Fairy tales contain a hedgehog in the fog. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Hedgehog in the Fog." Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Sergei Kozlov fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"

Genre: literary fairy tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" and their characteristics

  1. Hedgehog. Dreamy, leisurely, thoughtful, thoughtful.
  2. Little bear. Kind, cheerful, true friend, ready to help at any moment
  3. Hare. Hasty, absent-minded, frivolous.
  4. Squirrel. Kind, cheerful. Helps everyone.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"
  1. Hedgehog walks into the fog
  2. Hedgehog rescued from the river
  3. Conversation with the mountain
  4. How to twilight correctly
  5. Shade the silence
  6. Conversation with a big shot
  7. How to warm the grass
  8. Little bear goes into summer
  9. The hedgehog is thinking
  10. Rope to the Moon
  11. Wind Hare
  12. How to breathe in warmth
  13. Persistent fox
  14. Hedgehog in a hole
  15. The hare has a dream
  16. Raven and tea
  17. There is no hedgehog
  18. Breakfast on the river
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Autumn comes to the forest and the Hedgehog almost drowns in the river
  2. Hedgehog and Little Bear admire the autumn pictures and listen to the silence.
  3. The hare talks to the cone and throws a rope to the moon
  4. Friends warm the grass in the meadow and she sings her song to them
  5. The hedgehog sat in a hole for seven days and his friends barely found him and saved him.
  6. At the beginning of winter, warm rain falls, friends have breakfast on the river and say goodbye until spring.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"
Any natural phenomenon is extremely beautiful, but it can also be dangerous.

What does the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" teach?
Teaches to love and appreciate nature. Teaches us to be able to see the beauty around us. It teaches you to come to the aid of someone who needs it, teaches you not to wait for cries for help, but to help at the behest of your heart. Teaches you to be able to observe and see.

Review of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"
I really liked the beautiful fairy tale by Sergei Kozlov. I especially liked the prudence and calmness of the hedgehog, who was not afraid of anything and took everything for granted. Teddy bear - second main character fairy tales, he is kind and reliable. But the Hare in the fairy tale is chattering and very restless, always in a hurry and in a hurry.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"
The world is not nice when there is no friend.
There is no bad weather.
Without a friend there is a blizzard in the heart.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Hedgehog in the Fog" by chapters
Hedgehog in the fog
The night was amazing and thirty squeaky mosquitoes had already pricked their violins. Across the river, cows mooed and moonlit hares were already running along the paths.
Fog rose from the river and the horse drowned in it up to its chest.
The hedgehog looked at the fog and enjoyed the beauty of the night. He thought about what would happen if the horse was completely immersed in fog. Maybe she will drown in the fog?
And he decided to go down into the fog.
The hedgehog went down the hill and found himself in the fog. The fog was so thick that the Hedgehog could not see his paws and made his way by touch.
Suddenly the ground gave way underneath him and the Hedgehog fell into the water.
He floundered for a while. but then he decided that the river itself would take him somewhere, took a deep breath and swam.
Suddenly someone touched him and asked what he was doing in the river.
The hedgehog replied that he fell into the river.
The stranger invited the Hedgehog to sit on his back and took him to the shore. Hedgehog still didn’t understand who it was, but he thanked his savior.
The hedgehog decided that no one would believe him.
Autumn grass song. Sounds and voices.
Hedgehog and Little Bear lie on the grass and listen to sounds. Hedgehog tells his friend that all sounds are special, and invites Little Bear to listen to the frog. But the frog is silent and the little bear does not want to listen to the sounds.
When you hide the sun I feel sad
It has rained. The Hedgehog and the Little Bear began to play close your eyes. To do this, you just had to quickly close your eyes, and when you opened them, everything became different.
Today they looked at the mountain and it was so foggy. Suddenly the mountain asked her friends if they liked looking at her.
Little Bear said that he likes to look at the mountain in the morning, because then he has the whole day ahead.
The hedgehog said that he likes to watch in the evening, although the mountain hides the sun, because then it seems that you are standing at the very top.
Let me have a little fun with you.
The hare came to his friends to have some fun. But he didn’t know what it was or how to behave. Therefore, he either chatted incessantly about various nonsense, or began to sing songs.
Finally, the Hedgehog interrupted the Hare and asked him to sit in silence.
So they sat in the twilight until a golden slice of the moon appeared above the forest.
How to shade silence
The hedgehog says that mosquitoes on a cloudy day highlight his stillness.
The little bear does not understand the meaning of this word.
Then Hedgehog gives an example with a motionless forest. He begins to run and says that his running sets off the stillness of the forest.
The little bear still doesn’t understand anything, especially since the Hedgehog runs so funny.
And then the Hedgehog comes up with a way out. He screams and tells Little Bear to listen to the silence. The Hedgehog's cry punctuates the silence.
And the friends began to run, jump and scream.
In my native forest
In autumn, the Hare walked through the forest and admired its beauty. He was waiting for the first snow.
Suddenly he met the Forest Mouse and she taught him to run backwards so that no one would understand who ran and where.
The Hare offered to teach the Mouse to eat bark, but the Mouse refused.
And when the Hare asked how he could repay her advice, the Mouse replied that it would be good if her advice really helped the Hare.
Pine cone.
The Hare came running to the river, the river was running somewhere, in a hurry. The ant came and took some water. The Hare wanted to talk to the Ant, but he was in a hurry.
The Hare has absolutely no one to talk to. Suddenly he sees an old pine cone lying on the shore and offers to talk to her.
The cone told how she hung high on a pine tree, listened to the wind and admired the stars. And how the wind promised to carry her to the stars and she fell.
And now she’s lying there, remembering the wind, and she feels so good and calm.
Autumn grass song
It became cold in the autumn forest. Someone asked the hare if he was cold. He said yes and asked who was speaking. It turned out that the grass was talking. The grass asked the Hare to warm it, and the Hare lay down on the grass. The grass became warm under him.
Then Little Bear came and also began to warm the grass. They rolled on the grass and soon the whole meadow warmed up.
The grass offered to sing them an autumn song.
At this time, the Hedgehog shouted to them to get up from the grass, otherwise they would catch a cold.
The little bear sat near the warm stove and felt good.
He saw summer and warmth. And Ant, who persistently persuaded Little Bear to work, because it is everyone’s duty to work.
But Little Bear called Ant from the summer to the stove, and he himself barely squeezed into his place. And it ended up in summer. The bear cub climbed into the warm water and began to raise splashes, admiring the rainbow.
The ant from the stove shouted that the Little Bear should work, but the Little Bear did not listen to him.
Hedgehog Mountain.
The Hedgehog simply saw a huge sky and did not answer the questions of the Squirrel and the Ant. The Ant ran off about his business, and the Hedgehog still stood and watched. The Ant came back, and the Hedgehog kept looking at the sky.
The Ant called the Hedgehog a slacker, and the Squirrel stood up and said what the Hedgehog was thinking.
The hedgehog thought that Belka was very kind.
The hare spent a long time weaving a rope to throw it to the star. And so he attached a hook to the rope, threw it to the star, and together with Belka they climbed the rope.
But the Squirrel quickly rose to the very star, and the Hare climbed poorly and hung in the middle.
The Hare is hanging, realizing that his paws will now unclench and he will fall. Suddenly he hears someone talking below, arguing that it is hanging in the sky. The hedgehog said it was a bird. and the Hare thought that he was a rare bird.
The Squirrel shouted to the Hedgehog that it was the Hare hanging. The Hedgehog and the Little Bear decided to save the Hare and the Little Bear ran for a sheet. The friends shouted to the Hare to jump and the Hare jumped.
He flew and flew, and could not fall.
Warm quiet morning in the middle of winter. Free autumn wind.
One day, a Hare came running into the clearing where the Hedgehog and the Little Bear were sitting. He began to run around them and scream. The hedgehog got angry and asked why he was running.
The Magpie said that the Hare was out of his mind, but the Woodpecker, on the contrary, argued that the Hare was out of his mind.
And Little Bear suggested that the Hare imagined himself to be the wind.
But the Hare did not answer anyone, because he really imagined himself as a free autumn wind.
We will come and breathe.
Everyone around was preparing for winter. The birds insulated their nests, the squirrel insulated the hollow, and the Hare breathed in his hole. The Hedgehog and the Little Bear came to the Hare and called him to come out, because anyway you won’t get enough before winter. But the Hare answered that he would breathe.
Then the Hedgehog and the Little Bear also began to breathe into the hare's hole and soon it became hot there, like in a bathhouse.
Then the Hare came out of the hole. The Hedgehog and the Little Bear called the Hare to come to them in winter, to breathe. And the Hare asked them not to come in winter, so as not to trample near the hole. Otherwise, he will definitely be eaten.
One fine autumn day, the Little Bear began to cry. He cried with joy, he felt sorry for everything. That the birds are flying away, that winter is coming. He told the Hedgehog that he would cry even in winter.
And the Hedgehog realized that words couldn’t help, so they ran.
The friends ran up the mountain, and the Hedgehog showed the Little Bear a chanterelle mushroom in the moss. He said that the fox has neither a father nor a mother, she is completely alone and does not cry.

Don't look at me like that, Hedgehog.
One day the Hedgehog fell into a hole and sat in it for seven days. The bear cub looked for him throughout the forest. Squirrel found the Hedgehog and pulled him out of the hole. And now the Hedgehog was lying at home and the Little Bear was looking after him. He asked not to look at him like that. He covered the Hedgehog with a sheepskin coat and spoon-fed him broth.
He persuaded the Hedgehog to eat a spoon for the Hare, who helped, for the Hamster, who simply came and asked, for the Owl, on which the Little Bear flew through the forest for three days.
And the Hare saw the Owl and the Little Bear and got scared.
The hedgehog drank the broth and said that he would also fly on the Owl.
How the Hare dreamed about the Hedgehog and the Little Bear.
One day the Hare ran to the Little Bear and began to say that he was the best in the world. The Hedgehog came and confirmed that the Little Bear was indeed the best.
And the Hare said that in a dream he found himself completely alone in the forest, and the sky hung like cotton wool. And then the Little Bear crawled out from under the stump and hugged the Hare. And they stood and cried together.
And the Hedgehog said that he was there too, he just didn’t come up, but stood aside. The hare didn’t believe it and asked what he had with him. And the Hedgehog said that there was a bag, and the Little Bear added that it was with carrots. And the Hare said that they are the best.
Raven sat on a branch and looked at the snow. He thought that winter was coming and decided to fly. He flew and croaked.
Hedgehog and Little Bear saw Raven on a stump and called him to drink tea.
Raven refused, saying that he doesn’t drink tea. The Hedgehog and the Little Bear persuaded him, lured him with jam, but the Raven flew away.
And the Hedgehog and the Little Bear decided that they would definitely invite the Raven for tea again.
If I'm not there at all.
Hedgehog and Little Bear sat and looked at the month. Suddenly the Hedgehog asked what the Little Bear would do if he was gone. The little bear said that he would go to the Hedgehog, and if he is not at home, then he is with the Little Bear. And he will look for him.
But the Hedgehog insisted, saying that he was not there at all.
The little bear was offended and said that if the Hedgehog was completely gone, then he, the little bear, was also completely gone.
And silently began to look at the month.
Warm quiet morning in the middle of winter.
The little bear was thinking about the long winter and deciding whether to light the stove. He decided to ask the Hedgehog.
He ran to the Hedgehog, and he looked at the winter rain and was surprised.
The hedgehog suggested that since it had rained and it was warm, we should go to the river for breakfast. And the friends took food and went to the river. Squirrel joined them, and then Hamster.
Friends had breakfast by the river and said that it was good that it had rained, otherwise they would not have seen each other until spring. It's good that it rained, otherwise they wouldn't have said goodbye. It’s good that Hedgehog came up with the idea of ​​having breakfast on the river.
Only the Hedgehog silently thought about why the winter forest needed warmth?

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"

Sergey Kozlov

Hedgehog in the fog

Hedgehog in the fog

Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play their squeaky violins.

The moon came out from behind the clouds and, smiling, floated across the sky.

“Mmm-uh!..” sighed the cow across the river. The dog barked, and forty moon hares ran along the path.

Fog rose above the river, and the sad white horse drowned in it up to its chest, and now it seemed like a large white duck was swimming in the fog and, snorting, lowered its head into it.

The hedgehog sat on a hill under a pine tree and looked at the illuminated moonlight a valley flooded with fog.

It was so beautiful that he shuddered from time to time: was he dreaming of all this?

And the mosquitoes never tired of playing their violins, the moon hares danced, and the dog howled.

“If I tell you, they won’t believe it!” - thought the Hedgehog, and began to look even more carefully in order to remember all the beauty down to the last blade of grass.

“So the star fell,” he noted, “and the grass bent to the left, and only the top of the tree remained, and now it floats next to the horse... I wonder,” thought the Hedgehog, “if the horse goes to sleep, will it drown in the fog?”

And he began to slowly descend from the mountain in order to also get into the fog and see what it was like inside.

“Here,” said the Hedgehog. - I can not see anything. And you can't even see a paw. Horse!

– he called. But the horse didn't say anything.

“Where is the horse?” - thought the Hedgehog. And he crawled straight. Everything around was dull, dark and wet, only the twilight glowed faintly high above.

He crawled for a long, long time and suddenly felt that there was no ground under him, and he was flying somewhere. Pounding!..

"I'm in the river!" – the Hedgehog realized, turning cold with fear. And he began to hit with his paws in all directions.

When he emerged, it was still dark, and the Hedgehog didn’t even know where the shore was.

“Let the river itself carry me!” - he decided.

He took a deep breath as best he could, and was carried downstream.

The river rustled with reeds, seethed in the riffles, and the Hedgehog felt that he was completely wet and would soon drown.

Suddenly someone touched his hind paw.

“Excuse me,” someone said silently, who are you and how did you get here?

“I am the Hedgehog,” the Hedgehog also answered silently. - I fell into the river.

“Then sit on my back,” someone said silently. - I'll take you to the shore.

The hedgehog sat on someone's narrow, slippery back and a minute later found himself on the shore.

- Thank you! - he said out loud.

- My pleasure! - someone the Hedgehog didn’t even see soundlessly said, and disappeared in the waves.

“That’s the story...” thought Hedgehog, shaking himself off. “Who will believe it?!”

And he hobbled in the fog.

- Half asleep, Little Bear, you can imagine everything you want, and everything you imagine will be as if it were alive. And then...

- Then...

- Yes, speak up!

- And who did you hear? – Little Bear asked in a whisper.

- Today?

“Finch,” said the Hedgehog.

- But yesterday?

- A frog.

- What did she say?..

- She sang. – And the Hedgehog closed his eyes.

-Can you still hear her?

“I hear,” said the Hedgehog with his eyes closed.

- Let me close my eyes too. – The little bear closed his eyes and stood closer to the Hedgehog so that he could hear too.

- Do you hear? - asked the Hedgehog.

“No,” said the Bear.

- You fall asleep.

“We need to lie down,” he said. Little bear. And lay down.

- And I’m next to you. – The hedgehog sat down next to me. Just imagine: she sits and sings.

- Introduced.

- But now... Do you hear? – And the Hedgehog waved his paw like a conductor. - Sang!

“I don’t hear,” said the Bear. – She sits with her eyes wide and silent.

“Talk to her,” said the Hedgehog. - Make me interested.

- Say: “The Hedgehog and I came to your concert from the distant forest.” The little bear moved his lips.

- Said.

- Silent.

“Wait,” said the Hedgehog. - Come on, sit down, and I’ll lie down. Soooo. – And he muttered something, laying down next to the Little Bear in the grass.

And the day flared up, and the tall, slender autumn swayed with pine trees and swirled like a hollow leaf.

The little bear had opened his eyes long ago and was now looking at the red trees, at the wind that wrinkled the puddle, and the Hedgehog kept muttering and whispering, lying nearby in the grass.

“Listen, Hedgehog,” said the Bear, “why do we need this frog, huh?”

Let's go get some mushrooms and fry them! And I saved an apple for you.

“No,” said the Hedgehog without opening his eyes. - She'll start singing.

- Well, he’ll start singing. What's the point?

- Oh you! - said the Hedgehog. - Fungi! Apples!.. If only you knew what sounds and voices are like!


There is fog and pinkish-orange reflections above the mountain. It rained all day, then it stopped, the sun came out, set behind the mountain, and now there was this mountain.

It was very beautiful, so beautiful that the Hedgehog and the Little Bear just looked and didn’t say anything to each other.

And the mountain was changing all the time: the orange moved to the left, the pink to the right, and the blue became dove-blue and remained at the top.

Hedgehog and Little Bear have long loved this game: close your eyes, and when you open them, everything is different.

“Open it quickly,” the Hedgehog whispered. - Very good!

Now the orange has spread in a narrow border across the entire mountain, and the pink and blue have disappeared.

The fog was there, higher, and the mountain itself seemed to be surrounded by an orange ribbon.

They closed their eyes again, and when they opened them a moment later, everything had changed again.

Orange flashed here and there on the left and right, pink suddenly appeared on the right, pink and blue disappeared, and the whole mountain became so dark and solemn that it was simply impossible to take your eyes off it. Hedgehog and Little Bear closed their eyes again and opened them: the mountain was calm, foggy, with a slight pinkish glow to the right, but before they had time to close their eyes again, this glow disappeared.

A foggy, very beautiful mountain looked at the Hedgehog and the Little Bear.

And suddenly, or it seemed to the Hedgehog and the Little Bear, someone spoke:

– Do you like looking at me?

“Yes,” said the Hedgehog.

- Who? Who's speaking? – Little Bear asked in a whisper.

- I am beautifull?

“Yes,” said the Hedgehog.

– When do you like me more – in the morning or in the evening? Then Little Bear realized that it was the mountain speaking.

“To me in the morning,” said the Bear.

- And why?

“Then there’s a whole day ahead and...

- What about you, Hedgehog?

“When you hide the sun, I feel sad,” said the Hedgehog. “But I prefer to look at you in the evening.”

- And why?

– When you look in the evening, it’s as if you’re standing there, on the top, and you can see far, far away.

- What did you see today, Hedgehog? - asked the mountain.

“Today the sun hid so much, and someone didn’t let it go away, that I didn’t think about anything, I just looked.

- And I... We... We’ll open our eyes, then we’ll close them. This is how we play,” said Little Bear.

Dusk was quickly falling.

And when it was almost completely dark, the blue-green sky suddenly broke away from the mountain, and the whole of it became sharply visible, blackening on the pale blue stripe separating it from the dark sky.


- The hare asks to calm down.

“Let him twilight,” said the Hedgehog and brought another wicker chair onto the porch.

-Can I come in? - asked the Hare. He stood under the porch while the Little Bear was talking to the Hedgehog.

“Come in,” said the Hedgehog.

The hare climbed the steps and carefully wiped his paws on the rug.

- Three-three! - said the Bear. – The hedgehog loves things to be clean.

-Can I sit down? - asked the Hare.

“Sit down,” said the Bear. And the Hedgehog and the Little Bear also sat down.

- How will we manage twilight? - asked the Hare.

The hedgehog remained silent.

“Sit in the twilight and be silent,” said the Bear.

-Can we talk? - asked the Hare. The hedgehog remained silent again.

“Speak,” said the Bear.

“This is my first time at twilight,” said the Hare, “so I don’t know the rules.” You're not mad at me, okay?

“We’re not angry,” said the Hedgehog.

- As soon as I found out that you were going twilight, I began to run to your house, Hedgehog, and look at it from under that bush. Wow, I think how beautifully they show at dusk! I wish I could too! And I ran home and pulled an old chair from the attic, sat down and sat...

- And what? - asked the Bear.

- Nothing. It became dark,” said the Hare. – No, I think it’s not just like that, it’s not just sit and wait. There's something here. I’ll ask, I think, to hang out with the Hedgehog and the Little Bear. What if they let you in?

“Uh-huh,” said Little Bear.

– Are we already at dusk? - asked the Hare. The Hedgehog watched how dusk slowly fell, how the fog covered the lowlands, and almost did not listen to the Hare.

- Is it possible to sing at dusk? - asked the Hare. The hedgehog remained silent.

“Sing,” said the Little Bear.

Nobody answered him.

- Can we have something fun? Let me sing something cheerful, otherwise it’s somehow chilly?

“Sing,” said the Little Bear.

Year: 1975 Genre: story

Main characters: Hedgehog and Teddy Bear

Hedgehog and Little Bear have a real friendship; they love to drink tea together and watch the stars light up. Somehow, on his way to visit, Hedgehog finds himself in a thick, hopeless fog, where the whole world seems hostile and alien to him.

The hedgehog is pursued by an eagle owl; not even the firefly, which lights his path, helps him. Therefore, he loses his bundle, in which he carried delicious jam, and besides, he falls into the river.

A stranger walks by and helps the hedgehog, he even carries him to the shore. And the good-natured Dog pulled out the Hedgehog’s bundle from the fog.

The bear was very happy that his friend reached him safe and sound. And the Hedgehog sits and worries about the Horse, who remained in the fog.

Picture or drawing Kozlov - Hedgehog in the fog

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Title of the work: "Hedgehog in the Fog."

Number of pages: 48.

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Hedgehog, Teddy Bear.

Brief summary of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" for a reader's diary

Hedgehog and Little Bear were real friends.

They often gathered in the evenings, drank tea and counted the stars in the sky.

One day the Hedgehog was going to visit the Little Bear, but on the way he got into a thick fog.

In it, the world and what was happening seemed different from what it was: everything looked hostile and different.

All the way the Hedgehog was chased by an eagle owl, he was frightened by unknown and loud sounds and terrible shadows.

Even the firefly could not help the little hero.

The hedgehog finally got lost in the fog, lost his bag of jam and fell into the river.

The Hedgehog was helped out of the river by the Dog, who dragged him to the shore on his back.

And then he found the bundle and gave it to the Hedgehog.

The hero managed to get to the bear cub.

His friend was glad that the Hedgehog remained safe and sound, and at the end they drank tea together and counted the stars.

Only the Hedgehog still couldn’t get his mind off the Horse he saw in the fog.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"

1. The hedgehog is going to visit his friend - Little Bear.

2. Fog falls on the ground.

3. The Hedgehog sees a white Horse in the distance.

4. Trying to take a closer look at the Horse, the hero gets lost.

5. How the Hedgehog made a flashlight.

6. The bundle of jam has disappeared.

7. The Hedgehog falls into the water, but the Dog saves him.

8. The Hedgehog gets to the shore on the Dog’s back.

9. Meeting of friends.

10. Tea party with Teddy Bear.

11. The Hedgehog remembers the Horse.

The main idea of ​​the work "Hedgehog in the Fog"

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Hedgehog in the Fog” is the idea that the nature around us is beautiful and mysterious not only on sunny days, but also on cloudy and gloomy ones.

What does the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" teach?

The fairy tale about the Hedgehog, who got lost in the fog, teaches us that the world is full of mysteries and surprises.

We shouldn’t think that we already know everything about the world around us, because at any moment it can present us with a gift.

The fairy tale also teaches us that sometimes we should look at familiar places from a different angle and they will open to us from a new, mysterious side.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, you should not despair and you should fully believe that someone will come to your aid.

This is exactly what happened to the Hedgehog, who fell into the river and had no hope of rescue. But the Dog saved him.

A short review of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" is a mysterious and enigmatic work.

It tells about the unusual adventure of the Hedgehog, who went to visit his friend, the Little Bear.

Along the way, he finds himself in a thick fog and the familiar places that he knew so well before seem completely different to him.

I'm glad that Hedgehog bravely went through all the trials and still managed to get to his friend.

But throughout the entire story I was very worried about him.

Especially when he fell into the river and swam in an unknown direction.

For me, Hedgehog is a dreamy hero, and thanks to his dreams and imagination, he was able to see so many unusual things in the fog.

The fairy tale taught me a lot.

Firstly, value your friends, and secondly, be careful when getting into an unusual and difficult situation.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog"

"Friend is known in trouble".

“Get lost yourself, and help a friend.”

"There is no distance for friendship."

“He who helps quickly helps twice.”

"All help is good in time."

“Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.”

Unknown words and their meanings

Snorting - to deny.

Dusk is incomplete darkness.

For everyone: mythological archetypes of the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog".

The composition of the fairy tale "Hedgehog in the Fog" is based on the spatial movement of the main character along the border of two worlds - the real and the otherworldly. The hedgehog sets off at dusk, during the transition from daylight to night darkness.
The most important creature for which the Hedgehog descends into the fog is White horse, drowned in chest-deep fog, has a white color, which immediately transfers it to the system of images of the afterlife. The horse is represented not only in religion, but also in fairy tales as a funeral animal. The main function of the horse is mediation between the two kingdoms. Therefore, the Hedgehog’s desire to find out what is happening to the horse can be assessed as an interest in the phenomena of the other world, and the journey of the hero of the fairy tale itself can be assessed as a Path of knowledge passing through the border of two worlds.
The symbol of such knowledge becomes the tree encountered by the hedgehog - a huge Oak. This is a vivid image of the World Tree, which topographically passes through the boundaries of three worlds - chthonic, earthly and heavenly, revealing the structure of the Cosmos.
The greatness of the tree so shocks the Hedgehog that he loses the bundle of raspberry jam for the Little Bear - a magical object symbolizing the hero’s connection with the real world. The Dog, a creature who is a guide to the kingdom of the dead (Egyptian Anubis), finds and brings the bundle.
On his way through the fog, the hedgehog encounters a River - an important mythological symbol, an element of sacred topography. The hedgehog falls into the water, experiencing a kind of death (he was carried downstream). But a good spirit is also found in the river - a silently speaking invisible fish, as a kind of equivalent of the lower world, the kingdom of the dead. The fish takes the Hedgehog to the other side, to the earth - the middle world, the center of space and the beginning of life.
The purpose of Hedgehog's journey was to meet Little Bear - together they counted the stars (a symbol of the upper world in archaic mythology). This shows the motive of knowledge, and at the same time confirmation of another sacred knowledge - about immortality. A clear confirmation of this knowledge are the juniper branches constantly burning in the fire, on which the Little Bear (another archaic chthonic symbol) places the samovar. In mythological representations, juniper is firmly associated with the symbolism of death and its overcoming as the beginning eternal life. The Hedgehog is so shocked by the picture of the universe that has opened up for him that he remains indifferent to the actions of the Little Bear and continues to think about the actions of the White Horse in the fog, i.e. his consciousness continues to remain on the border of two worlds, on the precarious border of conscious and unconscious comprehension of existence.

From the textbook "Sociology of Transborderism"
M. 2005
Chapter "Trans-border in the symbolism of images based on the film "Hedgehog in the Fog" (with minor abbreviations).

Who else needs transcendental hedgehogs? %