Biceps swing diagram. Biceps exercises - the best selection of the most effective ones. Barbell exercises

In fact, few athletes (we are talking about beginners) manage to build good biceps. And this is due not only to the genetic characteristics of each individual organism, but also to many important factors.

Why don't my biceps grow?

One of the factors is wrong approach to training. Most beginners are not even aware of the existence of processes due to which biceps can grow and become larger.

They read an article from a scientific (at best) magazine, looked up the technique of performing the exercise on the Internet, and off they went! But it’s not right to do this, you can’t pump up your biceps only by working out according to some untested scheme.

Also among beginners there is a fairly common phrase “ best biceps exercises" - What is this? Understand that there is no one exercise that will help all athletes pump up their legs, develop their pectoral muscles, and build muscle mass in their biceps.

It's just physically impossible. Each individual organism is an individual machine, to which you need to find your own approach in order to get the best possible result. This is equivalent to filling all cars with the same gasoline. It doesn't happen that way, does it? Therefore, below we will provide a list of the most effective exercises for pumping up your biceps, but what will suit you specifically - here you just need to experiment and check everything from personal experience, there is no other way.

The second factor is improper nutrition for muscle recovery. And here the newcomers again rely on rumors and advice, but not on facts. They forget about proper nutrition, they forget about balanced meals and strict adherence to protein portions per day.

On the contrary, they know perfectly well when and how many sets to perform biceps exercises. You know, thanks to this approach, you can dry out the muscles, at best, but not make them any bigger. If you really want to increase the volume of your biceps and increase their muscle mass, then you urgently need to switch to proper nutrition.

The muscles must be restored and prepared for the next workout - otherwise there is a chance of injury.

What's going on?

When you ask yourself the question “how to properly pump up your biceps,” then you want your arms to become big and thick. This, of course, is the dream of many athletes, but everything is not as smooth as it seems.

For some, progress stops at 36 cm, for others they were able to reach 43 cm, and for others they crossed the line of 45 cm and got stuck. What to do? How to force yourself to train further and make your biceps even bigger?

To do this, you need to change the training system, the order of exercises and, paradoxically, the exercises themselves. Sometimes just changing the exercise used helps not only to move the result forward, but to make a breakthrough in building muscle mass.

But there is another way - to use best biceps exercises, to defeat your genetics - this question worries more than one novice bodybuilder. You know, let's assume that your hands are like an empty swimming pool.

You look at him from above. We pour water into it, it turns out that at first the pool fills up very quickly. Filling the empty space with water is not a long process.

And then the most difficult part is the upper part of the pool. This is where problems with pressure, pressure and other little things begin. The point is that at first you may not need best biceps exercises- your hands will grow at a very fast pace. But further - all you have to do is hope and not miss training days.

If you missed a workout, your biceps pumping has already stopped. Remember: one missed workout is a minus 1 mm of your biceps. Of course, with the slightest load it will return to its previous shape.

1. Hammer curls

2. Hammer trainer

3. ... Bent-over arm extensions with a dumbbell.

4. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctly.Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head.

5. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyOne-arm downward press with a reverse grip.

6. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyPress to the bottom in a block machine.

7. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyFrench press.

8. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyBench push-ups.

9. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyClose grip barbell press.

10. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyBarbell curls for biceps with a reverse grip.

11. The best exercises for biceps. Pumping up the biceps. How to pump up the biceps correctlyConcentrated biceps curl.

In this article we will look at the question of how to properly pump up your biceps. At the same time, options for pumping up biceps will be considered, both at home and in the gym. This instruction is intended for people who want to get beautiful biceps, but we must remember that you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Go....


Exercises to pump up your biceps at home

If you want to pump up your biceps at home, it will require some discipline from you. One of the important points is drawing up a plan and strictly following it. Don’t be lazy to keep a diary of your workouts, even at home, write down what exercises you did, how many approaches, repetitions, with what weight. This will help you track your results. And, of course, we need to experiment. Try different weights, reps and reps for your biceps. Who seeks will always find.
Choose two biceps exercises at home, and To start, do 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Remember: to build big biceps, you need to lift big weights! The weight should be “difficult”, but within reason, otherwise the technique will suffer. Train your biceps at home only once a week: it’s not quantity that matters, but quality! Every 6 weeks, reduce the intensity (weight of weights) and volume of training (number of sets and repetitions). This will help recovery.

One of the most popular and most effective exercises for gaining biceps mass at home. It targets all of the arm flexor muscles, with particular emphasis on the medial head of the biceps. They say the EZ bar isolates the biceps better than a regular bar and puts less stress on the wrists.
But since at home it’s good if you have a barbell at all, we’ll limit ourselves to just doing biceps curls. Before lifting the barbell, look around to make sure you don’t accidentally catch anything during the exercise.(there is enough space in the gym, but at home the spaces are completely different).

  • Grab the bar with an underhand grip, shoulder-width apart.
  • In the starting position, the bar is near the hips, the knees are slightly bent, the back is straight.
  • Bend your arms and slowly lift the barbell to shoulder level. Keep your elbows at the sides of your body.
  • After a short pause - but without relaxation - slowly and tensely extend your arms to the starting position.
    Don't swing the barbell! Using the force of inertia reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and also hook the vase on the table)).

This is a variation of the alternate lift, but perform all reps on one arm first, then the other. The point is to load each biceps individually as much as possible. If you work with serious weight, there is a chance to achieve a significant increase in the “mass” of your biceps and at home.

  • For support, grab the edge of an inclined bench or other stable object with your non-working hand.
  • In the starting position, hand with a dumbbell near the hip on the side. The grip is neutral (palm facing you). Begin to lift the dumbbell up while rotating your wrist.
  • At the top point, the hand should be turned with the thumb away from the body. This rotation of the hand and forearm is called supination.
  • Concentrate on supination, making sure your biceps do the work. Lower the dumbbell with tension and control. Keep your torso straight, without swaying.

In this position, the main load falls on the lateral head and brachialis muscles.

  • Sit with dumbbells on a chair. Hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip.
  • With a controlled movement, lift the dumbbells to shoulder level (so that they lightly touch the front delts). Squeeze your biceps at the top.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells. Make sure that the brushes do not turn. Feel how your biceps contract and stretch.

Exercises to pump up biceps in the gym

This cable exercise is similar to barbell curls. Stand directly in front of the pulley machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over and grab the handle with a narrow grip. In the starting position, the arms are straightened and the biceps are fully stretched.
Powerfully, with force, pull the handle towards you, bending your elbows and fully contracting your biceps. Slowly, with controlled movement, lower the weight to the starting position.
Do not limit the natural movements of the torso. Don't try to be too strict with your technique. This limits the use of heavy weights. Watch the amplitude: work with full amplitude. Stretch and contract the muscles at the bottom and top of the movement. Do not cross the point beyond which the load on the biceps decreases.
Comments on the exercise:
This is an effective exercise, without any doubt. The advantage of the block machine is that it allows you to maintain constant tension in the biceps, as well as use a fairly large weight. This distinguishes the cable machine from straight barbell curls.

Grab the bar at shoulder-width distance with an overhand grip(palms facing yourself). When lifting the apparatus from the floor, bend your knees, grab the bar with an underhand grip and straighten up, while keeping your back straight. If you remove the bar from the racks, take the apparatus and step back.
Initial position - the barbell is in lowered hands, at hip level, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the biceps are stretched. With a powerful explosive movement, lift the weight toward your chest, contracting your biceps. Straighten your torso while lifting. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position, fully stretch the muscles, and bend your torso slightly forward again. After you finish the last rep, returnthe projectile on the racks or place it on the floor..

To get the most out of the exercise, it should be performed with the so-called “free” technique. You will be able to work your muscles better and avoid possible injuries if you allow your torso to move during the exercise. Extremely strict technique interferes with natural mechanics and limits the use of heavy weights. But “free” technique does not mean carelessness or uncontrolled movement of the projectile. Free technique means only a slight deviation of the body along the natural trajectory. Watch the amplitude: Work with full amplitude. Stretch and contract the muscles at the lowest point and the highest point as much as possible. At the top of the movement, do not cross the point where the tension in the biceps decreases.
Comments on the exercise:
Barbell curls are one of the best exercises for developing biceps. Include this exercise in every biceps" training. Control the weight, do not allow sloppy work. This is especially important during the negative phase of the exercise, that is, when lowering the weight to the starting position.

Adjust the height of the Scott Bench so that your arms can rest comfortably on the stand. The distance between the hands is approximately shoulder width.
Grab the bar with a close grip, rest the back of your hands on the stand and lower the bar, fully stretching your biceps.
Contracting the muscles, lift the projectile to the chin. Slowly, while controlling the movement, lower the barbell to the starting position. Followcurl your arms until you complete all planned reps.

Control the weight, especially in the negative phase of the movement. Keep the backs of your hands in contact with the stand throughout the approach. Watch the amplitude: When bending your arms while lifting the apparatus, fully contract your biceps, but do not cross the point where muscle tension decreases. Fully stretch the muscles at the bottom of the movement, but try not to “bend” your arms at the elbows to avoid injury.
Comments on the exercise:
The Scott bench curl exercise is an isolating exercise, which means it prevents the creation of overload, thus limiting the stimulation of the maximum possible number of muscle fibers.

Earlier articles covered exercises:

How to choose a training method and quickly pump up your biceps

  • Naturally, your entire training cycle should be structured around training to gain muscle mass.
  • It is impossible to train some muscles for mass, and in other places to work muscles for relief (to lose fat).
  • We will train biceps twice a week. And no more.
  • Based on the principle of priority, these two exercises (barbell curls with a reverse grip and dumbbell raises while sitting on an incline bench) should be done at the beginning of the workout or, if possible, allocate two separate training days for them.
  • These two exercises and the deadlift (exercise 1) will be quite enough to increase your biceps.
  • For the first two months, do exercises with light weights. to purchase the necessary equipment.
  • After training, do not forget to do 5-10 minutes of stretching for the worked muscles.

  • If we talk about weight, the most optimal option implies the ability to perform it using the correct technique. four to six sets of six to fifteen repetitions. The selected weight should not allow you to perform more sets, since in this case there will not be a good training result. The weight should stimulate the biceps and work for growth.
  • Biceps “love” partial repetitions. It's a good idea to incorporate them into your workouts at the end of each set, and "personal" sets that focus only on partial reps are also a good option for working the biceps. They are best performed after the first or second set of basic exercises. A kind word can also be given to performing the exercise with a stop. which should be done in the middle of the range of motion. Well, there is an option when the projectile falls much slower than it rises.
  • Building beautiful biceps is impossible without working with the brachialis. Located directly under the biceps, this muscle takes on almost half of the force that appears when the arm is bent. Due to its location, The brachialis is predisposed to participate in the formation of beautiful and strong biceps.
  • The following exercises are recommended, thanks to which the brachialis can develop and give the desired shape and volume to the biceps: this is, first of all,various arm curls.They are performed on a block using a parallel grip with a rope handle, a reverse grip with a barbell (the bar should be straight), a “hammer” and, finally, with a reverse grip on a Scott bench.


How to pump up your biceps

Exercise for pumping up biceps

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Every man who has visited the gym dreams of big, pumped up arms. The truth is that not everyone succeeds. And it’s not your genetics that is to blame, but most likely you. To build huge muscles you don't need to take steroids and eat a lot of meat and carbohydrates. Of course, quality nutrition is the key to success. But proper training is the guiding mechanism, without which you cannot advance. That is why in this review we will tell you how to quickly build up your biceps and show you the best exercises for biceps that will help you gain the desired muscles.

Beginners often make mistakes in their biceps training program. Almost everyone climbs with heavy weights, while others neglect technique. Sometimes I often and quickly use the “pumping” system for the biceps.

It is important to give your best on every approach, but maintaining technique is more important. Hands love technical reps. However, then cheating for biceps will even be useful, but this only applies to advanced athletes. Even many “stars” like to pump their biceps “incorrectly,” but this is necessary in order to make the muscle fibers grow.

What is biceps- biceps muscle, which helps bend the elbows and forearms. The long head is the main part of the biceps. The maximum amount of load falls on it during exercises.

Biceps show excellent growth when you do 5 to 10 reps. When the pumping level is higher, then heavy loads will become the tool for growth. But you need to do up to 5 repetitions. In this case, your ligaments and tendons will be pumped to the maximum. You can pump up your biceps using many sets and repetitions. There is also the option of pumping to failure. In principle, it works, but the effect it produces during training is impressive, and then it all disappears.

Barbell pumping

Classic barbell lifts are the basics to do if you want to build big arms. The barbell works great on the biceps muscle. The exercise will be useful regardless of the structure of your bundles and physique. True, if you do it incorrectly, there will be no result. Only the most ideal technology. Many have seen Arnold Schwarzenegger's arms and his perfect flexes. The answer is obvious.

Stand straight without arching your pelvis. Feet should be shoulder width apart. At the top, the bar should not touch the pectoral muscles, and at the bottom, take a minimal pause. The ideal time for biceps is 1 second - raising and 2 - lowering. No delay at the bottom.

A few words about the popular curved bars for working the biceps. They are good only for experienced bodybuilders, but not for beginners. Please note that a straight (classic) bar will become a more serious growth tool for you than a curved one. The choice is yours.

How to pump up your biceps with dumbbells

Exercises for biceps with dumbbells can easily replace a barbell or perfectly complement it. An interesting fact is that those who have a more elongated biceps shape will benefit from dumbbells more. The longer your biceps, the more they need to stretch. Therefore, whoever has an oblong part of the biceps, the more productive it is to swing with dumbbells. But a barbell won’t hurt for variety and working out the upper buns. It is best for such athletes to pump their biceps while sitting on an inclined bench. In the photo you can see which muscles work when lifting dumbbells while standing.

How to do it:

  • the back is straight;
  • don't tense up;
  • the movement of the dumbbell at the top should be carried out thanks to the biceps muscle of the arm;
  • minimal tension on shoulders and elbows.

For those with short biceps, it is better to use biceps exercises with dumbbells in the following style:

  1. sitting hammers;
  2. standing dumbbell lifts;
  3. Scott's bench with dumbbells.

Many even average-level athletes have weak biceps, so it’s better to leave Scott’s bench for the future.

How to pump up biceps on the horizontal bar

There is a horizontal bar in any rocking chair, fitness center or at home, so we recommend pumping your biceps on the horizontal bar with pull-ups. Only the approach to the crossbar is different than the classic style. Grasp the horizontal bar with a reverse grip. The area between the palms should be more than 10 cm. You should concentrate as much as possible on the eccentric part when lifting to chin level. In simple words, the ideal technique is to pull yourself up to the neck with a reverse grip.

The number of repetitions on the horizontal bar is 5 sets of 8 repetitions. Once you can do pull-ups easily and effortlessly, you can move on to a more difficult option - pull-ups with a weight on your belt.

In this regard, athletes are divided into two camps. Some believe that push-ups for biceps are useless, while others, on the contrary, say that they are right. The other half claims that they are more effective than popular exercises. Push-ups for biceps will be useful for those who are not comfortable with this exercise.

It is necessary to do push-ups, just like classic push-ups, only the hands should be directed back. Press your hands as close to your body as possible. Otherwise, the triceps will take part of the load. The elbows are not mobile, as in exercises with a barbell.

Of course, push-ups won’t give you the same effect as a straight barbell, but they will give you a sporty look.

Kettlebell exercise

The kettlebell is a great helper for pumping up your arms. It has successfully established itself as a popular tool in all strength sports. It doesn't matter what body type you have. The kettlebell will be useful in any case.

Replacing dumbbells or even a barbell with a kettlebell will not harm your results. By the way, the kettlebell helps perfectly to create relief in the biceps. Only the “pumping” method does not allow the use of this projectile.

Exercises for relief

In this matter, you should be familiar with all the nuances of drying. It's best to do three sets. For example, first do a basic exercise, then an isolation exercise with dumbbells, and then an exercise based on your biceps curl shape. Simply put, owners of the biceps biceps muscle at the end of the third exercise should pump their biceps with dumbbells on a Scott bench. For people with medulla oblongata, it is necessary to pump three sets with dumbbells.

You should pump your biceps in no more than three sets. It is very important. If you load more, you will waste time, money and effort. And for those who have really weak hands genetically, going overboard with approaches and repetitions is very harmful. Lactic acid, which is produced by unnecessary approaches, interferes with growth and repair. Although they may become more prominent, you will lose strength and beauty.

Exercises for mass

To quickly pump up your biceps, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do some initial work that will prepare you for productive work;
  2. Practice honestly and correctly;
  3. Eat enough protein and BCAA.

Various methods for pumping up biceps - sets, supersets work in any case, but you must show your best without errors. These biceps training programs do not allow cheating. Otherwise, all the work will be wasted. In supersets, try to rest little. For beginners who are trying this technique for the first time, a rest of 40 seconds is allowed. This is most likely a variation of standard barbell curls and isolation exercises with dumbbells, and Scott’s bench for dessert.

Also, not everyone is suitable for the second exercise due to short muscles. It is best to do them on a different day of class.

The first exercise for biceps for mass is suitable for up to 8 repetitions. Then there should be more repetitions, but no more than 10. To gain muscle mass, it is ideal to perform a small number of repetitions and approaches.

Other methods and training programs for biceps

In order for the above methods for biceps to bear fruit in the form of huge and spectacular cans, you need to devote yourself to the task with full force. There is no point in training your biceps more than twice a week.

For drying or peak growth, once will be enough. You should not train your biceps with supersets after heavy deadlifts or pull-ups. Please note that this way the athlete will receive microtrauma or soreness in his hands. It is not harmful, but there will be no growth with this approach. Therefore, in order not to slow down the processes for growth, do not make basic mistakes. In addition to all this, we recommend watching training videos about pumping up biceps.

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Biceps is one of the shoulder muscles that is very clearly visible under the skin. This muscle is known to almost every person, because it is with it, one might say, that bodybuilding begins. What is bodybuilding? This is the same as bodybuilding - building your own body - with the help of special exercises and a special form of nutrition, filled with proteins, which are simply necessary for sufficient hypertrophy of muscle mass.

From the point of view of athletes who are not related to the cult of bodybuilding, biceps are important only for strength sports - lifting barbells, kettlebell lifting or other variants of weightlifting. And then, in these types, what is important is the power, the strength of this muscle, and not the volume, like with bodybuilders. Giving your biceps impressive size is a very painstaking task, which only a person with enormous willpower and perseverance can do. It is impossible to pump up your biceps with a set of exercises “on the forehead”; this is not an option when the main thing is to lift weights. There are many salons and gyms where, for a certain (not always moderate) fee, a trainer will help you increase the volume of the shoulder muscle. But if you are sure that your willpower is enough, then you can do it yourself at home with the help of a certain set of exercises and the correct alternation of them in the exact quantity. Let us remind you that you will need a lot of time, willpower and only the right diet with enough protein.

From time immemorial, the biceps in the human body is designed to perform two actions:

1. Flexion of the elbow joint.

2. Twisting the hand.

Performing the second action explains why a weightlifter's biceps are much smaller than the biceps of a person who simply lifts dumbbells in the morning. The weight of the barbell puts the load only on the part of the muscle responsible for flexion-extension, and part of the muscle fibers are in a relaxed state, awaiting rotational actions of the hand. Based on this, the first useful exercise is working with dumbbells. Moreover, each bending of the elbow must be accompanied by eversion of the hand. It seems like a small thing, but you can carry out a simple experiment: bend your arm at the elbow, as if you were lifting a sports equipment; if you now use your second hand or someone else checks the condition of the biceps of the bent arm, you will notice the tension in the muscle. Now, without straightening your arms, begin to rotate your hand, the biceps will become stiffer - come to a state of maximum tension.

By the way, do not overdo it with the weight of sports equipment. If the weight is too high, then it will be impossible to rotate or, to put it scientifically, supinate the hand, and what the incomplete load of the biceps leads to has already been said. Work with dumbbells can be done every other day with one additional day off per week, without fear of overload due to excess weight. When you start doing the right exercises in sufficient quantities, you will immediately feel that the muscle has begun to develop.

For a full set of exercises aimed at developing biceps, all you need is a pair of stacked dumbbells, a chair, a towel (preferably a waffle one) and an inflatable ball.

If, in addition to training at home, you already have some kind of training schedule, then do not forget that at least 6 hours must pass between sports training. If your regular workouts are in the evening, then train your biceps in the morning or vice versa.

We recommend the following seemingly simple training program for developing the shoulder muscle. Yes, we should not forget that there are no exercises to develop one muscle. So, this set of exercises will inevitably affect all shoulder muscles to varying degrees.

There are six exercises:

1. Alternate dumbbell lifts while sitting.

2. Diagonal hammer.

3. Incline lifts on the ball.

4. Lifting on the ball with one hand.

5. Lifting onto a towel.

6. Lifting with an overhand grip.

Let's look at each exercise separately.

1. The simplest exercise: in a sitting position - on a chair, hold the apparatus in straight arms, alternately bend your elbows, turning your hand towards you. No need to make sudden movements. Perform the exercise slowly, measuredly, not forgetting about the supination of the wrist joint, hold the biceps in a tense state for several seconds, only after that extend your arm to the starting position.

2. This analogue of the first exercise can be performed sitting or standing. The main difference is that the dumbbell is brought to the opposite shoulder.

3. Take a position lying on your back, but a large gymnastic ball should act as support under your back (as in the image). It is better to rest your feet against the wall. Arms with dumbbells are straightened. The head is positioned straight, the gaze is directed upward. The elbows are strictly fixed; do not change the position of the elbows when performing the exercise. Bend your arms as in the “Alternating Seated Raises” exercise, fix the apparatus at the peak point for a few seconds and slowly move it to the starting position.

4. You need to kneel in front of the ball, put your hand on the ball to maintain balance, and place your other hand (which holds the dumbbell) on the ball. Without lifting your hands with the apparatus from the ball, without making any effort with your body, just by moving and tensing the shoulder muscle, lift the dumbbell, fix it for a couple of seconds and slowly lower it to the starting position.

5. In a standing position, head straight, gaze forward, with your arms lowered in front of you, hold a dumbbell on a rolled up towel (as in the image on the left). Fixing your elbows motionless, lift the dumbbell, turning your hands towards you, as in the first exercise. Don't forget to pause during the peak contraction of the biceps.

6. While standing, hold dumbbells in front of you with your arms extended downwards. Very slowly lift the dumbbells, fix them and return to the starting position.

In the first lesson of each week, it is enough to do three sets of 10 times each of the first three exercises. In the second lesson - three of ten of the remaining three. But in the third, alternating between the first and second weeks, perform 3x10 exercises the second, third and fifth in odd weeks and the first, fourth, sixth exercises in even weeks.

That's the whole simple set of exercises for pumping up the shoulder muscles at home. Before you start training, make sure that your strengths, desires and capabilities match. What exactly is to pump up your biceps for external demonstration is your goal, that you are ready to continue these exercises in the future to maintain shape. Otherwise, the consequences of short-term muscle development and lack of use may not be very pleasant.

In modern conditions there is a lot of information. Don't forget to choose an individual diet based on high-calorie and protein foods. Seek help in choosing nutrition from professional nutritionists so that all your efforts in physical training are not in vain.

CrossFit at home

If you are light in weight - 60-70 kg, even if you are short in stature, you will not pump up your arms to a girth of more than 37-38 cm. For large and powerful arms, you need a total body weight of 80 kilograms or more. Therefore, if you are determined to pump up big cans, be prepared to make up a couple of tens of kilograms in your total weight.

Before any workout you need a warm-up. If your muscles are not warmed up, you can get seriously injured. Keep this in mind and do not shirk this part of the lesson.

There is no need to train your biceps every day. Especially if you've just started. 2 times a week for 45 minutes is enough. If you do it more often, the muscles will constantly receive microtrauma and will not be able to recover in time. During one workout, there is no need to do more than 3-4 biceps exercises. You adapt quickly, so training complexes should be alternated every 3-4 sessions.

The whole technique of building muscle tissue is based on the fact that it is necessary to do many repetitions until wear and tear, that is, until the moment it starts to burn inside the working part of the body and there is practically no strength left. The number of repetitions in this muscle group is from 8 to 12, and the set itself (approach) should take about 40-60 seconds.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. During the night's rest, your tissues are restored, which means the coveted bitsukha increases and becomes stronger. The same can be said about a complete diet. Carefully study the nutritional tips and maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also follow the fractional principle of eating food.

The arm muscles can be overtrained quite easily. If you do 8-10 or even more approaches per muscle group, then they receive a significant load and therefore in such cases it is recommended to train them once or twice a week. Do not try to load yourself with the maximum weight and number of approaches; it is enough to perform 4-6 approaches in biceps or triceps exercises. The ligaments in the hands, no matter how strange it may be, are quite weak; if they are damaged (injured), you can lose up to six months in order to fully restore these muscles.

Don't try to only train your biceps or triceps. Try to do a variety of basic exercises: bench press, deadlift, dumbbell rows on an incline bench, very good exercises are pull-ups and dips. After all, all these exercises must be performed with your hands.

Building strength in basic exercises helps to uniformly develop large, beautiful arm muscles. And don’t forget to squat; squats, like any basic exercises for large muscle groups, give a powerful impetus to muscle growth by increasing the amount of testosterone in the blood. Plus, you will look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, and not what usually happens - a big top and weak and thin legs.

Don’t forget to pump up your forearm, because pumped up biceps and small, skinny forearms will ruin your entire figure. Do exercises for this muscle group at least once a week. In addition, many girls and women like strong forearm muscles, and not biceps at all.

It is not enough to pump up your arms; additionally, the arm muscles need to be strengthened and strengthened, and a punching bag will help us with this. Working with the bag and hitting it in various combinations helps develop agility, strength and confidence. When working with a bag, use bandages, cue balls or gloves to avoid injuries to joints, ligaments and dislocated fingers. After all, even experienced boxers use additional protection to avoid these injuries.

This point may seem mocking to some, but in reality it works.
When you are in training, pumping your biceps with dumbbells or a barbell, imagine that when you curl your arms, your biceps swells to enormous sizes - this will help you overcome the average limits of achievement and psychological barriers in pumping up powerful arms.

The best exercises for the biceps, in my opinion, are: barbell curls (while standing), dumbbell curls, reverse-grip pull-ups (that is, with your palms facing you), barbell and dumbbell work on a Scott bench, and an exercise called “ Hammer".

As for the triceps, in my opinion, the best exercises are: dips, dumbbell overhead presses (one arm), close grip presses, French presses, push-ups (one palm covering the other), incline elbow extensions position

Try to perform the exercises technically, fully, efficiently, evenly and at equal intervals of time, for example, 3 counts down, 3 counts up.

Another important nuance: during training, try to avoid unpleasant or even painful sensations in the wrist. Choose the right bars and positions to help avoid wrist injuries.