Chess tournaments for children. Where can I find chess tournaments and competitions? Questions about the tournament

Features of chess tournaments.

If for your child playing chess goes beyond a hobby, and he plans to achieve high results in it, then in addition to classes in a club or sports school, you need to regularly devote time to chess competitions. Without participating in tournaments, it is definitely not possible to become a strong chess player. In Moscow in 2019, there are a great many competitions. Let's try to understand their diversity and understand what is right for your child.

First, let's look at the delivery systems. Chess tournaments are held mainly according to two systems. Circular and Swiss. Of course, there are others, for example, the Olympic (knockout) elimination system (used quite rarely in chess). The circle is used not only in chess, but also in other sports, for example, in football, table tennis and many other types. The point is that in one tournament a participant must outplay all opponents. It is relevant when there are not many people, usually no more than 12. Although in the USSR tournaments were held using this system with 20 participants, or even more. The advantage of the round-robin system is the opportunity to play with all opponents, and not complain about the fact that someone did not play with someone else. The downside is also obvious. With a large number of participants, such a tournament can drag on for a long time. The second system, the most popular in chess tournaments, is the Swiss system. It is used in cases where participants cannot beat everyone else due to various circumstances. Basically, when the number of participants exceeds the number of tours. For example, with 50 participants, it is problematic to conduct 49 rounds in a round-robin system. The draw according to the Swiss system is carried out on the principle of “the best man wins”, that is, as you move through the rounds, you get an opponent, usually the one with the same number of points. And if after 4 rounds you have 4 points, in the fifth you will most likely play with someone who also won all the games. To eliminate the subjectivity of the draw and its unfairness, the intervention of the judge is now minimal; the draw is carried out by a computer program according to a given algorithm (at present, programs such as SwissMaster or SwissManager are mainly used). We've sorted out the delivery systems. There is nothing complicated here. We will try to understand which chess tournament is right for your child.

Tournaments are held in classical chess, where the time for one game for one participant is at least one hour, rapid chess tournaments, with time control from 10 to 60 minutes for each, and blitz tournaments with time control up to 10 minutes per game.
There are official chess tournaments (where you just can’t get into them, where there are selections) such as regional, national, European and World championships, and all the others. Let's start with the second type. A very popular and convenient format is weekend chess tournaments. They take place at different venues, usually on Saturday and Sunday in the middle of the school year, and you can painlessly combine participation in tournaments and studying at school. A feature of this type of organization is very limited control over time and the number of rounds. As a rule, several rounds are played per day, but an entire tournament can be played in a short time. Participants are formed mainly according to the rating range. The larger the tournament, the greater the number of groups there can be. The criterion for choosing a tournament is often location. In many areas of Moscow there are weekend tournaments, and the chess school in the Eastern Administrative District, on Preobrazhenskaya Square - “Mister Mind” is no exception, we have such tournaments all the time. There are open tournaments that take place not over a weekend, but over 8-9 days, where one game is played, with greater time control; often, such tournaments have the status of all-Russian and even international competitions. They are mainly held during school holidays. Highly skilled chess players often participate in adult opens. In Moscow, amateur tournaments for adults are held every month, where children can also take part and gain a lot of experience playing against stronger opponents. Since 2016, the national (Russian) rating has come into force, and almost all tournaments are held with its calculation.
Another category of tournaments is official competitions. Admission to the finals of the Moscow Championship is based on rating. If it is small, you need to go through qualifying competitions (quarterfinals and semifinals in chess). Based on the results of the Moscow final, the first 4 places receive tickets to the Major League of the Russian Championship, where tickets to the World and European Championships are competed for. Unlike most amateur opens, lists of groups of participants are formed not by rating, but by year of birth. Just like in other sports. For example, the category up to 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 years old. Nowadays, it is considered a success if a child has the right to take part immediately in the final of the Moscow Championship.
I hope that the article was useful, and you, as a parent, will have a more detailed understanding of the features of various chess tournaments.

Chess coach
FIDE Master
Andrey Cherenkov

General position:

Address: 115093, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya street, building 23

The competition is held on DECEMBER 15, 2019 from 11:50. Registration of participants from 11.00 to 11.30 hours.

Purpose of the tournament:

Propaganda and popularization of chess culture among young athletes;

Improving the sportsmanship of participants;

Involving children in regular chess lessons;

Identification of the strongest athletes;

Fostering a sports spirit and healthy competition in children and adolescents.


The tournament is held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds, using a computer draw. In case of participation in one group of 6 people or less, the system is round-robin. Time control is 10 minutes with an addition of 5 seconds for each move made, starting from the 1st.

Tournament A: boys and girls up to 15 years old inclusive with a RCF rating of up to 1000.

Tournament B: boys and girls up to 15 years old inclusive with RCF rating 1100 - 1200.

Tournament C: boys and girls up to 15 years old inclusive with an RCF rating of 1200 and above.

Tournament Pawn battle.

Tournament E: parent.


The winner and runners-up are determined by the highest amount of points scored. In case of equality, additional indicators are applied:

1) Buchholz coefficient (in the case of a round-robin tournament - Berger coefficient);

2) Personal meeting;

3) Number of victories;

4) Number of games with black.


Winners and prize-winners of tournaments A, B, C, D, E are awarded cups, certificates and gifts.

All competition participants are awarded certificates for participation and gifts.

All expenses for organizing competitions are covered by tournament fees, sponsorship funds and personal funds of the tournament organizers.

Tournament fee:

Charity tournament fee for participation in “FAST CHESS - RAPID” - 2000 rubles.

Charity tournament fee for participation in “TOURNAMENT D – pawn battle” - 2000 rubles.

Charitable tournament fee for participation in “TOURNAMENT E – for parents” - 1,500 rubles.

The charitable tournament fee is increased by 500 rubles in the absence of a preliminary application. .

*Participants who are late for in-person registration are allowed to compete from the 2nd round.

Pre-registration for participation is required (application form on the website

Pre-registration is required.

Limited number of seats.

You can pay for the tournament by transfer to a Sberbank card 5469380081737016 Yaroslav Romanovich G. WITH THE MARK "TOURNAMENT DATE Last Name First Name CITY."

Good day, dear friend!

It's hard to imagine a chess player who never plays anywhere. Actually, he was not a chess player then. Is not it? Let's discuss how to find suitable chess tournaments and competitions.

As an introduction

A person who finds himself in the world of chess, as a rule, is delayed. The deeper we plunge into this magical world, the more difficult it is for us to leave it.

This is not an addiction, it’s just that chess is beginning to occupy a certain niche in our hearts and our lives.

According to my observations, a chess player who has reached the rank level will no longer want to completely “give up” chess. He may “put aside” chess for a while, but he will come back.

You don't have to look far for examples. The same thing, just yesterday, I played the next three rounds at the tournament in St. Louis. "He came back to earth." That is, chess.

The schedule of all-Russian tournaments can be viewed on the website of the Russian Chess Federation: tournament calendar

Go in and filter by the appropriate tab:

Select a tournament and look at the details:

If you set any significant goals for yourself or your child other than enjoying the game, it is important to learn how to play at the board. Against specific opponents.

This is also important for the child in terms of developing interpersonal communication. . Playing at the board is communication, albeit without words. Observing your partner, his reactions, facial expressions is a separate huge layer.

That is, the game at the board takes place at two levels:

  • Against pieces
  • Against the enemy

In an online game, the second point is practically not expressed.

For many players, the quality of play online and at the board is very different. Just for psychological reasons. You can become a strong chess player only by learning to play strongly at the board. .


Finding a game online is not difficult.

1. chess24

I already wrote about this worthy site in , in which I scolded the site “Chess over a Cup of Coffee.”

My mark 8 points by 10 point scale. If there was a Russian-language version of the interface, I would install 9, and maybe all 10.

The site is very good and super popular. There is training and computer analysis and much more.

After registering on the main page, select the “play” tab

Go to the pop-up menu and the desired tab, for example tournaments:

We look at the list of tournaments and select:

Another option is that there is a menu on the right where you can select time control, game format, or go to tournaments:

The only but significant drawback of the site is that sometimes the progress during the game slows down. It kind of freezes. Maybe this is my problem, of course, my computer. However, this does not make it any easier. And it's terribly annoying.

My subjective assessment 7 points. Exclusively due to freezes. Without this jamb 9 Feel free to score.


A portal that combines simplicity and functionality. Nothing extra, everything is simple and intuitive

After a simple registration, go to the menu and select what we need:

For example: Play - tournaments:

A small note: I can only recommend chatting during a game if it gives you pleasure. In all other cases it will interfere with the game. Personally, I don’t turn off the chat, but I answer extremely rarely. In fact, they rarely write.

My rating for Lichess is 9.5 points.

Everything here is simpler, but the functionality for the game suits me quite well.

There are also tournaments:

My rating for this resource is 7 points . Some inconvenience is caused by advertising, there are often few players and you have to wait. Another drawback is that the rating generated here is for some reason lower than the real one. 300-400 points. For example, I have 1900 , I couldn’t lift it any more.

Where can I watch the broadcasts?

Online broadcasts of chess tournaments and matches are a very interesting thing. And useful, of course, like any observation of the play of strong players and analysis of their games.

I watch broadcasts on three Internet resources:

  • On what is already familiar to us Chess24

It looks like this:

A lot of things are fancy, but I like it. You can figure out what's what quickly.

  • If you want something simpler, you are welcome to the portal ChessPro.
  • I also usually go to YouTube and look for a stream report with online comments. For example .

I usually turn on all three of the above resources at the same time, because sometimes the broadcast lags. Or rather, two broadcasts and a report from YouTube.

Today, August 17, at 21.00 the next round of the tournament "Fourth stage of the Grand Chess Tour" in St. Louis with the participation of Kasparov. We'll see.

Watch chess online and get benefit and pleasure. And of course, play in tournaments.

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