Abdominal bench for home. How to choose a bench for the press What is the name of the board for swinging the press

Many people do their abs on a gymnastics mat, right on the floor. But there is a separate simulator designed for performing exactly these exercises and increasing their effectiveness several times, which everyone forgets about. It is a necessary equipment in the gym; it can be installed at home and even on the street. A simple design, a wide range of models with different functional loads, affordable prices - everything speaks in favor of learning how to use it. This is an ab bench, also called a plank.

What it is

Abdominal board (bench) is a specialized exercise machine for forming muscle relief in the abdominal area. Beautiful cubes, pumped abdominal muscles, absence of fat folds - allows both women and men to achieve good results. At the same time, it can help train other muscle groups:

  • spinal erectors, shin flexors and gluteal muscles (if this is a projectile for the press and hyperextension);
  • pectoralis major and minor, triceps, anterior deltoid muscle (if this is an abdominal and bench press machine).

But most classic-type models are created specifically for the abs and back.

A simple design traditionally includes the following elements:

  • steel frame;
  • bench (long or short);
  • bolsters (or grippers) for legs;
  • support (legs);
  • all kinds of control knobs (to change, for example, the angle of inclination).

This type of exercise machine is convenient for performing body flexion and extension, twisting and other exercises for pumping up the abs. You can do this both in the gym and at home. This equipment is successfully used by professional athletes, amateurs, and beginners in sports.

Why is it useful?

When performed correctly, training has a positive effect not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the body as a whole:

  • if you have extra pounds, it ensures weight loss, as it allows you to burn calories;
  • eliminates fat deposits on the abdomen, removes folds on the sides, makes the waist thinner;
  • forms the relief of the body, including beautiful cubes;
  • accelerates;
  • develops self-confidence;
  • normalizes coordination;
  • gives a feeling of vigor;
  • increases physical abilities;
  • correctly distributes the load between the muscles (compared to pumping the abs on the floor).


Exercising on a press bench puts quite a powerful load on the abdominal and back muscles. Therefore, in case of injuries or any diseases in this part of the body, such training is not recommended. Contraindications include:

  • back injuries;
  • operations in the abdominal cavity or back, after which six months have not yet passed;
  • osteochondrosis, advanced scoliosis;
  • spinal hernia;
  • weakened lower back muscles;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • increased body temperature, general malaise, exacerbation of infections;
  • any internal bleeding.

If you neglect this list of contraindications, complications, exacerbation of existing diseases, and discomfort may occur during or after training. They will have to be eliminated with the help of doctors.

Incorrect exercise technique often leads to consequences such as:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • back or spine injury;
  • expansion of the waist in girls due to overtrained abdominal muscles.

If you experience discomfort in the abdominal cavity after training, you should stop exercising and undergo a medical examination.

How to choose

Despite the simplest design possible, the bench is complete. Some models cost more than $500. Therefore, the choice of this equipment should be taken with full responsibility. First, figure out what type of board is suitable for your training. Secondly, study the technical characteristics on which the effectiveness of the training will depend.


There are different models available on the modern market. They differ not only in brands, prices and appearance, but also in the degree of load placed on different muscle groups and the number of exercises that can be performed on them.

Horizontal, inclined surface

It has one working surface, the angle of which is adjusted using special levers. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises. The most popular and inexpensive bench. In this category you can see the Flexter FLS 012 model.

Flexter FLS 012

Adjustable backrest

Part of the working surface can be refracted and represent a kind of backrest. Externally, such a bench resembles an armchair or chair. Allows you to adjust the angle between the back and pelvis. Increases the number of muscles that can be pumped. Creates an additional boost. You can adjust it to your goals and control the intensity of your classes. Straighten your back - do exercises with dumbbells. If you tilt it, you just pump your abs. Costs slightly more than the previous model. Among the brands, I can recommend Stingrey ST-8227.

Stingrey ST-8227

Curved back

The model is as similar as possible to the previous one. Creates additional reinforcement when performing flexion exercises. Equipped with comfortable bolsters that can be used to secure your legs. Allows you to pump up your abs for those who have lower back problems. An example is the Winner/Oxygen Arc Sit Up Board model.

Winner Arc Sit Up Board

Roman bench

It has a shortened working surface and is equipped with bolsters that fix the legs in a static position. The downside is that it is not disassembled and none of its parts are adjustable. This is a static design. Has a positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. The legs, sandwiched between the rollers, occupy a position at an angle of 90° in relation to the upper body. Trainers love to recommend this exercise machine for girls. An example model is Body Solid PCH24.

Body Solid PCH24


A model that is only conventionally called a bench, because there is practically no working surface for support. Here you can only fix your legs and start swinging due to the resistance of your own weight. One of the best and most popular models is Torneo G-104. You can also look at Inter Atletika Combi St004 or Hoist Hf4263.

Inter Atletika Combi St004

Universal board

It can be either large-sized and include several types of simulators at once, or simpler and lighter. Allows you to pump not only your abs and back, but also other muscle groups. Examples of the model are Finnlo Ab&Back Trainer 3869 or Hoist Hf4664 (3 in 1: abdominal bench, Roman chair, hyperextension).

Finnlo Ab&Back Trainer 3869

For barbell press

Complex design. Allows you to simultaneously pump up the pectoral muscles, triceps and deltoids. Requires appropriate level of physical fitness. Quite a large-scale model of large sizes. Most often installed in gyms. Not suitable for home as it will take up too much space.

Atemi ASB 1000

Criterias of choice


Choose a trusted manufacturer of sporting goods. Unknown fly-by-night companies produce one-off products that fall apart the very next day after purchase. The following are in demand and have proven themselves: Torneo, Kettler, Adidas, Body Sculpture, Domyos, House Fit.

Physical training

Consider your level of physical fitness. Beginners should prefer the classic - a horizontal bench. More advanced ones can choose hyperextension.


The fabric with which the surface is covered should not cause allergies and be durable to withstand loads. The most common complaint about this simulator is that the casing quickly bursts. It is better to choose high quality non-slip synthetic leather. Pay attention to the seams.

The ideal material for the frame is durable steel, and not silumin alloys used in Chinese production.


The clamps should be reliable and not squeeze the legs too tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation. At the same time, they must be held firmly to increase the effectiveness of the exercises and reduce the risk of injury.


If you are looking for an exercise machine to exercise at home, a folding bench will do. This is a compact design that resembles an ironing board. When necessary, they laid them out, finished the workout, folded them and put them away. This saves space.

Balance your weight with the maximum load that the machine can withstand. For many models it is only 100 kg, which means this option is not suitable for pumped up bodybuilders.

When choosing an ab bench, you should first study the market from a theoretical point of view. Select the most suitable models, study reviews on them, and highlight their shortcomings. And only after that go to the sporting goods store to make a purchase.

When inspecting the models, do not hesitate to check the skin and bolsters by touch, the strength of the frame and the mobility of the levers for changing the angle of inclination. Please ask any questions you have to your sales consultant. This is the only way to buy a quality product that will not disappoint after the first use.

Brand rating

To help you navigate the manufacturers and costs, we present to your attention the ten best models.

  1. Adidas ADBE-10230 - horizontal, folding bench. Germany. $150.9.
  2. Kettler Lineo 7428-550 - folding, inclined. Germany. $128.2.
  3. Body Sculpture BSB-625 - universal, with expanders. China. $88.9.
  4. Sport Elit SB 1238-01 - universal, with a negative angle. China. $83.9. (Can be bought at Auchan).
  5. Domyos 500 - folding, inclined. France. $83.1. (Search on Decathlon).
  6. House Fit DH-80151 - with a curved back. USA. $56.2.
  7. Torneo G-104 - hyperextension. China. $31.7. (Sportmaster).
  8. Absolute Champion 1749 - for the abs and back. Russia. $31.7. (Yulmart online store).
  9. Active 2113 - Roman chair. Russia. $27.2. (Metro supermarket).
  10. Leco It Home gp040010 - universal, for the abs and back. Russia. $17.9. (Online store Lecoshop).

A wide range of sports benches for the press are presented in the Decathlon hypermarket. They can also be ordered online in the Decathlon online store. The main brand is Domyos.

How to make it yourself

You can make a press bench with your own hands. This can be an outdoor board or for practicing at home.

How to make a street exercise machine (simple option):

  1. Dig two low posts into the ground with a crossbar between them at the desired height.
  2. Place 3-4 boards of the length you need fastened together on this crossbar.

How to make an exercise machine for exercising at home (simple option):

  1. Connect 3-4 narrow, well-finished boards of the required length together (this can be done with cross beams at the top, middle and bottom).
  2. Place them on one of the compartments of the home wall bars.
  3. Secure with a cross beam holding the boards together at the top.

Those who have the opportunity to get pipes and perform metal welding can make their own inclined bench with a backrest. The dimensions of the main elements and fastening diagrams are shown in the figures below.

How to pump up the press

Operating technique

Correct technique will increase the effectiveness of training and reduce the risk of injury.

  1. Lie down on a work surface.
  2. If there are bolsters, fix your legs in them.
  3. Fold your arms crosswise on your chest.
  4. As you exhale, slowly lift your back off the bench, rounding it (this way the abdominal muscles will be maximally involved in the work).
  5. The angle between the body and legs is selected individually. It can be 90°C, or you can touch your forehead to your knees.
  6. Make sure that the pelvis does not come off the work surface - this greatly shifts the load on the back and legs.
  7. The neck should be perceived as an extension of the spine. You cannot pull it forward or turn your head to the sides - this can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis.
  8. As you inhale, slowly straighten your back and lie down on the work surface.

During the exercise, you must constantly feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. The intensity of flexion/extension is selected depending on physical fitness.

In order to practice correctly, it is useful to know a few more nuances.

  1. Read the instructions from the manufacturer. Follow it strictly.
  2. Watch training videos and master classes that explain and show in detail how to exercise on such a simulator.
  3. To increase the effectiveness of exercises and reduce the risk of injury, do.
  4. Using a bench, train not only your abs, but also your oblique abdominal muscles. Be sure to include bending with your elbows crossing your knees in your training program.
  5. You can perform exercises only 2.5 hours after eating.
  6. To form beautiful cubes, you need to include weight-bearing exercises in your training program.

It seems to many (especially beginners) that the abdominal board is the simplest exercise machine and working on it cannot present any difficulties. However, this is not at all true. With the wrong approach, you can not only fail to achieve results, but also harm your own health.

Training program

To make your classes as effective as possible, you need to create a training program and follow the advice of professionals.

  1. When including exercises on the abdominal bench in the general training program, you should put them at the very end, after the loads.
  2. The ideal load is 3 sets. Men: beginners - 15 times, advanced - 20. Women: beginners - 10, advanced - 15. The numbers can be adjusted depending on individual physical fitness.
  3. Frequency - up to 3 times a week.
  4. Alternate between different types of exercises to evenly train all abdominal muscle groups.
  5. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and reduce the rest time between sets.

Sample training program for a month

Includes inclusion in the general training program. Level of physical fitness - advanced. But classes can be adapted for both beginners and girls if you reduce the number of repetitions and increase the rest time between approaches. At first, you can exercise 2 times a week to give muscles that are not accustomed to such loads more time to recover.

Set of exercises

During the exercises, the rectus abdominis, oblique, serratus and other abdominal muscles are pumped. A slight load falls on the front surface of the thigh.

Abdominal muscles involved during exercise on the bench

Abdominal bench exercises allow you to focus on different areas of the body and train specific muscle groups.

Universal exercises

They will be equally useful for both men and women.

Straight crunches

The exercise primarily works the rectus abdominis muscle. It differs from classic flexion/extension of the body in the position of the arms, the angle of inclination and the amplitude of movement. Demonstrates how to properly pump up your abs on an incline bench.

  1. Set the inclination angle: for beginners and girls - 15-20°, for advanced ones - 30-40°.
  2. Clasp your hands and place them behind your head (not behind your neck!).
  3. Take a position so that the angle between the upper part of the body and the legs is 90°.
  4. Hold for 2-3 seconds.
  5. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself, but do not touch your head and shoulders to the bench. This is the whole point of the exercise: it allows the abs to always be tense.

One of the most important rules for performing straight crunches is to avoid arching your lower back.

Reverse crunches (leg raises)

The exercise pumps up first of all.

  1. Set the inclination angle.
  2. Lie with your back completely on the work surface.
  3. With your hands, firmly grasp the sides of the bench from above. Some models include a special handle for this.
  4. As you exhale, tense your abs, round your back, twist your pelvis and throw your straightened legs up so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Pause for a second.

At first, beginners are allowed to bend their knees when throwing them up. This will make the exercise much easier. Reverse crunches on the bench will allow men to form beautiful cubes, and women will get rid of fat folds in the lower abdomen.

Exercises for men

They require a high level of physical fitness and are intended primarily for the formation of abs in men. Women can also do them, but after they remove belly fat and master the basics, easier exercises can be performed.

Oblique (lateral) twists

Aimed at pumping the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Set the inclination angle.
  2. Secure the legs in the fixing bolsters.
  3. Lie with your back completely on the work surface.
  4. The right hand is placed on the back of the head, the left hand on the thigh.
  5. As you exhale, lift your head, shoulders, and lower back from the working surface, rounding your back.
  6. Try to reach your left knee with the elbow of your right hand, while twisting your body to the left.
  7. Hold for 2 seconds.
  8. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself without touching the bench with your head and shoulders.
  9. Now the left hand is placed on the back of the head, the right hand on the thigh.
  10. Twist to the right side.


To perform the exercise you will need a special bench and good physical preparation.

  1. Place yourself in the machine face down and forward.
  2. The front roller is on the line of the body and hips. The lower one is above the Achilles tendon.
  3. Clasp your hands and place them behind your head.
  4. As you exhale, bend down until an angle of 80° is formed. The back is as straight as possible.
  5. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Straight crunches with weights

Men will benefit from including weighted straight crunches in their program. A barbell or dumbbell plate is grabbed with both hands. While performing the exercise, they can either be held above your head or pressed to your chest.

Exercises for girls

Double crunches

Works the abs and thighs. Get rid of. Makes the buttocks more elastic.

  1. Lie with your back completely on a horizontal work surface.
  2. With your hands, firmly grasp the sides of the bench or the special handle on top.
  3. Lift your straightened legs off the floor so that they are parallel to the floor when suspended.
  4. Raise your back from the bench 30°.
  5. As you exhale, take a sitting position, simultaneously pulling your legs bent at the knees towards your chest.
  6. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  7. As you inhale, slowly lower your legs without touching the floor so that they again form parallel.

Quite a difficult but effective exercise.


Allows you to remove belly fat and make this part of the body smooth and beautiful. The main thing is to avoid arching in the lower back.

  1. Set the inclination angle.
  2. Lie with your back completely on the work surface.
  3. With your hands, firmly grasp the sides of the bench or the special handle on top.
  4. Lift your legs off the floor so that they are parallel to the floor when suspended.
  5. As you exhale, tighten your abs and round your back.
  6. Alternately pull your right and left knee to your chest, while straightening the other leg.

Properly selected and correctly performed abdominal exercises on a bench will allow both women and men to achieve their dream figure in the abdominal area. The main thing is regular training, patience and following the program.

Having decided to improve my physical fitness a little (or rather, to return to my normal weight, which will allow me to move faster around the court and jump higher), about two months ago I went to the gym.

Yes, one more important point: since I don’t understand exercise equipment very well, I asked my colleagues from the “Sport Sparta” website to help me. So they will talk, and I will periodically insert my “comments”. Begin.

A beautiful and healthy body is the dream of every man and every woman, regardless of age and status in society. And a toned, flat stomach and good abs have long been considered an integral part of a beautiful body. For athletes this is a necessity. Both boxers and basketball players need strong abs. In order to get it, many torture themselves with unpleasant diets, and at the same time they do not always get what they want. Because you can only get beautiful abs through physical exercise. And now we’ll talk about press benches - those exercise machines that help you get the perfect press.

Here I don’t quite agree: abdominal exercises will create the abs themselves. But for it to manifest itself (especially if you are an endomorph), you will need a diet.

What are the benefits of an ab bench?

Of course, you can practice at home, on a mat. But this is not very convenient and not as effective, because the mat may not be soft enough, causing the exercises to cause discomfort and a desire to finish them as soon as possible, and the lack of footrest can become another problem. And abdominal benches are designed precisely in such a way as to effectively work out the abdominal muscles. But the exercises that are performed on the abdominal bench also have a good effect on the muscles of the thighs, back, buttocks, and even the muscles of the shoulder girdle, if you perform special exercises with weights. You can view, select and buy press benches on this website.

Ab bench, Roman chair or hyperextension?

Abdominal benches are a general concept that includes, in fact, an abdominal bench, and a Roman chair - its variety, and hyperextension, and a multifunctional universal bench.

  • Standard benches for the press are benches with an adjustable angle of inclination and fasteners (rollers) for the legs. This simulator is used primarily for pumping the abdominal muscles - rectus and oblique muscles, as well as to work the back muscles.

My training begins with this bench. The angle of inclination allows you to better work the muscles and prevents them from relaxing at the lowest point. And if you take a small “pancake”, place it behind your head and do exercises with it, your abdominal muscles begin to work much more efficiently.

  • Roman chair. The Roman chair is a more complicated version of the bench, when there is another pair of leg fasteners so that the legs are at right angles to the body. In this position, it is harder to pump the abs, which provides a more noticeable result, and it is also convenient to do crunches to work the oblique abdominal muscles and exercises for the shoulder girdle.
  • Hyperextension. Hyperextension is a machine that consists of two pillows and leg braces, designed primarily to develop the muscles of the back and buttocks, which is carried out by lifting the torso from an inclined position while being face down on the machine.

And with this simulator the training ends. We all know how important back training is for basketball players, right? That's right, and despite the fact that you (maybe) squat or deadlift, I recommend not ignoring hyperextension.

  • Universal bench. For users who want to do complex exercises, we can recommend universal benches that are adjustable so that they can be used depending on their needs.

Choosing a bench for the press

How to choose the right press bench for yourself and what characteristics and features should you pay attention to?

  1. Design. First, you need to inspect the structure itself - the frame of the bench must be made of strong material that can withstand heavy loads, preferably steel.
  2. Materials. Secondly, the exercise machine cushions should be upholstered in a material that will not wear out from regular exercise. Usually these are high-quality synthetic materials, leather substitutes. It is better that this material is hypoallergenic.
  3. Foot bolsters. Thirdly, leg braces should also be padded with hypoallergenic durable material and be soft and wide enough so as not to cause discomfort during exercise.
  4. Angle adjustment. And finally, one of the most important characteristics is the tilt angle adjustment. The larger the range by which you can change the angle of inclination, the more users the bench will suit, and the more effective the exercises will be, since the effect also depends on the angle of inclination.
  5. Manufacturer. In addition to quality characteristics, you need to remember about the manufacturer. It is always better to choose a well-known manufacturer whose name will be a guarantee of quality. For a long time, American manufacturers have held the palm in the production of exercise equipment, and abdominal benches are no exception. Abdominal benches from manufacturers HOIST, FINNLO and INTERATLETIKA enjoy well-deserved respect.
  6. Compliance with room dimensions. When choosing a bench for the press, it is worth deciding on where it will need to be placed, and, depending on this, choosing a bench with a solid structure or a folding one, which is more suitable for a small room. If the room allows, it is better to take a universal bench, which makes it possible to diversify the exercises.

As you can see, choosing a bench for the press is not difficult, and the main thing here is to decide on your own desires and capabilities. Choose a suitable bench for your abs and exercise with pleasure! The team of the online store for exercise equipment “Sport Sparta”.

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A flat and toned tummy is the dream of many people. However, not every one of us is ready to exhaust ourselves with training every day and go on special diets. In such situations, sports equipment comes to the rescue. They allow you to quickly correct your figure, pump up problem areas, and strengthen your abs. Let's figure out which sports equipment provides amazing results and allows you to see six-pack abdominal muscles in the shortest possible time.

Professional and home abdominal exercise equipment

An abdominal exercise machine (for abdominal muscles) is an indispensable thing for a person who does not have time to regularly visit the gym, but who really wants to have attractive abs. Such sports equipment has a narrowly targeted effect aimed at working the abdominal muscles.

Today there is a large assortment of exercise machines on sale that can quickly pump up the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. They are divided into 2 main types: professional and home.

Professional simulators. As a rule, they are used in gyms and rehabilitation centers and require the development of certain skills, knowledge, as well as good physical fitness. It will be quite difficult for a person who is new to such a unit to understand the mechanism without outside help.

Such sports equipment has a large number of advantages:

  • has good durability (simulators are made of especially strong and wear-resistant materials and parts, usually with reinforcement, and cope well with increased loads);
  • professional units can be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • The exercise machines are designed for amateurs and athletes who play sports professionally.

Home exercise equipment. They are easy to use, give good results with regular training and do not require special physical training. Any person who dreams of shaping their stomach can exercise on such exercise machines.

Other benefits of home ab exercises

  • saving money (no need to buy a gym membership);
  • the trainee himself regulates the frequency of training and the level of load;
  • saving time (you don’t have to waste time traveling by public or other transport back and forth);
  • hygiene (sports equipment will not be used by anyone except you);
  • the opportunity to create your own special training atmosphere (play a rhythmic melody, favorite movie, etc.).

The most commonly used exercise machines at home are:

  • press bench;
  • Beresh loops;
  • bars;
  • video clip;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • Swedish wall;
  • all kinds of electrical exercise equipment, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

The most affordable and easy-to-use option is. Do you have such sports equipment in your house? Great! Regular training on the board will help strengthen your abdominal muscles and achieve good results quite quickly.

The advantage of such a simulator is not only ease of use and relatively low price, but also functionality: it can be used not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and pump up the buttocks. Such exercise machines take up very little space and can be installed even in a small room.

Additional Information. Abdominal board exercises are repeated many times. Several approaches provide a good flow of oxygen and improve metabolism, which, in turn, helps burn extra pounds and lose weight.

Types of boards for the press

Typical ab bench. Can be located at different angles. A larger angle of inclination of the board requires more effort and allows you to achieve the desired result faster. Such boards are the most affordable in price - within 2 thousand rubles.

Boards with adjustable backrest. Ideal for training several muscle groups: abdominal, back, waist, buttocks. The average price of such a simulator is 3 thousand rubles.

Benches with curved back. Training on this type of simulator takes place with an increased level of load. Most often, such units are chosen by people with good physical fitness and professional athletes.

« Roman benches for the press. The most “advanced” type of simulators. Allows you to pump your abs with your legs raised. They cost an order of magnitude more. With regular training, they help quickly form beautiful abdominal muscles.

Additional Information. Most modern exercise boards have additional equipment: massage rollers, special springs, etc., which increase the functionality and efficiency of sports equipment.

The press bench has virtually no disadvantages. However, it can be difficult for tall people to choose a board that suits their height. To train other muscle groups, it will be necessary to purchase other sports equipment.

How to effectively and correctly pump your abs on a bench (video)

Press bench. An affordable and easy way to pump up your abdominal muscles. A set of simple to perform but very effective exercises on a bench.

It is one of the most effective devices for forming beautiful abs and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Even though this type of exercise equipment is considered a cardio machine, it allows you to work many muscle groups. An elliptical trainer is a successful combination of a treadmill, a “bike” and a stepper. Such equipment is used not only at home when creating a home gym, but also in professional fitness centers and “gyms”.

During training on an elliptical trainer, all major muscle groups are involved. The trainee feels the slowness and synchronization of movements, which is felt in every part of the body. The pedals of the simulator move along an oval trajectory, reminiscent of an ellipse (hence the corresponding name). Due to the fact that all movements are performed very smoothly, the load on joints and tendons is minimal.

Special handles of the exercise machine allow you to effectively pump the muscles of the arms, back and abdominals. At the same time, the spine is not subjected to increased axial load, which is especially important for people who want to, but cannot, play sports due to problems with the spinal column.

The anaerobic exercise provided by the elliptical trainer allows you to saturate the body's cells with oxygen. What do we have as a result? Increased endurance and minimal feeling of fatigue.

Important! To achieve the desired results, you must remember that beautiful abs are the result of regular physical activity using a machine. Short-term and irregular training will not allow you to achieve your goal.

Before you start training on this type of simulator, you need to decide on your physical fitness, physical capabilities, and only after that choose the level of load and draw up an individual training program.

The second name is myostimulators. These are special devices that make it possible to tone the abdominal muscles without effort on the part of the trainee. The creators of electric exercise machines assure that it is quite possible to achieve the desired result without grueling workouts, a regular diet and other unpleasant stresses.

During operation, the device directs electrical discharges to the muscles located in the abdominal area (abdominal muscles) and causes them to contract. Today there is a large assortment of all kinds of electrical exercise equipment on sale. To pump up the abdominal muscles, exercise equipment of the so-called local type (shorts, belts) is used.

Fitball is a multifunctional sports device that will be a real boon for a person who watches their figure and dreams of strengthening their abdominal muscles. They can be used by all family members, including children. Fitball is a simulator that is suitable for people of different ages, different body types and levels of physical fitness.

Pumping up your abdominal muscles on a fitball is a rather interesting type of training. To achieve good results, you should select a special exercise program and conduct classes regularly.

Among the advantages of such a simulator are the following: ease of operation, long service life, low price, good efficiency, versatility.

Find out what abdominal exercises you can do on a fitball -.


A fairly common and beloved exercise machine that allows you to pump not only the abdominal muscles, but also other muscle groups - the muscles of the back, arms, legs, buttocks. To regularly practice on the uneven bars, you don’t have to visit a gym or go to a sports ground near your home. There are a large number of compact mini-exercise machines on sale at very affordable prices that can be used at home. They are easily and conveniently mounted on the wall and combine the functions of a horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Bars have only one drawback - the difficulty of performing the exercises. Therefore, such simulators are chosen mainly by men or professional athletes. For women and people “far from sports,” practicing on the uneven bars can become an overwhelming burden.

Experienced athletes advise regularly practicing on the uneven bars to achieve maximum effect. All exercises should be done very smoothly and slowly, so as not to damage the ligaments or get a muscle strain.

On the simulator you can perform crunches, leg raises and lowerings, “corners”, “scissors”, etc.

The main feature of using parallel bars is a small number of repetitions of each exercise due to the increased load.

To have toned abs and an attractive flat tummy, you don’t have to regularly visit the gym. A more convenient and simpler option is to train at home. In this case, modern abdominal exercise machines will come to the rescue, which allow you to quickly form beautiful cubes on your stomach and strengthen some other muscle groups. Whatever exercise machine you choose, remember: the effect of training will only be if the exercises are regular and the diet is balanced.

Many of those for whom sports have become a part of their lives seek to diversify their workouts to make them better and more productive. To achieve this, almost everyone tries to join a gym or create optimal conditions for exercising at home, because only with the help of additional sports equipment and equipment can maximum results be achieved. And one of the effective assistants in creating beautiful relief forms can rightfully be considered an abdominal bench. So, what exercises on the abdominal bench should be included in your training program, we will tell you below.

A wide variety of exercises allows you to work out different muscle groups located in the abdominal area. But to get the desired result, it is important to exercise regularly and know how to correctly do certain movements in accordance with the technique.

Types and features of simulators

Before moving on to exercises on the abdominal board, it is worth giving some advice to those who are just deciding to buy such a machine. It should be noted right away that at the moment sports equipment stores offer various types of benches for the press, which, at first glance, do not have any fundamental differences. However, this is far from the case, and before choosing the most suitable type of simulator, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them.

On the sporting goods market, the best-selling exercise equipment is definitely the abdominal bench. Firstly, it is cheap compared to other professional and multifunctional exercise machines. And secondly, it is great for training at home, where an inexperienced athlete often begins his journey in sports.

Budget press trainers are represented by the brands Body Solid, Stingrey, Body Sculpture, Atemi, Torneo and others. When choosing between models from these companies, be sure to consider the following:

  • your level of physical fitness;
  • body weight;
  • the frequency of your training on the simulator in the future;
  • What is the state of your back and spine health?

Considering that the price of budget press simulators is set taking into account the materials used in the production of structures, it is recommended to pay attention to the body and the quality of the upholstery fabric, because they must withstand decent physical loads.

5 types of bench

So, what kind of board can a girl or guy buy for home workouts so that abdominal pumping is safe and productive?

  1. A folding exercise machine with an inclined surface is an excellent option for small spaces and people whose weight does not reach 100 kg. An inclined board for the press allows you to effectively pump up the press every day, focusing on working out the lower abdominal area.
  2. A folding press machine with an adjustable surface is ideal for athletes with an average level of physical fitness and low body weight. During training on it, the athlete can adjust the level of inclination of the board, which allows him to choose which abdominal muscle groups will be more involved in the training.
  3. A folding press bench with a curved surface is an option for athletes with an above-average level of physical fitness. It can be used by people with low body weight and sufficient experience in sports.
  4. A non-dismountable Roman chair is a type of exercise equipment for people with any level of training, body weight and height not exceeding average. Since such structures are usually non-removable and non-adjustable, it will be very difficult for tall people to use them for their intended purpose.
  5. The compact Torneo hyperextension exercise machine is the most practical and effective exercise machine for those who exercise at home and have an average level of physical fitness. Training on it makes abdominal pumping the most productive, allowing you to work out the lower abs, develop the muscles of the lumbar region, hips and buttocks.

When choosing a suitable press simulator, you need to focus not only on your level of training and the cost of the design, but also on the quality of the materials, as well as how practical the installation will be. After all, many folding benches make street training possible, more effective and beneficial for the body.

For craftsmen who are able to make exercise equipment with their own hands, there is an original option - to make a bench yourself, taking into account the individual parameters of your body. In this case, a drawing will be useful for making your own structure, the type of which you like the most. At the moment, similar drawings can be found on the Internet so that, following the instructions, you can make your own simulator.

List of exercises for training on the simulator

So, you have chosen which press bench will be most suitable for you and decided to buy/make it yourself. Now all that’s left to do is create an individual set of exercises for working out on the abdominal bench.

And before you start testing exercises for pumping up the abs on a bench, it is important to know the specifics of their implementation:

  • When performing movements, you should tense your abdominal muscles to increase the effectiveness of your actions.
  • It is important to perform all movements at a leisurely pace. Especially if you have moved up to a higher level of training and use a dumbbell or other type of weights during your workout.
  • The main effort (flexion) while working on the simulator should be carried out on exhalation, and on inhalation – extension.
  • As the angle of the bench increases, the load on the muscles also increases.

4 basic exercises

Now you can move on to the main training part. The lesson may include the following abdominal exercises:

Other effective exercises for pumping up the abs on the machine, which can be included in a home workout program, are on video.

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You can count on maintaining a slim body and maintaining good health only with regular exercise. In particular, those who want to pump up their abdominal area until they get the coveted six-pack should pay attention to special sports equipment. So, even the most standard abdominal bench can help you get a perfect flat stomach literally within a month.

How indispensable is a bench for training?

This exercise machine becomes simply indispensable in cases where it is necessary to quickly get rid of folds in the abdominal area, remove excess fat from the waist, and make the muscles more prominent. By the way, such a bench is suitable for the abs and back, and helps pump up the buttocks and thighs.

Regular exercise on the bench has the most positive effect on the condition of the internal organs and forces the body systems to work with increased activity. Physical activity allows you to get rid of stress, improve morale and force you to show willpower to achieve your goals.

Abdominal bench: main types

There are separate types of simulators for this purpose. They differ from each other not only in design, but also in the degree of load on individual muscle areas:

  1. Bench with horizontal plane - contains a flat, non-adjustable surface. With such a simulator, it will be quite easy for beginner athletes to perform the exercise. A press bench of this type can cost approximately 1,500-2,000 rubles.
  2. Bench with an adjustable back - contains fastenings for fixing the plane at individual angles. Using the simulator allows you to work out individual zones with reinforcement. The price on the domestic market starts from 2500 rubles.
  3. A press bench with a curved plane is ideal for performing elements that focus on bending. Such simulators cost about 2500-3500 rubles.
  4. Roman bench - contains bolsters for securing the feet in a static position. Allows you to place increased stress on the abdominal area due to the lack of support under your back. Prices here start from 4,000 rubles.
  5. Universal bench - the design features of the simulator open up the possibility of pumping not only the abdominal area, but also the legs and back. As a rule, it is used as an element of complex training equipment.

Manufacturing materials

Of course, the higher quality bases are used to produce the simulator, the longer it will serve its owner. To count on the longest possible operation of the press bench, you should give preference to products with a steel frame. Wood and plastic are lightweight, but can be deformed. In general, the greater the difference between the permissible load and the weight of the athlete, the higher the resistance of the simulator to damage.

As for the nature of the upholstery, it is recommended to purchase a bench covered with a non-marking, dense material. Foam rubber fillers absorb unpleasant odors well and wear out quickly. Therefore, it is better to give preference to silicone or crushed rubber crumbs. When choosing a bench, the presence of neat, strong seams, the absence of glue stains and protruding threads is welcomed. All this indicates the decent quality of the upholstery.

When choosing a simulator for training the abdominal area, it is recommended to use anti-allergenic materials as materials. Otherwise, quite unpleasant reactions on the skin may occur as a result of the surface of the bench coming into contact with the body.

When choosing a bench for abdominal training, special attention should be paid to the following:

  1. The simulator should have a convenient and simple adjustment system. This will allow each family member to train based on their personal needs.
  2. Before buying a bench, you should check it in action once again.
  3. It is advisable that the elements that come into contact with the body during active body movements are covered with soft and sufficiently durable material to avoid bruises and contusions.

Do-it-yourself abdominal bench

There are several ways to make your own bench for pumping the abdominal muscles. Let's focus on the simplest and most accessible.

To make a bench for the press, it is enough to get a strong board about 40 cm wide and no less than the height of the tallest user who plans to exercise with the help of the device. As a means of changing the inclination, it is worth using a wooden block; it is placed on one of the ends of the bench. The latter will act as the basis for hooking the bench onto the ladders of the wall bars.

To stay on the board, you can fix your feet to the crossbar, which is located immediately above the end of the bench. However, for these purposes it is more convenient to attach a strong belt to the end of the product.


As you can see, the selection of a bench for abdominal training should be approached as carefully as possible, not only paying attention to the above recommendations, but also based on personal, specific needs. Buy a truly ergonomic, high-quality and functional exercise machine, and the exercises will be beneficial, satisfying and safe.