The smallest horse in the world. Miniature horses. The smallest horse according to the Guinness Book of Records

Today, hardly anyone is surprised by miniature pets. Tiny dogs, dwarf rabbits and even mini piglets have thoroughly entered our lives as pets. What about a dwarf horse? Surprised? However, in Europe and America, small horses are very popular. They are kept as pets and perform an important mission - they treat people and help the blind.

Mini-horses are actively used in therapeutic and social spheres of life.

There is an opinion that a small horse is a pony or its subspecies. But it is not so. Of course, the very concept of “small” is collective and implies every horse of short stature, including ponies. But it can be called mini, or dwarf, only if its height at the withers does not exceed 86 cm. If the pony’s height is less than this figure, then it should also be classified as a mini subspecies.

Today there are several breeds of miniature horses known in the world, which, as a rule, were bred through careful selection. However, studies of images on Celtic stones have shown that such animals existed in Europe as early as the 600s AD. e., when no one had any idea about selection. There is an assumption that in nature small horses appeared as a result of a natural genetic mutation after a change in lifestyle. It is known that in the 17th century, mini horses were bred as decorative animals by the Habsburg dynasty.

Miniature horses were developed as a result of long-term selective breeding work.

Today, dwarf horses are not the same in their kind: some are taller, others are very tiny, short legs, similar to the fabulous Humpbacked Horses, or the embodiment of grace. All these features are associated both with the method of elimination and with the manifestations various types dwarfism Based on this, different breeds are distinguished.

Despite the external differences, all “miniks” are distinguished by their extreme love of love, good disposition, calm character and high intelligence.


The toy horse, or simply the Argentine falabella, is the smallest horse in the world. Its average height at the withers ranges from 50-60 cm, but there are very small ones with a height of no more than 40 cm at the withers. These “babies” got their name in honor of the Falabella family, on whose ranch they were bred in 1879. main feature the breed is that its representatives are completely consistent in proportions with ordinary horses, but only in a very reduced version. They have slender limbs, light weight big head, graceful proportional neck.

Falabella horses are a smaller copy of a regular horse. The horse's body proportions have been preserved.

Another feature of falabella lies in their kind and easy-going disposition, for which horses have gained immense popularity as an ornamental pet. However, their small stature does not prevent them from also being used as a mount. True, only children under 3-4 years old and weighing no more than 30 kg are allowed to ride them. But in a harness, a falabella can easily carry an adult.

Every year in the town of Trout Lake, Washington, traditional light carriage rides pulled by falabella horses are held in the picturesque area of ​​Columbia Falls. The walking trail is four miles long.

American miniature

The American Miniature Horse is another representative of the mini-horses. This breed was developed through selective breeding as a result of crossing Falabella with Shetland ponies. Unlike their Argentinean ancestors, these horses have a larger build and are taller - on average about 85 cm at the withers. But they still maintain a proportional body build.

The elegant and elegant exterior makes the American horse well recognizable among other dwarf horses. A careful selection of animals was carried out within the breed for a long time, so they are famous for their beauty and grace. In 1978, the Breeders' Association was created, after which the American horse became famous throughout the world. Today, these little beauties are constant participants in popular horse shows and exhibitions; special breeding rings are created for them.

The American miniature horse breed is distinguished by its grace. The horses have an aristocratic build.

Mini Appaloosa

This breed was created by crossing Appaloosa horses (horses from North America) with various European pony breeds. As a result, today there is a smaller version of the famous spotted horses. As for height, they are quite tall for a mini size - on average about 86-95 cm at the withers. However, due to their playful and slightly obstinate nature, these horses are not very comfortable for riding, so they are kept mainly as ornamental animals.

Mini Appaloosa horses have a stubborn character. Therefore, they are rarely used for riding.

Miniature Shetland Pony

The mini version of the famous pony is the result of many years of breeding work. Her goal was to breed a small horse with the elegant exterior of a Shetland pony, but with a more docile character. Stocky, on short legs, with a lush mane and bangs, these babies evoke affection. However, despite their tiny stature, such horses, like their tall counterparts, are unusually hardy, unpretentious and in good health.

The Miniature Shetland Pony is a very hardy horse.

Book of records

The smallest horse in the world is a falabella named Little Pumpkin (“Little Pumpkin”) from the Del Terra farm. The baby's weight did not exceed 9.7 kg, and his height was slightly more than 35 cm. This figure is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, the mini-horse records don't end there. For example, sources indicate the name of the horse Black Handsome, who had a height of 47 cm at the withers. An inch taller than him was an American miniature horse named Bond Tiny Tim. In 2006, the list of record holders was supplemented by a mare named Tumbelina, whose height was 43 cm and weight – 26 kg.

Since 2006, the Guinness Book of Records has included a mare named Tumbelina. The height of this horse is 43 cm.

Small, but remote

Many are sure that small horses are only suitable as a pet or friend for a child. Their small stature and good disposition really make them suitable for home keeping. But their benefits don’t end there. Dwarf horses are perfect for the role of the first horse for a future rider. Small children learn the basics of horse riding on such crumbs. Mini-horses also actively participate in driving competitions in the pony class, where a team can easily carry an adult.

But perhaps the most important and difficult work of dwarf horses is hippotherapy. In the West, these pets help treat childhood autism, cerebral palsy, nervous disorders and other diseases. As scientists say, mini horses are able to calm a person and improve work nervous system, give a charge of positive emotions.

Miniature horse breeds are great for teaching children how to ride.

Guide horses

In America and many European countries, dwarf horses are used instead of guide dogs. And there is a completely logical explanation for this. As experts say, such pets require almost more care and attention, but they have many advantages over dogs. For example, they are calmer and more patient, remember the required route well, do not show any aggression, and are affectionate.

Small horses can be used as guide dogs instead of dogs. They remember the route well and are unpretentious.

Of course, not every small horse can become a guide; animals undergo very careful selection for this work. They are first examined and tested by a veterinarian for any birth defects or physical defects, and only then are they given special education and training. Animals no taller than 66 cm at the withers are selected for the role of guide horses, so that a blind person can comfortably not only walk with them, but also spend his free time.

Caring for a mini horse is not much different from caring for a regular horse. Just because of their size, they do not need a lot of space and large volumes of feed. Here's what you need to remember:

  • a “room” of 3x3 m is enough for one child;
  • in a regular stall you can keep 2-3 dwarf horses;
  • You will need a paddock and sufficient space for walking. Like regular horses, minis need physical activity.

Miniature horses are successfully kept in houses and even apartments, like dogs. In Europe and America, special boots and diapers are purchased for these purposes.

Due to their small size, miniature horse breeds can even be kept in homes.

As for feeding, the basis of their diet is hay and grass. Concentrates, as well as juicy vegetables and fruits, and vitamin and mineral supplements are given as additives. Calculation of portions and nutritional value of feed is made taking into account the energy consumption of the animal, but on average it is six times less than that of an ordinary horse. During intense physical activity, about 1 kg of oats is added to the daily diet.


A mini version of a horse will not just replace a dog or cat, but will also become a wonderful friend. The advantage of such small horses is that when proper care and without the presence of congenital diseases, they live long enough. On average, the life expectancy of such horses ranges from 35 to 40 years. These babies are not cheap, but they delight and help their owners for many years.

The good-natured disposition, graceful posture and endurance of miniature horses have gained popularity and love among their connoisseurs all over the planet. Dwarf horse breeds are those that reach a height at the withers of no more than 86 cm.

Dwarf rocks have been around for a long time, their first images are found in ancient Celtic carvings dating back to 600 AD. Mini-horses also lived in the menagerie of Louis XIV, a great lover of rare and unusual animals.

Dwarf breeds appeared in 600 AD

The British began breeding work on the breeding of “indoor” horses at the end of the 18th century, and from the middle of the 19th century, mini-horses were already hard at work in mines and mines, pulling trolleys with the breed and showing remarkable endurance.

Mini horses help in the treatment and rehabilitation of children

Nowadays, the mini-horse no longer performs hard work, but is used as a pet and performs other very important duties - it helps in the treatment and rehabilitation of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism, and also serves as a guide for visually impaired people better than dogs distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Small horses - what is the difference from ponies?

The body structure of a mini-horse is proportional and similar to the exterior of a large horse, only reduced by 5-6 times. Muscular croup, strong withers, graceful neck, elastic body, long thin legs with small hooves, moderately large head with intelligent expressive eyes, lush mane and tail, various colors - this is the portrait of most representatives of dwarf breeds. Pony horses, distinguished by a disproportionately long body on short legs, are often mistakenly included among them.

External differences between a regular horse and a mini one

The weight of small horses ranges from 20 to 65 kg, and the minimum height is only 40 cm. However, among them there are also real record holders who are included in the Guinness Book of Records. The stallion Little Pumkin grew to a height of only 35.5 cm, weighed just over 9 kg and was considered the smallest horse on the planet.

Despite their small size, mini horses can withstand a weight of 30-35 kg

As a draft force, mini-horses are capable of pulling loads that exceed their own weight by 20 times, and can support a rider with a body weight of 30-35 kg, which may well be a 6-7 year old child. The calm and kind disposition of the animals allows small children from 1 year of age to receive their first riding lessons while sitting in the saddle on a mini-horse.

Secrets of maintenance and care

Breeding dwarf breeds is no different from keeping and caring for large horses, except for the size of the animals. In a wooden stall, where one horse usually fits, 2-3 babies are accommodated. Thanks to their good nature, they get along well not only with each other, but also with other pets.

Den for mini horses

A small horse needs the same hygiene procedures as a big one. It must be cleaned daily, bathed regularly, and the hooves must be cleared of various debris. In addition, small horses should be systematically examined by a veterinarian and vaccinated, as well as dewormed, taking into account their weight, avoiding overdoses.

Corral for walking mini horses

One of the main advantages of keeping mini horses is the consumption of small amounts of feed. If a large horse is fed more than 3 kg of balanced feed per day, then the little ones only need to eat about 10 times less.

Dwarf horses, like breeds of other miniature animals, are capable of obesity, so the main rule when preparing a diet for them is not to overfeed.

The menu for mini-horses usually includes up to 20% concentrated feed, the rest is roughage, among which fresh grass or hay predominates, depending on the time of year, as well as grass meal. You should not overfeed with concentrates - grains, cereals, muesli - to avoid weight gain. Mini-horses love apples and carrots as dessert; be sure to give them salted lick and, of course, drink clean water.

The mini horses are very kind and get along well, even with small children.

There are no aggressive animals among miniature horses; children love them very much. They are ideal for keeping even indoors, and natural physiological needs are fulfilled with the help of special diapers. However, these little ones love space very much, fast run, jumping over obstacles, so walking on fresh air With the opportunity to stretch their muscles, it should not be ruled out for them in any case.

Breeds of dwarf horses

In the selection work on breeding miniature horse breeds, not only indicators of endurance and draft power were taken into account, but also the animal’s disposition, its intelligence and balance of character. The most popular of them:

  • American Miniature Horse;

Falabella - a mini-horse from an Argentine ranch

The Falabella breed of dwarf horses was bred more than a hundred years ago on a ranch in the vicinity of Buenos Aires. According to legend, it was started by a miniature stallion that appeared out of nowhere in the fields and was caught by the Falabello family at the nearest watering hole. The original herd, from which the selection of the breed began, consisted of small Spanish horses and Creollo.

Miniature horse breed Falabella

The dwarf horse is extremely elegant: its height at the withers ranges from 50 to 75 cm, and its weight reaches 50-60 kg, but there are exceptions - some specimens grew no more than 40 cm and weighed less than 30 kg.

Flabella foal

Falabella has the physique of a horse: a graceful neck, a large head, slender legs and small hooves. Horses have all kinds of coat colors - from black to fly and white. They have a couple of ribs less than other breeds of animals. The harmonious body structure is complemented by a chic mane and tail.

Flabella has a good-natured character

All falabellas have an extremely good-natured character, they are distinguished by intelligence and intelligence. Mini-horses of this breed live up to forty years. They are excellent partners in games with children, so it is for this purpose that they have become widespread throughout the world. Little riders up to 3-5 years old enthusiastically ride on Falabella horses, and two horses in a harness can carry an adult of average weight.

American miniature horse - a descendant of the pony and falabella

The breed arose as a result of crossing those imported in 1888 North America small horses from Europe, Shetland ponies and the Argentine dwarf falabella horse.

American miniature horse

Since 1978, it has been isolated independently from other breeds. The standard provides for the registration of animals no more than 34 inches or 86 cm in height. Currently, in Canada and the United States, various farms contain over 110 thousand representatives of the American miniature horse breed. With their participation, more than 250 exhibition shows and shows are held annually, during which participants demonstrate the grace and strength of their pets.

American miniature breed horse herd

Most representatives of the breed weigh no more than a large dog - from 50 to 70 kg. Their exterior is a smaller copy of a horse. Mini horses are different long neck, a medium-sized head with a convex forehead and intelligent eyes, a muscular body and slender legs. Their movements are light and smooth, at the same time strong and agile. The most varied coat color is allowed by the standard.

American miniature breed horses at an exhibition

American miniatures are famous for their gentle, intelligent disposition, they are sociable and do not like to be alone, they are friends not only with their brothers, but also with other animals living in the estate. They respond well to training and were previously widely used in circus performances by wandering corpses until they were on the verge of extinction. Like animals of other dwarf breeds, they get along well with children and are used in various rehabilitation programs for small patients with Down syndrome, paralyzed people, and those suffering from nervous system disorders after stressful situations.

The little horse quickly adapted to Russian winters. By the time they begin, it is covered with warm wool, which in the spring is cleaned and cut in compliance with all fashion trends.

Mini Appaloosa - Spotted Grace

Dwarf horses of this breed were obtained as a result of folk selection of Appaloosa animals, aimed at reducing growth. The Nez Perce Indians of North America, living in the valley of the Palouse River, for many years selected small forelock horses, until the modern mini-Appaloosa appeared with a distinctive feature - spotty skin, expressed by the following types of colors:

  • Leopard;
  • Black-and-white;
  • Marble;
  • Snowflake;
  • Frost.

Currently, more than 900 thousand horses of this breed are registered, living in farmsteads in Mexico and the USA. In addition to the easily recognizable spotting, mini Appaloosa horses are characterized by other distinctive features: distinct stripes on the hooves, dark irises, height 86 cm with an adjustment of 15 cm in both the smaller and larger directions. The exterior of the mini Appaloosa exactly replicates the physique of a riding horse with a beautiful flexible neck, small head, strong body, elastic limbs with strong hooves.

Mini Appaloosa horse

The small horse is very popular among German, American and Dutch horse breeders; in Russia it is rather an exotic rarity and is represented by only a few imported specimens. Its main use is participation in various exhibition events and shows.

Mini Apaloosas participate in various shows and exhibitions

TO dwarf breeds There are also miniature Shetland ponies, horses obtained through selection aimed at improving the character of animals and reducing their growth.

Video: Mini horses

Experts say that in a couple of decades the number of small horses will exceed the number of ordinary horses by 10-15 times, despite their generally expensive price - from 10 to 20 thousand dollars in Russia and 40-60 thousand dollars in the USA.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Nature has given us a great variety of different animals. Some of them have been domesticated by man and have been his faithful companions and helpers for many centuries. These animals include horses.

The sizes of representatives of the world's fauna range from the largest (whales and elephants) to the smallest (mice and hummingbirds). However, among domestic animals there are also giants and dwarfs. The horses in this series are no exception. Everyone knows the huge, powerful heavy trucks, whose height and weight inspire sincere respect. Do you know what the smallest horse is?

Miniature horses such as ponies are often found in cities. They take the kids for rides and give them a lot of fun. And besides ponies? Are there other kids in this family? Let's figure it out together.

Small horses - ponies

Ponies have been known to people for several centuries, but their common ancestry is lost in the mists of time.

Pony is the general name for small-sized horses, however they are also divided into breeds.

The most famous pony breeds are:

  • Shetland (derived its name from the Shetland Islands);
  • American;
  • Exmoor;
  • Dartmoor;
  • Connemara and so on.

All ponies can safely be called “primitive horses.” This is due to the fact that since their first appearance they have practically not changed, since their selection was not aimed at improving any qualitative characteristics of these animals.

Many modern people mistakenly believe that ponies can only be used for entertainment (for example, children's riding or training). This is wrong. Initially, these tough and strong babies, capable of carrying weight several times greater than their own, were used as draft power. They were actively used in agricultural work (in harness and as pack horses), as well as in coal mines (for towing trolleys in cramped conditions) and in ports.

Over time, thanks to their calm disposition and good obedience, such horses began to be used for horse riding training. childhood. Nowadays, the need for these animals as a draft force has disappeared, and mostly these cute pot-bellied creatures push kids in carts and on horseback, causing them a storm of delight and happiness. Moreover, despite their size, these are full-fledged horses, communication with which makes us better and kinder.

The Argentine Falabella is considered the smallest horse breed in the world. Many people consider them dwarf ponies However, this is a separate independent type of horse. The height at the withers of these babies ranges from forty to seventy-seventy-five centimeters, and the live weight never exceeds sixty kilograms, and even then - this figure is typical only for very large falabellas.

They usually weigh much less.

The breed owes its name to an Argentinean farm called Falabello, where these mini-horses were first bred as a breed.

They are bred on this farm to this day, and in our country such horses are bred in the Leningrad region. By the way, falabellas are very similar in appearance to horses of the Arabian breed, only very small.

Another miniature horse breed is the Pinto.

The size of these kids is so small that even the weight of a primary school student is an unbearable burden for them. An interesting fact is that gradually the dimensions of these horses are becoming smaller and smaller. In addition, if you cross a Pinto filly with a “normal” size stallion, the foals will still be “like their mother,” that is, the same as her, miniature.

Such a miniature breed of horses as the mini-appaloosa is quite famous in the world.

These horses were bred artificially through long and painstaking selection work, the purpose of which was precisely to reduce their size as much as possible.

They are slightly larger than the previous two - the height at the withers varies from 0.7 to one meter, and their appearance is completely consistent with riding-type horses.

In our country, these conics are still exotic, but in European countries and America they are very popular.

The American mini-horse, as the name of the breed implies, was obtained in the United States through careful selection. The height of these animals is never more than eighty-six centimeters. Their elegant appearance and friendly, easy-going nature make them ideal pets. This miniature little horse has enough strength to easily carry not only children, but also an adult on a cart.

The popularity of this breed in America is so great that special exhibitions are held at which the best representatives of this breed are determined. In addition, they are actively used in various shows and for entertaining passengers. Another area of ​​application for these smart and obedient kids is medicine. They perfectly perform the role of guides for people with severe visual impairments. Well, it’s probably quite difficult to find a better animal as a pet.

According to the world-famous Guinness Book of Records, in 2006, a filly named Tumbelina was recognized as the smallest living one. Currently, her height at the withers is only forty-three centimeters, and her weight is twenty-six kilograms.

However, she is already being closely followed by a filly named Bella and, still growing, baby Einstein.

The smallest horse in the world lives on a farm in St. Louis (USA, Missouri). The horse named Tambelina is a horse, not a pony, but in size it is still less ponies. Her height at the withers is only 44.5 cm, that is, three times less than the height of the average horse. Tambelina weighs only 26 kilograms. This record was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2006 and so far not a single horse has been able to beat it.

The Goessling family, who live near the American city of St. Louis (Missouri), has been breeding miniature horses for 15 years. Now on their farm, about fifty horses, whose height does not exceed 85 cm, are nibbling grass and chewing oats. This is such a breed, imported from Europe in the 1930s. But on May 1, 2001, on the Goose Creek farm, not just a small horse, but an extra-small one was born. She weighed only 3.5 kg (instead of the usual 8–9 kg).

“The poor thing looked weak and sickly,” recalls Michael Goessling, head of the family business. “We didn’t expect her to survive.” However, the horse, which received the name Tambelina (Thumbelina), in the first year of its life stretched to 44.5 cm at the withers. And she stopped growing.
Her parents have normal dimensions - for their breed, of course. Thumbelina's growth is apparently a consequence of a disease caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands. In humans, this disease is called dwarfism. In general, Thumbelina was a little unlucky. Her legs remained disproportionately small, and now the horse even has to wear special orthopedic devices from time to time.

The Gesslings suspected from the very beginning that their filly was unique, but turned to the compilers of the Guinness Book of Records only after they were convinced that Thumbelina was no longer growing. Editorial representatives who visited the farm confirmed that the horse is 2.5 cm shorter than the previous record holder.
“Even though I’m small in stature, I’ll change the horse for another,” a friend of mine said proudly early childhood The Little Humpbacked Horse, who, as is known, was “only three inches tall” (1 inch – 4.44 cm). If you measure in inches, then Thumbelina has as many as 10 of them. And she, too, does not give in to anyone.
One day, the world's largest horse, named Radar, was brought to the farm from Texas. The height of this heavy horse at the withers is 189 cm, it is 40 times heavier than Thumbelina. “He probably didn’t take her for a horse at first,” says Michael Gessling. But in vain: the little girl immediately began to drive the big guy out, not intending to share her favorite pasture with him.

Even as a foal, Thumbelina got used to sleeping in a kennel, and not in the stable with her relatives. She soon forced the previous owner out of there and single-handedly occupied the living space. The horse lives and even travels in the reclaimed booth. After registering a record in the Guinness Book, Thumbelina sometimes has to travel around - fame obliges her. Not long ago she spent two days in New York, where she was filming on television. In the booth, Thumbelina tolerates the road calmly, but she doesn’t like to travel in the back and strives to break free.

Thumbelina walks freely around the farm; she simply crawls under the fences. She is forbidden to enter the house. It's a horse after all. She spends most of her time playing on the lawn with other horses and spaniels—fortunately, arguments over kennels are a thing of the past.

Thumbelina, like other mares on the Goessling farm, is capable of producing offspring. But the owners decided not to tempt her fate, fearing complications. In addition, the Hesslings do not want the dwarfism gene to be passed on to future generations of their horses. They were offered to sell the baby more than once, but the owners of Goose Creek refused. “My parents would rather sell me than Thumbelina,” says 39-year-old Michael Goessling.
Alas, the horse's lifespan is measured: Thumbelina is expected to live another 10–12 years, and horses usually live up to 30 years of age.