Secrets of an ideal figure from Irina Shayk. Exercises for weight loss from Irina Turchinskaya - for the sides and abdomen Irina workout

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Slim toned body today it is in fashion - after all, it is a sign of not only beauty, but also health and self-care. Every girl wants to choose a set of exercises for weight loss that will help keep her figure in shape. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym and work out with a trainer. Famous exercises for weight loss from Irina Turchinskaya will help you get beautiful figure behind short term. Anyone can master their system on their own.

Fitness exercises from Irina Turchinskaya for weight loss

The main feature of Turchinskaya’s set of exercises is a special program for each age, which will help you quickly make your body fit: in a year you will have time to transform. There are three training systems in total: for women from 18 to 29 years old, then from 30 to 39 years old, then after 40 years old. Each set of exercises meets the needs of a specific age.

Most women strive to remove fat from the sides - this is one of the most common figure problems. In order for a set of exercises for weight loss to be effective, Turchinskaya suggests dividing each workout into two types of loads - dynamic (that is, active exercises during which calories are burned) and static, reminiscent of yoga classes. This system allows you to get rid of excess weight, but do not allow the growth of too massive muscles. Each workout should last no more than half an hour, and you should do it three times a week.

The popularity of exercises is that everyone can do them at home. It's quite simple. Most of the loads for arms and legs that Turchinskaya offers are familiar to women from school physical education classes. These are ordinary swings, bends or jumps. Secret successful weight loss– in their proper alternation and technique: each workout includes six exercises, which must be performed all together, continuously, repeating each exercise twice. Here is one training option.

  1. Take the starting position “seated support”. Quickly push your legs straight back, then jump to stand, raise your arms up, then return to the starting position.
  2. Take the starting position “lying down”, bend your legs at the knees. Do classic push-ups.
  3. Stand up straight, hands on your belt. One leg is bent and raised on a chair. Tighten your buttock muscles and lift your body up to bent leg straightened up.
  4. Lie on your back, lift your legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees. Hold this position for half a minute.
  5. Sit with your back to the chair, rest your hands on the seat. Raise your body so that your buttocks lift off the floor. Your arms should become straight.
  6. Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time so that they are parallel to each other. The exercise resembles a “birch tree”.

In addition, Irina Turchinskaya recommends combining regular workouts with the use of the natural food supplement “Modelform”. This product helps to remove fat from the sides much faster, since it also meets the individual needs of each female age (18+, 30+ or ​​40+) and fights the causes of excess weight (for example, cravings for sweets, starchy foods, fatty foods). The complex effect on the figure promises to show excellent results.

Today we continue the conversation about attention. During this year, a number of articles in our column touched on this topic (see No. 1, 3, /2002). They talked about stability and concentration, suggested practical exercises to develop these properties in younger schoolchildren. In this article we offer you practical exercises and games that help schoolchildren concentrate, switch and distribute attention.
We remind you that the formation of attention in younger students school age cannot happen quickly. In order to somehow help the student master his attention, similar exercises and games need to be played systematically and for quite a long time.

Play it exactly the same way

Children are offered some graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and are given the task of accurately reproducing it (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

Establish order

The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting to fill it out from the upper left square.

Mixed up lines

Tracing the gaze of a line from its beginning to its end, especially when it intertwines with other lines. Such drawings are often offered in various children's magazines. Advise parents to systematically perform this exercise with their child at home.
When performing this task, adults need to pay attention to whether children can complete the task without the help of a pencil, pen, or finger, whether they experience significant difficulties, whether they have the desire to complete the work to the end, how much time is spent on it.

Find differences

Tasks of this type require the ability to identify the characteristics of objects and phenomena, their details and master the comparison operation. Systematic and purposeful teaching of comparison to schoolchildren contributes to the development of the skill of modern activation of attention, its inclusion in the regulation of activity.
Children may be offered any objects, their images, pictures, differing in a certain number of details.

Game "Notice everything"

The game is based on memorizing the number and order of a series of objects presented for a few seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.
7–10 items are laid out in a row (you can display pictures with images of items on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed. Having opened the objects slightly for 10 seconds, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remember.
Having opened the same objects again, for 8-10 seconds, ask the children in what order they were lying.
After swapping any two objects, show everything again for 10 seconds. Invite the children to determine which objects are rearranged.
Without looking at the objects anymore, say what color each of them is.
You can come up with other variants of this game (remove objects and ask children to name the ones that have disappeared; place objects not in a row, but, for example, one on top of the other, so that children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) .

Game "Search non-stop"

Within 10–15 seconds, see around you as many objects as possible of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). At the teacher’s signal, one child begins the list, the others complete it.

Each hand has its own job

The basic principle of the following several exercises: the child is offered to simultaneously perform multidirectional tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10–15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.
Children are asked with their left hand to slowly leaf through a book with illustrations for 1 minute (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric figures or solve simple examples.
The game can be offered in a math lesson.

Counting with interference

The child names numbers from 1 to 20, while simultaneously writing the same number sequence on a piece of paper or board, but in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The task completion time and the number of errors are calculated.

Reading with interference

Children read the text while tapping a rhythm with a pencil. When reading, children also look for answers to questions.
You can also read the text out loud and write something at the same time (for example, + – + – + – + –, etc.).

Remember the fairy tale

The child is offered the following task - to cross out one or two letters in the text and at the same time they put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out and ask him to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale.
The first failures in completing this rather difficult task may cause the child to protest and refuse, but at the same time, the first successes inspire him. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its playful and competitive design.

Game "Counter rings"

This game can be used for concentration at the beginning of a lesson. Right hand: the tip of the little finger rests on the tip of the thumb - this is a small ring. Left hand: the tip of the rounded index finger rests on the tip of the thumb - this is a large ring. The rings open. A new ring for the right hand is built by the tips of the ring and thumb, for the left - by the tips of the middle and thumb. Both movements are performed simultaneously. The next pair of rings, again simultaneously, are made by the thumb and middle fingers of the right hand and the thumb and ring fingers of the left hand. The last finger position becomes a mirror image of the second.

Game "Palm-fist"

Children also enjoy playing the concentration game “Palm-Fist”. One hand is pointing upward, palm straightened. The tips of the fingers of the straightened palm of the other hand rest at the base of the palm. This position is called "palm".
One hand is clenched into a fist, and the fingertips of the other hand rest at the base of the fist. This position is called the "fist". The leader commands, accompanying the words with appropriate gestures: “Palm! Fist! Palm! Fist!”, etc. With each command, the position of the hands changes; then the right hand rests on the base of the palm of the left, then vice versa. The players quickly execute commands. As children master the game, they enjoy playing the role of leader.

Find the numbers in order

Invite the children to look for, show and name numbers from one in ascending order in the picture.

Indicators here can be the time it takes to complete a task, the ease and pleasure that children experience while working.
Weakness is evidenced by a quick refusal of the task, the desire to start all over again when finding each next digit of the 1st or 2nd ten, as well as severe fatigue and pain in the eyes. In this case, the task should be abandoned.

Squares, triangles, circles

You can assess general attentiveness using the following simple task.
Draw several squares, triangles and circles on a piece of paper, like this:

Offer children one or more options for the task and evaluate the accuracy of their understanding and correctness of execution.

a) Place a “cross” in the second triangle from the left and a “minus” sign in any circle.
b) Write the letter K in all circles except the first one, and the letter O in all squares.
c) Cross out all the squares and triangles after the circles.
d) Underline the squares that come before the triangles, but not after the circles.

Find the word

You can evaluate the properties of attention using the Munsterberg test. Words were hidden among the alphabetic text.
For example: pücklbus joy ufrnkl.
The task is to find them as quickly as possible and highlight them, and if possible, then count them.










The number of words found, the number of omissions and erroneously selected words, as well as the time required to complete the task are assessed. If a child copes with it in 2–3 minutes, this is very good result. In total, 33 words were “hidden” in the text.
However, it is better not to offer this task to 1st grade students. But it is perfect for a competitive game between 2-3 schoolchildren at a child’s birthday or other children's party, you just need to prepare forms and a watch with a stopwatch in advance.
For first-graders, you can simplify this task: write words on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it.

For example:

laughter, wolf, pillar, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, injection, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Simple operation

Any small task perfectly trains attention - unscrewing small nuts, sorting grain, darning, embroidering. This is both a break from studying and at the same time an exercise in attention.

Little teacher

A good task to assess stability and concentration are texts in which errors were deliberately made. During the holidays, younger schoolchildren willingly play at school, taking on the role of teachers. Offer them similar tasks (with missing letters, with unfinished endings, with unnecessary doubling of vowels or consonants, with replacing one letter with another, for example, b on d, P on T, m on l and vice versa). Just don’t forget that the assignments must be written in capital letters and preferably in calligraphic handwriting; our adult “doodles” children simply refuse to read and understand.
In general, modeling of gaming and competitive situations is The best way training of any intellectual qualities, including the properties of attention. And most importantly, do not rush to blame children for inattention. The opinion of adults still has an inspiring effect. And having recognized their inadequacy, the guys do not strive to get rid of the shortcoming, but only refer to it in conversations that are in the nature of notations.


1. Ermolaev O.Yu., Maryutina T.M., Meshkova T.A. Student attention. – M., 1987.
2. Korneeva E.N. Oh, these first-graders!.. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999.
3. Levitina S.S. Is it possible to control the attention of a schoolchild? – M., 1980.
4. Psychocorrectional and developmental work with children / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. – M., 1998.

We all know: it is better to lose weight under the guidance of an experienced trainer and according to an individually designed program; Too often, what helped one woman lose weight turns out to be ineffective for another, and even harmful for a third. But the services of a specialist are not cheap... It’s so good that there is the Internet and masters like Irina Turchinskaya in the world, who are ready to generously share with the sufferer their ideas, best practices and professional secrets of performing exercises for weight loss.

Irina Turchinskaya and her weight loss method

Without exaggeration, Irina Turchinskaya can be called a weight loss specialist. Behind her:

  • studying at the Academy of Physical Culture;
  • work as an instructor in a fitness club;
  • post of general director of the Miss club;
  • position of nutritionist at the Wellness daily health center;
  • management of the Liner restaurant.

Irina also has the title of Moscow vice-champion in bodybuilding, filming in the reality show “Weighted People” as one of the invited specialists, master classes, lectures, books... In a word, for many years now the active young lady has been studying, rethinking and promoting everything related to weight loss, from training and nutrition to proper motivation.

But the most interesting thing is, perhaps, the author’s technique that Irina developed during a period of cooperation with the German company FARMAPLANT, which set out to create a new line of products to combat overweight. Realizing that training for weight loss must not only be comprehensive, but also designed for a person’s physical capabilities, Irina came up with her own system of exercises for women in different age categories.

The “3 ages” system consists, as you might guess from the name, of three sets of exercises: “18+”, “30+”, “40+”. Each of them, in turn, is divided into two parts:

  • dynamic, formative training muscle corset and providing increased energy consumption;
  • static training, reminiscent of measured ones. It seems less effective, but this is only an appearance. In practice static exercises They perfectly increase muscle endurance and also provide good energy expenditure.

Each workout consists of 6 exercises - “one circle”, which first must be repeated twice, and then, after a month, three times, but only in a different order, from end to beginning.

The main requirements of the exercises “from Irina” are as follows:

  • train 3 times a week, no more, but no less;
  • alternate dynamic and static circles; they are only effective “in pairs”;
  • Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up.

A simple and carefully thought-out complex will take only 30 minutes, but at the same time it will have time to use almost all the muscles of the body that are important for losing weight and will burn a lot of calories.

A set of exercises from Irina

In order not to turn the article into a long panel with fifty photographs, let’s consider the first of the complexes proposed by Irina - “18+”, especially since all three begin with the same warm-up, are built on similar principles, and in their main part they contain a lot in common. So…


  1. Boxing. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your head and back straight. Make 30 sharp blows with both hands forward and another 30 upward.
  2. Mahi. The starting position remains the same. Trying to keep your back straight, make 30 quick swings forward with each leg, trying to keep your thigh parallel to the floor at the highest point.
  3. Bending. It's simple: bend each knee 30 times, lifting your heel back without strain.
  4. Tilts. Raise your clasped hands above your head and do 30 shallow bends forward. At your lowest point, your core, including outstretched arms, should form a right angle with the legs.
  5. Knee rotation. Place your feet together, place your palms on your knees and begin to rotate: 30 times in one direction and the same amount in the other.

Dynamic training


Squat down with your hands on the floor. First, with a quick push, move your legs back, stretching your entire body in one line, then return them to their previous position and just as sharply jump up, throwing your palms above your head. If you act at a good pace, you will spend a lot of energy, and your legs, back, stomach and the whole shoulder girdle will get a great workout.

Knee push-ups

Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor, placing your palms parallel to each other. Bend your elbows so that your chest touches the floor, and then straighten. The body remains straight, the abs are tense, the arms are wide, and the elbows diverge to the sides.

Repeat 5 times, and after a month - 10.

Chair rises

Choose a sturdy chair with a secure seat. If you have difficulty maintaining your balance, place it against a wall to have solid support while performing the exercise. Stand up straight, place your palms on your waist, and place your right leg on the seat of a chair. Using the muscles of your buttocks and right thigh, push your body up until your right leg is completely straight. Return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times on each leg, and after a month - 20.

Corner kicks

Lie on the floor, place your folded palms under your tailbone. Tightening your abs, raise your straight legs so that the angle between them and the floor is approximately 45 degrees. Hold your legs up for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

In the first month, the exercise time is 45 seconds, and then 1 minute.

Triceps push-ups

Stand with your back to the chair, rest your palms on the seat. If you are a beginner, squat with your knees bent, but for those who are in good physical fitness, it is better to stretch them forward and transfer the main weight of the body to the hands.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, lowering your body below the level of the seat, and straighten them again. Important: your elbows should move strictly back, not to the sides.

Repeat 5 times, and after a month - 10.

Straight folds

Starting position - lying on your back, with your arms straight behind your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, trying to reach each other with them - as if folding in half. Don't bend your knees, don't lift your pelvis off the floor.

Repeat 10 times, and after a month - 20.

Don't forget to watch your breathing. It should be deep and measured: the muscles contract when performing the exercise - exhale, stretch when returning to the starting position - inhale.

Static training

High bar

Your task is to “hover” above the floor, resting on it only with your palms and toes. The arms and feet are shoulder-width apart, the body is extended in a straight line, the pelvis and abdomen are tucked. At first, you will need to hold in this position for 45 seconds, and after a month - 1 minute.


Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, place your palms on the floor on both sides chest. Lifting your chest off the floor, push your shoulders, head and elbows back as far as you can (but without fanaticism). Freeze for 45 seconds, and after a month, increase this time to 1 minute.

Holding a chair

Stand up straight. Take the chair by the legs (it’s more convenient to do this with its back facing you) and lift it off the floor. The arms are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the back is straight. Make sure that the legs of the chair do not rest on your hips; all the weight should be on your hands! Hold the chair suspended for 45 seconds, and after a month - 1 minute.

Tin soldier

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, left leg bend at the knee. Raise your right foot so that your leg forms an angle of 30 degrees with the floor, and then lift your buttocks and back off the floor: all together they should form one straight line. Freeze for 30 seconds, and then change legs.


Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides, turn them palms down and lift your right leg straight perpendicular to the floor. Swing it left and right, like a scale arrow. Try to keep the position of the pelvis motionless, it should not come off the floor.

For the first two weeks, perform 15 “swings” on each leg, and then begin to increase their number until you have mastered all 30.

Walking on your hands

Stand against the wall, bend over, touch your palms to the floor. Using your hands, “step” forward until you move your body to a horizontal position, and then “walk” back in the same way. Please note that you cannot lie down completely on the floor!

Repeat 10 times.

Do not hold your breath under any circumstances, even during the most difficult poses. Muscles must receive plenty of oxygen.

The exercises of each circuit must be performed in fast pace, not allowing yourself to relax when moving from one position to another or, say, between two folds. But you can take a break between the first and second workouts. But no more than 2 minutes.

Irina advises combining your workouts with reasonable dietary restrictions, lifestyle changes and constant work on motivation. By the way, her approach to diet will please many lovers of tasty snacks! Irina is convinced that there is no definitely forbidden food, it’s all about the portions and their quantity. Don’t make food either a cult or an enemy - learn to treat it correctly and understand what you really need. And be sure to set clear goals, think about what positive changes will happen in your life and well-being when you achieve what you want, and choose an example to follow. Maybe from TV stars, or maybe from your own circle.

The “+30” and “+40” complexes begin with the same warm-up and contain a similar list of exercises, in some ways lighter, and in others focusing on other muscle groups. For example, push-ups from the knees in the “+40” option are replaced by push-ups from the wall, and the “+30” exercise contains diagonal folds, which are great for working out the sides .

Video: dynamic and static exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach

There is no doubt that the main condition for successful weight loss is our willingness to fight for a slim waist, motivation and willpower. But you won’t get far on them alone. But here is a set of exercises, selected by a professional, taking into account your age and physical capabilities can be a great help in the battle with extra pounds. And now you have it! So there are almost no reasons left for excuses, it’s time to pull yourself together and lose weight.

Weight loss workout 40+ / Static


1. Boxing. Simultaneously, with both hands clenched into a fist, make quick and sharp blows forward, then upward. Feet shoulder width apart. Repeat forward 30 times, then upward 30 times.

2. Swing with straight legs forward one at a time until parallel to the floor. Hands along the body. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

3. Leg Curls back at the knee alternately. Hands along the body. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

4. Tilt the body forward. Feet shoulder width apart. The hands are raised up in the castle. Bend the straight body forward until it is parallel to the floor, with the hands in the lock, in line with the body. Repeat 30 times.

5. Circular rotations with knees. Feet together. Bend your body, put your hands on your knees and do circular rotations knees clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat 30 times in each direction.


  • The main part of the workout consists of 6 exercises that form the so-called one circle. There are no breaks between exercises, and a 2-minute break between circles.
  • In the first month, you need to perform 2 rounds of exercises in one workout, in the second month - 3, and the sequence of exercises should go in the reverse order (from 6th to 1st).

"40 PLUS" 1.1. Exercise “Static squat”

Initial position: With your back and arms pressed tightly against the wall, lower yourself into a classic squat (knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees).

Exercise: It is very important not to rise up, easing the load on your legs, but to firmly maintain the given angle.


1.2. Exercise “Push-ups from the wall”

Initial position: the body is straight, tilted, arms are widely spaced slightly below the shoulder line, palms are parallel to each other.

Exercise: bending your elbows, approach the wall and then smoothly push up from it, trying to do this with minimal arm muscles and maximally with pectoral muscles. During push-ups, the elbows go to the sides and do not fall down.

Repeat: 10 times.

1.3. Exercise "Boat"

Initial position: lying on the floor on your stomach, resting your forehead on the palms of your hands.

Exercise: raise both legs above the floor as high as possible, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then lower your legs to the floor, but without touching.

Repeat: 30 times.

1.4. Exercise "Lumberjack"

Initial position: lying on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart and bent at the knees, straight arms joined in a lock and pulled back (behind the head).

Exercise: With a strong movement (as if swinging an ax), lift your body with your arms up and lean forward, touching your hands to the floor. Without a rest phase, lie down in the starting position. The exercise should be performed with a slightly rounded back, without bending in the lower back.

Repeat: the first two weeks - 20 times, then - 30.

1.5. Exercise “Reverse Plank”

Initial position: sitting on the floor.

Exercise: Having stretched your legs and body in one line, focus on straight arms (your hands are parallel and located under your shoulders). Maintain your body without changing position.

Duration: 1 minute.

1.6. Exercise “Diagonal folds”

Initial position: lying on your back, your right arm is pulled back as far as possible (behind your head), your left arm is along your body.

Exercise: folding the body, connect the straight line right hand and straight left leg, then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement without a rest phase. Having completed one diagonal, perform the exercise with your left hand and right foot.

Repeat: the first two weeks - 10 times on each diagonal, then - 20.


  • The training begins with a warm-up.
  • The main part of the workout consists of 6 exercises that form the so-called one circle. In the first month, you need to perform 2 rounds of exercises in one workout, in the second month - 3, and the sequence of exercises should go in the reverse order (from 6th to 1st). There are no breaks between circles, and between exercises within each circle there are 30-second breaks.
  • The number of repetitions or duration of each exercise increases during the first month.

2.1. Exercise "Plow"

Initial position: arms and legs shoulder-width apart, keep the body not straight, but raise the pelvis slightly upward, drawing a kind of angle with the body.

Exercise: hold the body without changing position. This exercise is a lighter version of the straight arm plank.

Duration: the first two weeks - 45 seconds, then - 1 minute.

2.2. Exercise “Dog on one arm”

Initial position: lying on your stomach with straight legs, lift your body and lean on one arm, while extending the other arm to the side parallel to the floor.

Exercise: hold the body without changing position.

Duration: the first two weeks - 45 seconds on each hand, then - 1 minute.

2.3. Exercise “Holding a chair”

Initial position: standing straight, take the chair by the legs (arms bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, do not press them to the body).

Exercise: hold the chair without changing position.

Duration: the first two weeks - 45 seconds, then - 1 minute.

2.4. Exercise “Incomplete bridge”

Initial position: lying on your back with your knees bent.

Exercise: lift your buttocks and back as high as possible, resting on your shoulder blades. Maintain your body without changing position.

Duration: the first two weeks - 1 minute, then - 1.5 minutes.

2.5. Exercise “Lateral leg raises”

Initial position: lying on your side, leaning on your arm bent at the elbow, raise one leg above the floor at an angle of 30 degrees.

Exercise: hold the body without changing position.

Duration: 30 seconds on each leg.

2.6. Exercise "Bicycle"

Initial position: lying on your back, hands under the tailbone, legs raised above the floor at an angle of no more than 30 degrees.

Exercise: alternately pull your legs towards your chest and straighten them, imitating riding a bicycle. Perform first forward and then backward, with maximum amplitude, until the legs are completely straightened during movement.

Repeat: the first two weeks - 10 times forward and 10 times back, then - 20.

Irina Turchinskaya, a famous fitness specialist, host of the TV show “Weighted People”, author of her own exercise method for reducing and controlling body weight, recently released her new book “IT System: new life V perfect body" We publish motivating advice from a trainer that will help you achieve health and beauty.

1. There is no need to make excuses: “I have broad bones", "poor metabolism";

2. There is no need to look for a reason for inaction (“no time”, “sport is expensive”);

3. Don't be afraid to voice the problem. Accept yourself. Make yourself like yourself, approve of yourself;

4. Stop creating a cult out of food. Be aware of how much food you need to be slim, and how much food makes you gain weight;

5. There are no strict prohibitions and definitely the right food;

6. Write down your intentions and goals. Analyze your own mistakes;

8. Announce your plans to those around you. The fact that they know about this will help maintain discipline. You will feel bad about letting yourself and the people you shared with;

9. Record your desired weight loss. Decide how much you want to weigh and when;

10. Record a video message to your “future” self. Now, in anticipation of victory, greet yourself as “accomplished”;

11. Analyze your diet;

12. Redistribute your time and attitude in favor of these points. Often people do not have enough time for the most important thing - health and appearance;

13. What matters is not how wide your bone is, but how harmonious and comfortable you feel in your body;

14. Don't pay attention to who eats how much. Watch how much you eat;

15. Take someone you truly admire and see what they have achieved through their hard work and efforts. He ended up at that point and gives you a guide;

16. It’s nice when you have someone to follow, but it’s even better when you yourself are an example for others;

17. As soon as you invest your strength and it happens (and it will definitely happen) that someone will look at you and strive to repeat it, it will be a wow effect that brings the joy of a fulfilling life;

18. Get rid of illusions. You definitely won’t lose thirty kilograms in a month;

19. Look with different eyes at what you have, at people, at your relationships with parents, children, men;

20. Do not shift responsibility for your own lack of interest in life to others;

21. Write down not only everything you eat, but also all the feelings you carry within you;

22. Give yourself reports on food and emotions and evaluate them through the eyes of an outside observer;

23. Identify the main feeling that prevents you from living. If boredom accompanies you from morning to evening, it means that you are used to filling it with food;

24. Removing boredom means closing it not with food, but with other useful and interesting things;

25. When we talk about eating on a diet, it is important to understand that we should not just eat something, but see the volume of food on our plate and feel it in our stomach;

26. When you can live in harmony, then in your life there will never be a surplus of calories, norms and diet rules, like “no carbohydrates for dinner”;

27. Three pillars of the normal functioning of the body: movement, measure and consistency, aka discipline;

28. Knowing that we have a celebration ahead of us in the evening, the diet for the first half of the day needs to be adjusted according to the occasion;

29. Place all the food you plan to eat on plates. On one there is fish with a side dish, on the second there is a dessert of apple and nuts. On the third - a piece of your favorite ciabatta with cheese. When you see everything at once, you realize that this is not at all little and you stop deceiving yourself, assuring yourself that you eat like a bird;

30. Sometimes, no more than once a week, you can arrange for yourself fasting days 500 or even 400 calories. This is an opportunity for a break for the gastrointestinal tract, an opportunity to feel light. This should happen under conditions of normal nutrition, and not on a diet;

31. I really welcome the idea of ​​a “sleep day.” At the same time, I urge you to organize it correctly: take the child to grandma, build a space, ask loved ones for peace. On a “sleep day” there is no need for any training or a strict diet;

32. Thank life for its intense rhythm. Still, it’s better to restore yourself with a massage after overdoing it than, on the contrary, not knowing where to put yourself and realizing that you’re not bringing anything into life because you’re empty.