The fastest runner. The fastest people on the planet. – You are more consistent in achieving your goals

It seemed to me that even the mountains applauded when the fragile girl from Novokuznetsk Elena Prosteva rushed to the finish line on Elbrus. At the Russian Downhill Championships taking place in Terskol, she had no equal.

It seemed to me that even the mountains applauded when the fragile girl from Novokuznetsk Elena Prosteva rushed to the finish line on Elbrus. At the Russian Downhill Championships taking place in Terskol, she had no equal. It is a pity that the governor of the Kemerovo region did not congratulate her on her victory, because in this province one of the best alpine skiers in the country, a nineteen-year-old student of the Siberian State University and future economist Elena Prosteva, was born, lives and trains.

Our correspondent met with her at the Itkol hotel.

– Who do you owe the victory to?

- Mom! She is in love with alpine skiing and almost from the cradle instilled in me a love for this sport. Even before I entered first grade, my parents gave me alpine skis. I started using them when I was four or five years old and have not left them since then. ski boots and a beautiful jumpsuit. My brother Ilya, who is a year older than me, was an example for me in skating. But soon he became interested in art, entered the Kemerovo University of Arts and exchanged skis for textbooks.

– Are you more consistent in achieving your goals?

– As a child, I didn’t set any special goals for myself, but I didn’t exchange skis for dolls. I studied in a regular school high school number 104. I skied so much that at the end of school I went to study at a college Olympic reserve. For many years, my favorite subject was physical education. Don't think that all I did was ride steep slopes. At first I was carried away ballroom dancing, in the fifth grade I loved to run cross-country, and a revolution in my life occurred when my mother gave me branded skis from the Rosignol company.

– Is your mother Irina, who has been working at one of the ski schools in Novokuznetsk for many years, your coach?

– No, my first coach was Alexei Chentsov, but now I have two new coaches - for two years my mentor has been Sergei Komarov, to whom I owe victory at the Russian Championship in Terskol. The second coach is Andrey Novikov, who trains me more at home, in Novokuznetsk.

– Don’t you even remember your first successes?

- Why, I don’t have a girl’s memory, because I’m already nineteen years old. I remember how happy I was when I won three victories at once at the Novokuznetsk competitions in memory of the master of sports in alpine skiing Denis Gubsky. Then I managed to become first in such disciplines as giant and slalom. Biggest sporting success came this season. In January, I became the winner of the World Cup super-G stage in Crans-Montano, Switzerland. I am very proud that a few days ago for the first time in sports career won the Russian championship in Terskol. It was not easy to perform here - there is such beauty around that it is sometimes difficult to concentrate on the virgin soil.

– You are only 19 years old, and you have been on the Russian alpine skiing team for several years already...

- Four years. I like the team. Training camps and competitions take place ten months a year. Traveled to many European countries. I really like playing in Austria, and not at all because Austrian Bernd Zobel is now the head coach of the Russian national team. He has been coaching our team for three and a half years. He is said to be very fond of his wife Doris and his two sons, both 20 years old and working as ski instructors. The Austrian noted that the Terskol Russian championship is in no way inferior to the best Austrian ones.

– You’re so slim, are you really on a diet?

“I eat everything in a row and don’t gain any weight.” Many girls go on diets, but mine excess weight in the mountains it burns out on the highways. I love to eat delicious food and prefer simple dishes. I never get tired of eating meat and potatoes every day. I often choose solyanka as a first course. For the third - tea with lemon.

-Who is your best friend?

- Vlada Bureeva. At the Itkol Hotel we lived in the same room. Vlada has been on the national team for three years, and she is originally from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. During competitions, she and I never violate sport mode, we go to bed on time - no later than ten o'clock in the evening. After all, sometimes you have to get up at five o’clock in the morning. This was the case in Terskol, where the weather was so warm that the snow began to melt with the first rays of the sun, and this is unacceptable in competitions of this level. We have a competition in alpine skiing, not swimming!

– How many pairs of skis do you have?

- Eight to ten pairs. I prefer to ski from the famous company “Fischer”. For sportswear, I like the Italian brand “Urner”, and for casual wear, “Forward”. And I have Fisher boots.

– You’re pretty, but wouldn’t you like to take part in photo shoots for glossy magazines?

- My character is not the same - I’m too shy.

Anastasia ZUEVA,
Photo by Nikolay ZUEV

From all ailments and bad mood The ancient Greeks gave one recipe - running! Among animals, the best sprinter is the cheetah; it can reach speeds of over 100 km per hour, but can maintain it for a matter of seconds. An ostrich can run through the desert for an hour at a speed of 60 km per hour. But since we belong to the human species, we are primarily interested in which of the people can run the fastest.

100 meters is the best distance

There are many distances in running, up to the marathon (42 km 195 meters), and other types... But only one of them captivates everyone on the planet, and not only fans of the queen of sports - athletics. This is a 100 meter run. The evolution of this distance, in fact, knows no beginning, and there will be no limit to it. Now not only athletes, but also a whole chain of people are working on improving speed at this distance - from medical institutes to bookmakers. After all, this is the most prestigious discipline in athletics.

Let's briefly consider the gradation of growth in results from the time of the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896 to the present day. Considering that until 1975 the results were recorded with a hand-held stopwatch, they will not be as accurate as they are now.

First records among men

At the first Olympics in Athens, the result of the winner Thomas Burke from the USA in the 100 meters was only 12 seconds exactly, which is now accessible even to novice athletes school age. But then the Olympics really had a motto: “The main thing is not victory, but participation.”

But the prestige of the distance and the title of the fastest man on the planet makes us chase the long-awaited victory at this distance. And sixteen years later, in 1912 in Stockholm, Donald Lippincott from the same United States of America sets a world record at a distance of 100 meters - 10.6 seconds.

Later, athletes trimmed hundredths and tenths to overcome the ten-second mark, and the first to run the 100-meter distance in 10 seconds was Armin Hari from Germany in Zurich in 1960. Now everyone was waiting impatiently, who would trade ten seconds in the 100-meter dash? It took exactly eight years. In 1968, American athlete Jim Hines was the first in the world to reach this ten-second mark. He covered 100 meters and set a world record, running the distance in 9.9 seconds. Jim Hines won the 100-meter dash at the Mexico City Olympics that same year, running in 9.5 seconds.

World records in the 100m dash in the nineties

Then came the eighties and nineties. Here the leadership was shared by athletes from Canada and the USA. The legendary breakthrough in this discipline, in 1988 at the Seoul Olympics, with a result unthinkable at that time - 9.79 seconds - took everyone by surprise, but due to the discovery of doping, the athlete was disqualified, and the medal was given to the legendary from the USA, who completed the distance in 9.92 seconds. Over time, the athlete improved his performance at the 1991 World Championships (Tokyo) to 9.86 seconds in the 100-meter dash. The world record has reached a new mark.

The result of 9.8 seconds was the first, and so far the last from the USA, to cover the distance in 9.79 seconds. His compatriots made attempts to improve their results in the 100-meter dash. Tim Montgomery 9.78 sec. and 9.77 seconds by Justin Getlin, but due to positive doping tests, their world results were canceled. Later, athletes from Jamaica entered the arena, and to this day their world records remain open and deserve respect.

Usain Bolt holds the 100m record

From 2005 to 2007, he repeated his own world record three times - 9.77 seconds. - and brought the result to 9.74 seconds. at the championship in Rieti. Young and so far invincible in this discipline, the lightning man, as his fans nicknamed him, Usain Bolt from Jamaica in New York in 2008 sets his first world record for 100 meters (men) - 9.72 seconds. All this happened in front of local residents - athletes from the USA, who to this day cannot overtake the legend of Jamaican athletics.

Moving on in incredible seconds at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he broke the mark - 9.69 seconds - and in 2009 beat his own 100m time. The world record of 9.58 seconds, set by a Jamaican athlete, cannot be broken to this day. Usain Bolt gave this gift to himself 5 days before his 24th birthday.

The athlete who was the only white-skinned athlete to win the 100- and 200-meter sprint events at the 1972 Munich Olympics deserves respect.

100 meter run. World Record: Women

For the fair half of humanity, world records were first recorded using a hand-held stopwatch at competitions in Prague in 1922, where an athlete from Czechoslovakia, Maria Meizlikova, showed a result of 13.6 seconds. In the same year, in Paris, her record was broken by the British Mary Lines, who ran in 12.8 seconds.

Electronic timing began to track women's records in this discipline, starting with the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Then Wyomia Tyes from the USA became the champion with a result of 11.08 seconds. The first to exchange 11 seconds was an athlete from the GDR, Marlies Olsner, who ran in 10.88 seconds. (Dresden, 1977). Evelyn Ashforth from the USA brought the world record to 10.79 seconds, and later to 10.76 seconds. The milestone in the world achievement of the women's 100-meter dash was set by the American Florence Griffith-Joyner in Indianapolis in 1988 with a result of 10.49 seconds. This women's world record remains unbroken to this day.

Almost every person has had to watch sports competitions, in which women showed incredible success in speed and agility. Strong and resilient representatives of the fair sex can cover a distance of 100 meters in a matter of seconds. But not everyone knows what results were demonstrated by the fastest woman in the world, an athlete from the United States. At one time, she amazed sports fans, and her incredible success gave rise to many different controversies and rumors.

Florence Delores Griffith - speed record holder

American Florence Delores Griffith is considered the fastest woman on the planet. The woman managed to set running records that other athletes have not been able to break for more than 28 years. In 1988, Florence amazed sports fans with unrealistic performance. It took her just 10.49 seconds to run the 100-meter dash.

Becoming in sports

America's most famous track and field athlete was a native of Los Angeles. She was born on October 21, 1959 in a simple family. The girl had 10 brothers and sisters. Florence is still in adolescence demonstrated excellent results in sports, thanks to which she joined the team of the famous coach Bob Kersey. Under his leadership, the girl was able to achieve good results, which still did not suit her. Her husband, Al Joyner, helped Florence show her talents.

First achievements

Florence Griffith-Joyner began participating in significant competitions in 1983. She managed to win fourth place in the two-hundred-meter race. A year later, the girl was awarded a silver medal at Olympic Games, held in her hometown. After this, the athlete did not show any special results for 4 years. But 1988 became a turning point in her career. Taking part in the qualifying competitions for the Olympics, Florence ran the 100-meter dash in a record time of 10.49 seconds. After this result, the athlete was allowed to participate in the Olympic Games.

Olympic favorite

The Olympics, held in 1988 in the Korean capital, did not start very well for Florence. The girl injured her leg upon arrival in the country. But her desire to win gold was so strong that she continued to train, regardless of the pain. Thanks to her passion, Florence won 3 gold medals at different distances:

  • 100 meters;
  • 200 meters;
  • 800 meters.

Accusations and suspicions

The incredible results of Florence Griffith-Joyner led to various accusations against the athlete. Despite the fact that the girl underwent various doping tests on the eve of the Olympics, she was still accused of foul play. Other athletes pointed out that without the use of prohibited results it was impossible to develop the kind of muscles that Florence had.

The situation was aggravated by the athlete’s announcement of retirement from the sport in 1989, when doping control was significantly increased. In addition, Florence's coach and husband was disqualified for taking illegal drugs. The athlete strongly denied such statements and even participated in the promotion of sports without the use of doping.

Broken hopes

Florence's fame began to fade over the years. But in 1996, her name was heard again at every turn, as the athlete decided to return to the sport. She started training and prepared intensively for the competition. But the hopes of the famous athlete were not destined to come true. During the flight, Florence suffered a heart attack. Another 2 years later, the world was shocked by the terrible news of the death of an athlete who died while sleeping.

Florence's mysterious death gave rise to various rumors. Many claimed that the woman died prematurely due to abuse of illegal drugs. There were also versions of hemorrhage and progressive epilepsy. The reliable cause of death of the famous athlete was never announced.


Florence Griffith-Joyner is remembered by the world not only as a record holder in running, but also as a bright, extraordinary personality. She became the first athlete to pay due attention to her appearance. Even on the treadmill, Florence preferred to appear with impeccable manicure and makeup. She chose her uniform in bright colors, thanks to which she became a real style icon.

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Source: TengriNews Date: today at 06:43

The driver caused a collision in the oncoming lane in Almaty, reports the correspondent of the “Territory of Incidents” program on the STV channel. There were witnesses to the night accident. They said that a Subaru car, moving along Birzhan Street in an eastern direction, between Navoi and Mustafina streets, suddenly drove out of its lane towards a KIA car.


Today it became known that the Anti-Corruption Service, together with the Almaty prosecutor’s office, detained the ex-akim of the Alatau region, his deputy, as well as the head of the department of culture and language development of the akim’s office of the region on suspicion of committing a corruption crime. The officials are suspected of embezzling budget funds in 2019 in large amount allocated under the state program “Regional Development until 2020.” Let us recall that on January 17 it became known that Azamat Kaldybekov, a representative of the presidential youth personnel reserve, was appointed to the post of akim of the Alatau region. He replaced Shakhmerden Ryspaev, who had held this post since July 2017. As the press service of the Almaty akimat reported, Shakhmerden Ryspayev was relieved of his post in accordance with the submitted application at his own request.


ALMATY, January 18 - Sputnik. After restoration work, the high-rise building that has tilted in Almaty will again be suitable for use, and residents will be able to return to their apartments. This was reported by the Department of Comfortable Urban Environment of the southern capital. At the next meeting with residents of tilted house No. 179 in the Zerdeli-6 microdistrict, the results of research by the Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture (KazNIISA) were announced.

Source: Radio Azattyk Date: yesterday in 17:33

The former akim of the Alatau district of Almaty was detained on suspicion of corruption, the anti-corruption service of Kazakhstan reported. The deputy akim of the district and the head of the department of culture and language development of the akim's office of this region are also under suspicion. The former akim and deputy akim were placed in a detention center, the head of the department is at large, he gave an undertaking to appear before the investigative authorities, the anti-corruption agency said in a statement.


KazNIISA gave a preliminary conclusion on the tilted house No. 179 in the microdistrict. Zerdeli-6 of the city of Almaty, the press service of the akimat reported. “Regular studies of the soil, foundation and load-bearing structures of the house, which began in recent months 2019, daily measurements of the building’s tilt and monitoring of its possible dynamics allowed specialists from the KazNIISA laboratory to give a preliminary conclusion regarding the safety of living in this house.


The Anti-Corruption Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan published a video of the detention of the ex-akim of the Alatau district of Almaty, reports correspondent. Let us recall that earlier the anti-corruption service on suspicion of committing a corruption crime detained the ex-akim of the Alatau district of Almaty, his deputy, as well as the head of the department of culture and language development office of the akim of this region. They are suspected of theft in 2019 of large amounts of budget funds allocated under the state program “Regional Development until 2020”. The ex-akim of the region and his deputy were detained and placed in the temporary detention center of the Almaty Police Department.

Source: NewTimes Date: yesterday at 16:44

“Today, January 18, at 12.25, fire crews from the Almaty Emergency Situations Department responded to a report of a fire at the microdistrict. Ainabulak 3, building No. 156. Thick black smoke was coming from the windows of the apartment on the 5th floor. There was strong smoke and temperature in the stairwells of the 4th and 5th floors, the escape routes were cut off for residents of the upper floors,” said the Almaty Emergency Situations Department. The head of the guard of fire station No. 12, captain of civil protection Bekpatshaev Erdos, saved a weakened elderly woman born in 1947, located on the flight of stairs between the 4th and 5th floors. The woman was handed over to the ambulance staff. “To extinguish the fire, a ladder truck was installed in the window of the 5th floor, through which a fire nozzle was fed into the fire.

Source: NewTimes Date: yesterday at 15:34

During the search, a Toyota Raf-4 car was found locked on the side of the road near BAO. There was no one in the car. The police continued to search for the missing person, and today, January 18, at about 11 a.m., police found a man 3 kilometers from the car - alive, but with signs of frostbite. Thanks to the efficiency of the police, a tragedy was avoided.

Source: Sputnik Date: yesterday in 15:20

ALMATY, January 18 - Sputnik. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has withdrawn the designation code from Bek Air. This is stated on the website of the Kazakh airline. IATA sent an official letter to the airline. “Your company no longer meets the requirements set by IATA under resolution 767.

Source: Sputnik Date: yesterday in 13:30

ALMATY, January 18 - Sputnik. Three officials of the Akimat of the Alatau region were detained in Almaty; they are suspected of bribery and theft of budget funds. “On suspicion of committing a corruption crime, the akim of the Alatau district of Almaty, his deputy, as well as the head of the department of culture and language development of the akim’s office of this region have been convicted,” the Anti-Corruption Service said in a statement.

Source: TengriNews Date: yesterday at 13:23

Almaty police found a foreigner missing in BAO, reports with reference to On January 17, the Almaty Traffic Police Center received a message that a 45-year-old Turkish citizen went for a walk in his car towards BAO and from that moment did not got in touch. Search activities were immediately organized to establish the whereabouts of the missing person. During the search activities, a Toyota RAV-4 car was found locked on the side of the road near BAO.

Source: Date: yesterday in 13:16

The Anti-Corruption Service, together with the Almaty Prosecutor's Office, has exposed the former akim of the Alatau district of the city, his deputy, as well as the head of the department of culture and language development of the akim's office of the region on suspicion of committing a corruption crime, reports MIA Kazinform with reference to the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Source: TengriNews Date: yesterday at 12:43

The ex-akim of the Alatau district of Almaty, Shakhmerden Ryspayev, was detained, correspondent reports. “The anti-corruption service, together with the Almaty prosecutor’s office, has exposed the akim of the Alatau district of Almaty, his deputy, as well as the head of the department of culture and language development of the akim’s office of the region on suspicion of committing a corruption crime. .

Source: Arna Press Date: yesterday at 11:38

Freegans are appearing in Almaty - decent people who use garbage containers or landfills as a source of food and other material goods, reports with reference to They study when a particular supermarket gets rid of expired products, and do not disdain pick up something from a special trash container.

Source: TengriNews Date: yesterday at 09:23

Experts from the statistical resource Numbeo have compiled a rating of the most expensive cities in the world, correspondent reports. The “cost of living index” was calculated based on prices in shops and restaurants, transport fares, utility costs, as well as the purchasing power of the population. In total, the list includes 440 cities.

Source: TengriNews Date: yesterday at 05:13

Adherents of freeganism have appeared in Almaty - a lifestyle that denies the principles of consumerism. Adherents of this eco-movement use garbage containers or landfills as a source of food and other material goods. This is stated in the story of the TV channel. Freegans know when a particular supermarket gets rid of expired products, and do not hesitate to pick up something from a special trash container.

Source: TengriNews Date: January 17, 2020 at 10:43 pm

On the evening of Friday, January 17, residents of Almaty felt underground points. Users report this on their pages on social networks. According to the portal, the earthquake was recorded by the network of seismic stations of the State Institution “SOME KN MES RK” on January 17 at 22.05 Almaty time. The epicenter of the earthquake is located 368 kilometers south of Almaty in China.

Source: Sputnik Date: January 17, 2020 at 07:50 pm

Animals in petting zoos in the southern capital are kept in unbearable conditions. They sleep on tiled floors in cramped enclosures. Throughout the day they are constantly picked up, squeezed and stroked. Kazakh animal rights activists are seeking to close petting zoos. One of these menageries was closed. Previously, two visitors were allowed into a small room with the panther Bagheera, the African lioness Simba and the tiger cub Mia.

Source: Date: January 17, 2020 at 07:46 pm

Bakytzhan Sagintayev appointed akims of districts from the Presidential youth personnel reserve, reports the correspondent of the business information center with reference to the press service of the akimat. “By order of the akim of Almaty, in agreement with the Presidential Administration and deputies of the maslikhat, Azamat Kaldybekov and Bakhytzhan Akzharov were appointed akims of the Alatau and Turksib districts , accordingly,” the message states.

Source: TengriNews Date: January 17, 2020 at 07:03 pm

Bakhytzhan Akzharov replaced Pavel Kulagin as akim of the Turksib district of Almaty, reports with reference to the press secretary of the city akim, Aset Mukazhanov. Bakhytzhan Akzharov is a representative of the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve. Previously, he worked as head of the Almaty Housing Policy Department.