The longest legs. Longest legs in Hollywood

Incredible facts

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest female legs in the world belong to Svetlana Pankratova. Leg length of a former basketball player is 132 cm with a woman's height of 1.95 m.

Svetlana Pankratova was born on April 29, 1971 in Volgograd in Russia and was already the tallest kindergarten.

Her legs caused her a lot of grief in her youth, as children often teased her. In addition, her mother always found it difficult to find the right clothes for her daughter.

Svetlana began her sports career with swimming, but basketball coaches immediately noticed the girl and suggested that she take up basketball.

She has traveled to many countries around the world and since 1992 played on the women's basketball team in the state of Virginia in the USA, where she now lives with her husband Jack Rosnell(Jack Gosnell)

In 2002, Svetlana’s friend noticed that Pankratova may have the longest legs in the world. After 6 years of documentation, this assumption was confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.

In September 2008, the woman with the longest legs appeared together with the smallest man in the world He Pingping, who measured 74 cm tall for the 2009 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.

Svetlana is not the tallest woman in the world. Retained this title Yao Defen(Yao Defen) from China, whose height was 2.33 m. She was also a basketball player, but died in November 2012 at the age of 39.

Guinness Records: longest

Longest hair

The most long hair according to the Guinness Book of Records belong to a Chinese woman Xie Qiuping(Xie Qiuping), whose length as of May 8, 2004 was 5,627 meters. She has been growing it since 1973, when she was 13 years old, and still holds the record.

Longest nails

The longest nails belonged to an American woman Lee Redmond(Lee Redmond), who grew them from 1979 to length 8.62 meters in 2008. In 2009, Lee broke her long nails as a result of an accident.

The longest nails on a pair of hands of a man belonged to Melvin Booth(Melvin Boothe) from the USA, whose length was 9.82 meters. Unfortunately Melvin passed away in 2009 at the age of 61.

What is the first thing all men look at when they see a beautiful girl in front of them? Maybe on the eyes or hair? But no. All men's eyes first fall on their legs. Beautiful, slender, long... And although the beauty of legs cannot be measured in centimeters, the length can be measured. Here are the Top 10 longest legs in the world.

This American film actress, according to some foreign publications, is the most beautiful representative of the film industry with a stunning figure. She is known to many for her interesting role in the once sensational film called “Kill Bill,” where she played an assassin. With a height of 1 m 78 cm, the length of her amazing legs is 106 cm.

On line 9 Uma Thurman

The girl's undeniable talent and size 41 feet charmed Quentin Tarantino. The pretty and smart actress became famous after starring in the films “Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill.” The length of her wonderful legs is 108 cm with a height of 1 m 80 cm.

Eva is a fairly famous and beloved actress by many. The best films with her participation are considered “Between an Angel and a Demon” and “Modigliani”. But that’s not all, Eva is also actively working in the modeling business, having got here by luck. One day a girl came to relax in the wonderful city of Prague with her best friend, who lured her to a casting. With a height of 1m 80 cm, the length of her magnificent legs is 112 cm.

7th place – Sharapova Maria

Maria is rightly called the most beautiful athlete on the planet. She not only plays great tennis, where she has no equal, but is also the face of such world-famous companies as Canon, Sony Erickson, as well as Palmolive and Colgate. Russia has something to be proud of! Maria Sharapova and an honorable seventh place in our ranking: with a height of 1 m 88 cm, the length of her athletic legs is 121 cm.

On the 6th line – Sklenarikova Adriana

This leggy beauty is, as you'd expect, a model who got into the business thanks to her height and beauty. She is known all over the world and many high-profile fashion designers dream of working with the beauty and owner of legs whose length is 121.5 cm. Surprisingly, Adriana’s height is only 1 m 78 cm.

5th line goes to Nadya Auerman

Once upon a time, the beautiful German actress and supermodel was at the very top of such a top parade and was even included in the famous Guinness Book of Records as the longest-legged beauty. Today she is only on the 5th line of our rating. With a height of 1 m 80 cm, the length of Nadya’s beautiful legs is 122 cm.

Pylskaya Nina took a worthy 4th position

Nina is a recognized Russian model, born in Kazakhstan. The beauty knew that she would become a model since childhood and strived in every possible way to achieve her dream. At one time, she even took courses from the well-known V. Zaitsev. Nina’s height is 1 m 93 cm, the length of her legs is only a couple of cm longer than Adriana Sklenarikova’s legs and is neither more nor less – 123.5 cm.

3rd place in the top 10 and bronze goes to Elle Macpherson

Elle is an Australian actress, top model and a successful designer. When she was just over 20 years old, she was called one of the most beautiful girls peace. So, Elle and the length of her gorgeous legs are 123.5 cm with a height of 1 m 85 cm.

Honorable 2nd place and silver for Stacy Sam

Sam Stacey is an Australian supermodel who at the beginning of the 21st century was considered to have the longest legs. But today she ranks only second in the top 10 ranking, because her record was broken by our compatriot, who will be discussed below. Well, Sam, with a height of 1 m 80 cm and a leg length of 127.5 cm, receives a well-deserved silver.

1 place. Gold. Pankratova Svetlana

The officially recorded length of Svetlana’s legs is 132.2 cm. The former basketball player notes that changes in her body began to occur in kindergarten, when it became noticeable that she was growing much faster than her peers. Today Svetlana successful woman, who lives in Spain and holds a position in a large real estate company. The girl's height is 1 m 96 cm.

Beauty and slimness female legs cannot be measured in centimeters, but their length is as simple as shelling pears. This is what they do every year when the “Longest Legs” competition takes place. And the prestigious title passes at least once every few years from one beauty to another. However, there are irresistible girls on the list and those whom not everyone considers attractive.

The longest legs in Russia

Svetlana Pankratova is officially recognized as the longest-legged girl in Russia. The record was awarded to her in the summer of 2008. Her legs have grown to 132 centimeters in length.

The list of girls with “legs from ears” also included a student of Kostanay University named Nina Pylskaya. She often participates in Moscow beauty contests. She is separated from the previous record holder by only about 10 centimeters. Nina's legs grew 123 centimeters from the ground. Now the girl works as a fashion model, and her extraordinary legs have brought her more than one record and title. For example, Pylskaya was recognized as the highest professional model on the planet. The girl's height is 193 centimeters.

Miss longest legs

By the way, in order to bear the proud title of a long-legged girl, it is absolutely not necessary to be two meters tall. The most best legs, striking in their length and beauty, can be the case if their length is more than half of a woman’s height by 4-7 centimeters. Only in this case does the girl seem long-legged and unusually attractive to men. The effect is enhanced if the beauty wears heels.

The longest legs in Russia

And it is worth noting that the girl with the longest legs seems irresistible to men not only from an aesthetic point of view. The strong half of humanity, seeing a narrow and high shin, subconsciously understands that a woman is mobile and hardy, and accordingly she can bear healthy offspring.

So, which celebrity can boast the longest legs? On the honor roll is Daryl Hannah. This is an American actress, recognized by many authoritative publications as perhaps the most beautiful actress, and also the owner of better body throughout the history of cinema. And Daryl’s most spectacular and memorable role is that of a killer in the film “Kill Bill.” Hannah's height is 178 centimeters, and her legs are exactly 106 centimeters long.

The sexiest legs are undoubtedly worn by the Czech actress and top model Eva Hercinova. Her height is 180 centimeters, her leg length is 112 centimeters. By the way, Eva got into the modeling business completely by accident. At the age of 16, the girl came to Prague on vacation. And in the Czech capital, on the advice of a friend, she went to a casting, where she was noticed.

Former first racket of the world, the only Russian girl who played in the finals of the famous tournament five times Grand Slam. Three times she emerged victorious. This is Maria Sharapova, Miss Most slender legs. By the way, they grew to a length of 121 centimeters, with Masha’s height being 188 centimeters. Sharapova, by the way, was recognized as the most beautiful athlete on the planet in 2006. Thanks to this, she became the face of more than one world-famous company.

An honorable place on the list can be given to the Slovak supermodel Adriana Sklenarikova. At the beginning of the 2000s, she was recognized as the longest-legged model with a leg length of 121.5 centimeters (with a height of 178 centimeters). By the way, Adriana’s legs brought fame three times. Thanks to them she was able to do a dizzying career with monetary contracts, for quite a long time she was called the owner of the longest legs in the world (this, by the way, is even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records), and, most importantly, her legs helped Adriana arrange her personal life. The model married football player Christian Karembo, who was literally killed by the beauty of the Slovak girl.

German actress and model Nadja Auermann has slightly longer legs. With a height of 180 centimeters, she has a leg length of 122 centimeters. And at the end of the 90s of the last century she occupied a line in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs.

The longest legs - video

A model named Elle Macpherson surpassed Nadia in leg length. She “grew” her legs to a length of 123.5 centimeters, and her height is 185 centimeters. Moreover, at 22, Elle was named one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and later her slender legs earned her the nickname “Miss Body.” By the way, MacPherson’s leg length is not only outstanding, but also her size – 42.5.

In 2001, Sam Stacy's slender legs were recognized as the longest. Their length is 127.6 centimeters. The 180-centimeter Englishwoman was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Longest legs in Hollywood

The longest legs among Hollywood representatives and, undoubtedly, the most Beautiful legs planet has the famous actress Uma Thurman. The beauty was named after the Hindu goddess. The name is literally translated as “Giver of Bliss.” And she gave such pleasure, in particular, to the legendary Quentin Tarantino. The actress captivated him with her 41 foot size. And these are some of the most big feet in the world among famous women.

Quentin, by the way, made Uma his mascot. The actress's height is 180 centimeters, and her legs are 108 centimeters long.

The longest legs in the world

Svetlana Pankratova amazes with the length of her legs today. She not only has the longest legs in Russia, but also the longest legs in the world - 132.2 centimeters. With the girl's height being 196 centimeters.

Svetlana found use for her height and legs; she played basketball professionally. She started her career in Russia and continued in America. Well, now the record holder lives and works in Spain. She works at a real estate agency.

Svetlana Pankratova was born in Volgograd on April 29, 1971. And she began to stand out with her height already in kindergarten. The little girl was the tallest among the pupils. And her long legs caused the girl a lot of grief, since her peers often teased her. And Sveta’s mother always found it difficult to find the right size clothes for her daughter.

The long-legged girl began her career with swimming; later basketball coaches noticed her and offered to enroll in the section. In 2002, a friend of the athlete drew attention to the fact that Svetlana may have the longest legs in the world. Six years later, this assumption was documented, and the name of Svetlana Pankratova was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

But girls are decorated not only with their legs, but also with their eyes. The largest eyes in the world, by the way, also belong to a Slavic girl - Ukrainian Maria Telnaya..
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Who has the longest legs on the planet? The beauty and attractiveness of women's legs can only be assessed by looking at them, but measuring their length in centimeters is a piece of cake. This is what the professional judges of the “Longest Legs” competition do from year to year. This prestigious title usually passes slowly to new owners, but some surprises do happen every few years. In this article you will learn about the owners of the most beautiful, longest and slender legs in the world.

The longest-legged girls in Russia

The official owner of the longest legs in Russia is considered to be Svetlana Pankratova. The girl received this title in 2008. The length of her legs is 132 centimeters. Another recognized Russian girl with “legs from ears” is a fashion model named Nina Pylskaya– student at Kostanay University. The girl Nina is separated from Pankratova’s record by only 10 centimeters. The length of the young student’s legs is 123 centimeters. Nina Pylskaya's extraordinary legs brought her fame and prestigious work as a fashion model.

The longest legs among celebrities

Which celebrity has the longest legs? Unconditionally in first place on the list is the popular American actress Daryl Hannah. Many authoritative publications and critics call Hannah almost the most attractive and sexy actress on the screens. Why, you ask? Of course, thanks to her long legs. Among other things, Hannah holds the title of the best body in the history of cinema. The most striking and memorable performance of the actress is the role of a hitman in the film “Kill Bill.” With a height of 178 centimeters, Hannah boasts legs that are exactly 106 centimeters long.

The sexiest and most beautiful legs undoubtedly belong to the Czech top model and actress Eva Herzigova. With a height of 180 centimeters, Eva’s legs are 112 centimeters long. An interesting fact: Eva Hertsinova got into the modeling business completely by accident. At the age of 16, the girl came to Prague on vacation and, on the advice of her best friend, as a joke, went to a model casting, where she was noticed by the judges.

Miss the slimmest and strong legs rightfully belong to the Russian sex symbol - Maria Sharapova. The former first racket of the world is not only a great tennis player, but also one of the most desirable and beautiful girls in the world. Maria's height is 188 centimeters, and her legs are 121 centimeters long. Maria, in addition to all her sporting achievements, made a good career in the advertising business and became the face of more than one world-famous company.

One of the longest-legged women in show business in the world is still a beauty Sam Stacey. The length of her legs is 127 centimeters, with a height of 180 centimeters. In 2001, the charming Englishwoman Sam Stacey was even included in the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to her long legs.

But the Slovak fashion model takes an honorable first place in the list of the longest and most beautiful legs among celebrities. Adriana Sklenarikova. At the beginning of the 2000s, she even held the title of the longest-legged model in the world. With Adriana's height being 178 centimeters, her legs are 122 centimeters long. It was thanks to her incredible legs that Adriana was able to make a brilliant career as a model and achieved dizzying success in life.

But the opinions of experts do not always coincide with the opinions of celebrities. For example, a world-famous director believes that the most beautiful legs in the world belong to actress Uma Thurman, with whom, as you know, the director is completely delighted. By the way, growth Minds Thurman is 180 centimeters, and the length of its legs is 108 centimeters.

The longest legs in the world

But if you still trust the numbers and do not pay attention to the stunningness and beauty of the legs of many celebrities, then the above-mentioned woman can rightfully be called the longest-legged woman in the world Svetlana Pankratova. Yes, you understood everything correctly, Svetlana not only has the longest legs in Russia, but also in the whole world. Let us remind you that Sveta’s height is 196 centimeters, and the length of her legs is 132 centimeters.

Svetlana Pankratova was born in Volgograd, in 1971, on April 29. Already from a young age, Sveta stood out for her great height among her peers. Svetlana's parents enrolled her in the swimming section. But Svetlana found more for her height correct application- the girl began to play basketball professionally. Sveta built her career in her homeland in Russia, after which she decided not to stop there and continued to develop in America.

On this moment The long-legged athlete lives and works in Spain. After graduation sports career Svetlana found herself as a good real estate agent. In 2008, Svetlana was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most long-legged woman on the planet.

This long-legged beauty lives in Russia: