The strongest muscle in our body. The strongest muscle in the human body. The strongest muscle in the human body

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Our body is a very complex device. It consists of tiny cells that make up bones, skin, internal organs and tissue, blood and, of course, muscles. Muscles perform important functions - they help us move, speak, breathe, see, and also help our internal organs. In other words, everything that moves in our body, in particular the most important thing - blood supply and breathing, is carried out with the help of muscles.

In total, there are a huge number of muscles in our body - up to 850 (counting methods are different). When thinking about what function this or that muscle performs, sometimes you wonder - which one is the strongest? Most likely - the largest - the thigh biceps, for example, or the quadriceps, or the back muscles, which are very wide and often voluminous... But if you look at the answer to the question which the most strong muscle in the human body- precisely from a medical point of view, then for many it will be somewhat unexpected. It’s quite difficult to figure this out on your own.

In general, the largest in our body are buttock muscles, and the smallest ones are attached to small bones that are located in the ear. How is the strength of a particular muscle determined? Naturally, the weight she can lift. Those muscles that are located outside the body can lift much more weight than those that are inside it.

So, a list of the strongest muscles in the human body

  • according to the force created - the masticatory muscle;
  • according to the force that is applied to the point of its attachment to the skeleton - this is the quadriceps muscle in the thigh (gluteus maximus);
  • according to the force applied to stretch - the calf muscle;
  • The heart muscle is the leader in terms of endurance (it works 24 hours a day).

Thus, the strongest muscle in the truest sense of the word, i.e. in terms of force level, it is the masticatory muscle. But if you don’t know about it in advance, it’s quite difficult to guess this fact.

To the femur. It also originates from the lower part of the sacrum and is attached to the tendon of the erector muscle and the gluteal tendon.

The thickness of the muscle can reach 2-3 cm.

The fibers of the muscle are directed downward and form most of it. The lower part of the organ has superficial fibers. The muscle itself ends in a dense, sinewy plate, which passes into the wide hips.


Despite its size, the muscle does not play a special role when walking and begins to be actively used only when the load increases. For example, walking or running faster will fully engage this muscle to straighten your pelvis and keep your torso straight.

Being stationary, the muscle tenses the thigh and thus ensures a fixed straight position of the human torso - the organ acts on the pelvis, fixes it above the connection with the thigh (femoral head), which is especially necessary if a person stands on one leg.

The gluteus maximus muscle influences body position and performs a fixing function during vertical bends. The muscle pulls the pelvis back, along with the hamstrings and tendons. Bottom part organ ensures hip flexion.

The gluteus maximus muscle is very often used by athletes and athletic performance depends on its development. Large ones are especially actively used gluteal muscle representatives of team sports: volleyball players, basketball players, football players and hockey players.


To develop the gluteus maximus muscle, various lunges with weights are used. Yes, especially effective exercise for development are lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, as well as leg swings in the simulator (lower block) or back leg swings while lying down and with the lever of a special simulator. An equally effective exercise for developing the gluteal muscles is the lying bridge, which is performed by lifting the pelvis upward while lying down.

Humans also have the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. They are involved in hip abduction and pelvic abduction to the side if a person is in a fixed horizontal or vertical position. They help the gluteus maximus muscle perform its functions, and also differ in the depth of their location in the human body.

The human body is a rather complex device consisting of tiny cells. These cells go to build bones, skin, internal organs and tissues, blood and, of course, muscles.

Muscles have a very important mission - they help a person move, breathe, speak, see, and work internal organs. In simple words, all the most important processes in the body, including breathing and blood supply, are carried out with the help of muscles.

Muscle strength

With the help of special studies, it has been proven that the strength of a muscle largely depends on its cross-sectional area, the number muscle fibers, frequency of received nerve impulses. The strength of a person's muscles is clearly shown by the fact of lifting weights.

The working qualities of a muscle are directly related to its ability to quickly change its elasticity. When contracted, muscle protein becomes very elastic, but after exercise it returns to its original state. Gradually becoming more elastic, the muscle is able to hold a load, increasing its muscle strength.

By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society

Rumor has it that the strongest muscle in humans is the tongue. This is very similar to the truth because the tongue is a muscle consisting of as many as 16 muscles. And the power of language lies simply in the power of the word.

In fact, the above statement is very close to the truth! Oddly enough, the strongest muscle in the human body in terms of force is the masticatory muscle located on the molars, which can develop a force of up to 75 kg. It is part of the group of muscles that provide movement and operation of the lower jaw during the chewing process, and is attached to its back. In addition to chewing movements, this muscle, together with facial muscles participates in the articulation of speech, as well as in yawning and facial expressions. The chewing process also uses the neck muscles.

The masseter muscle is designed to lift the lower jaw. In its shape it resembles an irregular rectangle and consists of a deep and superficial part. Both parts of the muscle are attached along its entire length to the lateral side of the lower jaw.

Just caviar

The strongest muscle to stretch is the calf muscle, which can support weights of up to 130 kg. Every healthy person can “rise on tiptoes” on one leg and even support additional weight. All this load is taken on by the biceps gastrocnemius muscle, located on back surface shins.

It is located just above the soleus muscle, together with which it is attached to the heel through the Achilles tendon. Its functional activity is aimed primarily at moving the foot and stabilizing the body when walking and running.

The human body is shaped Various types muscle tissue. They, along with the skeleton, affect not the appearance of a person, but also his mobility. Muscles are divided into three types: cardiac, skeletal, and smooth. They differ in shape, function, direction of fibers and other factors.

The most large muscle of a person is located in the buttocks area. It has a coarse fibrous structure. Parallel bundles are connected into a knot on either side of the fibrous partitions. A number of muscles located in the back, chest, and legs are considered large.

Pectoral muscle. This important muscle is located in the front of the chest on the surface. It originates from the costal cartilages, the anterior wall of the abdomen, and the surface of the sternum. Attaches to the humerus. The appearance of the upper body depends on the development of muscle tissue. Thanks to the structure, bundles of fibers evenly unwind and stretch. This can be observed when raising your hands.

Main function pectoral muscle– turn the arm, bringing the shoulder to the body. It is an accessory muscle of inhalation that affects the ability of the chest to expand. Occupies the entire space of the sternum. Supplies blood to the acromion process and arteries.

The muscle is located near the midline of the abdomen. It is ribbon-like, long and flat. Forms two tendon parts, extending from the pubic bone and ligaments. In the upward direction, they expand and are attached to the outer line of the cartilages of the 5th, 6th, 7th ribs and the xiphoid process.

In some places, the muscle bundles are interrupted by three or four tendon bridges, tightly fused by the main rectus muscle. This can be seen in people with an athletic build when exerting themselves. abdominals. It weakens if a person spends a lot of time sitting. This occurs due to the convergence of the attachment point - the pelvic bones and lower ribs. The rectus abdominis muscle constantly performs the following functions:

  • lowers chest(with a strengthened pelvic girdle, spine);
  • raises the pelvis (when fixing the sternum);
  • bends the spine, part of its departments.

It is one of the largest muscles in the human body. The name speaks for itself. This muscle tissue is textured and stands out under the skin. Athletes call the surface part wings because of their convex outlines. The muscle tissue of the back is formed by two triangular symmetrical parts of a large area.

A wide muscle band is located superficially in the lower back. The upper bundles are hidden by the trapezius muscle. The rest of the area is located under the skin. Muscle tissue originates from the lower part of the spine, in thoracic region. Arises from the sacral vertebrae, lumbar region, ilium.

This back muscle is a kind of shield that covers the internal organs in the lumbar region. Performs the following functions:

  • moves the arms;
  • expands the chest when breathing;
  • covers the organs of the peritoneum and chest from the side, from the back.

The muscle is located in the dorsal region, the back of the neck. This flat triangular muscle tissue faces the scapula with its apex and its base towards the spinal column. There are two such triangles on a person’s back. Together they form a trapezoid. In a person doing strength sports, such a site is developed and noticeable.

Trapezius muscle (trapezius)

The volume of the trapezius muscle occupies a third of the back. Each section of the trapezoid performs an independent function. The upper section pulls the shoulder blades up, the middle section brings the shoulder blade bones to the spine, the lower section returns the shoulder blades down.

The muscle is located on the shoulder above the biceps and forms the outer contour of the area. Muscle tissue received its name due to the similarity of its structure to the Greek letter. It strengthens shoulder joint, forming a visible bulge. It starts from the scapula, approaches the deltoid tuberosity, and attaches to the bone of the shoulder. Consists of three parts originating in different parts of the shoulder area.

Numerous connecting layers pass through the deltoid muscle. Some beams are located at an angle. This structure makes the middle part of the muscle multi-pinnate and increases lifting strength. Muscle tissue performs diverse, complex functions when lifting weights. Does the following work:

  • flexes and extends the shoulder;
  • fully abducts the shoulder with full tension;
  • moves the arm to the side during external rotation.

Triceps brachii muscle. The long muscle tissue is located on the back of the shoulder. Occupies the entire surface. It starts at the scapula and extends to the olecranon process. The triceps consists of 3 heads - lateral, long, medial. Covers the head at the beginning of the head deltoid.

The triceps begins at the humerus and the subarticular tubercle of the scapula. The muscle heads converge into a single body, forming a spindle-shaped abdomen, which passes into the tendon below. The main functions are placing the hands behind the back, extending the forearm, and bringing them to the body.

Quadriceps femoris muscle. This muscle is massive and strong compared to other leg muscle tissues that make up the structure of the human body. Athletes call it the quadriceps.

It is located in the lateral, front part of the thigh, consists of muscle bundles:

  • medial. Runs along the lower part of the front of the thigh. It begins at the medial third of the base, goes down, gradually forming a dense tendon;
  • lateral. Wide, the largest among the muscles that make up the quadriceps. It begins in the form of a bundle of tendons and is attached to the rectus muscle tissue;
  • straight. Extends from the front of the thigh along the surface. Begins as a tendon from the anterior spine, passes down to tibia, attached to the tuberosity;
  • intermediate. The bundle is located between the lateral and medial muscle tissues. This is a vulnerable and weak area of ​​the quadriceps.

The function of the quadriceps muscle is to move the limb in knee joint, body retention. The quadriceps lifts the thigh toward the chest, engaging the iliopsoas muscle. Straight beam passing through hip joint, participates in hip flexion.

The biceps muscle begins at the femur and attaches to the Achilles tendon at the heel. Consists of 2 sections located inside and outside the limb. Both areas are considered powerful muscular body. The medial head, located closer to the middle, is better developed than the lateral one.

The calf system is responsible for straightening, bending the legs, and keeping the body in balance. A special feature of the calf muscle is its ability to stretch and take its original position (contract).

Adductor. The muscle is located on inside hips. This is the main piece of muscle tissue in this area. It starts on the ischium and attaches to the femoral bone area. The adductor muscle belongs to medial group, is considered the broadest in this category.

This muscle is triangular. The bundles of the proximal part are oriented horizontally, extending to the upper part of the body of the femur at the pubic bone. The bundles of the distal section originate on the ischial tuberosity and descend down to the femoral epicondyle. The perforating and obturator arteries supply blood to the adductor magnus muscle. The function of muscle tissue is to adduct the thigh and rotate the leg outward.

The muscle is located under the semitendinosus portion of the muscle tissue. Begins with the lamellar tendon, which makes up top part muscles. The surface is attached to the ischial tuberosity, descends along its inner edge and turns into a flat shape, which gradually rounds and narrows.

The function of the semimembranosus muscle is to flex the tibia at the knee, extend the hip and torso. At bent knee this muscle tissue rotates the lower leg, contracting alternately from different sides.

The human body is set in motion by 640 muscles that can contract when nerve impulses are supplied. They differ in size, elasticity, and appearance. The largest and most significant ones move the legs and support the human body, while the miniature ones are located in the ear and attached to small bones.

What is the strongest muscle in the human body? Some people say it's our buttocks. Others believe it is a jaw. Still others are sure that this is our language. Which muscle wins this battle depends on your definition of "strongest," but you can definitely tell which one is losing. The tongue is not the strongest muscle in the human body. Let's start with the fact that this is not even one muscle, but a whole group.

Not everyone can pronounce this tongue twister “Buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of fluff”

The tongue may be thought of as one huge muscle, but it is actually a group of muscles. And while the vast majority of muscles in your body are attached to bones, many of the muscles in the tongue are simply attached to each other. They form the so-called muscular hydrostat, the same as the leg of an octopus or the trunk of an elephant.

The four muscles of the tongue that are not attached to anything are called intrinsic. Each of them moves freely in different directions, which helps your tongue perform such impressive gymnastics as curling into a tube or licking your gums. Four more muscles attach it to the head: one to the base of the skull, the second to the throat, the third to the lower jaw, and the fourth stretches to the roof of the mouth. Each of these muscles is bilateral, meaning that they are partially separated by a central line that helps them work on both sides of your mouth.

Muscle battle

Now you know that the tongue is not one muscle, but a whole system. But is it the strongest in the body? You can actually measure your tongue strength, or at least your stamina, with the Iowa oral performance instrument. All you have to do is put a tube with a small plate on the tip into your mouth and press it with your tongue as hard as you can. After the signal, your result will be displayed on the scoreboard.

But tongue muscle strength is nothing compared to the biggest muscles in your body, like your quads and glutes. Your masseter muscle can also compete for the title of strongest, if only because it can produce more force with less energy. This is due to the fact that it is attached to a shorter arm (i.e. your jaw). The biceps, on the other hand, must lift your forearm, which is a relatively long lever that requires more energy to move.


So yes, your tongue is made up of eight muscles that have more in common with an octopus tentacle than with trapezius muscle. This muscle of the human body may not be the strongest, but it may take first place in the title of “the strangest muscle in the human body.”

Many people ask the question, what is the strongest muscle in the human body? It is known that their number reaches 640. Among them there are very small ones that are located in the inner ear or serve to fix the eyeball. There are also quite large muscles: quadriceps, gluteal, trapezius. However, the most unique can be called the myocardium. It is capable of contracting even if removed from the human body. So which muscle is the strongest?

A fairly accurate definition is provided by special studies. According to them, the strength of all muscles depends on the following factors:

Number of muscle fibers;

The size of the bone adjacent to the muscle;

Attachment angle;

Pulse frequencies that it creates nervous system.

To characterize this parameter, special terms have been created: relative and absolute. Also, this indicator is determined in accordance with the amount of load that a person can lift in a calm state.

The quality of muscle work is determined by the ability to change their elasticity. When contracting, this figure increases; when relaxing, it becomes significantly lower. That's why many people say that the strongest human muscle is the tongue. However, this judgment is incorrect, since it is an organ consisting of 16 muscular parts.

The force generated is also important parameter. It turns out that the strongest muscle in humans is the chewing muscle. It can develop a pressure force of up to 72 kilograms and is located at It is what makes it move during the chewing process. According to this, it got its name. The peculiarity of the location is its attachment to the bone. There are other muscles that perform a similar function. These include: temporal, lateral and medial pterygoid. The first starts from the simultaneous bone. The lateral pterygoid is fixed on the inner corner of the lower jaw, the medial one - on the articular process. Also, the masticatory muscle interacts with other formations of a similar structure during conversation, facial expressions and yawning. Its shape resembles an irregular triangle.

Another factor that determines the strongest human muscle is tensile strength. The leader in this factor is the calf muscle, which is capable of holding weight up to 130 kilograms. To confirm this, you need to rise on your tiptoes and pick up a light weight. In this case, the entire load will fall on calf muscle. It is located in the area of ​​the back shin. Next to it is the soleus muscle, together with which they are attached to the heel using the Achilles tendon. It has a simple structure (two heads), but in terms of muscle tissue density it occupies a leading place in the human body. Its function is to stabilize the body when moving.

Another indicator that helps determine the strongest muscle of the human body is the force that is applied to the point of the skeleton. Based on this indicator, we can distinguish the quadriceps and gluteal muscles. They are also on lower limbs. In addition, the largest muscle in humans is the gluteus. All this is confirmed by its functions, the main one of which is maintaining the body position in an upright position.

Thus, the strongest human muscle is an ambiguous concept. Each of them dominates in a certain indicator. But the real leader can be called the one who has the most high rate endurance. While other structures are subject to fatigue, it works flawlessly even during sleep. And the lifespan of the myocardium can be called a more than weighty argument, which casts doubt on the fact of greater efficiency