Short track where the champion is Viktor An. Victor An is back. Will they let him perform? Victor An: return to South Korea

The famous Korean wants to start for the Russian national team at the 2022 Olympics, despite his age and possible claims from anti-doping services

The six-time Olympic champion, who announced his retirement last fall, unexpectedly changed his mind and, in an interview with Korean media, announced his intention to return to ice rink for the sake of starting at the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, which could be the third in his career for the 33-year-old athlete. Because the An, who was born and lived most of his life in Korea, has had a Russian passport since 2011, he can only return to our national team.

I want to continue performing. Now I feel better than during the preparation for the 2018 Games,” the Korean publication The Kyunghyang Shinmun quotes Victor as saying. - I will continue to train hard, I will take part in the Russian Championship, in the national selection. I want to take a place in the national team and compete at the Olympics in Beijing. My country is Russia and I cannot compete for Korea.

Family factor

The last major competitions involving Ana was the World Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships, held in March last year. On it, Victor never rose above the semifinals in his personal starts and generally looked depressed. His condition was obviously affected by his exclusion from the Olympics in Pyeongchang. The International Olympic Committee did not give the illustrious veteran the opportunity to perform in his historical homeland without explanation. Even the athlete’s open letter to the IOC President did not help. Thomas Bach.

Until autumn An was still thinking about options for developing his career, but then announced the end of his performances and return to Korea. The latter caused a wave of criticism in Russia, since Victor always emphasized that he had found in our country not just a place of work, but a new homeland. According to unofficial information, his wife insisted on moving to Korea Ana, who could not adapt to Russian life and Russian language.

The Russian Skating Union really hoped that Victor would become a coach and help us reach a new level national team, the results of which have recently gone down. But in the end An I almost ended up in coaching staff the Chinese team, which really wants to prepare well for the home Games.

In Russia they wanted me to end my career after the Olympics in Pyeongchang, they offered to lead the Russian national team and prepare it for the 2022 Games, - the story of the six-time Olympic champion in The Kyunghyang Shinmun. “But during my career I suffered four serious injuries and wanted to end my career as late as possible. I said that I want to remain an athlete.

Last July I was in China. There I was asked to become a coach. A salary unimaginable for a short track was offered. “Grateful for such a high assessment,” the Korean media quotes Ana. “But I said I couldn’t accept the offer because I wanted to perform.” If I become a coach, then I should contribute something to Russian short track speed skating, to its development. I want to help young athletes enjoy this sport based on my experience.

Needed a break anyway

Victor is an outstanding athlete and he makes decisions himself. We had a conversation, and I expressed to him my interest in having him work as a coach for us,” the president of the Russian Skating Union told SE Alexey Kravtsov. “And on the issue of continuing or ending my career, I told him: “You must evaluate your capabilities and strengths yourself, taking into account injuries, age, see how much you need it.” He took time to think, figure it out, he needed a break anyway. Still, he was not allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, Korea, and this should have been an important milestone in his career and life.

- How did you feel when you heard the news about your return?

This is not news for me, we are in constant contact with Victor and discussed this issue. An, of course, has the right to take part immediately in the national selection. I don't see a problem with this. He can prepare in Korea, he can prepare in Russia.

- Is the issue of returning to Russia being discussed?

We are extremely interested in his return and hope that in some future - short, medium, long - he would work as a coach with us, specifically in Russia. Where he deems it possible for himself.

- Is the role of a player-coach possible?

Everything is possible. He is a brilliant athlete and has brought great benefits to Russian short track racing. Nothing can be imposed. But I am sure that it can bring even greater benefits.

Start over from scratch

The current short track season is almost over. All that remains is the World Championship, which will take place in Sofia on March 8-10. It would be strange if an athlete who had not trained with the team for so long immediately showed up for major competitions. If everything is in order, then Viktor An early next fall will take part in the national selection for the World Cup stages. Another question is whether he will be able to regain his former form and whether he is mentally ready to compete with young Russians.

- Victor Ahn is very loved in Russia as a magnificent athlete who has made a great contribution to the development of short track speed skating in our country, as a wonderful and strong in spirit a person capable of starting over from scratch and achieving well-deserved success, said the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov. - I have met with Victor An, and if he decides to return to sports, this is a balanced, well-thought-out decision. I'm glad that he is ready to return to big sport again.

- An once said goodbye to the team, said whether he was leaving forever or not ? - question to Denis Hayrapetyan, winner of the 2019 European Championship as part of the Russian national team.

It was not like Victor gathered us all and said: “This is the end.” He finished after the news that he was not allowed to the Olympics, I don’t even remember when we last time See you. But by that time it was no secret that he was finishing, everyone knew. That's why he didn't explain anything to anyone.

- Will his arrival change the balance in the team? Someone will have to move logically.

It is unknown in what form he will return. Our team is still strong. But if he really returns, then, I think, in a leading role, it will be a plus for the team and strengthen it. At least in the relay race.

- There is no negativity in the team about the uncertainty - is An either leaving or coming?

I have not heard any complaints against him during his career. I can’t speak for the entire team, but I always liked him, he’s a good, kind person. In general, the atmosphere in our team, even if we don’t include Ana, is very friendly and welcoming.

True, in the matter of returning Ana There is also a very serious snag related to the “Russian doping case.” If Victor was not allowed to attend the 2018 Olympics, it means that the IOC had some kind of compromising information on him. Perhaps it will emerge in the very near future during WADA’s study of the Moscow laboratory database. And then, as the experience of our other athletes shows, there will be no mercy. It's not just the performance that may be in question Ana as an athlete, but also his coaching activities for the next four years.​

The Russian short track team has never been famous for its athletes, and we approached home with zero in the “medals won at Olympic Games" This is why many fans who are interested in sports only during loud sporting events, and they didn’t know about such a sport as short track speed skating or believed that short track speed skating and speed skating were the same sport.

But in 2014, everything turned upside down, because at the end of the Sochi Olympics we had three top medals and one bronze and one silver each. This is a miracle for our sport, because largely thanks to these medals, for the first time in a long time we are in first place in the overall team competition at the Winter Olympic Games, and this Olympic miracle’s name is Ahn Hyun-soo, or, as we are all used to, Viktor An. He is the most Russian of non-Russian champions, who opened short track speed skating to many Russian fans and motivated many young children to take up this sport. Victor, thanks to his victories and demonstrated modesty, became the most popular representative of the Russian team at these Games.

On this moment Viktor An is a six-time Olympic champion, two-time bronze medalist, twenty-time world champion and fourteen-time medalist. He is also a three-time European champion and a five-time champion Asian Games, there is also “silver” at the Asian Games. If you add up all of Viktor Ahn’s medals at major competitions, you’ll get a pretty impressive picture: 37 gold medals, 11 silver, 7 bronze.

Korean Ahn Hyun Soo

Where did it start? sports career"King of Short Track"? Oddly enough, Viktor Ahn (then Ahn Hyun Soo) began to forge his first victories back in primary school, and this is not surprising, his first coach was Kim Ki-hun, a three-time Olympic champion and the first short track champion from South Korea.

Ahn began bringing medals to South Korea very early, as a sixteen-year-old youth - at the 2002 World Cup, the Korean was involved in winning one top medal, two silver (1000 meters and all-around) and one bronze (team). But unfortunately, at his first Olympic Games, our hero performed unsuccessfully, leaving without medals. But this Olympics gave him something more important, which contributed to his future victories - experience, because four years later the Korean took four olympic medals, three of which are of the highest standard!

Viktor Ahn during the relay race for the South Korean team

Rehearsals Olympic victories for him was the 2005 Universiade in Innsbruck, where Ahn won three gold medals and one bronze (the athlete repeated this medal achievement twice at the Olympic Games).

Now it’s hard to believe, but that Olympics in Turin could have been the last in the life of a Korean, but Victor was able to overcome all the difficulties, showing the character of a real fighter, which is inherent in truly great athletes, to whom we include Victor Ahn.

It all started with the 2006 World Championships, this time can be considered the most scandalous for South Korean short track speed skating, when the Korean team was divided into two warring camps. An belonged to the side that, due to a conflict with the head coach of the men's team, was forced to train under the coach women's team. The conflict was so serious that the athletes disdained to be in the same rooms with each other. Because of this tension in the team, Victor thought about retiring several times. Fortunately, the Korean Short Track Federation was able to get out of this situation by uniting all athletes and already in 2007 in Milan, Ahn established new record in victories at the world championships, becoming the winner of five championships in a row.

In January 2008, a second event occurred in An's life that could have put an end to his career. During training, Victor received a serious knee injury; recovery took about eight months; during this time, An missed several important tournaments, including the World Championships, where the athlete could update his record and become the winner of six world championships in a row.

At the national selection for the 2010 Games in Vancouver, Ahn took seventh place, and therefore was unable to go to the coveted games, from this moment the career of Viktor Ahn, the Russian Viktor Ahn, can begin.

Russian Victor An

Not getting into the national team was the last straw in Viktor Ahn’s patience, and therefore he decided to try to change his place of residence and play for the national team of another country. Ahn submitted a petition to the Russian Skating Union to help him obtain Russian citizenship, since the Korean really wanted to get to the Olympic Games in Sochi, but he did not see support from the Korean side.

In December 2011, an event occurred, the significance of which for Russian short track racing at that time few could yet appreciate - An became a citizen of Russia. The passport of the newly-minted citizen shows off the already popular first and last name - Victor An.

Viktor Ahn at the awards ceremony

The athlete explained the choice of this name for several reasons. First of all, we all know that Victor means winner. Secondly, Ahn wants to become as popular as another Russian Korean named Victor, namely Viktor Tsoi. And, finally, for a Russian person this name is familiar and, quite simply, easy to remember.

All the efforts of the Russian Skating Union were not in vain, as the home Olympics showed. And if for our country the Olympic short track tournament became a real revelation, then for Viktor Ahn’s historical homeland, South Korea, the tournament turned into a failure - the once great South Korean men’s team was unable to win a single medal when the Russian team led by Our hero won five awards!

Performance at the Olympic Games in Sochi

The Russian Korean started with a bronze medal at 1500 meters, after which he brought the first gold medal Russia in short track speed skating in the history of the Olympic Games, winning the 1000 meters (it is worth noting that another Russian Olympian won silver in this race). But the most memorable day in the history of Russian short track speed skating was still ahead; it was the last day of competition in this sport.

That day we rejoiced at two gold medals, to which our Victor An was involved. It all started with a distance of 500 meters, in which, as it seemed, An could miss the victory, because he started later than everyone else in that race, but then, having “sat out” behind the competitors, taking advantage of their mistakes, he won the race and went to prepare for the second triumph of the day . It is worth noting that Victor later admitted that he deliberately delayed at the start so as not to get into a blockage and calmly complete this distance without falling.

Viktor An rejoices after winning the 500 m race

The apogee of Victor’s success was the “gold” in the 5000-meter relay, in which, as part of the gold-bearing four, together with Vladimir Grigoriev, and, Victor won the third gold medal at the Olympics as a member of the Russian team and the sixth in his entire career.

Viktor An has become one of the most recognizable faces Russian sports and first of all, many people associate the Sochi Olympics with him. A man whom only short track fans knew among Russians before this Olympics has become someone whom everyone loves and respects, who at least once every four years becomes sports fan. And it is possible that it was in the wake of this love that Viktor An expressed a desire to become a coach of the Russian national team after completing his athlete’s career.

This was reported by President of the Russian Skating Federation Alexey Kravtsov. Moreover, An, as it turned out, does not intend to pass on his experience to young Russians, having refused coaching work in Russia. .

The investigation is underway...

Asia is a delicate matter, and it is difficult to fully understand the motives that guided An in breaking off creative relations with his second homeland. How difficult it was at one time to understand how much effort the decision to change citizenship cost him. This story was overgrown with many rumors and the most fantastic details, but no one knew the whole truth.

Shocked by the treachery of their former compatriot, who regularly laid golden eggs, that is, medals, and offended in their best feelings, the Koreans still have not calmed down. How much time has passed, and they still continue their investigations, with the goal of identifying the illegal actions of competitors and officials in relation to An. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea has been involved in this since 2014, and before that the investigation was carried out by the Audit and Inspection Commission on direct orders Korean President Park Geun-hye...

However, down with conspiracy theories. In fact, the reasons why Victor left treadmill, much more prosaic.

Short track speed skater Viktor An. Dossier

Born on November 23, 1985 in Seoul. From 2002 to December 2011, he represented the Republic of Korea on the international stage under the name Ahn Hyun-soo.

During this time he became three times Olympic champion(Turin 2006), eighteen-time world champion, three-time Universiade champion, five-time Asian Games champion, and also won many lower medals.

In August 2011, with the support of the Russian Skating Union and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, he applied to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President Russian Federation with a request to grant him Russian citizenship, he began training with the Russian national team and learning the Russian language. December 26, 2011 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree granting Ahn Hyun Soo Russian citizenship. When changing citizenship, the athlete took the name Victor An.

As a member of the Russian national team, he won three gold and one bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014), became a two-time champion and two-time silver medalist at the World Championships, and an eight-time European champion.

In 2013, Anu was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. In 2014 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and the medal “For Strengthening the Military Community” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In January 2018, it became known that the IOC refused to issue an invitation to Viktor Anu to participate in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. The athlete sent an open letter to President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, but did not receive any clear explanation.

An's last international start was the 2018 European Championships (January 12-14, Dresden), where he won a silver medal in the 500 meters. The last start of his career was the Russian Championship (March 29 - April 1, St. Petersburg): two gold medals (500 meters and relay) and two silver (1000 and 1500 meters).

Search a woman

“We had long negotiations with him, I really wanted him to continue working with the national team as a coach, but it didn’t work out either,” Kravtsov admitted in an interview with Sport-Express. “He has the motivation and desire, a variety of options were discussed. But the fact is that he made the decision together with his family, and his wife is convinced that their daughter needs to grow up in Korea. In general, for family reasons, he decided not to continue working in Russia.

Victor's wife's name is Yoo Na Ri, and she is also Russian: however, she received citizenship a little later than her husband, in 2013. Yu Na Ri, apparently, approached marriage purposefully: at first she was an ordinary fan, of which Ana has hundreds of thousands, but she managed to stand out from the crowd and win the love of her idol.

In the summer of 2015, the couple played two weddings at once - in South Korea and in Russia - and on December 29 they had a daughter, who was named Jane.

"My beloved dove"

Like everyone oriental man, Victor is not particularly talkative, but when it comes to his wife, he cannot be stopped. And he is very lyrical:

— My dear Yu Na Ri is a year older than me. Even when I played for Korea, she followed me everywhere: for more than ten years she was the most active member of my fan club. I have always strived only for medals, and I am a little embarrassed by my fame. And I'm afraid of my fans. But Yu Na Ri, my beloved dove, is not like that! She didn’t expect to get anything from me in return, and that’s how she won my heart. When I decided to move to Russia, she didn’t hesitate to follow me and take Russian citizenship. So I literally owe my victories to her...

And now - new changes in fate. Well, advice and love to you, dear compatriots! Your homeland will not forget you.

Record cycle "Heroes of the Sochi Olympics - 2014"

I open a series of posts - There are already heroes of the Olympics!

I don’t know how it affects anyone, but the Olympics in Russia, in glorious Sochi, has a positive effect on me, it excites me, even being on the other side of the world... I didn’t expect this. I support our athletes in all types of winter sports.

I like a lot of athletes, there are favorites from foreign teams, whom I look at, admire, am surprised and sincerely root for.

Hockey, figure skating have always been the most popular sports spectacles in Russia, the rest winter views sports were in the background, but...

The Olympics in Sochi revealed a lot from the other side. I didn’t think that speed skating and short track would look so exciting.

I watched the fast, light speed skater Viktor An, starting with his bronze in the 1500 m, not knowing his life story, but it turned out to be very interesting... And now Victor An’s gold in the 1000 short track and he is... a four-time Olympic champion! How so? I went to read his biography.

Viktor An

(until December 2011 - Ahn Hyun Soo ).

Born November 23, 1985 in Seoul, Republic of Korea - Russian short track speed skater.

Until December 2011 Victor Ahn represented the Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Viktor An -

four-time Olympic champion, five-time absolute world champion (2003-2007), two-time World Cup winner.

Former world record holder at distances of 1000, 1500 and 3000 meters. European champion and two-time Russian champion.

Cool, yeah? How did it happen that former citizen of the Republic of Korea Ahn Hyun Soo turned into a citizen of Russia - Viktor Ahn. Some kind of fairy tale...

Biographypartly from Wikipedia

Ahn won his first awards at the World Championships back in 2002 in Montreal at the age of 16.

He took part in the 2002 Olympic Games, but returned without awards (4th place in the 1000 m).

In total, he won more than 30 medals at the world championships, of which 20 were gold (including 5 consecutive titles absolute champion peace).

Winner of 5 gold medals at the Asian Winter Games (2003 and 2007), three-time champion Winter Universiade 2005.

At the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, An became one of the main heroes of the entire Olympics, winning 3 gold. At the same time, An was the only one of them who also won bronze.

Just a golden guy!

After suffering a serious knee injury at the beginning of 2008, he missed all the major competitions in 2008-2009. He tried to qualify for the Korean team for the 2010 Olympic Games, but failed.

On August 15, 2011, the Russian Skating Union reported that, together with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, they applied to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation to grant Russian citizenship to Ahn Hyun Soo. The initiative to obtain citizenship came from the sportsman himself and his relatives.

As reported, An had been training with the Russian national team since June 2011, began studying Russian and was planning to move to Russia for permanent residence.

On December 26, 2011, the President of Russia signed a decree granting Ahn Hyun-soo Russian citizenship.

When changing citizenship, the skater took a name for himselfViktor An. An explained his choice of name for three reasons:

Firstly, The name Victor is associated with the word “victory”, which means “victory”. It turns out symbolic, I want this name to bring me good luck.

Secondly, I know another Korean named Victor, who is very popular in Russia and well known in Korea - this is Viktor Tsoi. I would like to become as famous in Russia.

And thirdly, I was told that Victor is an easy name for Russian-speaking people and is quickly remembered.

At competitions, An represents Moscow, where he lives. Having received Russian citizenship, An became the only three-time champion of the Winter Olympic Games in Russia who continues his career.

At the Games in Sochi, Victor became the Olympic champion for the fourth time.

It turns out that in his homeland the athlete was written off, but in Russia they believed in him. This is cool!

22 February 2014, 05:49

Ahn won his first awards at the World Championships back in 2002 in Montreal at the age of 16. He took part in the 2002 Olympic Games, but returned without awards (4th place in the 1000 m). In total, he won more than 30 medals at the world championships, of which 20 were gold (including 5 consecutive titles of absolute world champion). Winner of 5 gold medals at the Asian Winter Games (2003 and 2007), three-time champion of the 2005 Winter Universiade. At the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, Ahn became one of the main heroes of the entire Olympics - only he, the German biathlete Michael Greis and the young Korean short track speed skater Chin Sun Yu managed to win 3 gold. At the same time, An was the only one of them who also won bronze.

After suffering a serious knee injury at the beginning of 2008, he missed all the major competitions in 2008-2009. He tried to qualify for the Korean team for the 2010 Olympic Games, but failed.

On August 15, 2011, the Russian Skating Union reported that, together with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, they applied to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation to grant Russian citizenship to Ahn Hyun Soo. As reported, An had been training with the Russian national team since June 2011, began studying Russian and was planning to move to Russia for permanent residence.

On December 26, 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree granting Ahn Hyun-soo Russian citizenship. When changing citizenship, the skater took the name Viktor An. An explained his choice of name for three reasons:

Firstly, the name Victor is associated with the word “victory”, which means “victory”. It turns out symbolic, I want this name to bring me good luck. Secondly, I know another Korean named Victor, who is very popular in Russia and well known in Korea - this is Viktor Tsoi. I would like to become as famous in Russia. And thirdly, I was told that Victor for Russian-speaking people is an easy name and is quickly remembered.

At competitions, An represents Moscow, where he lives. Having received Russian citizenship, An became the only three-time Winter Olympic champion in Russia who continues his career. At the games in Sochi, Victor became the Olympic champion for the sixth time. Victor Ahn (Ahn Hyun Soo) is the first athlete in history to win Olympic gold while competing for two different countries.

The reasons for the hero of Turin’s move to Russia is the main topic that interested European colleagues on the eve of Sochi.

One of them in Dresden asked S:)styan Kros what he thought about the practice of “Olympic tourism”. The French specialist corrected his interlocutor, emphasizing that he would not apply this term to Anu. “If Victor had continued to train in Korea and competed for Russia, that would be one thing. But he moved and has been living in new country, he accepted certain obligations. So in this case we are talking about something more."

Russian team

In March 2012, at the Russian Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships, he won the 1000 and 3000 m distances, and also came second in the 1500 m.

On October 21, 2012, at the first stage of the 2012/2013 World Cup, he won the 1000 m distance, his first after an injury and a change of citizenship. Then he won the World Cup stages in Nagoya (1000 m) and Shanghai (1500 m).

At the 2013 World Championships in Debrecen, Ahn won silver in the 500 meters and also became second in the Russian team in the relay. In the overall championship, Victor took sixth place.

As part of the Russian national team at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, he became a bronze medalist at a distance of 1500 m. He won a gold medal at a distance of 1000 m. This victory was the first for Russia in short track speed skating at the Olympic Games. Later he won two gold medals: at a distance of 500 m and as part of the Russian 5000 m relay team.

When you ask people to talk about Viktor An, the first thing you hear in nine cases out of ten is “modest,” “simple,” and even “shy.” The remaining percentage will also definitely mention this, just not right away. Those who have only seen him at a distance - aggressive, angry, bypassing his rivals like a moped standing in a traffic jam - find it hard to believe. Ask the Dutchman Schipke Knegt, who, out of frustration, showed both middle fingers to Anu at the end of the relay at the 2013 European Championships in Dresden and thereby provided the continental championship with unprecedented publicity.

“Vitya behaves like an ordinary guy, as if he doesn’t have any Olympic medals or records. He was like that in the Korean team too - shy and silent,” says Tatyana Borodulina, leader of the Russian women’s short track team. “But when you you start talking to him, he always keeps up the conversation. For us, he’s already one of us: Vitya, Vitek. The guys joke with him all the time. I don’t know him very well, but it seems to me that he’s kind. And everyone on our team loves him very much." .

The latter is not surprising: Viktor An does not keep to himself, he has learned the language, sings the Russian anthem with feeling and eats everything that is served in the Novogorsk canteen, including noodles and borscht. They say that the team even came up with a friendly nickname for him: Mongol. For some time now, he has not had a personal Korean trainer or assistant next to him. From his personal team, it seems, only Nari remained - a beautiful, petite, smiling girl, as if she had stepped off the cover of an Asian fashion catalogue. She, too, can carry on a conversation in Russian, and when our anthem is played in honor of her husband, she sings along, beating the melody with her foot.

Surely they both miss something familiar left in distant Korea. But when you see the An couple surrounded by the team, Victor’s words about moving to Russia immediately come to mind: “Don’t try to convince me that you did the wrong thing. I don’t regret anything.”

Personal life

Since 2011, he has been dating a Korean woman, Yu Na Ri (b. 1984), who moved to Russia in 2013 and received Russian citizenship. Previously, Yoo Na Ri was a fan of An and was a member of one of the fan clubs. South Korean journalists note her beauty and charm. According to Ahn, Yoo Na Ri's presence and care allowed him to fully adapt to Russia. Victor's father told reporters that there would be a wedding between Victor and Nari after the Olympics.

A little from Victor An's interview:

I'll tell you that I feel much better in Russia than in Korea. Here I have freedom to train and can focus more on sports than in Korea. In my free time, I walk, go somewhere - everything is like in normal life in Korea. People don’t recognize me on the streets, so in that regard it’s easier here.

Of course, I spend more time in Russia, I’m Russian now.

Russia gave me everything I needed so that I could work towards this goal - winning the Olympics. I needed special conditions, I could not train to the standards that are accepted in the Korean national team after I received a knee injury.

I try to be discreet and remain silent about many things for now. I read articles that appear in the Korean press and think about many things. I understand everything perfectly: Korea is not performing very well at the Olympics, and I, with my successes under the Russian flag, are like an eyesore. Now I just read, think, remain silent. But when the Olympics are over, I will tell you everything that has boiled over!

In Russia, I live in a room at the base in Novogorsk - it’s been two years since I decided to play for your country. Who am I friends with? With all the guys from the national team. In general they treat me very well.

On my skates there is the inscription No pain, no gain: no pain - no gain. This is my motto. After all, I lost four years due to injury. And now I have to overcome myself every day, every hour. Honestly, I saw this slogan on TV in Korea and it stuck with me.

My father contacted the Russian Skating Union and the Short Track Federation; it was his idea. Then I was very worried and worried: can I go to a place where I don’t know if I will be able to show results. I arrived, started training, and everyone helped me - the athletes, the federation staff, and the doctors.

I have never regretted my decision. But for the first few months I was really lonely. I'm not the kind of person who can easily join any company. It's hard for me to open up. But the support of the federation, including in terms of my recovery from injury, helped to overcome these difficulties.

Koreans envy me! They watch our team, see how many staff we have, how they take care of us. So they feel jealous.

I have something to strive for, I need to improve my knowledge of the Russian language. In addition, I see my mission as promoting Russian short track racing so that it becomes more popular in Russia.

I can speak well in everyday life, but when there is an interview, it’s more convenient for me through an interpreter. He can better convey what I want to say. And in general, I understand better than I speak.

The most difficult thing in learning Russian is grammar. And also pronunciation, because many people in Russia have different pronunciation. Or this: there is no “R” in the Korean language, and it is very difficult for me to speak Russian words with this letter.

I plan to learn Russian better– in order to pass on my experience to young Russian athletes after finishing my career.

I think after the Olympics in Sochi I will rest a little and then focus on my studies, because I need to finish university. I don’t know yet when I’ll start training again. Of course, I want to perform in Pyeongchang in 2018. But I’m unlikely to run all distances there. I'll be old already (laughs). Perhaps I will prepare for the relay race.

Do you already feel like a national hero of Russia? I know that a lot of people in our country are rooting for me. I feel this support. I can hear it from the stands. Before the Sochi Olympics, short track speed skating was not popular in Russia. But now we have greatly improved the status of this sport. This is my greatest joy. We competed as a team too. And this became a great incentive for the development of short track speed skating.

Which medal do you value most? In the relay race. I attached highest value exactly this type. He crowns the competition. Puts the final point on them. And our entire team performs in it. We fought together and won. Because in this race the main thing is not speed, but team spirit! And we proved that we have it. We are proud that we were able to prepare so well. I really hope that we will celebrate this event with the guys before the end of the Olympics. Happy victory to all of you!

I know the words to the Russian anthem. When I win, I stand on the podium, the Russian anthem plays, I will sing it! I promise.

How did Korea react?

The situation with Victor An's victories in Sochi against the backdrop of the weak performance of the Korean short track team provoked a huge scandal in South Korea. Korean fans, continuing to support the athlete despite his Russian citizenship, are demanding full-scale reforms in the Korean Skating Union.

We also note that earlier high-ranking officials announced the possibility of an investigation. Thus, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said that the situation with the “outstanding athlete” Viktor Ahn is an indicator of “structural absurdity,” “factionalism, favoritism and corruption in sports circles.” She scolded officials about why the athlete was forced to leave his homeland and is now winning Olympic medals for another country, while the Korean team is failing all of its “medal plans.”

In addition, Second Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Kim Jong said: “After the end of the Olympics in Sochi, we intend to conduct a full-scale audit of all the problems and bad practices that exist in the Skating Union.”

South Korean President Calls Viktor Ahn "Outstanding Athlete"
After the president’s statements and the deputy minister’s statements, journalists and experts did not really believe the KAI’s statements that “there is no talk of any verification, and the documents were requested as part of normal control practice.” According to most experts, officials from the Audit and Inspection Committee simply began collecting documents for future work, when the investigation is officially announced.

Let us remind you that the only representative of Korea who reached the final in the 1500 m race was disqualified for violating the rules. The race caused a huge resonance in Korea, and almost the entire country followed it. After the victory of the Russians, who took gold and silver, a flurry of criticism began against the Skating Union.

From myself: I have never been a fan of short track speed skating, but at these Olympic Games I fell in love with this sport!!! Should show it more often! Victor An-hero, king of short track! Legend! And the way he sang the was unforgettable! Thanks to Victor for the indescribable sensations! Thanks to the whole team!!! They are great guys!!!