The most expensive purchases of boxer Floyd Mayweather (12 photos). Collection of exclusive Floyd Mayweather cars Mayweather cars

The Money Team - invincible Floyd Mayweather has two passions: boxing and money. Perhaps he does not understand Russian (or any other) literature, but he knows a lot about wasteful spending. When choosing a car, Mayweather is guided primarily by the price, and secondly by the ability to increase this price through all kinds of upgrades.

Rare cases when extremely expensive things turn out to be of poor quality only confirm Golden Rule: “Expensive means good.” Floyd Jr. is guided by this simple principle, for whom it is much more pleasant to practice hard blows in the gym than to understand Horse power oh and the intricacies of injection.

Floyd's current garage is painted white (color is an important Mayweather fixation, but more on that later). Writer Michel Houellebecq, in his acclaimed novel “The Platform,” outlined a very interesting theory, the essence of which is the subconscious desire of people of one race to reincarnate into the opposite race. But in our case, the thought of the legendary stylist Isabella Blow is much more appropriate: “White literally smells of luxury.” Luxury is the key word to understand Floyd's overall image, and his choice of cars in particular.

Despite the abundance of expensive pendants and other decorations, Mayweather’s garage cannot be called anything other than classic. Indeed - no Spikers, Morgans, Maranzonis and other exotics for you. On the other hand, there were no intellectual maneuvers (like the Lamborghini, which is quite comparable in characteristics, but hopelessly inferior in status to the Audi R8) - all this luxury glitters with the well-known logos of the luxury class.

However, this automotive crown is missing the main diamond - the most expensive production car, the Bugatti Veyron.

On this moment Mayweather's favorite car is the Mercedes SLS AMG two-seater coupe, with a 6.3-liter V8 engine producing 570 hp.

In his free time from training, Floyd non-stop photographs the car and posts his work online. The boxer especially admires the gullwing doors.

The motorcade consists of more luxurious Rolls Royce and Maybach. Traffic control - this is how Floyd describes what is happening in the photo:

Rolls Royce in one form or another has always been present in Mayweather's life. Now this is a white classic Phantom - a colossus weighing 2.5 tons and producing 450 horsepower...

And also the Phantom Coupe, capable of accelerating to a maximum of 250 km/h.

Maybach is another of Floyd's favorites. A big car with a driver in which you can comfortably stretch out.

Gelendwagen - a traditional escort car serves Floyd for its intended purpose - impressively sized bodyguards ride on it (they), whose size, however, does not always help them escape from the boss’s fists. Speaking of the car itself, this model became a triumph of rationalism - its angular shapes were dictated by the need to save money without damaging the chassis.

The Ferrari was probably purchased for the overall visual appearance of the garage. Floyd hardly ever rides it.

Just taking pictures. The photo above is a social message for young people from Uncle Floyd: “I got my wealth through hard work.”

There is something biblical in Floyd’s automotive kingdom - “every creature has a pair” - two Rolls, two Maybachs, two Bentleys - the most powerful Continental GT coupe (570 hp)...

And the same drophead.

Floyd buys the cars he likes without hesitation. However, such an ugly hybrid of Rolls and Bentley raised doubts among the champion:

While Mayweather's garage is blindingly white, black units are stored in an underground parking lot in Nevada. Again Maybach...

And the unexpected British Aston Martin Vanquish, cars that are certainly bright, but evoke diametrically opposed emotions among their owners.

Another Maybach, silver, predating the “white period”.

Blue cars were Mayweather's favorite in the mid-2000s. Rolls Royce Phantom (eventually sold on eBay; photo clickable).

Blue Lamborghini Murcielago (again - a pair!).

The car is two years old - a Rolls Royce Phantom with an extended wheelbase. Due to this, the weight of the car increased, and the maximum speed decreased slightly.

The same Rolls and Lamborghini Murcielago in basic color.

Feel the difference - sitting in a Rolls Royce, you might not notice a Lamborghini passing nearby.

Finally, a photograph that provides comprehensive information on “Everything you need to know about Floyd Mayweather.”

Floyd Mayweather is the most famous and at the same time the highest paid boxer in the history of this sport. However, not everyone knows that he not only earns a huge amount of money, he also spends it on very, very luxurious acquisitions.

In particular, not long ago he purchased a luxury car for both himself and his son, thereby adding to his already large fleet of vehicles.

Your preference undefeated Floyd Mayweather decided to give Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse 2015. Many car enthusiasts know that the Bugatti Veyron is the fastest sports car in the world, so it is not surprising that Floyd decided to choose this particular car.

Moreover, among the entire series of existing models, he chose the most expensive, the price of which is $3.5 million. This car uses the most modern equipment, including a specialized turbocharger, an analogue of which can be purchased at, which made it possible to increase the power of the eight-liter engine to 1200 horsepower. This, in turn, allows the exclusive 1,900 kg supercar to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.6 seconds and reach an astonishing speed of 431 km/h, although with the convertible top open, the speed is limited to 410 km/h.

It is worth noting the fact that Floyd Mayweather, in principle, gives his preference to cars of this particular manufacturer. Indeed, in addition to his main sports car, his garage also contains a Bugatti Veyron and a Bugatti Veyron 101 BlackMetallic, each of which costs $1.6 million.

For his son's birthday, Floyd purchased an expensive Mercedes with individual modifications. It is worth noting the fact that any details regarding this acquisition have not been disclosed, however, all cars from this manufacturer are quite expensive, so it is not surprising that Floyd decided to choose a car of this particular brand for his child’s 16th birthday.

And Floyd Mayweather gave this gold Bentley golf cart to Coraun for his last birthday.

The total number of “iron horses” in Mayweather’s garage exceeds 30 copies.

Unrivaled boxer Floyd "Money" Mayweather has once again made incredible and ostentatious acquisitions for huge sums of money. Despite the fact that he earned about $300 million last year, making him the most... highly paid athlete in the world with a huge lead over his closest pursuers, Mayweather still sold his extremely rare Ferrari for about four million dollars to acquire a new unique car. The boxer's new purchase was the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. The name looks as if it is not about a car, but about some kind of coffee machine. However, in fact, this car is one of the rarest in the world - if not the rarest. In other words, this is an ideal purchase for a person who likes to stand out from the crowd.

Mayweather's statement

IN social network Instagram Floyd posted a portrait of himself next to a new car, to which he added the caption: “Here is my new car for 4.8 million dollars. Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita supercar worth $4.8 million. Koenigsegg is a super-fashionable car manufacturer for the richest. Koenigsegg only produced two of these cars in the world, and this is the second of two. It is also the only Trevita made for the USA. The country of origin of this car is Sweden. The word Trevita means "three whites". This is more than a supercar - this car is classified as a hypercar."

Incredible performance

Unlike the previous Ferrari Enzo, which was previously owned by the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi, in this case Mayweather is one of two people on the planet who own this car. We can talk a lot about the fact that the name of this model is translated from Swedish as “three whites” or that this car is covered in carbon fiber self made, which sparkles like a thousand diamonds when the sunlight falls on it. But really all you need to know is that maximum speed The speed of this car is 410 kilometers per hour, and from zero to one hundred kilometers per hour it accelerates in just 2.9 seconds. Simply put, it's a real bullet - and you won't be able to see it on US soil unless you meet Mayweather himself.

The most expensive car in the world

But it is also worth noting another very interesting fact. The fact is that the Koenigsegg supercar is the most expensive car in the world, because the car cost the great boxer 4.8 million dollars. Naturally, we are talking about the direct sale of a car - everyone knows that cars are sometimes sold at auction for much more, but directly from the manufacturer you will not be able to buy a model that would be more expensive than the one purchased by Floyd Mayweather.

Unique cars

As you can see, the world of sports now provides highly successful athletes with huge sums of money that they can spend on a wide variety of things, including a car like this. It cannot be said that its characteristics are very noticeably superior to other cars, even those that were also produced by this Swedish company. However, for the price, this machine is truly outstanding. And there is no doubt that the next most expensive car in the world will also be made in Sweden - manufacturers from Koenigsegg are not too concerned about selling as many of their models as possible. They produce all the parts themselves, assemble the cars themselves, so they produce them very slowly. The result is limited editions, top-of-the-line prices and an incredible amount of uniqueness. And this was once again proven by the purchase made by the still undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather, who again showed everyone his worth.

If you don't know anything about Floyd Mayweather, he is an absolutely incredible boxer who is currently enjoying his fame and fame. Since the start of his successful boxing career, he began to earn millions, so it is not surprising that Floyd now owns some pretty impressive assets, and is especially fond of luxury cars. Here are photographs of his luxurious exclusive collection of white cars.

Recently, the undefeated boxer decided to show off his incredible collection of cars, and if you look at these photos, you will immediately notice that every luxury car in his collection is four-wheel drive and completely white. Mayweather owns many cars, from Lamborghinis to Ferraris and Bentleys. The collection also includes an amazing Bugatti Veyron, unique in its combination of white and gray colors.

What's even more surprising is that the boxer revealed just a portion of his amazing collection. According to rumors, in reality it is much more extensive.

In 2015, boxer Floyd Mayweather became the highest paid athlete in the world and retired. In 2016, he did not have a single fight, but in 2017 he returned and, having defeated the championUFCConor McGregor received more than $100 million in a boxing match. And it seems that none of the athletes this year could earn more.

- Where are the gloves you used to beat Conor McGregor now?

Gloves? They're still in Las Vegas. Actually, I was supposed to pick them up from the Nevada State Athletic Commission, but I haven't done that yet, so they're still in Vegas.

Floyd Mayweather answers questions with a pointed smile, but with virtually no wording that could make for a catchy headline. Perhaps, having a billion dollars, you find yourself in another dimension, where it is no longer right to become popular in words. In Moscow, Floyd stays at a hotel on Tverskaya, from the windows of his room it is unimaginable good view on the Kremlin towers, and at the entrance waits a Rolls Royce with the letters TMT (The Money Team is the boxer’s personal brand, which he actively promotes. - Forbes) on a Russian license plate. Mayweather flies to Moscow for the fourth time, but in each case he was invited by the same person. Russian businessman Timofey Kurgin calls the boxer his friend and consistently hears the same thing in response.

We flew to the fight with Saul Alvarez (September 2013 - Forbes), there they talked with people from his circle and congratulated Floyd on his victory,” says Kurgin. - And in 2014 we met at high fashion week in Europe and invited us to Russia. I wrote him a very short message and told him about myself. Floyd read it, realized that we were his people, and flew in at the first opportunity (Mayweather held a master class in Moscow on October 1, 2014, 17 days after the fight with Marcos Maidana. - Forbes). I saw and heard that he had many fans in Russia, and I understood that it would be interesting to organize it.

- On the Internet it is easy to find two amounts that are called Floyd’s fee for his visit to Russia: 5 million rubles and $1 million.

I also heard about $2 million and $5 million. This is nonsense. Well, how can you seriously talk about 5 million rubles? It's $80,000. Floyd flies on a private jet. Part of his team flies separately on a regular flight - that is, it turns out that he takes money and goes into the red at the same time.

A million dollars is also too much. Let me say it again for everyone: we have friendly relations, he doesn’t come for money. On his last two visits, he came to the Chechen Republic, after which they began to say that Ramzan Kadyrov was paying him. I'm telling you: we were in Grozny twice - no one paid for it. For the first time (March 2017, Floyd’s third visit to Russia. - Forbes) we flew at the invitation of Ramzan Kadyrov. The second time, now, Floyd flew in himself because he wanted to discuss several sports projects in the Chechen Republic. Why should we refuse a visit if personally the head of one of several dozen subjects Russian Federation invites, but others don’t? We were received very well; Ramzan personally showed Floyd Grozny while driving. Before that, Floyd looked at what it was like there in the 1990s, and he was shocked by how things are in Chechnya now. Periodically, he would stop the car, go outside, take a photo, and then call someone in the US on FaceTime and say, “I found a place that’s cooler than the Emirates.”

They write about you that in 1991 you took third place at the Russian Boxing Championship among junior boys. Never thought that you could become Mayweather's opponent even before becoming his best friend From Russia?

In fact, I won the Central Council of Trade Unions championship in 1991. This is probably the peak of my career. One could imagine a meeting with Floyd, but at the level of fantasy. If we could cross paths, it would be in the up to 63.5 kg category as professionals. In 1996, at the Olympics, he boxed up to 57 kg, and at that moment I was already a little larger.

- What stops you from offering to spar with him?

I think it just won't look very serious. After all, we have completely different levels - so why? I know that Ramzan Akhmatovich made such an offer to him. Floyd seemed to agree.

- Who earned the first million dollars faster - you or Floyd?

I think Floyd had such fees somewhere in 2001-2002, and a little later I began to earn at this level. At that moment I was involved in real estate, I had not yet worked in the forestry industry.

- What does your partnership with Floyd Mayweather look like now?

We have several projects for which framework agreements have been established. The main conditions for Floyd's investments: they need good international reporting. We are converting all our projects to IFRS (or IFRS, the international financial reporting system), but this takes years, although we are still ahead of schedule. This is what our agreements look like regarding both the timber business and the wholesale distribution center. In each case, there are several options for his participation. But this time he became interested in the opportunity to enter banking. He opened a ruble account in a Russian bank, we provided him with all the materials so that he and the people from his team could familiarize themselves.

If Floyd enters a business with investments, this is basically good. He is, firstly, a serious investor; secondly, it is important from an image point of view. This proves that we have an absolutely transparent business in which a person with that name can participate.

- Floyd wants to get a Russian passport - for what?

This is his initiative - he likes Russia so much that he considered a passport an important attribute for himself, an opportunity to officially become part of our country. Many people think that this is for tax evasion, but this is not true: in order to become a tax resident, you still need to spend more than 180 days in the country.

- Will it be easier for him to come?

Now there are no problems with this: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs already knows both him and us. It has become easier with visas, even if 12 to 20 people consistently come with him.

- You oversee his TMT brand in our country as TMTRussia. What is this and what did you personally learn from communicating with Floyd?

He has a slogan Rich at heart - “rich in heart.” For myself, I interpret the TMT philosophy as the mindset of a winner, and a winner in anything: in sports, in creativity, in business. As for communicating with him, I noted three things for myself: he has a very unusual principle for Russians: Stay positive. This is almost a requirement for his team - not to allow yourself to get irritated. Secondly, despite the first point, he keeps a very correct distance from everyone. Third, he is very thoughtful. Many people didn’t believe me, but then they agreed, he is capable of very serious intellectual work, he always makes very correct and balanced decisions. Take even the fight with McGregor: we talked with him in the summer of 2016 (at that time McGregor was only planning a rematch with Nate Diaz in MMA. - Forbes), and already at that moment he was considering the possibility of this fight.

Floyd Mayweather's there are now two punching bags with a picture of Conor's head and the word Russia on the other side. A gift from friends from Russia. According to the real Conor, on August 26, 2017, Floyd hit 170 times, and it turns out that each of his blows in that fight cost about $1 million. Now Floyd plans to earn money without putting on boxing gloves.

If you are offered another fight with one of the people living on earth: Kim Jong-un, Cristiano Ronaldo, someone else...

I've worked in the ring for 21 years, it's time to work outside of it and let the boxing money work for me. I've made over $1 billion in boxing, but there's still room to grow. I think over the next ten years I will make another $2-3 billion. Work with the right people, accept right decisions, talk less, listen more. I think we have a bright future, for me, for TMT, for the Mayweather Promotions brand.

- In 2016, for the first time in for a long time They didn’t box at all. Did you spend or earn more that year?

Every year is a great year for me; this must be achieved; well-being must be stable. A person can have $50 million, but if he doesn't have a strategy, he won't stay rich for long. I had a long term plan and now I have a great property portfolio and a big business in the States, but it was time for my team to go global and do business around the world.

With so many talented boxers, why were you convinced to return to the ring by an MMA fighter with a 0-0 record in boxing?

It was a smart business move. It's all about intelligence and patience. I once said something about Conor, he responded, and we started constantly bullying each other. And then I thought: “In general, I can raise 300-350 million from this.” I called my advisor Al Haymon (one of the most non-public functionaries in the USA, worked as a producer with Whitney Houston and Eddie Murphy, later as a manager with a number of famous boxers, including Deontay Wilder, Artur Beterbiev and Danny Garcia. - Forbes), gathered his team, talked to Showtime (the TV channel with which Floyd Mayweather signed a contract. - Forbes), talked to the UFC and said, "Let's let this happen." They said they didn't want it, but I said this fight will be one of the biggest fights of all time, there will be a lot of demand for it, people all over the world are already waiting for it. And we did it.

- Conor McGregor is stronger Manny Pacquiao as a businessman?

I can't say which of them is better in business. My job is to go my own way and focus on Floyd Mayweather.

- You once said that you want to buy an NBA team. Did the fight with McGregor bring you closer to realizing this idea?

I always dreamed of buying a basketball team and often thought about it. At times I return to such thoughts, and at some moments I understand that I don’t want this. Maybe we'll even buy it football team(this means European, not American football. – Forbes), if I find investors for this.

Many highly paid American football players go broke after completing sports career. Explain why Floyd Mayweather won't go broke?

Ooh, I love it so much football matches. There are many talented players, and everyone football stars lucky to be where we are. But the point is not how many millions you earn, but how much you save, how much you invest. I achieved what I achieved because I gathered successful, worthy people around me and listened to bold ideas. If there are people around you who have nothing behind their souls, but they constantly teach you, then very soon you will be left out of work. I am constantly surrounded by wealthy friends, people who sincerely believe in me, in my success in the future. And my success is success for everyone around me.

My team makes good money, I made money from selling paid broadcasts, I invested well in real estate. Now we are in Russia, and here with The Money Team Russia I will also make big money very soon. I just arrived from China, and I also have very big things to do there. We are taking The Money Team to the global level, we want to become a true global family; and we believe in peace. Please know that The Money Team loves everyone.

- What has changed for you with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States?

I always try to speak well about everyone, everyone in general. No negativity. When I was surrounded by negative people, I looked at life differently. Now I'm trying to stay positive, focus, follow a parallel path and do my own thing.

- Receiving 90% of your information from news in the United States, what opinion can you form about Vladimir Putin?

I wish only the best for any president. I am for world peace. I think America is great country, Russia is a great country, China is a great country, the whole world is a great place. I think we all need peace. In general, why fight if we can love each other and help each other?

Every time I come to Russia satisfied and leave even more satisfied. Today I entered into an agreement with the best bank in Russia (I opened an account with Promsvyazbank. - Forbes), I'm waiting for us to start collaborating. I hope we will be able to open new branches together. The important thing is that I have patience. This is how TMT does things. I am happy that I have such a Russian family; they welcome me with open arms, with such hospitality that it is incredible. I am for peace, I am for being friends with the right people, for not quarreling with anyone. There are no black days, no white days, there are only right days.

You have a wonderful photo of Maria Sharapova at the ESPY Awards, who for a long time was the highest paid athlete in the world. Could she become part of TMT?

Oh that would be great. We have a management group in the US and we want to have agents and managers who can help people invest money so that everyone can have this great life for a long time.

- Three best businessmen, according to Floyd Mayweather?

If you become rich, make a billion dollars, then you are clearly doing something right. arise daily different people who are doing cool things all over the world and earning tons of money. I'm just learning. I'm used to learning and growing. The world is full of great businessmen, the world is full of crooks, but I work with honest and hardworking people. An example is Al Haymon. He and I worked together, and I think he made over $1 billion working with me, but he also helped me make over a billion. But that's not all, the main thing is to make sure that everyone wins.

When I get old, I want my children to do business in Russia and around the world, but it all starts with me, I have to lay this foundation.

- What does it look like?

I've always had big ambitions. Every time I visit Russia, I see that our business is growing. This time I was looking for a house here to come here, go to the gym, work more with Russian fighters, spend more time here, work with banks, with real estate in Russia, develop the TMT brand.

- What needs to happen in 2018 for you to be satisfied with it?

I believe that every day is the best day. I try to live, laugh, love, smile. Be happy. Appreciate variety in life. I think everyone who can afford it should travel the world and enjoy life. That's the main thing. You need people who truly love and appreciate you; It’s worth explaining to your children how to save money and invest. There is still a lot to do in the world for many years to come.

- Have you already invested in Bitcoin?

I always tried to take a favorable position in life and did not just get rich. Bitcoin is developing, but it's important for me not to talk about everything I'm doing. I only show my results.