Emelianenko's scandal with the Chechens. Confrontation between Fedor Emelianenko and Ramzan Kadyrov (11 photos). Famous athletes supported Emelianenko

The disapproval of the President of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelianenko of children's fights that took place as part of the event, which was organized in Grozny for the birthday of Ramzan Kadyrov, caused a violent reaction from Chechen fighters and politicians. , although there were many who came to his defense. Read on for details of the conflict.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic and State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov believes that the President of the Russian MMA Union Emelianenko cannot criticize the tournament, since “its moral, ethical and professional image raises the deepest doubts.”

The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi’s perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department he heads brazenly, in a vile manner, took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado.

According to Delimkhanov, Emelianenko was a “shameful loser and severely beaten,” but he used administrative resource so that the victory goes to him. And the Chechen deputy said that an athlete has no moral right to educate anyone.

Fedya talks about the need for proper education of the younger generation, but at the same time does not give an explanation as to why he raised his brother, a drug addict, who beat and raped women.

Delimkhanov says that he got acquainted with Emelianenko’s biography and allegedly learned “that as a child he was very afraid and avoided normal guys in every possible way.”

Decent guys from authoritative and respected circles never allowed Fedya to approach them because of his complete inconsistency with genuine male concepts and values. The severe psychological consequences are reflected in his behavior today.

Delimkhanov, together with the head of Ramzan Kadyrov’s security, Abuzaid Vismuradov, said that such fights in the republic will be held whenever they want, if they do not violate the legal regulations for organizing sporting events.

And I advise Fedya to thoroughly study Russian laws, familiarize himself with the concepts of sports ethics, honor and dignity.
Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. When you hung up the phone, you didn’t have the courage to talk normally like a man - this is an indicator of your cowardice.
In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter who the person is, he will have to answer for every word spoken to my dear nephews! Allahu Akbar!
Adam Delimkhanov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Other athletes immediately responded to Delimkhanov’s words, among them State Duma deputy, boxer Nikolai Valuev.

Regarding children's MMA fights. Firstly, we need to stop throwing insults at each other. Secondly, show children's sports on TV is good and necessary. Thirdly, you need to follow the rules, they exist in all types of martial arts. Draw conclusions and move on.

Silver medalist of the World Championship Thai boxing Agop Topchyan said that the children could periodically “play too much,” but there were no traumatic situations.

For you it was a knockout, for me it was a joke. The child was taken away, doctors came, but they did not help him. It was not a fall from a blow, as it might seem from the outside.
In the second match, there was a prohibited blow to the head on the ground, and the judges immediately reacted to it, and in the third match, the children played a little and went too far, I stopped them and warned them.

The referee insisted that the fights were of an exhibition nature and were not real sparring.

If we were talking about children's competitions, they would have to be approved by the Ministry of Sports of Chechnya. And since on Tuesday there were only demonstration performances, their participants came out without ammunition.
I thought everything was agreed upon, but most likely there was some omission. But do demonstration performances also need to be coordinated? We showed that a child is no different from an adult - the dynamics of hits and throws are the same.
Agop Topchyan, referee

At the same time, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov doubted the demonstrative nature of the battles.

If this was shown on TV, if it is true, then, probably, knocking out a child, and even live, is a reason for the relevant supervisory authorities to become interested in this event.

Perhaps the fights were demonstration, but the children dealt real blows to each other; they did not have the necessary protective equipment. It is important to understand in detail what happened and find out to what extent such battles are a systemic phenomenon and how it affects the health of children.
Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in Chechnya, Khamzat Khirahmatov, even conducted a corresponding inspection, but he did not reveal any violations in the tournament where children participated.

I've been on the road since this morning, now I'm in sports school republics. Firstly, people protect the rights of the child - this is good, but, on the other hand, I prepared a certificate today. It states that no violations of children's rights have been identified. They have no injuries - neither psychological nor physical. On the contrary, it was of a demonstrative nature, to demonstrate this sport to the younger generation.

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko believes that children's fights in Grozny need to be examined in detail.

I haven’t watched it, but I believe that these martial arts have rules. Everything must be within the framework of the law; competitions cannot take place outside the rules. This needs to be sorted out, if this show is one thing, and if the competition is another. We have requested (documents), we will look into it.

An American MMA fighter took Emelianenko’s side in heavyweight Shane Carwin, who previously retired. He noted that he intends to return to the ring to challenge Kadyrov and his cousin Delimkhanov together with Fedor. He also stated that he had indeed applied for the fight in question.

Fedor and I will fight against the Chechen leader and his cousin. I don’t even know why, but my cousin said a lot of nonsense and it’s time for us to meet with them. I hope Jake Shields joins us.

On the morning of October 7, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, also expressed his disagreement with Emelianenko’s words through his Instagram page, who believes that these fights were “demonstration fights, in the form of a children’s game.”

I would be sympathetic to Fedor Emelianenko’s answers and reaction to the boys’ exhibition performance during the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament if he began by saying kind word about the tournament and its significance. As a Russian hero and patriot, he would congratulate Chechnya on the holidays, would note the fact of the drawing of the first MMA belt, come to Chechnya at least once, see how we hold tournaments and develop the sport.

The head of Chechnya believes that the famous fighter himself allowed “ direct violation ethics and morality”, publishing a photo with children.

Later, Fedor Emelianenko deleted his post, and on the evening of October 7, Ramzan Kadyrov called not to insult Fedor Emelianenko and to show tolerance towards each other.

Dear friends! I appeal to you with an urgent request and recommendation not to publish any records affecting the honor and dignity of Fedor Emelianenko. I address, first of all, those who did this under emotional influence, saying that they are our supporters and friends. If you really are, and I have no doubt about this, do not write such things. And delete what has already been written. You cannot inflame passions or offend a person’s honor. I am sure that Fedor Vladimirovich realized the mistake. This, in particular, is evidenced by his removal of the boy’s photo from his page. We need to be more tolerant of each other and not get personal when discussing issues of public importance. We are already surrounded by a very unfriendly world. Sanctions, ideological attacks, saber-rattling around borders are aimed precisely at making us enemies of each other, sowing hostility in our ranks. We will never allow this. I am sure that even the fact that Emelianenko understands the haste in assessing the organization of the tournament is an act worthy of a man. If he had previously studied all the issues related to the tournament, the assessments could have been completely different. There is no doubt about it. I am convinced that he will ultimately act like a real RUSSIAN BOGATYR, which thousands of fans consider him to be. To paraphrase a well-known proverb from ancient times, we can say that what is permitted to an ordinary man in the street is not permitted to a national hero! The experience, authority and abilities of such people cannot be wasted. They must serve the Fatherland, the consolidation of our society in the name of Russia!

State Duma deputy Delimkhanov heeded Kadyrov’s words and deleted the post with accusations against Fedor Emelianenko. Following him, the rest of the Chechens, who had previously insulted the president of the Russian MMA Union, listened to Kadyrov’s request.

The public showdown between Russian sports legend Fedor Emelianenko and Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has gone too far. Sports are just an excuse here. It is not without reason that this scandal caused a surge of enthusiasm among the liberal media and other representatives of the “fifth column”: their overseas curators are well aware that our empire can only be destroyed from within, and the main lines of division are tribal nationalism and religious conflicts.

MMA President Fedor Emelianenko criticized on his Instagram the open fights without rules, which were held in Grozny by Kadyrov's Akhmat club, where 8 and 10-year-old children fought without shields and helmets according to MMA rules written for adult men. Among the winners of this championship, which was broadcast by the Match TV channel, were three sons of Akhmat Kadyrov, one of whom defeated his opponent by knockout.

Emelianenko’s post was immediately replicated by several liberal media outlets, after which it was posted on social media. networks, a real frenzy of a crowd of Ramzan Kadyrov’s hangers-on began, who began to throw mud at Emelianenko, to the great joy of now many hundreds of media outlets, who never tired of savoring the details. Particularly zealous were several fighters, personally favored by the President of Chechnya, and his relative, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, who allowed himself open threats against Fedor, promising that he would not leave the encroachment on the interests of his “dear nephews” unavenged. This morning, Ramzan Kadyrov himself spoke on social networks, accusing Emelianenko of unethical and unheroic behavior.

Emelianenko did not respond to all these attacks; his representative told a RIA Katyusha correspondent that the athlete’s statement or coaching staff MMA will follow.

But few people care about this anymore, since the conflict immediately went beyond the ring. In such a situation, any word from the representatives of the parties will be used against us all. Moreover, both Emelianenko and Kadyrov have their own truth, and neither one nor the other side will be able to refuse it without losing face.

Any sane person understands that exhibition fights of young children without protection are at least dangerous. But we must not forget that in the Russian tradition, the military education of a boy began at the age of 7, when the future warrior was mounted on a horse. And children's fights, and wall to wall, etc. - all this has always been and is in our tradition. And in normal Russian families, children have been involved in sports since childhood, it’s just not customary for us to make a show out of it.

On the other hand, Ramzan Kadyrov, in many ways, really is a model for other regional leaders. There are no orphanages in Chechnya, there is no sex education or juvenile justice, there are no homosexuals and drug addicts, there really is a better situation with patriotic and sports education than anywhere else in the country, and finally, the Akhmat club itself is really now one of the best not only in the country, but also in the world. These are the facts.

Just as it is an absolute fact that Fedor Emelianenko is a living legend and one of the faces of Russian sports, who has become the idol of hundreds of thousands of children throughout Russia, not excluding Chechnya. And he definitely has the right to talk about the rules of MMA, since most Russians associate fights without rules with the name Emelianenko.

In such a situation, it is more important than ever to hear the voice of power. But she is still silent, except for an unimpressive attempt to reconcile the parties on the part of the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko and the promises of the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President Anna Kuznetsova to carry out an inspection, there has been no reaction yet. But representatives of the pro-Western “fifth column” do not hide their joy: social media and the liberal media are filled with relishing the conflict with the obvious goal of further heating it up and transferring it to an interethnic plane.

This is exactly how our market liberals acted in the 1990s, playing along with the tribal nationalism of the Chechens and pushing the solution to the “Russian Question” under the plinth and, as a result, unleashed a war in Chechnya and local conflicts in other national outskirts. This is exactly how liberals from pro-Western parties tried to use the provocative situation with the Kadyrov Bridge in St. Petersburg, unexpectedly inflamed with love for Russian nationalists, but at the same time modestly keeping silent about the fact that the same Kadyrov honors the memory of Russian soldiers who died in Chechnya, and in Grozny there is a street named after 6th company.

Following the lead of his entourage, Ramzan Kadyrov took a very dangerous path, putting President Putin in a difficult position. Because now, if the bacchanalia around the current alleged sports scandal does not stop, the President will have to put it out personally. Simply because only imperial power can rise above tribal nationalism and corporate solidarity for the common good. Of course, this will not “dissolve”; the liberal media and the “fifth column” will try.

Andrey Tsyganov, RIA Katyusha

Photo: chechnyatoday.com

A tournament was held in Grozny mixed martial arts Grand Prix Akhmat 2016, in which, in addition to the usual fighters, three sons of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov took part - eight-year-old Adam, nine-year-old Zelimkhan (Eli) and ten-year-old Akhmad. They all beat their opponents, and Ahmad's fight lasted only 14 seconds. Many, including the President of the Union MMA Russia Fedor Emelianenko, criticized children's fights, to which in Chechnya they responded with almost insults.

“Yesterday, the fights with the participation of children were announced as demonstration ones, but, in fact, the spectators saw real fights. According to the official rules of the sport, recognized by the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation, athletes under the age of 21 must enter the ring wearing a helmet, pads, and up to 12 years, also wearing a rash guard or T-shirt. In addition, there are certain restrictions for age groups under 21 years of age. The fights were held according to the rules that exist for adult professional athletes, which is not suitable for children. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to compete under MMA rules at all. What happened yesterday at the tournament in Grozny is not acceptable, and even more so, it cannot be justified!” – wrote Emelianenko posted on his Instagram, emphasizing that “children under 12 years old are not even allowed into the hall as spectators, but here are kids who were 8 years old and beat each other in front of joyful adults.”

President of the Akhmat fight club Abuzaid Vismuradov, responding to Emelianenko, named, MMA Union of Russia “sales agency”: “These confrontations were, I repeat, demonstrative in nature, in order to popularize MMA in our republic. Reviews of these sparrings were positive. But for some reason Fedor Emelianenko did not like it. The question is who is he? to evaluate our tournament and fights? Maybe he is consumed by envy, because the Grand-Prix Akhmat 2016 Final is considered by many to be the best tournament in the history of Russian MMA, but he was not invited here? Or has he become a fighter for justice? Then he needs to remember his last a fight in which he shamefully lost and was beaten in front of the whole world, but his corrupt department did not dare to give a well-deserved victory to Fabio Maldonado. I responsibly declare that at our tournament we conduct and will conduct fights that we deem necessary. We do not go beyond limits of the law, but we will not allow ourselves to be told what to do.”

The Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation took Emelianenko’s position. "Children under 12 years of age really do not have the right to enter the ring. We will now request full information on who participated in this tournament. We will look into this issue. By law, we have an official federation accredited by us - the Union of Mixed Martial Arts under the leadership of Fedor Emelianenko, and other organizations without the participation of the union and inclusion in the calendar do not have the right to hold events in this sport and in violation of the rules,” Deputy Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov told the R-Sport agency.

Representative of the head of Chechnya in Europe and CEO of Akhmat Promotion Timur Dugazaev, responding to criticism, said that “there was no talk of any cruelty, the children showed themselves to be real men and warriors, as befits, there was no blood in their battles and serious injuries". The tournament regulations, he added, were "completely designed for demonstration performances." "There was and will be criticism, but Fedor should have perceived the situation from the position of a man. And if he perceived it that way, then in his last fight he would have admitted defeat,” Dugazaev told TASS reporters.

Ring announcer Alexander Zagorsky, who worked at the tournament in Grozny, said that the children did not receive any injuries in the fights. "If we talk about my opinion, I am against children's fights in this early age. But this is specific to the region, where warriors are raised from an early age,” he added.

The position of the Chechen side in this scandal was supported, in particular, by fighter Jeff Monson, who received Russian citizenship last December, and State Duma deputy from the LDPR, member of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union Igor Lebedev. The head of the International Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA), Vadim Finkelstein, spoke out in support of Emelianenko.

The tournament in Grozny took place on the eve of Ramzan Kadyrov’s birthday. On October 5, the head of Chechnya turned 40 years old.

October 6, 12:09 Some Russian wrestlers openly began to insult Emelianenko:

Abubakar Vagaev: Fedor Emelianenko! Your time has passed, accept it and don’t try to control us. You lost every last drop of self-respect after your rotten move. It was mean and unmanly. You have fallen in our eyes. Rooster

Said Nurmagomedov: Fedor Emelianenko! You have turned many people against you with your letter. Shame on you. I thought you were for the development of MMA, but it turns out it’s the other way around. Not expected. Akhmat Strength to spite everyone.

Ushukov Beslan: You are a fool! Whipping boy! Is envy choking you?! Go to the doctor to get your eyes checked, you will see that this was a children's show! Rooster❗️❗️❗️ “AKHMAT POWER️☝️️☝️️☝️️

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Russian Federation, took charge of checking children's fights. “The fights may have been demonstrative, but the children struck real blows to each other; they did not have the necessary protective equipment. It is important to understand in detail what happened and find out to what extent such fights are a systemic phenomenon and how it affects the health of children,” Kuznetsova said "Medusa".

October 6, 15:40 The Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Chechen Republic, Khamzat Khirakhmatov, said that he conducted an inspection and did not reveal any violations in the tournament. Despite the fact that ten-year-old Akhmad Kadyrov won the fight by knockout in 14 seconds, according to Khirakhmatov, none of the children received any injuries.

“I’ve been on the road since this morning, now I’m at the sports school of the republic. Firstly, people protect the rights of the child - this is good, but on the other hand, today I prepared a certificate (for the Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President, Anna Kuznetsova). It contains "it is said that no violations of children's rights have been identified. They do not have any injuries - neither psychological nor physical. On the contrary, this [event] was of a demonstrative nature to demonstrate this sport to the younger generation," explained the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Chechen Republic, Khamzat Khirahmatov.

He clarified that there were no complaints directly from parents.

“It would be good if they used appropriate sports [equipment]: a helmet and all that. And we, in turn, recommended that next time they use all this. And the most important thing is that the parents of all these children were present [at the tournament] “, there are no statements from parents, I don’t see any violations of the rights of the child,” he said.


October 6, 18:49 The President of the MMA Federation of the Krasnodar Territory, Agop Topchyan, who was a judge at the tournament, called the knockout that ten-year-old Akhmad Kadyrov sent his opponent to be unreal.
“For you it was a knockout, for me it was a joke,” Topchyan noted. “The child was taken away, doctors came, but they did not help him. It was not a fall from a blow, as it might seem from the outside. In the second meeting, there was an illegal blow to on the ground in the head, and the judges immediately reacted to him, and in the third fight the children got a little too playful and overdid it, I stopped them and warned them."

The TASS interlocutor noted that the children took part in demonstration performances, and not in official fights. “If we were talking about children’s competitions, then they had to be approved by the Ministry of Sports of Chechnya,” said Topchyan. “And since on Tuesday there were only demonstration performances, so their participants came out without equipment.”

“I thought that everything was agreed upon, but, most likely, there was some kind of omission,” the referee suggested. “But do demonstration performances also need to be agreed upon? We showed that a child is no different from an adult - the same dynamics of blows and throws."

October 6, 20:57 Emelianenko deleted from Instagram fast with criticism of the tournament.

October 6, 21:07 Emelianenko published there is a new post on Instagram criticizing the tournament - its text has not changed, only the photograph has changed.

“I haven’t watched, but I think that there are rules in these martial arts. Everything must be within the framework of the law; competitions cannot take place not according to the rules. This needs to be sorted out, if this show is one thing, and if the competition is another. We requested (documents), we’ll look into it,” Mutko said.

“I think it’s time for us to talk about this topic. Not a single competition can be held on Russian territory if it does not correspond to a registered sport. We will need to return to this topic, plus there is a certain age limit in this sport. According to MMA children can only practice from a certain age, let alone compete,” the minister added.

According to the rules of competitions under the auspices of the Russian MMA Union, children from 12 years of age are allowed to fight. In the age groups 12-13, 14-15 and 16-17 years old, athletes must wear a tight-fitting T-shirt made of synthetic material (rashguard) and use protective equipment.


October 7, 07:32 The situation commented Kadyrov himself:
“The country’s leadership sets before society, the authorities and the media the task of dealing with issues of patriotic and spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, promoting healthy image life, high morality, spirituality. This is the basis of the country's stability and power. The situation is alarming. In the first half of the year alone, 50,256 crimes were committed against children, including murders and sexual assault. No one will solve the problem for us if everyone does not understand their responsibility to the future. But often those who should set an example in this take a strange position.

I would have been sympathetic to Fedor Emelianenko’s answers and reaction to the boys’ exhibition performance during the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament if he had started by saying a kind word about the tournament and its significance. As a Russian hero and patriot, he would congratulate Chechnya on the holidays, would note the fact of the drawing of the first MMA belt, come to Chechnya at least once, see how we hold tournaments and develop the sport. And so his statements raise a number of questions. The resonance provoked by Fedor also looks strange, because everyone must start with themselves and their family. This also applies to loved ones. But posting a photo of other people's children and provoking unflattering comments under it is a direct violation of ethics and morality.

In Chechnya, we use all forms and methods to fulfill the instructions of the Russian leadership, and actively involve children and youth in sports. There are no orphanages, shelters, or street children in Chechnya. There are no crimes against children or this is very rare. Nowhere is such comprehensive work being done to protect children’s rights as in Chechnya. Why is it that an exhibition match, in the form of a children's game, is perceived as horror, and not the fact that the war claimed the lives of 13,987 children, hundreds of thousands of people died, five thousand people went missing, Grozny and the whole of Chechnya were destroyed to the ground. Did you talk about the horror when all this happened?

If you even sneeze, fairy tales about taxes begin. We also pay taxes, supply the best oil and gas in the world! And we receive subsidies, like many regions. Since childhood, we have been raising patriots and defenders of Russia. Fedor, you are wrong! Russian heroes don’t act like that!”

October 7, 18:21 Kadyrov called on supporters not to insult Emelianenko and to delete posts with the following insults:
“Dear friends! I am writing to you with an urgent request and recommendation not to publish any recordings affecting the honor and dignity of Fedor Emelianenko. I am appealing, first of all, to those who did this under emotional influence, saying that they are our supporters and friends. If you really are, and I have no doubt about this, do not write such things. And delete what has already been written. You must not inflame passions or offend a person’s honor.

I am sure that Fedor Vladimirovich realized the mistake. This, in particular, is evidenced by his removal of the boy’s photo from his page. We need to be more tolerant of each other and not get personal when discussing issues of public importance. We are already surrounded by a very unfriendly world. Sanctions, ideological attacks, saber-rattling around borders are aimed precisely at making us enemies of each other, sowing hostility in our ranks. We will never allow this.

I am sure that even the fact that Emelianenko understands the haste in assessing the organization of the tournament is an act worthy of a man. If he had previously studied all the issues related to the tournament, the assessments could have been completely different. There is no doubt about it. I am convinced that he will ultimately act like a real RUSSIAN BOGATYR, which thousands of fans consider him to be. To paraphrase a well-known proverb from ancient times, we can say that what is permitted to an ordinary man in the street is not permitted to a national hero! The experience, authority and abilities of such people cannot be wasted. They must serve the Fatherland, the consolidation of our society in the name of Russia!"

October 7, 21:16 Kadyrov’s associates began to delete posts on Instagram where they spoke out against Emelianenko. This is what the president of the Akhmat fight club, Abuzaid Vismuradov, and State Duma deputy from Chechnya, Adam Delimkhanov, have already done. First wrote that Emelianenko “needs to remember his last fight, in which he shamefully lost and was beaten in front of the whole world, but his corrupt department did not dare to give the well-deserved victory to Fabio Maldonado.” Delimkhanov wrote about the same thing: “The entire world sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used administrative resources and literally stole the victory from his opponent.”

October 18, 19:45 The Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation officially recognized the holding of children's fights in Grozny as a violation, said deputy head of the department Pavel Kolobkov. According to him, the Ministry of Sports “has no authority to punish”; this can only be done law enforcement agencies.

“A meeting was held with the presence of the Minister of the Chechen Republic for Physical Education and Sports, representatives of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, including the MMA Union of Russia. We decided that the competition was held according to the rules of the sport “mixed” martial arts“, while children 8-10 years old took part in the demonstration performances, which is a violation of the rules of the sport “mixed martial arts,” Kolobkov said by phone.

"The tournament was not official sports competition, since it was not agreed upon either with the Ministry of Sports or with the MMA Union of Russia, it was absent from the unified calendar and calendar of official events of the Chechen Republic. The regulations on the tournament were not approved by either the Minister of Sports of the Chechen Republic or the regional federation,” the agency’s interlocutor added.

Kolobkov said that the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation has prepared a letter with the aim of stopping the holding of uncoordinated martial arts tournaments with the participation of children in Chechnya. “In this regard, we have prepared a letter: in order to stop such violations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, we recommend that the Ministry of Sports of the Republic coordinate the holding of competitions with the Ministry of Sports of Russia and federations accredited in sports. We will also send such letters to all relevant federations. We have already done so many times "We (the Ministry of Sports) do not have the authority to punish. We cannot do this - we are not law enforcement agencies," Kolobkov noted.


October 19, 13:18 The Minister of the Chechen Republic for Physical Education and Sports, Khasmagomed Khizriev, told RIA Novosti that “we will comply with all recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Sports.”

We have created a chat in Telegram for the rapid exchange of news. If you witnessed any event or simply discovered important news, send it here as soon as possible:

On the issue of the conflict between Emelianenko and Kadyrov.
In short, the conflict arose after critics of Emelianenko's childhood fights , which were held in Grozny during the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament.

“...On October 4, the fights with the participation of children were announced as demonstration ones, but, in fact, the audience saw real fights. According to the official rules of the sport, recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, athletes under the age of 21 must enter the ring wearing a helmet, pads, and up to 12 years, also wearing a rash guard or T-shirt. In addition, there are certain restrictions for age groups under 21 years of age. The fights were held according to the rules that exist for adult professional athletes, which is not suitable for children. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to compete under MMA rules at all. What happened yesterday at the tournament in Grozny is not acceptable, and even more so, it cannot be justified!

It’s also not clear to me why the Match.Fighter TV channel shows children’s fights live.
I'm not even talking about the fact that children under 12 years old are not even allowed into the hall as spectators, but here are kids who were 8 years old and beat each other in front of joyful adults. Is it really so important for everyone to organize a spectacle to the detriment of children’s health?!

Me I am very outraged by the fact that all this was observed by the President of the Republic of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. His advisers from the Ministry of Sports of Chechnya did not inform him that fighting for children under 12 years of age is not allowed? We must lead by example first for the younger generation and takes care of their health. Participation in battles on the same level as adults can cause irreparable damage to the health of children, which will not allow them not only to continue sports career, but will harm the physical condition of the child, as well as the psychological one.”

R. Kadyrov’s children, 8, 9 and 10 years old, performed without protective equipment, although according to MMA rules, children under 12 years old cannot be allowed to perform.

In general, formally, the rules of MMA were, of course, violated. Is it true, the organizers of the tournament declared that these children's competitions were “indicative” but that's not important.

To understand the situation, you need to look at this side.

The fact is that today's Chechen Republic is controlled, as is known, to one degree or another, but by the elites included in the teip of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov.
In order to be able to maintain this power (and make it legitimate) in the conditions of the existence of today's Chechnya, simply elections are not enough.
To maintain power, three factors are needed:

1. You must have sufficient strength to carry out your decisions indomitably and clearly;
2. The result of this is popular support and respect for both the leader personally and his course;
3. You must, time after time, at the slightest challenge to your strength, respond to this challenge and win the “battles.” Which, it must be said, Kadyrov still succeeds brilliantly.

Here, speaking metaphorically, Ramzan Kadyrov himself and his republican government represent such a “collective Akela,” the leader of the Pack.
The only thing that really threatened Kipling's Akela was missing at least once while hunting. Show that your strength is extreme.
Naturally, if Kadyrov misses a blow at least once, if he fails to win any battle, competing teips within the Republic will not fail to take advantage of this.

In a sense, Ramzan Kadyrov today is such a “father” of the Chechen people, a defender and guardian of their, the Chechen people’s, good.
By and large, the results of his activities are now very visible in the transformed Grozny, here everything, as they say, can be seen without glasses.

What could be a greater insult in the context of a patriarchal, traditional family, which, figuratively speaking, is Chechen society today, than to reproach the father of this family for not taking good care of his children?
Perhaps few insults could be more offensive.

It seems to me, violent reaction of the Chechen elite arose precisely because Fedor, having published rather harsh words addressed to both the organizers of the tournament and R. Kadyrov himself, hit exactly this painful point.

In addition, Fedor’s words about the unacceptable behavior of spectators and Kadyrov himself are not just the words of an ordinary person, an athlete.
These are the words of a significant center of power in an area in which Caucasian athletes have achieved great results, which is significant for Chechen youth - and this is a serious “power” challenge to the patriarchy of Chechen society.

Ramzan Kadyrov’s enemies, if there is no reaction to such a sharp attack, may well begin to play something like this: “Ramzan is not able to take care of his people, because he does not worry about the health of even his children! He is incapable of being a role model!”
Are you saying this won't work? It probably won’t work in conditions other than a simple, traditional society. How it will be in Chechnya - only Allah knows.

So it turns out that Fedor Emelianenko’s rash words provoked a furious flurry of indignation. The calmest of all, in fact, expressed his thoughts R. Kadyrov himself.

By and large, it is not entirely clear, in light of all of the above, the following:

1. Why did Emelianenko need to bring this essentially technical issue into the realm of public discussion? Surely he could not help but understand, knowing the realities of the Caucasus, to expect that these words would go unnoticed?

2. Why did he, as the President of the Russian MMA Union, react only after the fact? Was the tournament in Grozny, held according to MMA rules, under the auspices of the Russian MMA Union? If the tournament was under the auspices of the MMA Union, then Emelianenko’s lack of information about the scenario is surprising sporting event and, in fact, the absence of the President of the MMA Union at such a representative tournament.

What is noteworthy is that Ramzan Kadyrov himself, in his commentary on Emelianenko’s words, indicated a possible correct way to resolve the issue of children’s fights:

«... I would be sympathetic to the answers and reaction of Fedor Emelianenko for a demonstration performance by boys during the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament, if only he had started by saying a kind word about the tournament and its significance. As a Russian hero and patriot I would congratulate Chechnya on the holidays and note the fact that the first MMA belt was being drawn, came to Chechnya at least once, saw how we hold tournaments and develop sports...»

Here's your answer. The issues that have arisen could be resolved, but not in such a head-on and straightforward manner. Leaving the Chechen elite and Kadyrov “room for maneuver.” Why Emelianenko chose a public “reprimand” to the organizers of the tournament and the leadership of the Chechen Republic is a big question. Who can explain?

In any case, this conflict is not at all what is needed for the development of sports in Russia, and it would be better to nip it out in the bud.

One of the most discussed topics of the week was the correspondence confrontation between Ramzan Kadyrov and Fedor Emelianenko. Krasnoyarsk residents also added their two cents.

This week, a mixed martial arts tournament was held in Grozny, within which fights took place between three children of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, the oldest of whom is not even 11 years old. The young Kadyrovs won their fights, with one of them knocking out his opponent in 16 seconds.

The children's competition was soon criticized by the head of the Russian MMA Union, Fedor Emelianenko, on his Instagram. “What happened yesterday at the tournament in Grozny is not acceptable, and even more so it cannot be justified! ... I’m not even talking about the fact that children under 12 years old are not even allowed into the hall as spectators, but here kids who are 8 years old beat each other in front of joyful adults,” wrote Fedor Emelianenko.

The reaction of the organizers of the battles and Ramzan Kadyrov’s comrades-in-arms was not long in coming. The organizers called the performances demonstrative, and the knockout of the child was declared a “prank.” State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, for example, accused Emelianenko of cowardice: “Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. When you hung up, you didn’t have the courage to talk normally like a man - this is an indicator of your cowardice.”

The new commissioner for children's rights, Anna Kuznetsova, also responded, saying that the situation with children's mixed fights requires verification. However, the Commissioner for Children's Rights in Chechnya, Khamzat Khirahmatov, did not find any violations during the fighting.

Some were sure that Fedor would not apologize.

Someone believed that it would not be the athlete who would ask for forgiveness, but Ramzan Kadyrov himself.

And someone simply knew what it was like to quarrel with the Chechen leader.

The forecasts, of course, did not come true. Ramzan Kadyrov, in his response to Fedor, accused him of violating ethics and morality - for “putting up photos of other people’s children and provoking unflattering comments under them.” “Fedor, you are wrong! Russian heroes don’t act like that!” - Kadyrov added.

Krasnoyarsk residents mostly sided with Emelianenko. The editor-in-chief of Delovoy Kvartal, Alexey Mashegov, for example, put an avatar in support of the athlete and also wrote a column about the conflict. One of her theses: “Emelianenko simply demanded compliance with the rules. Why in that parallel universe, where the main fan of the republic can shout into the microphone at the entire stadium at a Premier League match, “The referee is corrupt, you goat!”, does this cause such anger?”

There were also those who supported the head of the Caucasian republic. For example, Krasnoyarsk wrestler with Chechen roots Buvaysar Saitiev (spelling and punctuation preserved):

"Dear friends! I, like all the many friends and fans of the Akhmat fight club around the world, express my dissatisfaction with the incomprehensible and undignified comments of the President of the Russian MMA Federation Fedor Emelianenko regarding exhibition fights with the participation of the sons of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. Akhmat, Eli, Adam and their opponents demonstrated all the best best qualities which sport brings up in a person, a man! Thus, attracting thousands of their peers to the ranks of sports youth, which is main task such tournaments. These young people, who at such a young age are under a huge burden of responsibility as the grandchildren of the first President of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, have earned the love and respect of the entire Chechen society with their good manners and diligence!”

From the discussion of personalities we moved on to the topic of sports and children’s safety in it.

In the comments they were also interested in Fedor Emelianenko’s opinion about women’s fights.

However, some called for leaving Chechnya alone and paying attention to another part of Russia, where children are being raised to be wimps.

Let us recall that several years ago a famous athlete helped Grisha Mishutkin from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who was suffering from sarcoma. Grisha dreamed of meeting Fedor Emelianenko. He first recorded video letters to the Krasnoyarsk teenager, and then met with him during a visit to Krasnoyarsk. Emelianenko also organized a fundraiser for Mishutkin’s treatment.

Grisha completed the course of treatment, but the disease did not subside, so urgent fundraising continues to help him.