Scandal with Alexander Emelianenko. The scandal between Fedor Emelianenko and his brother Alexander: what happened. Sasha is talking nonsense

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, responded to Fedor Emelianenko regarding the scandal surrounding children’s fights in Grozny. IN on your Instagram he wrote a long post in which he scolded the president of the Russian MMA Union for making such statements, although he himself had not been to Chechnya and does not know how such competitions are held there.

“I came to Chechnya at least once, saw how we hold tournaments and develop sports. And his statements raise a number of questions. The resonance provoked by Fedor also looks strange,” the message says.

Separately, Kadyrov criticized Fedor Emelianenko for the fact that he began to “exhibit photos of other people’s children” and “provoke unflattering comments under him.” He called such behavior “a direct violation of ethics and morality.”

The head of Chechnya did not ignore the general state of affairs in the republic, noting that, contrary to the athlete’s words, there are fewer problems with children in this region than in others.

“In Chechnya, we use all forms and methods to fulfill the instructions of the Russian leadership, we actively involve children and youth in sports. There are no orphanages, shelters, or street children in Chechnya. There are no crimes against children, or this is very rare. Nowhere is such comprehensive work being carried out to protect children's rights, like in Chechnya," he added.

Concluding his post regarding Emelianenko’s words about children’s fights, Kadyrov said that he did not agree with the position of the president of the Russian MMA Union and believed that he was wrong in this dispute.

“Fyodor, you are wrong! Russian heroes don’t act like that!” Kadyrov concluded in response to Emelianenko

Let us recall that Fedor Emelianenko previously criticized Kadyrov because of the participation of children in the mixed martial arts tournament, which was held in Grozny on October 4. His negative reaction was caused by the fact that, according to the existing rules, boys under 12 years old are prohibited from entering the ring. Three of Kadyrov’s sons also took part in this battle.

“Fedor wrote the truth. There’s still a lot that can be added.” Reaction to the conflict between the Emelianenko brothers

Fedor and Alexander quarrel through the press. What's happening?

This photo may be the last joint appearance of Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko in public. This is May 2013. Afterwards the brothers walked along roads that did not intersect. On October 23, 2017, Alexander finally swung the pendulum in an interview with “ Soviet sports" Fedor’s coaches got it, but most importantly, the fight with Mirko Cro Cop was mentioned for the first time. In August 2004, Alexander suffered the first defeat in his career from Cro Cop, and Fedor beat Cro Cop a year later, perhaps best fight in your career. According to Alexander, with his fight he allowed Fedor to gain time to prepare.

Vladimir Voronov: “After Sasha’s interview, Fedor called me”

-Have you read it?

– These are siblings, and sooner or later they will sort out their relationship. What Fedor wrote is all true. He just wrote it softly.

- What's the point?

– Alexander once had strange comments about you.

– Children grow up and become wiser over the years. Fedor is wise. Sasha is like that. It's difficult for me to add anything.

– The key thing in the whole story: the fight with Cro Cop.

– Fedor specifically described the situation there: he dissuaded Sasha from fighting, there was an opportunity to fight with another person. Sasha insisted on his own.

“You could have prepared him better for this fight.”

– And he was ready for this fight, but Fedor explains why Sasha lost. All of Sasha’s problems were always associated only with violation of the regime. He had bright victories, there could have been more of them. He beat Pavel Nastula - Olympic champion in judo, but did not fully maintain the schedule and training regimen, discipline. Fedor wrote about this.

– Was there any competition between them?

“Fyodor trained Sasha all the time, passed on all his knowledge and techniques to him. During training, no one felt sorry for each other, they fought like a sportsman, without meanness, without injuries.

– In this letter, Fedor seems like a man who was angry.

- I don't think so. To write the truth - do you have to be evil to do this? Fedor said that Sasha’s interview hurt his loved ones, whom Fedor treats with respect.

– You, too, were among those people about whom Alexander said bad things, but did not comment.

– I won’t do it now. The dog barks - the caravan moves on. I am a trainer. I'm not interested in paying attention to this. I need to train athletes and that’s it. I’ll say it again: everything Fedor wrote is true, much more could have been added.

– Do you assume that you will work together with any of them someday?

– Everyone chooses who and how to prepare: both Fedor and Sasha. We continue to work with Fedor, we just choose one or another moment of preparation, plus I train his team. As for Sasha, if he expresses a desire and so on... I don’t know, let him first find an understanding of who he is and what he is. He will ask his questions and solve them with Fedor in a brotherly way. Fedor wrote the truth, he would not have done this if Sasha had not started saying all this and making some comments towards Fedor. It was not Fedor who started it, but Sasha who wrote what did not happen.

– Before Fyodor’s open letter, did you communicate with him?

– Fedor called me and told me that such an article had been published with Sasha’s words. I said that these words are nonsense. Half of the situations there were far-fetched. Fedor did not answer in order to quarrel with him, he answered because he considered that it affected those people whom he respects.

Vadim Finkelstein: “Sasha told Fedor and me: “I swear, I quit, I won’t drink anymore.”

“We have a tournament in St. Petersburg tomorrow - and I’m busy with this, so I didn’t even know what was happening,” says Vadim Finkelstein. “People are already calling me and asking, but I can’t answer anyone because I haven’t read the text yet.”

– The text is very tough. In particular, Fedor calls his brother« sycophant» And« Judas» .

– Did Fyodor really answer that way? Exactly?

- Exactly.

- Judging by what you say, this doesn’t really look like him. He's just used to keeping everything to himself. But, apparently, Sasha pestered him a little. If this is really Fedor’s text, then I am sure: everything was as Fedor says. I know one and the other - and I can say: Fedor will not invent anything, but will tell it as it is.

– In 2003, you began collaborating with the Emelianenko brothers. Were there any problems with Alexander then?

“I didn’t really get involved in these issues, but he was already out of prison then. Fedya always asked for him to be included in the tournament, always forced him to train, raised him like an older brother, worried about him. If Sasha had any problems in Stary Oskol, Fedya always took off, drove, and helped out. I don’t know the details, but I know that Sasha was always doing something there, and Fedya was always trying to sort it out somehow.

Key moment interview with Alexander: he says that in 2004 he had to fight Mirko Cro Cop because he had to help out his brother. As a result, Alexander fell knocked out - and Fedor allegedly didn’t even say thank you for helping. Who proposed the fight between Alexander Emelianenko and Mirko Cro Cop?

– This was Alexander’s own initiative. In Pride there was no such thing at all, that someone was forced to fight with someone else. That Fedor could have been deprived of the title if Sasha had not fought with Cro Cop is complete nonsense. It was like. Feda was offered a fight with Cro Cop many times. Fedya believed that he was not yet ready for it - and went to Holland to stage percussion technique. Sasha then volunteered himself. He said: “But I’m ready!” He was always a little self-confident. So what - since he says he wants to fight, they gave him this fight. In general, Sasha is always ready to fight with everyone, he doesn’t care who his opponent is. And then, even more so, he was also young and hot.

- Alexander says that you are for him« unshakable» .

– I don’t even know what to say. This is not clear to me at all. I personally have never done anything but good things to him in my life. How many times did he borrow money from me or take it just like that - he probably already forgot about it. In general, Sasha likes to think that everyone owes him: both Fedor and I. How many times did I take him to Holland - he lived at my house. His people trained him, he didn't pay for anything. All expenses were paid by me and my companion. I was just his manager and I wanted Sasha to achieve results. I wonder why he won't shake hands with me. I just know that I have only done good things to this person in my life. What did I do to him that he says that?

– From Fedor’s letter to Alexander:« You could come to the Flying Dutchman restaurant with a group and leave without even paying» .

- It was so. Sasha said: “Make a note of Vadik.”

– The Emelianenko brothers became popular in Russia after in the mid-2000s you started showing tournaments with their participation on NTV’s Saturday night broadcast at your own expense. Remind me how much it cost you?

– I spent about 20 thousand dollars a month on this. And so on for two years. That is, I took upon myself to pay for the entire production of the program - and gave the finished product to the channel. This is how people saw the fights of Emelianenko, Kharitonov, Vovchanchin and others. This naturally affected their popularity. I saw some statements by Alexander that he allegedly had something to do with showing these fights on TV. This is wrong. I simply did it at my own expense, because I was offended that our fighters were known all over the world, but not in our country. And I did this. Negotiated the rights, paid everyone, messed around with these fucking tapes, I'm sorry.

– In the summer of 2008, Alexander was supposed to compete against Paul Buentelo in California at the Affliction tournament, but the athletic commission forbade Alexander from entering the ring. Since then, Emelianenko has never performed outside the CIS. What happened then?

– I won’t go into details here. Sasha himself knows the reason very well. I’ll just say on my own behalf: I made Sasha a golden contract in Affliction. Under this contract, he would earn three times more than in Pride.

– If his last name was not Emelianenko, would this greatly affect his fees?

- One hundred percent. He used his brother's name all his life. This was probably what bothered him. Fedor is a fighter the highest level– and naturally, attention was paid to his brother. Alexander, believe me, always received a sufficient fee. He was happy with everything.

– How did your relationship with Alexander collapse?

– He met Olga on my ship (referring to the Flying Dutchman restaurant - Match TV). He got married and decided that his wife would be a manager, and he didn’t need me. And he began to perform himself - in Azerbaijan, and somewhere else. Then we worked together again: I did fights for him in M-1. But after all these tricks of his and specifically the story in Barnaul (Emelianenko was fined 700 rubles for petty hooliganism on board the plane - Match TV), I decided that was it - I could no longer work with him.

– Alexander’s last fight in M-1 was against Jeff Monson in November 2012. Alexander immediately after the defeat asked for revenge. What did you do to organize this revenge?

“I would gladly give him any revenge if the person wanted it.” And here - well, what kind of revenge? He didn't prepare for this fight. He was on a spree, that's why he lost. A couple of weeks before the fight, Fedor and I, with great difficulty, transported Sasha from Moscow to St. Petersburg, settled him at the sports club - under the supervision of coach Eduard Shirobokov. The day after the defeat, Sasha came to my home. Fedor was there too. Sasha told us: “Guys, I swear: I quit, I won’t drink anymore, I’m on the right way" Fedor is a witness to these words. A little time passes - and Barnaul happens to Sasha. After which I myself said that I would no longer work with him. I’m speaking a little frankly now, but I’m just offended for Fedor. Sasha behaved this way, approached fights so frivolously, that no one is to blame for this but himself.

– In the next fight after losing to Monson, Alexander beat Bob Sapp at the Legend tournament in Moscow. And he says that you ran to the ring to congratulate him. He seems to see duplicity in this act.

– Honestly, I don’t really remember this episode. In any case, I always treated the fighters with respect. And if I congratulated the person who won the fight, this is basic politeness. I never tried to offend or humiliate anyone.

– Have you seen the shape Alexander has gotten himself into in the last six months?

- I was surprised. I will be glad if he really has improved, and I wish him nothing but the best. The only thing: having known him since 2003, I’m afraid that this may not last long. God grant that everything is fine with him. But in this story I am on Fedor’s side 100 percent. Fedor really tried to help him all his life. All my life I dragged him by the ears. If Sasha had any problems, Fedor tried to solve them. He always acted like an older brother.

In November 2011, shortly before the start of a wave of mass protests in Russia, millions of people watched a video of a fight between two athletes - Fedor Emelianenko and Jeff Monson. The audience was not interested in the fight itself, but in the reaction of the audience. The stands booed Monson (according to Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov) or Putin, who was in the hall (according to numerous witnesses).

“You know, I came to watch the fight of a man whom I respect very much. I even helped partly organize it, asked our financial institutions to help organize this fight. Fedor Emelianenko is a worthy fighter,” Putin said then.

Now the famous Russian fighter and president of the MMA union has become an enemy of Ramzan Kadyrov’s closest associate, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. Besides him, Emelianenko is also threatened by other Chechens, as well as Kadyrov’s supporters. Full list The portal gathered those dissatisfied with the fighter’s action.

The day before, the athlete sharply criticized the fights that took place in Grozny, in which three sons of Ramzan Kadyrov fought in the ring with three peers from Sochi. All three won.

How events developed around the children's fight at the Akhmat Grand Prix.

The general director of the website, journalist Dmitry Navosha, notes that the scandal united not only supporters of Ramzan Kadyrov. People of opposite political views spoke out in defense of Fedor Emelianenko.

Can you now describe what is happening around Fedor Emelianenko? Who has rallied around him, who is threatening him?

As far as I know, usually in conflict situations occurring around Ramzan Kadyrov, as you know, there is only one way to deal with a different opinion in Chechnya. The exchange of opinions takes place somewhere off-screen, and in the frame we see only apologies.

This is approximately what is now required of Fedor Emelianenko, although he did not say anything rude. He spoke about the law, he spoke about practices, he spoke about the health of children, which is threatened by such battles.

Let’s say that the Caucasus has its own traditions of education. The whole stream of insults that rushed towards Fedor Emelianenko from a variety of people, starting with Chechen fighters and ending with a State Duma deputy (Adam Delimkhanov - NV)- from my point of view, these people are saying something completely unimaginable; it would be impossible to imagine this in any country in the world. This is a mixture of threats, insults, some kind of complete heresy.

It seemed to me that today around Emelianenko, people are standing up for him who are very far from fighting, and who don’t even really like him, because he, for example, is friends with Putin, and they are in the opposition. And they seem to be for him too. I'm right?

Yes, different people, ranging from jingoistic patriots to the most irreconcilable public, expressed support for Fedor Emelianenko in one form or another. Yes, I haven’t seen such a unifying effect in the country for a long time.

Titled Russian athlete, multiple world champion in mixed martial arts Fedor Emelianenko On October 26, 2017, I wrote an open letter to my younger brother Alexandru, who was recently released from prison and gave a frank interview to Soviet Sport. In it, Fedor asked him not to throw mud at their relatives and friends, as well as former coaches.

Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko. Photo:

Where did it all start?

October 23 Alexander Emelianenko, also a famous fighter mixed martial arts, gave an interview to Soviet Sport. In it, he spoke about his difficult relationship with his brother, about the fact that they have not communicated for almost 10 years, as well as about promoters, a conflict with NTV, and how he lived in a colony, where he served time for rape.

What happened in Alexander's interview?

About Fedor's entourage

Emelianenko Jr. called his older brother’s entourage sycophantic. “I always tried to stand up for Fedor in everything, I went into conflicts because of him. But apparently he was no longer interested. Now he has surrounded himself with “friends” who follow him, and no one will ever tell him the truth for fear of losing profitable connections. There are only sycophants around him,” Alexander is sure.

About Fyodor's ingratitude

He also talked about his fight with the Croatian Mirko Filipovic, about how he helped Fedor out, but his brother didn’t even say “thank you.” “The Pride organizers wanted to bring Mirko under Fedya. They started to intimidate that if he didn’t fight with him, they would take the belt,” Alexander shared. And then he decided to go into battle instead of Fedor. In that fight, Emelianenko Jr. lost. “Fedya did not thank me for the fact that I really helped him out then. It doesn’t matter if your brother got rid of it from a professional,” Alexander said in his interview.

About the relationship with Fedor

“And about Fedya, I’ll say this: he has his own life, I have mine. We have not communicated with him for ten years. He himself doesn’t want to talk to me, and I don’t force myself on him,” Emelianenko Jr. shared.

What did Fedor answer?

Alexander's lies

“I usually don’t comment on other people’s statements. But he could no longer remain silent. This is my first and last answer to you. “I consider it beneath my dignity to constantly respond to your lies,” the athlete wrote in an open letter to his brother.

"The sycophant is you"

The titled fighter forbade Alexander to call him Fedya and called his brother Judas. “For you and your entourage, I am not Fedya, but Fedor... You called my loved ones sycophants. The sycophant is you, Judas. I’m sorry that the people who were close to you and supported you in difficult times are suffering. I myself personally apologized to more than a dozen people for you,” the letter says.

Alexander's first prison term

Fedor Emelianenko also spoke about his brother’s prison past, which he hid from the public. “You hid from everyone that you went to prison for the first time at 18 years old. Explaining his tattoos are just a hobby. But there are dozens of photos with cellmates, and the room clearly doesn’t look like a tattoo parlor,” the athlete wrote.

About the fight with Cro Cop

Emelianenko Sr. also responded to his brother’s words about the fight with Mirko Cro Cop. “And no one forced you to fight Cro Cop... Then Mirko lost Rendelman, and you grabbed this opportunity, despite the fact that Vadim, Vladimir Mikhailovich, Alexander Vasilyevich and I were categorically against it due to your attitude to training and your inexperience. And in every possible way they tried to dissuade you from this,” writes Emelianenko Sr. He also mentions that Alexander regularly violated sport mode: “The sports regime was regularly violated and instead of losing weight and using fast hands, you dialed overweight. Nobody threw you under the hammer. During preparation, I repeatedly looked for you in bars and found you drinking alcohol. The team asked you to hold the weight, but instead you got a beer belly, and everyone saw the result.” Fedor is sure that there is nothing to thank his brother for. “I don’t have to say thank you for that. You fell from Mirko. And this received a special coloring. In every interview they started reminding me that Cro Cop knocked out my brother,” he wrote in his open letter.

On October 23, a frank interview with the notorious Russian fighter was released Alexandra Emelianenko. Brother of the legendary Fedor Emelianenko told Soviet Sport about his relationship with a close relative, his attitude towards his surroundings and his current activities. Alexander, who was recently released from prison, called the people surrounding Fedor Emelianenko sycophants and told how many years he had not communicated with his brother.

Now Fedor has surrounded himself with “friends” who run after him, and no one will ever tell him the truth for fear of losing profitable connections. There are only sycophants around him.

Alexander began with memories of defeat Mirko Filipovic and Fedor’s attitude towards this fight.

"Someone says that the most tough fight was with Cro Cop. I shouldn't have fought him at all. It was the beginning of a career, there was no experience, nothing at all. The Pride organizers wanted to bring Mirko under Fedya. They started to intimidate him, saying that if he didn’t fight with him, they would take the belt. Well, actually, I suggested to Fedya: “Let me fight him, you can prepare during this time.”

I understood perfectly well that I was going to the slaughter, I had nothing to catch against Cro Cop, I was not ready to fight him either technically or physically. I knew I would get a kick in the head, and that’s what happened. But it was necessary to gain time and help Feda. So I did.

What I am telling you now has not been published anywhere before. Fedya did not thank me for the fact that I really helped him out then. It doesn’t matter that your brother “got it off” from a professional.

Regarding the famous video in which brother Fedor worries about him in the fight with Mirko Cro Cop, Alexander said: “It was a long time ago. Many journalists look at a person on TV and judge him based on what they see on the box. At the same time, absolutely not knowing what kind of person he is. You see, it’s good to sit like this in front of a television camera, “rub” about life and pretend to be correct. This is the easiest thing."

Alexander remembered the old words Sergei Kharitonov about Fedor, simultaneously touching his brother’s entourage.

“The last straw was that before the fight between Fedi and Den Henderson, Kharitonov spoke in the spirit that Den was not an opponent for Fedi. According to him, Fedor could enter the ring drunk and still easily win. These words hurt me. Seryozha should be grateful to my brother for giving him a way to big sport, and he spoke so ugly. I stood up for Fedya, and he behaved strangely at that moment. Knowing all the details of the conflict, he distanced himself from the situation and stated that the showdown between Kharitonov and me did not concern him. I felt bad. I always tried to stand up for Fedor in everything, I got into conflicts because of him. But apparently he was no longer interested. Now he has surrounded himself with “friends” who run after him, and no one will ever tell him the truth for fear of losing profitable connections. There are only sycophants around him,” noted.

“And about Fedya, I’ll say this: he has his own life, I have mine. We have not communicated with him for ten years. He himself doesn’t want to talk to me, but I don’t impose,” Alexander ended the conversation about his relationship with his older brother.

Even from Alexander Emelianenko, who is often harsh in his statements, it was strange to hear this. The topic of relationships between the main heavyweight brothers in the history of mixed martial arts has always seemed taboo - both from the overly hot-tempered Alexander and from the modest and closed Fedor Emelianenko.

“My reputation as an athlete does not need to be protected. But in the interview, Alexander hurts the honor of people close to me. I will answer you first and last time. Firstly, for you and your entourage I am not Fedya, but Fedor. You hid from everyone that you went to prison for the first time at 18 years old. It’s disgusting to talk badly about the people who supported you and sincerely cared about you.

There was no anger towards Alexander. I have said before that this man is dangerous to society. He is still dangerous, and he will never change.

Nobody forced you to fight Cro Cop. At that time I was competing in the Grand Prix, and the question of fighting Mirko to defend my belt was not even raised. Then Mirko lost to Rendelman, and you jumped at the opportunity, despite the fact that we were categorically against it due to your attitude to training and your inexperience. And they tried to dissuade you from it in every possible way. But not enough attention was paid to preparation. The sports regime was regularly violated, and instead of losing weight and using fast hands, you gained extra pounds. Nobody threw you under the hammer. During preparation, I repeatedly looked for you in bars and found you drinking alcohol. The team asked you to hold the weight, but instead you got a beer belly, and everyone saw the result.

I usually don't comment on other people's statements. But he could no longer remain silent. This is my first and last answer to you. I consider it beneath my dignity to constantly react to your lies. You called my loved ones sycophants. The sycophant is you, Judas. I’m sorry that the people who were close to you and supported you in difficult times are suffering. I myself personally apologized to more than a dozen people for you. You can say whatever you want to me, I will endure it, but don’t you dare insult my loved ones.

Besides, you don’t know my surroundings. And everyone you know helped you and played an important role in your life. And you're not worth their little finger. That's why you're not in my circle. You say in one of your interviews that you can help me. But I don’t understand how you, who have recently been released and constantly violate the regime, can help. There is only one thing - not to disgrace the name of my parents and mine.”

The aforementioned Sergei Kharitonov, a famous Russian heavyweight, spoke about him like this even before Alexander’s interview.

“In 2006, after a serious injury, I immediately went to fight Alexander Emelianenko. There was practically no preparation then. I was told that either I would leave, or they could break off relations with me. I needed to fight then. There was no anger towards Alexander. I have said before that this man is dangerous to society. He is still dangerous, and he will never change. Now he served time, before that he also served time and was released. He was probably born this way; nothing can change him. It may hide for a while, but sooner or later it will make itself known again.

Did not watch last Stand Alexandra live. I looked at the recording, and not on my own initiative, but the guys suggested it. And it didn’t matter to me at all. Once upon a time this man could really become famous, he had great potential. Alexander is more talented than Fedor, but the two brothers are opposites. Alexander was superior to Fedor in terms of physical characteristics, height, and all indicators, but you see how it happens,” Kharitonov said. Sergei later, as it seemed to many, was mentioned by Alexander Emelianenko, with whom they had been “friends” for a long time, in a banter video - in an anecdote about the hare Khariton.

(24-7), a famous Russian heavyweight, brother of the legendary Fedor Emelianenko, on November 26 last year was released from prison, where he spent almost three years for allegations of sexual assault. After this, he decided to resume training and return to active performances.

After some time, it was announced that Alexander Emelianenko had been signed by the Russian organization WFCA (WORLD FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP AKHMAT). Records from Alexander’s training began to appear on the Internet, where the athlete demonstrates the best shape of his life.

And a month ago, on September 27, Fedor Emelianenko’s younger brother made his debut in a new organization. The first fight was successful: the Russian heavyweight knocked out the Brazilian in the first round Geronimo dos Santos"Mondragon" (39-20).

October 25th was officially announced next fight Alexandra Emelianenko. It will be held on December 16 at WFCA 44. A week ago, Emelianenko’s message appeared on the Akhmat club’s Instagram, dedicated to the fact that he is now their official representative.