostly sitting through their days in classrooms, sometimes only listening about something, but still continuing to sit and sigh

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First youthful victories: strength of spirit wins

Conor McGregor continued his performances under the auspices of the UFC in mixed martial arts in lightweight. The skinny guy outwardly did not evoke any special feelings at the beginning of the fight, but the special agility and intensity of passion in the eyes and in the entire behavior of the young fighter showed: this one will not calm down just like that, he needs victories and only victories. Anyone who reads the statistics of McGregor’s first victories thinks: well, of course, ten victories and two defeats at the beginning of his career - well done! But what is behind this “well done”? Martial arts is not a beauty contest; you can’t win with just a charming smile. Before every fight - long workouts. And not only. The strength of spirit must be such that not only you - so that the opponent is sure that it is you who will win, so that he feels it instinctively, and this cannot be conveyed if it is not your internal state, if it does not flow through your blood, forcing the blood the opponent also flows faster.

“He has the best mental training I've ever seen, and he gets into people's heads quickly.” Dana White.

Your psychology decides everywhere: in battle and in life. Clear your mind and you will be surprised at what you are capable of. .

During martial arts training, which is useful for every person in the world to attend (undoubtedly, the most useful experience for future life decisions!), the trainer will definitely tell you that without self-belief there is no point in entering the ring. In any life situation, this works exactly the same - anyone who has tried this principle on themselves will confirm this. If you are internally tense, depressed, embarrassed, afraid - wait for situations when life tells you: be bolder, otherwise you will be swept off the road!

Did McGregor know that he would have 8 wins out of 10 at the beginning of his career? He just really wanted to show his strength, dexterity, physical and professional training, as if he was making a bet with himself to win. He couldn’t do otherwise, he wanted it because he believed that this, and only this, was worthy of him. Once he looked at his mentor with admiration and remembered these feelings. He wanted people to look at him with admiration, to learn from him, to achieve goals with the same zeal and fanaticism as he did.

This all helps Conon McGregor later win the Cage Warriors champion title in the featherweight category, and later in the lightweight category, becoming the simultaneous champion in both weight categories in this sports organization and giving her great popularity in Ireland.

Brand Man

Who makes it to the title and predicts their victory in the first round? I did it

McGregor does not mince his words, and his interviews, especially in the presence of future rivals, make the unprepared cringe. nervous system. What can you do, that’s just how they are, mixed martial artists. He hits with his word as well as with his foot - hitting equally clearly both in the head and in the torso, with both the right and the left, his hands move as only they can be trained, and he really evokes the admiration of highly professional judges.

Some, however, online are discussing McGregor as a successful investment in a spectacle - all his outrageousness with large (and seemingly fake) tattoos on his entire sternum in the form of some kind of monster and with a tiger on his stomach, with his caustic murderous attacks on his opponents and an animal roar coupled with glamorous performances a la don drug lord in the studios. They say that this is not McGregor himself, but an exquisite brand for a lustful public, greedy for spectacle. That behind him, they say, there is a lot of money, and behind such a wall you can get really impudent.

What can I say – the world of martial arts has always stood on this. Whether he is fueled by someone's very generous hand (and it is unlikely without this) or the roar of a blood-thirsty public - Conor McGregor was once without all this, and was moving towards this. He himself was a spectator many times and he liked it. But he liked being a hero even more, and he did it to himself. Nobody suggested to him: hey, guy, practice jiu-jitsu for a year or two, and in five years we’ll throw some money at you and the public, who will be wildly delighted at your mere appearance!

A lifelong journey begins with the first step. At the thousandth step, perhaps, you become sad from the monotony and vastness of the path; at the ten-thousandth step, you can even get tired of the number of defeats and give up, but take the next step without resting, without giving yourself slack, and success will find the one who persistently forces himself to go to victory. Is it a victory in the ring or over oneself - who is the judge of what happens to us inside? Who sees who we really are?

They say, compare yourself not with someone, but with yourself in the past - isn’t this the most important victory and title for your every new day?

At 20, McGregor received $235. Not for the fight. It was unemployment benefits. But he persistently attended training. Twice a day. Seven days a week. Seven years later, Conor McGregor receives 500 thousand dollars just for entering the ring. Only for the faith in him, which he created himself.

Conor McGregor is the “king of martial arts,” a two-division UFC champion who lives a luxurious life and made a multimillion-dollar fortune in a fight against Floyd “Money” Mayweather.

While the superstar image comes naturally to the Irish fighter, before world famous McGregor worked as a plumber for a long time and practiced boxing in his free time.

Conor McGregor was born on July 14, 1988 and spent his entire youth in Crumlin, a suburb of Dublin. Once his interest in Manchester United gave way to martial arts, he joined a local boxing gym.

In Dublin, McGregor met with his longtime trainer, John Kavan. One day at Kavanagh's gym, McGregor beat two of his best fighters in a sparring session. Kavan got angry and slapped him, reminding him that the gym was a place for training, not a street fight.

Not interested in getting an education, Conor mastered the profession of a plumber and made a living at this for some time. Around the same period, he began dating his longtime girlfriend Dee Devlin.

When McGregor quit his job to train full-time, his parents were completely against it. Due to disagreements and in a fit of emotion, Conor decisively declared that he would become a millionaire at the age of 25.

The history of Conor McGregor's professional career

Conor made his MMA debut 10 years ago in London. By knocking out Gary Morpica in the second round, the fighter began his winning streak, which eventually led him to international fame.

In the spring of 2013, the Irishman made his UFC debut against Mark Bridge, knocking him out in the first round. Immediately after the fight, he published the first post on his now famous Instagram account.

After McGregor's debut in Stockholm, he was noticed by UFC President Dana White. McGregor made such a strong impression on him that he immediately offered him a lucrative contract and scheduled a fight with Jose Aldo.

In the lead-up to the fight, McGregor was as brash as ever, declaring his intention to destroy the featherweight division and then take on the lightweight division and unify all the championship belts.

In the winter of 2015, Conor knocked out Xoce Aldo in a few seconds. It was the fastest title win in league history. Inspired by success, the Irish fighter decided to take the championship in the lightweight division and scheduled a fight against Nate Diaz.

The fight with Nate was bloody and became one of the most dramatic for McGregor. The Irishman suffered the first defeat of his entire UFC career.

Despite the shock of his first failure, in 2016 McGregor became the first MMA fighter to enter the Forbes list. With an annual income of $22 million, the magazine ranked him among the "100 Highest Paid Athletes."

After defeating Diaz in a rematch, just three months later he challenged Eddie Alvarez to a fight for championship belt in lightweight. The fight was scheduled for UFC 205. Conor won by technical knockout in the second round and became a two-division champion.

After the victory, McGregor decided to postpone fighting until the birth of his child.

Boxing match against Floyd Mayweather

In 2016, McGregor began insisting on a boxing match with Floyd Mayweather. Rumors that negotiations are taking place between the fighters began to actively spread.

After some time, it was officially announced that the battle would take place. The meeting between Floyd and Conor in the ring in Las Vegas was called “the fight of the century” by many journalists.

Experts did not leave Conor a single chance to win the fight against Mayweather, and former world champion Mike Tyson said: “Conor will simply be killed in this fight.”

Ultimately, the experts’ predictions were confirmed: McGregor was knocked out by technical knockout in the 10th round.

Despite his failure, Conor was pleased with the fight. His fee for that evening was $100 million.

Conflict with Khabib Nurmagomedov and the upcoming fight for the UFC title

His next opponent turned out to be Khabib Nurmagomedov, an undefeated Russian fighter who managed to become the champion of the lightweight division during the Irishman’s absence from the UFC.

The relationship between the fighters deteriorated on the eve of the UFC 223 tournament. Conor broke a window on Nurmagomedov's bus, which led to injuries to several members of Khabib's team. McGregor later argued his actions as a desire to avenge his teammate Artem Lobov, whom Nurmagomedov tried to beat up in a Las Vegas hotel.

McGregor was taken into custody and charged with assault, but was soon released.

Thus, the foundation was laid for the upcoming fight between Conor and Khabib for the UFC lightweight belt. The UFC even used footage of McGregor attacking a bus to promote the upcoming fight. The fight at UFC 229 will take place on Sunday, October 7.