Power station for the home: how to make the right choice. WoW Legion Guide to Suramar: World Quests, Reputation, Ancient Mana Fallen Moon's Leyline

The Broken Isles has a lot to admire: the dark beauty of Suramar, the lush lands of Val'shar, the rocky highlands of Stormheim - a rich landscape filled with secrets... and demons (we'll try to figure them out). Traveling through the Broken Isles and repelling the attacks of the Burning Legion, you You might have missed a couple of important spots. From dangerous mountain paths to remote remote islands, with our help you will find the most difficult to reach places in Legion. Good luck, explorers!

For those who use modifications or macros, we have provided in the article a list and coordinates of all the places that need to be found.

Highmountain: Ironhorn Enclave

Why is it difficult to get here? You will need to walk along a narrow path leading to the very top of the mountain. It is quite easy to lose your way, and the climbs can be very steep. Make sure you have reliable transportation and warm clothing. (Hint: there's a lot of snow there.)

Start at the Thunder Totem, turn north and go up the hill. At its top, turn sharply to the right, thereby avoiding a fight with monsters, and move along the right bank of the river. A little to the left there will be a wooden bridge over the river. Cross it, take a right and go uphill along the path. You will pass under the flags, and the snow-covered road itself will twist left and right. In some areas the passages will be very narrow and the climbs will be steep. But you still need to continue your way up until you reach an observation point next to the abyss. You will see a wooden bridge that clearly needs repairs. Take courage and carefully walk along it. Once on the other side, turn slightly to the left and begin your descent. After a while you will need to turn sharply to the right and follow a rocky road to a small village. Turn left and, after crossing the source, follow the path to the top. You are probably pretty tired and chilled now, but the air path is open! Click on the green exclamation mark and rejoice that you now have the opportunity to comfortably descend from the top through the air. Congratulations! You have found the Ironhorn Enclave!

Highmountain: Strelka's Shelter

Why is it difficult to get here?? This is the stronghold of the Hunter class, and if your character belongs to another class, then you will be teleported from here just a few seconds after you open this area. Apparently, hunters don't really like guests.

To find the Gunner's Rest, use the Ernestway Air Trail. Turn right, go up the hill, and continue up and left past the Pine Rocks Downstalkers and Sooty-hoofed Hillwalkers. In front of you will be the entrance to the cave. Turn right and continue climbing. On the left you will see a river. Cross it and emerge onto the road leading up the hill to the Gunner's Shelter. Non-hunter characters will be automatically teleported to Earnestway's air path. And yet the result was worth it! You have found a place where hunters gather... to be alone.

Stormheim: Watcher's Rock

Why is it difficult to get here?? It's an island, so you'll have to swim. You will also have to overcome high rocks. Nothing special.

Begin your journey from the Storm Foothills Air Trail, heading east to the cliffs. You need to cross Storm's End and then turn left. On the way to the easternmost point of the cliffs, you will see a narrow, steep path leading to the shore. A group of young sharks will be swimming in the water, but, fortunately, they are well-fed and not aggressive. You can swim yourself or summon a water vehicle. Swim over to the island on the right and you'll reach Watchman's Rock. Congratulations! You have found a small island. Did you forget the flag?

Stormheim: Isle of the Abandoned Shield

Why is it difficult to get here?? Not everyone loves to swim (see above).

Set sail from Watchman's Rock and head for the eastern shore of the Island of the Abandoned Shield. The air trail point is located right on the shore. If you want to explore the island, you can avoid encountering groups of elite monsters by using grappling hooks. Be on guard at all times: this is a dangerous place for those lacking courage (or good equipment). There's even a local boss here. Congratulations! Now you know how to fly to another very dangerous place!

Val'shara: Valley of the Mists

Why is it difficult to get here?? The Valley of Mists, located in the northeast of Val'shari, can be reached along narrow paths.

Start at Starsong Vault and follow the road to the northwest. Without passing under the arch, turn right and start climbing the hill. Next you will pass the Ashmane Gate. Go straight and you will find yourself in the Valley of Mists. Congratulations! You have discovered an area that is not difficult to find... if you know the area well.

Look like that's it?

Have you forgotten anything? If we missed something, write about it in the comments and we will add it! For more detailed review(with video!) refer you to Varenne's excellent tutorial on Wowhead.





Aggramar's Vault 47.2 ; 44.8
Dreadwyck Camp 55.6 ; 73.6
Outpost Greymane 72.0 ; 60.0
Haustwald 73.4 ; 39.7
Nashala's Mouth 38.8 ; 20.4
Nastrondir 44.9 ; 37.0
Rune Forest 71.5 ; 50.1
Skold-Achil 65.7 ; 62.6
Claw's Rest 51.4 ; 57.0
Waldisdall 60.4 ; 51.1
Black-billed Cliff 33.9 ; 34.7
Bloody Grotto 75.2 ; 54.8
Gate of Valor 65.5 ; 62.2
Hridshal 44.3 ; 64.5
Morhaime 80.1 ; 59.2
Watchman's Rock 69.9 ; 22.0
Island of the Abandoned Shield 77.8 ; 6.7
Storm's End 59.1 ; 31.2
Waveskorn Harbor 58.0 ; 44.4
Weeping Cliffs 34.5 ; 51.3

Strength training is very popular among both men and women. It is wrong to believe that this type of exercise is only needed by professional bodybuilders. This is an integral part of any training process. However, not everyone has the time and opportunity to attend. The question arises: is it possible to fully train on your own without leaving home? Is it possible to achieve the same successes and progress as athletes who train in gyms? professional equipment? This is quite possible, but only for this you will have to purchase a special sports simulator.

What you need to know before buying

It's no secret that sports stores now have a very large selection of different exercise machines for all muscle groups. They are no worse in quality and functionality than those found in gyms. But choosing them is not so easy.

First, you need to decide what effect you want to ultimately achieve and answer a number of questions for yourself:

  • what do you want - reset excess weight, dial muscle mass or just exercise for your health and keep fit;
  • where will the exercise machine be located, is there enough space for it in your apartment;
  • how many people plan to exercise on the simulator;
  • how much time you are going to devote to classes;
  • should the simulator be folded;
  • how much money are you expecting?

What types of strength training equipment are there?

By the way, there are not many of them. Simulators are divided into strength training into 3 groups:

  • own weight (horizontal bars, ;
  • barbells, dumbbells, weights;

Let's take a closer look at what a power station for such a simulator is, and what you need to pay special attention to.

What are the advantages of a power station?

This is for a home that includes racks, bench, traction blocks. It combines several different exercise machines at once, which means it uses all muscle groups. This is its main advantage. If you need to use several different exercise machines in your workout, here everything is brought together. The power station allows several athletes to exercise at once. Everyone will train according to their own program.

Disadvantages of the simulator

Perhaps there will be no negative impressions from a properly selected simulator. There are just a couple of disadvantages that a home power station has. Reviews about it often agree that this is an excellent option for those who can afford it. This refers to the price and considerable space that should be freed up for the simulator.

Firstly, the power station is a stationary exercise machine, which means it cannot be folded. You will have to devote at least 6-8 square meters to it. You cannot place such equipment between pieces of furniture (for example, a closet and a bed), as this is dangerous.

Secondly, the price of a good full-fledged station will be at least 100 thousand rubles. Despite the fact that an annual subscription to Gym It will also cost a lot of money, but this amount is still impressive.

Where is the best place to buy?

You cannot make a power station for your home yourself. This is a large one that is already assembled and can be bought in many places. The best option is sporting goods store. It is always more pleasant to first touch and try the thing you are buying. When choosing a strength trainer, you should not rely entirely on the seller’s point of view or reviews on the Internet. Take a look for yourself and evaluate whether a particular power station is right for your home. A photo will not convey reality in any way, not to mention the fact that it may differ from reality.

In the store, you can even try the simplest exercise to get a feel for the machine. And only after you are completely sure that it suits you, you can look into the online store. Often the same exercise machines are presented there, only cheaper than in stores.

How to make the right choice

Before purchasing, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Exercise machine frames. The best material is sheet steel. Its service life directly depends on this.
  • Cables. They must be strong, reliable and typically able to withstand weights of up to 700 kg.
  • Adjustment. The simulator should allow you to change the height and inclination.
  • Change of load. The process of changing loads should be quick and convenient.
  • Safety. Cables and weights must be protected, and the clamps must be held securely in their sockets.
  • Manufacturer and its guarantees. You shouldn't skimp on a product like a trainer. This can affect the most precious thing - health. It is better if the power station is from a well-known manufacturer, which, according to all the rules, must provide a guarantee for it for at least 5 years.

pay special attention

It is better to select any strength training device (and a strength station is no exception) with a professional, that is, with a trainer. It will be great if the first training session takes place under his careful supervision.

If you have recently suffered an injury, be especially careful when choosing a machine. Perhaps in this case it will be safer and more useful to replace the power station with body weight machines.

Thus, if you want to keep fit, improve your body, be healthy and beautiful, then it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time traveling to the gym and money to buy a subscription. All basic strength exercises can be performed at home by purchasing a multifunctional exercise machine such as a power station. The main thing is to approach such a serious purchase very seriously.

in WoW Legion full of secrets and mysteries, and although the surroundings of the once great city are now, albeit picturesque, but still ruins, the city itself is still bustling with life. The adventurer has access to the most eventful Legion location only at level 110, but a huge pile of quests, two Mythic dungeons, a raid and, in general, a lot of interesting things are definitely worth the wait.

There is a lot to do in Suramar, and first of all you can admire the local landscapes - they, as always in World of Warcraft, are simply mesmerizing. But these are little things, the most important thing begins after Khadgar himself contacts you to ask for help with some interesting matter (quest “Khadgar’s Discovery”) - this is where the plot of Suramar starts.

There is no need to talk about the plot - there are complete spoilers, so just know that the plot of Suramar is worth following and completing it completely, and besides, there is a good reward for this in the form of reputation, gold, artifact power and even an epic mount, but let's talk about all this in order.

This guide will help newbies navigate Suramar, as well as those who just want to make sure they haven't missed anything. For convenience, it is divided into several sections.

In general, the Nightfallen story quests do not pose any difficulties, but it is worth mentioning the Telemancer Oculeth. Soon after you meet him, Oculet asks you to pick up some things from his old home, and during the quest “The Subtle Art of Telemancy” you find yourself in a teleport system. Finding the ones you need is quite simple - the Oculet tools are located in the Distortion Laboratory and the Telemetry Laboratory, but there are also a couple of secrets hidden here.

The “library” teleport will take you to a distorted space, from which Oculet will hasten to pull you out, but if you examine the distortion more carefully, you can discover hidden treasures. To prevent Oculet from “saving” you ahead of time, you need to quickly get to one of the shining purple circles and follow this way until the end of the distortion. At the exit, a statue of an elf and a reward in the form of a chest with change and artifact power will be waiting for you.

Next, Thalyssra will send you to explore the Anor Basin on the quest “Connecting to the Ley Lines”. Valtrois, who is right there, will not be happy to see you, but when she finds out about Thalyssra, she will become much more accommodating. Together with Valtrois, you need to activate the ley line of the Anor Basin, and the puzzle itself that is proposed to be solved is extremely simple, but after activating the ley line, you get the opportunity to activate other ley lines throughout Suramar. It’s better to take care of this in advance, since later in the story you will still be forced to run around all the hiding places, and it will be better if you don’t have to run that much.

Side quests

The side quests of Suramar are as intricate as the plot ones, and sometimes even surpass them. The main reward for completing them will, again, be the power of the artifact, but you won’t be able to get the achievement “Good Suramaritan” without them either.

If you've ever walked past the vrykul settlement of Yandvik, where vrykul and naga fight day and night, you've probably noticed that both of them don't like you. However, you can become the Jarl of Yandvik - you can begin the plot of this settlement in the forest not far from the village, where a vrykul lady named Toril is just waiting for someone to help her drive away the naga.

In addition to the power of the artifact, several portions of ancient mana and the useless title of Jarl of Yandvik, you will also get the ability to breathe underwater and swim quickly in the nearby bay, and since several local quests take place there, such a reward will definitely be useful.

There, in the city of the nightborne, you can complete the quest chain “Blood and Wine” and receive the pet Unbound Mana Wyrm for the quest “Balance as a Gift”.

One of the world quests in Suramar sends you to train the withered ones so that they can become useful. The goal of training the withered is to reach the Telemancer Oculeth at the other end of the ruins and at the same time survive, bringing at least one wither with you. This is not as easy to do as it might seem, but with the right approach anything is possible.

  • Material from World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

    Suramar(English: Suramar) was a great city of the night elves, in which the Temple of Elune stood. During the War of the Ancients, the local highborne made sure to close the Burning Legion portal that threatened the city. They created the Nightwell and an enchanted barrier that protected part of the city from the Great Schism. Much of Suramar sank to the bottom of the ocean, including the Temple of Elune, which later became the Tomb of Sargeras and was raised to the top by Gul'dan.

    Now both the city and the territories that surround it are called Suramar. Over ten thousand years, the night elves who lived here and absorbed the energy of the Nightwell turned into nightborne. When Gul'dan from the alternative Draenor arrived here with an offer from the Burning Legion, Grand Master Elisande, who had ruled the city since ancient times, announced an alliance with the demons. The inhabitants of Suramar, who did not agree with Elisande's decision, died or fled and became darkened.

    The heroes of Azeroth, who helped the darkened to get back on their feet and organize an uprising, carried out several invasion operations: into the Catacombs of Suramar, into the Quarter of Stars and into the Citadel of the Night, where Gul'dan settled down.

    Ancient history

    Suramar was one of the largest cities of the growing night elf civilization. It was a center of spiritual culture and home to the Sisterhood of Elune, a priestly order of women who worshiped the moon goddess. Priestesses controlled almost every aspect of civilization, serving as spiritual leaders and helping to protect territories from external threats. The largest Temple of Elune was built in the city, where the high priestess of the goddess lived.

    Agreement with Gul'dan

    The source of information in this section is the supplement Legion to World of Warcraft.

    When the new invasion of the Burning Legion began, Gul'dan, who arrived from the alternate Draenor and opened portals in the Tomb of Sargeras, met with Grand Master Elisande and her advisers. He warned that the barrier that protects the city would eventually fall anyway, and suggested Elisande's choice was to die after the demonic invasion or become honorary allies of the Legion. The Warlock wanted to drink from the Night Well, and this would be payment for the lives of the nightborne. Elisande was given three days to think, during which she had to voluntarily remove the barrier.

    Elisande did not leave the palace for several days while the advisers worriedly discussed what decision the Grand Master would make. On the third day, she said she had thought about all the possible ways things could go. Elisande always put the welfare of the Nightborne above her own desires, and obedience to the Legion was her only chance of survival. The first sorceress Thalyssra, who was an adviser, tried to rebel against Elisande, but all her allies died or fled from Suramar.

    The barrier was removed, and a group of demons, led by Gul'dan, entered the city. The warlock said that he would save the city, titles and wealth of the nightborne, but in return the Legion would receive everything they wanted. Later, demons arrived in Suramar, among whom was a reborn Nathrezim Tichondrius, closely monitoring the actions of Gul'dan. The warlock himself took possession of the Eye of Aman "Thul and began making attempts to contact Sargeras through the Night Well, located in the Citadel of Night.

    Salvation of the Darkened

    Khadgar, claiming to have made a discovery, called the hero to the Violet Citadel of Dalaran. Arriving there, the hero saw a magical anomaly that sparkled in the air. The Archmage spoke of a barrier that had protected Suramar for ten thousand years and had recently fallen. The city constantly emitted waves of magical energy, and Khadgar noticed a pattern in them. Among the chaos, a spell was encrypted, which the Archmage managed to reproduce and cause an anomaly.

    At Khadgar's request, the hero studied the anomaly, and a magical echo suddenly appeared in front of him in the form of an elf. She said that her name was Thalysra. She belonged to the people of the Nightborne and was the first sorceress of Suramar. Thalyssra was sure that her people had made a terrible deal that would doom Azeroth, and asked to find her immediately after receiving this message. Khadgar appreciated the girl's cunning, who managed to convey a secret message right under the noses of the demons.

    The Nightborne could become valuable allies in the fight against the Legion, so Thalyssra needed to help. Khadgar decided to use the effect of a magical echo and send the hero to the exact place where the message was recorded. Already there, the hero could use Khadgar's rod, which would lead him to Thalyssra through subtle vibrations of the arcane ether. Having passed through the portal, the hero found himself in an unfamiliar place and felt Khadgar's rod sparkle in his hands.

    He saw two nightborne discussing that a certain girl was here. Noticing the guest, the nightborne attacked and were killed. The hero followed the trail, not forgetting to use the rod, and again saw the echo of Thalyssra. She winced in pain and held her side, repeating that she couldn’t stop. In the next message, she mentioned that the withered were already close, and the hero soon encountered them. He then saw the Nightborne, imprisoned by a spell that stopped time. From the echoes it became clear that Erasmus Moonblade was pursuing Thalyssra and refused to summon that Grand Master Elisande had betrayed her people. Thalyssra captured him with a spell and ran away, and the hero, freeing the nightborne, killed him.

    Finally, he discovered Thalyssra herself, who was defending herself from the attack of the withered ones with the help of a sorcerer's shield. The elf was surprised to realize that a foreigner had responded to her message. She wanted to tell her guest a lot, but could not talk in such conditions. Thalyssra asked to be escorted to the shelter and, as they walked, she said that the fate of the withered awaits every Nightborne who cannot drink from the Night Well. The Withered Ones fed on flesh and magic, now eager to receive both from the hero and the elf. Thalyssra used her last strength to support the shield as she walked with the hero through the settlement of Meredil. For some mysterious reason, the Withered Ones did not pursue them, and they reached a cave where Thalyssra could finally rest in safety. These were the ruins called Shal'Aran. While the hero was bandaging her wound, Thalyssra spoke about the treaty between the Legion and Grand Master Elisande. Those who did not support the treaty were expelled and lost access to the magic of the Nightwell, which they had consumed for thousands of years.

    Opening of Shal'Arana

    Thalyssra had not calculated her daily rations and was afraid that without magic she would soon become withered. The hero agreed to look for something and went down deep into the ruins of Shal'Aran. It seemed quiet here until the hero was suddenly attacked by the ghosts of ancient elves. Having dealt with them, he collected mana crystals and took them to Thalyssra. By that time, the elf's eyes were already became clouded, and she was trembling slightly. She took the crystals and, having absorbed them, came to her senses. Thalyssra believed that Shal'Aran would be an ideal refuge, and offered to examine the ruins in more detail.

    When she thought it was too dark, she cast a spell to light the torches on the walls. Thalyssra noticed old teleporters similar to those in Suramar. In the lower hall, she found a kind of map on the floor, and Shal'Aran was in the very center. The energy of the ley lines was transmitted into this hall from the outside, but Thalyssra did not know what it was used for and how long the ghosts had been here. Perhaps it was because Because of this, the Withered Ones avoided the ruins, which was beneficial for Thalyssra. No one from Suramar would think to look for her here, so it was decided that the ruins would become a place where Thalyssra would stay until she could return to Suramar. She needed allies.

    The sorceress asked to collect as much ancient mana as possible, which she and the other elves, deprived of the Night Well, needed. She enchanted a stone for the hero that would glow if there was a source of mana nearby. She also needed to contact the chief telemancer Oculeth, who designed the Suramar teleport network. Even before the Schism, Oculeth had a workshop in the old city, and he could be hiding there now. Thalyssra gave the hero a small coin that would let Oculeth know that he could trust him. Thalyssra also told about another ally whom she was going to meet in the Amber Valley - the sorcerer Kel'danath, who conducted experiments on the withered and wanted to heal them.

    Kel'danath's legacy

    While exploring the Amber Valley, the hero discovered an enchanted scroll in one of the buildings, where clearly someone had recently lived. The scroll was covered with strange symbols that emitted a soft light, and seemed to be asking to be picked up. Having studied the scroll, the hero realized that Kel "danath had definitely conducted experiments here, and began searching for other notes of the sorcerer. Nearby, he also noticed a magical amulet that scared away the withered, and decided to collect several of them, hoping that they would help in the search for Kel"danat. Having collected the notes, the hero learned about the sorcerer’s research and that he had achieved some success. Soon, Kel'danat's bag was discovered, which contained the last entry in the diary. It became clear that the sorcerer had become a victim of hunger and turned into a withered one himself.

    The entry mentioned an enchantment stone used in experiments, and the hero decided to find it. In the Koralun estate, he discovered the craziest Kel "danat, who attacked him. The hero had to kill the sorcerer and take from his body the stone of enchantment, which contained an echo of the sorcerer's last breath. At the estate, the hero met another withered one - Terin, familiar to him from the records from the diary. This withered one did not show aggression and seemed to be in a trance caused by the enchantment stone. The hero decided to take the test subject to Thalyssra so that she could understand the sorcerer's research. When they arrived in Shal'Aran, Thalyssra said that she regretted the death Kel "danata, and thanked the hero for saving him from suffering.

    Thalyssra became convinced that Kel "danat had indeed discovered a way to calm the withered and force them to obey. She decided to continue the work of her old friend and asked to bring more experimental subjects using the enchantment stone. During the hero's absence, she promised to prepare a place to contain the withered. In Meredil there remained withered enough so that the hero does not have to spend much time looking for them.

    Rescue of Oculeth

    After visiting Oculeth's workshop, the hero fell into a trap when he tried to enter one of the rooms. The chief telemancer himself came out to him and demanded to be identified by name, threatening to send him into the abyss of the Great Sea. The hero, captivated by magic, showed him the coin, and Oculet, having examined it, was glad that the first sorceress Thalyssra was still alive. He freed the hero and explained that he would go to Thalyssra as soon as he completed his work here. The hero promised to help him and began searching for the tools for which Oculet returned here. Using portals set up by a telemancer, the hero obtained a beacon and a warp coupling. Before fleeing, Oculeth needed to block the entrance to the complex so that his colleagues from the palace could not reveal the secrets of the telemancer.

    Having been transported to his old hideout along with the hero, Oculet became convinced that the nightborne had already penetrated here. He suggested overloading several coils with energy so that the entire system would shut down. But in the next room, Oculet and the hero encountered the teleportation master Twain, who used the magic of space to protect herself. Twain proudly declared that she had surpassed the old man, but Oculet was able to transport all three to a place where Twain's warp field did not work. The hero destroyed it, and with the last of his strength the telemancer transported himself and his companion to Meredil, about which he managed to ask.

    Oculeth collapsed at the entrance to the ruins, almost exhausted, and the hero carried him to Thalyssra. Seeing his old friend, the first sorceress said that he was drying up and asked the hero to feed him with ancient mana. Oculet absorbed several dozen crystals and, having come to his senses, thanked the hero. It was time to start creating the first stable communication channel in Shal'Aran's own teleportation network. The telemancer asked to take the beacon to the ruins of Elun'et from above and choose a suitable place for it. After scanning the area with the help of a beacon, the hero chose a place, and Oculeth created a connection between the ruins and Shal'Aran.

    Anora power station

    Thalyssra called the stranger over and told him that these catacombs were built in order to draw the magical energy of the ley lines running under Suramar. When the nightborne learned to feed on the energy of the Nightwell, the need for the old sources disappeared, and they gradually fell into disrepair. Central Hall Shal'Aran clearly received energy from somewhere else, but it was not enough. Thalyssra asked to find a powerful source of energy from the ley line and send it to Shal'Aran. The nearest source was in the northern lowlands of Anor.

    Arriving at the lowland, the hero met another nightborn who did not show hostility. She stood on some platform and asked a stranger to do a favor by standing on another switch. When the hero stood in place, a passage into the cave opened. The elf said that she would now kill him, but the hero showed Thalyssra’s sign in time. Recognizing the symbol, the nightborne sighed and stated that Thalyssra had decided to hire a stranger. She said her name - Valtrois. Together with the hero, she entered the Anora power station and told him that far from the Night Well, every source of magic is important. Like Thalyssra, Valtrois decided that the old channels conducting the energy of the ley lines would save the exiles if they could be awakened.

    The Anora Power Station was in disrepair and the power supply system had collapsed. To repair it, it was necessary to activate the seals in the central room, supplying low and high power flows to each seal. Valtrois sent the hero there, and she herself was going to monitor and guide him. After fiddling with the switches, the hero finally managed to activate the seals, and the station started working again. Valtrois was surprised that the hero was no good, and declared that she herself would get to Shal'Aran.

    She got there. Having met with the hero, Valtrois offered to awaken the energies of Shal'Aran, which became possible thanks to the lowlands of Anor. This was a long process requiring enormous effort and complete concentration, but first it was necessary to study the feeding mechanism. Valtrois, together with the hero, went down to the mechanism, where she spoke about ley lines of arcane magic and energy extraction. In order for Shal'Aran to become a center of power, it was necessary to restore not only the channel from the lowlands of Anor, but also others that were still inactive.

    Allies in the city

    In Shal'Aran, Thalyssra explained that many in Suramar disapproved of Elisande's decision, but were afraid to speak out openly against it. The Nightborne wanted the hero to meet with the warrior-sorcerer Silgrin, who lay low after the suppression of the rebellion, although he was dedicated to the cause. Usually. he was patrolling the western outskirts of the city. The hero crept straight to Suramar and approached the indicated guard. Hearing that the stranger had been sent by Thalyssra, Silgrin suggested going to a secluded place to talk. The guard said that after Thalyssra's disappearance, the voices of dissatisfied people gradually died down.

    He was going to spread information about her return among the townspeople, which could be done with the help of Li'Let Lunarch, who had connections in the highest circles of society. Li'let was just organizing a masquerade on her estate, and this could be used to spread rumors. Silgrin suggested sneaking in there under the guise of invited guests. They walked through the garden, where the hero took possession of an enchanted mask that allowed him to change his appearance. Silgrin said that he would find Lee himself, and asked the hero not to get into trouble.

    Finally, one of the revelers reported that Lady Li"let was waiting for the hero at a table behind the house. Arriving there, he heard Li"let telling Anari that he was either with them or against them. Anari Lunarch replied that he had had enough of intrigue and ran away. Li"let, having met the hero, asked to find her brother Anari and bring him back here. After that, she agreed to help Thalysra raise a new rebellion. Anari soon attacked the guest himself, claiming that he was helping Lee"let destroy the entire family. The hero defeated him and dragged him to his sister, who placed Anari in chains and taught the hero to take on his appearance. Now it was necessary to establish connections in Suramar, taking advantage of the fame of the Lunarkh family.

    Li'leth said that her first contact would be Vanthir, a merchant from the commoners' quarter. Today he was meeting with one of the suppliers on the Central Promenade, and Li'leth asked her to tell him to come see her about a shipment of dusk lily pods. Any further actions required special preparation, so after Vantir the hero had to return to Thalyssra and hand her a corked bottle of faintly glowing liquid. Silgrin and Li'leth promised that they would soon summon the hero and continue their work. The hero met with Vantir, handed over what was needed, and returned to Shal'Aran with the help of another telemancer beacon.

    Absolon and his family

    At the edge of the Amber Valley, the hero noticed an elf who could barely speak and had almost turned into a withered one. He called himself Absolon and begged for help, saying that he had made many mistakes that he wanted to correct. The hero gave him several portions of ancient mana, and Absolon, thanking him, said that he had left Suramar in search of his daughter, who dared to confront Elisande. The rescued man believed that he was doomed to wander forever among the withered, but Thalysra gave him shelter in Shal'Aran. Absolon was ready to stay with his relatives and help them liberate Suramar.

    The next time the hero met him, he asked him to take a letter to his wife Noressa, informing him that he had survived. The hero went to the city and found Noresse in the Central Promenade. In his letter, Absolon said that he was saved by a stranger and did not find their daughter. He couldn't yet say where he was. this moment, and could not return to the city. Absolon asked his wife to hold on and not forget that there is hope. After reading the letter, Noressa was glad that her husband was still alive, and promised the hero that she would keep his words in her heart.

    Arcana Dora Seed

    Thalyssra moved on to another case - Therin, test subject #16. His magical essence carried the imprint of something extraordinary, and Thalyssra wanted to know what exactly. She decided to harmonize Therin's magical essence with her own and establish an empathic connection. Unity was supposed to expose Therin's soul, or at least what was left of it. First, it was necessary to saturate Terin with ancient mana, and the hero brought him hundreds of portions.

    The First Sorceress asked for help in analyzing the visions that would be found in Therin's mind. Thalyssra endured the ritual with difficulty, but learned that the withered were tormented not only by a thirst for the magic of the Nightwell, but also by their own memories. In one of Therin's memories, a strange object was seen, and Thalyssra knew that it happened in the Moonshadow Abode, which was located in the west. The power that changed Therin's sorcerous essence and allowed Kel'danath to create a calming spell was located there.

    When the hero entered the Abode of Moon Shadow, there was indeed a relic from Therin's memories there. The hero heard Thalyssra's voice in his head, asking him to break the seals that protected the relic. As soon as the seals were removed, the clicking of stings was heard: from the entire surrounding area, huge spiders and fal'dorei - creatures similar to both spiders and night elves - came running to the Abode of the Moon Shadow. The hero tried to fight them, but was shrouded in a web. Monstrous The fal doraika Orafiss took the mysterious relic and declared that the power of the arcan dora now belonged to her. When Orafiss left, a night elf suddenly appeared, destroyed the remaining spiders and saved the hero.

    His name was the wanderer of the valley Farodin. For ten thousand years he protected this seed, and now the hero allowed the artifact to fall into the clutches of the fal'dorai creatures. Their leader was Orafiss. Farodin asked the hero to correct the mistake and help the seed return, descending together into the tunnels of Falanaar. The hero agreed, and Farodin led him through secret way, after which they both jumped into the pond below. Farodin explained that the seed drained the strength from Orafiss and slowed her down.

    Noticing Orafiss in one of the corridors, Farodin and the hero hurried after her. Although she called on her servants for protection, they still caught up with and destroyed the monster. Farodin asked the hero to take the seed and deliver it to a place with enough energy. Together with the seed, they ascended to the temple of Fal'adora, activated the telemancer's beacon and arrived in Shal'Aran, where the seed, whose awakening had begun, was planted right next to the ley line. A flowering shoot immediately appeared from the seed, and Farodin said that the arcan "dor, a gift of the ancient magicians, would become a source of life or destruction. When Thalyssra said that she could cope with the tree because she commanded arcane magic, Farodin called her a fool. According to him According to him, the tree was supposed to help Thalyssra recover, and there was no turning back.


    Lady Lunarch finally finished her preparations and asked the disguised hero to come meet her at the Central Promenade. Li had been watching the city for years when the hero found her at the indicated place. From here it opened good view on Suramar, and Li'let made a speech, convincing the hero. The city turned into a prison for the nightborne, and Elisande and the Legion wanted to work them with hunger and fear. The fire of the shal'dorei was almost extinguished, and it was necessary to light it again. It was time to restore hope to the hearts of the city's residents. The hero had to show the nightborne that Azeroth had not forgotten about them.

    Li'let sent the hero to her faithful friend Vantir, whom the hero had already met. Vantir was in a tavern in the southernmost part of the city and was delighted at the arrival of an assistant. He pointed to many nightborne around, almost deprived of strength, and said that the palace had decided to limit distribute magical wine, through which the elves absorbed the energy of the Night Well. Vantir gave the hero a flask of wine and asked him to give drink to those who were most thirsty. Among those who were thirsty, the hero saw Isolde and Donatien, who were spouses. The wine that was given to them would not be enough on both, and Donatien gave everything to his beloved, almost losing his strength. Now they got enough to drink their fill. All the elves, to whom the hero gave a drink from the flask, asked to thank Vanthir for saving them.

    When the hero returned to Vanthir, he revealed that this wine was the last of his reserves. It was necessary to meet with Delina, who was delivering goods from a wealthy neighborhood on a gondola, and find out how she could help with the delivery of a new shipment. Arriving at Delina, the hero showed her the sign of Thalyssra. The gondolier said that it would be possible to go for a new batch after preparing the boat and solving a certain problem. The problem was the Twilight Guards, who were patrolling the bazaar nearby and could pay attention to Delina. Delina also said that the shortage of magical wine is artificially created by the master in order to keep the people in obedience. The most loyal Nightborne received wine in abundance, and the hero could steal several bottles from them. Having collected the bottles and killed several patrolmen, the hero returned to Delina, who assured that she would deliver them safe and sound.

    Not far from Vanthir, the hero saw another acquaintance - Silgrin, who introduced him to the Lunars. It turned out that the daughter of an elf had disappeared, and Silgrin asked to find secret information, usually transmitted by couriers. The hero had to ambush the couriers and take away letters that could contain indications of the girl’s fate. When the letters were brought to Silgrin, he found among them a notice that the Twilight Guard had recently taken away many people, including children. Perhaps little Corina was with them.

    Silgrin told the hero about the plan of action: hide in the basket, wait for the guard on his way to change the guard to appear, and follow him. The hero did so, and the guard led him to one of the houses where children were captured behind a magical barrier. The hero killed the guard and took possession of the sphere, which allowed him to remove barriers with a simple touch of his hand. Among the freed children was the small but brave Corina, who refused to leave until her friends were freed. The girl said that the nightborne were being taken away from the garden and were being hurt, and the hero promised to free them. He went in the direction indicated by Corina, and ended up on the Terrace of Order, where prisoners were sitting in enchanted cages. The hero dealt with the guards and freed them, after which he returned to Corina and escorted her to her mother in the “Moonlight.” Verina was happy that her daughter returned.

    Calling the hero, Vantir thanked him for his help and sent him to Thalysra. He said that there was a teleporter site nearby, through which you can quickly get to Shal'Aran if you change your destination. Vantir also gave Thalysra a bottle of enchanted wine in a braid. When the hero approached the teleporter, he was called by Rosina, who had heard about a safe place where you can hide from Elisande's madness. She could offer her harp and her hands in the new settlement, and the hero led her to Shal'Aran. Thalyssra was glad both for the gift of wine and for the refugee from Suramar.

    The first sorceress complained that her research into the withered ones had reached a dead end. She felt like she was close to overcoming this barrier, but she needed more sophisticated tools. One of them was an arcane amplifier that could be found in the old estate where Thalyssra lived. Most likely, Elisande ordered it to be destroyed, and all that was left of the amplifier were the parts from which it had to be assembled. The estate, located in the northeastern part of the city, was not destroyed, but it was filled with envoys of the Grand Master. The hero had to fight them, and it was on their bodies that he discovered the parts of the broken amplifier. He also collected several items from the estate that might be of value to Thalyssra, including a favorite robe, books, and letters. Returning to Shal'aran and handing over the items to the first sorceress, the hero saw that the arcan'dor had grown noticeably.

    Tel "anor and Taedris Song of the Feather

    The temples of Tel "anor were filled with withered and harpies who had flown in to profit. But in one of the buildings the hero discovered a darkened man who still retained his sanity. He was surprised when he noticed the dude, but turned to him for help. Calling himself Taedris Song of the Feather, he said, who is creating a potion that will solve a mysterious problem... The potion required branches of a rock thorn growing around and powder from the claws of harpies.

    When the hero collected the necessary reagents, Taedris met him on one of the balconies, pointing out the beautiful view that opened from here. He said that the Nightborne were cowards for hiding behind a shield when Azeroth depended on them. They did not fulfill their sacred duty and did not protect the world, because of which they were disgraced. Suramar was lost due to leaders who made a deal with the Legion. The exiles turned into withered ones, and neither one nor the other path was suitable for Taedris. He was going to find the third, and the hero told him about Thalyssra, who had set up a shelter nearby.

    Taedris was glad that the first sorceress did not bow to the Legion and was able to survive. But the position of the darkened was hopeless, because they could not resist the combined forces of the enemy. Taedris called the hero to go with him, because there was a lot of work ahead. Even before the construction of the shield, he loves to visit Tel "anor to observe rituals honoring the memory of the departed. Now he wanted to once again pay tribute to the spirits and went to the tombs. The elf asked the hero to collect sacred oil, incense and funeral shrouds that could be useful. While collecting the items, the hero also found a broken burial urn, traces of which led to a cave nearby, and since Taedris would certainly have been interested in the looted relics, the hero entered the cave behind them.

    He met Taedris in one of the temples where the tomb was located. Star Claw, one of the best military leaders who commanded hippogriff riders during the War of the Ancients, was buried here. Having thanked the hero for the items he brought, Taedris decided to start cleaning the monuments while the guest was looking for something else - the book “Encyclopedia of Botany”, which was supposed to be in the library next to the main square. He also asked to deal with the disturbed spirits and help them find well-deserved peace.

    The next meeting took place at the top of the temple, where another monument was located. It belonged to Lady Latara, an unsurpassed huntress and wife of Taedris. Taking the book brought by the hero, the darkened one took out some kind of dried plant from there. There was only one ingredient left for the potion - the bow of his wife Latara, which was stolen by one of the restless spirits. The hero offered to give Taedris some ancient mana to stop the hunger, but he refused. The elf was ready to sacrifice himself so as not to feel shame anymore. While exploring the surrounding areas, the hero discovered that Latara herself had taken possession of the bow, turning into a vengeful ghost. When the hero defeated her, she asked him to tell Taedris that she loved him.

    When the darkened one heard what had happened, he finally told the hero what the potion was supposed to do - kill him and allow him to be reunited with his wife. But Latara did not find peace, and Taedris could not let her down. He had to move on and do everything possible to stop the coming storm. Only then would he become worthy of being reunited with his wife. Together with the hero, Taedris went to battle with the matriarch of the harpies to return Tel "anor to its former greatness. The harpy was destroyed with the help of a potion created by the elf. Taedris thanked his new friend for opening his eyes and showing him the goal for which it was worth living further Together they could save Suramar and save the sins of the nightborne. Taedris went to Shal'Aran, where the source of magic awaited him.

    Twilight Vineyards

    The wanderer of the valley Farodin continued to monitor the growth of the lasso and called the hero when he noticed mysterious insects that were attracted to the tree. Farodin asked to collect several fireflies to study them and find out whether something should be done about this. Having examined the brought insects, Farodin stated that lasso dora is in trouble. Thalyssra had encountered them before in the vineyards of Suramar and was confident that a way to deal with the fireflies could be found there. Although infiltration was a dangerous task, the hero agreed that the risk was worth healing the withered and darkened.

    Lee'let Lunarch promised to help with the infiltration, and Thalyssra sent the hero straight to her. The meeting took place near the Twilight Vineyards in the northern part of the city. Lee'leth prepared a palanquin and indicated that the hero would need to find a woman named Margot, who was showing favor to the rebels . Having assumed a dissatisfied appearance worthy of a nobleman, and having climbed into an enchanted palanquin, the hero arrived at the gates of the vineyards without attracting unnecessary attention from the guards. He quickly found a beautiful winemaker, who was Margot.

    The hero showed her the sign of the First Sorceress, and she, realizing that she was seeing an ally, suddenly screamed with joy that she herself would take her friend on an excursion. Margot quietly warned the hero that he needed to be especially careful. To avoid suspicion, the hero will have to endure the usual show that is part of the excursion. Her first point was a wine tasting, where she could try local products - honey tincture, velvety nectar and oily liqueur. Margot accompanied the guest to the pavilion where the tasting was taking place and made him try everything.

    As they walked further through the vineyards, the necessary information could be exchanged. Margot warned the hero not to be afraid of what he sees. The next point of the excursion was the place where the wine was aged. The Nightborne accelerated this process with the help of magic. Margo quietly asked how Thalyssra was doing, and the hero admitted that the First Sorceress was alive, although she was having a hard time with what was happening. Then they reached the gardens, where special fruits were grown for the sweetest infusions. Margo finally asked why the darkened need vineyards. The hero said that they needed a way to fight insects.

    The elf answered, puzzled, that the solution to the problem was right in the garden in front of them - mana snakes. These animals caught insects that undermined the trees and did not threaten the precious plants in any way. Margot promised that the hero would receive several samples of mana wyrms during the excursion. They reached the bottling and distribution stations, where the bottles were sealed with magic and sent to the city. When Margot said that the Grand Master was watching this extremely closely, one of the vineyard workers nearby was guilty of something. As soon as the overseer tried to hit him, Margot rushed to them and asked them to forgive her mistake. The supervisor warned that the supervisor would definitely find out about Margot's behavior.

    When she and the hero walked away, the elf complained that she could not do anything and was forced to serve. She asked how much the resistance had grown and whether the Nightfallen could hold out against Elisande. The hero explained that every day the rebels take a step forward. Margot sighed. Although the news was good, so far everything ended only in failure and expulsion. It was time to end the tour. At the saturation station, where the essence of the Night Well was added to the wine, Margot left the hero to her assistant Silverin, who was supposed to describe the saturation process to him.

    Silverin adjusted his cuffs with a pathetic look and invited the guest to participate in a demonstration of the station’s operation. It was necessary to take the energy vessel and enter the pond together with an assistant. The vessel should have collected the falling drops of subtle energy from the Night Well. Only there could one come into contact with the essence of this energy without risk. When the hero followed the instructions and filled the vessel, he went to the demonstration barrel and poured the contents there. Meanwhile, Margo prepared another demonstration related to making wine. She was waiting for the hero on the veranda, where the grapes were being pressed.

    Having reached there, the hero saw not only Margot, but also the old winemaker Ilte. The elf said that she loves her job because of the fascinating process of selecting the aroma and texture of wine. The hero, following the instructions of the winemakers, prepared his own unsaturated magic wine. To do this, I had to not only select the ingredients, but even climb into the vat with my feet to squeeze out the juice. The excursion was almost over. The hero was given time to walk around the garden, and he collected several mana snakes for the arcanum.

    When he returned, he saw a tense Silverin, who was supposed to meet the guest and Margot to escort them out of the vineyards. But Margot didn’t come, although she was never late. The assistant was afraid that something terrible had happened to her, and asked the hero to find her. Coming out onto the street, the guest saw that Margot had been driven into a corner on the orders of Warden Durant. He announced that she was guilty of rebellion and was sentenced to death. His minions killed the elf with several spells, and Durant demanded that the vineyards be dealt with.

    Silverin flew into a rage. Margot did everything they asked, and the magic wine flowed like a river, but she was still killed. It was impossible to leave such injustice unpunished, and Silverin told the hero that he needed to avenge his dead friend. The hero got out into the street and destroyed a dozen overseers and guardians of the vineyards. The chief telemancer Oculet suddenly contacted him, who warned that he saw many teleportation spells aimed at the hero’s coordinates. Oculet had already connected the teleport, so the hero needed to find a site and get out of the vineyards.

    Revenge for Margot

    When the hero returned to Shal'Aran and told the news to Thalyssra, she was even speechless for a second. Margot had risked everything to get the darkened mana wyrms, and the First Sorceress was not going to let it end like that. Someone had to take revenge and do everything possible so that Warden Durant pays for everything with his life. Thalyssra sent the hero to Vanthir, who probably knew who to turn to. The hero moved to the “Moonlight" and told Vanthir about what was happening.

    He knew Margot, and the news of her death fell heavily on his heart. To continue the rebel cause, they had to show that retribution for Margot's death would be inevitable. People like Durant need to know that they are being watched and will be made to answer for everything. Vanthir knew who could help: Arluin, who was in the alleys north of the Evermoon Bazaar. He was not eager to cooperate with the rebels, and the hero should have convinced him to help.

    Finding Arluin in the alleys, the hero showed him the sign of the First Sorceress. The Nightborne sent the guest away, not wanting to perish because of helping the rebels. Then the hero mentioned Vanthir's name and the fact that the death must be avenged. Arluin agreed to help if the hero brought him enough mana to last for a month. He expected that the guest would never accept such insane conditions, but the hero had enough portions of mana. Amazed, Arluin muttered that it was good that the new partner realized the value of his services.

    But Arluin had nothing to offer except information. He knew that Elisande received a shipment of magical wine every day, which was delivered to the palace under heavy security, and Arluin could indicate the route in exchange for some of the goods. At the same time, the nightborne asked the hero to run to his hiding place and discourage the guards from meddling in this place. The cache was located on the roof of a building near the artisans' gallery, and the hero actually encountered guards there, led by auditor Ivenna. Having dealt with them, the hero headed to the route indicated by Arluin to get wine. He found the guards and loaders in the southern part of the vineyards and took the cargo from them.

    Thalyssra has heard rumors that unrest in the city has caused the aristocracy to begin searching for a new candidate for Elisande's council. There was always a lot of competition for such positions, but this was an ideal opportunity to make Li'let Lunarch one of the candidates. Thalyssra knew that Li'leth preferred to stay away from politics and intrigue, but the time had come for her to join the fight. The hero went to the “Moon Twilight” with instructions to help Lee win. He caught a conversation between Vantir and Lady Lunar. The woman claimed that it was not without reason that they settled away from government quarters, but Vantir pointed out that enormous opportunities would open up for the rebels if victory. Lee herself understood that she could help many.

    So, it was time to start campaigning. Many houses of Suramar had already taken the side of Li'let due to the impeccable reputation of her family, but some still doubted. The most significant figure of these doubters was Lady Aurora of House Astravar. If the hero had convinced her to support Li'let, then everything would go on it would have happened naturally. But Vanthir was not so sure. Lee's powerful competitors were not above intimidation and coercion, and they had to be dealt with. Vanthir was confident that Arluin knew exactly how to deal with this case.

    The hero went to Arluin, who was still hiding in the same alleys of the Quarter of the Eternal Moon, and asked if he could help convince some of the noble houses to support Li'leth's candidacy. Arluin admitted that Lady Lunarch was a brave girl, but refused to help until he was paid a huge amount of ancient mana. As soon as the payment was received, Arluin promised that Li'let would become an adviser before noon. The first obstacle in the adviser's path was the house of Vesperos, which kept its opponents at bay thanks to Ruven Vesperos, who was a talented magician. If Ruven had died, the House of Vesperos would have fallen into disrepair and would have stopped interfering in elections. Arluin warned that Ruven was a demon who lived in Suramar long before the Legion appeared.

    The hero found Ruven at the Gold Market, where he was intimidating workers, promising to give their souls to the Legion reactors. Ruven, whose body was filled with Fel, held a long enchanted blade in his hand. The hero destroyed Vesperos, and the workers, who received freedom, fled to the side. He noticed Arluin, who was beckoning to him with a gesture. Obviously, the robber decided to personally oversee the operation. Arluin was glad that there was one less power-hungry aristocrat in the city.

    He told the hero that Corinne Stelleris and Ruven Vesperos often acted together, but were constantly competing. Ruven's death turned out to be a great benefit for the Stelleris family, and Arluin offered to channel the anger and grief of House Vesperos by starting a few rumors. The hero ran around the square where the aristocrats were gathering and lied that the symbol of the house of Stelleris was seen near the corpse of Ruven, and Lord Corin himself was luring the remaining servants of the house of Vesperos. Guided by his imagination, the hero even told about a hilarious anecdote that the Stellerises shared with each other after learning about Ruven's death. Rumors quickly spread in all directions and reached the ears of the Vesperos.

    Finally, the time has come to remember about Mrs. Aurora from the Astravar house, who settled down nearby. It wasn't easy to get to her because of the demons and guards that filled the area. Hearing that the hero had arrived at the direction of Li'let, Aurora admitted that she was like a sister to her. She would have happily voted for Lady Lunarch if not for the difficult situation. Yesterday, Corin Stelleris turned to Aurora with a request for a meeting, at which he demanded support in the elections. When Aurora refused, Corin said that her son would not be in danger if House Astravar supported the Stelleris. The next morning, Aurora's son disappeared, and she could only think about the terrible things that Corin is capable of. The hero promised that will find Ailen Astravar and solve the problem.

    After conducting an investigation, the hero discovered that the kidnapped son was being kept on one of the ships in Moonlight Pier under heavy guard. The hero made his way there and managed to free Aiden, dispersing the servants of the Stelleris house. The son returned to his mother unharmed, and Aurora thanked the hero, stating that she owed him and Lee a huge debt. She was going to give Lady Lunarch full support and keep her son close to her until the vote was completed. The hero went back to Lee "years and reported good news. In turn, she said that the rest of the houses had declared that they agreed to support her, and Lee only had to officially take office. The Lady invited the hero to the ceremony so that he could enjoy the success with her. The ceremony was to take place in the Sanctuary of Order.

    The hero arrived there and saw a crowd of aristocrats gathered to honor Li'let. She thanked them for their trust, but Lord Corin jumped forward with a statement that he had been framed. The position of adviser would have belonged to him if the house of Stelleris had not been desecrated with baseless accusations. Lady Lunarch calmly replied that Korin was forgetting herself and that the decision had already been made. But Korin publicly announced that he demanded the right to Tal "ashar in order to defend his honor. The hero approached Li'let, wanting to help, and the lady told him that Tal'ashar is a duel of honor. If she lost, she had to give up her position to Korin, and the hero agreed to fight in her place.

    Lady Lunarch told Korin that a defender would fight instead of her, but the lord was going to make do with his own forces. He declared that the hero should prepare for death and climb to the roof of the sanctuary where the battle would take place. Before this, Li'leth cast an enhanced disguise spell on her defender so that he could fight like the nightborne and not give himself away. The battle ended in favor of the hero, despite Korin's spells and his cries that he was better. When the defender returned, Li "let said that she regrets that it came to a duel of honor and the murder of Corin. With the help of magic, Lady Lunarch moved the hero back to the “Moon Twilight”, where the maid Li'let was already waiting for him, who passed a note from her mistress.

    Li'let reported that she had to leave the estate for a while, taking up the position of adviser. But she had already chosen a gift for Thalyssra and went to Shal'aran with her servants, who not only brought some necessary things, but stayed there to help darkened. The hero returned to Thalyssra, who rejoiced at Li'let's success. Arkan'dor had grown even stronger by that time.

    Salvation lasso dora

    When the hero one day returned to Shal'Aran, the amazed inhabitants of the refuge watched the lasso, which sparkled with streams of arcane magic. Even the air around the tree, saturated with energy, sparkled. The wanderer of the valley, Farodin, called the hero and explained that the lasso was dying. Once upon a time, the energy contained in the branches of a tree accelerated its growth, and the forces of nature and arcane magic were in balance. Now this energy was rushing to freedom. When the trunk can no longer hold it, all life in Shal'aran will die. This had happened once before under Farodin, and he was not willing to let it happen a second time.

    Farodin and the hero went to the temple of Fal'adora to find the remains of the tree from which it all once began. Using them, it was possible to understand the reasons for what was happening to the tree and find a solution to the problem. When they arrived at the place through the portal, Farodin said that In the hall behind these walls lie the remains of the deceased Arkan Dor. He wanted to collect crystallized fragments of wood and try to understand something from them. But the local halls were inhabited by hostile creatures, among whom were dryads who had lost their way and were disfigured by the magic of the dead tree. Farodin asked the hero to save them from severe suffering and destroy them.

    The two of them entered the Shattered Focus and began to collect fragments of crystallized crust, defending themselves from the distorted dryads. Farodin said that long ago exiles from the closed city settled here and that he personally allowed them to use the arcan "dor. The wild magic that broke out after the death of the arcan "dor instantly transformed them into monsters, which were now known as the fal "dorai. The Wanderer Dola considered this his mistake, the repetition of which could not be allowed. When enough samples were collected, Farodin and the hero returned to Shal'Aran.

    There Farodin told even more about the tree: the arcan "dors were an ancient species that did not reproduce, but were created. In them, secret magic merged with the primitive magic of the Druids and turned into something more. Very soon the secret magic of the arcan "dors growing in Shal "Adar , would gain the upper hand and consume him. Farodin suggested that the balance could be restored using the wild magic remaining in another world. The hero needed to enter the Emerald Dream - a pure, untainted version of Azeroth - and bring from there the essence of life itself. Only in it There was still hope that Arkan'dor would find stability and return to life.

    Thalyssra called the hero for another reason, also related to the tree. She recalled that with the help of the enchantment stone Kel'danat, many withered ones had already received relief. But it contained only a shadow of the former power of the arcan'dor, obtained from its dormant seed. Thalyssra showed her interlocutor a shining white branch that had recently fallen from a tree. It broke off, but did not die - invisible magical threads connected all parts of the arcan "dor with each other. Thalyssra had already cast a new subjugating spell Kel"danata on the branch, with the help of which it was possible to strengthen the magical essence of even more withered ones. Handing over the branch to the hero, the First Sorceress noted that she would never have thought that she would study the withered ones. But thanks to them, she learned a lot about her people, including the essence of the connection between the Nightborne and the Night Well.

    The hero, who helped the darkened, participated in the battle against Xavius ​​and the Emerald Nightmare, which engulfed the Emerald Dream. When Xavius ​​was defeated, the Dream was cleared. The life force essence taken from the purified Dream was immediately taken to Shal'Aran, where Farodin used it to restore balance within the arcan'dor. Everything went according to plan: the magical tree ceased to pose a danger to everyone around.


    Time passed before Farodin again spoke to the hero about the arcanum. It was time to continue the work, because the tree was entering its maturity phase. There remained one more stage of growth before it would gain full strength, and for this it was necessary to prepare a power channel Thalyssra noticed that the lassodor seemed to be thirsty. The Nightfallen had already connected an entire power line to the tree, but there still might not have been enough energy. Valtrois told the hero that now she would have to activate all the power channels of Suramar leading to Shal'Aran. Only after that she was ready to risk even more energy away so that the tree would be saturated.

    As soon as the hero activated all eight channels, Valtrois, under the supervision of everyone else, sent their full power directly to the lasso. However, nothing happened, and Farodil announced that there was not enough energy. Thalyssra asked Valtrois if there was a way to get even more energy though for a short period of time. Valtrois recalled the main guide near Suramar, who was ten times more powerful than that, which is installed in Shal'Aran. When this ley line is launched, a wave of energy could theoretically reach the refuge of the darkened.

    Thalyssra did not know exactly how to launch this line, and the chief telemancer Oculeth suggested a way out: create a manastorm and use a local distortion field. At first glance, Valtrois thought this was madness, but then she still agreed with Oculet. Thalyssra did not listen to details from the telemancer that she did not understand, and ordered him to act. Valtrois and Oculet turned to the hero for help, since they needed to secretly enter the city.

    The telemancer explained that the same guide is located in the catacombs of Suramar, which began to be guarded twice as carefully after the invasion of a detachment of adventurers. The smartest thing to do would have been to send the group directly there through the teleporter, but there was no magical anchor in the catacombs. Although the task was difficult, Oculeth was confident that he could teleport the group as close to the guide as possible if they explored the public buildings of Suramar in advance using an improved telemancer beacon. The hero, having penetrated the city, activated a beacon in the Quarter of the Eternal Moon, in the Eternal Moon Bazaar and in the Siren's Watch.

    Valtrois also had tasks. She admitted that creating a manastorm was suicide, but from a scientific point of view everything was correct. A small warp field could channel background mana into the conduit and energize it to create a manastorm. Valtrois could construct a warp field generator, but she needed the resistant alloys that were used in the armor plates of the most powerful golems in Suramar. The hero, having penetrated the area of ​​the nobility, destroyed several golems and obtained their casing, which was very light and incredibly cold to the touch. At the same time, the hero completed another task from Valtrois: he blocked all the branches on the path of a huge surge of energy so that it was guaranteed to reach Shal'Aran.

    When the preparations were completed, an unexpected assistant arrived to the darkened, who this time did not ask for a reward. Arluin stated that he was not blind at all and could see what was happening in the city. The stakes were too high, and he was not going to sit out. Arluin joined the hero and Thalyssra, who were about to conduct an operation in the catacombs of Suramar. Oculeth gave them a beacon so that they could use it to return to Shal'Aran. The telemancer warned that once the manastorm began, he would no longer be able to teleport anyone: the group should have gotten out in advance. Arluin stated that the job was simple: get inside, place the device and get out , before it explodes. Thalyssra agreed with him, but clarified that this work is extremely important. Only they could save Suramar. Valtrois, meanwhile, began preparing Shal'Aran for the energy surge.

    Finally the operation began. Oculet transported the group to the catacombs of Suramar, and they found themselves right in the library. To reach the conductor of the energy of the Night Well, we had to fight our way through the ranks of the nightborne who kept order in the catacombs after the invasion. However, the guide was not too far away, and the group got there without any unnecessary incidents. The hero installed the distortion field generator, and Thalyssra checked that everything was in order. It turned out that the activation system was faulty. This meant that the manastorm would have to be launched manually, and not leave the catacombs before it began. Arluin received the news without delight, but Thalyssra declared that there was no choice and activated the generator.

    The manastorm began, and the hero, along with Thalyssra and Arluin, began to try to survive it. Things became more complicated because of the Nightborne, who were intent on destroying the invaders. During the battle, the manastorm became stronger and stronger, and whirlwinds of magical energy appeared around. Thalyssra maintained a protective barrier under which the group remained safe. Arluin stated that the generator must be turned off so that the manastorm stops gaining strength. Thalyssra replied that it was too dangerous: the whirlwinds could tear apart anyone who dared to leave the barrier. Cursing, Arluin called the hero and Thalyssra his debtors, and then ran to the generator. Despite the unbearable pain, he reached the switch and fell to his knees. The manastorm ended, and Thalyssra, wrapping her arms around Arluin, activated the telemancer's beacon.

    Oculet took the group to Meredil, right to the entrance to Shal'Aran. The wounded Arluin, lying on the ground, was glad to know that he was able to save everyone. He asked to speak with Vanthir and thanked Thalysra for everything before dying. Thalysra and the hero descended into Shal'Aran to check the consequences of the manastorm. The lasso, saturated with energy, became even larger, and blue fruits appeared on its branches.

    Fruits of lasso "dora"

    The fruits that the three darkened ones ate filled their bodies with magical energy and eliminated the need to absorb ancient mana. Valtrois admitted that there was no other path for the Nightborne than the Nightwell. Thalyssra said it was starting new era, and all this would have been impossible without the help of the hero. Now all the inhabitants of Shal'Aran were free from addiction and, after a little preparation, they could start a war against Elisande and her supporters.

    Vantir called the hero and showed him a certain scroll. This was the will that Arluin drew up in case of his death. Vantir suggested that he had guessed in advance what kind of sacrifice would be made, and would like to fulfill his last request. In Suramar, it was necessary to find a girl named Arluel and give her one of the fruits of the arcan "dora. The hero discovered Arluel in one of the secluded places. By that time, she had practically dried up and could only think about magic. The fruit of the arcan "dora saved her from thirst, and now she could live in peace. Arluel burst into tears when she learned that Arluin had died.

    Rebellion of the Nightfallen (7.1)

    Together with new allies from the Alliance and Horde, the Nightfallen from Shal'Aran began a full-scale uprising, which led to the siege of the Nighthold, where Elisande and Gul'dan were hiding.


    It didn't take long before Thalyssra asked the hero to return to Meredil. The Darkened needed help in the city, but first, the First Sorceress wanted her comrades to gain hope. She pointed in the direction of the Arkan Dorai and said that the fruits ripened too slowly. Thanks to the ancient power contained in them, the life force and magical spirit of the Shal Dorai found harmony and ceased to depend on the Night Well. But it was impossible to quickly save everyone who needed help. Thalyssra wanted the hero to help her distribute the fruits to those in need as they ripened. One of the fruits was given to a refugee from Suramar, who promised that he would not forget what the stranger and the First Sorceress had done.

    Then Thalyssra said that there was no news from Suramar today, but it was an alarming silence. According to Oculeth, the teleport to Lunar Twilight did not work, and the Nightfallen could not contact Vanthir. Thalyssra didn't want to believe that something serious had happened, but she had to investigate. She sent the hero to talk with Oculeth to find out if the telemancer could take him to the “Moon Twilight”. Oculeth was much more concerned than the First Sorceress. The network did not respond to his attempts to reestablish contact with Vanthir's tavern, and the telemancer had no idea what had happened. He promised that he would take the hero as close as possible to the right place so that he could understand what had happened.

    The stranger stood on the teleport platform, and Oculet cast a spell that threw him into one of the buildings of the Artisan's Gallery. Quickly reaching the square of the Star Summoners' Vault, the hero saw many corpses and demons walking around. The telemancer's beacon was split into several parts. The cracked crystalline core emitted a quiet humming sound. Oculeth's voice could be heard in this noise, but it was impossible to make out the words. The hero realized that the one who destroyed the lighthouse was trying to leave its owner without communication with the outside world.

    Now it was necessary to examine the “Moon Twilight”, where Vanthir usually hid. There was real chaos here. Demons and punishers from the Twilight Guard continued to guard the square, but did not pay attention to the hero, maxed out as a nightborne. In one of the buildings he met Silgrin, who managed to hide in time. He said that Elisande found out about Vanthir’s involvement in the rebellion, and now he has disappeared. Silgrin looked with regret at the bodies of the murdered inhabitants of the tavern, but was determined. He was not going to tolerate Elisande's abuse of his people.

    Silgrin asked the hero to destroy Elisande's warriors around the tavern so that the ruler would understand that she could not destroy the nightborne with impunity. At the same time, it was also necessary to evacuate those who were able to survive the massacre. The hero, without stopping to fight with the Twilight Guard and demons, went around the nearest houses and tried to convince the survivors to flee to Shal'Aran, and not stay in place. All the survivors gathered in one of the buildings in Siren's Watch. When the hero appeared to them, Silgrin stated, that he needed to find a more suitable place to rest and regroup.He already knew how to get out of Siren's Watch, and asked the hero and the others to follow him.

    Silgrin led the group to the shore, where Delina and her boat arrived just in time. She took the hero and Silgryn to the Terrace of the Eternal Moon and promised that she would help the others get out of the hero. Silgrin led his partner to one of the upper terraces, where a good place was discovered to install a new telemancer beacon. Oculet quickly calculated the coordinates, and the hero and Silgrin were able to transport to Shal'Aran. The portal was restored, but now led to a new place. Thalyssra was glad to see that the hero was all right, but the news from the “Lunar Twilight” upset her.

    It turned out that a mysterious guest came to Shal Aran and wanted to see the hero. Thalysra said that she was waiting at the entrance to the cave and asked to find out the purpose of the visit. The guest was Arluel, saved after Arluin’s sacrifice. She stood by the flower that was planted in the place where her brother died. Arluelle placed a dark purple flower in front of a small flowerbed. She said that her life changed a lot after receiving the fruit of the arcan "dora. Arluel wanted to avenge her brother and thank the darkened for their kindness. The hero took her to the First Sorceress to introduce the two women. Thalyssra entrusted Silgryn with training Arluin's sister, who was ready to fight shoulder to shoulder with the other inhabitants of Shal'Aran.


    After the destruction of the Lunar Twilight, even more refugees who hid in Shal'Aran wished to taste the fruits of the arcan'dor and be freed from the Nightwell forever. Silgrin, who remained in Suramar, reported that Arluel turned out to be a very capable student. Now the two of them were evacuating the townspeople. Thalyssra, having met with the hero at the base of the darkened, conveyed that Silgrin wanted to talk with him on the terrace of the Eternal Moon. It seems that Elisande's madness has begun to put even her comrades to flight, and the darkened could use the atmosphere in the city to their advantage. One of the deserters already wanted to join the rebels, and Thalyssra asked the hero to make sure she was well received. In such dark times, every ally was important to the darkened.

    Using the portal to the terrace, the hero appeared directly in front of Silgrin and Arluelle. Next to them stood a mysterious elf who was a deserter from the Twilight Guard. The hero heard a snippet of conversation: the elf stated that she had now become an ally of the rebels. Silgrin told the hero that a new comrade-in-arms had shared disturbing news. She saw many townspeople being led away from the Starcaller's Vault in chains. Apparently they were sent to Astravar harbor and none returned. The harbor was infested with demons, so Silgrin asked the hero to penetrate there and collect as much information as possible. He pointed out that the corpses of the Legion's vile creatures might provide some clue.

    The deserter also turned to the hero and called herself Victoria. According to her, she served Elisande while the Grand Master maintained order in the city. She fought alongside demons and worse for the greater good. But after the massacre at Moonlight, Victoria realized that Elisande didn't care about the Nightborne at all. The master thought only of herself. Victoria wanted the hero to give the members of the Twilight Watch a chance to see that there was another way. The symbol of the twilight lily was familiar to everyone, and Victoria invited the hero to show it to those who are now guarding the harbor. These guards witnessed Elisande's most cruel deeds and may have changed their minds about her.

    Arriving at the Astravar harbor, the hero saw that this place had changed: there were much more demons and guards. Frightened townspeople sat in the boats under the supervision of the Twilight Guard. The hero did not forget about Victoria's request and showed the twilight lily to several guards. Most of them were already ready to join the rebels and, seeing the sign, left their posts. Some said that what Elisande did to her people was simply unthinkable. The former guards were going to prevent this. On the body of one of the killed demons, the hero discovered a Legion intercom - a crystal with a projected image of an eredar. He listened to a message from the mysterious Aargoss, who demanded that the prisoners from the shal'dorei be taken to the stronghold of the Fel Soul and used as fuel for the soul reactor.

    The hero returned to the terrace of the Eternal Moon and told his allies about everything. Although Victoria thanked the guards for their help, Silgrin looked gloomy and stared at the intercom. He was amazed that the Nightborne were being sacrificed to the Legion, and considered this to be Elisande's worst act. Victoria noticed that after “Moonlight Twilight” she was no longer surprised by anyone. Arluel finally broke her silence and said that the demons must be stopped. Meanwhile, Silgrin came up with a plan: to intercept the Legion's vehicle, the hero had to pretend to be a prisoner. He should have mingled with the townspeople at the harbor and allowed himself to be taken onto the ferry. Silgrin and the girls were planning to follow on one of Delina's gondolas. They would rescue the hero if they knew exactly where the ferries were heading.

    Having agreed to carry out the plan, the hero returned to the harbor and approached one of the groups of prisoners. The demon jailers immediately put him in chains and took him onto the ferry, which sailed from Suramar under guard. The rebels carefully followed the ferry on Delina's gondola until they reached the western shore at the Felsoul stronghold. The demons landed prisoners here, listening to the commands of Aargos, who demanded that the Soul Reactor not be allowed to stand idle. Silgrin and his allies freed the hero from captivity to continue the battle. It was time to put an end to this.

    While Silgrin and the others held the defense on the shore, the hero needed to find and destroy the eredar who controlled this camp. Silgrin understood that the death of Aargoss would not stop everything completely, but it would give him time to figure out how to save the prisoners. The hero headed to the top of the cliff, from where Aargos' voice came. Along the way, he destroyed the cells in which prisoners who begged for help were kept. Aargoss was just absorbing the souls of the nightborne when the hero attacked and killed him. When he returned to the shore to Silgrin, he declared that it was time to get out of here before the demons called for reinforcements. All those rescued were already collected on boats, which then took them back to Suramar. Although Silgrin was pleased with how the operation went, he was frustrated by Vanthir's absence. Together with his allies, he began organizing the sending of the rescued to Shal'Aran.

    Waxing Crescent

    Finally, news about Vanthir appeared - Li'let Lunarch sent a message to Shal'Aran, which Thalyssra herself took over deciphering. When the hero gave the refugee another Arkan Dor fruit and returned to the first sorceress, she just learned that Li Leth was asking Thalyssra to come to her estate in Suramar. The sorceress went there with the hero through one of the Oculet portals.

    • Projection of Lee'let Lunarch says: Important news, Thalyssra.
    • Projection Li'let Lunarch says: Use the portal to my estate. I want to inform them personally.
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Let's go. Let's not keep her waiting.

    Li was waiting for guests in the back courtyard of the estate and immediately laid out the case: terrible rumors were circulating around the city about Vantir. They wanted to intimidate others with his example, so that no one would ever try to join the darkened ones.

    • Lee'let Lunarch says: Welcome back, first sorceress. Thank you for arriving so soon.
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Thank you, Advisor. So?
    • Li'let Lunarch says: There are terrible rumors about our friend Vanthir.
    • Lee'let Lunarch says: They want to intimidate others with his example.
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: How much time do we have?
    • Lee'let Lunarch says: I don't know. I hope it's not too late.

    Thalyssra called the hero and said that she could determine where Vantir was. To do this, it was necessary to find out where his magical essence manifests itself most strongly. Although it would not be easy in such an ancient city as Suramar, Thalyssra was confident that she could find places important to Vanthir, where he left a part of himself. Together with the hero, the sorceress, hidden by an invisibility spell, headed to the promenade, where the missing man often went on business. Li"let asked Thalysra to take care of herself and returned to the palace to Elisande.

    An echo of Vanthir was discovered in one of the buildings on the promenade, and Thalyssra, having studied it, announced that he had dined here more than once. The next entity was found in the Garden of Shadows. Thalyssra said that Vanthir spent many pleasant hours here, because the essence was light and strong. Now the sorceress was sure that he was definitely still alive. Another entity was in a building near the Eternal Moon Bazaar. According to Talisra, Vantir met with one of the suppliers here. Now she had enough entities to determine the location of the missing person.

    The hero and Thalyssra climbed to the Terrace of the Eternal Moon, where Silgrin was hiding in a secluded place. He was surprised that the sorceress appeared in the city. Thalysra reminded the hero of the ritual that had once been performed over Therin in Shal'Aran. Together with the hero, Thalysra performed a new ritual and learned that during the arrest Vantir was most afraid for those whom he hid and protected. Then he was thrown into prison the chamber where Vanthira began to feel hunger, he was almost withered, and finally Thalyssra sensed exactly where he was: on the Terrace of Order, where prisoners were placed to intimidate the townspeople.

    • Silgrin says: What kind of magic is this?
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Very effective.
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: Don't be silent, Vanthir...
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: When he was taken from Moonlight, he was terribly afraid... but not for himself.
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: And for those whom he hid... for whom he sacrificed himself.
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: He was thrown into a dark, secluded place. Over time, hunger settled in him.
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: He grew stronger...
    • First Sorceress Thalyssra says: ...until it crowds out other feelings!
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: It is almost withered. His thoughts are feverish, confused... Just a little more...
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Yes! Found it!
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Terrace of Order! Apparently it has already been put on display...

    The sorceress explained that she knew Vanthir’s jailer. It was one of Auriel's lieutenants, a skilled warrior-sorcerer. The hero might need Silgrin's help to get the key to the cage. Vanthir's life hung in the balance, and he was too close to drying up. The fruit of the arcan "dor could have saved him, and Thalyssra gave one of them to the hero. The ritual took a lot of strength from her, so the sorceress herself could not take part in the rescue operation. Silgrin promised her that he would make sure that no trouble would happen .

    The jailer's name was Thoramir, and Silgrin knew him personally. They were both Auriel's closest associates. A battle began, in which Silgrin was helped by Arluel, Victoria and the hero. Thoramir accused him of treason, but Silgrin only wanted to serve the people of Suramar.

    • Silgrin says: Lower your blade, Thoramir.
    • Thoramir says: Good to see you, Silgrin. Aluriel says hi!
    • Thoramir says: You have disappointed her, warrior-sorcerer. But he could take my place.
    • Silgrin says: I have a conscience. I serve the people of Suramar.
    • Thoramir says: And yet you have turned your weapons against us. You're just a traitor!
    • Thoramir says: Humble yourself, Silgrin. You can't stand it!
    • Silgrin says: Perhaps. But I'm not alone.
    • Thoramir says: She... was not mistaken... about you...
    • Silgrin says: I know.
    • Silgrin says: Let's hurry. We must save Vanthir.

    When the jailer was killed, the hero removed the sphere of control from his body, which served as the key to Vanthir's cell. When the cage was opened, everyone saw that Vanthir was trembling and looking ahead blankly. He seemed unaware of his friends' presence. Noticing the Arkan Dor fruit in the hero’s hands, Vantir quickly snatched it and ate it. A couple of moments later, he got to his feet and came to his senses. Vantir stated that he had not been so clear in his head for a long time. But he was too weak and needed rest. Finally, he asked the hero to place the seal of the Twilight Lily on his cell so that everyone could see that the darkened had won again. When the hero complied with the request, Vanthir said that the lily would return to the people the hope that Elisande tried to take away.

    • Vantir struggles to his feet.
    • Vanthir says: Finally...
    • Vanthir says: Aran "ethyl... The nightmare is over!
    • Silgrin says: Welcome back, friend.
    • Vanthir says: Elisande wanted to intimidate us. But we turned her plan to our advantage.
    • Vanthir says: Lily... will restore hope to the people.
    • Vanthir says:<Кашляет.>I need... to rest. Thank you. Thanks for all.
    • Silgrin says: We will take him to the shelter. Report our success to Thalyssra.

    Returning to Shal'Aran, the hero told Thalyssra about what had happened. The sorceress promised that she would help Vanthir come to his senses and settle down in a new place. According to Thalyssra, Elisande's plan had completely failed. The Grand Master believed that the defeat of the Lunar Twilight would intimidate the rebels and force their mouths of spirits. But the flames of the wrath of the shal'dorai now burned brighter than ever. It was necessary to continue the campaign against Elisande and the Legion, striking them at every turn in Suramar. So the hero could show the nightborne that hope has not faded and that there are still those who are ready to fight for their freedom.

    The Elf Problem

    Vanthir's presence greatly lifted the spirits of the rebels, and it even seemed to Thalyssra that some of them had already learned to enjoy their newfound freedom, despite the longing for their hometown. The first sorceress was not going to calm down until she returned it to them. Before an important meeting that the hero was supposed to attend, she asked that a few more Arcana Dor fruits be distributed so that the darkened would know that even if their leader had to leave now, she would never leave them. When the hero completed the task, Thalyssra revealed that the meeting had convened Archmage Khadgar, who wanted to meet with representatives of the darkened as soon as possible at the entrance to Suramar.The sorceress had a strange premonition that Khadgar would not appear alone.

    Arriving at the indicated place, the hero discovered that troops of the Kirin Tor and elves from the Alliance and Horde had gathered here. The night elves, high elves, and blood elves forgot about the problems that stood between them and were ready to fight for Suramar. In addition to the soldiers, leaders also arrived, including Tyrande Whisperwind, Vereesa Windrunner, Lady Liadrin, and High Magister Rommath. Khadgar greeted the hero and Thalyssra and offered to discuss common interests. The elves of the Alliance and Horde did not trust the first sorceress too much, but Thalyssra declared that the nightborne would no longer be slaves of the Nightwell and would drive the Legion out of Suramar, ending Elisande's tyranny. The elves finally agreed to participate in the battle for Suramar, and Khadgar declared that he would call Thalyssra again at the right time, because her knowledge would be useful in the decisive battle.

    • Archmage Khadgar says: Thank you for coming. We need to discuss common interests.
    • Tyrande Whisperwind says: Arcanist Thalyssra. I remember which side your order was on in the War of the Ancients. How do we know that you won't betray us and become the next Elisande... or Azshara?
    • First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We will not be slaves to the Nightwell. We will drive the Legion from Suramar and end Elisande's tyranny.
    • Tyrande Whisperwind says: The Kaldorei will fight until the Legion falls and the Well is destroyed. And then... Elune will show us the way.
    • Archmage Khadgar says: Thalyssra, your knowledge of the enemy will be very useful in the final battle. We will call you at the right time.

    Alliance Leaders Meeting

    Thalyssra called the hero over and explained that before a full-scale siege began, it was necessary to save as many comrades as possible. Now the inhabitants of Suramar knew that refuge could be found in Shal'Aran, and some no longer feared exile. Thalyssra believed that it was necessary to find those on the Central Promenade who wanted to join the darkened ones, and tell them that it was time to flee.

    The leaders from the Alliance side also had several tasks for the hero, since he belonged to their faction. Tyrande Whisperwind explained that the first step was to set up camp. There was neither time nor resources for a long siege, and it would have been difficult to starve out the Nightborne. Victory could be achieved only with one swift and well-aimed blow. The Nightborne were already gathering troops and could attack the Alliance and Horde right now while they were strengthening their defenses. Tyrande sent the hero behind enemy lines to fight the city's defenders and discover their weaknesses.

    Vereesa Windrunner expressed the opinion that the Nightborne are a foreign people to the elves of the Alliance and Horde, despite their common heritage. Over the years of seclusion, they have changed a lot. The Silver Covenant would like to learn more about the Nightborne and their abilities, so a scout was sent to the promenade. Vereesa also knew that the blood elves did the same. Both scouts should have returned long ago, but there was no news. Vereesa asked to find them and make sure that they were safe or at least did not die in vain.

    A battle was already taking place on the territory of the Central Promenade. The rebels tried to resist the Twilight Guard, and the hero helped them win, after which he informed them that they should leave the city and head to Shal'Aran. In a secluded place behind a building located in the southern part of the promenade, the hero found the sentry Moon Shadow, sent by the Alliance. Elf thanked Elune for finally sending her an assistant. She pointed to the Legion portal nearby, through which the city's defenders could call upon virtually unlimited reserves. The portal needed to be disabled, and Moon Sloth assumed that it was powered by energy from nearby crystals. Destroying the Crystals should have significantly weakened the enemy. At the same time, Moon Shadow proposed to deal with the warden Ingra, who commanded here and demanded more and more strength for herself to transport powerful demons through the gates. After listening to the elf, the hero fought with the Legion at the portal and completed both tasks.

    The hero found the scout sent by the Horde at the descent to the city center. The magician Sendat said that the sorcerer in charge of the defense of Suramar was too strong even for the two of them. He erected a strong defense, somehow pumping enough energy into his staff to support multiple portals. Now the staff was left unattended, and Sendat asked to bring it along with the energy source of one of the local golems. Using these items, a blood elf could make a device that could deal with the shield. When the hero returned, Sendat created a spell neutralizer and said that Thorendis could now be defeated. Having made his way to the sorcerer, the hero made sure that the neutralizer was working and destroyed the enemy. Sendat noted that now it would be easier for the elves of the Alliance and Horde to hold out until the main forces arrived.

    At the camp, the hero reported to Tyrande, Vereesa and Thalysra about what was happening on the Central Promenade. The first sorceress reported that the rebels gathered by the hero brought sad news. The sorcerers loyal to Elisande activated the Hand of the Grand Master - the most powerful golem ever created. Once he had already gotten out of control and smashed an entire block to pieces before he could be put out of action. Thalyssra was sure that the nightborne were completely desperate if they decided to use the Hand. The scouts reported that the golem had been seen in the Crimson Thicket, and it had to be destroyed before it reached peak power. Together with his allies, the hero went into the thicket and dealt with the Hand.

    When the Alliance hero approached Lady Liadrin, she expressed her opinion that the leaders of his faction needed to stop fooling around. Vereesa was so obsessed with revenge against the Horde that she could not be trusted with the second flank. Tyrande was a sentinel and knew little about warfare in such conditions. Her reconnaissance was of great help to the blood knights and masters, but it would be better not to participate in the main attack of the kaldorei. Liadrin was sure that only the blood knights were well prepared for this battle.

    Victory Forges

    Every day, more Nightborne fled from Suramar to join the ranks of the rebels. Thalyssra's army grew by leaps and bounds, and the chances of victory were increasing due to the help of the Alliance and the Horde. But the army did not have enough weapons and mana so that each fighter could fight without fear of drying out. Thalyssra, who was trying to sort things out, asked the hero to talk with the leaders of the Alliance and Horde, as well as with the sorceress Valtrois, who seemed to have found a solution to the problem with the supply of mana.

    Valtrois reported that she had detected a small swirl of mana in Azsuna's ley lines. She was going to personally go there to redirect the energy to Shal'Aran, and invited the hero to join. Oculet helped organize teleportation to the indicated place. Valtrois managed to get scared that the telemancer would make a mistake, but everything went fine: the darkened one and the hero found themselves in the middle of the power ruins of Zarkenar. Previously, the hero had already fought here with the darkened to protect the blue dragons.

    Before Valtrois had time to come to her senses, the dragon Stellagosa in the guise of an elf approached her and the hero. She stated that she could feel the teleportation of the darkened at any distance. Valtrois tried to come up with an excuse, but couldn't. However, Stellagosa did not attack, because a hero appeared with the darkened one, who greatly helped the dragons. The dragoness decided to “keep an eye on” what the uninvited guests were going to do.

    Valtrois handed over the taps to the hero and explained that the energy of magical resonance would be used to redirect the flow of energy into Shal'Aran. The taps were required to be placed in clearly defined places, and disputes arose between the sorceress and the dragon several times over these places. Finally, Stellagosa admitted that the darkened breaks up well in power lines.

    After installing the taps, Valtra had access to the line and could remove the obstruction that was blocking the flow of energy. The ley line was in complete disarray, so she could not be distracted during the ritual. The hero agreed to protect the sorceress while she was busy with a complex process. Stellagosa was helping the darkened one with the manipulation of ley lines and noticed that they needed to hurry: someone very hungry was approaching them. The hero fought with the withered ones while the two girls completed the ritual. When the energy was sent to Shal'Aran, Valtrois lost a lot of strength. Stellagosa decided to take them back to the base of the darkened, and a conversation began between her and Valtrois about ley lines. Leaving them in Meredil, the hero went to Thalyssra to tell about what had happened.

    At the rebel camp near the entrance to the city, the hero saw Absolon, concerned that his wife Noressa was still in the city. He mentioned a small house on the south of the Central Promenade near the water gardens and suggested that Noressa would try to wait out the commotion there. Absolon asked the hero to go there and bring his wife. When Noressa finally met her husband, he thanked the hero for his help and took his wife to their new home in Shal'Aran. On the way, he told her about what happened to their daughter.

    Tyrande Whisperwind, to whom the hero of the Alliance arrived, explained that night elf and blood elf fighters do not always behave appropriately. Tyrande was confident that her warriors would never attack the sin'dorei without a direct order, but was dissatisfied with the constant teasing and insults that the two armies showered on each other. Since the hero was respected by both factions, Tyrande asked him to clear the military camps of offensive items contents to prevent conflict.Among these items was, for example, a box containing small birds, on which the night elves wrote "we have found your horses" and then planted it in the blood elf camp.

    Khadgar was concerned that lately he had to break up fighting elves too often. He assumed that something or someone was pushing them towards this. The Shal'dorei were very well versed in camouflage and could have sent them to the camp as a spy. Khadgar, after talking with Thalyssra about the principles of how illusions work, created a crystal that could dispel camouflage, and asked the hero to walk with him through the camps. With the help of the crystal, the hero actually discovered several spies from Suramar.

    Victoria, who escaped from the Dusk Guard, tried to train the darkened along with Silgrin and Arluelle. They settled in the northern part of the camps, and Khadgar invited them to conduct field training in the ruins of the Black Rook Fortress. Victoria agreed, believing that the rebel soldiers of Lord Ravencrest were unlikely to have forgotten how to fight. Hearing that the hero was going there, Silgrin asked him to look in the fortress for books that described the military tricks of Kur'talos. Oculet also had a task related to the fortress: it was necessary to place beacons in those places where the servants of Raven Crest stored weapons. With the help of beacons, Oculeth could teleport the weapon to Meredil.Riding on a hippogriff, the hero flew to the fortress, and the darkened joined him using teleportation when he got to the right place.

    When the hero returned after completing the tasks, Silgrin reported that the ruler of the underworld had appeared in Meredil, wanting to suppress the rebellion. The army of the darkened under the leadership of Silgrin and with the help of the hero was able to destroy the demon and his minions.

    March to Suramar

    After a week, the rebels were well armed and morale was very high. Even the elves from the Alliance and Horde stopped arguing with each other. Thalyssra stated that almost everything was ready for an attack on the city. She made plans to move through Suramar and capture the harbor, which the hero was supposed to deliver to Vereesa Windrunner, Tyrande Whisperwind and Lady Liadrin. Passing by Victoria, who continued admonishing the darkened, the hero heard her cry: “Stop being lazy! You are nightborne, and you are preparing to defend your city and your traditions. Be proud!

    The three elves leading their armies were glad to hear that the rebels were ready for an active offensive. Tyrande turned to Elune with a prayer that the campaign against her hometown would end as soon as possible. Vereesa said that there were too few elves to hold the camp at the shield for long, so it was necessary to move on. The hero then approached Khadgar, who noted that with the right luck, Thalyssra's plans would result in far fewer casualties than might have been expected.

    The Archmage was impressed that Thalyssra managed to convince the three elves. Liadrin was already launching an attack on Suramar, and Khadgar asked the hero to join her forces. Tyrande was to outflank the city's defenders and meet up with the others later. According to the plan, the Nightborne were going to attack last and help hold the territory. Khadgar himself, along with Oculeth, intended to transfer the forces of the Kirin Tor directly to the haven of Astravar.

    The hero entered the gate and fought against the Twilight Guard along with the troops of the Alliance, Horde and the darkened. As he approached the Court of Fate, he was helped by Tyrande Whisperwind and her sentries. Kirin Tor peacekeepers began to appear around, arriving via teleportation. Many Nightborne troops gathered on the bridge, but Khadgar and Oculeth teleported them all into the air above the sea with a cunning spell. The road was clear.

    Khadgar and Oculeth stood at the entrance to the upper pavilion above the harbor. The Archmage told the hero that holding the impressive corridor cut by the elves through the city would not be easy, but it would help divide Elisande's troops. Oculeth managed to redirect the telemantic beacon to this territory and wanted the honor of activating it to be given to the hero. As the beacon became operational, more Nightfallen from Shal'Aran arrived through the portal, ready to fight. Oculeth was relieved that the additional beacon had not overloaded the network.

    Khadgar and the hero approached another entrance to the pavilion, which overlooked the Night Citadel. Thalyssra, Tyrande, Liadrin and Vereesa were already standing here. The Archmage shared with the hero that from the new bridgehead it was possible to fire at the gates of the citadel and begin the assault. Now all that remained was to wait for the siege weapons to take position.

    Elisande's answer

    Soon everything was ready to begin the siege of the Night Citadel. Thalyssra, having met the hero, said that she had studied in this place for many years and did not even think that the day would come when she would have to break through there in battle. The armies of the darkened, the Alliance and the Horde were already lined up in front of the palace and were ready to storm. The hero went to Astravar harbor to talk with Khadgar. Thalyssra and other commanders also came here.

    Khadgar noticed that a week ago the elves were ready to kill each other, but now they rallied before a common enemy. Everyone was ready for the decisive breakthrough into the Night Citadel. The Archmage would have wanted to fight in the vanguard, but Tyrande insisted that he and the hero remain behind with the Nightfallen and cover the rear. Khadgar suggested that the hero take a walk together and see how the elves resolved their differences.

    On the bridge leading to the entrance to the citadel, the elves stood along with their leaders and mechanisms such as anima golems and glaive throwers. Suddenly, a huge projection of the Grand Master Elisande appeared in front of them, who made a speech and addressed each of the peoples gathered here:

    • Elisande says: And the rebels pin their hopes on this rabble?
    • Elisande says: Kaldorei? You betrayed your past. You hide in the forests, hiding behind feigned piety. You have become savages - just like your troll neighbors!
    • Elisande says: Kel'dorai? Commoners who imagine themselves to be nobility, but willingly commit incest with lower races? You are not worthy to be called high elves.
    • Elisande says: Sin "dorai? I thought, of all the elves, at least you would understand my choice - after all, I am saving my people! But you are confused with scum and monsters.
    • Elisande says: You have all betrayed your heritage, forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright.
    • Elisande says: So let this failed rebellion be a lesson to all who challenge the shal'dorai!

    At the end, Elisande cast a spell, and a huge sphere of energy began to approach the elves. Although they tried to escape, almost all of them were caught in a temporary trap. Khadgar and the hero, standing on the harbor side, were able to escape. The Archmage, looking at the trapped allies, stated that they all underestimated Elisande's power. But it was difficult for him to imagine that the Grand Master was capable of collecting such a large amount of energy.

    Together with his companion, Khadgar carefully approached the sphere within which time had stopped. He was looking for a way to break the spell or find out what was keeping it going. Since the allies took the brunt of the attack, Khadgar could temporarily protect himself and the hero from residual magic. He focused on defense and went inside while the hero protected him from the aggressive creatures attracted by the time distortion. Elisande's chronomagic was not inferior in power even to the spells of bronze dragons.

    Finally, Khadgar and the hero reached Tyrande Whisperwind, and the mage decided to try to pull her out of the spell. Concentrating, he freed Tyrande, although he nearly disrupted the flow of time. The priestess was fine, but did not understand what had happened. There was no time for explanations, however, because Khadgar could no longer maintain the defense. He took the hero back to Astravar harbor and said that he needed to find another way out of the situation.

    Thalyssra, Valtrois and Oculet also gathered in the harbor. The chief telemancer was amazed that Elisande was able to gather so much energy. Valtrois asked why Li'let didn't warn the darkened ones about the power of the Grand Master, because she was an adviser and probably knew about everything. Thalyssra replied that there had been no news from Li'let for a long time. This was hardly a coincidence. The first sorceress called the hero and clarified whether his illusion spell was working. It was necessary to find out what happened to Lady Lunarch.

    Until recently, Li'leth regularly sent magical encrypted messages from the Citadel of the Night. She made considerable efforts to ensure that they were not intercepted, and only the most long-term and meticulous observers could detect them. They would not be able to monitor from the palace due to strong interference Nightwell, and Thalyssra was sure that an observation post had been set up on the Terrace of Enlightenment. She asked the hero to examine the local fortune-telling balls and look for traces of Li'let's messages. This way it would be possible to find out what Lady Lunarch wanted to warn her allies about.

    The hero made his way to the Terrace of Enlightenment and, after destroying several soothsayers, gained access to the fortune telling balls. They did catch a message from Li'let, who, having come from an emergency council meeting, tried to inform Thalyssra about Andaris, who had become the first sorceress and was working on a powerful spell that could lift the siege of the Alliance and the Horde. Li'leth asked not to attack the main gate of the Night Citadel and suggested another way. She learned about a breach in the Sanctuary of Order, which runs under the Night Well and leads directly to the palace. Although they tried to seal it, the Alliance and Horde could break through. Lady Lunarch's message ended with a recording of her being detained by the Twilight Guard, despite being Elisande's advisor.

    • Lee'let Lunarch says: Thalyssra, I hope you are doing well. I just came from an emergency council meeting regarding the gathering of Horde and Alliance forces near the borders of Suramar.
    • Lee'let Lunarch says: Elisande has appointed a terrible woman named Andaris as her first sorceress. Together they work on a powerful spell to lift the siege.
    • Li'let Lunarch says: There is no point in attacking the main gate, it is better to look for another way. Andaris sent her sorcerers to the Sanctuary of Order.
    • Lee'let Lunarch says: Looks like there's a breach that runs underneath the Nightwell and leads straight into the palace. They're trying to seal it, but I'm sure you...
    • Lee'let Lunarch says: Someone is coming... Who are you? Hey! Take your hands off! How dare you! Do you know who I am?!

    When they were in place, Valtrois said that she could feel the energy concentrating somewhere below. The guards protected the passage down, and the hero took care of it so that Valtrois could pass. Seeing the force barrier, the sorceress began to study it and look for ways to remove it. At first she thought about a mana storm, but then realized that it would require too much energy. Finally, Valtrois realized that the barrier was not powered by the Night Well, but by ley lines. She tracked one of the energy sources in Kel'balor and stated that she needed to go there immediately to figure out how to remove the barrier.

    In Kel'balor, Valtrois studied the local coil of ley lines while the hero protected her from the withered and nightborne. She confirmed that part of the energy of the ley line was sent directly to the Sanctuary of Order, but did not know what to do with it. Valtrois said that she needed to return to Shal'Aran and think about it in a good way. Inside the shelter, the hero approached Thalyssra to tell the news, but she already knew everything. All that remained was to wait while Valtrois worked on a plan to remove the barrier.

    Willpower and spirit

    There were rumors about Andaris Narassin, who became the new first sorceress, that she was a real monster. Thalyssra was afraid that she would never see Li'let again, and received an alarming message from the city, which she shared with the hero. The courier delivered a crystal with a recorded message from Andaris, and the hero, touching it, saw a projection of the first sorceress and heard her words:

    • Andaris Narassin says: Poor Thalyssra... You want so badly to save your people, but at the same time you tear them away from what keeps them alive! I'm afraid Lee'll have to pay for your insolence!
    • Andaris Narassin says: Come on, show me the worth of your rebellion! Fight me at Li'let's estate. Or I'll be forced... to interrogate someone else!

    Thalyssra could no longer sit idly by while Lady Lunarch disappeared into the unknown. She was not going to leave the message unheeded: every threat against the darkened did not go unanswered. Together with the hero, she went to the Lunarch estate, where a meeting was scheduled. Thalyssra took with her the strongest withered ones and, seeing the Twilight Guard in the middle of the estate, sent them to attack. Andaris herself was here in the form of a projection, as was the captive Li'let. The sorcerers from the Twilight Guard, who owned fel magic, were able to easily destroy the withered ones and wound Thalysra.

    The leader of the darkened returned to Shal'Aran, asking the hero to save everyone in the estate who he could. Thalyssra was amazed that the withered were completely defenseless against the fel energy. However, the few survivors of them remained to help the hero. Fighting with the Twilight Guard, he saved everyone servants and nobles that he was able to discover on the territory of the Lunarch estate, and then went to Shal'Aran. Although Thalyssra was fine, she continued to brood over the fel problem and search for a solution.

    She suggested increasing the resistance of the withered by using the magical environment in the Stronghold of the Fel Soul. The hero visited there with them and forced the withered ones to draw energy from special crystals filled with Fel. Thalyssra convinced him that the operation should not be stopped until acceptable results were obtained. Although the destructive energy certainly hurt the withered bodies, they eventually learned to resist it. The hero became convinced of this by forcing the Withered Ones to destroy the energy source inside the local Soul Reactor.

    Upon returning to the hideout of the darkened, the hero learned from Thalyssra that the chief telemancer Oculeth was already working on a new device for the withered. When the hero approached, Oculet asked him to return to the city and collect important information: certain coordinates that allow him to control teleportation with unprecedented precision. To do this, Oculet gave the hero an improved telemantic beacon, with which he could inspect the Terrace of Order in the middle of Suramar. Already on the spot, it turned out that the new beacon was incompatible with the illusion spell used by the hero, so in order to carry out the research he had to fight with local troops of nightborne and demons.

    Oculet immediately began analyzing the data received, but before that he suggested that the hero “pay attention to more interesting achievements technical progress." It turned out that the telemancer had one more request: to bring some things from his abandoned chambers, including a book and four discarded spheres. When the hero arrived at the scene, Oculet remotely disabled the disguise and allowed him to enter the workshop. To collect items, we had to fight with unstable anomalies that were attracted here by the curvatures of space. Having brought the indicated items to Oculeth, the hero approached Thalyssra, who was about to conduct the next tests of the withered.

    The leader of the darkened said that the creatures of Fel began to spread beyond the city. Her attention was drawn to the camp east of the Crimson Thicket, where Valtis Ama'ran, who reported directly to Andaris, was in charge. Thalysra wanted the hero to attack the camp and test the Oculet's new device - telemantic spheres that can instantly summon the withered. Having reached the right place, the hero was convinced that the spheres work perfectly and that the withered ones can withstand the magic of the Twilight Guard. Valtis Ama'ran and his henchmen were destroyed.

    Passage to the Night Citadel

    A week later, Thalyssra was confident that the Nightfallen forces were fully prepared for a new attack. Once Valtrois could put her plan into action, they planned to attack the Sanctuary of Order and finish off Andaris. Thalyssra believed that the new first sorceress would be surprised that the withered were now able to resist fel magic. When a new batch of arcan dora fruits was distributed, Thalyssra briefly described to the hero a plan to disable the barrier that protected the sanctuary.

    Several important energy sources were located in the catacombs of Suramar. Valtrois built some energy distorters that would allow the darkened directly from Shal'Aran to simultaneously break energy connections, which would lead to the fall of the barrier. Thalyssra asked the hero to take the devices and place them on the ley lines in Teloth'aran, Kel'balor and Elor'shan . Without wasting time, the hero went to the Crimson Thicket, where all three dungeons were located. This time Elor'shan was filled with hostile nightborne, and Kel'balor was withered. Having made his way through them, the hero installed a device in each of the dungeons. He visited deep Telotharan for the first time and fought with many spiders and faldorei that had captured this place.

    Having reached Shal'Aran, the hero saw that the Archmage Khadgar was standing next to Thalyssra, Valtrois and Oculeth. Oculeth announced that the time had come. As soon as Valtrois brought down the barrier protecting the breach in the walls of the Sanctuary, the hero would be teleported there by the telemancer. His task was taking control of the rift. The oculeth gave him several new spheres with which he could summon the withered. When the hero was ready, the assault on the rift began.

    However, everything did not go as planned. The hero was teleported straight into an ambush on the Terrace of Order, where elite Nightborne warriors stood before him. Andaris Narassin, laughing, declared that she was not blind at all and knew about the tricks of the darkened ones. Although Oculeth was amazed that the teleportation had been intercepted, Thalyssra reassured the hero and assured him that he could capture and hold the position with the help of the withered. And so it happened.

    The passage to the Sanctuary of Order from the terrace was protected by another barrier, and the hero had to turn off the energy sources, without stopping calling on the withered and fighting. After removing the barrier, the hero heard Andaris order Dallion, the blademaster of the Dusk Guard, to defend the passage. The hero dealt with him and his henchmen.

    Inside the sanctuary, new opponents were already waiting for him, among whom were demons. But the withered ones, protected from Fel, easily destroyed them and helped the hero move on. Finally, he encountered Andaris, who declared that she was ready to die to prevent anyone from entering the Citadel of Night. The first sorceress was protected by a barrier, but the withered ones were able to drain the energy from it, after which Andaris was destroyed.

    After her death, Oculet reported that telemancy in the Sanctuary of Order was working again. Now he was able to transfer Thalysra and Khadgar to the hero. The leader of the darkened said that there was no need to fear reinforcements, and led the hero and Khadgar to the gap below. There, Thalyssra added that she could feel the Nightwell and that Elisande was completely desperate if she overloaded it so much. Khadgar told the hero that all that was left to fall was to free his allies from the time trap. To do this, it was necessary to kill Elisande in the Citadel of Night, but the withered ones were too weak. The hero was asked to gather allies and begin an assault on the Citadel through the breach.

    Khadgar knew that Gul'dan was already stealing the energy of the Nightwell, intending to call Sargeras to Azeroth. He was on the upper tier, where the heroes should have broken through. Khadgar was going to prepare the Heart of Light and at the right time come to their aid in order to end the The rumble is given once and for all.

    Refugees from Val'shari

    In the west of the territories around the city, refugees from Val'shara settled down and founded the Iron Grove Shelter. They were led by Meiruna Moonwing, a priestess of Elune. She asked the hero to help clean up the camp and equip a new Moonwell. During the cleaning, the elves told how barely barely escaped from the Nightmare and Ysera, who attacked the temple.Some of them were from a village near Suramar and considered themselves beholden to the druids, who were commanded by Mythandros Irongrove.

    When the cleaning was over, Meyruna said that one of the elves did not reach the shelter, because the squad was divided due to a skirmish with satyrs on the border of Val'shara. The missing one was Kalendros, the brother of Mithandros, and Meyruna hoped that the hero would be able to find him. He went to the forest located near the bridge to Val'shara. The wounded Kalendros hid in the Motley Log, trying to resist the satyrs. It turned out that the root of Shaladrassil had reached Suramar and was trying to desecrate these lands. Kalendros begged to stop the corruption by killing the satyrs and destroying their totems. When the hero completed this task, Kalendros asked to set fire to the root of Shaladrassil. After destroying the root, Kalendros said that he would get rid of the ashes and return to the camp to Meyrun.

    In the Iron Grove Shelter, Mardranel Forest Heart decided to start creating a Moonwell. This required the blessing of powerful creatures of the local wildlife. The hero needed to find where exactly the local owls lived, and Mardranel set off on the journey with him. Chasing the lost owlet, the hero and the druid reached Youlon, the king of the woolly feathers. Mardranel suggested that Youlon's blessing could be obtained by protecting lost kits from stray ettin and returning them home. When the kittens were rescued, Youlon pulled the feather from his paw and placed it on Mardranel's palm, which meant a blessing.

    The hero returned to the shelter, and Meiruna reported that Mithandros had discovered another creature that could give a blessing. It was located in a secluded clearing to the northeast, where the ancient Redlegs deer lived. Mithandros had two tasks for the hero: to plant some seeds of lush grass in the fertile soil and to deal with the local wolves. When the hero returned, Redlegs bestowed a blessing, which was expressed in the form of a rare flower that he dug out of the ground. Mithandros sent the hero north to receive the last blessing from the night sabers. Solendra Falling Feather has already done this.

    Arriving at the indicated place, the hero saw Solendra, who was bending over a petrified saber-tooth cub. With the help of Solendra, the hero drove away the basilisks that had seized the lands and freed the captive saber-tooths from the curse. Silver Fang, the matriarch of the gorge, watched the guests from afar and in the end bestowed a blessing on the name - the brilliant fang of a night saber. When the hero returned to Iron Grove Shelter, all the night elves were already preparing to begin the ritual. After its completion, this place became a real home for refugees, as the Moonwell began to nourish and protect them.

    Sacrifices for the Legion

    Not far from Meredil, the hero met a nightborn whose name was Iadreth. She complained that she was unjustly expelled from Suramar, and wanted to return to the Nightwell. A few days ago, Iadreth saw the words “We will drink from the Well again” scrawled on the wall. In the Water Gardens of Suramar, someone was smuggling exiles into the city, and Iadreth asked to go there in her place to investigate the situation.

    The hero entered Suramar, taking on the guise of a nightborne. In the indicated place, he found an elf named Astoril and told him the code phrase on the wall. Astoril stated that we must act quickly. To penetrate Suramar, supplies were required, which the hero had to collect and take to Iadreth. After this, it was necessary to meet with Astoril in the ruins north of the city. The supplies consisted of diluted manavin, enough to last for several days. Iadret drank the whole bottle in one gulp when the hero returned to her. The elf asked to be taken to Astoril because she could not defend herself in case of attack. She said that she left the city, guided by the lanterns, so that they could lead her back. During the transition, Iadret looked at the withered ones in horror, not wanting to become one of them. It turned out that she was expelled from the city because she punished her servants.

    When they reached Astoril, the nightborne declared that he could easily lead Iadreth to the city along the secret road. Although the elf believed him, she asked the hero to stay with her until the end. Astoril pointed to the runic circle in which he had to step in order to be transported to a safe place. Once Iadreth and the hero did this, they found themselves in the Fel Breach, located in the Catacombs of Suramar. Astoril called his Legion lords and announced that he had made the last sacrifice. He destroyed Iadreth with a spell when a projection of the demon Aargoss appeared before him. Astoril had already sacrificed nine souls nine times, and the demon gave him a fraction of the Legion's power. By order of the demon, the traitor attacked the one who brought Jadret, but was killed. The hero used the telemancer's beacon to return to Shal'Aran.

    Moon Guardians

    On the approaches to the monastery of the Fallen Moon, the hero witnessed a battle between a lone Moon Guard and a squad of Nightborne. The guard managed to destroy the opponents with a spell, but almost lost his strength. When the hero approached him to talk, he told of how the Nightborne attacked the Citadel of the Moon Guards a few hours after the fall of the shield of Suramar. The guards were taken by surprise and the massacre began. Now the citadel was captured, and the leaders of the local elves died. The survivor the hero spoke to was named Talren Rivertree, and he asked to find the bodies of several guards in order to perform funeral rituals. When the hero promised to do this, Talren said that he would take the opportunity to set traps for intruders, and teleported away.

    Passing through the gate, the hero saw the nightborne and many corpses of local elves. When the invader attacked him and was killed, the hero found on his body a smooth square seal that was saturated with powerful energy. These sorrows belonged to the Moon Guardians, and they could not be allowed to fall to the Nightborne. Destroying other invaders and searching for the bodies of their leaders, the hero collected seals from their bodies. In the lower gardens, he performed a ritual for the fallen Nyell Starweaver and helped his spirit to rest.

    Rising to the nest, the hero encountered many hippogriffs who were trying to defend themselves from the nightborne. He saw the wounded elf and hurried to her. It was Ivanel Meadowsong, who did not have long to live. She said that the hippogriffs continue to fight and cannot get used to the fact that the Moon Guardians are no more. Ivanel asked the hero to do everything to make the hippogriffs fly away and not die here. The hero, having dispersed the animals and killed several invaders, discovered the body of Galart River Tree, over whom he also performed a ritual.

    At the edge of the nest there was a passage into the dungeon, where the nightborne were trying to break through. The hero defeated them and, going inside, saw a small group of surviving Moon Guards, many of whom were wounded and lying exhausted. One of them, Kylie Feather of the Wind, had already died, and the hero performed a ritual over the body. The survivors were led by Lireya Wind Feather, the sister of the deceased. She thanked the hero for his help. Lirea was thirsty for revenge and handed the guest a vial of shining green liquid. This liquid could attract angry wild hippogryphs, who would attack the invaders and clear the way deeper into the citadel. When the hero left, Lireya asked not to return for her and the others. Because of the Nightborne's betrayal, they were already doomed.

    On the next tier, the hero met another survivor - Serena Feather of the Wind. She was protected by a hippogriff named Wingbeak, who rushed at the hero and stopped only after the owner’s instructions. Serena reported that she was in the fortress with Lotri Mooncaller when the Nightborne attacked. Lotrius and his magical golems helped many of the guards escape from the reading room, but his enemies surrounded him before he could leave. Serena felt that Lotrius was still alive and asked to find him. Buckbeak was supposed to deliver the hero to the place where Lotria was last seen.

    Serena had an idea on how to deal with the remaining Nightborne. Arriving at the citadel, they destroyed the protective matrix of the guards and were still in possession of the shards of the spell focus. Serena suggested collecting the fragments, putting them together and, rising on the hippogriff, calling on magic that would destroy the invaders. Buckbeak brought the hero to the library, where Lotrius was located, who managed to survive. It turned out that there was no luck involved: he used the Elemental Summoner to crush the enemies who tried to approach him. Lotry was overjoyed to learn that Serena also survived. He stated that he sometimes forgets how talented Serena is.

    Lotri needed help. First, it was necessary to collect three tomes, which were of particular value to all night elves. The librarian touched the hero's forehead, and the titles of the books were imprinted in his mind: "Anthology of the Moon Guardians", "Magical Manifestations of the Moon" and "Aftermath of the Battle of the Source". Lotriy gave the guest a special trap that would help destroy the nightborne. He also said that opponents are opening large portals to Suramar, which allow them to summon their own golems. Because of these golems, which were immune to Lotria's magic, he was unable to join the rest of the survivors.

    The hero not only followed the librarian’s instructions and killed the enemy commander, but also managed to collect the fragments of the spell focus. By combining them, he obtained an unstable focus, which allowed him to destroy dozens of Nightborne from the back of a hippogriff found nearby. Although invaders continued to arrive through the portal, this weakened their army. Lotrius, overjoyed at the return of the hero and the books, spoke of his wife Sirana, who remained in the Starweaver Sanctuary across the bridge. The Sanctuary fell after the invasion began, but Sirana was able to survive. The librarian sent the hero to her and asked her to convey his warm regards. Lotrius also showed how to use Elemental Summoners to fight through the Nightborne.

    The Starweavers Sanctuary was filled with enchanted ghosts of magic that attacked the hero. But the summoners of Lotria allowed them to enter the hall where Sirana was located along with two comrades. They were just defending themselves from the Nightborne and were able to destroy them with a spell without the help of a hero. Sirana stated that she felt Lotria's magic and knew that he was alive. She said that the magician Talerian settled in the office of Sirana's father and took possession of the astrologer's key, which allowed him to control the defense of the fortress. It was necessary to take the key from Talerian, and then help Sirana and her friends get out of the trap. The Nightborne deliberately drove them into the hall so that they could calmly dig through the sanctuary in search of relics, but the magic of the invaders could be turned against them. Sirana taught the hero how to use the inert crystal.

    Using the crystal, the hero forced the ghosts of magic to attack the nightborne and reached Talerian while they were distracted. Having killed the magician and taken possession of the key, the hero climbed to the upper levels of the sanctuary, where Sirana and other survivors, including Talren and Lotria, had already settled down. Their abode was protected by a magical barrier that prevented the nightborne from passing through. Talren said that those gathered here are all that remains of the Moon Guardians. Only a pale shadow of its former power, and the Nightborne were to blame for the decline. The guards could do nothing more and had to leave the citadel immediately. Talren teleported all the survivors to Meredil, sensing a strange signal coming from there. Once in the ruins, they saw a passage in the rock and descended into Shal'Aran. It turned out that they were called here by Thalysra, who knew about the problems in the citadel and was looking for new allies. She promised to take care of the Moon Guardians.

    Jarl of Jandvika

    Northeast of Suramar, the hero met a vrykul woman who, unlike her brothers, did not attack him. She offered to earn extra money and told her story. Recently, the Jarl of Yandvik, a vrykul settlement on the coast, had gone missing, and now two green Yugs were arguing over which of them was more worthy to take his place. The woman, whose name was Toril, believed that she herself should become a jarl. She wanted the hero to come to Yandvik, challenge Kalder and Einar to a fight and kill them. Usually Toril didn’t really trust strangers, but she had no choice: if the settlement found out that there was blood on her hands, she would face a trial and a harsh sentence. Toril asked the hero to come to her in the center of Yandvik when everything was over.

    The vrykul were aggressive as usual, and the hero spent a lot of energy making his way to the goal. But in the end he killed two challengers and came to the fire in the center of Yandvik, where Toril stood. Now she could become a jarl herself. The woman wished to use the hero’s services again: to find the missing Earl Throndir and find out what happened to him. Other vrykul came running to the fire, and Toril announced that she had become the new jarl. The hero was now under her protection, and the vrykul of the settlement stopped attacking him. But they were not too happy with the new ruler and did not trust her.

    Going to the shore, where the battle with the Saj'thar nagas continued, the hero began his search. He soon found a wounded jarl, who had difficulty speaking due to the poison that had penetrated deep into his body. He begged the hero not to leave his body lying on the shore, and burn on a funeral pyre. Standing nearby was the warrior Brandolf, who said that a whole legion of nagas could not defeat the jarl in a fair fight, but he fell victim to their treachery. Brandolf said that he was not alone in searching for Throndir, and asked to find his three comrades - Katarina, Fjolrik and Stokalfr.

    The hero collected the driftwood, rescued the vrykul from a nearby cave and destroyed many nagas, collecting their fangs at the request of Brandolf, who wanted to make a necklace. Then, together with the four sent on the search, he built a funeral pyre for Throndir. They lit a fire and escorted the fallen jarl on his final journey. Brandolf told the hero that he should continue the battle against the naga if he hated them as much. For battles underwater, a special infusion was required that gave underwater breathing, and the hero began collecting ingredients for it, including the head of axe-tailed basilisks, swim bladder naked and the blood of the siren. Brandolph joined him and made the potion when the necessary items were collected.

    Now the Saj'thar nagas could not hide from the hero anywhere, and he went to destroy their commanders: Raz'jira, Malt'hisa and Kel'tarissa. It was time for Brandolf to return to Yandvik, and he asked to be found when the commanders were killed. The hero plunged under the waters of Azure Breeze Bay and made sure that the potion was working. Having found the commanders and killed them, the hero sailed back to Yandvik, where he found Brandolf and Toril at the camp fire. He told the vrykul bad news: at the bottom of the bay there were sea giants who were clearly collaborating with the naga.

    Toril, having thought over the plan, decided to show something to the hero. She called him to an underwater grotto located in the bay and promised that this would help defeat the naga. When the hero arrived at the grotto, he saw a barely alive vrykul next to Toril. And another Toril, locked in a cage and screaming that it was a trap. The first Toril said that she was glad to see the hero following her. She was afraid that he was able to see through the plan, and then removed the illusion and turned into the mistress of the tides, Saj'tar. Naga was going to destroy Yandvik from the inside and attacked the hero, but he forced her to escape. The hero freed the real Toril from the cage. She said that she saw her relatives on the seabed while the naga dragged her here. The vrykul had some creatures on their heads that subjugated them and forced them to work for the naga. Toril asked to tear off these monsters, even if it led to the death of the vrykul. It was better for them to live free, than to be enslaved by the naga.

    She also wanted the hero to collect spare parts for harpoon cannons, which could be useful to defeat Saj'tar. Vrykul, who was lying near the cage, also spoke up. He called himself Kell and asked to find his comrade Brutag, kidnapped by the nagas and given to the sea giants. Kell died as soon as he finished speaking, and the hero went to carry out tasks. Toril promised that she herself could return to Yandvik, and was waiting for the hero there. On the seabed, he saw Fjolrik, who was trying to carry out his plan to blow up the naga with gunpowder barrels, but was captured. Fjolrik said that barrels should be thrown at the naga, climbing on the back of a copepod turtle, and he died. The hero fulfilled the last request of the deceased and destroyed dozens of naga.

    Brutag, Kell's comrade, was captured in the bubble. He wanted freedom not only for himself, but also for the other vrykul. Brutag asked to find something very sharp and pierce the bubbles in order to free the captives and prevent the sea giants from devouring them. He also said that the head of the sea giants made a deal with the Lady of the Tides and asked to kill him. The hero obtained a piece of needle coral and pierced the bubbles with it, freeing the vrykul. At the same time, he dealt with the Sea Guard Largush, who was walking along the bottom nearby. Now it was possible to return to Yandvik.

    Toril said that the Lady of the Tides retreated to the elven ruins to lick her wounds. It was protected by the best of the guards, and it was necessary to break through the defenses with the help of a ballista assembled from delivered spare parts. Brandolph wanted the hero, while exploring the islands, to also find out where the cuttlefish that are capable of enslaving come from, and put an end to it. The hero reached the island and followed orders, eventually destroying the Tidemaster with the help of a ballista and his abilities. As it turned out, the cuttlefish emerged from incubators, which were now also destroyed. When the hero returned to Yandvik in victory, Toril gathered the local vrykul and announced that she was appointing the savior as the new jarl.

    "Destroyer of Light"

    The western part of the territory around Suramar was captured by demons and turned into the Bulwark of the Fel Soul. Having made his way here, the hero found a captive demon hunter in one of the buildings. She was chained to the soul reaper, and the hero destroyed the device to free her ally. She called herself Liana Despair of Darkness and said that she did not know how long she had been in this state. Liana arrived here on a special mission - to kill the eredar Azoran. But she was knocked off the felbat and captured. Azoran intended to destroy Dalaran with the help of the Legion's flagship, and he had to be stopped. During her fall, Liana dropped her combat blades and now asked to find them on the northern slope of the crater. At the same time, she needed several pieces of infused Fel flesh that could be cut from local basilisks.

    The left blade was found on a mountain of bones, an island overlooking the Lake of Fel. Many basilisks settled here, which the hero killed to get meat. The demons managed to take the right blade, and the hero entered a cave nearby to take it away. When Liana picked up her weapon again, she promised that she would raise hell here. But she was not going to continue to cooperate with the hero unless he proved his strength. Liana proposed to destroy the strongest of the local felbats by placing basilisk meat on the altar and summoning her. She said that later the hero would be able to find her herself by following the trail of dead demons.

    Having destroyed the felbat and cut off its head to prove victory, the hero reached Liana, who was torturing the demons in one of the caves. The huntress tried to get them to point out Azoran's location. When the hero showed her the head he had brought, Liana was glad that she had received a worthy partner. She revealed that the Burning Legion uses the magic of sacrifice to constantly fuel their war machine. Souls are collected and stored in soul reactors, several of which were located nearby. Liana asked to hurry up and release those who had not yet been killed. The second task was to destroy the demons and collect the emblems from their bodies. This would make it possible to scare the newly captured servant of Azoran.

    After completing the tasks, Liana learned from a servant that somewhere there was a portal that could take her to the Legion’s flagship ship. But the portal could not be used without the correct keys. The first key was owned by an ered "ruin named Vorgos, who lived in the very depths of the Catacombs of Suramar. The second was the demon jailer Kozzak the Tormentor, who could be found in a block called the Halls of Eclipse on the lower tier of the Bulwark of the Fel Soul. When the hero descended to the lower tier, the dwarf Angus Stormbrew called him from one of the cells, claiming that he had surrendered himself, but had lost the key. The key was devoured by a fel hunter, and the dwarf asked for help to get it. The hero found the key in a pile of waste and freed Angus. Now the dwarf wanted , so that the hero would go with him and help save his friend, whose name was Brambly Morrison.

    They entered the Halls of Eclipse, but the cage where Brambly was supposed to be was empty. A prisoner from a nearby cell reported that demons had taken him. He promised to tell where exactly he was taken if he was released from the cell. While searching for the key, the hero discovered Kozzak and destroyed him, after which he took the key to the Legion portal. A set of cage keys was in the lower hall. Returning, Angus and the hero released the prisoner, who turned out to be a darkened one named Seltes Starsong. He said that Brambley was taken to the pits of fel hunters under the flagship of the Burning Legion. Angus hurried the hero there to save his friend.

    At the entrance to the caves they found a helmet and a skull, which Angus, horrified, recognized as a friend. The Fel Hunters devoured it and stole other bones throughout the cave. Angus asked the hero to help find Brambly's remains in order to take them home and give them a decent funeral. While they were exploring the cave, they discovered huge dog, which probably tore Brambley to pieces. They destroyed him, wanting revenge, and behind the dog they saw Brambly alive and unharmed, although he had lost his helmet. It turned out that they were collecting other people's bones, and some of them were not even human. The two friends said goodbye to the hero, and he went in search of the second key to the portal.

    The entrance to the Catacombs of Suramar was guarded by demons, but the hero defeated them and entered inside. Vorgos was not too deep, and soon the hero already took possession of the key. With two keys, he reached the Command Post of the Fel Soul Hold and activated the crystals. Liana had just caught up with her assistant when the fel energy created a huge portal. The huntress said that the path to Azoran was open, and sent the hero to battle him, promising that she would guard the portal from enemy forces.

    The Legion's ship was called the Lightbreaker. The hero found himself in his very heart and faced demons. Having made his way into the upper hall, he fought with Azoran and dealt with him. When he returned to Liana, the room with the portal was littered with the corpses of demons. The Huntress stated that today they together dealt a huge blow to the forces of the Legion, from which it will not soon recover. She said goodbye to the hero and continued her campaign against the demons.

    Crimson Thicket

    In the Crimson Thicket, the hero found a tired night elf whose leg was stuck in a hunting trap. Her name was Lilria Wind of Dawn. She sent her faithful friend Nighteye to investigate, and he, having discovered something, raised his voice. Lilria rushed after him, not knowing the way, and fell into a trap. Nighteye had to be somewhere nearby, and the hero agreed to help. On the other side, he discovered the eagle owl Nighteye, whom the trapper was trying to capture. The hero dealt with the hunter, and the eagle owl flew away to its owner. On the trapper's body, the hero noticed a mysterious collar, because of which the mind became clouded. Returning to Lilria, he saw that Nighteye turned out to be a night elf who had taken the form of a bird.

    When Lilria heard about what had happened, she said that the nightborne use magic everywhere, including even catching animals. Nighteye saw how they set magical traps, and Lilria asked to bring several of these traps to her so that she could understand how they worked. Nighteye had another request: to kill every trapper who gets in the way of the hero. He didn't like the fact that the Nightborne captured animals simply to keep them in captivity and look at them for fun. Having examined the traps brought, Lilria stated that they themselves are capable of luring animals that pass nearby. She removed the trap from her leg, and Nighteye went to investigate again.

    Lespin's workshop

    In Suramar, the hero, who was in the guise of a nightborne, was approached by the master Lespin Silver Leaf. He asked to meet his friend on the Central Promenade and pick up the signet ring. Lespin himself was expecting the guest any minute, which is why he could not leave. The master could send his student, but he doubted that he would be able to complete the task. The student, whose name was Ardrias, tried to make excuses that he was working on an urgent order, but Lespin said that only amateurs make excuses.

    The hero found the right nightborne, and he gave the ring, the fate of which no longer interested him, because Lespin had paid in advance. The elf asked to tell the master that he really hopes that all this is not in vain. There were traces of blood on the ring, and Lespin was especially worried about this. He only wished that the previous owner of the ring was not too important a person, otherwise it could lead to unnecessary trouble.

    Lespin also had other tasks for the hero: to collect several necklaces belonging to the harpies on the southern cliffs and bring flickering magic lamps from there. The lamps were created by Lespin himself and contained material that could now be put to better use. When the hero brought the indicated items, the master asked to find another masterpiece created by him. He declined to give details and said it was too “non-trivial” an order. Lespin promised that the hero would recognize him at first sight, and sent him to the estate south of his workshop. The item turned out to be a strange statue depicting a claw, and the hero had to use force to force its owner, Mornath, to part with it.

    Then the master had another task: to take the brooch from Naltenis Spring Blade, who had fallen too much in the eyes of the city elite. It turned out that Lespin had a principle - to sell goods only to those above him in position. Arriving at Naltenis, the hero learned that the brooch had been stolen by Venlis the Stormy Sea. The hero was forced to kill Venlis in order to take possession of the jewelry. The master thanked him for his help and named his next target: Lady Anaste, who owns the design of a skillfully cut gem. Lespin warned that this elf is a manipulator and is capable of hanging noodles on her ears.

    The lady immediately understood why the guest had come to her and declared that Lespin must pay for his crimes. The master was a murderer and a thief, and it was because of him that Anaste’s husband, who was a skilled jeweler, died. She told the hero that she buried the tome with her husband in a small cave north of the city, but asked that everything be done so that it would not fall into the hands of Lespin. As soon as the hero reached the cave and picked up the tome, Lespin, along with three mercenaries, attacked him. Having destroyed the deceiver, the hero returned to the city and handed over the tome to Ardrias, a student of Lespin, who had already shown himself in a good light.

    Like many other survival games, Astroneer allows players to build and craft various items to help them survive in hostile environments. These two processes are closely related, so we decided to consider them in one article.

    Building Basics in Astroneer

    First of all, we note that the guide was compiled taking into account that you have already studied all the recipes for crafting cars. So, first you should definitely build an object such as a Printer (2 units of copper), designed for crafting 9 extremely important things. To create this structure you will need 2 units of copper. As for the items they create, below is a list of them:

    • improved solar panel (2 units of connection) – during the daytime it produces much more energy than a conventional one;
    • wind turbine (4 units of aluminum) – allows you to generate energy from the wind;
    • storage room (2 connection units) – occupies 2 slots during construction, but at the same time provides 8 free cells for storing various materials;
    • drill (2 units of copper) – can be installed on vehicle using a crane;
    • advanced battery (2 units of lithium) – capable of storing much more collected energy than a regular battery;
    • advanced generator (2 units of copper) – capable of converting coal into large amounts of energy;
    • dwelling (2 connection units) – during activation a new base is created;
    • lift - from the name it is already clear why it is needed;
    • single (2 connection units) – is a single seat for a vehicle.

    Let us add that some of the items require research on a special platform to create, so their crafting takes more time.

    Now we can move on to consider other objects. In the later stages of the game, you will probably need a Fuel Capacitor, which, using free energy, allows you to create fuel for your starship (hydrazine).

    An equally important object is Research, which we told you about in our previous guide. This platform allows you to explore various buildings by using special resources (unknown fossils). Its construction requires 2 connection units.

    You will also definitely need a Smelter and a Transport Box. With the first one you can smelt ore and create ingots (copper, aluminum, etc.), and the second building is necessary for the development of various machines and space shuttles. To build a smelter, you will need to spend 2 units of connection, and a transport box - 2 units of aluminum.

    By the way, if you have an excess of one resource and a deficiency of another, then be sure to build a Sell platform for 2 units of aluminum, on which you can exchange some materials for others.

    For now, the construction of Astroneer is limited to the above objects, but we are sure that in the future the developers will add many more buildings and platforms to the game.

    Crafting Basics in Astroneer

    As you probably already guessed, crafting in this game is carried out in the Printer and Backpack. In the first case, large objects are created, and in the second - small objects that occupy only 1 cell in the backpack. It is the latter things that we will now talk about.

    • Beacon (1 connection unit) is a useful item that can be used to mark noteworthy places. It can be seen even from afar. However, it also has serious disadvantages - visual contact is required, that is, you will not notice the lighthouse behind the mountain.
    • Supports (1 unit of connection) – necessary to supply the main character with energy and oxygen from the command center. At night, the lamps on the supports light up. To install, you need to press the “T” key, then select a suitable location and click LMB.
    • Solar panel (1 unit of connection) is an important technology thanks to which energy can be produced during the daytime. You can attach the panels directly to the base or to the character's backpack. Each panel occupies 1 cell.
    • Weather vane (1 unit of aluminum) – allows you to generate energy in strong winds. You can mount these items on a base or backpack. Each weather vane occupies 1 cell.
    • Generator (1 unit of copper) – makes it possible to convert organic resources into energy. Production will begin once the required materials are installed on top of the generator. You can attach the generator to a base or to a backpack. It occupies 1 cell.
    • Battery (1 unit of lithium) – it is with the help of rechargeable batteries that you can accumulate energy, mined during the day or in windy weather. We advise you to create as many batteries as possible for a rainy day.

    • Power cells (1 connection unit) are a kind of mini-battery that is created with a full charge. Will help you on long journeys through wild worlds.
    • Tank (1 unit of titanium) – it can be used to accumulate oxygen, which allows the character to wander into various corners of unknown worlds without fear of dying from lack of oxygen.
    • Filters (1 connection unit) - perform the same function as tanks, but take up less space.
    • Dynamite is an explosive product needed to change the landscape.
    We hope that this information was useful to you, and you will be able to create a spaceship for yourself in the shortest possible time and go to distant stars.