Kegel balls. Vaginal balls: instructions. Rules for using devices

Greetings, dear blog readers! Although today I want to greet first of all the readers, since this article was written for them.

Did you know that as women age, their pelvic muscles lose tone and elasticity? Excess weight, pregnancy and childbirth aggravate this process. As a result, this can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. These include uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence and problems with sex. All this can be prevented by starting to train intimate muscles in time. And Kegel balls will help us with this.

I'll tell you a secret: Arnold Kegel did not invent balls. Vaginal balls, eggs and other similar simple exercise machines were known long before our era. In the East, women passed on the secrets of ownership intimate muscles from generation to generation. Such techniques were known in ancient China, Japan, and India.

Of course, the goal of Eastern practices was primarily the development of sexuality. Therefore, they could not spread in the Christian West. However, it was in the West that they received unexpected development in the middle of the last century.

Gynecologist Dr. Kegel was looking for a solution to stress urinary incontinence for women postpartum. And in 1947, he patented his own development - a device called the “perineal meter”. The principle of operation of the device, in fact, does not differ from the operation of the same balls. In addition, Kegel developed a whole. Further research and practice have shown that this is useful not only for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

Exercise can prevent the danger of many gynecological diseases. And with balls, the training efficiency is many times higher!

  • age over 40 years;
  • excess weight;
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • problems with urination;
  • anorgasmia;
  • preparation for pregnancy.

In addition, they allow you to improve your sex life. Strengthening intimate muscles allows you to increase the brightness of sensations during sex. There are women who, thanks to such exercises, begin to experience orgasm during intimacy.

And such training also allows women to restore tone after childbirth and even narrow the vagina. Recommended during pregnancy.

Contraindications – acute inflammatory processes and tumors in the pelvic area. In addition, this is a period of postoperative rehabilitation and genitourinary tract infections. If you have any illnesses, you should consult a specialist before starting training.

Preparation for training

Many experts recommend that before starting exercises, try to feel the muscles that you are going to train. The easiest way to do this is to deliberately interrupt the process of urination. These same muscles are used for this. Keep in mind that you can only do this once. You can't repeat it often, it violates natural process urination and may harm you.

The balls themselves must be treated with chlorhexidine or miramistin before and after each workout. They should only be stored in a clean case.

Before doing exercises, be sure to empty your bladder. If this is not done, exercise may be painful. Or even lead to involuntary urination.

Training program for beginners

Let's now figure out how to use the exercise machine at home. It usually comes with instructions for use. Remember that the simplest exercises are recommended for beginners.

  • For the first time, it is better to perform the exercises while lying down, and later you can do them standing;
  • During the entire workout, monitor your breathing - it should be free, deep and measured. You should not hold your breath or suck in your stomach;
  • Before inserting the balls, treat them with lubricant.

Carefully insert the exercise machine into the vagina to a depth of about two centimeters. Try to “pull” them in using your vaginal muscles. Alternately tense and relax your muscles for a period of two to ten seconds.

Make sure that it is the vaginal muscles that are working. No need to strain gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.

Watch the video where the complex is presented special exercises for muscle training pelvic floor:

Muscle contraction

Slowly contract your vaginal muscles and hold them tight for five to ten seconds. Then relax. Feel the ball with your muscles. Repeat the exercise ten times. Then do the same, but at a fast pace.


During the exercise, pushing is performed, as during childbirth. Push for five to ten seconds, trying to push the machine out, then relax. Repeat ten times.


With this exercise, on the contrary, you need to pull the balls inward. Squeeze the muscles at the entrance to the vagina. Then try to feel the muscles located further away and squeeze them, gradually raising the balls higher. Then the same is done in reverse order. Repeat five to ten times.

Types of balls

You can buy Kegel exercisers at a pharmacy or sex shop. How to choose an effective one? Please pay attention to the following parameters:

Weight and dimensions. The smaller the size and the greater the weight, the more difficult it is to work with such balls. For beginners, it is better to choose a medium size and fairly light ones. Having learned to work with them, you can move on to more complex levels.

Equipment. Nice sets include balls of different weights and sizes. It is best to go from simple to complex and gradually increase the intensity of your training. And for this it would be nice to have a “reserve for the future.”

Material. It can be natural stone, latex, rubber, metal and so on. The main thing is that it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is important to purchase the exercise machine in a pharmacy or sex shop, where it will have a quality certificate.

Design. In addition to the shape of a ball, the exercise machine can be in the shape of a heart or an asterisk. The balls can be connected by a string in several pieces. Classic trainer- these are two or three balls connected by a string, or one egg with a string.

The most effective exercise machines are those with a shifted center of gravity. Weighting agents are placed inside such balls. They create vibration as you move. You can feel it only with your intimate muscles. It forces even the deepest intimate muscles to contract.

Which ones are better for beginners?

To start the exercises, it is preferable to choose balls with a diameter of at least 3-3.5 centimeters, always with a loop. It is needed to easily remove the exercise machine if necessary at any time. Subsequently, it will be possible to use the balls without the loop. But first learn how to push them out with a safety loop.

Training begins with one ball. When exercises with it become easier for you and your muscles become stronger, you can begin to complicate the task. Then use a double trainer. Now you will have to hold two balls at once, continuing to squeeze and unclench your intimate muscles.

A three-ball exercise machine is suitable for postpartum recovery. When working with it, squeeze and unclench the muscles, as during labor, trying to push the balls out.

The most important thing to consider when choosing your first Kegel balls is their weight. You can’t start with something that’s too heavy (for example, 50 grams) to avoid causing harm to yourself. By strengthening your muscles, you can gradually increase weight and reduce the diameter of the balls. Success is achieved gradually and in stages.

Kegel exercises for women are a set of special exercises to enhance muscle tone intimate area. Training performed according to the method of A. Kegel (an outstanding gynecologist of the 20th century) can improve elasticity muscle fibers pelvic area and make them stronger. There are a number of factors that have a negative impact on this muscle group, these include: pregnancy, age-related changes, weight gain, pathological processes in the pelvic organs, as a result of which muscular frame ceases to fully perform its main function - maintaining the organs located in the pelvis.

Prolapse of the pelvic organs can provoke the development of various pathological conditions and significantly reduce the quality of sexual life.

As you know, Kegel exercises are a very effective technique, but what are they for? Gynecologists recommend performing such exercises for the following purposes:

  1. Preparing for a planned pregnancy;
  2. Preparing for a less painful, successful birth;
  3. allow you to learn how to relax specific muscle groups that contribute to more active movement of the fetus along the birth canal;
  4. Treatment and active prevention of fecal and urinary incontinence;
  5. Prevention of prolapse of organs located in the pelvis;
  6. Restoring normal elasticity and contractility of tissues and muscles stretched during the birth process;
  7. Support active sexual health for a long time;
  8. Prevention of diseases of the genital area;
  9. Prevention of age-related changes.

Kegel exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles are most effective if they do not involve the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles (abdominal muscles). To do this, you need to figure out where exactly the perineal muscles that need training are located. There are several ways to determine the location of the muscles needed for training:

  • During the act of urination, try to spread your legs to the sides and stop the flow of urine, without moving your legs: a group of muscles that are involved in this process and are the required muscles of the pelvic area;
  • Try to insert a finger into the vaginal opening, and then try to clasp it with the muscles of the perineum, without using the gluteal muscles, as well as the abdominal and back muscles.

Where to start doing Kegel exercises so that the effect occurs as soon as possible and the achieved result is as effective as possible? There are a few general recommendations things to do before starting your workout:

  1. Before performing exercises, be sure to empty your bladder, since a full bladder can lead to pain and drip urination, which negatively affects the training process;
  2. Try to relax completely and concentrate only on the activity of the muscles of the pelvic area. Avoid any tension in the abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and back. To do this, monitor the rhythm of your breathing: inhalations and exhalations should be slow, deep and rhythmic, try not to hold in the air;
  3. Convenient position. The most advantageous position is lying on the floor, which allows you to relax as much as possible: you should lie on your back, stretch your arms straight along the body (you can put them on bottom part abdomen), bend your legs at the knee joints. However, Kegel exercises can also be performed in a sitting position, the main thing is that all muscle groups are completely relaxed.

Main stages of training

Kegel exercises consist of several main stages:

  • First stage: " Slow compression" During this part of the exercises, there is a slow, rhythmic and gradual tightening of the pelvic muscles (those that were used to stop urination). At the same time, the pelvic floor muscles tense, after three seconds they need to be relaxed, and then toned again. During the training process, you need to extend the time of tone (tension) to 20-25 seconds;
  • Second phase: " Reduction" During this stage, it is necessary to contract and relax the pelvic muscles as strongly and quickly as possible;
  • Third stage: " Pushing" Kegel exercises performed at this stage are designed to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, which are involved in the process of childbirth and defecation. The essence of the exercises is to alternate tension (with a delay of a few seconds) and relaxation of certain muscle groups.

Kegel exercises for women with incontinence

There are six basic Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence:

  1. Position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, buttocks must be supported with hands (to create maximum relaxation). The pelvic floor muscles need to be toned (compressed) in an inward and upward direction;
  2. Position – rest on your knees and elbows, with your head resting on your hands. The pelvic muscle group should contract rhythmically in the direction from bottom to top, inward;
  3. The position is as follows: you need to lie on your stomach, try to relax as much as possible, then you need to bend one leg in knee joint and alternately contract and relax the pelvic muscles;
  4. Position – lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joint and spread to the sides, with emphasis on the heels. Left hand located under the buttock (to feel the contracting muscles), right hand must be placed in the lower abdomen. The muscles of the pelvic area are toned, pulling them upward;
  5. Position – sitting, legs crossed, back must be kept strictly straight. The vaginal muscles contract upward, then, after 3-5 seconds, downward;
  6. Position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands resting on your knees, while your back should remain straight. The vaginal muscles should alternately tense and relax rhythmically.

Exercises with Kegel balls

They are highly efficient Kegel exercises with balls. For training, you need to insert a Kegel exerciser, pre-treated with an antiseptic, to a depth of 2-3cm into the vagina so that the cord remains outside the body. In this case, you can use water-based lubricants. At the very beginning of training, it is best to do exercises in a lying position to maximize relaxation of all muscle groups. As you progress in your exercises, it is better to move to a “standing” position to achieve the fastest results, since this body position contributes to maximum contraction of the vaginal muscles.

Determine the speed and rhythm of movements, alternate the state of muscle tone and relaxation, gradually increasing the time of both positions, while the tone time and relaxation time should be the same in duration (from 2 to 10 seconds). Breathing movements during training should be deep, smooth, and without delay. Balls for Kegel exercises are soft and hard, which allows you to create loads of varying strength and intensity on the muscles of the pelvic area. For the first training, it is recommended to use soft balls, as they have less mass and create less stress on the vagina. Kegel exercises for women at home are recommended to be done at least 3 times a week.


Before starting Kegel exercises, you should consult your gynecologist. Kegel exercises are safe for health even unprepared person, however, there are some contraindications for their implementation:

  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • Vascular diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Vascular diseases of the lower extremities;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Recently transferred surgical interventions in the pelvic area.

Kegel exercises have been used in medicine since the last century. The name was given according to the name of the developer - gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Such exercises are aimed at strengthening the intimate muscles, the dysfunction of which manifests itself in the form of unpleasant conditions in women.

Kegel exercisers. Reviews from women. What are these devices?

Arnold Kegel also invented special exercise machines to make doing exercises more comfortable. Over time they have been improved. Modern women have the opportunity with their help to quickly and effectively eliminate problems of the genitourinary system, as well as improve their sex life. Kegel exercisers, in the reviews of many women, are described as a unique remedy, a real salvation from many intimate problems.

What are these devices? Modern models intimate exercise equipment are created taking into account the recommended Kegel exercises. The procedure for using them can be called absolutely safe and painless. According to practice, the use of special simulators when performing exercises significantly increases the effectiveness of procedures.

Girls who have already used these devices say that they are effective. Women advise everyone to try such exercise machines. Perhaps they will help in solving many intimate problems.

Perineum number - the first device for training intimate muscles

The first Kegel pelvic floor muscle trainer was called the perineal meter. This device included a special measuring device that allowed you to determine the condition muscle tissue pelvic floor. With the help of this simulator, women could perform Dr. Kegel exercises and achieve the desired result in as soon as possible. As a result of its use, a number of gynecological diseases were eliminated and the quality of intimate life was improved. According to clinical trials, the effectiveness of using the perineal gauge reached 93%.

Later, several more variants of intimate simulators were invented. However, each of them was based on Kegel exercises. Both older models of simulators and more modern ones are made of special safe material. Some of them are equipped with a pressure gauge, a bulb, some have feedback.

Types of simulators. What types of devices are there? Reviews from girls

What women say about With Modern Kegel exercisers? In reviews, buyers write that these models are more advanced and comfortable to use. They come in several types:

  • allowing you to strengthen intimate muscles;
  • having special feedback (using a sensor you can monitor the correctness of the exercises);
  • laser trainers;
  • exercise chairs;
  • expanders for intimate muscles;
  • pneumatic Kegel exerciser (includes a vaginal chamber, a blower, and a pressure gauge).

Popular brands. Description of models

Before purchasing this or that device, you must consult a gynecologist. The most popular brands of Kegel exercisers today are the following:

  1. Magic Kegel Master. With the help of a simulator from this manufacturer, a woman has the opportunity to give additional tone to the vaginal muscles and make them stronger. Most often this is required for girls who have given birth. After a course of using this simulator, the quality of sexual life improves, a woman gets the opportunity to have an orgasm. Such results are achieved using the unique action of the simulator: improving blood flow in the pelvis, restoring the elasticity of the intimate muscles. This exercise machine consists of two smooth silicone balls that resemble skittles. The manufacturer recommends using the simulator together with a special application, which can be installed on any smartphone. This application monitors the quality of Kegel exercises. The simulator has 6 operating modes: “beginner”, “planning a child”, “honeymoon”, “mistress”, “young mother”.
  2. The PelvicToner is another popular Kegel exercise machine for strengthening the pelvic muscles. It is easy to use, affordable and highly effective. Allows you to restore the elasticity of intimate muscles, experience orgasm, overcome urinary incontinence, reduce the size of the vagina and even eliminate the symptoms of menopause. In the manufacture of this simulator, special medical polypropylene coated with an antibacterial composition is used. His work is based on progressive resistance.
  3. AirBee - enough effective simulator Kegel. The instructions for the device are given in great detail. The simulator operates in 8 vibration modes and can be used autonomously. With the help of AirBee, you can restore the elasticity and size of the vagina after childbirth, improve the sensitivity of the intimate area, speed up the onset of orgasm, and also delay the onset of menopause. In reviews of Kegel exercisers, buyers write that they are quite expensive. Therefore, many people try to make such a simulator on their own. However, a device invented in this way may not only fail to bring the desired result, but also cause irreparable harm. Professional simulators are developed in special laboratory conditions, taking into account the characteristics of a woman’s physiology. After which they undergo clinical testing and only in case of high efficiency and complete safety can they go on sale.

Operating principles of the device

Indications for the use of such simulators

Performing exercises using these devices may be useful for the following conditions:

  • stretching and weakening of intimate muscles;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • problems with urinary incontinence;
  • disturbance of sensations during intimacy;
  • menopausal age of a woman;
  • postpartum changes in the vagina.

The Kegel exerciser allows you not only to eliminate the above problems, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future. Using a device for training intimate muscles, you can prepare for childbirth. And this will avoid troubles after the birth of the child. The Kegel exerciser can provide positive influence on the body of a woman who does not have such problems. With its help, the general well-being of the fair sex improves.

Contraindications to the use of popular exercise equipment

Before asking yourself the question of how to choose a Kegel exercise machine, you need to clarify whether there are any contraindications to its use. Thus, the use of such devices is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, since intense impact on the vaginal muscles can cause miscarriage or placental abruption;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute forms of any gynecological diseases;
  • prolapse of the vagina or uterus.

The use of Kegel exercisers is also not allowed during intimacy. You should not continue to use them even if they cause pain or discomfort.

Rules for using devices

Rules for using Kegel exercisers:

  • It is not allowed to use the device by several persons;
  • the finished device cannot be disassembled and modified;
  • should not be subjected to falls or any actions that could cause deformation of the product;
  • The device should be stored in a place protected from moisture and light.

Ways to use these devices

However, it should be noted that the methods of use recommended in the instructions were developed by professionals; the recommendations for use specified by the manufacturer will help achieve maximum effect. Any amateur activity in this case is unacceptable. Because even such a seemingly harmless device can cause harm to its owner if used incorrectly.

Experts recommend training for 5-7 minutes. The pressure level on the device must be set to 40 mm. Massage exercises start with light camera movements and then gradually increase the intensity. This approach will avoid painful and unpleasant sensations and prepare the muscles for the massage effect.

A little conclusion

We hope that the above information has enabled women to understand what Kegel exercises are and why they are needed, as well as what types of devices are available. Do not underestimate the importance of the condition of your intimate muscles. Because the quality of a woman’s sexual life and her overall health depend on this. Thanks to modern models of Kegel exercise machines, girls have a unique opportunity to achieve effective results without any effort. special effort.

Vaginal balls are one of the few massagers used to strengthen the muscles of the intimate area and pelvis. Since ancient times, this device has been used by women who were sexually active. In eastern countries this was a common occurrence. At the beginning of the last century, gynecologist A. Kegel substantiated the need to use vaginal balls not only to improve the quality of sexual life, but also for the purpose of preventive training of the perineal muscles and the prevention of genitourinary diseases.

What are they?

Vaginal balls (Kegel exerciser) are spheres made of purified silicone, latex, plastic or metal.

Interest in vaginal balls has increased noticeably in recent decades, despite the fact that they have existed on the domestic market for quite a long time. An increasing number of doctors (gynecologists, sex therapists) prescribe this device to their patients.

There are the following reasons for the use of vaginal balls:

  • variety of sexual life (sexual games, increased libido);
  • training vaginal muscles for completeness tactile sensations(development of erogenous zones);
  • reducing the volume of the vagina by strengthening the vaginal walls;
  • preparation of the pelvic muscles during the prenatal period;
  • increased blood circulation in tissues postpartum period;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary area (bladder, vaginal walls, urinary incontinence);
  • stabilization of the functioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs.

Instructions for use

Vaginal spheres are used as prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will tell you in detail about the methods of administration and rationality of use. If for some reason a woman refuses additional consultation with a doctor, then watch the video with a detailed description at the end of the article.

Instructions for use include the following steps:

  1. Toilet in the intimate area using hygiene products. Additionally, clean the balls with a soap solution.
  2. Complete emptying of the bladder and rectum. By using vaginal balls, you can feel the urge to urinate and defecate.
  3. Pre-treatment of the vagina and the balls themselves with gel lubricant to eliminate discomfort before insertion. You can use an intimate lubricant purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store.
  4. The insertion process can be vertical (raising one leg for comfort) or horizontal (lying down). This procedure is similar to inserting a regular tampon during menstruation.
  5. When inserting balls into the vagina pelvic muscles must be completely relaxed so as not to create additional resistance.
  6. The balls introduced one at a time must be felt. To do this, first strain the hip muscles, and then the intimate muscles. When a characteristic feeling of heaviness appears, the procedure can be considered completed.


The following circumstances are contraindications to using a device to strengthen the pelvic muscles:

  • pregnancy period (especially the first trimester) in case of increased uterine tone;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
  • structural disorders of the epithelium, the presence of neoplasms in the vagina, cervix, cervical canal (condylomas, polyps, erosions, dysplasia);
  • early postpartum period (up to 3 months);
  • painful sensations when using;
  • dryness of the intimate area (requires the use of lubricants).

When eliminating the listed symptoms, you can use balls to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Balls made of silicone are used not only for the vagina. The introduction of silicone spheres into the anus stimulates the sensuality of the erogenous zones, which increases interest in their use during sex.

How to choose

When using balls for muscle training for the first time, you should choose the smallest models made from lightweight materials. Some are equipped with a cord for easy removal. At later stages, you can upgrade to models of larger size and material density.

You need to get used to the feeling of a foreign body. Sometimes the balls may spontaneously leave the vaginal cavity, for example, when sneezing, coughing or physical activity. Dropped spheres should be processed in the same way and reintroduced. The first procedures should not exceed 10-15 minutes. With each procedure performed, the time interval can be gradually increased.

Kegel exercises

Exercises with vaginal balls, if you follow the author’s recommendations, will allow you to feel the effectiveness after 1-2 weeks from the start of use. The first procedure should not exceed more than 60 minutes throughout the day. Every 30 minutes, the vaginal muscles are trained, squeezing and unclenching them for 3 seconds for 1-2 minutes. Every day the interval is increased by 3 seconds. For a 10-day training course, the total duration of the procedure is 5.5 hours per day.

The training complex consists of two types of exercises:

  • compressive-relaxing;
  • squeezing-pushing.

Squeeze-relaxation exercises are carried out in several stages:

  1. The first 15 times the muscles are compressed and unclenched for 6 seconds. Then go to fast pace 10 times, resting every 3-4 seconds. Tense muscles are held in this state for 90 minutes, and then rested for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is repeated.
  2. The muscles are alternately compressed and unclenched at intervals of up to 20 seconds. The procedure is repeated, reducing the time by 5-10 seconds. After a 15-second rest, the procedure is repeated several times.
  3. Squeeze and unclench the muscles for 1-2 minutes, alternately resting. Then the time is increased to 6 minutes. In total, the training time increases to 30 minutes. 3-4 procedures per day are enough.

Squeeze-push exercises are also carried out in stages:

  • Hold the muscles tense 15 times for 5 seconds, alternately resting.
  • Switch to a faster pace, repeating reflex movements 10 times.
  • Attempts of medium tension are repeated several times for 5 seconds.

To achieve the desired effect, such procedures must be carried out regularly for 3-6 months.

Classes are carried out lying down, relaxed, or in a comfortable environment. Alternatively, you can choose a time to watch your favorite TV show.

Analogue devices

Science does not stand still, and modern specialists are developing new and improved models for carrying out a complex of special physical exercise aimed at maintaining tone and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (wumbuilding). Intimate fitness involves the use of the following equipment:

  • Airbee;
  • Pelvic Toner;
  • Magic kegel master.

Vaginal balls allow you to perform wumbling at home. Modern models are equipped with additional devices that allow you to control the process of performing exercises.

The developments of the doctor A. Kegel and engineer V.L. Muranivsky have been improved over the past decades. After reading the instructions, you can use them yourself, adjusting the load and time of classes. Which model is preferable can be found out from customer reviews and manufacturer recommendations. The more additional accessories it has, the higher the cost of the simulator. Some craftsmen try to make such a device themselves after familiarizing themselves with the developments. No doctor would recommend such a device due to the supposed health hazards. To avoid unpleasant disappointments and financial losses, it is better to spend time consulting a specialist.

Exercise machines equipped with electric impulses allow you to achieve quick results without much effort on the part of the woman. It is enough just to put the desired program. Light vibrating impulses have a stimulating effect on the vaginal muscles.

Simulators with pneumatics (chamber) are considered no less effective. Desired result can be achieved after 2-3 months of use. However, they are not very convenient to use due to the required constant assembly of components, limited freedom of action, time and place of training.

The easiest to use are universal mechanical models that can be adjusted independently.

You can also develop vaginal muscles with the help of vaginal beads, cones, and jade eggs. Which option is most acceptable, the woman decides on her own. In any case, the help of a specialist will not hurt.

If a woman has decided to use vaginal balls, then she needs to get ready for a long course of exercise. Regularly performed exercises and additional consultations with a doctor guarantee a positive result.

One of the most favorite sex toys for many women is beautiful and useful vaginal balls. This is a great gift for every girl, because among the many varieties of balls you can choose something that you are sure to like and will bring benefit and pleasure.

How to choose vaginal balls for training

About, what are vaginal balls? , I told you a little earlier.When choosing balls for training, pay attention first of all to the size and weight of the balls. It's better to start with simple options, about 3 cm in diameter and light weight. If in gym Giving a beginner with weak muscles a heavy barbell will strain his back instead of strengthening it. It’s the same here: if you choose balls for your intimate muscles that are too heavy, you’ll likely stretch your entire body rather than strengthen it. That's why I recommend learning how to do Kegel exercises without additional accessories first.

How to start intimate training

Feel your pelvic floor muscles, the ones that hold everything together internal organs in place and control the functioning of the sphincters. Gently contract the pubococcygeus muscle, as if closing the anal sphincter, vaginal opening and urethra. If this is your first acquaintance with your body, you can place your palm on the perineum to feel everything better - under the palm the body should gently pull upward.

Many experts recommend testing whether you are contracting by going to the toilet, trying to stop urinating. Strong muscles they can easily “turn off the tap”, but even initial stage this way you can understand exactly where this muscle is located and how it works.

Another way to make sure that you are moving your body is to insert a finger into the vagina and feel how the opening muscles tightly grip it during contraction. A man feels approximately the same (only more intensely) when you wrap your vaginal muscles around his penis. You can, for example, cough to understand what your muscles are capable of to the maximum now. And then compare after a month of training.

How to contract intimate muscles

Make contractions softly and smoothly, preferably while inhaling, so as to pull everything up, and not “pull” down. Do not engage your abs and buttocks, so as not to accidentally make a “squeezing” movement with your muscles. You can imagine in your mind how, when contracting, you close all the sphincters and pull the muscle upward, as if pulling the entrance to the vagina inward.

As you exhale, gently release the tension so that the muscle relaxes and “spreads.” It is during relaxation that the muscle is filled with oxygen and all the processes we need are launched. When you learn to easily do these Kegel exercises 20-50 at a time several times a day, you should move on to training with vaginal balls. They will give you the opportunity to feel more and fine-tune all processes.

How to prepare an intimate trainer for use

Wash the balls thoroughly before use, apply a couple of drops of lubricant to the vaginal opening and gently insert the balls (or one ball) inside. During insertion, try to pull the entrance muscles upward, helping to “suck” the balls inside. Play with the sensations by pulling and releasing the muscles and moving the balls inside. Feel how the balls shake and vibrate slightly as you move - this not only excites you, but also increases your sensitivity. The more subtle sensations you can discern, the more enjoyable sex will be for you.

Exercises for intimate training with and without vaginal balls

You can do various techniques muscle contractions. All these exercises can be done without balls, but with them the workout will be more effective and enjoyable. To begin with, practice doing slow retractions and slow relaxations, in the rhythm of a waltz - one-two-three, one-two-three. Do this movement as often as you like, but 20 times in one set is probably considered an average level for training with balls. Don’t forget to completely relax your muscles; you can check with your palm so that your body “spreads” and becomes soft at the moment of relaxation.

Voltage Hold

The next movement is to pull the balls up and keep the tension static. Static exercises are very effective for developing the strength of intimate muscles, so do not forget to do them, of course, with pleasure. Pull the balls up and count to five without releasing the tension. If maintaining an even compression force for 5 seconds is too difficult, start with two or three. Gently relax and repeat the exercise as long as you feel comfortable.

Frequent blinking

Another pleasant exercise is to “blink” quickly, tensing and relaxing your muscles as often as possible. This is a very pleasant movement, because the balls vibrate very gently and very often, moving up and down, and massage your erogenous zones. Try doing these exercises for a minute without stopping. This way you will very quickly increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, increase arousal and, quite possibly, you will want to move from training to pleasure.


A fairly “advanced” exercise is the so-called “lift”. Pull the balls up a little, staying on the “ground floor” for a few seconds, then, without lowering it down, pull it to the floor above, again holding it for a few seconds, and another floor up, holding it a little more. You can choose how many floors you will have - three or more. The more advanced you are in your training, the easier it will be for you to “break down” the input compression force into different “floors”. Remember to lower the elevator, slowly releasing the elevator all the way to the very bottom so that the pelvic floor relaxes and becomes soft.


Another pleasant and interesting technique... in general, not really a technique, but rather a dance of intimate muscles. Turn on your favorite music and move the balls to the beat of the music. The main thing you should pay attention to is to remember to relax and under no circumstances squeeze the balls down. During such a musical training, you will be able to experiment, combining all the techniques and various movements. By the way, moving your body, especially your hips, will be another additional technique and bonus to your workouts.

All these exercises with balls will be not only useful, but also pleasant, because inside you will increase excitement and improve blood circulation not only due to muscle work, but also thanks to massage with balls and pleasant vibrations. Try doing them (without balls) during sex by a man - it definitely won’t go unnoticed!

Where can you do intimate exercises?

Experiment with exercises in different positions: standing, sitting, while walking. And don't forget about good mood and facial expression! After all, these exercises can easily be done unnoticed by others while walking or even sitting in the office at work, if a slight smile plays on your face and your eyes sparkle, and does not reflect the strength of tension and concentration of a stern athlete lifting a 100-kilogram barbell.

An important nuance: do not just walk around with the balls without doing anything. It's like holding dumbbells in your hands and, instead of doing any arm exercises, just sit down and let them hang. You definitely won’t pump up your arms, but you can quite stretch your muscles.

What other intimate exercise machines are there?

For even more interesting and effective training there are special simulators , which respond with vibration strength in response to a good squeeze, or even transmit information about the quality of your workouts to an app on your smartphone.

With the help of such a simulator, you can create your own training programs, achieving the intended results. The principle of action remains the same: alternate tension with relaxation, and do not make downward movements.

Balls without a connecting thread are a more advanced option, which is suitable for those who have been doing Kegel exercises for quite some time, both without accessories and with balls. It’s easier to “drop” them, so the pelvic floor muscles are simply forced to be toned throughout the workout. You can do all the same exercises with them as with regular balls, but you will only be able to fully relax when you remove the balls.

What after training?

After training, do not forget to relax your muscles and gently pull out the balls by the connecting thread, wash them thoroughly and put them in a box for further training. Many girls worry that the balls will get stuck or get lost in the vagina. I would like to remind you that the vagina, unlike the five-meter intestine, has a depth of about 12 cm, and its arches are quite easy to feel with your fingers. Most likely, if there is a sufficient degree of moisture, the ball without a connecting thread will fall out of you as soon as you completely relax your muscles. This will be an excellent test of your ability to relieve stress. If they don’t want to roll out, just pull them out with your fingers or pull the loop.

How often can you do Kegel exercises?

You can train at least several times a day, bringing the total to 200 contractions or more, but I highly recommend it - it’s better to do a little, but every day, than to do 500 contractions at once and then forget for six months.

Intimate training during pregnancy and in special situations

Be sure to take a break during menstruation - you should not put stress on your body during this period. If you are planning to work on your intimate muscles during pregnancy, be sure to consult with your gynecologist about whether you can do Kegel exercises and whether you can use balls.

If you already have intimate health problems, such as prolapse, you should start exercises without balls, and then choose one vaginal ball, which will occupy less vaginal volume, and then move on to double balls.

The ideal option for purchasing a trainer for intimate muscles isset of vaginal balls, which will have a shell for two balls, and a shell for one ball, and the ability to combine the weight of the balls and use them without thread, as an advanced option.