Six breathing exercises. Breathing exercises. How to normalize the breathing process

  • Types of breathing
  • YOGA

The first thing a baby does after birth is take a deep breath. The lungs expand and the baby makes its first cry. This is a good sign, indicating that the baby was able to survive childbirth and is entering a new life. After this, he does not stop breathing until his death. Breathing is a natural process. We take deep breaths of fresh air, hold our breath when there are unpleasant odors or under water. Suspenseful moments in movies or books make us hold our breath. Or we try not to breathe during the first kiss. However, in ordinary life, people do not pay attention to how they breathe. The process goes on by itself as it should. But correct breathing can bring our body to harmony, get rid of obesity, from multiple diseases. This is a whole science that needs to be learned. There are several breathing practices. If you master them, you can get rid of spiritual and physiological problems. It's amazing that something as natural as breathing can change our lives so much.

Benefits of breathing exercises

It is impossible to live long without breathing. Our ancestors also correlated this process with the soul. And the word “breath” itself is similar to the word “soul”. It is breathing that connects our spiritual state with physical embodiment. It is breathing that allows us to understand our psyche. Based on this connection, they help achieve harmony between body and soul. If you learn to breathe correctly, you can recover from many diseases. These include diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and sexual dysfunction. Naturally, breathing practices can improve the performance of the respiratory organs. Another positive quality of exercise is opportunity to lose weight. Many girls who are overweight have been able to lose extra pounds thanks to proper breathing. Unfortunately, most people do not take this process seriously and do not believe in the benefits of breathing exercises. But the results of proper breathing are simply stunning.

Types of breathing

To obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide, we use the respiratory organs - the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, lungs, etc. Sometimes some organs perform the function of others, for example, with a runny nose, when the nose is stuffy, we inhale air through the mouth. Although we use the same set of organs in the respiratory system, we breathe differently. Breathing can be:


Yoga is a system of exercises that allows a person to learn to control the spiritual and physiological functions of the body. This system operates with the concept of “prana”. The Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest Hindu texts, speak about prana. There is food and breathing prana that allows you to maintain human life. Breathing exercises in yoga are called Pranayama - the fourth level of Ashtanga yoga. With the help of breathing you can learn to control prana.

Yoga technique is mixed or full breathing. It is characterized by the opening and ventilation of the lungs. Breathing practice allows you to achieve the following results:

  • excellent ventilation;
  • saturating the body with oxygen;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • boosting immunity.

Moreover, when performing breathing practice, your body is filled with life-giving prana, you gain balance and harmony.

First you need to sit cross-legged, facing north (south for women), close your eyes and straighten your back. The hands are on the knees, and the fingers are collected in Jnani mudra. First, exhale deeply so that the air completely leaves your lungs. You need to start with abdominal breathing. To do this, stick your stomach out. Feel the lower part of your lungs opening. Then comes the middle breath - the chest rises, air fills the middle part of the lungs. After this, raise your shoulders and fill the upper part of your lungs with oxygen. In this case, the stomach needs to be pulled in a little. As you exhale, your shoulders and chest drop. The breathing itself should be smooth and uniform. You should not make any effort or strain your internal organs. Feel which muscles work during each stage of breathing. Focus on prana, the life-giving energy that fills your body with every breath. The breathing exercise includes 3-14 complete inhalation-exhalation cycles.


Breathing exercises are a set of exercises that can combat many ailments. Among them are bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system diseases, and deformities of the spine or chest. Strelnikova’s technique is based on gas exchange. A larger volume of air enters the lungs than usual, so gas exchange in the blood is stimulated. The exercises involve not only the respiratory system, but also the diaphragm, head, neck, and abdominals. Gymnastics involves the entire body, which is why its beneficial effect is so great.

Strelnikova’s set of exercises is quite extensive. We will give three introductory exercises as examples.

  • "Palms"

Breathing resembles clapping your hands. You need to take 4 breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The inhalation should be noisy and deep, and the exhalation should be imperceptible and quiet. Every 4 breaths there is a pause of 3-5 seconds. Then the exercise is repeated. When inhaling, you need to clench your hands into fists; while resting, your hands are lowered. In total, you should do 24 exercises of 4 breaths. The shoulders and stomach do not participate in breathing. This exercise may cause slight dizziness. Then the pause between approaches should be increased to 10 seconds.

This exercise involves 8 breaths in a row, without stopping. After the inhalations, there is a short break of 4-5 seconds, after which the exercise is repeated again. “Epaulettes” are performed standing, hands should be pressed to the stomach. Fingers clenched into fists. As you exhale, make a sharp push with your hands to the floor without using your shoulders. Your arms should be fully straightened. During exhalation, the hands are again pressed to the stomach. The exercise must be repeated 12 times for 8 breaths.

  • "Pump"

The exercise must be done standing. We bend towards the floor. In the middle of the tilt, inhale through the nose, which ends along with the tilt. Then you need to straighten up, bend over again and inhale. The exercise is performed 12 times with 8 breaths. After each figure eight, rest for 4-5 seconds.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics also includes other exercises that involve the legs, neck and head. Some exercises need to be done standing, others can be done while sitting. have an amazing effect on the body, but you should not overdo it. Be sure to take breaks between approaches, otherwise gymnastics can only do harm.


This technique is incredibly attractive to women. After all, she allows lose extra pounds without resorting to exhausting diets or exercise. Its author, Greer Childers, is a woman who lost weight after giving birth with just breathing. It only takes 15 minutes a day, but the benefits of exercise are much greater than from diets and sports. This technology is suitable for women who do not have time to go to the gym or are unable to go on a diet. The basis of the method is aerobic breathing and stretching. When performing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen, which burns fat, and the muscles tense and become elastic. Bodyflex is designed for people of any age. Breathing techniques for weight loss are best done in the morning, but any time will do. The main thing is 2 hours after eating.

Bodyflex includes several exercises, each of which allows you to fight excess weight, sagging skin or wrinkles. The breathing technique is performed in a certain position - as if you are about to sit on a chair. You need to move your pelvis back, put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend over and put your hands on your hips. Then we exhale slowly through the mouth, and inhale quickly and sharply through the nose. After this, the air must be forcefully pushed out of the lungs, straining the diaphragm. Then we suck in our stomach and count to ourselves to 10. Now we can inhale.

In combination with stretching and exercises on the facial muscles, an incredible effect is achieved. Centimeters are reduced, and the body becomes elastic and flexible.


Novosibirsk doctor Konstantin Buteyko uses a completely different technique. According to his research, diseases arise not due to a lack of oxygen in the body, but due to its excess. We release carbon dioxide too quickly, which we consider harmful, so diseases appear. According to Buteyko, you need to practice shallow breathing. His method allows you to get rid of bronchial asthma, diabetes, heart disease and metabolic disorders.

Gymnastics must be performed under the supervision of a specialist. To prescribe exercises, you need to undergo a pulmonary function assessment, measure your pulse, and calculate your control pause. The latter represents the time from inhalation to the subsequent desire to inhale. A normal control pause is 60 seconds or more. Another reason to perform exercises under medical supervision is the cleansing reaction. A person may feel unwell, accompanied by fever, vomiting and pain. However, Buteyko calls for this effect to be considered the norm. Although modern scientists disagree. Some believe that the technique is dangerous for the respiratory center, but British scientists consider shallow breathing effective and efficient.


Leo Kofler is an opera singer. He developed his technique at the end of the 19th century. Then Kofler suffered from tuberculosis, due to which he left the stage. To return to what he loved, Kofler developed set of breathing exercises, which allowed him to get rid of tuberculosis. Its three-phase breathing system allows you to recover not only from consumption, but also from other lung diseases. This technique was supplemented, after which it received the name Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method. The basis of the respiratory system is training the breathing apparatus.

Three-phase breathing begins with exhalation. The air leaves the lungs only halfway, then there is a pause. The pause must be kept until the body has the desire to inhale. After this, inhale through the nose and exhale. There is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Exercises should be performed standing with your back straight.

This complex helps train uniform exhalation. Also, the Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method includes elimination of nasal sounds, development of the pharynx muscles and economical exhalation. The system allows you to expand your lung capacity, learn to sing or speak while performing rhythmic movements. This is especially true for singers who must dance and sing at the same time during performances. The technique also allows you to cope with pulmonary diseases.


American Leonard Orr created a technique that allows you to get rid of negative thoughts. The term “rebirthing” itself comes from the English “rebirthing”, which means “rebirth”. According to Orr, a person experiences a birth trauma, which is deposited in the subconscious and negatively affects his subsequent life. With the help of breathing, Orr suggests getting rid of this trauma, as well as negative events that have an overwhelming effect on us. Rebirthing is a deeper method that includes not only breathing techniques, but also philosophy and a positive attitude. But this technique is controversial, because so far there have been no studies confirming its effectiveness.

The exercises should be performed under the supervision of a professional, but then, when a person learns to breathe correctly, you can do them yourself. This breathing technique for relaxation combines the frequency and depth of breathing; each exercise corresponds to different psychological states. For example, slow deep breathing is designed to reduce negative emotions and allow the body and psyche to relax. And fast, shallow breathing breaks up all experiences so that you can quickly get rid of them. Exercises should be performed to special music, setting yourself up in a positive mood.


The rebirthing technique was refined by Jim Lenard and Phil Louth. They also believed that a person should free himself from negative experiences. But at the same time, you need to help him cope with the experiences that appear during breathing exercises. The English word "vivation" has the Latin root "viva". Viva means “life”. The technique involves a calm and free cycle of inhalation and exhalation, with no pause between them. If you inhale through your mouth, then you will exhale through your mouth. If a person inhales through the nose, then he should exhale in the same way. Vivation includes three classes of breathing - deep slow, deep fast and shallow fast. This technique allows a person to realize himself in peace with his feelings and achieve harmony. In total, the vibe includes 5 elements:


The method was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s. Their discovery was associated with the prohibition of LSD, and at that time much of Stanislav's research was based on the expansion of consciousness. Holotropic breathing is shallow breathing. As a result, carbon dioxide is washed out of the blood, which causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. This contributes to the appearance of hallucinations and memories from the past. As a result, a person is able to move to the transpersonal level. Holotropic breathwork has been widely criticized due to the potential for brain cell death during the exercise. The breathing itself does not have clear instructions - it is more frequent than normal breathing and more superficial. The technique is performed in pairs - one breathes, and the second acts as a sitter. During holotropic breathing it sounds specific music, designed to move to the transpersonal level. One session lasts about two hours.


The basis of the Pershin method is the improved methods of Kofler, Buteyko and Strelnikova. The respiratory system allows you to saturate the internal organs with oxygen, because The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. The technique helps get rid of headaches, allergies, toxins, fights radiculitis, heart disease and excess weight. Breathing according to Pershin should be shallow; a pause is made between exhalation and inhalation, which allows you to increase the volume of carbon dioxide in the blood. Exhalations and inhalations are carried out through the nose. The system includes exercises for different zones - the genital area, the spine area, the cervical region, and so on. The set of exercises is quite large.

Many breathing techniques modernize or repeat existing ones. For example, the Bulanov method takes the Buteyko system as a basis, but makes it more rigid. The pause between exhalation and inhalation is as long as a person can withstand, close to suffocation. Method E.V. Streltsova is based on yoga breathing. A significant part of the exercises is performed only under the supervision of specialists, otherwise breathing practices can be harmful.

General principles of breathing exercises

If you have settled on a system that you can perform independently, then you should follow several rules in order for the exercises to be effective.

Proper breathing really works wonders. But before choosing a set of breathing exercises for yourself, you should consult with a professional. There may be a specific technique that suits you. Do not be skeptical about breathing exercises. This technique has been known since ancient times; it really allows you to get rid of mental and physical ailments. The main thing is a competent approach.

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Basic set of breathing exercises

Exercise "Palms"

Exercise "Palms"

Starting position: stand straight, bend your elbows, with your elbows down. Palms are directed towards the “viewer”. Take noisy, short, rhythmic breaths through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists, making grasping movements. The hands should remain motionless, only the palms are clenched. After active inhalation, exhalation is freely carried out through the nose or mouth, while the fists unclench. You should not spread your fingers when exhaling; they relax as freely after squeezing as you exhale freely after each inhalation.

After taking 4 sharp, noisy breaths through your nose, lower your arms and rest for 3-4 seconds. Take 4 more short, noisy breaths and pause again for a breathing pause.

Normal: 24 times 4 breaths through the nose, or 12 times 8 breaths, or 3 times 32 breaths.

The “Palms” exercise is performed standing; in case of severe illnesses, it is performed while sitting or lying down.

The rate at which inhalations and movements are performed depends on the general condition of the body. It is determined by a doctor and a breathing exercises instructor.

Exercise "Epaulettes"

Exercise "Epaulettes"

Starting position: stand straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your stomach at waist level. As you inhale, sharply push your fists towards the floor, as if doing push-ups from it. During the push, the fists unclench. At the same time, your shoulders should be tense, your arms straight, reaching towards the floor, your fingers spread wide.

As you exhale, return your hands to their original position (on the belt), clench your fingers into fists, relax your shoulders. Do not raise your hands above your waist.

Take 8 breaths-movements in a row, then rest for 3-4 seconds and take 8 breaths-movements again.

Norm: 12 times 8 breaths-movements, or 6 times 16 breaths-movements, or 3 times 32 breaths-movements.

The exercise “Rapules” can be done sitting, standing or lying down.

When you exhale, air is released through the mouth, but it should not be opened wide. During the exhalation phase, the lips unclench slightly, while the air leaves completely passively.

Exercise "Pump"

Exercise "Pump"

Starting position: stand straight, lower your arms, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Bend slightly down towards the floor, rounding your back, lower your head, do not pull or strain your neck, lower your arms down. Take a short, noisy breath at the end point of the tilt. The inhalation should end with the bending. Raise yourself slightly, but do not straighten, and bend again with a short noisy inhalation.

Do 8 bending-inhalations in a row, then stop, rest for 4-5 seconds and perform 8 exercises again.

This exercise is performed standing; in case of severe illnesses, it can be performed while sitting.

Good to know!

The “Pump” exercise is the most effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma and heart attack.


– head and spine injuries;

– long-term radiculitis and osteochondrosis;

– increased arterial, intracranial or intraocular pressure;

– stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder;

– myopia more than 5 diopters.

If you have such diseases, you should never bend low when performing the exercise. The tilt is made barely noticeable, but a noisy short breath through the nose remains a prerequisite. When bending, your hands should fall no lower than your knees. Exhale after each inhalation automatically through the mouth.

Exercise "Cat"

Exercise "Cat"

Starting position: stand straight, lower your arms, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your feet do not leave the floor.

The exercise is reminiscent of a cat sneaking after a sparrow. Do a light springy dance squat and at the same time turn to the right with a sharp and short breath. Then perform the same squat with a left turn. Keep your hands at waist level. When turning right and left, with a simultaneous short noisy inhalation, make a grabbing movement with your hands.

The hands should not be moved far from the belt so that the body does not “skid” when turning. When turning to the right, squat slightly - inhale, straighten your knees - exhale. Turn to the left, sit down slightly, make a slight release movement with your hands - inhale. Immediately after this, straighten your knees - passive exhalation. When performing the exercise, make sure that your back is absolutely straight, turning only at the waist.

If you do the "Cat" exercise while sitting without straining, it can prevent the development of an asthmatic attack.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

The “Cat” exercise is performed standing, sitting or lying down - in case of serious illnesses.

Exercise “Hug your shoulders”

Exercise “Hug your shoulders”

Starting position: stand straight, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level with your hands facing each other. At the moment of active noisy inhalation through your nose, throw your arms towards each other, as if hugging yourself by the shoulders. It is necessary that the arms move parallel, and not crosswise. In this case, one hand appears one above the other, and it does not matter which one is above which. You should not change the position of your arms, or spread them wide to the sides or strain them.

Immediately after a short inhalation, the arms should move slightly to the sides, without reaching the starting position. At the moment of inhalation, the elbows converge at chest level, forming a triangle, then the arms diverge slightly - a square is obtained. At this moment, as you exhale, the air should leave completely passively. Thus, simultaneously with each grasping it is necessary to “sniff” your nose.

After several weeks of training, when performing the exercise, at the moment of counter movement of the arms, you can slightly tilt your head back.

At the beginning of mastering Strelnikov breathing exercises, it is not recommended to do the “Hold your shoulders” exercise for 2–3 weeks; you should train without it. When all other exercises have already been mastered and performed without difficulty, you can include this exercise in the complex.


- cardiac ischemia;

- Congenital heart defect;

- suffered a heart attack.

If you have such diseases, then the exercise “Grasp your shoulders” should be excluded from the complex in the 1st week of training. You can start doing it from the 2nd week of classes. In a serious condition, you should do not 8, but 2–4 inhalation movements in a row, then rest for 3–5 seconds and perform 2–4 inhalation movements again.


If you have back injuries, as well as very severe osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, you should not bend back at the lower back when performing the “Big Pendulum” exercise. It is enough to make counter movements with your arms without throwing your head back or bending your lower back. In this case, you should also not bend low.

Women starting from the 6th month of pregnancy should not tilt their heads back when performing this exercise; they should do it only with their hands, standing straight and looking straight ahead.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

The “Hold Your Shoulders” exercise is performed standing, or in case of severe illnesses, sitting or lying down.

Exercise “Big Pendulum”

Exercise “Big Pendulum”

This exercise is a combination of the Pump and Shoulder Grasp exercises, each of which is done 2 times in a row, transitioning into each other.

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Bend slightly towards the floor, while pulling your hands towards your knees, but not lowering them lower - inhale. And immediately, without stopping, slightly bending at the waist, bend back, clasp your shoulders with your hands - inhale. Lean forward - inhale, lean back - inhale. Exhalation occurs in the interval between inhalations, and you should not hold it or “push it out.”


– osteochondrosis;

– spinal injuries;

– displacement of intervertebral discs.

If you have such diseases, the “Large Pendulum” exercise should be performed by limiting movements: slightly bending forward and almost not bending when bending back.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

Exercise "Turning the head"

Exercise "Turning the head"

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Turn your head to the right and take a short, noisy breath in through your nose. Then immediately turn your head to the left and again take a short, noisy breath. When performing the exercise in the middle, do not stop your head, do not strain your neck, and take short breaths.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

Exercise "Ears"

Exercise "Ears"

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Slightly tilt your head to the right - your right ear goes to your right shoulder, take a short noisy breath in through your nose. Then tilt your head slightly to the left, your left ear goes to your left shoulder, and again take a short noisy breath in through your nose.


When performing exercises according to Strelnikova’s method, exhalation should be done after each inhalation independently, through the mouth.

When performing the exercise, you should stand straight and look straight ahead and, as if in your mind, say to someone: “Ay-ay! Shame on you!” In this case, you must try to keep your shoulders absolutely motionless (this exercise is reminiscent of the “Chinese dummy”). The exhalation should go out passively in the interval between inhalations, but do not stop your head in the middle.


– head injuries;

– increased arterial, intracranial

– and intraocular pressure;

– chronic headaches;

– epilepsy;

– severe osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine.


Inhalations are made simultaneously with movements. Exhalation should occur after each inhalation. When exhaling, do not open your mouth wide.

If you have such diseases, under no circumstances should you make sudden head movements when performing this exercise.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

Exercise “Pendulum with head” (“Small pendulum”)

Exercise “Pendulum with head” (“Small pendulum”)

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width.

Lower your head down, look at the floor - take a sharp short breath. Raise your head up, look at the ceiling - take a sharp short breath. The exhalation goes out passively in the intervals between inhalations, while the head does not stop in the middle. Under no circumstances should you strain your neck.

The contraindications are the same as when performing the “Ears” exercise.

If you have such diseases, then when performing the exercise you should turn your head a little, but be sure to noisily “sniff” your nose.


If you feel very dizzy and have a headache when doing the exercises “Turns of the head”, “Ears”, “Pendulum of the head”, you need to do these exercises while sitting and perform only 4-8 short breaths-movements without stopping. Rest can last up to 10 seconds.

If dizziness increases, you should not stop training. Over time, the blood vessels in the brain will become stronger and headaches will disappear.

Exercise "Rolls"

Exercise "Rolls"

Starting position: stand so that your right leg is in front and your left leg is one step behind. Distribute the weight of the body on both legs. Transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front, while the left leg is bent at the knee and placed back on the toe for balance (do not lean on it). Perform a light dance squat on the right leg - noisy short breath. Then straighten the right knee and transfer the weight of the body to the left leg standing behind. Now the left leg is straight, the whole weight of the body falls on it. The right leg bent at the knee is placed in front on the toe to maintain balance and is bent at the knee (do not lean on it). Squatting on your left leg, simultaneously take a short, noisy breath in through your nose. Shift the weight back to your front right leg.

The position of the legs should be changed (rearranged) either after every “thirty” (in this case, the exercise is performed 6 times with 32 inhalations-movements), or after every 8 or 16 inhalations-movements. In total, you need to collect two “hundreds” of breaths and movements, “a hundred” for each leg.

When performing the “Rolls” exercise, the following rules should be observed:

– squatting and inhaling are done strictly simultaneously;

– all the weight falls only on the leg on which the squat is performed;

– after each squat, the leg immediately straightens, and only after this the weight of the body is transferred to the other leg;

– squats should be light and springy. You can't do low squats!

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements.

The “Rolls” exercise can only be done while standing.

Exercise “Front step” (rock and roll)

Exercise “Front step” (rock and roll)

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms at your sides. Raise your right leg bent at the knee up to the level of your stomach, and at this moment do a light dance squat on your left leg - a short noisy breath in through your nose.

After squatting, both legs should return to their original position for an instant. Raise your left leg bent at the knee, and at this moment squat slightly on your right – inhale. After this, both legs straighten for a moment - passive exhalation.

In this exercise, you should not just march, but squat slightly, then the other leg, bent at the knee, easily rises up to the level of the abdomen. The body is straight.

Simultaneously with each squat and lifting the bent knee up, you can make a free counter movement with your hands to waist level.

Performing the Forward Step exercise should resemble rock and roll dancing.


– congenital heart defects;

– previous heart attack;

– leg injuries;

– thrombophlebitis;

- urolithiasis disease;

– pregnancy.


If you have thrombophlebitis, you cannot perform the “Forward Step” exercise without consulting a surgeon.

If you have illnesses and pregnancy, starting from the 6th month, it is not recommended to raise your legs high (to the level of the abdomen) when performing this exercise. For leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, the exercise should be performed only while sitting or even lying on your back, very carefully, slightly lifting each knee up with a noisy inhalation. Rest after every 8 breaths-movements can be extended to 10 s.

The Forward Step exercise can be done standing, sitting or lying down.

Exercise “Back step”

Exercise “Back step”

Starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Take your right leg bent at the knee back, as if hitting yourself on the buttock with your heel. At this moment, sit down slightly on your left leg, while inhaling noisily through your nose. Then return both legs to their original position for one moment - the exhalation leaves immediately after each inhalation.

During the exercise, the arms either hang along the body, or the hands make a slight counter movement at waist level.


– thrombophlebitis.

If you have thrombophlebitis, you should consult your doctor before including this exercise in the complex.

Norm: 4 times 8 breaths-movements.

If the breathing exercises of A. N. Strelnikova are difficult to perform or muscle pain, shortness of breath, weakness, or dizziness occur, then the exercises are performed incorrectly. Most often, this is a desire to inhale more air, which should not be done.

If shortness of breath appears at the beginning of the lesson (after about 15–20 minutes), it is recommended to perform the “Cat”, “Head turns”, “Pump” exercises.

At high body temperatures, breathing exercises according to the method of A. N. Strelnikova should be done lying down or sitting, at temperatures up to 38 ° C - standing.

In old age, you should not do more than 8 inhalations-movements in a row.

It is recommended that A. N. Strelnikova begin mastering a set of breathing exercises with the exercises “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Pump”.

Exercise “Palms” is a warm-up exercise. During the first lesson, when performing it, you should take only 4 noisy short breaths through your nose. This is followed by rest for 3–5 seconds and again in a row without stopping, 24 times, 4 noisy short breaths through the nose. In the same way, you need to do 4 inhalation movements, their total number should reach 96 inhalation movements.

Exhale through the nose or through the mouth after each inhalation through the nose. You cannot hold back or, conversely, forcefully push out the air. You must always remember that inhalation should be extremely active, and exhalation should be absolutely passive.

After mastering the “Palms” warm-up exercise, you can begin to perform the “Shoulder straps” exercise. It should be done in a row, not 4, but 8 breaths-movements. This is followed by a rest of 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements. In the first lesson, perform 12 times of 8 breaths-movements.

The “Pump” exercise should be done 12 times with 8 breaths-movements, resting for 3-5 seconds after each “figure eight”.

When performing exercises, you should only think about inhaling.

Thus, in the first lesson, the total number of repetitions of the exercises “Palms”, “Shoulders” and “Pump” reaches 300. These exercises should be spent from 10 to 20 minutes.

At each subsequent lesson, you must gradually master one new exercise. After the “Cat” exercise, you should include the “Hold Your Shoulders” exercise, then “Big Pendulum”, “Head Turns”, “Ears”, “Head Pendulum”, “Rolls” and lastly “Forward Step” and “Back Step”.

The newly mastered movement should be done in 12 sets of 8 times, taking a break of 3-5 seconds after each “eight”. With a sufficiently good mastery of the previous exercises (“Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Pump”), you can no longer perform them in 8 breath-movements with a rest of 3-5 seconds after each “eight”, but in 16 breath-movements (2 times 8 breaths-movements). If you feel well, it is recommended to do even 32 inhalation movements (4 times 8 inhalation movements). Having completed 16 or 32 inhalation movements without stopping, you should now pause, that is, rest, not after each “eight”, but after 15 or 32 inhalation movements.

If the exercise is performed with 32 inhalations and movements without stopping, you should still count only in “eights”.

It must be remembered that if the first few exercises have already been sufficiently mastered and up to 32 inhalations-movements are performed without stopping, then each new exercise must be done in a row, still only 8 inhalations-movements with a mandatory rest for 3-5 seconds after each “eight” . Only after several days of training can a new exercise be done for 16 or 32 inhalations-movements without stopping.

Application in treatment

Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses

A. N. Strelnikova believed that all diseases of the nose and its paranasal sinuses begin with a violation of nasal breathing. In the absence of proper breathing, the lungs are not completely filled with air, the blood is poor in oxygen and the organs do not receive it fully. This has a particularly negative impact on children, whose development slows down due to impaired nasal breathing.

Impaired nasal breathing causes diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, such as chronic runny nose, adenoids, and sinusitis.

Good to know!

The cause of a chronic runny nose cannot always be determined. Most often, this is a combination of many factors: general and neurogenic disorders, increased sensitivity to an allergen (foreign protein), hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions, and it is almost impossible to eliminate contact with the allergen.

There are 2 types of runny nose (allergic and vasomotor), which are similar in their manifestations. An exacerbation of a chronic runny nose is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing and copious mucous discharge. Often, with a runny nose, itching in the nose and eyelids, headache, and increased lacrimation occur.

Drug treatment of chronic runny nose gives only a temporary effect, and the drugs used in this case, as a rule, have many side effects.

The best method of treating chronic runny nose is a natural physiotherapeutic effect on the body - hardening and therapeutic exercises.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help very well to get rid of the manifestations of a chronic runny nose - after just a few days of training, nasal breathing improves and the runny nose disappears. When treating chronic runny nose, special attention should be paid to the exercises “Palms”, “Pump”, “Shoulder straps”, “Hold your shoulders”.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova are often used in the treatment of adenoids.

Good to know!

Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova are a good remedy for treating snoring.

There are 3 degrees of adenoids, depending on their size:

– I degree – small;

– II degree – medium size;

– III degree – large, reaching the level of the posterior end of the inferior nasal concha.

This disease most often occurs in children. It not only makes nasal breathing almost impossible, but also causes a change in voice, hearing impairment and a number of disorders not only in neighboring but also in distant organs. Most often, adenoids provoke cerebrovascular accidents, frequent headaches, and bedwetting. Children with difficulty breathing are characterized by a sluggish and indifferent facial expression (the so-called adenoid face), a constantly open mouth, a drooping lower jaw, and smoothed nasolabial folds. An advanced disease can lead to abnormal development of the child's chest.


Treatment of adenoids using the Strelnikova method should be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of adenoids is usually carried out surgically. However, even after surgery, relapse of the disease is possible. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises usually give a lasting positive effect.

Grade I and II adenoids disappear quite quickly under the influence of breathing exercises; to get rid of grade III adenoids, longer training is required, at least 2 times a day for 30 minutes. If after a month of regular exercises no visible result is achieved, an operation is prescribed, 2-3 weeks after which, in order to avoid relapse, you should resume classes using the Strelnikova method.

Treatment of sinusitis - acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - is usually carried out surgically (sinus puncture). Often this method does not lead to complete recovery. If you use breathing exercises at an early stage of the disease, when inflammation has not yet become chronic, you can avoid surgery.


Before treating sinusitis using the method of A. N. Strelnikova, you should consult a doctor and also undergo an x-ray examination of the nasal sinuses.

When treating sinusitis using the Strelnikova method, all exercises of the main complex are used.

To avoid the occurrence and exacerbation of diseases of the nose and sinuses, it is recommended to perform the exercises “Cat”, “Rolls”, “Steps” from the main complex of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

Bronchitis. Bronchial asthma

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and increased sputum production. Chronic bronchitis is protracted and can last from several months to decades.

Depending on the nature of the causative agent, bronchitis can be of the following types:

– bacterial bronchitis caused by pneumococci, streptococci, influenza bacilli;

– viral bronchitis caused by influenza pathogens;

– dust bronchitis, which occurs from prolonged inhalation of dust;

– thermal bronchitis, which occurs due to exposure to high and low temperatures;

– toxic bronchitis, which occurs due to exposure to various toxic substances on the body.

With a long course of the disease, patients develop pathological changes in the bronchi.

The use of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises in the treatment of bronchitis makes it possible to eliminate stagnation of secretions in the bronchi, restore their atrophied mucosa, eliminate pathogenic microflora, relieve inflammatory processes, and increase the local protective properties of the mucous membrane.

For bronchitis, you should perform the entire complex of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises 2 times a day for 2–3 weeks. It is recommended to complete the classes with the “Pump” and “Hold your Shoulders” exercises, alternating inhalations through the nose with inhalations through the mouth: 16 breaths through the nose, then immediately without stopping 16 breaths through the mouth. This is followed by a 3-5 s rest. Repeat the exercises “Pump” and “Hold your shoulders” (each separately) 3 times for 32 inhalations-movements.

When treating bronchitis in gymnastics, inhalation is done alternately through the nose and mouth. The inhalation should be calm, soft, almost inaudible. The exhalation after each inhalation is voluntary, passive and also through the mouth. The nose does not participate in breathing when inhaling through the mouth.

In case of a coughing attack, you need to lower your head (the neck is completely relaxed), put your palms on your stomach so that the umbilical fossa is in the middle between them. Simultaneously with the urge to cough, press your palms on your stomach from top to bottom, coughing into the floor.

If you feel excess mucus in the bronchi, you should never cough forcefully, as you can damage the ligaments and even cause bleeding. In such cases, it is recommended to perform the exercises alternately with the nose and mouth.

If inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are not treated in a timely manner, bronchial asthma can develop, a serious life-threatening disease. An important role in the occurrence of asthma is played by increased sensitivity to allergens of various origins - plant pollen, house dust, dander and animal urine found on their fur. The greatest attention should be paid to the presence of food allergies (for example, to dairy products, fish), as well as to an allergic reaction to certain medications (aspirin, penicillin, analgin, etc.).

Characteristic symptoms of bronchial asthma are attacks of suffocation caused by bronchospasm, hypersecretion and swelling of the mucous membrane. Bronchodilators - inhalers used to relieve asthma attacks - often become addictive when the body stops responding to them and you have to use increasingly stronger drugs, including hormonal ones.

To prevent attacks and exacerbation of bronchial asthma, it is recommended to perform the entire complex of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises daily in the morning and evening.


Treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma using the Strelnikova method should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

If you are well trained enough, the exercises can be performed even during an attack of suffocation. To do this, you should sit down, rest your palms on your knees and do the “Pump” exercise (2 or 4 noisy short breaths through your nose). Then you need to bend over slightly (head down, arms bent at the elbows) and at the same time take a short, noisy breath in through your nose. After this, straighten up slightly without fully straightening (palms remain on your knees, arms at the elbows straighten slightly) - passively exhale through your mouth. Immediately bend forward again with your head down while simultaneously inhaling sharply and noisily. Bend slightly again - passively exhale through the mouth. Do 2 inhalations-movements in this way, rest for about 10 s and again perform 2 or 4 inhalations. Perform this exercise for 10 or 15 minutes until you feel a significant improvement.

If the asthmatic attack is so severe that inhaling while bending forward does not help, you need to sit down, leaning forward, with your head hanging down freely, your elbows on your knees, and your back rounded. Without making any movements, take noisy short breaths through your nose 2 times, each exhalation should come out passively through the mouth after each inhalation. Rest for a few seconds after every 2 breaths without moving. Each breath should be directed into the lower back, to the maximum depth of the lungs.


If during an attack of bronchial asthma none of the breathing exercises according to Strelnikova’s method helps, you should urgently use an inhaler or take medicine.

To improve the result in eliminating an asthmatic attack, it is recommended that before the “Pump” exercise, put a wide leather belt around the waist or a long scarf around the waist, while the belt should neither tighten the body tightly nor dangle. Noisy inhalations through the nose should be done in such a way as to feel the belt. This will help you practice breathing to the maximum depth of your lungs.

You can stop an attack of suffocation with the help of the “Hold your shoulders” and “Turn your head” exercises, which should be performed while sitting for 2 or 4 inhalation movements in a row without stopping. This is followed by rest for 10 seconds and repetition of the same number of breaths and movements. The exercises should be continued until significant improvement occurs.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The cause of many diseases of the cardiovascular system is a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle. The breathing exercises technique of A. N. Strelnikova, which improves blood circulation and promotes oxygen saturation of the vessels of the arms and legs, is effective for diseases such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, and coronary heart disease.

Cardiovascular diseases respond better to treatment in the early stages.

To prevent and prevent exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to start classes with the exercises “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Pump” and “Cat”, 8 breaths-movements for each exercise.

You should exercise for 1 day for no more than 30 minutes in the morning and evening. The next day, in the morning and evening, you can perform the same exercises without stopping, 6 times with 16 breaths and movements. After 2-3 days, you can increase the load and perform the above exercises 3 times with 32 inhalations and movements.

After the preparatory course of exercises, you can add 1 exercise every day in the following sequence: “Turning the head” (12 times with 8 inhalations-movements, after 3 days – 16 or 32 inhalations-movements without stopping), “Ears”, “ Pendulum with the head" (12 times with 8 inhalations-movements, after 3 days - 16 or 32 inhalations-movements without stopping separately for each exercise). After this, begin mastering the “Rolls” and “Big Pendulum” exercises.

Only with a sufficient degree of training can you begin to perform the “Hold Your Shoulders” exercise, since it puts a relatively high load on the cardiovascular system. In the first 2–4 days of mastering the “Grasp your shoulders” exercise, you should do it without stopping only 12 times, 8 inhalations-movements each, resting for 5 minutes after every 8 inhalations-movements. When performing this exercise, you cannot change or strain your arms. After 3 days of training, you can increase the rate of execution up to 6 times with 16 breaths-movements. After 2 weeks of training, you can do the exercise “Shoulder Grasp” for 32 inhalations and movements.


During a heart attack, you must take medications, call an ambulance, and only then start doing breathing exercises.

After mastering the “Hold Your Shoulders” exercise, you can move on to even more intense exercises – performing the “Back Step” and “Forward Step” exercises.

During a heart attack, it is recommended to perform the “Pump” exercise in a sitting position. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, place your palms on your knees, lower your head slightly down and make a slight tilt, while simultaneously taking a short, noisy breath in through your nose. Then straighten your back - passively exhale through your mouth. When performing this exercise, you should never strain your back. The tilt is done freely, without tension. As you exhale, the air cannot be held in or, on the contrary, pushed out; the mouth should be slightly open. Perform 2 noisy short inhalation movements in this way, rest for 5 seconds and again do 2 inclinations with simultaneous inhalation with each inclination. Repeat the exercise for 15 minutes, after which relief should occur. In case of a weak heart attack, you can do not 2 breath-movements without stopping, but 4 or 8 breath-movements, resting for 5 seconds after every 4 or 8 breath-movements.

During an attack of angina, it is not recommended to take more than 8 breaths in a row. After performing the “Pump” exercise in a sitting position for 10–15 minutes, you should rest for 20–30 minutes and begin performing the same exercise again. If during the first 15 minutes there is no significant improvement in well-being, it is necessary to replace the long rest with performing the “Pump” exercise for 2 or 4 inhalations-movements. The duration of classes in this case is from 20 to 30 minutes. If the attack does not stop, you should stop, take medicine and call a doctor.

Good to know!

The main symptom of hypertension is considered to be high blood pressure (above 160/95 mm Hg). The normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. Art., where the first digit displays the blood pressure in the large arteries during the period of cardiac contraction (systole), and the second digit represents the pressure value during the relaxation of the heart (diastole).

Hypertension, hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia

Hypertension- one of the most common diseases - is often a precursor to atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and other serious and life-threatening diseases.

The presence of hypertension is associated not only with the development of atherosclerotic damage to the walls of blood vessels, but also with an increased tendency of the arteries to local spasms, during which the saturation of organs with blood sharply decreases. Long-term hypertension leads to increased cardiac stress, since the heart in this case pumps blood against increased resistance, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the mass of the heart muscle and the need for additional oxygen supply. The result is increased fatigue and heart weakness.

Prerequisites for the development of hypertension are nervous tension, chronic stress, and negative emotions.

Medicines used for hypertension help lower blood pressure only for a while, and they do not eliminate the causes of the disease. With long-term use of such drugs, drug dependence can develop and a general weakening of the body may occur. Long-term performance of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (for 2–3 months) allows normalizing blood pressure even with a long-term course of the disease.

Treatment of hypertension, hypotension and vegetative-vascular dystonia using Strelnikova’s breathing exercises method should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Respiratory therapy for these diseases can be combined with drug treatment.

In the presence of hypertension, the most effective exercises are “Palms”, “Shoulder straps”, “Pump”, “Cat” and “Hold your shoulders”. You should start your workout with the “Palms” and “Shoulder straps” exercises, continue with the “Pump” and “Cat” exercises, and end with the “Hold your shoulders” exercise. When performing the “Pump” exercise, it is contraindicated to do low bends. In just one workout (30 minutes), you should take 5 hundred breaths and movements. In the first days, you can do 8 breaths-movements 12 times in a row without stopping for each exercise. If you feel normal, in the following classes you can do 16 or 32 inhalation-movements in a row without stopping, resting for 3-5 seconds after every 16 or 32 inhalation-movements.

Hypotension, characterized by low blood pressure, is the most difficult to treat. A hypotensive crisis, accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, impaired coronary circulation, and fainting, can lead to death.

Good to know!

With hypotension, systolic pressure drops below 100 mmHg. Art., and diastolic - below 60 mm Hg. Art.

In case of hypotension, special attention should be paid to prevention and timely treatment. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help normalize blood pressure and prevent a hypotensive crisis. Particular attention should be paid to the exercises “Palms”, “Shoulder straps”, “Pump” (do not bend low when doing this!), “Cat” and “Hold your shoulders”. In the first lesson, it is recommended to perform 12 times of 8 inhalations-movements for each of the 5 exercises. In the following days, if you feel normal, you can do 16 or 32 inhalation-movements in a row without stopping, resting for 5 seconds after every 16 or 32 inhalation-movements.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a common vascular disease characterized by fluctuations in blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, abnormal pulse rates, neurotic reactions and increased sweating. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is most often observed in women.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be done using the same method as for hypertension and hypotension.


There are many reasons that influence the occurrence of headaches. Among them, the most common are circulatory disorders in the brain, head injuries, neurotic conditions, diseases of various organs, infections, intoxication, physical fatigue, allergic reactions, hot weather, long stays in a stuffy room, and increased meteosensitivity. Headache can be of a different nature (acute, dull, constant or paroxysmal, covering the entire head or certain parts of it) and have a different duration (from several hours to several days).


If you experience frequent headaches, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of all organs.

If a headache occurs, you need to sit on a chair, rest your palms on your knees, lean forward slightly and relax. Then carefully begin to take 2 or 4 noisy short breaths through your nose with rest breaks of 10 seconds. Repeat inhalations for 1 minute. After taking breaths without moving, proceed to the “Palms” exercise, taking 2 or 4 short noisy breaths through the nose with a rest of 10 seconds. Repeat the “Palms” exercise for 10–15 minutes, then take a break for 30 minutes and inhale again for 10 minutes.

If after 2-4 noisy breaths through your nose the headache intensifies, you should not stop training; the pain should go away after a few minutes.


For headaches, the “Large Pendulum”, “Head Turns”, “Ears” and “Small Pendulum” exercises are contraindicated.

As soon as the headache begins to subside, you can get up and continue doing gymnastics while standing, moving on to the “Epaulettes” exercise. Then add the “Pump” exercise (when doing this, do not bend low, stretch your neck or strain your back). After completing the “Pump” exercise, you should proceed to performing the “Cat”, “Hug the Shoulders” (without throwing your head back), “Rolls”, “Back Step” and “Forward Step” exercises.

If the headache does not go away after one session of breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method, you should continue training and perform the exercises several times a day for 1 or 2 months. For chronic headaches, gymnastics should be done 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes.


Stroke is a dangerous disease caused by hemorrhage in the brain or thrombosis of a cerebral vessel and accompanied by loss of consciousness. A stroke occurs suddenly as a result of an acute cerebrovascular accident. Most often it occurs in those suffering from hypertension and atherosclerosis. Symptoms of a stroke are severe headache, confusion, vomiting, and paralysis.


Breathing exercises are contraindicated for severe breathing disorders and cardiac dysfunction in people who have suffered a stroke.

You can start training using Strelnikova’s method only a few days after the stroke, when your health has stabilized.

You can do breathing exercises after a stroke only in a lying position; if your limbs are paralyzed, perform exercises with your healthy arm or leg.

The complex should be mastered gradually, adding one exercise every day. Gymnastics must be done several times a day every 2–3 hours. Each exercise is performed 12 times with 8 breaths-movements without stopping with a rest of 10 seconds. After several days of training, you can begin to work out the sore arm and leg, imagining in your mind that they are moving on a par with healthy ones.


Epilepsy– a chronic disease of the brain, manifested by paroxysmal convulsions and a disorder of consciousness.

The cause of epilepsy is an increased hereditary or acquired readiness of the brain to develop seizures. The onset of the disease is also facilitated by injuries, infections and other harmful factors.

Most often, epilepsy manifests itself as convulsive seizures, which can occur with fear, anxiety, overwork, weakening of the body after some serious illness, and sometimes without any external reason. Usually, before a convulsive attack, a general malaise occurs with severe headache, irritability, and bad mood. Sometimes a seizure occurs without any previous symptoms.

Good to know!

Epileptic seizures rarely last more than 5 minutes, their strength can vary. In adults, seizures recur no more than once a year in mild forms of the disease, and in severe forms – up to several times a day. In children, epileptic seizures occur more often. Usually the disease lasts throughout life.

For epilepsy, it is recommended that Strelnikova begin mastering breathing exercises in a sitting position. In the first lesson, you should start performing the exercises “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Pump” and “Cat”. Then, on each subsequent day, add 1 exercise until the entire complex is mastered.

In case of epilepsy, in the 1st week of training it is necessary to exclude the exercises “Turns”, “Ears”, “Pendulum with the head”. From the 2nd week you can start doing these exercises, but with great caution, without turning your head sharply, only 8 breaths-movements in a row. The norm is 12 times, 8 breaths-movements for each exercise with a rest of 3-5 seconds.

The complex should be performed daily, regardless of whether a seizure occurs or not.

If you feel a seizure approaching, you should immediately start doing the “Forward Step” exercise, which has the most beneficial effect on patients with epilepsy.

Neurosis, neurotic depression

Neuroses– a group of mental diseases (neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia) that develop as a result of prolonged exposure to traumatic factors, emotional or mental stress, as well as infectious diseases.

Neuroses are accompanied by asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by weakened attention, memory impairment, increased fatigue and irritability, decreased physical and mental performance, sudden mood swings, and severe headaches.

The action of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises is aimed at improving not only the physical, but also the emotional state of a person. Already 0.5 hours after the start of training, the general condition and mood improve, a special psycho-emotional state is created, in which courage, vigor and self-confidence appear.

Neurotic depression It is very difficult to treat, so classes using the Strelnikova method should be daily and preferably in groups.


Neuritis is an inflammation of the peripheral nerves, most often resulting from various infections (flu, colds, etc.), injuries, and circulatory disorders. Symptoms of neuritis are severe pain, sensitivity disorder, and paresis. With neuritis of the facial nerve, muscle paresis develops on the corresponding side of the face, the mouth twists to the other side, and a sharp headache occurs.

For neuritis of the facial nerve, as well as for twitching of the eyelids and facial muscles, the most effective exercises are “Head turns”, “Ears”, “Head pendulum”. Each lesson should begin and end with these exercises.

Skin diseases

The appearance of the skin largely depends on the condition of the dermis - the inner layer of the skin. With poor oxygen saturation in the dermis, inflammatory processes begin, which leads to various consequences, from ordinary acne (acne) to such serious diseases as neurodermatitis, diathesis, psoriasis.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen at the cellular level, thereby improving the regeneration of the skin. As a result, skin respiration is activated, which has a positive effect on all body systems.

Good to know!

Skin that receives sufficient oxygen is elastic and smooth. Sexual function, which affects the rejuvenation of the entire body, depends on the good condition of the skin.

Acne most often occurs in adolescents during puberty, but acne can also be a sign of a serious illness.

For aging skin, the most recommended exercises are “Head turns”, “Ears”, “Head pendulum”. For greater effectiveness, regular implementation of the entire complex is recommended.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Breathing gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

author Elena Anatolyevna Boyko

From the book Encyclopedia of Breathing Exercises author Elena Anatolyevna Boyko

From the book Callanetics in 10 minutes a day by Liz Burbo

From the book Breathing gymnastics according to Strelnikova. Paradoxical, but effective! author Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

From the book How to Get Rid of Stress and Depression author Irina Stanislavovna Pigulevskaya

author Natalya Olshevskaya

From the book 365 golden breathing exercises author Natalya Olshevskaya

From the book The Great Encyclopedia of Health by Paul Bragg by A. V. Moskin

From the book The Best for Health from Bragg to Bolotov. Large reference book of modern wellness author Andrey Mokhovoy

From the book Breathing according to Strelnikova for those who... author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

From the book Aerobics for the chest author Evgeny Yakovlevich Gatkin

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice.

Today, more and more people are coming to the conclusion that no medications, pills, plastic surgeries or other unnatural interventions in the nature of our bodies can have such a beneficial effect on them as leading a healthy lifestyle. And this includes proper nutrition, sports, and the use of various health-restoring techniques and gymnastics. One of these is Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

This is an independent system of exercises, which at one time enjoyed dizzying popularity among artists and pop stars. The following people trained using it: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Andrei Mironov. And this is not a complete list!

If you are the type of person who actively practices healthy habits or wants to give your voice a new, pleasant timbre, then after reading this article you may be inspired and want to try a new experience. Or you are faced with unpleasant respiratory diseases and are looking for a practice that can quickly return you to a high energy state, vigor of body and spirit, then the classes that will be discussed will suit you perfectly!

A little about the author A. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after World War II she became a famous vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of my voice. The singer’s mother suggested a way to restore ligaments with the help of breathing exercises. Gradually, individual elements of the technique formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention at the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, receiving an author's certificate for it.

Currently, there is a Breathing Gymnastics Center in the capital, named after its creator. The use of this technique has been repeatedly tested in various types of medical institutions, and studies have each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Rules for performing exercises

Before performing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Try to think only about inhalation. There is no need to type as much as possible - this is the main mistake. You need to inhale short, loudly and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in the exercises. You should exhale through your mouth, not your nose. No need for extra stress. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to pace yourself.
  4. Don't exercise forcefully. You don’t need to do an exercise just because you “have to.” If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Basic and additional complex

For Strelnikova’s effective training, a special complex was developed. It consists of a main part and an additional one. The first includes the following tasks:

  • Palms
  • Shoulder straps
  • Pump
  • Head turns
  • Small pendulum
  • Cat
  • Hug your shoulders
  • Big pendulum
  • Rifles

The additional part includes exercises:

  • Sit down - stand up
  • Spring
  • Raising the pelvis
  • Metronome
  • Wiggle

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules and strictly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, your body will get used to this amount of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more advisable to first learn the first 3 exercises - the basic ones. Then add 1 new one per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

11 breathing exercises by Strelnikova

1. Palm exercise

I.p. (starting position) – standing:

Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose.”

While standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without pausing, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through your nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and pause again.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

You may feel dizzy at the beginning of the class, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise “shoulder straps”

I.p. – standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, you need to sharply push your fists down towards the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching towards the floor).

Then return the brushes to waist level in IP.

Take 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise “pump” (“inflating the tire”)

I.p. – standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (os. – basic stance).

Make a slight inclination (reach your hands towards the floor, but do not touch), while in the second half of the inclination take a short and noisy breath through your nose.

The inhalation ends along with the tilt. Raise yourself a little, but not completely, and again bend + inhale. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

The bends are performed easily and rhythmically; you should not bend too low, just bend down to waist level.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! “Pump the tire” in the rhythm of a marching step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Injuries to the spine and head, long-term osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - do not bend low. The tilt is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy inhalations are mandatory. Exhale passively after inhaling through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise is quite effective and can stop a heart attack, liver attack and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise “cat” (half squat with a turn)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Do a dance squat with your torso turned to the right and at the same time take a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with turning left.

Exhalations are performed spontaneously.

The knees bend and straighten slightly (do not squat hard, but lightly and springily).

Hands on the left and right perform grasping movements.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normal ex. performed 12 times.

5. Shoulder Hug Exercise

I.p. – standing, bend your arms and raise them to shoulder level.

You need to throw your arms very strongly, as if you want to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement a breath is taken.

Hands during the “hug” should be parallel to each other; There is no need to spread it very wide apart.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movements.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Coronary heart disease, previous heart attack, congenital heart disease - this exercise is not recommended for these diseases.

It should start with 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to take half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their head back in this exercise; only perform the exercise with your hands, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise “big pendulum”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Lean forward, reach your hands towards the floor - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (bend a little at the waist), bend back and hug your shoulders with your hands. Also - inhale.

Exhale randomly between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be done while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displaced intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit your movements, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after you have mastered the first 6 exercises well should you proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex until you master all the rest.

7. Exercise “head turns”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Turn your head to the right - take a short, noisy breath through your nose.

Same thing to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

You need to exhale through your mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise “ears”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left.

Shake your head a little, looking forward.

The exercise is similar to the “Chinese dummy”.

Inhalations are performed along with movements.

When exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise “pendulum head” (down and up)

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

Let me remind you that exhalations should be between inhalations and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in exercises such as “Ears”, “Head turns”, “Head pendulum”.

Turn your head slightly, but inhale noisily and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise “rolls”

1) I.p. – standing, left leg forward, right leg back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

The body and leg are straight.

Bend your right leg and place it on your toes for balance (but don’t lean on it).

Sit down a little on your left leg, while inhaling through your nose (the left leg should be immediately straightened after squatting).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat down a little while inhaling (do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

  1. squats are done along with inhalation;
  2. transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;
  3. after squatting, the leg should be straightened immediately, and then a roll from one foot to another is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only you need to swap your legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise “steps”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). At the same time, sit down a little on your right leg and take a short, noisy breath.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, raising the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Coronary heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, previous heart attack, congenital defects.

If you have leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be increased to 10 seconds. With such a disease, consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise your knee high!

2) “Back step.”

I.p. - Same. The left leg, bent at the knee, is pulled back, while squatting slightly on the right leg and inhaling. Return your legs to their original position – exhale. Do the same on the other leg. We do this exercise only while standing.

Normal: 4 times – 8 breaths.

Indications for use of the Strelnikova technique

Doctors still do not have a clear opinion about the unusual approach. Despite this, they recognize its effectiveness and obvious positive changes in the condition of patients and healthy people. First of all, they note the fact that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises stimulate the immune system and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Experts believe that the program can be carried out even in the absence of health complaints, but they still identify several indications for carrying out breathing exercises:

  • Neurotic conditions and depression that have entered the chronic phase.
  • Pregnancy period (assuming the normal course of the natural process).
  • Bronchial asthma, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, heart attack.
  • Recovery period after a stroke, epileptic seizures, frequent headaches and migraines.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders.
  • Thyroid pathologies and diabetes mellitus.
  • Some infectious and viral diseases, dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Problems with potency in men.
  • Excess weight and tendency to gain kilograms.
  • Studies have shown that proper and regular breathing exercises help cure anemia, get rid of snoring and stuttering, and problems in the genitourinary area.

The benefits and harms of the sessions are based on stimulating metabolic processes in the body, improving blood supply to organs and systems. The approach strengthens blood vessels, restores lost functions, and reduces the risk of complications due to various pathologies.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises can be combined with other therapeutic measures and medications. If there are no obvious indications for sessions, they can be carried out for preventive purposes. In any case, positive changes in your condition will not keep you waiting.

Contraindications to breathing exercises

According to experts, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, with the right approach, are unable to cause any damage to the human body. But in the presence of acute or chronic conditions, the introduction of the technique into the regime must be approached with increased caution. First of all, this step should be agreed with your doctor.

Deep and active breathing can be harmful if practiced according to the system against the background of such conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially in the upper parts of the spine.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis.
  • Internal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions.
  • Spinal or head injuries of any etiology and severity.
  • Increased arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure.
  • Fever.
  • It is also important to remember that smoking is prohibited during the exercise period.

In order not to take risks, you need to start classes with a minimum degree of intensity. Loads must be increased gradually. The process should not cause discomfort or be accompanied by difficulties. Until the body gets used to it, you need to rest often during the session, gradually transferring it to a new rhythm.

Proper breathing is one of the main principles of good health in Eastern medicine. Breathing methods were mastered by people in Ancient India, China and Tibet. Today this practice is popular all over the world. One of the well-known techniques in Russia is Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

At first, the basis of gymnastics included exercises aimed at developing vocal abilities in people. But, having used this method on her own daughter, who suffered from heart disease, Strelnikova saw that the child’s condition improved significantly. A set of breathing exercises helped cure the disease forever.

Over time, Strelnikova’s daughter joined her mother to study the effect of breathing exercises not only on the development of vocal abilities, but also on the restoration of the entire body.

The Strelnikovs also revealed a positive effect of the technique on such a serious disease as bronchial asthma. Subsequently, the respiratory system according to Strelnikova was studied by Mikhail Shchetinin, a patient and student of the teacher. Many teaching aids have been published under his authorship.

The essence of Strelnikova’s gymnastics is exercises based on inhalation and exhalation. In this case, inhalations may differ from each other in depth, intensity and frequency, and exhalations are spontaneous. During these exercises, the whole body heals, waste and toxins are released.

Inhalation is of great importance. The fact is that on the nasal mucosa there are receptors that are connected to all organs of the human body. Abundant air entering through the nose saturates all these systems and has a positive effect on the entire body.

Basic principles and benefits of breathing exercises

The effectiveness of the breathing system depends on its correct implementation in compliance with the following recommendations.

  1. Exercises should be performed every day in the morning and evening for an hour. On average, a course of treatment includes 15 procedures.
  2. The correct exercises are in which the inhalation of air occurs very noisily and with tension in the diaphragms, and the exhalation is free.
  3. This involves a combination of inhalation and exhalation with special exercises. This combination involves the arms and legs, head, neck, lumbar region, abdomen, hips, shoulders and spine, allowing you to strengthen muscles and tone the body.
  4. Inhalations are carried out comprehensively, up to 32 times per interval. Between complexes there are short pauses for rest, 3-5 seconds. The optimal option is 96 breaths, 4 per series with short intervals. Such a series of breaths is called the “Strelnikov hundred”. You can master them only after long training.
  5. One procedure includes at least 10 exercises.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  • strengthening the body's defense system;
  • increased tone and energy;
  • improving the functions of internal organs;
  • stabilization of breathing and functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • destruction of inflammatory infections;
  • improvement of general well-being.

Indications for use

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • pathologies of male and female genitalia;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • voice related problems.

Breathing exercises for expectant mothers are excellent preparation for childbirth. If you perform the Strelnikova complex during pregnancy, the body will prepare for childbirth and become resistant to infectious influences.

Proper breathing helps get rid of toxicosis, relieves increased uterine tone, and saturates the body with oxygen in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises can be successfully combined with other physical exercises - running, fitness, swimming, horse riding. It is also useful to practice breathing exercises not only during treatment, but also for prevention.

Every evening approaches 30 times will increase energy tone, lift your spirits, relax and relieve fatigue and tension accumulated during the day. In this case, you only need to think about breaths, train and count them.

Contraindications and potential harm

There are categories of people for whom this technique is contraindicated. These are people suffering from myopia and glaucoma, high blood or eye pressure, kidney failure,. People with heart disease should perform the exercises with caution (they are not direct contraindications, they just require a balanced approach).

In addition, contraindications for Strelnikova’s gymnastics include combination with other breathing techniques - yoga, oxysize or qigong.

Exercises according to Strelnikova

The basic gymnastics complex consists of 13 exercises (in addition, the author of the method advises repeating “Pump” to get 14 exercises), which are very easy to perform.


This exercise is a warm-up exercise. It is performed according to the following algorithm: standing, you need to bend your elbows and turn your palms away from you. As you inhale, you need to squeeze your palms tightly and relax while exhaling. You only need to work with your fingers.


You need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then bend your elbows so that your fists are pressed to your stomach. Tighten your arms and shoulders, while inhaling, lower your arms sharply, unclench your fists, spread your fingers.

As you exhale, you need to return your hands to your stomach.


To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then, lowering your head and rounding your back, slowly bend towards the floor at an angle of no more than 90 degrees.

At the end point of the tilt, you need to take a quick breath of air and return to the starting position without straightening up completely.


To perform the “Cat” exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, spread your legs not reaching shoulder width, press your arms to your sides and bend your elbows. The hands should be lowered and kept at chest level.

Inhaling, squat down slightly, turn to the side and seem to grab the air with your hands. Exhale when returning to the starting position. You need to alternate turns right and left.


This exercise can be performed either standing or sitting. When inhaling, you need to tilt your head to the right or left, as if reaching your shoulder with your ear. You need to exhale while returning to the starting position. You only need to use your neck.

"Hug your shoulders"

While performing this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them above your chest, as if you were sitting at a desk. While inhaling, you need to grab your left shoulder with your right hand, and your right shoulder with your left hand. This must be done so that the elbows come together at one point.

"Big Pendulum"

This exercise is an alternation between the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises. On one exhalation, you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, on the other, lean forward. You can perform the “Big Pendulum” either standing or sitting.

"Head turns"

The exercise is performed while standing, with the back straight and motionless. As you inhale vigorously, you need to turn your head to the right and left, exhaling between turns.

"Pendulum head"

This exercise is performed in exactly the same way as “Ears”, only in this case you need to tilt your head forward and back.

“Rolls” with the right foot forward

You need to stand up straight, put your right leg forward a little. As you inhale, the entire weight should be placed on the right leg, which should squat.

“Rolls” with left foot forward

Performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with a change of leg.

"Forward Step"

This exercise is similar to walking in place. When inhaling, one leg, bent at the knee, rises to the stomach, and the other squats. On the next inhalation, the legs change.

"Backward Step"

It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with the legs pressed against the buttocks.

Breathing exercises for children

Strelnikova’s technique successfully helps treat respiratory diseases, heart disease, diabetes, neurological diseases, and stuttering. In addition, exercises develop plasticity and flexibility in children.

The advantage of Strelnikova’s gymnastics for children is that there are no age restrictions. You can perform the exercises with children 3-4 years old. This age is characterized by an increased risk of colds and infectious diseases that children bring from kindergarten.

Breathing exercises will help strengthen the body’s protective functions and strengthen the immune system without the use of drugs and pharmaceutical vitamins.

Another reason why babies are introduced to breathing exercises is their inability to breathe. Because of this, the body does not receive enough oxygen, hence colds, low immunity, hyperactivity, and even poorly developed speech.

Also, breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can save a child from stuttering. To do this, you need to regularly perform the “Pump” and “Hold Your Shoulders” exercises. They improve lung ventilation and teach you to breathe deeply, which helps completely change your breathing technique. Several months of exercise twice a day effectively treat the disease.

Proper breathing in combination with physical exercise also provides effective help for adolescents. Gymnastics helps balance hormonal balance, relieves pain for girls and regulates the menstrual cycle. Boys, by performing breathing exercises, reduce the risk of phimosis and cryptorchidism.

Proper breathing will help combat skin problems typical of adolescence.

At birth, the child notifies the outside world of his appearance with a loud cry that accompanies his first breath. A person breathes throughout his life and, when he dies, takes his last breath. Without breathing, life is impossible; by learning to breathe correctly, a person is freed from excess weight, illnesses, and ensures the harmonious functioning of the body.

There are many known breathing techniques, such as Yoga, Qigong, according to Buteyko, using which in practice you can change your own life, getting rid of health problems.

Yoga is a teaching aimed at developing a person’s ability to control the functioning of his own body, physical and spiritual forces. The method of yoga breathing exercises is called Pranayama, it teaches the management of vital energy.

Yoga breathing technique is mixed breathing with ventilation and opening of the lungs. By practicing Pranayama, a person will increase immunity, improve metabolism in the body, reduce blood pressure and restore nerves. Yoga will fill the body with vital energy, give balance and harmony.

Yoga breathing exercises will teach you how to breathe correctly in order to saturate the blood and tissues of the body with oxygen.

Exercise to develop proper breathing

  • Standing straight, exhale sharply and freely.
  • We inhale in three phases.
  • Gradually protrude the stomach forward, filling the lower part of the lungs with air (the diaphragm moves).
  • We expand the middle of the chest and ribs - air enters the middle part of the lungs.
  • We take in the maximum amount of air and expand the chest to the limit.
  • Exhale slowly through the nose, starting from the bottom of the lungs. The stomach is drawn in, then the chest, shoulders and collarbones. To exhale as completely as possible, you should smoothly squeeze the intercostal and abdominal muscles.

All movements should gradually transform into each other, without braking or pauses. The side view resembles the movement of a wave along the body: from the stomach up and down from the collarbones. This exercise is the basis of yoga breathing exercises. Watching the video will help you breathe correctly during training.

Ujjayi - sound breathing technique

Ujjayi involves keeping the glottis slightly open, creating the effect of a compressed balloon: inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by effort. If we compare Ujjayi with normal breathing, then in the first case gas exchange is stronger due to the difference in the pressure of the air mass in the lungs during inhalation and exhalation.

The Ujjayi method is energy-saving breathing exercises. Fixing your attention on doing Ujjayi exercises and the sound of your voice frees you from thoughts, which is an element of meditation.

When doing Ujjayi breathing, inhalation and exhalation are deep and slow, the cycle without performing physical exercises lasts half a minute, synchronously with asanas - up to twelve seconds. It is difficult for a beginner in the practice of yoga to breathe Ujjayi throughout the entire class due to insufficient muscle development.

Exercise to help you master Ujjayi breathing

  • Stand up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body.
  • At the same time as you inhale, raise your arms to the sides and up and whisper “O”.
  • Synchronously with the exhalation, lower your arms and pronounce “A”.

You need to breathe slowly and deeply. Do this 5 times, gradually increasing to 10 times.

Breathing exercises Buteyko

The Buteyko method appeared in the mid-twentieth century and is based on reducing the depth of breathing. There are 152 known diseases for which the method is effective. With the help of Buteyko exercises, 98% of human ailments, including allergies, are treated.

The breathing volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, while in a patient with asthma it is up to 15 liters, which indicates hyperventilation of the lungs. With a deep breath, according to Buteyko, the amount of oxygen in the blood does not increase and the CO2 content decreases.

Breathing correctly, according to Buteyko, means increasing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. Correct breathing is shallow, with long pauses between breaths, saturating the blood with carbon dioxide.

Buteyko exercises

  • Hold your breath until you feel like there is not enough air for as long as possible. Then inhale in small portions, shallowly. If you want to inhale more air, repeat again.
  • Stop breathing while walking until you feel short of breath. Breathe and repeat.
  • Breathe shallowly for three minutes. Slowly increase the time to ten minutes.

At the initial stage, performing Buteyko exercises presents difficulties, unpleasant sensations arise, appetite decreases, panic attacks of lack of air appear, and rapid breathing occurs. Later, the necessary development of the respiratory system appears and the discomfort disappears.

Exercises that prepare you for natural breath holding

  • Perform 10 times: 5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break.
  • Full breath. Do 10 times: 7 seconds inhale (diaphragm - chest breathing) - 7 seconds exhale (diaphragm - lower region of the lungs) - 5 seconds break.
  • Pull in your stomach. 7 seconds inhale - 7 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Pull in your stomach. Do this 10 times.
  • Ventilation: 2 seconds inhale – 2 seconds exhale 12 times. Then take a break while exhaling once.
  • Rare breathing. 5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 4 times.

5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds hold – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

7 seconds inhale – 7 seconds hold – 7 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

10 seconds inhale – 10 seconds hold – 10 seconds exhale – 10 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

  • Hold your breath one time at a time, first while inhaling and then exhaling for the maximum possible period of time.
  • Breathing breaks in a sitting position, standing, while walking and squats, when running from three to ten times.
  • Invisible breath. Breathe shallowly for three to ten minutes, slowly reducing the amount of air inhaled.

A strong feeling of lack of air indicates that the exercises are being performed correctly.

The advantages of Buteyko gymnastics are the ability to perform exercises anywhere at any time. The Buteyko method is simple, suitable for children from four years of age and adults.

Correct breathing Oxysize

Oxysize is a unique method of losing weight, which is based on simple exercises for proper breathing. The inventor of the Oxysize weight loss program is American Jill Johnson, who managed to get rid of excess weight in this way.

Using deep, proper breathing of Oxysize exercises, you can achieve weight loss in a short time, get rid of cellulite and sagging skin. At the same time, Oxysize training is not exhausting; holding your breath is not required, which means there are no contraindications to performing the exercises.

Losing weight with the help of Oxysize gymnastics consists of delivering oxygen to problem areas of the body, so the basis of the Oxysize technique is the ability to breathe correctly. It is important to set aside two or three weeks to learn (a video can help here) how to breathe correctly, bring it to automaticity, and then move on to exercises.

Oxysize breathing consists of four stages

  • We inhale through the nose, while the stomach inflates like a balloon. The pelvis is forward, the abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  • Three short breaths while simultaneously tensing the muscles of the perineum and buttocks.
  • Exhale through pursed lips, at the same time the abdominal muscles are pulled under the ribs.
  • At the end - a sharp exhalation until the lungs are completely empty.

Straighten your back, do not raise your shoulders.

The best time of day to practice is in the morning, starting with a warm-up that works on basic breathing. Moreover, warming up is an optional condition; you can immediately begin the main part. Gymnastics for weight loss Oxysize takes about twenty minutes daily, and the results of the exercises are impressive: the body becomes toned and slender.

Oxysize weight loss exercises are done in the morning before breakfast or three hours after eating. After gymnastics, you need to refrain from eating for another hour.

It is important to perform 30 or more breathing series every day. If the exercises are performed first in one direction and then in the other, these are two breathing series.

The longer you exercise, the longer the effect will be, since Oxysize for weight loss has cumulative properties.

Gymnastics Qigong

Breathing exercises Qigong, originally from China, serves to improve the physical capabilities of the human body and correct its condition. Qigong breathing in combination with a balanced diet and physical activity allows you to achieve weight loss, as it saturates the cells of the body with oxygen.

Qigong breathing is suitable for anyone, regardless of age and history of illnesses. Scientists from Japan have found that it is possible to achieve weight loss with the help of Qigong due to the properties of exercises to restore the activity of the nervous system.

Qigong exercises

The Qigong complex for weight loss consists of three main exercises, which you need to perform in clothes that do not restrict your movements and relax.

  • Wave. Helps reduce the feeling of hunger. Lying on your back, bend your knees at a right angle. One hand lies on the stomach, the second on the chest. Simultaneously with inhalation, the stomach is drawn in and the chest expands. Exhale is the opposite. Perform 40 times.
  • Frog. Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Clench your palm into a fist, and clasp it with the other palm. Elbows on knees, fist against forehead. Close your eyes and completely relax. 15 minutes three times a day.
  • Lotus. Sitting on a low chair, cross your legs in front of your stomach. Place your hands on top of each other, palms up. The back is straightened, the head is slightly lowered, the eyes are closed. For the first 5 minutes, breathe normally, concentrate on it. The next five minutes - inhale normally, exhale - relaxed. For the next ten minutes, breathe naturally, you do not need to control your breathing, completely relax.

Correct performance of Qigong will help you lose 10 kg in 2 months of regular exercise. The video will help you understand the technique of doing the exercises.

Strelnikova method

Gymnastics appeared as a medicine, but subsequently became indispensable for singers and everyone who studies and practices vocals. Breathing exercises make it easier to voice and are the basis for the practice and development of any vocal. The complex is also used for speech development in children.

The skepticism towards the development is due to the fact that Yoga, Qigong, Oxysize, and the Buteyko method run counter to the complex presented by Strelnikova. In gymnastics, attention is focused on inhalation and natural breathing is preserved. Such training is aimed at increasing the body’s air potential, thereby increasing its vitality and achieving recovery (in case of pneumonia). Yoga is aimed at exhaling as completely as possible.

Regular implementation of the complex fills the brain with oxygen, the ability to remember increases, headaches go away, and the body’s self-regulation awakens.

Who will Strelnikova’s gymnastics help?

Vocals in an artist’s life are of paramount importance, so Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, aimed at developing her voice, turn out to be an indispensable tool. A unique set of breathing exercises is intended for singers, vocalists, and actors. The exercises were called “actor’s breathing exercises.” This is a one-of-a-kind complex aimed at restoring vocals.

Exercises will improve the condition of patients with ailments of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and nervous diseases. Gymnastics will benefit patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, musculoskeletal injuries, and neuroses. The method will relieve attacks of suffocation, normalize blood pressure, relieve migraines and heart pain, increase efficiency and immunity, and teach you to breathe correctly.

In case of pneumonia, gymnastics activates blood circulation and lymph supply, eliminates the development of congestive effects, improves lung ventilation and drainage of the source of inflammation. Exercises for pneumonia are performed with a gradual increase in loads, otherwise there is a possibility of exacerbation of the disease. Regular breathing exercises combined with chest massage will be more effective for pneumonia.

Contraindications to performing the Strelnikova complex

Rules for performing Strelnikova’s exercises

To achieve the greatest effectiveness of training when performing exercises, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Sniffing the air is as natural as possible. At the same time, inhaling as much air as possible is not the goal; this is a common mistake. The inhalation here is short, sharp, energetic, natural.
  • Do not interfere with the exhalation process. Inhalation should be synchronous with the movement, exhalation should be passive, inaudible.
  • You can't do exercises by force. You need to take as many breaths as you can without straining.
  • You should learn to perform short series of breaths at the same speed (the frequency should be equal to the pulse rate and be approximately seventy times per minute). Usually this is 1200 breaths with a pause between them of up to three seconds.
  • It is advisable to complete the exercises within half an hour.
  • Counting in eights will help you avoid confusion. After each eight, you need to mark the completion on a piece of paper.
  • 32 breaths are taken, followed by a rest of up to ten seconds.
  • You cannot do the complex in parts; you need to do all the exercises, preferably for half an hour in the morning and evening.
  • The effect is observed after regular exercise for a month.
  • If time is short, thirty exercises are done from “palms” to “steps”.

Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova, exercises

The complex is universal and suitable for all ages (from three years to eighty and older). It consists of 12 exercises with names. There are three main ones: “Epaulettes”, “Palms”, “Pump”. They are in all complexes designed to treat various ailments, including pneumonia. Watching the video will help you do the exercises correctly.

  • Shoulder straps. Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, hands at shoulder level. Inhale noisily through your nose, while clenching your hands into fists. 4 breaths – lower your arms for 4 seconds, taking a break – 4 breaths – break. Perform 6 cycles of 4 breaths (24 breaths).
  • Palms. Standing straight, fists pressed to the stomach on the belt. Synchronously with the inhalation, sharply lower your fists down to the floor. Next, return your hands to your belt. Perform 12 times with 8 breaths. There is a 4 second pause between a block of 8 breaths and movements.
  • Pump. Standing, legs are narrower than shoulders, arms are lowered along the body. Lean forward slightly, at the end of the movement take a noisy breath, ending it along with the tilt. Slightly, halfway, return to the starting position. Then bend down again and inhale. The back is round. Do not bend below your waist. Head down.

Development of the speech apparatus with the help of gymnastics Strelnikova

The result of proper speech breathing is normal speech volume, intonation expressiveness, and excellent sound production. Breathing exercises for speech development are needed so that the child pronounces words as he exhales, evenly using the exhaled air, and does not choke on words while inhaling.

The Strelnikova method is used by speech therapists for speech development in children who stutter. The technique is based on massage of the muscles lining the air sinuses in the head using a stream of air while inhaling. Blood flow in the head increases, which is a therapeutic agent for the speech apparatus.

Strelnikova’s exercises are intended for the development, improvement and restoration of vocals, the development of correct speech breathing in children and adults, are used to shorten the course of rehabilitation after suffering severe lung diseases (pneumonia), improve the condition of the body and prolong youth.

Breathing exercises using various methods have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. The purpose of breathing exercises is to relieve stress, calm the nervous system, turning attention to breathing and technique.