Abs scheme for 30 days for girls. How to pump up your abs at home: exercises for men. Thirty Day Program for Perfect Abs

Is creating sculpted abs at home your goal for the near future? Then, before turning your dreams into reality, you need to study the nuances of this process so that the training brings results. It would seem that there is nothing easier than pumping up your stomach, because even people far from sports have heard about classic exercises for this part of the body. But this opinion is wrong, and adhering to it, you will be looking for your cubes for a long time. A special complex can help in this matter.

Is it possible for this short term make an Apollo body at home? It is possible, but provided that you do not have a large quantity excess weight. If this problem is present, then first you need to lose excess kilograms, reduce fat layer, and only then dream about the relief. For people with normal build I can do this task.

We bring to your attention a program designed for 30 days. She will help you pump up your six-pack with simple exercises. If you adhere to her recommendations and plan as much as possible, then by the end of the month you will see impressive results. Take a photo at the beginning of your journey and at the end to objectively evaluate your cubes.

Ab pumping table for men for 1 month:


I – body rise

II – twists

III – leg lift

IV – bar

Day, no. Plan, number of repetitions Day, no. Plan Day, no. Plan
1 I – 15

IV – 10 sec.

2 I – 20

IV – 12 sec

3 I – 25

IV – 15 sec.

4 rest 5 I –30

IV –20 sec.

6 I – 35

IV – 25 sec

7 I –40

IV –30 sec.

8 rest 9 I –45

IV –35 sec.

10 I – 50

IV –30 sec.

11 I – 55

IV – 42 sec.

12 rest
13 I – 60 14 I – 65

IV – 55 sec.

15 I – 70

IV – 60 sec.

16 rest 17 I – 75

IV – 65 sec.

18 I – 80

IV – 70 sec.

19 I – 85

IV – 70 sec

20 rest 21 I – 90

IV – 80 sec.

22 I –95

IV – 115 sec.

23 I – 100

IV – 90 sec.

24 rest
25 I – 105

IV – 95 sec.

26 I – 110

IV – 100 sec.

27 I – 115

IV – 110 sec.

28 rest 29 I – 120

IV – 115 sec.

30 I – 125

IV – 120 sec.

All exercises must be performed clearly. At the beginning of training, give preference to a slow pace in order to get a good feel for each muscle. In the future, if your physical fitness allows you, then exercise at medium intensity.

Technique for performing tasks

So, you have decided to pump up your abs and shape your six-pack at home using the set of exercises we have presented, then in the next few weeks and days you will need to follow a diet and rest regime.

  • Now you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. You should spend 6-8 hours sleeping at night.
  • Review your diet. Increase the amount of protein foods and vegetables. You cannot eat fried, fatty or smoked foods. By the way, sweets should also be reduced to a minimum or eliminated altogether.

Before you start doing the exercises, be sure to warm up: light jogging, jumping rope, etc. Just 5-10 minutes will help prepare your muscles for the load.

To pump up the relief, you must follow the technique. We recommend studying it according to the instructions with photos:

  1. Raising the body.

Lie with your back on the floor, arms bent and placed at the back of your head, crossed at chest level or at your temples. If you choose the first option, then try not to put pressure on your head, as there is a risk of damaging the cervical vertebrae. The second option is more suitable for men, and the third is mainly recommended for girls. Now we slowly lift the body using the abdominal muscles until right angle and at the same pace we lower ourselves, but the shoulder blades and head do not touch the floor, so as not to unload the muscles and pump them up.

When lifting your body, it is important to round your back so that the vertebrae at the lumbar level do not experience excessive pressure.

Beginners practicing at home are allowed to bend their knees and straighten their arms.

#2 Crunches

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back with legs bent. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows spread to the side. We lift our shoulders, tensing our abs and not lifting our back off the floor. Hold at the top for a few seconds to pump up your core muscle.

#3 Leg raises

The starting position is the same. The arms are extended along the body. Raising straight lines lower limbs until a right angle is formed with the body and slowly lower it back, staying 10 cm from the floor. The feet should not touch the surface during the entire time the task is performed.

No. 4 Plank

To perform the exercise, stand in a position similar to a push-up, but with your elbows bent and your body weight on your forearms. Straighten your legs with your feet together and your body tense and in a straight line. It is important that the lower back does not round or sag. Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, pull your stomach in. Elbows strictly under shoulders.

If you take this position incorrectly, you will not receive desired result and the cubes will remain only in your dreams.

For men with good physical training You can offer several more complicated variations this exercise to quickly pump up your abs at home:

  • Plank with a raised arm - emphasis on only one forearm, the other limb extended forward.
  • On one leg - lift your leg up and hold for a few seconds, and then change sides.

The complex presented in the table is suitable for both men and girls. You can exercise at home without special equipment or exercise equipment. The program allows you to pump up your abs and make your abs sculpted in a short period of time. What is the secret of its effectiveness? The fact is that the system involves daily labor-intensive work with a gradual increase in load. Despite the fact that the number of exercises is meager, they are aimed at working out the entire abdominal muscles, which is very important in training to shape the torso.

By lifting the body, the upper section and abdominal muscles are included in the work. Crunches are forced excess fat burn, reducing the layer and tightening the abdominal wall. Leg raises are considered one of the most effective types load on the lower press. In turn, the bar forces the entire muscular system of the body to work, forms beautiful body and helps in weight loss.

This complex is widely represented in photos of popular programs and is often included in strength training famous fitness gurus. It is used to pump up the stomach, lose weight and reduce body size.

Do you want to tighten your abdominal and back muscles at home and without any sports equipment?

Do the plank for 30 days - this exercise has many variations from easy to advanced, it perfectly trains all the major muscles of the body and helps develop strength and endurance.

Plank progress

Various types of planks engage all major muscle groups and stabilizer muscles, which improve posture and prevent back injuries.

The plank and all its variations work isometrically with the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, and also strengthen deep muscles, supporting the spine.

This exercise can be done at home because you don't need sport equipment, exercise equipment or special clothing.

All you need to master the advanced level of planking in the monthly program is a little motivation and strict adherence to the training regimen.

Plank exercises can be selected for 30 days depending on the initial level of training. How can you progress with these workouts? First, try making the exercises more difficult, moving on to more high level performing the plank in its advanced version.

This includes everything where you need to raise one arm or leg, as well as change the position of the arms or legs during the exercise.

The second option for progression is to use one type of plank that you like best, but increase the duration of the plank every day.

The record for holding the plank is more than five hours.

To roughly assess your level of fitness, time how long you can stand in the plank before yeast appears in your muscles.

  • Absolute beginners should wait 15-30 seconds.
  • People already familiar with the plank hold it for 30–60 seconds.
  • For an average level of fitness, 1–2 minutes is enough.
  • An advanced plank hold is 2-3 minutes.
  • Masters can stand in the plank for more than 3 minutes.

As you progress, you will find that some planks are easier to perform than others. In this case, increase the difficulty level, especially if you can hold the position for a minute or longer.

If in doubt which level to start at, choose a higher one easy exercise, even if it means you have to do it for longer.

30 day program

For a general workout, enter a 10-minute circuit training on holding the bar. Just constantly move from one type of exercise to another within 10 minutes.

Changing positions every 5-10 seconds engages different muscle groups and trains your body in multiple planes. Move from the front plank to the side plank, then to the back plank.

You can also add arm and leg movements, alternate positions on your elbows or outstretched arms.

To tone your figure, tone your abs, and increase your strength, follow the 30-Day Plank Challenge. As a starting point, choose one of the exercise variations and hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Gradually increase the time to one minute.

If it is difficult to do the plank with your arms and toes extended, do it from your knees on your elbows. When you can complete the exercise for one minute, move on to the next difficulty level.

Front trim options:

  • Level 1: Plank on elbows or outstretched arms.
  • Level 2: Raised arm plank.
  • Level 3: Plank with both arm and leg raised.
  • Level 4: Dynamic plank with changing the position of the hands from elbows to palms and back.

Types of side plank:

  • Level 1: Side Elbow Plank.
  • Level 2: Side plank at arm's length.
  • Level 3: Side plank with leg raised.
  • Level 4: Dynamic side plank with the lowering and raising of the hips.

The plank exercise schedule for 30 days is presented in the table.

Day Type of plank Time in seconds Pause in seconds Number of approaches
1 Regular 20 20 3
2 With your arm outstretched 20 20 3
3 Regular 30 30 3
4 With your arm outstretched 30 30 3
5 Lateral (on each side) 20 30 3
6 Rest
7 Regular 30 20 3
8 With your arm outstretched 30 20 3
9 Regular 30 20 4
10 With your arm outstretched 30 20 4
11 Lateral (on each side) 30 30 3
12 Rest
13 Regular 45 30 3
14 With your arm outstretched 45 30 3
15 Regular 30 20 6
16 With your arm outstretched 30 20 6
17 Lateral (on each side) 30 20 4
18 Rest
19 Regular + with arm/leg extended 60 + 60 30 2 + 2
20 Lateral 40 30 4
21 Normal + dynamic 60 seconds +

8–10 repetitions

30 2 + 2
22 Lateral 40 30 4
23 Rest
24 Normal + dynamic 80 + 80 30 2 + 2
25 Lateral 40 30 4
26 Normal + dynamic 80 seconds +

8–10 repetitions

30 3 + 3
27 Rest
28 Regular 60 60 8
29 With extended arm/leg + dynamic 60 seconds +

10–12 repetitions

30 3 + 3
30 Regular + with extended arm/leg + dynamic for as long as possible 60 3 + 3 + 3

Precautionary measures

It is recommended to start the program at the first difficulty level and monitor the exercise technique daily to ensure correct execution.

Do the plank every day until the desired time is reached and you can move on to the next level of difficulty.

  • If you experience discomfort or pain greater than 3 on a scale of 10 while standing, with 10 being the worst pain you've ever experienced, stop the exercise immediately.
  • If you have back problems, be especially careful when doing plank crunches and variations that require you to lift your arm or leg.

It is very important that your back remains level and horizontal; to do this, always tense your abdominal muscles - this will protect your lower back. Avoid arching your back and lowering your buttocks toward the floor.

Always make sure your wrists or elbows are directly under your shoulders - this will take excess pressure off your shoulders. To make sure you perform correctly, have someone take a photo of you or consult with a trainer.

Remember to breathe evenly. Holding your breath makes the exercise more difficult and can cause your blood pressure to increase. Focus on breathing during the stance - this will help improve concentration and duration of the exercise.

For a month at home. By combining the right ones, without carbohydrate nutrition, and applying a simple program training. We will get a beautiful, deep and aesthetic belly with six-pack abs.

What is a press

The abs are a solid abdominal muscle that is not divided into lower and upper sections, as many people like to divide it.

In fact, everyone has cubes, only some people have them under subcutaneous fat, and someone is very thin and their abs do not have enough volume.

The rectus abdominis muscle performs the function of adduction chest To lumbar region and holds the body. It's like a bridge between the ribs and the pelvis.

Training principles

The abdominal muscle is relatively small and progresses quite quickly,

One month is enough to see significant results!

Of course, we are all individual, but there are also basic values: on average, for a burning sensation, 20 repetitions are required, and for complete atrophy, 3 intense sets of 20 repetitions.

Common Mistakes

Especially for beginners who have watched enough videos about how to pump up abs in 1 month, and sit for days pumping them up, thinking that the more, the better.

This is where the first error comes from:

♦ 1. Lots of load


Little ones muscle groups:

  • press,
  • triceps

do not require a large amount of training, one full workout per week is enough. (Abs, you can train every day, but apply the load in small portions).

♦ 2. Execution technique


I noticed how some people perform strange movements, as they think for the abdominal muscles.

To check what exactly you are currently pumping - (while performing the abdominal exercise, place one index club on the chest, and the second on the end of the abdominal muscle, near the groin area). If they come closer, the exercise is performed correctly!

♦ 3. Poor nutrition

In order for the cubes to appear, you definitely need to monitor your diet. Less carbs and more proteins.

More details at the bottom of the article. ↓

Pump up your abs in a month, a program of 3 exercises

In this six-pack program, I will offer you 3 exercises that you need to do every day, just 1 set. In total, it will take no more than 20 minutes, and after 30 days, you will be able to enjoy relief press.

Monthly exercise list

Leg raises while lying on your back

This exercise fully engages the entire muscle, stretching the abs and filling it, it is the leg lift that is considered basic movement which can be performed on the horizontal bar, parallel bars or floor.

Execution technique

  • We lie down on the floor, put our hands behind our heads and grab something, for example a sofa.
  • Next we raise our legs at an angle of 90 degrees, the lower back pressed to the floor
  • Lower your legs while inhaling, almost touching the floor

To make this abdominal exercise easier, simply bend your knees.

Leg-elbow on back

The exercise also involves the lateral, as well as serratus muscles abdomen, which is responsible for the width of the waist.

Execution technique

  • Starting position is the same, lie on your back and raise your legs 90 degrees
  • Then we bend our knees and begin to touch the knee to the elbow of the opposite hand
  • Exhale at the moment of touch

Plank with knees to chest

I'm sure you know what a plank is, we'll use the same starting position but add a little more dynamics.

Execution technique

  • Get into a plank position, elbows on the floor, back straight, fulcrum - toes
  • As you exhale, begin to alternately bring your knees to your chest and hold for a short time.

How to perform the complex?

All abdominal exercises are performed every day for a month. The complex should be carried out without rest. Each exercise should have 20 high-quality repetitions with a delay, do not forget to monitor your breathing.

♦ Remember: 1 round every day, on an empty stomach

Proper nutrition for abs

First of all, you should learn to monitor the amount of carbohydrates entering your body. And here is a list of nutrition tips that you can follow to quickly see your six-pack:

  1. After sleep, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  2. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions
  3. Carbohydrate meal once a day
  4. Don't eat after 6
  5. After lunch, do not eat fruits or other foods containing sugar.
  6. Avoid flour products and fatty meats
  7. Eat more greens, they promote faster digestion

Thank you very much for reading the article, I hope now you know how to get toned abs in a month and will do it!

In its turn, I wish you success, be sure to subscribe to the blog and find out a lot of useful information every day!

Experienced athletes say that you can get your muscles in shape in a very short time. But still, how to pump up your abs in 30 days? The table can help a beginner in this matter. It indicates the optimal number of approaches and repetitions for the average beginner athlete.

Of course, there should be no medical contraindications for exercise, so you should first consult a doctor. The specialist will give an answer after studying the medical card and medical history. If the result is positive, you can begin active preparation for classes. If there are no contraindications, you can start working on yourself within one day.

At the very beginning of improving your body and abdominal muscles, you won’t even need a lot of purchases. All you need to do is find comfortable clothes and a yoga mat. With these simple accessories you can achieve amazing results. You shouldn’t wonder whether it’s possible to pump up your abs in a month; you need to start exercising regularly and check it yourself.

Types of tables

After collecting all the necessary things, you need to select a table suitable for training, this will be your training program. There are several different schemes by which you can start training:

  • Timed training. This table indicates the time spent on each exercise and the number of repetitions. This scheme assumes high speed of work and correct execution of each exercise, despite the speed of the workout.
  • Training by number of repetitions. From the name it is clear that in this case every exercise matters. Do not neglect the last approach or the last repetition, citing its insignificance.

These schemes have something in common; they all assume that there will sometimes be a day of rest. This is a necessity, because the body must recover. On such days, it will be very good to change the type of exercise, for example, go for a run in the park or swim in the pool.

Each of these systems is designed to pump up your abs in 1 month. Everyone understands that it is impossible to get perfect abs in such a short period of time - one month, but it is quite possible to significantly improve results and muscle strength.

Which scheme should I choose?

If you are wondering whether it is possible to pump up your abs with one exercise, then the answer will be negative. The body is designed in such a way that some vital organs in humans are protected only by muscles and do not have a “box” of bones. Muscular system The press performs several functions, and this does not allow it to have a simple design. These muscle tissue consist of several multidirectional muscles, and to improve each of them, you should select separate exercises designed to improve different parts of the abs.

Experts say that you can pump up your abs in a month only if you combine a table of exercises for time and number of exercises. They also note the need to work evenly on all muscles of the body. The table will help you answer the question of how to pump up your abs in 30 days.

Exercises for the abs

To understand how to pump up your abs in a month, you first need to decide what exercises you can achieve best result. The photos attached to each table will certainly depict pumped-up men and women in perfect shape With beautiful figures. But don’t deceive yourself: this result can only be achieved through many years of training.

You can pump up your abs by choosing several exercises yourself, following the general recommendations:

1. It is necessary to choose dynamic exercises for each part of the abs.

1.1. Lower press swings by lifting the legs at an angle of 30 degrees.

1.2. Upper – twisting. They are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor, otherwise the spine can be damaged.

2. Should be selected static exercises, they can increase muscle endurance and thereby help pump up muscles. The duration of these exercises can be tracked using a special table for performing the plank exercise.

2.2. The lateral pumps the oblique abdominal muscles, which athletes often forget about.

2.3. The reverse plank puts stress on the back and maintains uniform development of the muscular skeleton.

3. We also must not forget about pumping up the back. The muscles of the body should develop evenly. You can pump up your back with the most simple exercises, for example, “boat”.

These three components of training will help you soon see the first result of your monthly work. But success is only possible if correct execution all exercises. If you continue exercising, you will soon see pumped up abs in the mirror.

A little about motivation

To prevent classes from becoming boring and causing boredom and aversion to all types of training, they should be varied as much as possible. Various exercises will not only bring the desired variety into the life of an athlete, but will also help to work on different groups press. Good music will lift your spirits and make your workout more fun. Sociable people will prefer to exercise in a group and chat between sets or while doing the plank exercise. When talking while resting, it is recommended to set a timer, because you may not notice the start time of the exercise, and the workout will not go according to plan. By the way, “plank” is much easier to do with constant conversations. This distracts from thoughts of fatigue, and the results can pleasantly surprise the athlete.

The best motivation is the desire to develop and become better, so until a person realizes the need to work on himself, no one will help him. Sport is life, and you need to devote at least a little time to it every day.

First week: a crushing blow to the six-pack abs

The table below is not just a bunch of exercises, but a full-fledged manual for perfect abs girls, which you can pump up at home. The number of repetitions is selected for the entry level, taking into account the complexity of the exercises. If you can’t cope or it seems too hard, then don’t dream about losing weight and continue to gain weight confidently.

You want results, right? Want to lose belly fat in a week? Then don’t be lazy, lift your buns and follow the training strictly according to the schedule.

Important! Start any workout with a general body warm-up and end with a cool-down. Neglecting to warm up will lead to rupture and spraining of ligaments, increasing joint trauma. Warm muscles are rule #1.

Warm-up for abdominal exercises, video

Basic abdominal complex, table and description of exercises for girls

Day of the week Exercises
Harmonic Chest lift Scissors Pelvic lift Side crunches to the leg
Monday 20 15 10-15 15 24 (12 per side)
Tuesday Cardio/Running
Wednesday 20 15-20 10-15 15 24
Thursday Cardio/Running
Friday 25 20 15 15-17 30
Saturday Cardio/Running
Sunday 25 25 15-20 20 30

Upper press

Exercise "Accordion". Sit on your butt, back straight, legs bent at the knees. Place your hands in front of you at chest level and tilt your body back 45 degrees to feel a moderate tension in your abs. We begin to work like an accordion: we pull our legs at the knees and the body towards each other, and then return to the starting position.

Tip: keep your legs elevated and perform the exercise rhythmically. “How to pump up a girl’s abs a minute before she gets six-pack?” you ask. Repeat the “Accordion” 40-50 times for 2-3 approaches, and relief will appear in 1-2 weeks.

Lightweight version of “Accordion”

Raising the chest. Classic exercise for upper press. Lie on your back and bend your legs. Place your hands behind your head, but don't hold on! Raise your torso 30 degrees and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Tip: To avoid the temptation to grab your head, keep your hands 5 cm apart.

Another interesting exercise for the upper press using improvised objects. Instead of a stick, you can use an umbrella or a pipe from a vacuum cleaner.

Lower press

Exercise "Scissors". Press your back firmly into the floor so that there is no arch in your lower back. Hands along the body. Raise your legs 15 cm and alternate swings without touching the floor with your heels.

Tip: when you get used to the load, do the exercise with your torso elevated. Then both the top and Bottom part press.

Lifting the pelvis. Continue to lie on your back and keep your legs elevated. Place your arms out to the sides for balance. Now jerk your butt and straight legs up, trying to get into the “Candle” position. Keep the pace fast.

Oblique press

Lateral twists to the leg. Take a pose: knees bent, torso raised, hands behind your head. Now work your legs as in the “Bicycle” exercise and touch the opposite knee with your elbows. The exercise strengthens the oblique muscles very well.

Cool-down for abdominal exercises, video

Be sure to do a so-called cool-down after completing the main set of exercises. With it, you will relieve muscle tension, stretch, and smoothly slow down your heart rate.

To pump up your abs in 30 days at home, push yourself to the maximum and do the specified number of approaches. The relief will begin to appear after the 2nd week of intense exercise.

We pump up the press after childbirth

Mommies, you performed a heroic act and gave the world a little man. You endured terrible pain and 9 months of torment, and now you are afraid of abdominal exercises? You are warriors who never give up. Let's cast aside doubts, set a goal and go to victory!

Are you afraid to go to the gym and leave your child with dad, relatives or a nanny? And you don't need to do this! Practice at home with your baby. Turn exercise into a game for your little one. In the video, a creative mother shows how to quickly pump up her abs and have fun with her child.

Here are a couple more examples of how a young mother trains.

Removing belly fat: proper nutrition + cardio

Don’t eat sweets, don’t drink soda, don’t eat fast food, forget about treats forever and fatty foods! Are you scared? Let's dispel your fears before you change your mind about losing weight. Eating unhealthy foods while dieting and proper nutrition You can, but only until 12 noon and once a week. Choose a day to celebrate your stomach and indulge in your favorite treats (in moderation!).

Proper nutrition for girls is a balanced daily diet of nutrients and vitamins. Accelerates metabolism, breaks down fats, removes toxins and completely supplies the body with all micro- and macroelements.

Healthy eating rules:

  1. No hunger strikes! Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions at certain times.
  2. Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon juice. After 15 minutes, eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with milk + a spoonful of honey and a handful of dried fruits. A hearty breakfast is a must.
  3. Make snacks at intervals of 3-4 hours: vegetable salad, fruit, protein.
  4. Lunch – about 350-400 grams. Whole grain cereals, boiled meat, fish, vegetable salads and a slice of rye bread.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Not soda, teas and juices, but pure filtered water. To get used to drinking water, first put a slice of lemon in a cup.
  6. Drink a glass of water before meals, but do not drink it during meals. Only after 20-30 minutes.
  7. You can and should eat after 18:00! These are low-fat fermented milk products, fish or vegetables. Last meal 3 hours before bedtime, later only water with lemon and honey.

To lose fat, proper nutrition and abdominal workouts are not enough. The main fat burner is cardio training, during which the body actively consumes energy and breaks down 2 times more fat. Abdominal exercises without cardio will only increase your muscles, but the caterpillar folds will not go away. You will pump up your abs to a six-pack, but, alas, they will not be visible behind the layer of belly fat.