A man has the largest hands in the world. The largest hands in the world - description, features and interesting facts. From the Guinness Book of Records

Due to the great attention that one of the residents of our country named Kirill Tereshin received, people became interested in who has the most big hands in the world? Let's try to understand this issue, and at the same time find out how safe it is to get carried away with increasing volumes with the help of chemistry.

Worthy of a record!

On this moment has the largest hands in the world, a man named Hussein Bisad. It's hard to believe, but the length of his palms is 26.9 cm. In April 2007, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records came to the UK to measure and record this fact. Hussein himself turned out to be a cordial and cheerful person, which immediately endeared him to editor-in-chief Craig. The record was recorded, and Bisad received due attention to his person. To have the biggest hands in the world and at the same time turn out to be a mischievous and cheerful guy - what could be more interesting for fans of this record holder? American arm wrestler Jeff Dabe is not far behind Hussein. The size of his palm can be judged from the photo. An impressive sight!

Sports and more

If we talk about arm volumes, then undoubtedly, first of all, everyone thinks of bodybuilders. You can argue for a long time whether it is beautiful or not, but it is pointless to argue with the fact that this is a huge amount of work. Despite a lot of stereotypes, these people deserve great respect, as proof of which we present a list of truly outstanding athletes who will make many of you change your mind. You will also find out who has the largest arm volume in the world!

Jean Pierre Fuchs

The bodybuilder from Switzerland began training at the age of 16. A year later, he noticed that he was quite different from his peers - his weight had already reached 100 kilograms. In 1993, he took part in the amateur world bodybuilding championship, where he took fourth place. The following year he again performed in front of the judges and took the championship title.

The guy began his career growth - he began to appear on the covers of magazines and received a lot of lucrative offers from a variety of companies. But a tragic incident broke all his plans - one day during training, he unsuccessfully lifted a weight of 310 kg and fell, breaking his leg. A difficult recovery process followed, but the young man was unable to return to his previous loads. For another 4 years he participated in various competitions, proving to the whole world his fortitude and perseverance.

Nasser El Sonbati

The German athlete was not interested in bodybuilding - in adolescence he was not interested. During his student years, curiosity led Nasser to gym. He emerged from there as one of the most famous strongmen on the planet.

The guy showed a real natural inclination towards bodybuilding - his muscles grew very quickly. The athlete demonstrated results that other athletes had been achieving for years a few months later. The first competitions in Germany did not bring him fame. Not wanting to give up, the young man went to Yugoslavia, where his forms were appreciated - he became a real star. Nasser could boast not only of muscle mass - he had several academic degrees in history, political science and sociology. He was fluent in seven languages. The athlete died early - at the age of 47 he died from kidney failure.

Paul Dillet

The former football player began to create relief for his forms from his youth. At the age of 26, he tried to take first place in competitions in North America, but that year luck did not smile on Paul. He took the risk of performing next championship and conquered all the judges. The unconditional victory and triumph of the bodybuilder became the most significant event in his life. The surprising thing is that the athlete developed his own training system, which was based on a scientific approach. He approached the iron while in a state of passion, which contributed to a sharp surge of adrenaline in the blood. This is how he achieved his excellent results.

These were the most significant figures with the largest arms in the world of bodybuilding in the last century. Now these volumes will not surprise anyone, but their names are worth knowing, if only because they achieved such results through training. Now let's look at the current heroes, whose merits are highly questionable.

Blood and sweat

Yes, we will talk about anabolic steroids. After all, looking at Denis Sester, it is simply impossible to believe that such results can only be achieved through physical training. The volume of his biceps is 77.8 cm. This is an absolute world record, and he can safely be awarded a medal for “The Biggest Arms in the World.” Interesting fact - Denis was a follower of the previous record holder named Grego Valentino. The teacher's result was more modest - 71 cm. At the age of 23, he already had a volume of 53 cm, but this seemed not enough to him. He began to increase his biceps through anabolic steroids and other chemicals. The payback was not long in coming - liver cancer. Denis followed in his footsteps, as evidenced by his completely unnatural shape of his hands. It can deservedly be called the largest “synthol” hands in the world.

Impressive results of modern heroes

For those who were unable to achieve such high results, like the two previously voiced characters, there will also be a couple of lines in the article. They could not overtake, but came very close to the champion's volumes.

  • Canadian athlete Greg Kovacs - 67 cm.
  • Two-meter bodybuilder Noech Steer - 66 cm.
  • Briton Zak Khan - 61 cm.
  • Lithuanian athlete Robert Burneika - 61 cm.
  • Phil Heath and Lee Priest - 56 cm.
  • Wrestler Robert Swenson and Manfred Heberl - 63 cm.

There is never too much Synthol

In order to talk about the safety of Synthol, it is worth knowing what it consists of. Until now, no one knows the real formula of this substance, and everyone who makes it themselves risks being left not only without results, but also without hands. The approximate composition of "Synthol" is 85% oil (sesame or coconut, 7.5% lidocaine, 7.5% benzyl alcohol. How safe can such an explosive mixture be? If Western "strongmen" give injections in a clinic or after consultation with an experienced doctor , then Russian “heroes” brew synthol at home and inject liters of it.

Bazooka hands, or How to become Bezrukov in the literal sense of the word

Such Internet heroes evoke only two reactions in adequate people - bewilderment and disgust. The skinny Pyatigorsk guy has already managed to pour several liters into his hands and is not going to stop there. He makes the drug at home and even manages to sell it to not entirely intelligent people like him. It is impossible to look at this man without tears. Moreover, these are tears of pity not for him, but rather for his mother. A poor woman goes on TV shows with her son in the hope of restoring his sanity.

The doctors are literally screaming that he will soon lose both arms, but the sintholist does not take their word for it, because there are no precedents! The guy should have learned more about the substance itself and those who have already suffered from its use. For anyone considering this, the possible consequences are listed below.

  • Risk of nerve damage and limb paralysis.
  • Risk of infection.
  • Numbness of the limbs due to compression of blood vessels by Synthol.
  • Oil entering the bloodstream and, as a result, vascular embolism.
  • Swelling at the injection site.
  • Development of an allergic reaction.

Today we published photos of a girl with very beautiful, but incredibly long legs. What else can surprise us with the human body? Let's look at people who are included in the Guinness Book of Records due to their anatomical or other features related to appearance.


1. Mehmet Ozyurek is the man with the longest nose in the world. The length of his nose, measured from base to tip, is 8.8 centimeters. (Photo: Tuncay Bekar/Getty Images).
2. Cindy Jackson is the record holder for the most done plastic surgery. Cindy is 58 years old, and over the past 25 years she has gone under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon 52 times. She remade herself almost everything that was possible. (Photo: Shutterstock). 3. Emmanuel Yarborough - officially recognized as the heaviest living athlete. He weighs more than 319 kilograms. Yarborough does sumo (Photo: Michael Loccisano/FilmMagic).
4. Annie Hawkins-Turner has the largest natural bust in the world. Her breasts weigh over 40 kilograms! And the bra size is 102ZZZ! (Photo: Steve Meddle/Rex Shutterstock) 5. Aevin Dugas was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest afro in the world. (Photo: Marcus Ingram/Getty Images)
6. Harry Turner is called "the man with paper skin." The Englishman can stretch his skin 15.8 centimeters in length. He “owes” this feature to the genetic disease Ehlers-Danlos. (Photo: Julian Makey/Rex Shutterstock) 7. Sarwan Singh is the owner of the longest beard in the world, the length of which is almost two and a half meters. (Photo: REUTERS/Andy Clark).
8. Billy Leon and Benny Lloyd McCrary were recognized as the heaviest twins in the world. Billy Leon weighed 328 kilograms, and Benny Lloyd weighed 338 kilograms. Together they weighed 666 kilograms. (Photo: Bettmann/CORBIS). 9. Lee Redmond has the longest nails in the world. She grew her almost 8-meter nails... for 29 years. Unfortunately, Lee lost them during a car accident in 2009. (Photo: Jemal Countess/WireImage).
10. Singh Chauhan Ram is the owner of the longest mustache in the world. Their length is 4 meters and 30 centimeters. (Photo: REUTERS/Amit Dave). 11. Sultan Kösen, whose height is 2 meters 51 centimeters, is the tallest living person in the world. (Photo: Yunus Kaymaz/Getty Images) 12. Robert Pershing Wadlow is the tallest man in history. At the time of recording the record, his height was 2 meters 72 centimeters. Wadlow died in July 1940. (Photo: ullstein bild). 13. Yoti Amge from India is the smallest woman in the world. She is only 62.8 centimeters tall and weighs 5,230 kilograms. Yoti's short stature is due to achondroplasia, a disease that causes impaired development of certain bones in the body and dwarfism. (Photo: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images) 14. Supatra "Nat" Sasuphan is the hairiest teenage girl in the world. Hairiness is caused by a rare genetic disorder. As the girl herself says: “Hairy makes me special.” (Photo: Bronek Kaminski/Getty Images) 17. Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal is the smallest person in the world. His height is 54.9 centimeters. (Photo: AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Ideal body proportions

The figures of ancient athletes are rightfully considered an example of ideal body proportions. The Roman architect Vitruvius worked on the formula of harmonious proportions in ancient times, believing that the figure of a person with arms spread to the sides and legs apart should fit into both a circle and a square. The side of this square is equal to the height of a person and the span of his arms. Later, in the 15th century, the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci supplemented the concept of harmonious body proportions with his research.

Index good health

The dimensions and proportions of the human figure are not always ideal. They are genetically predetermined and can change throughout life under the influence physical activity or illnesses. Proportional build is not only beautiful - it is an indicator of good health. The endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, is responsible for human growth in the body. Violations in its work lead to such a phenomenon as gigantism. All people of excessive stature have had one or another problem with this gland.

Resident of Ukraine Leonid Stadnik

US resident Robert Wadlow had the longest arms and the highest height in the history of mankind. IN last time its parameters were measured in 1940. By this time, his height reached 2.72 m, and his arm span was 2.88 m. By an absurd accident, he died the same year from sepsis, having rubbed his leg with a crutch. Our contemporary, a resident of Ukraine, Leonid Stadnik, was slightly behind Wadlow in body size. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records twice - as the owner of the longest palm - 31 cm (the norm is 24 cm), and as the owner of the tallest height in the world - 2.59 m.

Modern giants

Leonid's rapid growth began in adolescence, when the pituitary gland was damaged during surgery to remove a tumor. In 2008, Stadnik refused to confirm his record according to Guinness standards due to the tedious measurement procedure. Due to his refusal, the giant Sultan Kosen, a farmer from Turkey, is now considered the owner of the longest arms, according to the Guinness Book. Today his parameters are: height 2.46 m, arm span – 2.75 m.

Making ratings is a delicate and thankless task. What algorithm is used to determine the most beautiful woman in the world, or the most fashionable outfit, or the most interesting book? As they say, how many people, so many opinions. But mathematics is the queen of sciences, so it’s hard to argue with some ratings. The ruler will help you figure out who has the biggest nose in the world or the smallest feet. The difficulty is that today there are almost 7.5 billion people living in the world, it’s impossible to measure them all... But still, let’s try to figure out who has the longest arms in the world.

From the Guinness Book of Records

In 2010, the Guinness Book of Records recorded that Sultan Kosen has the longest arms today – 27.5 cm. In addition, the former Turkish basketball player is also the tallest man in the world.

Until the age of 10, the young man was an ordinary child. But then, as a result of brain surgery (Sultan had a tumor removed), the pituitary gland was affected, which led to disruption of its functioning. The boy began to grow literally before our eyes. At the age of 26, his height was 246.5 cm. The main thing that upsets young man, inability to start relationships with girls. Well, yes, any girl is unlikely to reach him above the waist, besides, Sultan Kosen probably not only has the longest arms in the world...

Before Sultan, the record holder for arm length and height was the Ukrainian lad Leonid Stadnik. The reason is still the same - disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland. His height was 257 cm, and his palm length was 31 cm. But these records were not officially registered, because Leonid Stadnik refused official measurements and asked for peace and quiet.

For reference: the pituitary gland is a brain appendage that produces growth hormones. Its dimensions on average are 1.3 * 0.6 * 1.0 cm, and it weighs only half a gram. This is such a tiny but important organ.

Let's look back in time

In the last century, the American Robert Wadlow (1918-1940) had the longest arms. His arm span was 288 cm, and his palm length was 32.4 cm.

The record holder's story is not very funny. Even at the age of 3 he was an ordinary boy, but at the age of 4 he suddenly began to grow very quickly. So quickly that already at the age of 8 his height reached 190 cm, and after 2 years he stretched to 198 cm and weighed 100 kg. Doctors did not delay the diagnosis for long and immediately determined that the boy had a rare disease of the pituitary gland, the part of the brain responsible for growth.

After graduating from school, the American Gulliver (in the land of Lilliputians) entered the university. He still continued to grow. By this time, his height was 263 cm and his weight was 223 kg! Therefore, Robert began to be called the tallest man in the world.

He performed in the circus. The room was very simple. The giant simply went on stage and measured his height with the audience. The tallest ones barely reached his waist. He also easily picked up grown men and women like toys. With this number he visited every state and became an American celebrity.

He died very young, at 22, from sepsis. The fact is that due to his enormous weight, Robert Wadlow experienced difficulty walking. He had to lean on a crutch. While speaking on US Independence Day in the city of Manistee, he rubbed his leg with a crutch, which caused severe inflammation with a fatal outcome.

A lot of people gathered for the funeral of this amazing American. His 500-kilogram coffin was carried by 12 people (6 on each side).

As popular wisdom says: “He has long arms”...

The expression “long arms” should not always be taken literally. In a figurative sense, this means that the person about whom they say this is very influential. The word of this person has enormous weight, millions listen to it (and the CIA is also keeping an eye on it). Is there such a person in the world?

According to Forbes magazine, this is Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is not surprising considering that he is at the helm of the largest country in the world. Countries with the largest human resources, with the largest nuclear potential, with truly inexhaustible natural resources - land, forests, water, with gigantic reserves of minerals, including hydrocarbons. With his political will he changes the course of history.

In second place after Vladimir Vladimirovich is US President Barack Obama, and Angela Merkel has descended even lower.

The top ten most influential people in the world also included computer geniuses Bill Gates, one of the founders of Microsoft, and Lawrence Page, developer of the Google search engine. At the same time, they are called the “longest arms,” in other words, the most influential people in the computer world. It is surprising that Mark Zuckerberg, who invented Facebook, was not included in any ranking of the most influential people on the planet, but he topped the list of the youngest billionaires in the world, which is also very honorable...


This photo clearly shows that Justin Timberlake has the longest arms in the world. It’s necessary to hug two people by the shoulders with each arm at once! I wonder if this photo is random or a lucky draw?

But this photo was taken by accident at the 2006 FIFA World Cup during Australia's game against Japan. It clearly shows that number 13 Mark Viduka, who was a striker in the Australian team, has a very long right arm, without a doubt the longest arm in the world.

The successful photo immediately became very popular on the Internet and literally spread throughout the world. in social networks.

In literature

"Richard Long arms" is a cycle of 50 books written over 14 years by Yuri Nikitin under the pseudonym Guy Julius Orlovsky (thank you, it’s not Caesar). The author worked on adventure books in the fantasy style from 2001 to 2014 inclusive. Events develop in parallel world. Main character Richard, a computer scientist, finds himself by some miracle in the Middle Ages, and here adventures begin that neither Captain Vrungel, nor Captain Richard Blade, nor even Munchausen ever dreamed of.

It must be said that Nikitin is a famous writer in the genre of science fiction, historical novels, and action-packed action films. His works are popular without any promotion. But with the “Richard Long Arms” cycle, not everything is clear. Most of the reviews from those who bought the books are extremely negative. Readers are screaming about fakes, calling for fairness from the publisher and asking for the return of wasted money.

(James Ellerker/Guinness World Records)

No, this is not Photoshop, as you might think (and that’s what I thought at first). 24-year-old Egyptian Mustafa Ismail was included in the 2013 Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest biceps in the world, reports the Huffington Post. The diameter of his arm is 78.74 centimeters - almost the same as the waist circumference of an adult. Mustafa says that at first he went to the gym just to stay in shape. However, after many began to admire his already well-developed biceps, he decided to concentrate all his efforts in this direction.

Five years ago, when the young man was not accepted into the Egyptian bodybuilding team, Mustafa and his family moved to the United States. In his new homeland, he continued to “pump iron,” especially since America has the most modern equipment for this. Together with his wife Caroline, the Egyptian settled in Massachusetts. Now he has his own home and two gas stations here, where he works in his free time from training.

How did he manage to do this?

In the photo: in gym World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

The Egyptian bodybuilder's arm circumference from shoulder to elbow is almost 79 centimeters. He lifts a weight of 226 kilograms on his biceps.

Photo: Mustafa Ismail at World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

The athlete’s working day is not easy: Mustafa gets up at 4 am, trains from 5 to 8, goes to work, eats and sleeps a little during the day, then goes to his second job.

Photo: Mustafa Ismail at World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

According to the record holder, such results are also influenced by a special daily diet: 7 pounds of protein food (about 3 kg), 9 pounds of carbohydrates (about 4 kg) and three gallons of water (11 liters).

Photo: Mustafa Ismail at World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

Mastafa's daily diet includes 3 pounds of chicken, 1 pound of pork chop or fish, 4 cups of almonds, 2 gallons of water, 3 liters of protein shakes.

Photo: Mustafa Ismail at World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

“I love bodybuilding because your success in this sport is always very noticeable,” says the athlete.

In 2007 he moved to Massachusetts, USA, where he lives with his wife Caroline. He works two jobs to pay for his gym membership, among other things.

Photo: Mustafa Ismail at World Gym, Milford, Massachusetts, November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

“I like training to the point of exhaustion, it teaches concentration,” says the athlete. Meanwhile, many skeptics are sure that it could not have happened without implants, steroids or special drugs like synthol: the imbalance between Ismail’s arms and other muscles is striking

In the photo: Mustafa Ismail shows off his biceps and triceps. (SWNS)

Mustafa Ismail assures that he does not use any special means, but began to pump up his muscles after he became the object of ridicule at the wedding of his uncle in Egypt. Mustafa used to suffer from overweight. But I think few people who understand this sport will believe him.

Synthol appeared in the early 90s of the last century, and its invention is associated with the name of the German chemist Chris Clark, who decided to increase the validity of the drug esiclene. The latter was wildly popular among bodybuilders in the 80s, having a rather low anabolic effect; esiclen, when injected intramuscularly, caused irritation and inflammation. As a result, the muscles became larger and more prominent. True, the result was short-term, and faded away within a day or two. But it was just right for the competition. Until Mr. Clark decided to increase the duration of the drug, and increased it so much that now it is eliminated from the body within several years (cases have been noted when the full period of release exceeded 10 years!).

He led the work in the direction of increasing the effect time. He succeeded - in the early 90s he obtained a composition called synthol, although... Since such a name was already protected by a patent, Clark’s composition was officially called “Pump’N’Pose.”

Synthol began to be actively used by bodybuilders, increasing several missing inches in various muscles. The first was Klaus Doring.

For Clark, synthol became the real “goose that lays the golden eggs.” Although it is prohibited to use synthol directly, it is openly sold as performance oil for $400 a bottle. And there are many people actively using it.

Strictly speaking, synthol was never sold under this name. The name was assigned to another drug (which one is unknown to the general public), and our hero was registered under the name Pump-N-Rose (Pump-N-Rose). Moreover, due to the ban on synthol and its equation to steroids, the drug is sold exclusively as an oil for posing. With this positioning there is no responsibility for side effects the manufacturer is not responsible. Yes, and there cannot be any - after all, if you simply coat yourself with a dense oily liquid, it is impossible to cause harm to your health. It’s another matter if you use it not as written on the package, but as is customary.

Synthol is administered intramuscularly to a depth of approximately 6-7 mm. The procedure is not very painful due to the addition of painkillers. However, the number of injections approaches 250 over 3-4 months per muscle. Research shows that approximately 30-35% of synthol administered in this way is broken down by the body almost immediately, while the rest accumulate over the years. One course of such “treatment” is accompanied by the injection of about 270-300 ml of the substance into the muscle. If previously synthol was used only for pumping up the biceps and triceps, then over time they began to inject it into the calves and chest. In fact, the effect of synthol on different groups muscles are different, the greatest effect is achieved in the biceps, triceps, deltas, slightly worse result in the muscles of the chest, calves, round muscles of the back.

Professional doctors will never undertake synthol injections, and self-injections are dangerous to the health of the person to whom they are given. First, there is a risk of nerve damage, which can lead to paralysis or paresis (numbness). Secondly, if it gets into a blood vessel, snitol will enter the blood. And this is a risk of blockage of blood vessels, even death. Usually everything is less dangerous: increased blood pressure, dizziness, suffocation. Thirdly, even synthol taken as prescribed leads to suppuration muscle tissue, which can provoke ischemia, atrophy and sclerosis skeletal muscles. And just realizing that your biceps is a wineskin of pus is somehow not very pleasing. Fourthly, the same injections in different muscles(for example, left and right biceps) lead to completely different effects, very often one muscle becomes much larger and thicker than the other. Fifthly, the muscle fiber is enveloped on all sides by a substance, which makes the flow of oxygen to it difficult, which leads to partial death of muscles and loss of natural weight.

For this reason in professional sports If synthol is used, it should be used extremely carefully. But narrow-minded amateurs often neglect not only the sense of self-preservation, but also external aesthetics, driving increased doses of synthol into their muscles. The result is skewed, disproportionate figures. Why is synthol so popular? It’s very simple - its presence in the blood is almost impossible to establish, because it’s just ordinary fat (85% consists of C8- fatty acids, plus C10 and C12, benzyl alcohol and lidocoine). The most famous synthol player is Gregg Valentinno, a slightly less famous synthol veteran is Klaus Doring, whose hands today look like wineskins of liquid.

Photo: Mustafa Ismail eats lunch at his favorite Mexican restaurant after working out daily at the World Gym in Milford, Massachusetts on November 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

In the photo: Mustafa Ismail holds model Jessica Gerard. (SWNS)

There is one more point. After using synthol, those who have used it talk about a change in sensations during training, they believe that the “pump” comes much faster, and the training itself becomes much harder. This is where synthol victims show their complete ignorance. After all, pump (or pumping) is a sensation that arises subjectively due to blood flow to the muscle during exercise. The vessels dilate, blood supply increases and a feeling of fullness appears. And the severity of the workout is determined by the fact that even increased blood flow cannot adequately supply the muscle with oxygen (i.e., functional ischemia manifests itself), hence the production of lactic acid, leading to pain and burning in the muscle. But synthol has already clogged the space between the fibers, and compresses the vessels and nerves, which causes the same burning sensations and pain, but the muscles do not work.

The developer himself stated that his product is completely safe, but... On the one hand, the use of synthol sports organizations equated to steroid use. But developers and distributors position the substance only as an external oil and shift all responsibility for use to the end user.

But here there is a small subtle point. As mentioned above, synthol is administered injectively. This means you need to know very well the features of the anatomy of muscle groups. After all, damage to the nerve, of which there are quite a few, can lead to paralysis or paresis of the area.

Even worse consequences of vascular damage. A trapped fat clot causes embolism in the blood vessels of the lungs, heart, brain and often causes death. In addition, post-injection infections, abscesses and cellulitis in victims of synthol are common, requiring surgical intervention.

The components themselves also stimulate inflammation in the muscles, and huge masses of fatty acids embedded between muscle bundles for a long time cause sclerosis, atrophy and ischemia of muscle tissue.

The International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB) regulates the use of aids and drugs by athletes.

Yes, its rules basically prohibit the use of steroids and synthol injections. But such lists of prohibited drugs are more likely to be guidelines for action than actual prohibitions. Almost competitions turn into a battle of monsters - and how exactly is such an unnatural muscle mass it doesn't matter anymore. It is almost impossible for a natural to achieve high results in competitions; this is a war of steroids (a fifty-centimeter arm) with synthol (a 27-cm shoulder).

And these are full-length synthol consumers.

The most famous is Gregg Valentino. He's the owner huge hands in bodybuilding.

This is what his hands look like now...

One of the first consumers of synthol was Klaus Doring. Now it looks more like a mutant pig, to put it mildly.

Crazy old man Klaus Kaak.

It’s almost impossible to name places that aren’t cleared here; everything is completely packed.

Here, apparently, is an attempt to show the synthetic-colored everything in all its glory using Photoshop...