Hockey school for adults: group and individual training. Hockey school CSKA Hockey school for adults

a charge of excellent mood and good physical shape are guaranteed!

Fulfill your dream - sign up for adult hockey and win amateur competitions. Come to training, and we will teach you everything we know:

    the basics of the game, including the technique of skating backwards;

    stick handling;

    maneuvering techniques;

    strength techniques and much more.

Age, basic skills and physical fitness do not matter - a professional trainer will find the right approach for you. There will be only 7-9 people in the hockey group for beginners - so you won’t have to stand in line and all the coach’s attention will be directed to your skill, he will explain complex techniques to you personally or give personal training recommendations. Group training takes place at the base at Berezhkovskaya embankment, 20, building 6, Innovation Center.

Spend your free time usefully: teaching hockey for adults will make you stronger

    Bring the game to professional level . Start with a course of adaptation to stress - after 3-4 months of hockey training for adults in Moscow, you will take part in real competitions. Our clubs “Red Star” and Red Falcons perform at amateur and international championships.

    Open up the body's internal reserves. Become resilient, agile, confident, physically and mentally strong man. When teaching hockey to adults, we pay attention to psychological preparation and development of sports character. The trainer conducts individual conversations, shows techniques of auto-training, self-hypnosis and self-persuasion.

    Get in good physical shape. Catch interested women and envious people men's views. An additional bonus from hockey training for adults is losing excess weight, building muscle mass and increased strength. Mandatory component of classes - various physical exercise, from warm-up running to outdoor games to get ahead of the opponent.

Go to adult hockey training at a convenient time

Maintain your usual rhythm of life - you don’t have to take time off from work or give up meeting with friends in order to adapt to our schedule. Hockey training for adults from scratch takes place every day from 09:00 to 24:00 in different areas of Moscow - detailed information

Group training for beginners

Sports complex "Prometheus" offers individual sessions hockey in Moscow. During personal training, the trainer’s entire attention is focused on only one student, which significantly influences the development of playing qualities. The culture of individual training for children came to us from Canada. This experience allowed the founders of hockey to educate hundreds of world stars. Having adopted it, we were able to verify the effectiveness of this technique by our own example. After all, a coach who focuses all his attention on only one ward can develop an individual training system for him.

The benefits of individual hockey training

Personal hockey lessons will benefit both amateur players and children who dream of becoming professional hockey players.

A personal trainer develops a set of exercises based on the physical criteria and skills of the client. Wherein individual trainer will help improve weak sides game, will strengthen your understanding of important techniques on the ice.

Intense training can lead to success hockey rink. However, redundant exercise stress, on the contrary, can not only harm the playing qualities, but also discourage the child from training. Our specialists individually determine the required level of stress and conduct training based on the needs and skills of the client.

Our advantages:

  • experienced trainers with confirmed qualifications;
  • affordable pricing policy;
  • a full-fledged sports complex - cafes, showers, recreation areas;
  • all types of training.

Who needs individual hockey training?

To get your first free training, fill out the form:

How are our hockey training sessions going?

High results in any sport - this is only a small portion of natural abilities, multiplied by hard training under the guidance of a professional and caring coach. To succeed in hockey, it is important to be well-developed physically, master the technical skills of the game, have endurance, quick reaction and be strong in moral and volitional terms. Hockey training in our Center is conducted by experienced coaches who have practical skills and are able to clearly convey theory.

We have developed programs for individual and group training. Each of them includes areas: training in skating and stick handling, honing the skills of receiving, holding, passing, throwing, power moves, development of a gaming role.

A visit to the “Magic of Hockey” Center is an opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of the game and become a direct participant in it, feeling more confident with each lesson. Hockey training in Moscow, conducted at our base, allows you to gradually reveal the athlete’s potential, identifying mistakes in a timely manner and working to correct them. In addition, the training program also includes a diagnostic package that allows you to determine the level of physical training and initial skills of an athlete.

Individual hockey training and group lessons

The plan of such classes is designed for both children and adults. Individual training plan is compiled personally in each case, taking into account the athlete’s data, focusing on his physical fitness and level of training. By training at the Magic of Hockey center, you can significantly improve your skating technique, increase your speed, and acquire and improve your playing skills.

Hockey training in Moscow, conducted in groups, has different directions. This includes classes for forwards and defenders, goalkeepers, etc. Combined workouts allow you to immediately tune in to team play.

Hockey training - start your journey with the Magic of Hockey

Professional sports is always inextricably linked with enormous willpower, new challenges and working to the limit of one’s capabilities. To achieve results, each athlete invests a lot of strength and energy, receiving in return incredible pleasure, a charge of positivity and vigor for achievements in other areas. The main thing is that the mentors are competent and have all the necessary equipment that will contribute to success. Hockey training held at our Center is an excellent opportunity to start your journey to conquering the heights of sports or simply an opportunity to fulfill an old dream. The main thing is to have a desire, and with the rest we will definitely help!

Hockey is team appearance sports, but the team begins with each individual player. The success of the team directly depends on the reaction of the goalkeeper, the technique of the defender and the shooting of the attacker. These and many other skills are practiced during personal hockey training at the BiLikePro hockey training centers.

Benefits of Personal Hockey Training

Majority sports schools Russia operates under the old group system. It involves simultaneous training of the entire team, regardless of the level, role and problem areas of the hockey player. With this approach, the coach is unable to devote more than a few minutes to the athlete, which significantly slows down and sometimes even stops the player’s progress.

Individual hockey training is fundamentally different from the usual training system. They involve the coach working closely with one athlete for the entire allotted time. The advantages of this approach include:

  • taking into account the level, capabilities and role of the player, as well as the goals that the hockey player sets for himself;
  • quickly identify and eliminate gaming problems, bringing skill to almost any level;
  • rapid progress: the athlete’s skills progress with each hockey training session;
  • real pleasure from the classes and the results obtained.

The effectiveness of this method is proven by the Canadian hockey school, which this moment, is the best in the world. Canadian hockey players train separately from the team, meeting only to practice tactics and interaction. This approach makes them individually strong players without weak points, which is evident in every match at the club and national team level.

Hockey school PHC CSKA LLC is a structural division of the professional hockey club CSKA. Schooling - free.

The school's training process takes place at the home arena of the CSKA hockey club - in Ledovoye sports complex CSKA them. V. M. Bobrova. Training for young athletes takes place in 12 groups for children aged 5-16 years. The duration of training for children is 60-90 minutes. Training runs four to six times a week from September to May (depending on age group).

Starting from the age of 8, the student’s parents enter into a junior contract with the school and are fully supported by the hockey club, and at the age of 17 they sign with the best students professional contract. Sports camps and trips to various tournaments are carried out at the expense of PHC CSKA LLC.

Classes are held at two sites (Canadian and large sites). also in training process training and gaming halls. Twice a year, students undergo a free medical examination at the CSKA medical and sports clinic.

  • The junior team takes part in Open Championship Moscow among juniors;
  • teams born 2003-2007 - in the Moscow Open Championship;
  • teams born 2008-2010 - in the Moscow Cups;
  • team born 2011 - in the Moscow Hockey Federation Cup.

Matches are played on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from September to April.

Students of our school are members of Russian national teams of their ages. After graduating from school, the most promising students are invited to join the Red Army youth team.

Organization of selection at the Hockey School