Scenario of the sports event “School Olympic Games. Faster! Higher! Stronger! Sports event Sports competition faster higher stronger yard team

Subject:"Faster, higher, stronger."

Target: formation in children healthy image life, strengthening the health of children, involving them in systematic sports and physical education; develop qualities: speed, agility, courage; Develop friendly, cohesive relationships within the team.

Progress of the event

Teacher:"On sports ground we invite you! We are starting the holiday of sports and health now!” (Teams line up for relay races.)

Teacher:“Faster, higher, stronger” - we often use these words when talking about sports, athletes, records. These words are fully characteristic not only of the Olympians, but also of you, the participants in our competitions.

“Faster” means to run the distance in a relay race as quickly as possible.

“Higher” - the higher the quality of all tasks, the higher the result.

“Stronger” - the stronger the team spirit, the higher the chance of victory.

Today you have to participate in various competitions, show agility, strength, speed and ingenuity.

Try to win, but don't be afraid to lose.

Fight for victory until the last second, sparing no effort, but honestly.

Don’t boast, if you do something well, help a friend cope with the task.

The courage of an athlete does not lie in getting into a fight, but in defeating an opponent in a fair fight.

Don’t reproach your friend for his mistake, sympathize - he didn’t want this.

Remember: nothing comes easy. To achieve success, you need to work hard.

Teacher: Now I present the jury of our today's competition (represents the jury).

All competitions are simple, but you need to do them correctly.

The team with the most points takes 1st place. There are 3 teams participating in the competition:

Word to the team captains (team introduction), the teams lined up in a column one at a time.


1. At the signal, the commander passes the ball back over his head with both hands, the latter, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column and passes the ball back. (scoring)

2. At the signal, the commander passes the ball with both hands from below between his legs, the latter receiving the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, passes the ball back. (scoring)

3. Teams line up in columns, one at a time, each with two basketballs in their hands. At the signal, the commander with two balls runs around the counter, returns, and passes the balls to the next one. (scoring)

4. Teams line up in a column, one at a time, with the captain holding a racket and balloon. At the signal, the commander, leading the ball with the racket, runs around the stand, returning, passes the ball and racket to the next one. (scoring)

5. Skittles are placed in front of the captains. They are given 5 attempts to see who knocks down the most pins. (scoring)

6. The captain performs a standing long jump, the next one jumps from the line of his jump. (scoring)

7. The captain needs to use a hoop to transport his team to the other “shore”. (scoring)

8. At the signal, you need to run with the ball clamped between your legs, run around the pin and return to the team with the ball in your hands.

Teacher: And now the jury is summing up the results of our competition and will announce the winner to award prizes.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: “Goodbye,

See you happy, new meetings!”

Sports festival "Faster, higher, stronger."

Goal: to instill in students healthy lifestyle skills.
Tasks: strengthening children's health, developing speed, agility, strength, improving motor skills, nurturing friendly relationships.
Equipment: stands, basketball, football, volleyballs, jump ropes, hoops, pencils, paper.
Progress of the event.
Leading: Today here at the stadium We combine sport with fun And this glorious holiday is with you Let's dedicate it to health.
Leading: It's going to be hot here todayBecause they are coming to usSports, health and training!
Leading: There are only friendly faces around,We feel the sports spirit around us, Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian Here everyone is a friend of sports and health.
Leading: He will win the competition Who is accurate, dexterous and strong. Shows all his skills Who is tempered in body and spirit.
Leading: We encourage teams to be honest wrestling and we wish everyone success!
Leading: May the strongest win, and may your friendship and unity be the winner!
Leading: And now we will introduce the main judge of the competition. This is a physical education teacher, she will conduct a sports and entertainment program for you.
Teacher: The judges and jury will help me in holding the holiday. (representation of assistants, these are high school students.)

Leading: We go out together to the startThere are no obstacles on the wayLet's start with getting acquainted Our first competition “We are friends with sports” Sports and entertainment program.

1. “We are friends with sports” presentation of teams - name, motto sports song.
2. "Olympic" Having reached the counter, 5 team members must write the colors of the Olympic rings on a piece of paper (one each). The next 5 participants must draw 5 rings, (one each)
3. "Snipers" Girls are located in one line on one side of the site, boys on the other. Pins are placed along the middle line. At the signal, they begin to roll balls and knock down pins. Relay time is 1 minute. The team that knocks down the most pins wins.
4."Leapfrog like a snake"“Participants line up with their hands on the shoulders of those standing next to them. The last participant standing with the ball in his hands starts the relay race. You need to run like a snake between your players and, after rolling the ball back, stand first.
5. Sports quiz. (10 questions about sports)

6. " Spin faster" The participant overcomes 4 milestones. Hoop – 5 jumps, jump rope – 5 jumps, hoop – 5 jumps, jump rope – 5 jumps.
7. "Football with two balls" Girls dribble the basketball with a snake, boys with their feet soccer ball- snake
8. "Long Path" The first player jumps, the jump is marked, the second jumps from this mark, and so on. The team with the longest track wins.

Leading: Our competition has come to an end And now we have summed up the results Whatever they are Let sports roads Our days are full of health

Leading: Let youth, friendship, sports and peace.Always walking next to us Who is fascinated by sports? He looks with a friendly look.
Leading: Today you have become stronger Today you have become more friendly Today, there are no losers There are only the best of the best.

Leading: Let everyone remember this dayZador will take him with him
Leading: Who will make friends with sports one day? This friendship will carry through the years.
Leading: In sport, as in life, everything flows, everything changes. Some champions replace others, new competitions replace the previous ones. Sport is not only about records. This is, first of all, a LAUNCHING SITE to the Land of health, vigor and good mood.
Winner's reward ceremony.
Leading: We propose to end our holiday with a song. Children sing a song about sports.

Terrain orientation.

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyles,
Tasks: to form a responsible attitude towards one’s health, the body’s endurance with the help of orienteering, cultivate a sense of teamwork during joint actions, improve motor skills.
Participants: 1-4 squads, teachers.
Equipment: hoops, jump rope, ball, racks, envelopes with letters,
Progress of the competition.
1.Parade - opening of the competition.
1. Construction.2. Competition participants are welcome. (word to the competition judge) 3. Teams are introduced. (title, motto, song)4. The competition program is announced. Orientation according to the route sheet. The length of the route is about 800 meters. There are four checkpoints along the distance with numbers marked on them. The task of each team is to cover the distance as quickly as possible, find all the checkpoints, and complete tasks (for which you will receive chips with letters). From the letters you need to form a word that will indicate where the main prize is. Each group is accompanied by a teacher.Team captains are given route sheets.

2. Competitions according to the route sheet. Route diagram.

Sports track. Hoop, stands, hoop. The entire team must take turns. When everyone has passed, answer the question. What ritual takes place before the start of the Olympics? For completing the task, receive chips with letters.
2. Sports. Quiz 10 questions. For a completed task they receive a chip with a letter.
1.What is the name of the athlete who wins? (champion)2.What is the name of the structure for holding sports competitions? (stadium)3. What do karatekas wear? (kimano.)4. Ice-covered area. (ice rink)5. A specific place from which the competition begins. (start)6. Sports game with a ball and racket (tennis)7. The goal of this game is to score the ball into the goal. (football)8. Name the birthplace of football. (England)9. Name the birthplace of the Olympic Games. (Greece)10. The ball hits the goal. (Goal)If the player does not answer the question, then the team receives 1 penalty point (10 jump ropes).

3. Gaming. There are 10 circles drawn on the asphalt with chalk. The team must name 10 - sports games, jumping from circle to circle. For a completed task, he receives a chip with a letter. (football, basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, hockey, handball, tryball, tennis, small towns, curling, water polo, field hockey)
4. Snipers. There are two hoops on the field at a distance of 3 meters, one contains a basketball. A team member must stand in the hoop and throw the ball into the second hoop. If you hit the hoop, the task is completed. The whole team does it. The whole team answers the question. What Olympic Games will be held in Sochi? For completing a task you receive chips with letters.
When all the letters are collected, you need to make a word from these letters. This word will indicate where the treasure is located. (The letters should form the word courtyard). The children go to the courtyard. There's a task there.Guess the riddle and you will find the treasure. Green, curly, A beauty grows in the corner, In a white sundress, With black pockets. 3. The result of the competition. Construction. Winner's reward ceremony.

Protocol of sports competitions “Faster, higher, stronger”
July 4, 2011.

Result: 1st place __________________
2nd place __________________
3rd place ___________________

Imamov Eldar Mosagitovich sports instructor of the Yard Club “Zhas-Kanat” of the State Public Enterprise “Yard Club of the Education Department of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay”


Relay games for attention, speed, resourcefulness.
Games – relay races, attractions for fans, quiz.
Summarizing. Rewarding.


Formation, opening of the holiday, announcement of competition conditions.
Conducting relay races.
An equal number of boys and girls participate in relay races.
The games begin - the girls' relay races. The player who has completed his leg of the relay stands at the end of the team column.
Each team is assigned an assistant leader who monitors correct execution all competitions - stages.
For each competition, judges are responsible - assistants who help the presenter in holding the holiday (evaluate the team’s participation, arrange Sports Equipment and equipment, remove it, etc.)
The gym is colorfully decorated. During the relay games, music plays and funny songs are played.
To the sounds of the march, the teams enter the sports hall (the presenter introduces the participants of the holiday, introduces the judges and jury) and takes their assigned places.
Before the start of each relay race, the leader announces the rules and progress of the relay race, if necessary, he or his assistants show it.
After each relay the jury announces the score.

Presenter: Good afternoon, our dear guests, participants of the holiday, teachers and school students! I invite you to our sports festival“Health Day”, where everyone can compete in agility, speed, accuracy, strength and resourcefulness.

Sports, guys, are very necessary.
We are close friends with sports.
Sport is a helper!
Sport – health!
Sports - game
Physical training!

Relay 1 “While the candle burns.”

The teams stand at the starting line. The first person is given a candle. At the leader’s signal, the first participants run to the finish line and back, making sure that the candle does not go out, and pass the candle to the next player. And so does the whole team. The team that finishes first wins.

Relay 2 “Shuttle”

At the signposts - landmarks opposite the commands there are two medicine balls. At the signal, the first numbers run to the pointer - landmark, take one ball and carry it to another pointer (the distance between the pointers is four meters). Then they quickly return for the second ball and carry it to the pointer. Leaving the second ball at the landmark, they return to the team and pass the baton (by hand) to the second participant. The second player carries the balls one at a time in the opposite direction, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Host: And now I invite you, our dear guests, to take part in the quiz.

What do the five intertwined rings symbolize? (Unification of five continents into the Olympic movement.)
What titles are awarded to an athlete for life: European champion, world champion, Olympic champion, Russian champion? (Olympic champion).
Olympic motto? (Faster, higher, stronger)
Founder of modern Olympic movement? (Pierre de Coubertin).

Reward for every answer.

Five Olympic rings
On the world stage,
Five Olympic rings
The symbol of all future meetings,
Five Olympic rings
We must cherish our youth!

Competition 3 “Connoisseurs”.

Two experts (a boy and a girl) play from each team.

Opposite each team, the landmark sign has five rings (yellow, green, blue, black and red). At a signal, experts run to the rings and place them correctly olympic symbol in one minute.


If experts cannot cope with the task, you can ask for help: first from the team, if there is no answer - from the team’s fans. Everything must be done within one minute. (three rings in the top row - blue, black, red; two in the bottom row - yellow, green).

Relay 4 “Crossing the swamp”

The first participants each have 2 sheets of paper. The task is to go through the “swamp” by stepping over “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put a “bump” on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other “bump” in front of you.

The winner is the team that passes the “swamp” first.

(distance 5-6m)

Host: And now, while the participants are resting, a game is announced for the fans.


Equipment: a jump rope with a bag filled with sand at the end.

“Fisherman” with a “fishing rod” goes to the middle of the site. The remaining participants in the game (up to 10-12 people) stand in a circle. The “fisherman”, crouching, rotates the “fishing rod” around himself (with interception), and the other participants in the game jump over the “fishing rod” every time it passes under their feet. A participant who gets a bag on his foot leaves the game. The game continues for two minutes. At the end of the game, the most resilient and attentive players are celebrated (awarded).

Learn to cherish the moment
After all, life speeds up.
And split seconds - decisions...
This is the key to victory!

Relay 5 “Tunnel”.

Opposite each team, assistant referees hold a cloth sleeve on both sides. At the signal, the first numbers standing at the beginning of each column run to the landmark sign, run around it, run up to the “tunnel” and crawl through it. They get up, run to their team and pass the baton (by hand) to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay game first wins.

Relay 6 “Crossing with hoops”

In the hands of the guides there are 5 gymnastic hoops. At a signal, they place one hoop on the floor and stand in it, then at a distance arm's length they put the second one and jump into it, and so, laying out the hoops and jumping from one to the other, they reach the signpost - a landmark indicating the opposite bank. Following the guides, jumping from hoop to hoop, all participants cross from shore to shore. The last player collects the hoops behind him, and the whole team quickly returns to the starting place.

The team that finishes the relay first wins (place is determined by the last player to finish).


You can put a boy as the last (last) in the team of this relay race.

The guides can have from 4-6 hoops in their hands (depending on the age of the players).

A celebration of agility and will
Celebrates in our school.

Now, the game is for the fans, let's see how they play football.

“A clever footballer.”

Inventory: 4 masks, one soccer ball. Four people play.

Put on masks, put the soccer ball on the floor. At the signal, players must find the ball and kick it. Whoever does this first wins and is rewarded. (repeat 2-3 times).

Presenter: We are now going to play the “Biathlonists” relay race. But first I’ll ask you a question: what words did the name “biathlon” come from? (From two words: Latin “bi” - “two” and Greek “athlon” - “wrestling”. In other words, biathlon).

Reward for the correct answer.

Relay 7 “Biathlonists”

Organization. At a height of 2.5 m there is a net on which targets are mounted (a daisy flower, a small hoop or an image of a wolf, etc.).

Four meters from the targets, guide signs and boxes containing two hockey balls or plastic balls (from the bowling game) are placed. And two meters from the first landmark, a special landmark is placed - a penalty circle.

Carrying out. At the signal, the guides run to the first landmark sign and take the ball from the box and “shoot” at their target. If they hit the target with the first “shot,” then they run away to their team and pass the baton (by hand) to the next participant. If a participant in the game fails to make a well-aimed “shot,” he takes the second ball and again “shoots” at the target.

If again it was not possible to hit the target, the relay participant runs a penalty loop and runs to his team to pass the baton to the next participant.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

The judges were fair and strict towards you,
But in the end, believe me,
They will tell us that you are great!


The jury announces the results of the celebration, emphasizing the efforts of children and fans. An awards ceremony is taking place.

Host: Our sports festival is over. And may the world of movements give you vigor, health, happiness in everyday communication with physical culture and sports.

Then the participants of the celebration (according to their occupied places), to the march and applause of the fans, make a lap of honor and leave the gym.

Scenario of a sporting event

"School Olympic Games.

Faster! Higher! Stronger!"

Location: gym


  1. Introducing students to the traditions of big-time sports.

  2. Promote winter sports.

  3. Fostering a sense of patriotism.

  • Strengthen children's health;

  • Systematize children's ideas about winter species sports;

  • Identify the sporting interests and abilities of schoolchildren through relay races;

  • Develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance;

  • Foster cohesion and mutual assistance; develop the ability to win and lose;

  • Promote the importance of physical culture and sports, including the Olympic movement; develop interest in them;

  • Create a joyful mood in children, a positive emotional mood during a sporting event;
Preparation for the Olympic Games:

  • Introduction to the history of the Olympic Games and Olympic paraphernalia (Olympic flag, Olympic flame, Olympic symbols);

  • Technical preparation and equipment for competitions.
Participants of the Olympic Games:

All students are divided into teams with the same number of participants.


  1. Grand opening"Winter Olympic Games".

  2. Olympic starts.

  3. Closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games.

Progress of the event:

Competition participants enter the school hall

^ M.(sports music plays)

Winter Olympic Games - the largest international competitions in winter sports, held once every 4 years under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. Very soon, in 2014, the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and 9 Paralympic Games will start winter Games in Sochi, Krasnodar region Russian Federation. The entire sports army of planet Earth will participate in the celebration of strength, courage, harmony and youth. And we are proud that Russia has been given the great honor of hosting this significant sporting event.” Since their inception, the Olympic Games have brought peace and unity to peoples. Today we will hold our Olympic Games. The strongest and fastest, the most dexterous and resilient took to the start. They are the ones who will fight for the title of winners in various types sports Greetings to the Olympic Games participants!

^ M. (fans greet athletes)

Leading: Traditionally, the Olympic flame is lit to open the Olympic Games. Today we will also light the Olympic flame and raise the Olympic flag.

Attention! The right to raise the Olympic flag is granted to active participants and winners of sporting events __________________________________________

« The Olympics have their own flag. It is a white banner with the image of five intertwined rings - this is a symbol of friendship between athletes from five continents: Europe (blue ring), Africa (black), America (red), Asia (yellow ring), Australia (green ring).”

Leading: Let's start with the Oath young Olympians on behalf of all participants in the games about fair competition in accordance with the rules and principles of sport and Olympic spirit.

The text of the oath is read by the team captain _____________________________________________

“On behalf of all participants in the Olympic Games, I promise that we will participate in these Olympic Games while respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held. In a true sporting spirit, for the glory of sport and for the honor of their teams."

Leading: The opening ceremony culminates with the lighting of the olympic flame. A fire is lit from the sun's rays in Olympia (Greece) in the Temple of the pagan Greek god Apollo (in Ancient Greece Apollo was considered the patron saint of the Games)

(The goddess comes out with a torch)

Leading: At the stadium, the torch is passed around the circle several times, passing from hand to hand, until it is given to the athlete who is entrusted with the right to light the Olympic flame. This right is the most honorable. The fire is ignited in a special bowl, where the Olympic flame flares up.”

^ Relay No. 1: “Olympic Torch” The first participant holds a “torch” in his hands. Children take turns overcoming the “obstacle course,” running back to their team and passing the “torch” to the next participant.

^ Relay No. 2 “Skating” The first participant puts on disposable slippers. Walks to the turntable and back. Passes it on to the next one.

Relay No. 3 “Hockey” The first participant dribbles the puck (ball) with his stick to the cone, circles it and dribbles the puck back, passes the equipment to his teammate. All relay participants do the same. The team that finishes first and makes no mistakes wins.

^ Relay No. 4 “Bobsleigh” One participant (a girl) sits on the mat, the other two (boys) take it by the edges and carry it to the other side (to the turning post) and back, passing the baton to the next three.

^ Relay No. 5 "Biathlon" The participant runs on improvised skis (sheets of cardboard) to the shooting site, takes the ball and throws it into the box (target), when it hits, the participant returns to his team and passes the baton to another, giving him his skis. If the participant does not hit the target, then he runs and picks up his ball, then puts it in the box and runs around it (penalty circle) and only after that passes the baton.

^ Relay No. 6 "Curling" At a distance of 5 meters from the teams there are soft cubes. There is a medicine ball near each team. In turn, each participant throws the ball into the cube and tries to move it. Whoever moves it further wins.

^ Relay No. 7 "Figure skating" Participants stand in pairs - a boy and a girl. The pair stands at the start facing each other, holding hands.. On command they begin to move forward, crawling under their hands and not releasing them. They come back running, holding hands.

^ Relay No. 7. “Olympic Friendship” The team joins hands and runs up to 3 hoops. Runs through them and runs back. The team that comes running first and never gets uncoupled wins.

^ M. Rewarding.

Leading:– In Ancient Greece, during the Olympic Games, a “sacred peace” was declared obligatory for all Greeks. At this time there was no military activity, and the roads in Olympia were safe. The winners of the competition, the Olympians, were awarded a wreath of olive branches and enjoyed honor and respect in Greece. Currently, the venue for the Olympic Games is chosen by the IOC (International Olympic Committee), and the winners are awarded medals of different denominations: 1st place - gold, 2nd place - silver, 3rd place - bronze.

I ask the participants of our Olympics to listen to the verdict of the jury ( panel of judges) about the number of points scored and announce the winner.

(The “Anthem of Sochi 14” plays, awards are presented)

Parting words to the participants of the game: - In sports, as in life, everything flows, everything changes. Some champions replace others, new competitions replace old ones. Sport is not only about records, it is, first of all, a launching pad to a land of health, vigor and good mood.