The longest-range bow in the world. The most powerful crossbows in the world. Cheats and modifications

400 fps – crossbows with high speed

122 meters per second or more!
It would seem that a lot is not a little, however, if you look at it, this Moon also has a downside.

There are few crossbows that provide such high speed; you can count them on one hand - there are only four of them. First of all, from this list we will exclude the EXCALIBUR Mega 405 and Bulldog 400 recurve crossbows, which shoot short, lightweight bolts weighing 350 grains, which is directly indicated on the manufacturer’s website.

By indicating such high numbers in the names of its models, the company is doing nothing more than “PR pulling” buyers towards its products. In addition, technically recurve crossbows are so inferior to block crossbows that it would be incorrect to put them on the same line.

A compound crossbow is a technical perfection that allows you to throw a heavy arrow at a speed that guarantees the prey of any animal in our range.
To date, there are only three compound crossbows capable of reaching speeds of 400 feet per second:

Never delivered to our stores, because... the model is new, and the company announced the introduction of sanctions against Russia. But, judging by the previous Ghost 410 model, this one differs little from it structurally. Crossbow - the model is extremely unreliable. Developing such speed, all the components of the crossbow literally work to their limits. The abundance of plastic and moving parts does not give confidence in the shot.

For Ghost 410, there are constant calls to service with broken bowstrings, burst shoulders and destruction of blocks in 100% of cases. Repairs are very expensive.

The weight of the crossbow bolt on which the speed is measured is also unclear, because this is not indicated on the official website.

A unique crossbow for hunting, made on the basis of the AR15 (M16) automatic rifle. A 430 grain arrow comes out of it at 405 feet per second! can safely be calledthe most powerful crossbow in the world . It also has high accuracy due to the absence of a guide, the role of which is replaced by a shelf from compound bow. Thanks to this design, you can adjust the ideal reach of the crossbow arrow and achieve high accuracy. There are cases when PSE TAC Elite showed an accuracy of 50mm at 100 meters! But the crossbow was not widely used due to:

  • high cost
  • large weight and dimensions
  • using only original four-fin arrows over 26 inches long, equipped with special shanks.
On this moment, PSE TAC Elite is not listed on the manufacturer's website, now their flagship is. We have yet to meet him.

Virtually free of flaws! The MXB 400 is simply packed with innovative solutions and modern technologies.

  • The only crossbow that weighs 2.9 kg!
  • It produces a high velocity of 400 feet per second with a 400 grain arrow.
  • The MXB 400 shoots very quietly and remains stable throughout the shot. How the engineers of MATHEWS Inc., namely they own the MISSION trademark, solved this puzzle is unknown. But the fact remains:

Why are such speeds needed, since hunting with a crossbow is not supposed to be further than 50 meters? Let's say more, most often it varies between 5-25 meters.

It all depends on the object of hunting that you are going to hunt. If it is a healthy boar, then the weight of the bolt must be increased to ensure penetration on both sides. In this case, it is desirable to preserve the ballistics of the flight of a crossbow arrow.

That's all!At working distances the difference between 330 fps and 400 fps will be insignificant. But powerful crossbows require more tension and shoot louder.

For all powerful crossbows there is one a big problem: pressing in the plastic shank of the arrow and cutting off the bowstring with its tube, which leads to a blank shot and failure of the crossbow. That's why MISSION produces bolts with aluminum shanks for its crossbows.

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In a famous computer game genre of RPG called "Skyrim" arrows play the role of ammunition. They have different types with their own parameters, and therefore characters of the “archer” class simply need to know all the information about them. They can run out like any other ammo and that's something to keep in mind.

Cheats and modifications

It often happens that at the most inopportune moment you run out of bow ammunition. In this case, the ideal solution would be to use Skyrim cheats for arrows. You need to remember the unique number of the type of ammunition you are interested in, install the trainer and press the command to receive the item. Enter this number in a special window, and the arrows will appear in the player's inventory. The method is simple and its use does not spoil the impression of the adventure. If eight standard popular types You're already tired of ammunition, then you should install an arrow mod in the Skyrim game. Fans have developed a huge number of them. One adds a rotating tip, which simply tears apart enemies, the second also changes the ammunition, making it a flying bomb. The most interesting modification of this kind was the standard change in hit parameters. If an arrow flies to the head, it means death. Main character also falls under this definition.

The first two types

If we talk about the beginning of the game, then in Skyrim a beginning player will see arrows in two forms. The first will be a training sample, which does not provide any bonuses to the damage of the bow itself. The ammunition has zero damage, weight and price parameters. You can find them anywhere and buy a hundred pieces for a couple of coins. It will not be possible to sell them to a merchant due to lack of value. They serve as a means of inflicting bow damage on an enemy at a long distance. The second type is much more interesting for the player - Dwemer arrows. They can be found for sale at blacksmiths or merchants. They are also often found in small bundles where they lie. For self-creation Requires level 30-1 blacksmithing, 1 Dwemer metal ingot and log. These arrows add another fourteen attack units to the bow's damage. On initial stage this ammo is ideal. If an archer is going on a hike, it is worth stocking up on them as much as possible.

Stronger varieties

Following the two initial types, the player should pay attention to the more powerful arrows in Skyrim. Third place from the bottom is occupied by elven-style ammunition. According to legends, once upon a time, an advanced race lived throughout the entire continent of Tamriel, which destroyed itself. They left a legacy that includes these arrows. They cost five silver coins apiece and add sixteen points of damage to the weapon itself. Finding them in the world is almost impossible; sometimes enemy archers have a couple. Blacksmiths and merchants actively trade in them, but demand too much money.

The second type from this category has two more damage and is called glass arrows. In the world you can get them in two ways: clearing the Dwemer ruins and killing all the centurions. They have a 25% chance of dropping what you need. A better way is to complete all the Thieves Guild quests. Then the player will become the head and will manage all the hiding places of the community, and glass arrows appear in them quite often.

Rare samples

There is a spell in the game called “Summoned Bow”. This is a magical weapon that appears for a certain time with one hundred pieces of ammunition. In Skyrim, these arrows are also called summoned; you cannot get them any other way. They have no cost or weight, but the 24 damage is impressive. This is a huge increase in weapon attack, so it is advisable for any archer to add this spell to his arsenal. Among real ammunition, Daedric arrows are not inferior to them in terms of characteristics. They cost eight silver apiece, so buying them from Fiada in Solitude is not profitable. In addition, they are obtained in three more ways. You must be level 46, after which you can go kill Dwemer centurions. They also often appear in the bodies of killed draugr warlords and draugr executioners who carry a bow. The last method has already been described above and is associated with the caches of the Thieves Guild.

Epic Arrows

If the user wants to focus on beauty and epicness, then ebonite bow arrows are suitable for him. "Skyrim" allows you to create them on your own using an ingot of the same material and a log. They can be obtained using standard methods in the same way as Daedric samples. However, they are more often found among traders and blacksmiths. They deserve attention with their magnificent black quiver and their appearance. Any secretive assassin will love using this tool. Even with all their attractiveness, ebony arrows are inferior to the Nordic hero arrow. It has 24 damage, like other ammo high level. Recommended for those players who participate in the revolution on the side of the Nords. It can be obtained using a special console command.

In terms of their characteristics, medieval bows are inferior to modern models. But this did not stop the armies of warriors and detachments of steppe nomads from winning amazing victories. The mastery of these weapons was as high as ever, and the battle strategies were extremely well thought out.

One of the most intriguing questions of our time, the answer to which will allow us to better understand what awaits us in the future, is related to batteries. Will experts be able to significantly increase the energy density stored in batteries? There is no chance, some skeptics say, because two centuries have passed since the appearance of the first battery by Alessandro Volta. This means that scientists have already completely improved the design. However, there is a compelling counterargument to this opinion. The first battery created by man, the bow, was invented several thousand years ago, but it was over the last century, with the advent of new materials and technologies, that noticeable progress has been made. However, the technical advantages of modern bows would hardly allow us to defeat, say, medieval nomads. Before the advent of firearms, the art of archery among many peoples was as high as ever.

Bow without poison - arrows to the wind

Archaeological findings suggest that the bow was invented by man at least 10,000 years ago. Ancient bows were small, about 70 cm long, had extremely low efficiency and were used in conjunction with unfeathered arrows. The latter were reeds with a faceted wooden tip. Ancient arrows weighed only 10-15 g, which further reduced the shooting efficiency of a prehistoric bow, due to the lack of materials more suitable for making arrows. Such bows were mainly used for hunting birds and small animals.

There is, however, a well-established opinion that even in those days the bow was used in inter-tribal “showdowns”: the inhabitants of the caves shot poisoned arrows at each other. After all, without poison, a weak bow with light arrows was capable of harming the enemy only when shooting at point-blank range. However, most scientists believe that in those days bows were practically not used for military purposes: only a few tribes had poisons suitable for this.

A step forward in the evolution of the bow was the appearance of arrows with feathers and heavy tips. Arrows with a bone tip weighed about 25 g, with a stone tip - up to 50 g. The greater weight of the arrow led to an increase in destructive power, which, in combination with the almost doubled length of the bow, made the “world’s first battery” a serious weapon. In tribal battles, fighters increasingly used a bow and less often used a spear thrower and sling - oldest species military weapons. What the ancient killers liked most was the fact that the bow could be used secretly - for example, by sneaking up unexpectedly, you could hit a strong enemy without a fight. With other types of weapons such a trick was impossible. The only competitor in this regard was the spear, but it soon lost in the battle with the bow. When shooting at a short distance, the arrow at high speed, entering the victim’s body, formed a deeper wound due to the small impact area. Archer hunters now shot not only at ducks, but also at bison.

A terrible weapon of nomads

With the advent of civilization, weapons continued to develop: to increase the firing range, Europeans lengthened their bows. The British were most interested in increasing size. The medieval English bow reached a length of 180−220 cm.

Unlike settled civilizations, nomadic peoples followed a different path. Preferring to ride on horseback, the nomads preferred a small bow and honed their shooting skills while riding. Soon the nomadic archers became a fearsome force.

The weapon of most nomads - a composite bow - came from Ancient Egypt, where the existence of a similar type of bow was known already in the 2nd millennium BC. The composite bow was made from tendons, wood, horns and some other materials, selecting them in such a way that on the outside (on the back of the bow) there were materials that could withstand tension better, and on the inside (on the belly) that were better able to withstand compression. As a result, despite their relatively small sizes, composite bows had a high firing range.

And large Turkish composite bows have always been record holders in this area: they could throw an arrow 250 of their own lengths.

Riders could only use short bows, so the use of composite bows, which, at the same tension as wooden bows, provided approximately 30% more energy, was fully justified. There was another explanation for the popularity of composite bows among nomads: in the steppes where they lived, trees were almost never found. Therefore, despite the labor-intensive production, the noticeably more durable composite bow was the optimal choice.

The use of a more effective composite bow was only one component of success. It was of great importance high craftsmanship shooting. The riders trained regularly. Moreover, among the Arabs, archery was even considered a religious obligation prescribed by the Koran. The Prophet Muhammad was himself an archer and encouraged his community to take up horse riding and archery, favoring the latter.

The Scythians were considered first-class horse archers: they knew how to shoot with both hands while galloping. They were the first in the world to use metal arrowheads made of bronze. Small bows of the Scythian type (about 70 cm long) quickly spread among the peoples of the Middle East and Europe. Among others, the Persians and Parthians began to use them. The latter enriched the world's languages ​​with the expression “Parthian arrow,” which meant a well-aimed, insidious blow. The ancient Asian people used cunning in battles - Parthian horsemen feigned flight and over their shoulders hit the pursuing enemy with well-aimed arrows. The skill and cunning of the Parthian archers brought them a number of significant victories in battle. The most famous was the battle of Carrhae, when a small army of Parthians shot a 40,000-strong Roman army led by Marcus Crassus. True, the victory was not easy - the Parthian archers, according to historians, spent more than 2 million arrows per day.

However, the “Parthian arrow” tactic is not optimal from a physical point of view. If a retreating archer shoots at an enemy while galloping, the speed of the arrow is reduced by the speed of the rider and the destructive power of the shot becomes less.

Centuries later, the Mongols used more kinematically correct tactics. They fired as they moved at full gallop. Due to the addition of speeds, the arrow received a noticeable increase in speed, and the range of the shot increased by about 40%, so the arrows of the Mongols were dangerous at a distance of up to 200 m. However, let us return to Europe in the 14th-15th centuries, where during the Hundred Years' War between England and France Interesting events took place related to the history of the bow.

Celebration of big bows

English archers, as already mentioned, used the longest in the world simple bows. The long length provided high destructive power and made the shot accuracy more stable. From the point of view of destructive power, it would have been preferable to use large composite bows in battle, but such weapons were expensive and difficult to manufacture, so the British chose an ordinary wooden bow. Simple and inexpensive to manufacture, such a bow could be produced in mass quantities and provide weapons to all men in the country. British bow factories were something like a prototype of Henry Ford's assembly line. Everything was done extremely quickly to ensure high productivity. Much attention was also paid to training - during the reign of the Plantagenets, all men were required to practice archery. In the main battles of the Hundred Years' War, several thousand archers usually took part on the English side: this constrained the enemy in his maneuvers, and the soldiers, falling into the rain of arrows, lost their morale. The popularity of the bow was so great that out of three soldiers in the English army, two were archers, and at the famous Battle of Eisencourt, four out of five men were archers. It is curious that in addition to foot archers, the British also had horse archers. In some books they are depicted shooting in the saddle. But this is incorrect: the horse was used for mobility, and they went into battle on foot.

A triumph in the history of the English bow was the Battle of Eisencourt, when the heavily armed French army, which had a significant numerical superiority (25,000 versus 6,000), was defeated, suffering noticeable losses. This result was achieved by the skill of the English archers, who skillfully destroyed the advancing French with a hail of arrows. The Hundred Years' War was in some ways a curious contest between the French crossbow and the English bow. The French considered their crossbowmen an impressive force: their guns were decisively superior to English bows in terms of firing range, lethal force and accuracy. But in battle, the main drawback of the crossbow affected itself - its low rate of fire. While a good archer could fire 10-12 shots per minute, a crossbowman fired no more than four bolts. In addition, the effective range of a crossbow was lower than that of a bow.

However, later, when the warriors began to use armor best quality, more powerful and precision crossbows began to be used more and more often. True, their life was short-lived: surpassing the first firearms in terms of accuracy, both the bow and the crossbow were distinguished by the slowness of the projectile. It was easier to hit a stationary target with a bow, as demonstrated in 1792 by an interesting bow and gun competition held in England. Out of 20 shots, 16 arrows and 12 bullets hit a target located 100 yards (91 m) away. But it was much more difficult to hit a moving target with a bow! A heavy arrow from an English archer covered the combat distance in 1.5-2 seconds, so the moving “target” had time to move to the side.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the musket began to be used more often than the bow on the battlefield. And by the beginning of the 19th century, bows were completely forgotten among the troops. Therefore, in 1813, in the “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig, the soldiers were surprised to see Bashkir archers who were part of the Russian army. The French even nicknamed them “cupids.” But, by the way, the archers fought quite successfully. After another four decades, Bashkir archers performed well in the Crimean War. But after that, the image of a warrior with a bow left real life and moved into books and films, and the skill of medieval archers became legendary. A new hobby also appeared: inspired by history, amateurs began to create medieval bows for themselves using authentic technology. In terms of efficiency and ease of shooting, they, of course, are inferior to block carbon fiber models, but they allow the owner to feel like a brave Scythian horseman or Robin Hood...
The legacy of English archers

The victory “V” gesture, two fingers raised up on one hand, which Winston Churchill often used, is not at all an imitation of the first letter English word victory (“victory”), as many believe. It turns out that this gesture has an ancient and rather dark history. During the Hundred Years' War, the French were terribly angry with English archers, so captured archers had two fingers cut off with which they pulled the bowstring: the person parted with his profession forever. Therefore, returning home with victory, the archers showed those who met them their two “main” fingers: the fingers are intact, we won!

Myths about bows

Myth 1. Arrow medieval bow easily penetrated any metal armor.

- Not every arrow (much depended on the tip), not every bow and, of course, not every armor. In principle, this was possible, but rather as an exception than a rule.

Myth 2. Some medieval archers shot so accurately that they could break the enemy's bowstring with an arrow.

- Most likely, this is speculation. Why waste an arrow on damaging the enemy’s weapon if you can kill him with it?

Myth 3. An archer shoots a second arrow before the first hits the target. At targeted shooting over short distances this is not possible.

— The arrow flies for about two seconds; a good medieval archer spent five to six seconds shooting one arrow.

Myth 4. Medieval archers usually shot on command.

“They only shoot like that in movies.” Hold combat bows it was difficult in a taut position. Therefore, the command was given only once - to start shooting.

If you always lack arrows for a bow or bolts for a crossbow in TESVSkyrim, then don’t be upset, because this text will not only explain how cheat codes for arrows work, but also contains them.

Perhaps the most popular character class in the game The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is a rogue. He is also called a trickster or a thief. The essence of playing as a thief is this: from the very beginning of the game, we try to improve skills such as stealth, pickpocketing, alchemy, lockpicking and eloquence as much as possible. Why them? Firstly, these perks belong to the rogue skill tree in all parts of the ElderScrolls series. Secondly, they will be most useful when playing as a secretive assassin, quickly attacking from the shadows. For example, you want to play as an archer. Skyrim codes for arrows will help you if you have used up all your supplies of shells. Alchemy will be needed to create dangerous poisons for arrows and potions to increase the marksman's skill.

Just imagine what will happen if you shoot a Daedric arrow coated with deadly poison for +100 damage from a nightingale bow? Even such powerful opponents as dragons will die after 5-6 arrows are fired. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to get this very bow and arrow. When playing as a trickster, you are unlikely to level up blacksmithing, because this is the warrior branch, so it will be very difficult to acquire a Daedric or even an orcish bow.

Naturally, all this can be easily fixed, because there is code for daedric bow in Skyrim, after activation of which this weapon will appear in your inventory. To get a Daedric bow, you need to enter the following command into the console: 000139B5. And to replenish your supply of arrows you need to enter the code for Daedric arrows in Skyrim: player.additem000139С0.

Naturally, in this way you can get not only Daedric weapons, but also special ones. For example, the Skyrim code for Auriel's bow and arrows will help you acquire these items. The code for Auriel's bow in Skyrim looks like this: player.additemХХ000800. With such a bow, you can not only easily kill the undead, but also simply hunt animals, because Auriel’s bow is one of the rarest and most beautiful weapons in Skyrim.

Many players are wondering how to create arrows in Skyrim; codes can help with this. Elven, orc, glass, dwemer, steel, ebony, daedric, dragon, ancient nordic, iron, rogue arrows - any type is available to you. You just need to enter codes for Skyrim for arrows and shower your enemies with tons of sharp projectiles.

The code for the bow in Skyrim has already been reviewed. Now about the shells. The code for elven arrows (one of the best arrows for elven bows) looks like this: player.additem000139ВD.

For those who preferred a crossbow to a bow - a newer and more lethal weapon, we also selected codes for Skyrim for crossbows and bolts. For example, to get a crossbow, you need to enter the code for a crossbow in Skyrim into the console line: player.additem0200801, and to get a full inventory of shells, you need to enter codes for Skyrim bolts: player.additem02000bb3. Everything is very simple and does not require any effort. With the help of a powerful bow and good arrows, you can quickly improve your shooting skill, which is very useful for any robber, thief or trickster!

So, in this article you learned codes for Skyrim 5 for arrows and bolts, bows and crossbows. Now you will become the most powerful and dangerous archer in all of Tamriel!