Somersault classes. How to learn to do somersaults without the help of a trainer: the best tips for home training. Back flip technique

Performing a deft jump with a flip - a back or forward somersault - is not an easy task. This acrobatic trick requires good physical fitness and a lot of hard training. The child learns new skills faster and one can look with admiration at child athletes who easily perform somersaults, somersaults and cartwheels and demonstrate.

Of course, any girl or boy attending a gymnastics section can easily do a back or forward somersault. Another thing is an adult who is very tormented by the question of how to learn how to do an acrobatic somersault. Well, as they say: “If there is a desire”!

To hone the skill of performing somersaults, it is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional trainer. If a person is physically developed and there are no contraindications for health reasons, nothing prevents him from mastering the skill of performing somersaults on his own with the help of our tips and training videos.

Before proceeding directly to learning the somersault itself, it is important to first prepare the whole body. After all, an unathletic and sedentary person is unlikely to be able to perform a trick of this kind.

Should be especially strong Bottom part body - so it’s worth starting to master the technique of lunges now. Then add a daily light jog, standing long jump, and running jump to your schedule. Giving the body physical activity on a regular basis, he will have no choice but to respond positively to the person’s new habits. You will see: literally after a week of training, endurance will improve and strength indicators will increase.

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Jump Features

Somersaults are an exercise that you need to bring to automaticity if you plan to learn how to do somersaults at home. After all, the exercises are very similar, only one is done on the floor, and the other in the air.

You will also have to remember school long jumps: jump from your toes, springing your heels, and landing softly. Whether you're training for a backflip or just wondering how to do a frontflip, landing softly is important.

How to do a forward somersault

It is necessary to begin your acquaintance with “air flights” with this type of somersault - it is the main one. First of all, we practice somersault technique:

  1. We squat down, legs together, back straight;
  2. We press our head to our chest, bring our arms forward;
  3. We push off with effort from the floor and do a somersault.

It is best to learn how to do a somersault from a running start, so due to inertia the push will be stronger. It is important to jump up after acceleration as high as possible.

The jump can be done on two feet at once or on one - whichever is more convenient, the main thing is that not the whole foot and not the heels are involved - the push is done from the toes and the landing is the same. When you make a jump, a tuck should occur similar to a somersault - the knees are pressed to the chest and captured by the legs.

If you have already mastered this technique, you can tell and show yourself how to learn how to do a front somersault, it’s time to train more complex variations of the exercise.

How to do a backflip

In order to quickly master performing backflips, you need to perfect somersaults in the opposite direction until they become automatic:

  1. Squat down and press your chin to your chest;
  2. Push off and somersault back, clasping your knees with your hands;
  3. At the end, catch your balance in time.

The backflip must be performed from an elevated position, so teenagers who love extreme sport They can definitely answer the question of how to learn to do a somersault back in the air. In this plan best time There will be a snowy winter for training: when it will be possible to jump into the snow without much danger.

A backflip is a 360 degree flip of the body in the air, so a person must know how to quickly group themselves and land softly after a jump.

To technically correctly perform a back somersault, you need “experience” of training and a clear knowledge of the instructions. When jumping, you need to swing your arms, bend your legs at the knees and jump up as much as possible. The turn can be done using the hips and with maximum muscle tension. The legs bend during the jump, and when landing on the ground, they straighten. But you cannot complete the exercise with straight legs - there should be a slight bend in the knees. And unlike front somersault, landing is made on the entire foot.

How to do a side somersault

If you want to know how to learn to make the famous Arabic side somersault, you need to carefully master the technique of somersaults in the air. They are best performed by pushing off from a wall and landing on a soft surface. The push is carried out with one leg, while the second one swings, which allows you to jump in the air.

The back flip - cork - has the same technique as the Arabic.

Training place

Ideally, training should take place in a spacious gym with the presence of gymnastic mats and under the guidance of an instructor. But if this is not possible, lay out more mattresses and blankets at home and exercise.

It is important not to forget that good physical form– as a foundation, without which you can’t even try to perform tricks. To make the exercise easier, start doing wall flips, then front and back flips. Having brought the technique to automaticity, then it will be possible to deftly demonstrate good preparation on the street, beautiful somersaults in the air and cork of any complexity!


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This article will tell you how to perform a running forward somersault, which is one of the main elements of gymnastics. Many people find it difficult due to the fact that they cannot see the landing point, and the flip can only be successfully completed if one is fully committed to performing it. However, once you learn the proper technique and are properly prepared, mastering the somersault is quite easy.


Part 1

Preparing for a somersault

Part 2

Performing a somersault

    Run at a moderate speed. Don't run too fast or you'll lose your balance when you land, but also don't run too slow or you won't have the speed to do a flip. Many people tend to run fast, thinking that this will allow them to perform a powerful somersault, but often such a run ends in not jumping high enough, which leads to landing on their back. A quick jog will be enough.

    After developing a suitable speed Jump a little and land firmly on both feet. Your feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart, but slightly further forward than your shoulders, so that you can make the jump. required height for somersaults. As you jump, raise your arms so that they are above your head as you push off the ground. Do not push with the entire area of ​​your feet, this will reduce the height of your jump, push with the toes of your feet. The next step will require your arms to shoot up and forward to initiate the rotation for the somersault.

    Jump in the air From your position, raise your arms up and forward, and then lower them down to your feet, drawing your knees tightly to your chest to create a greater rotation effect. It is quite possible to perform a good somersault without swinging your arms, but with it it becomes much easier. Remember to push hard from the ground to achieve maximum jump height. To help your body move upward rather than forward, look at the ceiling as you jump. There is no need to specifically raise your head to the ceiling for this; just look at the ceiling in front of you.

    Pull your knees to your chest and curl your body into a ball to rotate 360 ​​degrees. Try to open your legs slightly while in a twisted position, rather than pressing them together. This makes your shapes smaller and spins faster. It can also help avoid facial injuries. The knees are much stronger than the nose and can easily break it on impact.

    • The ball formed by the body should be tight, not loose. If you don't press your shoulders hard enough, your landing will be unbalanced and blurry.
  1. Open up from the ball as soon as you feel that you are taking correct position in the air. Some people prefer to "look" at the landing site, but this is not so easy to do when spinning in the air. You just need to “feel” your way through the rotation.

    • Don't reveal yourself too early. You will fall on your back and fall on your butt. Wait a bit to open it.
  2. Land with your feet spread, the distance between them, as before, should be approximately shoulder width. Bend your knees as you land to absorb the force of the impact, and use your hands to catch your balance so you don't fall forward or backward. Always land on your toes.

  • You probably won't be able to do a somersault the first, second, or even third time. Try to feel your body as you flip so you can recognize what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong so you can correct your mistakes next time. Criticism from a friend or video recording can help you.
  • You can also try doing a diving board flip in the pool to get a feel for it.
  • In practicing performing a somersault, the most important thing is to learn to fully devote yourself to this element. Any indecision will lead to failure.
  • Until you gain confidence in your own abilities (in the available mats and belayers), it helps to first study all the gymnastic elements on the trampoline before subsequent practice on solid ground.
  • Try to find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Dangerous accidents (such as a broken neck) can occur due to distractions.


  • The first time you try this element, you must do it on a trampoline or soft surface, otherwise you may get serious injury. Having injuries will reduce your chances of performing another somersault.
  • During your first few attempts at performing floor flips, you should definitely have a coach or an experienced spotter nearby.
  • It is necessary to practice on mats or soft surfaces until you achieve a consistently correct landing after a somersault. This way you can avoid knee and shin injuries.
  • Before you start spinning, you must make high jump, otherwise you will crash into the ground while performing a somersault.

Somersaults are an element of acrobatic exercises, as well as the increasingly popular parkour. A somersault is a jump that flips 360 degrees and lands on your feet. If you want to learn how to do a somersault, the most important thing is to know that for this exercise you need to have strong muscles and ligaments, especially in your legs.

How and where to train?

It is best to conduct training in the gym, under the supervision of professionals. However, not everyone has this opportunity. In this case, you can train at home, the main thing is to remember to be careful and follow all safety rules. Since this jump is quite traumatic, when training at home, you should lay out more mattresses and blankets on the floor. Also make sure that there are no sharp or hard objects nearby, and that there is nothing breakable on the closet nearby.

It is best to follow training videos when training at home. Such lessons are more intelligible than ordinary descriptions. Also, if you have not done anything like this before, you should start by training the necessary muscle groups. The load is especially heavy on the legs, so it’s best to start training with squats, lunges, and regular jumps. Then you should introduce daily jogging, long jumping and jumping rope. No earlier than a week later, you should carefully try your hand at more complex exercises.

Certainly, the best option– train under the supervision of an experienced instructor. He will not only show you and explain how to move, but also support you at the beginning of training and point out mistakes and mistakes.

Types of somersaults

There are several types of somersault jumps. Among them there are both relatively simple ones and those complicated by additional elements and figures. Among the main types of somersaults are:

  • Front flip. Represents a forward roll over the head. To do it, you need to throw your arms out from behind your head and sharply push off with your legs. There are execution options - bending over, double or even triple somersault, tuck somersault, etc.
  • Backflip. The jump back over the head is performed in the same way, but the arms are thrown back, while jumping you need to take a tuck or, in the case of a blanche back somersault, straighten up.
  • Side somersault. It can be performed from a running start or from a place; there are several varieties - doubleleg, aerial, shogunfay and the most famous Arabic.
  • Screw, or pirouette. A somersault with the body turning not only forward or backward, but also around its axis. Can be performed in combination with a somersault.
  • Somersault off the wall. This option is performed with a running start, after a push against the wall. Can be performed with or without a tuck, accompanied by a leg swing.

How to learn to do a backflip?

To learn how to do a backflip, you first need to be excellent at doing reverse somersaults. This is done in the following way:

  • Squat down and press your chin to your chest.
  • Push off and somersault back, clasping your knees with your hands.
  • When landing, catch your balance and stabilize.

The best way to learn a backflip is from a slight elevation. To do this you can choose winter time when warm clothes soften the fall, and you can safely land in a soft snowdrift. During the execution, you need to make a 360-degree flip, so the most important thing is to group yourself in the jump and land carefully. During the jump, your legs should be bent at the knees, jumping is accompanied by swinging your arms. Before landing, you need to straighten your legs. In this version of the jump, you must land on your entire foot.

The main complication with this somersault is that during the jump you cannot see where you will land. That is why you should look around carefully and jump there. Where you will not encounter obstacles, especially at the beginning of training. If jumping back causes great difficulty, you should start with something easier, for example, a forward somersault.

How to learn to do a forward somersault?

It is best to begin your acquaintance with the somersault technique with this particular variety. As with the backflip, the first thing you need to do is practice somersaults. This is done like this:

  • Squat down, straighten your back and bring your legs together.
  • Bring your arms forward and press your head to your chest.
  • Push off with your feet and, focusing on your hands, roll forward.

If you are just learning how to do a somersault, it is best to start doing it with a running start. This way you will be able to push off with your feet, which means you will have a much greater chance of a successful somersault. After the run, you need to jump as high as possible. That is why it is worth practicing in high and long jumps in advance. You can push off with one leg or two - it depends on what is more convenient for you. Over time, you will be able to do both options equally successfully.

It is important to push off not with your entire foot or heel, but with your toe or toes. It is also necessary to land on your toes; for this you need to group yourself correctly during the jump. You need to press your knees to your chest, and before landing, straighten your legs and lightly spring them, absorbing the inertia of the jump.

When you master this technique perfectly, you can move on to more complex jumping options. It is better not to train several variations of somersaults at the same time. Not only will this take more time, but it can also make it confusing as to which type of jump you're doing and how you should group yourself while doing it.

How to properly train a side air somersault?

The side air somersault has several variations, but the most common is a somersault, which is called an Arabian somersault. Before learning how to do it, it is important to practice well. If you need to do somersaults during a front and back somersault, then in this case you need to be able to do the cartwheel exercise. After this, your body will easily find the desired position and mastering the Arabic or side jump will not be difficult.

When taking off, you need to jump as high as possible to make a turn and land on your legs slightly bent at the knees. You can jump in any direction, so it is better to choose the one in which you are better at doing a cartwheel. In this case, one hand should move in front and from top to bottom, and the other down and forward, in the direction of movement. At the same time, the leg rolls from heel to toe, this is how the jump can be as long as possible.

When jumping, it is important to not group too tightly. Pay more attention to your position, but be sure to look at the ground before landing so you have time to regroup. Landing is the most difficult stage. Failure to do so could result in injury. It is important that your legs bend slightly at the knees and absorb the energy of the jump.

You will find a video lesson teaching somersaults in the following video:

After reviewing all these options, remember that not only the success of the somersault, but also your health depends on the execution technique. Only move on to the next step when you are completely ready. And most importantly, don’t let the fear of jumping limit your movements; only by relaxing will you be able to do everything as needed.

In contact with

    Backflip is one of the most common gymnastic exercises. It requires special skills from the athlete. If the movement is performed incorrectly, the athlete may be injured. You can perform the exercise on any convenient surface. You won't need additional sports equipment.

    During movement, the athlete uses calf muscles, as well as quadriceps. The buttocks receive additional load. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to do a backflip and talk about preparatory exercises.

    General information about preparation

    Mastering this type of jumping without prior training is dangerous. This is especially dangerous for athletes who are just athletes and whose flexibility is not yet very developed. But if since childhood you have been thinking about how to learn how to do a backflip, and dreamed of performing this trick to the envy of your friends, then you need to try.

    Jump rope

    Preliminary leg training is mandatory. Start every day with a jump rope in your hands. Gradually increase the frequency and height of your jumps - this will develop agility.

    Long jump

    Long jumps from a place and a run, as well as high jumps with arms outstretched, will be useful for developing agility.

    Back somersaults

    Constantly do backflips, because this is the main exercise that will help you learn how to group correctly. You will then need to perform it in the air. You can tumble on sports mats or on any suitable surface.


    You also need to learn how to land correctly on the ground with your feet and group correctly in the air. To do this, first try jumping from a height, grouping in the air. Don't forget to lay mats over the landing area.


    You can also learn how to do backflips on trampolines. On initial stage workouts, choose a trampoline with special safety belts. This way you can learn to group in the air without fear of injury.

    Even at home, you need to learn how to do a backflip only with a partner, or even better, with an experienced trainer, since this is a very traumatic and risky trick. Of course, you can try to do this yourself, but we warn you right away - it is quite difficult, primarily due to the presence of fear of jumping back.

    How to do a backflip?

    The backflip exercise is considered technically difficult. If you still decide to master this trick yourself, then first carefully study the text below, which describes the technique of performing the exercise. This technique is suitable both for learning how to do backflips at home and for learning on a trampoline.

    Before doing a backflip, be sure to warm up the ligaments and muscles and perform stretching exercises. After that, follow this algorithm of movements:

    • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend them slightly. Focus your gaze on one point. Keep your head straight.

    • Push off the ground and swing your arms at the same time.
    • Jump up high. Immediately group yourself and bend your legs under you, wrapping your arms around them.
    • Do a somersault in the air.
    • As you land on the ground, begin to straighten up.
    • Land on your entire foot, but your knees should not be straight.

    Be prepared for the fact that at first nothing will work out for you. It is very important to overcome your fear. In order to protect yourself, exercise on trampolines, sand, special mats that soften your fall, or jump into the water. Practice in pairs with an experienced mentor. Thus, it will help correct technical shortcomings, as well as tell you in more detail about the specifics of the exercise.

    We also recommend watching how to do a backflip in the instructional video. But don’t forget, no matter how much you watch the video, it’s still better to train with an experienced mentor who can evaluate your jump technique from the outside. You cannot do this on your own under any circumstances!

    Training complexes for crossfit

    Backflip is great for intense workout and requires special technical skills from the athlete. You can perform it in combination with various strength movements. Among experienced athletes The combination + somersault is very popular.

    The number of repetitions in the exercise should be individual for each athlete. Focus on the movements, and also monitor the condition of your body. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, it is better to avoid performing a backflip.

    Thanks to regular training, you will not only learn effective gymnastic element, but also increase the flexibility of the body, as well as the strength of the legs.

There is an amazing trick in acrobatics - a somersault in the air. To do it you need to have a good physical training and flexibility. Everyone is probably interested in finding out at home. It should be remembered that the exercise is fraught with injury, so it is advisable to perform it under the supervision of a professional. The article will tell you how to master a somersault as quickly, safely and easily as possible.

First of all, you need to decide for yourself whether you have a sufficient level of flexibility to jump high and deftly do a somersault. People who have been around for a long time or never first need to train in this direction. If there are no problems with this, let's look at how to learn how to do somersaults at home.

You need to organize a place to work. You will need quite a lot of space so as not to damage surrounding objects and not to hit yourself. A couple of mattresses or thick blankets are laid on the floor. You will also need a free surface that is strong to the waist (or slightly higher). Now you can begin to complete the tasks leading up to the forward somersault.

No. 1. - somersault. Without this skill it is impossible to do a somersault. It must be performed as follows: from a standing position, raise your straightened arms up, while your back should be rounded (relax your shoulders and bend it like a wheel). Next, you need to squat down so that your legs are slightly spread to the side (prevents your teeth or nose from hitting your knees during a future somersault). Hands are placed further away from you, and a long somersault is performed. This training is the basis of how to learn how to do somersaults at home. Please note that throughout the entire movement you need to reach your shoulders towards your knees, and not vice versa. Keep your chin pressed to your chest (for beginners, you can hold a piece of foam rubber with it). At the end of the somersault, grab the middle of the shin with your hands. Hint: if everything is done correctly, then after a somersault the practitioner will easily get back to his feet.

No. 2. Somersault onto the mats from the bridge. This training will allow you to learn how to do a forward somersault and will let your body understand how the movement occurs. With sports equipment, it will certainly be much more convenient and safer to do it. At home, you will need a couple of good mats located on some surface at waist level (table). Instead of a bridge, you can install any low device that can spring and support the weight of your body. Next you need to jump and perform a somersault. The movement should be upward and slightly forward.

No. 3. Somersault onto the mats with an easy run-up. The trainee must accelerate and make a high jump with his hands on the surface, repeating the previous exercise. This is the principle used to perform the acrobatic stunt in question.

When all of the above has been mastered, it is advisable to try doing somersaults with a partner’s harness in the gym, on mats. The assistant must direct the movement in the right direction.

Now we have learned how to learn how to do somersaults at home. All tasks must be completed taking into account the previously described subtleties, otherwise such a spectacular trick will be done incorrectly.