School volleyball competitions. Regulations on volleyball competitions among high school students. For the municipal prize


About Volleyball competitions among 10th grade students in the Central Administrative District

I've done the work:

Egorov Vladimir (14th group)

1.Goals and objectives

1. Involving students in regular classes physical culture and sports.

2. Popularization of volleyball as an Olympic sport.

3. Determination of the strongest team to participate in the city stage of the competition.

2. Time and venue

3. Competition management

The competitions are held under the general supervision of the administration of GBOU Secondary School No. 464. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the physical education teacher T.A. Rybakova.

The tournament is carried out by panel of judges consisting of:

The main judge of the competition is Avdeenko N. Yu.

Chief Secretary – Boeva ​​V.N.

4.Competition participants (conditions for admission to competitions)

1. born 1996-1998

2. Resolution medical supervision(Certificate form 086U)

3. Team uniform

5.Conditions and procedure for holding competitions

Games are played according to existing three-game volleyball rules. The game ends when one of the teams scores 25 points. If the score in the game is 24:24, 24:25, the game continues until one of the teams has an advantage of 2 points. The third game continues until 15 points. The first team to score 15 points wins. If the score is 14:14, 15:15, the game continues until one of the teams has an advantage of 2 points. The first team to win two games wins the match.

Mesh height 240 cm

A team that does not show up for the game is considered defeated with a score of 0:2 (in games 25:0, 25:0).

6.Counting points and identifying winners

For a victory with a score of 2:0, the team receives “3” points.

For a defeat with a score of 0:2, the team receives “0” points.

For a victory with a score of 2:1, the team receives “2” points.

For a defeat with a score of 1:2, the team receives “1” point.

The teams' placings are determined based on the highest number of points scored by the teams. In case of equality of points, two or more teams have more than high place ranked by the team that has:

The best ratio of games in all matches;

Best goal ratio in all matches;

For a personal meeting between the teams.

7.Conditions for filing and consideration of protests

1. Teams have the right to file protests against facts related to non-compliance with the Rules of the Game and (or) violating the provisions of these Regulations regarding the conduct of the match.

2.Teams have the right to file a complaint about the quality of match refereeing.

3.Protests are considered by the chief judge.

4.Complaints about refereeing are considered by the chief judge of the competition.

5. The following will not be accepted for consideration:

Untimely filing of protests and complaints;

Protests and complaints not recorded in the match report;

6. A team representative has the right to file a protest or complaint after the end of the match, and is obliged to immediately inform the first match referee about this. The filing of a protest or complaint (a brief summary) is reflected in the match report (on the reverse side). The content of the protest or complaint must indicate the reasons that served as the basis for filing the claim, as well as detail the circumstances related to the violation of these Regulations.

7. A protest regarding non-compliance with the Rules of the Game, the size of the equipment and the markings of the court must be submitted in writing to the chief referee no later than 30 minutes before the start of the match.

8. A representative of the opposing team must be notified of the filing of a protest or complaint by the referee immediately after the end of the match. A corresponding entry is made in the match protocol.

9. A protest or complaint must be sent to the chief judge by a team representative before the end of the playing day of the competition.

10. The decision on the protest is made no later than 2 hours from the moment all materials are received by the chief judge.

11. A decision on a complaint against refereeing is made no later than 2 hours from the moment all materials are received by the chief judge of the competition.

8.Awarding the winners of the competition

Winners and prize-winners of the competition (teams that took 1-3 places) are awarded diplomas. For first place, the team is awarded a cup and gets a chance to participate in city competitions.


about holding volleyball competitions

among students of MKOU "Novoduginskaya Secondary School"

Goals and objectives:

    Popularization of sports at school;

    Involving students in active pursuits sports, healthy image life;

    Identification of students for sports games;

    Increasing team spirit in the class.

Place and time:

The competition will take place from December 9 to 13, 2013 in the sports hall of the Novoduginsk Secondary School.

The competition starts at 14:30.

Competition participants:

School students from grades 7 to 11 who are admitted for health reasons take part in the competition.

The number of participants in a team is 6 people, at least one girl (girl) or one boy (boy) per team.

Competition program:

1st group: 7-8 grades

Group 2: 9th grade

3 group: 10-11 grades

Competition Guide:

General guidance on the preparation and conduct of competitions is provided by physical education teachers I.S. Kolyshkina. And

Legchilin A.V.

Determination of the winners:

Games are played in a round-robin manner within the same group.

Prizewinners and winners are determined by the best result in your group. The winners are awarded certificates.


An application for participation in a team competition is provided by the class physicist.

Regulations on holding volleyball competitions among amateur teams

S. Uyskoye, season 2017-2018.

I. General provisions

Terms used in this Regulation

Tournament – ​​competition between volleyball teams;

Organizing Committee – administration (management) of the regular tournament;

Goals and objectives

1.1.1. promoting physical culture and sports among rural workers, attracting them to regular classes physical exercise and sports;

1.1.2. improving mass physical culture, health and sports work in physical culture groups;

1.1.3. identifying the strongest and most promising athletes to participate in regional competitions;

1.1.4. propaganda all-Russian complex GTO;

Time and place of the competition

1.2.1. Opening of the competition on November 11, 2017 in the gym of the Kolos Palace of Culture. Registration of teams is 10:00, games start at 10:30 (on the opening day a draw is held, teams play one game at a time, the results are entered into the tournament table). Tournament games are played Tuesday and Thursday, two games per day.

1.2.2. Competitions take place in the halls of the teams taking part in the tournament;

1.2.3. Based on the results of the competition, winners and prize-winners are determined.

Scheme of the competition

1.3.1. The competition scheme is circular (the number of stages (circles) depends on the number of applications submitted on the day of registration of teams);

1.3.2. The tournament consists of a men's league (mixed squads are allowed);

1.3.3. The tournament is formed from teams that have applied to participate in the competition.

Organization of competitions.

1.4.1. General management of the preparation and conduct of competitions is carried out by the MKU “Committee on Culture”. Chief judge of the competition Stravinskas D. A.

Participation in competitions

1.5.1. Men's and mixed teams from rural settlements of the Uysky district, clubs at the place of residence, and labor groups are allowed to participate in the competition (registration of the Uysky district is required).

1.5.2. Each team submits an application certified by a doctor on the opening day of the competition, November 11, 2017. from 10:00 to 10:30;

Responsibility for the health of competition participants

1.6.1. The Organizing Committee notifies the teams that there are no plans to organize the presence of a doctor at the competition. The participants themselves are responsible for the health of competition participants; teams have the right to ensure the presence of a doctor at competitions at their own expense.

The organizing committee is not responsible for the health of competition participants (for injuries received, etc.).

1.6.2. Participants under 18 years of age must provide a written statement from their parents when registering a team.

II. Regulations


2.1.1. To hold home meetings, the team must have a home gym (as agreed). Dimensions marked playing field must comply with the official volleyball rules; ceiling height of at least 5.5 meters; the distance from the site boundary to the side walls is at least 0.5 meters; the distance from the front lines to the end walls is at least 1 meter.


2.2.1. Judges for meetings are appointed by the Organizing Committee;

2.2.2. Responsibilities of judges and requirements for judging:

Refereeing must be unbiased, there is 1 referee at the game, if necessary and at the discretion of the first referee, a second referee is appointed;

The referee must have sufficient qualifications (including knowledge of the rules and refereeing experience) to organize and referee a match, have a whistle and, if possible, penalty cards;

The judge controls the correct completion of the protocol, certifies it with his signature and submits it to the Organizing Committee in any available way;

If a controversial situation arises, the judge records information about the situation in the protocol and subsequently, if necessary, provides an explanation of the situation to the Organizing Committee;

2.2.3. After the end of the game, team captains evaluate the work of the refereeing team. To evaluate the judging, you must highlight the required evaluation in the appropriate column of the protocol;

2.2.4. The work of the refereeing team is assessed according to the following scale:

“4” – excellent, perfect judging

“3” – normal, good refereeing

“1” – poor quality refereeing

“0” - unacceptable judging, “cross”

2.2.5. If there were two judges, then the score applies to both judges. In case of a score of 0, both judges receive 0 points for the game, only the first judge receives a cross.

2.2.6. A judge who receives a cross cannot judge the next home game according to the judging schedule. A referee who receives two “crosses” during one stage of the competition is deprived of the right to referee games as the first referee until the end of the stage. Claims regarding judging are accepted from contact persons of participating teams within 2 (two) days after the end of the meeting. If after 2 (two) days there is no appeal, then it is considered that the teams have no complaints and the result of the match cannot be revised on this basis.

2.2.7. At the end of the season, the final rating of the judges is calculated, at least two judges with the highest scores are awarded certificates;

Team composition

2.3.1. Each team has the right to register no more than 9 (nine) people when submitting an application; mixed squads are allowed in the men's league;

2.3.2. As the tournament progresses, each team has the right to change 3 (three) players on its roster (the number of new players should not be more than three; more players can leave the team), officially registering them in the manner established by the Organizing Committee. New players can take part in meetings one day after the agreement date;

2.3.3. The same player cannot be entered for more than one team. The exception is female players, who are also allowed to participate in mixed teams.

2.3.4. The transfer of players from team to team is allowed once per tournament;

Rules for holding meetings

2.4.1. The rules of the meeting comply with the current official volleyball rules (FIVB rules 2013-2016). Deviations from some points of the official volleyball rules are allowed due to the amateur status of the competition:

2.4.2. Can be used as game balls volleyballs, approved by the FIVB for holding matches in classical volleyball (inscriptions “FIVB approved” and/or “ official size and weight” on the ball).

2.4.3. Teams undertake to arrive on the scheduled day, at the time specified in the schedule. Before the start of the game, the teams are lined up and greeted. At least five people from each team must be present at the formation, ready for the meeting;

2.4.4. If one of the teams is late (cannot be present at the formation in a composition sufficient to start the game) for more than 30 minutes relative to the start time of the warm-up specified in the schedule, it may be recorded as a no-show;

2.4.5. If a player from one of the teams does not have time to arrive at the hall by the time the teams are lined up, he can take part in the meeting upon arrival at the hall;

2.4.6. If an unregistered player (not included in the team’s application for the current stage of the competition) took part in a meeting as part of one of the teams, the result of the meeting may be revised within 3 (three) calendar days. When confirming the fact of participation of an unregistered player in a meeting, his team will be counted as a failure to appear. After the expiration of the three-day period, the result of the game cannot be reviewed;

2.4.7. Matches are played according to standard regulations: men's mesh(2.43), from five games, up to 25 points in each game (except for the 5th game - up to 15 points), with balance;

Filling out the protocol

2.5.1. The game protocol is the main document certifying the result of the meeting;

2.5.2. The protocol is used for counting points by the game secretary. The following are recorded: the date and time of the meeting, the names and compositions of the teams (a list of all players who took part in the meeting as defined in clause 2.4 of the Regulations), the result of each game, the winner of the game, the score by game, best players, surnames of the judges, evaluation of the judges, signatures of the team captains and the first judge;

2.5.4. Corrections in the composition of teams and the result of the game must be certified by the signatures of the first referee and team captains;

2.5.5. At the end of the game, the completed protocol is handed over to the first referee for reporting to the Organizing Committee;

Transfers of games, refereeing

2.7.1. A game transfer is considered to be any change in the date, start time or location of the game (relative to those indicated in the schedule);

2.7.2. The date of rescheduling the game must fall within the time frame of the current stage of the competition;

2.7.3. Each team has the right to reschedule games no more than 2 (two) times per competition.

2.7.4. A team has the right to reschedule the same game no more than once;

2.7.5. Along with the decision to postpone the game, the contact persons of the meeting teams are obliged to agree on new date, new venue and new start time of the game, notify the match referee of the postponement. If for any reason the teams cannot determine a new date, meeting place and start time for the game, the Organizing Committee refuses to reschedule the teams, and the game must take place as scheduled (taking into account previous postponements);

2.7.6. Replacement and transfer of refereeing are subject to the same principles, with mandatory notification of the chief referee of the League.

Controversial situations

2.10.1. If any disagreements arise, teams must make every effort to find a compromise solution that suits all parties and is within the framework of these Regulations.

2.10.2. If a compromise solution cannot be found, teams can initiate an analysis of the controversial situation by the Organizing Committee, bringing the appeal in any available way.

2.10.3. The results of the match can be disputed within 3 (three) calendar days after the date of the game.

2.10.4. In the event of conflict situations not explicitly described in these Regulations, the Organizing Committee has the right to make any decision at its discretion and apply any penalties in relation to teams, players, judges, up to and including exclusion from the competition.


on holding volleyball tournaments among schoolchildren in physical education sports club“Take Off” as part of the “School Sports League” project

1. General Provisions

1.1. Volleyball competitions among schoolchildren within the physical culture and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are the first stage of the preparation of the All-Russian sports games schoolchildren "Presidential Sports Games".

  1. Goals and objectives

2.1. School volleyball competitions among schoolchildren of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are held with the aim of attracting children to regular physical education and sports, increasing their level of preparedness and sportsmanship.


  • promoting a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren;
  • introduction of physical culture and sports into daily life schoolchildren;
  • attracting the broad masses of schoolchildren to active physical education and sports, a healthy lifestyle;
  • definition best teams educational institution.

3. Competition management

3.1. General management of the organization and conduct of competitions is carried out by the head of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.

3.2. The organization of refereeing is carried out by: the Main Panel of Judges from among those involved in this sport.

4. Time and place

4.1. Competitions are held within the volleyball sports club once a month, according to the games calendar. Gym School No. 5 in Kursk

5. Participants

5.1. National teams of boys and girls, as well as mixed teams involved in this section, consisting of students from school No. 5 and belonging to the club, are allowed to participate in tournaments"Takeoff".

5.2. Team composition: 2 athletes.

  1. Deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the tournament.

6.1. An application for participation in the tournament is submitted by the team to the chief judge of the competition at least three days before the start of the tournament.

6.2. Teams that have entered in previous competitions do not apply to participate in the tournament; if the team composition changes, a re-application must be submitted.

7. Conditions of the competition.

7.1. Team competitions are held among boys and girls in accordance with the Official Rules beach volleyball with the exception of the provisions for FIVB World and Official competitions.

7.2. The team must have a uniform uniform with numbers.

7.3. Games are played in three games up to 11 points in two games and up to 7 points in the third game.

7.4. If there are 6 or more teams entered, the tournament is held according to the Olympic draw system; in the case of 5 teams or less, the games are held according to the round-robin system.

7.5. In all matches, teams receive 3 points for a win with a score of 2:0, 2 points for a win with a score of 2:1, 1 point for a loss with a score of 1:2, 0 points for a loss with a score of 0:2, and 0 points for a no-show. receive minus 1 point (in a round-robin system).

7.6. The places of the teams are determined by the highest number of points scored by the teams at the corresponding stage.

7.7. If two or more teams have equal points, places are determined by:

a) the ratio of goals in all matches;

b) the ratio of parties in all meetings;

c) the number of victories in meetings between them;

d) the ratio of parties in meetings between them;

e) the ratio of goals in meetings between them.

7.8. A team that does not show up for the game will be disqualified. If the game was stopped due to the undisciplined behavior of the volleyball players of one of the teams, then the offending team is credited with a defeat with a score of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). If the game was not completed due to the fault of both teams, then the defeat is credited to each of these commands, i.e. teams receive one point and the score in the games for both teams is 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). For the participation of an undeclared or disqualified player in the game, the team is credited with a loss of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15).

8. Awards

8.1. Teams of boys and girls who took 1st place are awarded the “winners” cup of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.