The smallest treadmills. Compact treadmills. Why you should buy a compact treadmill

The treadmill is one of the most popular exercise equipment used at home. Its main drawback is its size, because there is not always room to place it. The problem is solved with the help of compact models that can be installed in any apartment and, if necessary, put away under the bed or in a closet.

A compact cardio machine improves respiratory and of cardio-vascular system. Its regular and correct application has a positive effect on health and appearance.

Types of mini treadmills

Treadmills operating from the network are divided into 4 types: amateur, economy, professional and Hi-End.

  1. Economical models have manual control and motor power reaching 1.1 kW. The canvas reaches speeds of up to 15 km/h.
  2. The amateur class is equipped with a commutator motor with a power of 1.5 kW. During training, the speed increases up to 16 km/h, the angle of inclination of the equipment surface changes and the optimal built-in program for training is selected.
  3. In HI-End, the motor power is similar to previous view, but the highest speed limit is 18 km/h. Such models are adjusted to the athlete and have sensors for measuring heart rate.
  4. The professional device is identical in functionality to the Hi-End. The only difference is the availability of 24/7 operation.

How does a mini treadmill work?

Mini treadmills can be mechanical or electronic. The first type is more common. The mechanical design consists of a working surface stretched over two shafts. The unit is started from the impact of the athlete on it. The faster a person runs, the faster the unit moves.

Most running devices come with a display that shows distance traveled, exercise time, heart rate and calories burned.

The latest generation simulators are equipped with electronic controls. The running belt begins to move thanks to the built-in electric motor. Training programs allow you to choose the best option to achieve the desired result.

Some models have special connectors for connecting a player or other external device.

Pros and cons of mini treadmills

The most significant advantage sports equipment compactness is considered. The size of the device is 40 x 90 cm, making it easy to fold and hide. The home environment is relaxing, so you can run at any time and regularly. The compact device is safe and correctly forms the running technique without sudden stops.

Electric treadmill helps people recover when varicose veins veins and knee injuries. Built-in training programs allow you to choose best option, focusing on a specific muscle group. The mechanical device does not require connection to an electrical outlet, so it can be placed anywhere and purchased at a low price.


Mechanical sports equipment requires more effort from an athlete. This is an additional load on the knees, hip joints and spine. The absence of an electric motor does not allow you to choose training program or set the belt rotation speed.

Electric models do not work without a connection to the network, so they are tied to one place in the apartment. The dimensions of the device are slightly larger due to additional functionality and accessories.

A mini treadmill has a number of advantages, but not everyone is allowed to use the unit. Your doctor will help you choose a workout that will benefit your body. Requirements prohibiting running on a popular machine:

  • heart diseases: hypertension, VSD, heart disease;
  • illnesses respiratory system: pulmonary failure, asthma;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation require a careful approach to intense physical activity.

How to choose a mini treadmill

  1. Power. This is the main parameter on which the rotation speed depends running belt. The indicator can be peak, reflecting the acceleration speed of the tape, or constant, responsible for the movement of the device during exercise.
  2. Speed. For walking, a device that reaches a speed of 5 km/h is sufficient. For intense running, this parameter should be from 12 km/h, for athletes – from 16 km/h.
  3. Ribbon. Mini treadmills have a working surface of 35 cm wide and 90 cm long. The multi-layer running belt is durable and helps reduce excessive stress on the joints due to its orthopedic properties.
  4. Weight. Compact models are not designed for Weight Limit user that standard devices can handle. For an athlete who weighs 80 kg, equipment with a power of 15 hp is purchased. With. The higher the power, the higher the reliability.
  5. Depreciation. Spacers placed between the tape and the deck. At regular classes it will reduce the load on the joints, spine and intervertebral discs.
  6. Incline. The changing angle of the blade guarantees additional load. This option is useful for those who purchase a weight loss unit.
  7. Deca. This part of the unit extends under the working belt, which is responsible for the length of service life and depreciation. Thickness is 16 mm and above. It is made from laminated wood or synthetic materials.
  8. Price. The higher the cost of the product, the higher the functionality. You can’t skimp on your health, because that’s what you buy the track for.


The more additional functions, the higher the cost. Some models are equipped with a display that displays the distance traveled, calories burned, and speed. It is often used as an audio system or TV.

Built-in workouts are divided into three types: individual, customized for the user, targeted, used to develop endurance or lose weight, and your own - for creating your own programs.

Classes are more interesting if the simulator has a function that simulates off-road running or a high-speed start.

It is worth paying attention to models that have an overload sensor that is triggered by increased heart rate and a safety key that stops the unit if the athlete falls. Among modern devices, water stands, books, a fan or a vibrating massager will be useful.

When purchasing sports equipment, it is worth considering the safety and comfort of exercise. The shortened blade takes the load off the electric motor, but restricts the athlete’s movements. For people of average height, this size of band will be enough for training, but for others it is recommended to buy a large-sized model.

This is a compromise between price range, convenience and space saving. The device is suitable for children's exercises, but only under adult supervision and after consultation with a doctor. Mini units can increase endurance, improve coordination of human movements and significantly tighten the body at home.

  1. Warm up. Training on a treadmill should begin with warming up the muscles. It is recommended to devote the first 10 minutes easy walking, squats and leg swings.
  2. Shoes. The main key to a successful workout is comfort, so you need to choose sneakers not by appearance, but by characteristics. It is preferable to purchase shoes with rubberized soles, good ventilation, and shock absorption. The foot should occupy correct position.
  3. Bounce. It is forbidden to jump off the machine, as there is a risk of muscle strain and ankle damage. Recovery will take a long time, so you should wait until the canvas stops.
  4. Handrails. The athlete shifts the center of gravity and reduces the load if he constantly leans on the handles. Swinging your arms will help you burn more calories. If running without support is difficult, it is better to slow down the pace or reduce the angle of the device.
  5. Bad feeling. If you have a headache, cold or other illness, you should stop running. Excessive stress on the body will only worsen the situation.
  6. Look down. You don’t need to constantly look at your feet, because when you tilt your head, you lose your balance. Dizziness or heaviness may occur cervical spine. Lowering your eyes down leads to a decrease in body speed, but do not go too high, which can lead to overexertion.


  • Doesn't turn on. First you need to check the electrical connection, the plug for defects, and the socket itself for serviceability. Some models require adjustment of the power supply to the electric motor. If the device still does not work, then it is worth checking the fuses. Burnt-out parts are easily replaced, but they are purchased with identical current strength. Often the device does not turn on due to problems with the screen.
  • Malfunctions of the running belt. Sometimes debris can affect the performance of the belt, so it should be cleaned regularly. It is cleaned from top to bottom, pulling towards itself to cover the entire surface. The canvas tends to stretch, after which it moves to the side. After placing it in the center, the simulator resumes operation. If the product temporarily stops while running, you will need to lubricate it. This is done using a special lubricant. When jerking, you should pay attention to the sensor. If none of the methods help, you will have to change the canvas.
  • Motor malfunction. Before repairing the engine, you need to make sure that there are no secondary causes of failure. The operating instructions will help solve the problem if the display shows an error code. If you cannot cope with the task on your own, contact a specialist. This part of the simulator is the main and expensive one.

How to use

  • mini treadmill is designed for adults;
  • before purchasing a device, you should consult a doctor, especially for people over 40 years of age;
  • You need to run in sports-style shoes and clothing;
  • It is prohibited to transport equipment unfolded;
  • after finishing the workout, the device is turned off from the power supply;
  • the athlete runs facing the screen;
  • the readings of the pulse sensor cannot be compared with medical indicators, because it is a non-professional device;
  • when you turn on the simulator, your feet are placed on the support bars and after selecting the minimum speed you are allowed to stand on the surface;
  • if your health worsens, stop running;
  • You can get off the tape only after stopping completely.

The place is chosen away from the front door, pets and dust. It is recommended to first lay out a special mat for exercise machines and place the running device on it. This will reduce noise and protect the flooring from scratches.

The sun's rays cause the mini track to overheat, so it is better to place it further from the window. The training will take place It’s more effective if you practice while listening to music. Therefore, you need to place the equipment next to the music center.

Today it is difficult to imagine the home of a passionate amateur healthy image life, in which there would not be some kind of simulator.

Most often, cardio equipment is purchased for home exercises; among them, the compact treadmill is the leader.

Their range today is huge, the price range is very variable, so everyone can choose the equipment for themselves.

A very interesting and popular model is a folding track. Let's figure out why.

Brief characteristics of the simulator

By design, any treadmill is a platform with a ring belt rotating between two shafts and handrails. Training on it is either rubber band at various speeds.

The mechanism of action resembles operating principle of conveyor belt. Safety and correct body position when moving are ensured by a stable platform and handrails.

Running cardio equipment is divided into:

All types can be folding. Why are such models produced? First of all, to save space and ease of storage and transportation. A transforming walkway is a godsend for a home, a small apartment, a country house or a small office.

When folded, it will not clutter up the space or interfere with movement. But at the same time, as soon as you want to exercise, he is again at your service. Before you start training, you need to familiarize yourself with the training technique. you will find it at the link.

Health benefits of exercise on such a cardio machine is very significant:

  1. strengthening and increasing muscle tone, strength and endurance;
  2. increased metabolism, Consequently - efficient combustion fat, weight loss, activation of all organs and systems, “melting” of cellulite;
  3. getting rid of the consequences of physical inactivity and sedentary work – stress and chronic fatigue;
  4. heart and vascular training: The treadmill is a cardio machine.
Good to know! Many people today are wondering what to choose: . A treadmill allows you to run on a virtual road in any weather without bumps, puddles and holes, without inhaling city exhaust fumes and without bothering with the choice of sportswear and shoes for the season. However, we do not advise you to neglect the choice altogether. The shock-absorbing properties of the canvas will protect your joints from the shock overloads that inevitably come from running on asphalt.

To get a clearer picture, let’s take a closer look at each variety.


This is the most modern version of a running cardio machine. His main feature– presence of an electric motor. It, and not the force of the runner, as in mechanics, sets the running belt in motion; the class of the track and its main characteristics depend on its power. specifications. All electric models are equipped with an on-board computer with a wide range of functions.

Electric tracks have undeniable advantages:

  • smooth running, uniform load;
  • allow you to lead;
  • easily and accurately adjust all parameters and allow you to monitor your health throughout the entire training period;
  • equipped with several programs;
  • have the function ;
  • usually have a fabric with high modern shock absorption parameters.

The disadvantages of electric type simulators include:

  • high price;
  • the need to connect to the mains.

Also, such designs have considerable dimensions - however, many sports fans solve this problem by buying folding options, for example, Hasttings Fusion II HRC.

Hasttings Fusion II HRC

Made in China, this model of the English sports brand "Hastting" has an attractive design. has a number of advantages:

  • low-noise forced-cooled motor from Leeson (USA) with a power of 2 hp. capable of accelerating the simulator up to 16 km/h;
  • two-layer running belt 125x42 cm and 1.8 cm thick with a shock-absorbing elastomer comfort plus system;
  • electrically adjustable tilt angle up to 15° using monitor keys or buttons on the handles (there are also pulse sensors and speed control);
  • compact dimensions and safe hydraulic folding mode;
  • on-board PC with an accessible menu on the LCD display - 25 manually set programs, readings of key training parameters, MP3;
  • maximum user weight – 130 kg.

The disadvantages of the model include:

  • high cost (about 40,000 rubles);
  • English console interface.


A mechanical treadmill is the simplest and cheapest type of treadmill. The rotation of the running belt occurs due to the muscular strength of the runner - the athlete pushes it with his feet and moves it back.

Advantages of mechanical models:

  • independence from electricity and autonomous operation;
  • compact size, light weight and affordable prices.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • minimum set of functions;
  • very approximate load adjustment;
  • jerking when moving the running belt;
  • lack of shock absorption due to close contact between a person's feet and the tape, which places excessive stress on the joints.

As an example, consider a folding treadmill HouseFit HT-9110HP.

HouseFit HT-9110HP

HouseFit, an American brand with factories in Taiwan, offers a folding model of the HT-9110HP mechanical treadmill.

To her advantages include:

  • 3 levels of manual tilt angle adjustment and casters for easy movement;
  • heart rate sensors, start-stop and speed control buttons on the handles;
  • presence of a security key;
  • console with one window displaying basic training parameters;
  • comfortable running belt 99x32.5 cm;
  • maximum user weight – 100 kg.

Cost – from 10,000 rubles.

The disadvantages include slight noise during operation.


A magnetic treadmill is a kind of transition link from simple mechanics to complex electrics. What distinguishes it from its mechanical counterparts is its magnetic drive. The canvas is still driven by human leg movements. But the magnet acts as an additional adjuster for the band, attracting it and providing additional resistance to increase the load on the runner.

Magnetic similarities with electric running units:

  • smooth running without jerking;
  • availability of a computer with a small number of programs and a pulse meter.

From mechanical models, magnetic ones inherited their advantages:

  • compactness;
  • simplicity of design;
  • moderate weight and price.

DFC LV1005

As an example, consider a home magnetic folding treadmill from the Chinese brand “DFC”.

Her virtues:

  • 8 levels of load change using the handle;
  • heart rate sensors on the handrails;
  • console (in addition to the main indicators, there is an odometer and a scanning function);
  • with a weight of 21 kg and a running belt size of 94.5x34 cm, it can withstand a user weight of 100 kg.

Cost – from 11,500 rubles.

The disadvantages include lack of a depreciation system.

Good to know! The most laconic of the folding tracks, of course, will be mechanical or magnetic, due to the simplicity of the device and the smaller number of components compared to electrical ones. They weigh up to 25-27 kg, are easily folded, carried and hidden under furniture or in the pantry, while electric models rarely weigh less than 50 kg and they are most often folded by lifting the deck up, without moving from place to place.

Regardless of the type of track you choose, you need to know and be sure to follow.

A popular feature costs more

Once you decide to purchase a folding treadmill and start browsing the relevant offers, you will empirically discover one pattern for yourself. With the same price for a folding and a regular simulator, the characteristics of the former will be more modest, and with the same characteristics, the price of a transformer will be higher. Why pay more? You will have to pay extra for A popular feature is compactness and the ability to be transported. Another possible problem is that the range of folding most compact models is much narrower.

But if, due to your small home, there is still a need for folding, remember: good manufacturer will not release low-quality goods onto the market, and the money invested will be returned in health, comfortable accommodation and long service life of the simulator.

Modern realities have created an environment for humans where walking and running are not necessary components of survival. But exactly physical activity is the main condition for maintaining strength and health. To correct the situation, treadmills are needed. These devices can be used both at home and in professional settings. sports club. It is a misconception to think that one model is similar to another and there is no difference which simulator you use. Manufacturers of sporting goods annually improve their products, adding new technological changes. Well-known companies HouseFit, Body Sculpture, Carbon, Spirit, Clear Fit, Brumer and others compete with each other, trying to make their contribution to the improvement of humanity. It is difficult for consumers without experience to navigate among a variety of products and choose an option with characteristics that are important to them. Our rating is intended to help everyone who wants to understand this diversity.

Best Magnetic Treadmills

Users of the magnetic treadmill will be pleased with its smooth running and quietness even during high intensity training. This will allow you to conduct classes at any time without worrying about causing inconvenience to your household. When exercising on such simulators, the athlete is free to choose the speed of movement; to do this, it is enough to increase or slow down the running pace. The small dimensions of magnetic tracks make it possible to fold and store them in specially designated places without taking up free space in the room.

2 DFC T2001B

Best build quality. Factory production
Country: China
Average price: RUB 14,480.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Driada Fitness Company is a young company that supplies sports equipment from China, Taiwan and Malaysia. All of its equipment is custom designed and manufactured by DFC at Icon Health & Fitness, the world's largest manufacturer of treadmills, exercise bikes, ellipticals and yoga equipment. Sports equipment of the NordicTrack, Weider, Gold's Gym and other brands is also manufactured here.

So don’t be surprised by the quality of the T2001B model - for DFC such quality is more the rule than the exception. A folding model with adjustable difficulty levels and a magnetic loading system appeals to users due to its affordability, quiet operation and full functionality. It is equipped with a console with a monochrome screen. The interface is English, but intuitive. To monitor the pulse, there are touch sensors on the handrails. If an athlete requires accurate, constant data on his physical condition, the company offers him the option (+3,000 rubles) to purchase a chest controller with an external monitor in the form of a wristwatch.

Which is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike? The main advantages and disadvantages of these simulators are given in the following table.

There is a possibility of injury

Type of simulator




Lots of workout options

Naturalness of movements

Effectiveness of weight loss

Muscle strengthening

Exercise bike

Less dangerous

Allowed for varicose veins

Can be used when running and fast walking are prohibited

Lower price

No load on the back muscles of the shoulder girdle

There are medical contraindications

1 Body Sculpture BT-2740

The most convenient path for studying in an apartment
A country: UK (manufactured in China)
Average price: 15,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For home workouts in limited apartment conditions, a quiet and compact treadmill is required. The Body Sculpture BT-2740 exercise machine fully meets these requirements: the magnetic braking element ensures smooth, quiet movement, and the design, measuring 77x131x136 cm, takes up minimal space, so it can even be installed on a loggia. It is also provided that, if necessary, it can be folded and put away in a secluded place or moved with the help of transport wheels.

The company also took care of the sufficient functionality of the device. It can be programmed to one of 8 load levels and the inclination angle can be adjusted. There is a display indicating the distance traveled, current speed, calories burned and heart rate. This is practically all that is needed for a user weighing up to 110 kg who prefers to train at home, but does not want to overpay for an electric model.

The best mechanical treadmills

A mechanical treadmill has many advantages. The designs of such exercise machines are simple, and the design is laconic and pleasant, while the price of the models is affordable, which means that a lot of people can afford to buy such a device for their home. The running belt of these devices is controlled by the user himself by changing the pace. The low weight characteristic of this type of track allows you to easily move it around the room, and, if necessary, fold it and put it away until your next workout.

2 Sport Elite TM1556-01

The most popular
Country: China
Average price: 8,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The budget treadmill from Sport Elite is very practical in functionality and easy to use. A running belt with a length of 103 cm and a width of 32 cm is quite enough for home training. Thanks to the smooth belt loading system and the manually adjustable inclination angle of the running belt, the load on the leg joints is minimized. An undoubted advantage will be the ability to fold the simulator, and to simplify the transportation of the structure, rollers are thought out.

Computer monitoring, powered by a battery, displays information on the LCD screen about the actual distance covered, speed, heart rate of the runner, lost calories and the duration of the entire workout. Reviews often note that the treadmill looks fragile in appearance, however, as the company claims, it can easily withstand body weight up to 100 kg. Those who are puzzled by reviews about the fragility of the track should be reassured by the manufacturer’s 18-month warranty.

1 Bradex ECLIPSE SF 0058

Quiet in operation
Country: China
Average price: 6,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The weight of the ECLIPSE SF 0058 treadmill is only 12.5 kg, which is really not much for a treadmill. Even when unfolded, the simulator boasts of its compactness. The running belt is also distinguished by its small dimensions - only 100 cm in length and 35 cm in width, but these dimensions are quite enough for amateur, home jogging. The simulator is almost silent, has a smooth ride and antistatic properties. The angle of the track can be adjusted manually.

There is also an LCD display that displays calories burned, activity timing, running speed and distance traveled. Although the manufacturer states that the maximum permissible user weight is 120 kg, reviews of the product indicate advice not to exceed the load of more than 90-100 kg. "ECLIPS SF 0058" has gained great popularity, so it will not be difficult to find a treadmill in sports stores.

Best Electric Treadmills

Electronic treadmills became a revolution in their time. They are directly aimed at combating excess calories, which means they are perfect for weight loss. Many load programs allow the user, using the display, to independently control and regulate speed, pace and monitor changes in his body. This equipment is distinguished not only by its progressive functionality, but also by its thoughtful design. Models usually do not take up much space, so they can be purchased for home use.

3 UnixFit ST-600X

The best set of programs. Good system depreciation
Country: China
Average price: RUB 21,490.
Rating (2019): 4.4

UnixFit ST-600X is one of the most comfortable and reliable treadmills from a company with an excellent reputation. Its main advantage is the presence of a programmer with extensive functionality. Thanks to it, you can choose manual control and create individual training, or you can resort to automatic mode. There are 12 of them, and this is enough to select the load for any sports task. Among the additional “chips” is the analyzer percentage body fat, as in professional models, USB and AUX connectors, as well as buttons for controlling music on the console.

Users' overall impressions of the model are positive. It is small-sized, easy to use, quiet and ergonomic. Many note the excellent performance of shock absorbers, which allow you to run quickly without risk to your joints and spine. In few gyms There are treadmills that provide an inclination angle of more than 12°, while in this one the incline is 15°. Powerful 2.8 liter engine. With. capable of accelerating the speed up to 14 km/h, which is quite decent for training at home. It should be noted that the frame of the structure is reinforced and can support the user’s weight up to 120 kg.

2 AppleGate T10

Price quality
Country: Sweden
Average price: RUB 26,490.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The next position in the ranking is occupied by the AppleGate T10 model, which has gained popularity among users. The presented treadmill has a modest set of functional characteristics, which does not prevent it from perfectly performing its main tasks. The device has a central display that displays parameters of energy expended during training, the amount traveled and speed.

The movement of the running belt is provided by a Schneider Electric engine, which reaches speeds of up to 10 km/h. The design is designed for a maximum weight of 110 kg. The dimensions of the device itself are compact (157 × 70 × 119 cm) and will not take up much space in the room. If necessary, the user can resort to the folding mechanism by putting the simulator away for storage.


Rich functionality. High power
Country: France
Average price: RUB 34,990.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place was taken by the FAMILY TM 400M model. This electric treadmill has the best price-function ratio. The design is equipped with a comfortable shock absorption system that does not tire your legs, as well as manual angle adjustment tilt A wide range of features includes a heart rate sensor built into the handrail and chest strap. The simulator is equipped with an intuitive display, with which you can select any of thirteen programs, as well as monitor the distance traveled, speed and energy consumption. When the maximum load is exceeded, an alarm will sound.

The device has a powerful motor that reaches a speed of 14 km/h. The running belt is 40 x 120 cm wide and is designed for a weight of no more than 130 kg. There are sides with rubber pads on the sides: you can stand on them during breaks. The folding mechanism and medium dimensions of the model (160x67x136 cm) will allow you to easily store the exercise machine in a closet or pantry. Additional features include speakers that broadcast music, stands for glasses and books.

The best professional treadmills

Professional treadmills are adapted for use in specialized gyms. These models have an extended warranty period and increased durability. The parts used in their designs are wear-resistant and designed to last long workouts with prolonged loads. The prices for such devices are several times higher than for devices purchased for home use.

3 Spirit CT800

The best ratio of price and functionality
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 299,990.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Spirit CT800 model has the best price-functionality ratio among analogues. The machine has nine programs that include time and distance training, as well as a fitness assessment. The ability to program allows you to create individual training modes for each user.

The device is equipped with an electric belt that reaches a speed of 19 km/h. Shock absorption system and smooth automatic adjustment angle makes it possible to use the treadmill as a tool for moving not only on flat terrain, but also on hills. The presence of several cardiac sensors (built-in, chest, wireless) will allow you to track the body’s performance under different loads.

2 Horizon Elite T4000

Record warranty period. Suitable for users up to 170 kg
A country: USA (manufactured in Poland)
Average price: 118,300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Americans have long come to their senses and from the fattest nation they have turned into almost the most athletic. Needless to say, US companies unconditionally hold the palm in the market for the production of simulators. Thus, the Horizon company supplies Elite series treadmills to Russia, and one of the most popular models is the T4000. Formally, it is equipment for home use, but technically it corresponds to the parameters of professional platforms. The design is based on a welded frame made of high-strength steel. Electric drive with a capacity of 2.5 liters. pp., supplemented by a digital system for quick response to load changes, develops belt speeds of up to 20 km/h for an athlete weighing 170 kg.

In terms of strength and safety, the manufacturer did their best: they installed a dynamic shock-absorbing package, made the deck from a high-density material 25 mm thick, and increased the thickness of the running belt to 4.4 mm. In fact, he worked on exactly those elements that almost every owner faces with repair or replacement during the 1st year of equipment operation. The same model received an extended warranty period of 36 months, which indicates the company’s confidence in its quality and reliability.

1 Clear Fit Enjoy TM 7.25

A decent margin of safety. Music play function
A country: France (manufactured in China)
Average price: 63,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Clear Fit encourages you to play sports with pleasure and produces equipment with appropriate functionality. The Enjoy TM 7.25 treadmill model is a modern multifunctional exercise machine for use at home and in small fitness rooms. Its technical characteristics are sufficient to run for a person weighing 160 kg at an intensity of up to 20 km/h. The increased width and relief of the canvas, as well as non-slip pads on the deck, eliminate discomfort and the possibility of loss of balance. In general, the entire structure is distinguished by its weightiness and reliability; experts note the high-quality welding of the frame.

The design of the unit in gray and black fits perfectly into any home interior. Low energy consumption, power supply from a 220V network and deep coloring of the body allow you to install the track anywhere in the room, including in direct sunlight. The system of smoothly changing the angle of inclination from 0 to 15° with a gas closer is responsible for the safety of training, and the built-in speakers help to combine every activity with entertainment.

Treadmill type

Treadmills can be divided into two main types - mechanical and electrical. The belts of mechanical treadmills work due to the application of their own efforts - the running speed is regulated by the person himself. Electric treadmills are powered by an electric motor, thanks to which you can set any speed of movement of the belt without applying your own strength.


The maximum permissible weight of the user and, of course, the speed of movement of the web depend on the power. The greater the engine power of the simulator, the higher the speed at which a person can run. In addition, high engine power is responsible for reliable operation of the track. For people whose weight does not exceed 80 kg, a simulator with a motor power of 1.5 is perfect. hp If you plan to run rather than walk, it is better to choose a treadmill where the permissible speed can reach 15-20 km/h.

Running belt size

The ease of use of the treadmill depends on the size of the running belt. The larger the build of the person exercising on the simulator, the wider and longer the running belt should be.


This parameter is responsible for the functionality of the simulator. The more additional programs, the more opportunities a person involved in sports has. For example, a heart rate-dependent program is capable of monitoring the heartbeat and measuring a person’s pulse. In addition, some programs allow you to enter your own data, weight and height indicators, so that in the future you can control the consumption of calories, burned fat, etc.


Among the tested and famous brands treadmills can be distinguished:

  • TOrneo(Torneo) is one of the largest companies in Italy on the market of simulator manufacturers;
  • HOuseFit(HouseFit) is an American company that produces some of the best treadmills;
  • HOrizOn fitness- another well-known American manufacturing company that is popular in the European market.

It is worth noting (from a positive point of view) such companies as: Body Sculpture- English manufacturer and Winnerfitness- Asian manufacturer.

Compact treadmills are in great demand among fitness club owners and private buyers. Modern premises are no different large areas and therefore many athletes and amateurs choose small treadmills. In addition to the advantages of ergonomics, these exercise machines also have many other undeniable advantages. And the main thing is the technical characteristics, which are in no way inferior to the standard options.

What are compact treadmills

In this case, we are talking specifically about the size of the running belt. As a rule, for small paths it starts from dimensions 100x32 and reaches dimensions of about 140x51. In terms of engine power, you can find a wide variety of options, as well as standard simulators. Some options can be classified as “super compact” because they are additionally equipped with a folding mechanism.

Cost of small treadmills

How to choose a compact treadmill

  • Engine power;
  • Shock absorption system;
  • Canvas size;
  • Software;
  • Additional characteristics.

Compact treadmills for home

They are in great demand among Russian buyers small treadmills. In rare cases, the dimensions of the apartment allow the installation of standard options due to the length of the canvas. A small running machine allows you not to deny yourself the pleasure of training. Buyers also pay attention to cost. compact paths. Some models of small exercise equipment are really inexpensive and are available to every family.

Compact treadmills from is a guarantee of quality and reliability. We offer a wide range of products and a flexible system of discounts.

Any treadmill meets all requirements and GOSTs. All Sports Equipment designed in such a way as to minimize the risk of injury and bring the greatest pleasure and efficiency from exercise.

We offer the most favorable delivery conditions and manufacturer's warranty in Moscow. However, we are confident in the quality of the compact tracks and know that there will be no warranty claims.

Our managers will be happy to advise you on any issue. Happy shopping!