The most interesting books about horses. Research work "the image of a horse in works of literature" In what works are peasant horses mentioned?

Municipal scientific and practical conference



“The image of a horse in literature as a measure of human morality.”

Work completed:

5th grade student

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school in Zavolzhsky"

Shlepkina Arina

Head: Ushakova O.V.-

Russian language teacher and




IIntroduction……………………………………………………………………pp. 3

IIMain part

Chapter 1 From history……………………………………………………….page 4

Chapter 2. The horse and modernity………………………………………………………pp.4-5

Chapter 3.Questionnaire…………………………………………………………..pp.5-6

Chapter 4.Selection of works and their analysis…………………………..pp.6-8

Chapter 5. Problems posed by authors in their works………pp.8-9


IVInternet resources and literature used………………… 11

I Introduction.

The Lord, having created a horse, said to it: “Not a single animal can compare with you; all earthly treasures lie between your eyes. You will trample my enemies and carry my friends around. From your back they will say prayers to me. You will be happy throughout the entire earth and you will be valued more than all creatures, because you will have the love of the ruler of the earth. You will fly without wings and strike without a sword..." (Arab legend)

The choice of the topic of my research work is not accidental: I really love horses; last year I worked on the topic “The horse is our friend and helper,” I learned a lot about horses, and this year I decided to turn to literature, because the image of a horse is present in many works.

I wondered what role do horses play in works of art? What does a horse help a person understand?Why is the image of a horse given in the works? How is a horse depicted? How is a man depicted next to a horse?

Target of this study - to consider the image of a horse in literature using the example of several works.

Tasks research:

    Explore what a horse meant to our ancestors and what it means to modern people;

    Analyze and highlight the problems raised in these works.

    Find parallels in the image of a horse and a man

    Identify the moral lessons that authors give to readers through the image of a horse.

Research methods used in the work:

Search (work on the Internet, in the library);

Reading works;


Diagnostic activities (processing of materials, drawing up diagrams);

Creating and protecting a presentation.

Hypothesis: through the relationship of a person to a horse, the author shows his moral qualities.

II Main part.

Chapter 1. From history

1.1.How the horse became man’s main assistant.

Horses were domesticated by people a long time ago, thousands of years ago. Scientists believe that horses were initially only a source of meat and milk, and then carried riders on their backs. There are many breeds of horses (more than 100)

Oddly enough, the horse did not immediately become man’s main assistant in agriculture. People tried everyone for this important role: there were bulls, and cows, and oxen, and at times they even forced an elephant to work in the field.

Finally, they turned to the hard worker - the horse - an easygoing, hardworking and dexterous animal.

After all, she has enormous strength and endurance, capable of working tirelessly for several hours in a row. The horse has an amazing memory for places and objects. She can navigate perfectly in rain and snowstorm, day and night.

1.2Use of horses in various spheres of human activity

It’s impossible to imagine without horsesRussian army and our warriors - heroes. Draft and pack horses transported cannons, ammunition, food, wounded soldiers, etc.
The horse is irreplaceable
on the hunt . In the middleXVIIIcentury, during the reign of Peter III, the nobility was freed from service to the royal court. It was from this time that it began real story hound hunting in Russia.

Can not imagineRussia without three horses.A troika drawn by gray Oryol men, a unique symbol of Russian history, is an invariable attribute of national holidays: weddings, celebrations, Christmas. A troika rushing along a snow-covered road is a stereotype of many foreigners in their idea of ​​Russia, exactly the same iconic symbol as the Russian samovar, accordion or bagels.

Chapter 2. The horse and modernity.

2.1.How the role of the horse has changed in the modern world

Years have passed... The era of horses as an indispensable transport, a worker in the field and a carrier of heavy loads is over. A farmer's best friend is almost always a tractor or a combine...
The military now prefers to use planes and tanks, and the horse probably won’t budge the current plow. It's true, tractors and cars at one time replaced the horse from agriculture. However, in some jobs a horse is indispensable, especially where it is irrational to use a tractor or a car (plowing personal plots, collecting milk from private farms, delivering lunches to tractor and field crews, especially in inclement weather and off-road conditions, etc.). The horse's former glory is gradually being restored, and the number of horses is increasing.

2.2.Horse and sport

Horseback Riding- this is using . When riding, the rider actively interacts with the movement of the horse. Contrary to popular belief, they are not equestrian sports, but tests of horses. Equestrian sport was included in the summer program for the first time.

2.3. Equestrian circus

Equestrian circus - the oldest form of circus art, in which most of the acts involve the display of trained horses and equestrianism. Among the largest representatives of the Russian and Soviet equestrian circus are A. Salamonsky, N. A. Nikitin, Efimovs, Manzheli, Kantemirovs, etc.

2.4. Horse and medicine

The horse is very helpful in protecting and restoring human health. In Russia, tuberculosis, dystrophy and some other diseases have long been treated with Bashkir kumiss. This drink is made from horse milk. Natural mare's milk is a biologically more complete product for humans than cow's milk.

There is a unique type of physical therapy on horseback called hippotherapy. But perhaps the most important and useful thing in hippotherapy is communication between a person and a large and kind animal.

The horse has served and continues to serve man in many areas. But the most important thing is to cultivate kindness in a person.

Chapter 3.


I conducted a survey among students in my 5th grade, in which 23 people took part. I asked the guys questions:

    Which animal can be a friend to man? (dog – 12 hours, cat – 8 hours, horse – 2 hours, parrot – 2 hours)

    Can a horse be a friend to a man? (yes-23h.)

    Does a horse have its own character, soul? (yes - 20 hours, I don’t know - 3 hours)

    Can a horse be superior to a human in anything? What? (speed – 17 hours, devotion – 3 hours, I don’t know – 3 hours)

    Do you think that in our time of science and technology, does a person need a horse? (yes – 20 hours, no – 3 hours)

    What works about horses have you read or can you name? (none – 20h.)

The survey data showed that students have little information about horses, about the significance of the image of a horse in fiction.

Chapter 4 .

Selection of works and their analysis.

While working on my research topic, I read works such asG. Kuklin “Igrenka”, excerpt from V. Rasputin’s story “Deadline” - “Igrenka”, B. Vasiliev “The Magnificent Six”, M. Sholokhov “Foal”, A.I. Kuprin “Emerald”, V.P. Astafiev “The Smell of Hay”, K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”, “Grey Gelding”, L. Tolstoy “Kholstomer”, B. Almazov “The Most beautiful horse", A. Chekhov "Tosca". I would like to dwell on some of them in more detail.

TaleBoris Almazov "The most beautiful horse" . This story is about a very ordinary boy, honest and kind, a little “hats”... about how he fell in love with horses, how his new hobby - equestrian sport - influenced his character, about real boyish friendship, and not only boyish. For us, modern readers, this story is also a real guide to the Soviet past of our country, with pioneers and horses still needed on the farm who survived to those times.

Fairy taleK.G.Paustovsky "Warm bread" The action in this tale takes place during the Civil War, in an ordinary Russian village. The horse was wounded during the war, a hard worker, patiently carried out hard work, helped the miller Pankrat, all the villagers considered it their duty to take care of him.The boy Filka, nicknamed “Well, you,” offended the wounded horse. Therefore, all sorts of troubles begin in the village. At the end of the work, Filka realizes his mistake.There is nothing more terrible than losing the trust and affection of those living nearby, be it a person or an animal. We all live in the same world, connected by the same blood ties. And it is impossible to bring nature to such a state that it takes revenge on man for all the insults that he inflicts on it..

A.I.Kuprin "Emerald". The main character is the stallion Emerald. It is through his eyes that all events are described.The trotter wakes up at midnight on the eve of the race and, lulled by the warmth of the stable and the aroma of hay, falls asleep again and returns to childhood, to his mother mare. Happy and pleasant memories are interrupted by the bustle of the day. The impatience of the stagnant Emerald is restrained wise hands Englishman. Ultimately, the trotter's victory is a triumph of American dressage, transforming “the horse into a living, immaculate machine.” Incomprehensible to him, the manipulations of the photographer who captured the triumph of the Emerald are interrupted by the “black crumbling mass” of people. And then something completely incomprehensible to the trotter happens, indicated by the cry: “Fake horse, fake trotter, deception, fraud, money back!”And people are to blame - some who tried to deceive others, and others who took revenge for deception. And between them is the absolutely beautiful stallion Emerald, who still did not understand that poison had been added to his oats in order to stop further proceedings.

G.O. Kuklin "Igrenka."

The story is based on the case of a boy named Petka losing his favorite horse and setting off on a difficult, risky search for his pet.

He scolds himself for falling asleep, and waking up to see that there is no horse, he is surrounded by “an unusual forest, some kind of fabulous, mysterious, scary”; “The forest began to rustle”; “The cuckoo screamed and pressed”; "There were shadows walking around the fire." And he goes in search of a friend: “Climbing the slope was difficult and slippery”; “My knees got stuck in the cold mud”; "Flying from tree to tree"; “It splashed in the face”; "Petka was afraid to breathe." And so Petka goes to the gypsy camp and looks for his horse there. “There is nothing to look for here, we must look in other places.” Despair gives way to hope. “It’s good that I didn’t take off the bell, now with the bell I can find Igrenka wherever you want - be it in the forest, even at night.” Suddenly a sound came from somewhere far away: But it was a lost cow.

“Petka sat down on a stump.

He covered his eyes with his hands and, all wet and scratched,I just wanted to see my mother. Come to her, wrap upcatch her in her apron and tell everything.....And as soon as he managed to run into the forest, he looked and did not believe: Igrenka was standing in front of him.

The tail is covered in leaves, the head is wrapped, tightly pulled with a belt to the thick branch of a gnarled pine tree. And the bell looks up dead. That's right - the belt has come off.

Petka grabbed a knife, climbed a pine tree and hit the belt with the knife, the belt shattered. Igrenka snorted, straightened up, and neighed loudly throughout the forest.”

Petka is an ordinary boy and extraordinary because he was not afraid and managed to overcome his fear. The hero goes through a whole chain of trials and small adventures before he finally finds the horse.

In the story"The Magnificent Six" B. Vasiliev reflects on indifference and irresponsibility younger generation, about those people who raise and educate this generation, about the fact that caring for veterans results in some kind of formal traditions.

The heroes of the story are pioneers who were vacationing at a summer camp. After riding the horses, they tied them to a tree, and the next day they went home - the shift ended. They played enough, rode, stroked their pride and doomed the horses to a painful, starving death.

All the heroes of this story can be divided into 2 groups. For group 1 (Kira Sergeevna, physical education teacher, counselor) it is important to prove their innocence in what happened and to maintain the challenge banner of socialist competition. They are pushy, rude, insincere, and even refuse obvious facts. The other group (lieutenant, veteran Pyotr Dementievich Prokudov, who loves, cares, and is grateful to horses, because Kuchum saved his life during the war, it was in his “winter stable that the smell of horses was so wonderful”) - they do not demand anything, they are They really care about the fate of the younger generation, hence the bitterness and pain in their words. The lieutenant comes to the pioneer camp because he is concerned about the fate of both the war veteran and these guys who committed this crime.

He did not come so that the children would be severely punished; he wants people who are involved in raising children to pay attention to the fact that children are growing up indifferent and irresponsible.

The connivance of the camp leadership led to the death of the horses. The desire to hide the truth, to pay off, and indifference to a living person led to the death of the old, honored man.“And the honorary pensioner of the collective farm, Pyotr Dementievich Prokudov, died that same evening. He bought two bottles of vodka and drank them in the winter stables, where until now there was such a wonderful smell of horses.”

Chapter 5

    unfair relationship between man and horse

    loneliness of both humans and animals

    power and thirst for profit through the exploitation of animals

    old age of man and animal

    moral values ​​in life

How are these problems traced in the works?



K.G.Paustovsky "Warm bread"

Rudebackhand hit the horseI,those. swinging hard)


Threw the bread far away


He shouted: “You won’t get enough, you Christ-loving people, go and dig it with your muzzle.”


A.I.Kuprin "Emerald"







G.O. Kuklin "Igrenka."







B. Vasiliev "The Magnificent Six"


“Horses, they know how to be sorry”


“Everyone can’t live to see good things”

Callous at heart

"A horse, he's like a man"

B. Almazov "The most beautiful horse" .

Kind, educated, intelligent

The cone shuddered and groaned.

"good boy"

laughed and stomped merrily

Responsive, loving

This is human labor.

III Conclusion.

What horsepower!
Sometimes they say that horses are not for our days.
And I don't mind speed beyond sound,
But beyond that - for good horses!

Horses are strong, resilient, graceful animals. They have very kind eyes. They, like humans, can rejoice, suffer, worry, and writers show this in their works. Literature also teaches kindness, love, compassion, including kindness towards all living things.
It seems to me that a person should take care of them, because they are our smaller brothers. With the advent various equipment, the need for horses disappeared, but people did not lose interest in them. After all, horses are amazing healers not only of the body, but also of the soul.

In the course of my work, I confirmed my hypothesis that the image of a horse reveals moral and spiritual state the person who is next to her: whether he is evil or kind, indifferent or sympathetic, cruel or merciful. The author depicts the image of the horse as nobler and purer.
Through the image of a horse, writers give readers important moral lessons:

    They foster a love for animals and teach them to derive joy from communicating with them.

    They awaken a feeling of compassion, and also show an example of devotion and fidelity.

    They allow a person to look at himself from the outside and change for the better.

Read more works about animals. Writers will reveal to you a lot of interesting and useful things about them and about yourself.- Kuprin “Emerald”

Astafiev “The smell of hay”

Paustovsky “Warm Bread”

Almazov “The most beautiful horse”

Bulvanker V. “From cat to whale”, M. “Prosveshcheniye”, 2012

10 fiction books about horses. . . . Horse whisperer. Thirteen-year-old Grace, out for a ride on horseback, gets into a serious accident. The girl and her beloved horse Pilgrim miraculously survived. Annie, Grace's mother, refuses to shoot Pilgrim, realizing that with his death a part of her daughter's soul will also die... But suddenly Annie learns about Tom Booker, who has a wonderful gift for understanding horses - such people were once called charmers. And Annie sets off on a long journey, having difficulty persuading her daughter to go with her. They also transport Pilgrim in a special van. Will Tom be able to help Grace's pet? Will he be able to instill hope in the girl and restore her self-confidence and love for life? Sarah Gruen Riding Lessons. The main character of the novel, Annemarie Zimmer, was a very promising rider as a child. If not for the tragedy in which her beloved horse died, the girl could have conquered even the most inaccessible heights. But everything turned out differently; Annemarie did not sit in the saddle for twenty years. But one day the time has come to face your fears, ride life and gallop in the right direction... Sarah Gruen writes very warmly about horses. Their images in the book turned out to be vivid, they are written out even better than some of the characters. Although there are not many episodes with them in the book, they are very important for revealing the image of the main character. What do horses cry about? Fyodor Abramov The main character of the story is a villager, a man with a kind and sensitive heart. He loves horses, but it is not without reason that the hero says that “these kind and intelligent animals... evoked a feeling of pity and incomprehensible guilt before them.” The story teaches us not only to be more careful and caring towards our defenseless four-legged brothers, but also to be direct and honest with ourselves, to be able to admit our mistakes and not be afraid to express gratitude for the good done to you. Half your life for a horse. Maria Semyonova In the collection “Half a Life for a Horse,” Maria Semyonova, along with chapters from her novel “Order,” included works by other authors writing in various genres. Together they make up an amazing book in which each talks about their life around horses. With the very horses that once, according to an apt expression, “brought man into the world,” and have now turned into expensive exotic toys. The five authors of the book are completely different, and their stories are not similar to each other. Perhaps they have only one thing in common: they all love horses. And not yourself on it... Emerald. Alexander Kuprin A true story about a horse who fell victim to human envy and greed. Grandson of Taglioni. Pyotr Shiryaev Pyotr Alekseevich Shiryaev (1888-1935) knew the world of horse breeding well, which allowed him to create a truly heartfelt work. This is a story about the times of the Civil War. About how the Oryol mare Flattery fell into the hands of a peasant, how painfully difficult it was for him to understand what it was - a prize horse of high blood, and how difficult life was for her descendant, a trotter named Grandson Taglioni. The book is based on real story stallion Darling and his mother with the touching name Skomoroshka; was filmed twice. Florence is the daughter of the Devil. Ioanna Khmelevskaya Florence is a unique horse, gallops faster than the wind, and therefore is of serious interest to the bandits, because a lot of money is spinning at the hippodrome. How do criminals know about Florence and how do they manage to blackmail players? Only Mrs. Joanna is able to get to the truth - with her ability to get involved in dangerous stories. But this time she has a wonderful assistant - the horse Florence. In the end, Joanna and Florence brilliantly expose two mafias at once - Russian and Polish, but first they have to face fights, murders and forgery. And the secret of Florence will be revealed... Haze. Wil James Do you know what a real cowboy horse is? He carries the rider across the endless prairie, and even the leopard gets out of his way. Sometimes it is difficult to understand who is in charge in this pair - the man or the horse. So, finally, read the truth about a real cowboy horse named Dymka. He is smart, brave and proud. Severe trials befell the mousey stallion from the American prairies, but he managed to survive and return home. Alpha + Romeo. Jaan Rannap The story of the Estonian writer Jaan Rannap, published in 1983, tells about the friendship of a boy and a horse Alpha, about loyalty, kindness and justice. There are many funny and funny stories in it. Horse summer. Alice Meln A book about life, a book about a dream, sometimes sad to the point of goosebumps and tears in your eyes. But overall very positive and life-affirming. It was written for readers who dream of life next to their favorite horse: running to it, talking and playing, brushing, saddling, racing together... About a life in which adults trust you not only with the horse, but also with yourself. Twelve-year-old Anya's holidays became the fulfillment of her wishes: she had Zarya, her parents allowed her to spend days and sometimes nights in the stable, people needed her help, new acquaintances grew into friendships, and all this made Anya absolutely happy. Some will say that this does not happen. Maybe. This book is about children's dreams, which mothers, fathers, boys and girls read with equal pleasure.

Every animal is special, but for many people, horses have been and remain favorites. Their intelligence, strength, grace and devotion are magnetic. For some, horses became true friends, faithfully accompanying them in both joyful and sad moments. It is not surprising that in world and domestic literature so many books are dedicated to these beautiful animals. Here are just a few of them:

Michael Morpurgo "War Horse"

The story of the friendship of a little boy and a horse has become another proof of many simple truths that adults sometimes forget about. Having tamed an animal, people can allow themselves to treat it poorly and forget about responsibility for their actions. An animal, on the contrary, remains devoted to a person, no matter what, and is able to preserve and carry its love through time and circumstances. And only rare exceptions, akin to miracles, break this pattern.

A special feature of the work was that the author gave readers the opportunity to look at events through the eyes of this very animal. And what turned out to be? Any living creature is alive because it is capable of feeling and communicating. In my own way, of course. And the impossible is possible when there is a dream and action.

Cormac McCartney "Horses, horses..."

17-year-old John Grady rides through the hills of life on his favorite horse. Having grown up in the vast expanses of nature, he cannot come to terms with the fact that his mother has decided to sell the ranch, which has truly become a part of his soul. The young hero takes his friend and goes with him to conquer Mexico, which greets them as ordinary people, and not at all as long-awaited guests. The children will have to endure a series of losses, disappointments, dangers and other vicissitudes of fate before finding harmony and happiness.

Ken Kesey "The Last Race"

Expectations from a work based on real events, moreover, produced by such a master, are off the charts on all fronts. The individual writing style of Ken Kesey is recognizable in this novel, but it does not overshadow the plot. The narration is carried out in time with the events described - rodeo bets, sweat and blood, lasso and love for freedom. The outcome will be unpredictable even for experienced “reading detectives” who can predict how it will all end.

Nicholas Evans "The Horse Whisperer"

The book, which became a bestseller in America, continues to conquer people's hearts. One of the main characters named Grace gets into an accident while riding her horse Pilgrim. Crippled health undermines the girl’s self-confidence. Her mother goes against the rules of that time and refuses to kill Pilgrim, realizing that the remaining meaning of her beloved daughter’s existence will go with him. Instead, she decides to find a man who understands horses and will help re-educate Pilgrim, but she does not even suspect how this meeting, the reason for which was a tragic event, will change the life of Grace and those around her...

Sarah Gruen "Riding Lessons"

A girl with great promise in equestrian sport named Annemarie Zimmer suffers a great loss that takes away a part of herself: her beloved horse dies. The story is about how fragile even the most promising and serious plans according to human beliefs can be. The heroine spends the next 20 years after the tragedy struggling with herself, her pain and fears. A psychological drama about complex relationships with people and animals, which is worth reading to the end to breathe out and smile.

Anna Sewell "Black Beauty"

“A story told by the horse itself,” is what the book says in the preface. It begins with the birth of a foal and is then narrated by his “story” about his growing up and life observations. It turns out that disobedience and other manifestations of “bad” character are a reaction to improper upbringing of horses, namely a pragmatic approach to them as a means, without the slightest hint of love and care. Conversely, the lucky ones who grew up in a favorable atmosphere are much more holistic, resilient and flexible. Need I say that these vicissitudes of the animal world are transferred to people?

L.N. Tolstoy "Kholstomer"

The dozens of years that the literary genius spent creating this work were written into a few pages. He projects the human world onto animals, and therefore the latter are endowed with human qualities. The other side comes into conflict with them - the “civilized” bourgeois upstarts, who consider everyone around guilty and wipe their feet on them. The social subtext of the story is revealed between the lines: all living beings are free by nature, and not only their appropriation, but also attempts at oppression and selfish use are unnatural.

Wil James "Haze"

A horse is an invariable attribute of every self-respecting cowboy. It would seem that there is competition between both cowboys and horses. But... a cowboy horse will never be “one of the”. She is always special and this peculiarity is in the outlandish character of each. James argues that a man with all his weapons loses to those who have a horse. The description of the life of the horse Dymka - the real king of the prairies, for whom nothing is impossible - is a clear confirmation of this.

Dick Francis "The Favorite"

The author's personality deserves special attention. Francis was born into a family of hereditary jockeys, then during difficult war times he retrained as a pilot. But even in the air, he felt like he was on a horse - he even called his plane Pegasus. In peacetime, he returned to equestrian sports and repeatedly became the champion of the Royal Jockey Games. In short, this man has a lot to tell about life in general and horses in particular. That is why “The Favorite” is not the only work on this topic. Some of the most famous also include: “Death on the Hippodrome”, “Race of Thirteen”, “Driving Force”...

Eilis Dillon "Horse Island"

Book written in simple language, and a fascinating plot, understandable to a child and interesting to an adult. Against the backdrop of Irish nature, wild horses and the whole whirlwind of events seem especially rich and fresh. The adventures of fifteen-year-old fishermen are imbued with the spirit of freedom and dreams, an unbridled desire for change and the belief that these changes will happen for the better. It is Horse Island that becomes the starting and turning point of many of the events described.

The list is far from exhaustive, but the meaning is extremely clear: it’s good when there are good books, true friends about whom you can write this book!

Part two (part one, fairy tales are separate):
for the guys MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL AGE . I would title this part " About the role of the horse in our life ". More “adult” issues are considered here, however, we remember that the division is very arbitrary. For preparing the review, many thanks, as usual, to the compilers - bibliographers G. F. Stavrovskaya and N. A. Ivanyukovich, as well as to our respected researchers frometta And to_guy .

Special Recommendations deserves a book here Boris Almazov "Farewell and hello horses!"- this book is not fiction, but, judging by the reviews, it is completely unique, unfortunately, it was published only once 30 years ago and was not reprinted, now it has become a bibliographic rarity, even, judging by the article in the biblioguide, there is only one left in the central children's library a copy, and it is already quite dilapidated, literally “read to the core.”


Mikhail Alekseev "Karyukha" " A poignant story about the Russian village and the main support of any peasant family, friend and helper, sufferer and nurse - the horse.

"From the point of view of her owners, this filly had everything
imaginable and inconceivable horse vices: old, lazy, treacherous and evil - can sneak up from behind and bite for no reason, frog - give in with its hind hooves so that you can’t pick up bones, quarrelsome - will take you out at night, will not graze with other horses , she will definitely be carried away to God knows where. But it is unpretentious to feed, and although it is not challenging in work, it is very hardy.
What else can I say about Karyukha? It was very difficult for her in the spring. Sokha - no matter what. And pull the one-share plow, which was not easy for even two fillies to drag! By noon, Karyukha stopped in the furrow not because of cunning: she was so tired that her springy legs were trembling, and then the whips would not be whipped, but Karyukha would stand rooted to the spot - once she simply fell in the tracks, and only then the owner, discouraged and the unfortunate man realized that at least for one hour, Karyukha must be unharnessed."
The father... stood in front of the mare, looked for a long time into her twilight eyes, impulsively hugged her neck and, sobbing, hoarsely said:
“Nothing, nothing, Karyukha, we’re also... we, you know...”

Lev Tolstoy "Kholstomer: the story of a horse" "Tragic story the life of a piebald gelding whose unusual color was the source of all his misfortunes."

Saltykov-Shchedrin "Horse": "A satirical fairy tale-parable, where a Russian peasant and his bitter lot are depicted in the image of a hunted Konyaga."

Borovik "Cockerel: The Tale of a Horse": "About the wonderful record trotter of the 30s of the last century, his character, about the people who raised such a horse."

Kashafutdinov "High Blood": "About human dishonesty - while the jockey is sick and in the hospital, his superiors send his high-bred horse to the stud farm." A film was made based on the book.

Fedor Kudryavtsev "Then There Were Horses": “- I then served in the glorious 19th Manych Regiment. We were stationed in New Peterhof near Leningrad, in the former Life Uhlan barracks. They assigned me to go to Canada for horses. I was stubborn: I don’t speak foreign languages, I have a below-average education. “Like,” they say, “in your application form it is indicated: “Education - TsPSh.” This is the Central Political School?" "No way," I said, a parochial, two-class school." Having corrected their mistake, I asked if I could be free. And they persuaded me to go back, since I am good with horses. "Okay," I say, “I’m ready to carry out the order.” When do we saddle up?" For some reason I thought that we would go on horseback, and Canada is overseas. In those years, I had not yet taken geography. One day I foolishly contacted a political instructor to argue. He explained that England is an island state, but I didn’t believed. He says that there is a very large island there, and I say that there are also large islands on the Don. There is the village of Staro-Cherkasskaya, on a huge island, but still not a state? Then they enlightened me, they showed me a globe. On it, the Don is tiny It’s marked with a scratch, and England is more than the entire Don region, they showed it to me too.”

Horses are devoted companions and helpers of humans. They died along with their riders in battles, cultivated arable land, transported goods and traveled hundreds of kilometers. Nowadays, they have become more expensive toys than a necessity. But the relationships between people and horses are sometimes so touching and deep that they are worthy of a writer’s pen. Fiction books about horses will open you to the world of nobility and friendship between man and animal.

The narrator of this novel is a horse named Joey. It belonged to young Albert, but the boy's father sold the horse to settle financial problems. Albert goes into the crucible of war to find a friend. This book is a look at the world, war and us, people, through the eyes of a horse.

Sarah lives with her grandfather, who teaches her horse riding. But a tragedy happens, and the girl is left alone with adversity. Lawyer Natasha is on the verge of divorcing her husband. During this difficult period, she meets Sarah and takes her to her place, not knowing about the girl’s secret...

Grace gets into an accident while riding on horseback. Both she and her horse Pilgrim remain alive. But the horse is seriously wounded. Grace's mother does not dare shoot the animal, knowing how much grief it will bring to her daughter. All together they go to the one who is able to heal the Pilgrim.

The boy Shasta lives in the family of a poor fisherman in Tarkhistan. One day he meets a talking Narnian horse. Together they head towards the free northern lands. Along the way they will meet the runaway Aravita and the talking horse Winnie. Ahead of them is the noisy and dangerous Tashbaan...

Siverin, recently released from the colony, is hired as a cattle driver to Altai. Here the workers must have horses. Siverin chooses one of the horses brought by the Mongols - red and wayward. Who will defeat whom in an attempt to defeat this obstinate man?

An unusual stallion haunts cowboys on the prairie. The pacer constantly leads the mares away. The herds suffer losses, and the cowboys dream of lassoing a mustang. People have many ways to imprison an animal in captivity. But is it possible to break the spirit of a freedom-loving creature?

The prankster Emil does not spend a day without making up stories. Who else can make a cat jump just out of curiosity? How about throwing a cake in the face of the main person in the city? Emil can fall into jelly and feed the pig the wrong food. And do all this with kindness and from the heart.

The life of peasant horses is not easy: they are disfigured by hard work and poor care. One of the horses, Ryzhukha, heard the song of her ancestors, who lived in the wild. But Ryzhukha’s brothers don’t believe fairy tales about freedom. Then the horse asks the man if the old song is true...

The story of the horse, which he himself will tell the reader. The handsome man grew up in the vast expanses of provincial England, and then came to London. He will tell the story of the difficult fate of his relatives, who depend on people. And people are often cruel or indifferent to the animals around them.

Igor has no friends, but he has the offensive nickname “Panama”. This awkward and shy boy begins to learn horse riding from a stern trainer. And suddenly he discovers himself, his literature teacher, classmates and the whole world from unexpected and surprising sides.

A story about how fragile friendship can be and how important it is to take care of it. A story about a boy from the Benyakov family and his pony friend. About how free from conventions their relationship was. And How social demands keeping up appearances and wearing a normal saddle ruined this friendship.

As a child, Alan was struck down by polio. But the disease did not become a reason for him to give up life. Overcoming pain and the now limited capabilities of his body, Alan learns to walk, jump, ride a horse, and climb a quarry. This is a story of overcoming and believing in oneself.
The author included not only her own works in the collection. All the creations collected in the publication are dedicated to horses and life around them. Love for the horse, treating it as an equal being, and not an expensive or useless toy, is what unites the authors of the collection.

Collection of rare this moment works dedicated to the magnificent breed of horses - the Arabian. The research of Prince and Princess Shcherbatov dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, and Balakshin’s work was supplemented and published much later - in 1978. For the first time all these works are collected together.

A tale about the rich merchant Usedom and his favorite horse Dogoni-Vetre. The merchant was proud of his horse, protected it, and no one except Useom was allowed to ride it. One day, a horse saved a merchant's life, and he promised to take care of it. But the horse went blind and became a burden for the owner...

Ivushkin accidentally talked to his mother and father and thought that they were going to put the old horse Lusha, the boy’s faithful friend, to sleep. Ivushkin intends to save Lusha. He takes her to the forest, where magic and sister Staircase live. This fairy tale will remind adults of kindness and teach it to children.

The family ranch has been sold, and life outside the familiar world is unthinkable for the heroes. They saddle up their horses and go to Mexico to settle down on some other ranch. Having crossed the river, they find themselves in a world they did not expect to see. What keeps pushing them forward?

A real cowboy horse is a special creature. Even the predator, struck by this rapid power, leaves his path. A cowboy without a horse is not a tough guy, but something incomprehensible. This story is unique; it will tell the whole truth about cowboy horses and the fate of one of them.

For the hero, a trip to the forest with the neighboring children to pick strawberries ended with a painful realization of his bad deeds. The boy ate the collected berries and gave his grandmother a basket filled with grass with strawberries sprinkled on top. Both ashamed and I missed the time to confess...

A bright story written by a great horse connoisseur. A book about a mongrel, and therefore not particularly valuable, horse Vaska. Vaska's fate is intertwined with difficult life's path Vovki Vasilyeva. They have to go through a lot and understand the value of humanity and friendship.

The story of a poor boy and a wild Camargue stallion. The little hero sincerely fell in love with the freedom-loving and proud animal. One day a boy saves a horse, but does not want to be left without his friend. The hero follows the stallion to places whose names few people know...

A collection of legends and myths of the inhabitants of the harsh north - the Shawnee Indians. Their ideas about how the world began, their gods, rituals, immense respect and worship of nature. The relationship of the Shawnee with animals, which the Indians practically idolized, is especially noted.

The author with boundless tenderness, lyrically and vividly describes the nature of the Kama region and the customs of the local inhabitants. His hero is an ordinary boy named Alyosha. A bright, sympathetic boy with crystal clear thoughts understands the essence of responsibility for other people and nature.

The action of Bayramukova's story takes place shortly before and during the war. Soltan is an ordinary schoolboy who loves horses and knows them well. The boy raised a beautiful horse. When the invaders came to these lands, it was not easy to shelter and preserve such an animal...