Homemade bandolier. Bandolier made of genuine leather. Types of modern bandoliers

A successful hunt is a well-aimed shot. And a shot is, in any case, a cartridge that was easily and quickly removed from the cartridge belt of one or another model that the hunter liked. Do not underestimate the importance of this element of equipment - every hunting enthusiast, every experienced hunter has a cartridge belt for hunting, because it is very, very difficult to do without it.

Simply putting cartridges in your pockets is both nonsense and many different risks - even beginners understand that this is not worth doing. Cartridges must be stored appropriately, and if military affairs offers such a solution to this problem as a cartridge pouch, which can be located on an unloading vest or belt, and usually accommodates a couple of AK, SVD magazines or, less often, others, then the industry, Having its own specifics, it can offer other solutions.

In general, the history of bandoliers began with the Caucasian peoples, who learned to create the so-called “gazyr” - compartments for cartridges on the chest. Subsequently, the bandoleer went through a considerable path of evolution, and today anyone can consider a considerable number of modern solutions.

There are plenty to choose from

Today, bandoleers for hunting are created and offered to consumers in a huge assortment, and in addition, experienced people always have the opportunity to make this thing with their own hands, taking into account all their needs and requirements. Practice shows that many hunters have several cartridge belts, because depending on the circumstances and conditions of the hunt, they should be changed. So, for example, different models are needed for different calibers, and even the change of seasons becomes a reason for experienced people to change this element of equipment. By the way, in summer time You can wear lighter models, but massive products are more suitable for cold weather.

Materials and design features

Hunting bandoliers are made from different materials, and the most traditional solution is leather - it was from this that similar products were created in the past. However, today leather models are no longer so popular, and often they become exclusively elements of the image, although many hunters adhere to traditions. Models made from synthetic fabrics, which allow you to easily remove the cartridge, or from leatherette, as well as combined options, are very popular. They are sewn for different calibers, can have different cuts, sizes and specific wearing characteristics, different design and capacity. The cartridges can be arranged either in a row or in two rows, and so on. If we reduce all modern bandoliers to general features, then they usually represent a bag made of waterproof material (if we talk about closed models), which has valves for cartridges of one caliber or another. Or, if we talk about open models, these are valves for cartridges of the required caliber, sewn onto one or another base.

Execution options

The entire huge range of hunting bandoliers offered today can be divided into several large categories based on where they are worn. This is a bandolier belt, which looks very colorful, but is not always easily accessible to the required extent; this is a vest, otherwise called a chest bandoleer, since the cartridges are fixed on the chest, on a specially designated plate. Also on sale you can see a compact and convenient cartridge belt for the butt, which is also very popular today. Each hunter himself has the right to decide which option suits him best, and each person has his own preferences in this regard. Some hunters use only one type that seems most convenient to them, while other people have different varieties in their arsenal and change them as needed - when they need to use a different caliber, or hunt in specific conditions.

Open or closed?

In addition, all types of hunting bandoliers, including butt bandoliers, belts and vests, regardless of the caliber used, can be divided into open and closed. The specificity of closed models comes down to the fact that the cartridges remain there protected from the negative influences of the environment, and in addition, they are guaranteed not to be lost. As for the open options, they are indispensable in situations where you need to act urgently and there is no time to waste time opening various devices. Each hunter decides for himself which option is best for him, but ideally it is worth having both solutions with you.

One of the most interesting and popular options is a bandolier for the butt - many hunters like it. Such products can be designed for different calibers, for different numbers of cartridges, and they are created from different types of fabric. They usually hold few rounds, no more than a dozen. The main advantage of such products is the significant acceleration of the recharging process, but low capacity sometimes becomes a very negative factor. In addition, the butt often receives accidental impacts when transporting weapons, and it can even get wet. Professionals who choose a bandolier for the stock recommend choosing rubberized synthetic models, and note that this option is almost ideal for smooth-bore cartridges, and good fixation prevents the ammunition from falling out and getting lost.

How to use?

Whether or not to choose a bandolier for the butt is a personal matter for each individual, because some hunters consider them convenient, while others, on the contrary, are ready to challenge this opinion. But if you choose a bandoleer for the butt, you will need to put it on from the butt plate, using a couple of belts or tapes. If you experience discomfort when carrying a weapon, you should try carrying it in your hand and abandon the shoulder version of carrying it, as this will allow you to quickly get used to the changed load. Another tip for those who don’t know whether to buy a bandolier for the stock or not: it is recommended primarily when hunting birds because it allows you to reload without losing sight of the target. But in other cases, a bandolier on the butt can also be very convenient.

Hunting belt - bandolier

A belt used as a bandoleer is also becoming a very popular solution. And even more than that: this option is considered one of the traditional ones. Almost everyone knows what it looks like: it is a wide belt with slots for cartridges. Such products are produced in different calibers, and usually hold about 20-24 units of ammunition. You can often see products on which the cells are placed in two rows rather than in one. Also typical for a product such as a hunting belt is the presence of additional pockets, pouches and handbags for storing various small items, and even a pouch for a flask or a knife holder. This is very convenient, and sometimes a person chooses to buy a belt for precisely this reason. However, many experienced hunters are skeptical about cartridge belts of this type, since cartridges easily get wet in them, which turn out to be completely unprotected. Yes, there are tricks to avoid this, but in general this factor becomes the main disadvantage of bandoliers of this type.

Ammo vest

The next popular solution for carrying ammunition is a vest. Someone buys a ready-made version with sewn-on cells for cartridges, while others buy a very ordinary vest and modify it with their own hands - the approaches are different. But be that as it may, such products are produced for different numbers of cartridges and for different calibers, and when correct selection fabric and style, you can get not only reliable storage for ammunition, but also provide yourself with comfort in windy or rainy weather. The additional pockets that the vest has will allow you to carry a lot of other accessories for hunting and simple life in the lap of nature, and the khaki color or number or slide camouflage will allow you to remain unnoticed and successfully blend into the surrounding area. It is not surprising that the vest has become so popular that experienced fishermen like it so much.

How to choose?

Still haven’t decided whether to take a bandolier on the butt, or would it be better to take a vest? - In that case, you should read simple tips optionally. So, in particular, do not forget to choose this product for the caliber used - the most common is the twelfth. But in addition, it will be very convenient if there are compartments for different types of ammunition. It is also worth remembering about the purpose for which the product is being purchased - for example, for frequent shooting you need to take open models. They will also be ideal for the summer. Yes, the vest is very comfortable and does not overload the hunter, but a bandoleer combined with a hunting bag also turns out to be a practical solution. Also, do not forget about the volume of the cartridge belt, its capacity, which must be adapted to the conditions. If you are going duck hunting and there will probably be a lot of shots, you should take a bulky version, but for capercaillie hunting this is not at all necessary.

Choose responsibly, but boldly!

So, you can choose a vest, belt or stock option, or purchase all of these products. Experienced fishermen say that in most cases a person gets used to a strictly defined type of product and the corresponding position of ammunition, and in the future is reluctant to change his habits, so it is worth approaching the choice responsibly. And finally, I would like to say only one thing: do not forget to store and carry ammunition correctly so that it does not let you down! Thus, metal ammunition should always be inserted into the bandoleer with the pistons facing up; any other option is unacceptable. And not a feather in your hair!

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One day a hunter friend came to work, gave me his officer’s belt, and asked me to make a leather bandoleer for 25 12-gauge cartridges for this belt. It had to be of an open type, but closed at the bottom, so that if you suddenly run through snowdrifts in winter, snow would not get in and wet the cartridges. They won't get wet from above. Before that I only made small things, such as wallets.
Well, the more complex the task, the more experience you will gain, I thought, and began to search the Internet for what there are and how you can implement a friend’s request.

Having roughly understood what and how to do, I took out the remaining leather and spent a week in the evenings adjusting the size of the pocket for the cartridge.

I adjusted it as needed, wrote down the dimensions, and for convenience made a drawing in CorelDraw

I decided to use crust 2.2-2.4mm leather, since it was necessary that the pockets would not stretch over time, and this leather is moderately elastic and not very expensive.

I cut the leather 80mm high and marked everything out. To prevent the corners from starting to tear over time, I punched holes. This way there will be less load on the corners.

I took a base 100mm wide, marked it, punched holes, and made a pattern with embossing using a Chinese stamp. I don't think it will last long, we'll see))

I sewed several pockets a day in the evenings, it took about a week.

Next comes the most difficult part, I thought. The second layer of base and the bottom is a pocket. But in reality it turned out to be not difficult and fast. I sewed the rest of it through in the evening. Next, I cut the officer’s belt in half, estimated the size for myself, added 15 centimeters so that it would be just right for my friend, and sewed it on.

Treated with the composition seen at the Crafts Fair (Beeswax + linseed oil + turpentine). I don’t recommend cooking at home, your parents or spouse will kick you out)) I cooked in the laboratory under a hood, added a little aromatic oil to reduce the smell. It turned out great.

This is what ended up happening. Rate))

There are many options for hunting bandoliers. This can be a special bag attached to a belt on your belt, or thrown over your shoulder. Nowadays they even sell small cartridge belts that attach directly to the weapon, or to the hunter’s hand.

The history of the cartridge belt is connected with the history of hunting of the Caucasian peoples. It was the highlanders who were the first to use special compartments for cartridges, which were attached to clothing in the chest area. This device was called a gazyr.

The production of all types of bandoleers has much in common, since their main part is the cells for cartridges located close to each other.

Important! Do not forget about safety precautions when making a bandoleer. Handle tools with extreme caution so as not to injure yourself with a needle, knife or scissors.

The basis for such a bandoleer will be a belt (strong, with a convenient clasp and adjustable in length). To go with it you will need to cut out a couple of wide strips of dermantine or leather (for example, the sleeve of an old jacket will do). You can also use ready-made neoprene straps.

Soviet soldier's belt - a convenient basis for a future bandoleer

The main thing is that the length of the smaller strip is about 70-90 cm, and the larger one is about 90-110 cm (they will need to be stitched, forming loops for each cartridge). The width of both is about 10 cm (including allowances of 12 cm). Since the finished product will be sewn onto a belt, there is a need for an additional lining of thick fabric for inside disappears.

  • Place the cartridge on the inner strip.

  • Apply on top outer part and, “tightening” the cartridge so that its fit is moderately tight, we measure on each of the strips the width of the sector that will need to be sewn when connecting them.
  • We remove the cartridge, apply the outer strip to the inner one (shifted upwards) and with a needle No. 100 we begin to sew it on, making loops according to the markings.

It is recommended to hem a piece of fabric to each loop so that the cartridges do not slip down
  • When the work is finished, we sew a piece of fabric to the bottom of each loop or attach them to the inner strip to prevent the cartridges from slipping down.
  • Finally, the blank is stitched around the perimeter with tape and sewn to the belt itself - our DIY belt bandoleer is ready

The chest bandolier is sewn in a similar way, but the differences will be as follows:

For the chest bandoleer you will need two blanks, since they will be sewn on both sides separately

  • there will be two blanks, since they will be sewn on both sides of the chest separately;
  • their length will be much shorter - about 20 cm each (however, if necessary, you can make 4 and place them on each side of the chest in pairs, one under the other);
  • lining fabric in the form of a strip will need to be sewn to the inner strip of leather or neoprene for density;
  • in addition, from a wider piece of leather you can make a “cape”, hemmed with an edge to the inner strip and lowered onto the bandolier from above with the possibility of securing it with Velcro or a button (in this case we will get not an open, but a closed bandoleer).

DIY bandolier for the butt

The bandolier for the butt should be made of leather or leatherette

The basis for sewing on the top tape with cells is not the same tape-belt, but a piece of leather or leatherette of a trapezoidal shape, cut out in such a way that when folded it forms a cover that fits tightly onto the butt of the weapon. It will be secured with Velcro or buttons (you can buy them or remove them from an old jacket).

Branded vest with self-sewn bandolier

This version of the bandoleer basically repeats the chest one. It differs in that the cells are made not only for cartridges, but also for many other necessary items. The principle of their placement (inner straight and outer with tape loops) on the vest remains unchanged. The vest itself, of course, is easier to take ready-made.

Pattern for a vest under a bandoleer for DIY sewing
  • Step one is choosing the material. The best option is waterproof military fabric (or raincoat) in khaki color or number or slide camouflage. With a fabric width of 1 meter, you will need at least 2.5 m of workpiece.
  • Measurements of figure parameters. Since such a vest is worn over the hunter’s equipment, measurements should be taken in outerwear.
  • Making a life-size pattern. It can be made from paper or light fabric (for example, from an old sheet). This will allow you to baste and try on the finished pattern.

  • Transferring the pattern onto the fabric and sewing pockets and cells into separate parts
  • Sewing parts of the pattern into a whole vest, finishing the seams
  • Fastening fasteners.

The main purpose that absolutely any do-it-yourself bandolier is designed to perform is to ensure the safety of carrying ammunition various types, fast loading of weapons, as well as maintaining the combat properties and performance of “consumables” for a shot. The auxiliary role played by a bandoleer or a bag for cartridges is to ensure freedom of the hunter’s hands and maximum acceleration of his reactive actions to a constantly changing situation.

As mentioned above, charges held in the hand, in the pocket, or - God forbid! - in a backpack, doom the hunting enthusiast to complete failure due to the untimely reloading of the weapon and the inconvenience of its use. That is why a DIY bandoleer can in no way be called an “accessory” - it is essential element equipment!

The bandolier, as a set of special compartments on clothing, is inextricably linked with the hunting traditions of the peoples of the Caucasus. Moreover, even in our time, decorative strips of bandoliers decorate the chest part of the most famous Caucasian jacket - the Circassian jacket. True, this piece of clothing was called a gazyr. In this form, it quickly migrated to the military uniform jackets (including Slavic Cossacks). However, after the invention of cartridge magazines, bandoliers quickly disappeared from army equipment. However, they are still used by hunters today. How to make a bandoleer with your own hands?


The following types of bandoliers are distinguished:

  1. Chest (or shoulder) models. They come in the form:
    • single or double tape with cells, worn over the shoulder;
    • chest or shoulder bag;
    • removable pockets.
  2. Belt models. They are very popular because they simultaneously serve as a belt, a place for storing cartridges and a belt on which a game bag or straps for transporting trophies are hooked.
  3. Bandolier vest. A very convenient model, especially for long and commercial hunts, as it does not hinder the hunter’s movement, serves as protection from wind, rain and cold, and additional pockets allow you to conveniently place a large number of items needed for hunting.

    Design of a bandolier vest indicating the functions of the pockets

  4. Bandolier for the butt. It is made in the form of a removable cover with laces or Velcro. As a rule, such models have no more than 6-8 cells per cartridge.
  5. A removable bandoleer for the hand is made for 2-3 rounds and is used for extreme reloading on dangerous hunts (for wild boar, wolf, other large animals). There are two types of design:
    • on the forearm;
    • on the wrist.
  6. Photo gallery: Types of bandoliers

    Leather bandolier belt Set of bandoleers for a gun and belt Leather closed chest bandoleer for bullets
    Homemade bandolier for the butt made of leather Homemade bandoliers for the belt Chest vest with bandolier in several rows

    In addition, cartridge belts are divided into open and closed.

    In open models, cartridges are subject to the adverse effects of weather conditions - they get wet from rain and snow, and become covered with frost in the cold. In closed models top part The pockets are covered with a specially sewn cape. Bandoliers of this type, in fact, became small, sewn onto clothing or worn on a belt bags. They are usually used for long hunts in conditions of high humidity (on lakes, swamps, during rain or heavy fog, in winter, etc.).

    Based on the internal volume, cartridge belts are divided into single-row and double-row.

    The upper part of the bag is usually equipped with a simple clasp or Velcro, and the cartridge belt itself is attached to a belt, the length of which is selected depending on the type of cartridge belt and the height of the hunter.

    Closed cartridge belts are used when hunting in conditions of high humidity (rain, snow, fog, etc.)

    The only exception was bandoliers for the butt - their belts are short, and the cartridges are usually not so reliably protected, due to which reloading is accelerated several times. Handheld products also serve a similar purpose.

    The bandolier on the hand serves for quick reloading of weapons in case of urgent need.

    Tools and materials

    If you have the necessary set of materials (as well as, of course, desire and minimal sewing skills), making any type of bandoleer is not a difficult task.

    Homemade bandoleer from a sling for a belt

    In numerous articles about hunting, one often comes across the option of making cells for cartridges using slings (usually two types - 5 mm and 3 mm wide), which are sewn onto a base made of some kind of belt. However, even the open appearance of such a bandoleer is extremely inconvenient, since the cartridges are sudden movements may fall out. In this regard, we will consider making bandoleers with our own hands based on a different set of materials, accessories and tools. In this case, their list will look like this:

  • dermantin or leather (about 1.5 m) - from an old jacket, boots or scraps;
  • any wide and durable belt (neoprene, military leather, etc.);
  • a piece of thick fabric;
  • thick strong threads;
  • various elements of fittings (optional);
  • sewing machine (or a set of tailoring needles with a thimble);
  • scissors (or a sharp knife).

Video: Tools for working with leather

Step by step instructions

The production of all types of bandoleers has much in common, since their main part is the cells for cartridges located close to each other.