Curling arms with dumbbells. French press with dumbbells standing or sitting Exercises for arms at home while sitting

Arm extensions with dumbbells are an exercise for working the triceps brachii muscle, that is, the triceps. This exercise focuses on the long head of the triceps. It can be performed in different positions - sitting, standing, lying down, overhead, etc. In this article, we will look at all the options for performing dumbbell extensions and tell you how to effectively use this exercise in your training program.

Various types of arm extensions with a dumbbell load the long head of the triceps almost equally, but due to the individual anatomical characteristics of athletes, some athletes find it more convenient to perform the exercise standing or lying down, with one dumbbell or with two. Most often, arm extensions with a dumbbell are performed in the following variations:

  • With one dumbbell in an incline position;
  • With one dumbbell sitting or standing from behind your head;
  • With two dumbbells sitting or standing from behind your head;
  • With two or one dumbbell lying down.

All of the described exercise options promote the growth of the triceps and increase its definition. Since arm extensions with a dumbbell are not a basic exercise, it should be performed at the end of the training after basic work to finish off the muscle and get a pumping effect.

Extending your arms alternately with one dumbbell will require more concentration from you, but will also allow you to feel the muscles in the robot more. When bending one arm, you will need to support the first with the other hand. If it is uncomfortable for you to sit, or there is no bench with a back, then you can perform arm extensions with dumbbells while standing. The technique is no different.

This exercise is very difficult to overload the triceps when working with heavy weights. Other types of extensions are more effective. Bent over dumbbell extensions are great for improving triceps definition for girls.

Lying dumbbell extensions

This exercise is also called the French dumbbell bench press. The technique is very simple:

  • Lie down on a bench, grab dumbbells with both hands, and lift them in front of you.
  • Bend your arms so that the dumbbells are behind your head. Perform movements only in the elbow joint.
  • Extend your arms so that the dumbbells are above your neck. Complete the required number of repetitions.

In principle, there is no significant difference between sitting and standing extensions, but some athletes find it easier to perform standing dumbbell extensions due to less stress on the spine and better support. The technique is as follows:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the dumbbell with your hands and lift it above you.
  • Palms should rest on inner part dumbbell disk, and thumbs should wrap around its handle.
  • As you inhale, slowly and smoothly lower the dumbbell. Your forearms should touch your biceps.
  • As you exhale, lift the dumbbell.

You can see what this exercise and all other types of extensions with dumbbells look like in the video clips at the end of this article.

How to make extensions more effective

Dumbbell extensions are isolated exercise, and therefore they should be performed either at the beginning of a workout to warm up and warm up, or at the end of a workout to completely exhaust the muscle. Working with dumbbells, unlike a barbell, makes it possible to slightly change the trajectory of movement in order to better load the muscles and this should be used. If you are working with dumbbells that are too heavy, you need to find a partner for backup. So that the exercise brings maximum effect you need to perform it correctly technically, and also do several lead-ins warm-up approaches before working with working scales.

Video showing the technique of arm extensions with dumbbells while sitting behind the head

Video with bent over dumbbell arm extensions

Lying dumbbell extension technique

Standing dumbbell extension technique

The main exercise for training the biceps of the arms. Works the biceps, brachioradialis, shoulders and forearms. Let's consider 3 options: hammer grip, medium and narrow grip.

Target muscles in exercise – biceps hands

Video exercises for curling arms with dumbbells while standing

If you want to properly pump up your biceps and make them impressive in size, then curling your arms with dumbbells will come in handy. There are various variations of the exercise: with dumbbells rotated at the top, when the load is placed on the outer head of the biceps; pronated grip (works the shoulder muscle) and others. In this article we will look at 3 main options for standing dumbbell curls. Let's start in order.

Load on target muscles on a 10-point scale

Application of the exercise

To whom. Everyone from beginner to master. For men and women.

When. In the middle of a workout. Do the heavy compound exercises first, then move on to your arms.

How many. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. 60 seconds rest between sets.

Technique for performing dumbbell curls:

  1. Initial position. Stand shoulder-width apart. The back is straight. Let's look ahead. We hold dumbbells in our hands. Palms facing forward.
  2. Raise the dumbbells up to the level shoulder girdle, breathe out. Keep your elbows at one point.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position and inhale.

Main errors during execution:

  • Strong elbows forward. Try to keep your elbows at one point. When they move forward, the load is removed from the biceps, and the front deltoids of the shoulders are activated.
  • Extension in the lower back when lifting. Do not take heavy weight in the exercise. Our goal is maximum biceps development. When the weights are enormous, the back extensors and all sorts of other muscles begin to engage, taking on the weight of the weight. The biceps of the arms are not the lot.
  • Incorrect amplitude of execution. Short, fast, sharp, swinging movements. Work slowly and concentrated. Only use your biceps.

Pros of exercise

  1. Suitable for everyone.
  2. Can be done at home.
  3. Low chance of injury.
  4. Easy to learn and implement.

Disadvantages of dumbbell curls: No.


  1. To better work out the biceps at the final point of the movement, you can fix and press on the biceps.
  2. To better work the inner head of the biceps, you can do supination. In the top position, turn your little finger inward as much as the flexibility of your hands allows.

Options for standing dumbbell curls

Hammer curls are a variation of the classic dumbbell curl that effectively works the biceps and shoulder muscles(the so-called “brachialis”). Hammer curls are performed neutral grip, when the palms do not look up or down, but are directed towards each other.


  1. Grab the dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells like a hammer.
  2. The load falls more on the brachioradialis muscle and the outer head of the biceps.

When performing curls with a hammer grip, it is very important to fix your elbows. If your elbows move forward or backward, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases significantly.

Similar to the first exercise. Differences in grip. This allows for more load on the inner head of the biceps.

Hammer dumbbell curls- This is a formative and effective exercise. When performing the “hammer”, you deliver a triple blow - pumping the inner head of the biceps, brachialis and forearm. Developed brachialis pushes the biceps outward and makes it more voluminous. However, the “hammer” is not suitable as basic exercise. It is best to perform dumbbell curls at the end of your workout.

Execution options:

  • Standing, raising your arms one by one.
  • Standing, raising your arms at the same time.
  • Standing, hammer with one dumbbell.
  • Sitting on a bench with the back inclined.

All of the above combinations are suitable for sitting on a bench with a backrest.

For beginners, and even experienced athletes, I would advise raising your hands one by one. This way there will be more concentration on each hand and less desire to help with the body. For people whose goal big hands, it is necessary to perform the hammer alternately with one dumbbell. For balance, grab a support with your other hand or hold a dumbbell motionless in your other hand. Slowly and surely, lift the dumbbell over and over again, believe me, it will bear fruit. For people who know how to control their movements, the option of sitting on a bench with the back tilted is suitable.

Starting position for hammer curls with dumbbells

Hold the dumbbells in a clasp, arms hanging at the sides of your legs, palms facing each other. Place your feet in one line, narrower than your shoulders. There should be a natural arch in the lower back. Hold this position until the end of the exercise. The head is in a vertical position, the gaze is directed forward. The chest is straightened, the shoulders are apart.

Technique for performing hammer curls with dumbbells

Take a breath. Lift up left hand along with exhalation. Raise your arm until the dumbbell touches your shoulder. Do not push your elbow forward, this will cause the front deltoid to come into play. Do not move your elbow to the side, keep it close to your body. At the top point, tighten your biceps and forearm. Inhale and begin to lower your left arm. As soon as the dumbbell approaches your leg, begin lifting right hand. IN lowest point straighten your arm completely, but not completely.

A bench hammer with a backrest isolates the biceps from the back. The load from your arms will not transfer to your back, so use an incline bench.

Starting position in the hammer exercise while sitting on an incline bench

From the upright bench position with backrest, lower the backrest one notch. Take dumbbells and sit down. Place your feet forward, narrower than your shoulders. For complete isolation, press yourself completely against the bench: shoulder blades, head, pelvis and lower back. With such emphasis you will not take heavy weight, but isolate the biceps. The arms are lowered down and pressed tightly to the body.

Technique for performing the hammer exercise while sitting on an inclined bench

Take a breath. Raise one arm until the dumbbell touches your shoulder, exhale with effort. Flexion only at the elbow joint; try to keep it still. Hold the dumbbell at the top and contract your biceps. Slowly lower your hand as you inhale. As soon as your hand passes your thigh, raise your other hand.

  • Do not move your body as you lift the dumbbell from the starting position. Take lighter weight.
  • Fix your hands clearly and firmly; they should not turn to the sides.
  • Use the weight for 8-10 technical reps.
  • It is more difficult to perform the exercise on an inclined bench. Hold the dumbbells at about 80% of your hammer weight while standing.
  • The standard tilt angle of 70 degrees is an average load, more easy option- tilt the backrest one notch back.
  • The greater the inclination of the bench, the more you stretch your biceps and the more difficult it is to perform the exercise.

Dumbbell wrist extensions are an exercise for the outer forearms. These muscles create volume on the outer forearms and a massive ball at the elbow when the wrists are extended to their maximum.

Developing the wrist extensors provides overall strength and stability to the hands. This is especially important in martial arts, with difficult physical work.

It is safe to say that if a man does not have developed wrist extensors, he is not very strong in his hands.

Initial position

Sit on a bench, pick up dumbbells of the required weight prepared in advance. Place your forearms on your knees in this manner. so that the palms are facing down (pronation). And let your hands hang under the weight of the dumbbells. Use light weight dumbbells to start with, about 2-3 kg. Your fingers should hold the dumbbells tightly at all times and not allow them to “dangle” in your hands. Your forearms and elbows should remain motionless throughout the entire approach.

Wrist extensions with dumbbells, exercise technique

Smoothly, holding the dumbbells horizontally, straighten your wrists. Stay in this position for a moment. Then smoothly return them to their original position. Immediately lift the dumbbells back up using your forearm muscles and straighten your wrists again. And so on. Complete the required number of repetitions. It is recommended to perform no more than 3 sets of this exercise.

Seated wrist extensions with dumbbells. Start.
Seated wrist extensions with dumbbells. Finish.

This exercise develops wrist extensors. These muscles are located on the back of the forearms. It is very important for boxers, martial artists, wrestlers and simply for health to have these muscles developed. elbow joints. The fact is that minor inflammations and microtraumas in the elbows and wrists often arise due to a strong imbalance in the development of the muscles of the forearms. Everyone intensively develops grip strength, but completely forgets about the antagonist muscles, on which the same grip strength depends no less. And especially - the ability to quickly grab something with your hands: a ball, stick, bat, etc.

The wrist extensors are much weaker than the wrist flexors, so don't be surprised that the weight of the dumbbells in this exercise may not be as heavy as in the wrist flexor exercises. (For example, for wrist flexors I sometimes use a barbell weighing 65-70 kg or dumbbells of 25 kg, and for extensors I sometimes use a barbell weighing only 30-35 kg, and even less dumbbells - 8-10 kg).



Exercise options

Dumbbell wrist extensions can be performed with a straight or straight barbell. curved neck. However, make sure that there is no pain or discomfort in your wrists. They indicate that the joints are working along an unnatural trajectory. It is unacceptable.

For effective development forearm muscles and increasing grip strength are used special exercise- seated wrist curls with dumbbells. The exercise is performed while sitting on a bench. Dumbbells should be a reasonable weight that you can perform at least 12-15 reps with.

Initial position

Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on a bench. Place your hands with the backs of your forearms on your knees or on a bench (hands between your legs). Palms facing up. Allow the weight of the dumbbells to straighten your wrists and partially unclench your fingers. But don't lose control of the dumbbells!

Seated wrist curls with dumbbells, exercise technique

First, squeeze your fingers tightly around the dumbbell bars, and then bend your wrist as much as possible. Then slowly lower the dumbbells, extending your wrists and unclenching your fingers. Make sure the bars are parallel to the floor throughout the entire movement. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Seated wrist curls with dumbbells. Initial position.
Seated wrist curls with dumbbells. Finish.


When bending your wrists, exhale; when straightening, inhale.

Follow this exercise no more than 2 times a week for 2-3 approaches. More frequent use usually leads to inflammation in the wrists and elbows.

The opening of the fingers used in the exercise increases grip strength well.

Note! Wrist curls with dumbbells often lead to increased vascularity in the forearms.