Where to start strength training for a woman. Strength training - sets of exercises for women and men at home with video. Push-ups with rotation

Here's what the article "Why Women Shouldn't Lift Weights" says:

It's all about the special structure of the female skeleton. The fair sex has much more fragile and thin bones than men. Including the spine, which bears the main load when lifting heavy objects.

With systematic (and sometimes one-time!) lifting of weights, women's spinal discs gradually become displaced, which in a few years can lead to such a serious disease as a vertebral hernia.

But the truth is that improper performance of strength exercises leads to injuries and degenerative changes in the spine, regardless of gender. At correct technique the load on the spine is minimal.

In addition, weight training involves gradually increasing the load in parallel with muscle growth and strength indicators. So the health risk practically disappears.

2. Strength training can result in uterine prolapse.

Uterine prolapse is a displacement of the fundus and cervix below the physiological limit due to weakening of the muscles pelvic floor and uterine ligaments. There are many reasons for this disease: from congenital defects in the development of the pelvic organs to injuries received during childbirth. Heavy lifting is almost always mentioned as a risk factor. Some doctors do not recommend lifting more than 5 kg as a preventative measure.

However, don’t confuse lifting weights with proper strength training! Carrying bags of cement without preparation, without correct technique(with a round back) and especially in old age (50% of cases of uterine prolapse are diagnosed in women over 50 years old) - truly unforgivable stupidity and a health risk. However, strength training is a completely different matter.

If strength training with reasonable weight gain and proper technique promoted uterine prolapse, many female athletes would suffer from this condition. The facts indicate the opposite.

Women who go in for sports tolerate pregnancy and childbirth much better, recover faster after it and have fewer problems with the pelvic organs.

After strength training, the oxygen debt increases, which requires a fair amount of calories to cover. According to a recent study EPOC Comparison Between Isocaloric Bouts of Steady-State Aerobic, Intermittent Aerobic, and Resistance Training, after strength training, the oxygen debt remains for 21 hours: all this time the body burns more calories even at rest.

Therefore, if a girl wants to lose weight, she needs weight training, and not long walks or low-intensity jogging in the cardio zone.

5. Strength training does not help you lose weight, but, on the contrary, increases body weight

Power training help replace fat with muscle. Your weight may remain the same or even increase, while your volume will decrease.

It’s not for nothing that fitness models urge you not to rely on scales, but to measure your progress using a measuring tape.

Wonderful clear example- This is a photo of fitness blogger Kelsey Wells. In the first photo the girl weighs 65.8 kg, in the second - 55.3 kg, in the third - 63.5 kg.


Why does Kelsey look slimmer, fitter and more athletic in the third photo than in the first photo, even though she weighs only 2 kg less? Just because of the percentage muscle mass. First, the girl lost fat, reducing her weight to 55.3 kg, and then gained 8 kg of muscle mass.

As you can see, strength training reduces body size, but increases weight due to muscle growth. So don’t be afraid of such a quality increase.

6. Women should choose low weights and high reps.

In the gym you rarely see a girl doing, for example, deadlifts or squats with a heavy weight for 3-5 repetitions per set. Much more often, girls choose light dumbbells and do 20 lunges per leg, endlessly squat with an empty bar or body bar, or exercise on machines with light weights, performing many repetitions per set.

This pattern of women's training naturally follows from the myth that women should not lift weights. Since you can’t work with heavy weights, you need to do a lot of repetitions with small ones.

But working with large and small weights has different goals.

By performing 1–3 repetitions per set at 80% of your one-time maximum, for example, you are training absolute strength. By doing high reps with light weights, you increase strength endurance.

To understand exactly how muscles react to a particular load, you need to understand their structure. Muscle fibers are fast and slow.

Slow fibers (red, oxidative, subtype I) use aerobic metabolism (with oxygen) for long muscle activity. They are hardy, small in size and hypertrophy poorly. That is, by training with low weights and multiple repetitions, you will not soon achieve relief body. Proof of this is marathon runners, triathletes, cyclists - hardy, wiry and thin.

Fast muscle fibers(white, glycolytic, subtypes IIa and IIb) work during short-term, high-intensity exercise. They are larger than slow fibers and hypertrophy well.

High-weight, low-repetition exercises train white muscle fibers, which grow quickly and provide beautiful figure powerlifters, weightlifters, sprinters.

If you want to quickly increase definition, be sure to include short-term intense work in your workout: exercises with high weights and low repetitions.

If you don’t have specific goals, you can diversify your training and increase both strength and strength endurance by alternating loads. For example, in one workout, perform exercises with a large weight and a small number of repetitions, in the second - with an average weight and an increased number of repetitions per set, and in the third - with a small weight and a large number of repetitions.

As you can see, the type of exercise depends not on gender, but on the tasks you are pursuing. IN women's training There is a place for cardio exercises, high-repetition exercises with light weights, and working with weights close to the one-time maximum.

Organize your workouts wisely, take care of the correct technique and carefully increase the working weight, and strength training will give you health, strength and a great figure.

Strength training for women, as well as weight training, has many benefits - it affects health, strength and aesthetics.

But for some reason, strength training is ignored by women, and they stop at aerobics or yoga.

Due to completely absurd and ridiculous prejudices, women exclude from their training plan those exercises that help them achieve their fitness goals several times faster. Women's prejudices associated with training in gym, built on fiction.

Preconceptions about strength training for women

Myth: You can pump up and become masculine

You are not in danger of becoming masculine!One of the popular and erroneous myths among all women is the belief that strength training will make you a real bodybuilder. Yes, this is quite possible, but only if you do it professionally - you train twice a day, take sports supplements and anabolics.

Only a few are capable of this, so you definitely won’t grow huge muscles, don’t worry. Women do not have such hormonal balance, so you can only get slight relief.You need to remember - women cannot “pump up” big muscles without the use of steroids, because only special drugs can provide a high percentage of testosterone, which is related to male hormones.Through strength training you will gain beautiful body, as well as excellent physical shape!

Myth: Fat tissue will turn into muscle tissue

Fat tissue will not turn into muscle tissue during strength training!Some women who want to lose weight and get rid of extra pounds, don’t want to lift weights. They think that lifting dumbbells will convert their fat tissue into muscle tissue and make them too bulky.

This will not happen because the muscles and body fat- fabrics that consist of different types cells.Even if you add muscle, you can speed up weight loss by burning calories in the muscles themselves.Now, even while relaxing in front of the TV, your muscles will burn calories!

Myth: Strength training is harmful to women

Strength training is not harmful and does not affect flexibility!Yes it is! Exercising with weights can pose a risk of injury, but correct execution, That will not happen.

On the contrary, exercise will help you prevent injuries in Everyday life. If any movement during training causes you pain, most likely you are doing it incorrectly. in this case, consult your trainer.

Do you think that if you do strength training, you will definitely get injured? In fact, many people get injured in everyday life without sports. On the contrary, working out in the gym helps improve your well-being and increases your vitality. At regular training you will feel great until old age, the main thing is not to overdo it with the load and consult a trainer.

To avoid injury, be sure to warm up before training - run, squat, bend over, this will make your joints more flexible.

Myth: If you stop exercising, muscle won't become fat.

Women are afraid to start working out in the gym because they read in some glossy magazine that the muscles they build will turn into folds of fat in the future.

The problem is that those who do strength training consume more calories, and when they quit this sport, they forget to cut back on their diet. It turns out that they eat quite a lot, and physical activity absent. Muscles no longer burn as many calories as they used to, causing the person to gain weight and tell others that strength training makes them fat.To obtain athletic figure, it is enough to train three times a week.

Some representatives of the fair sex think that in order to achieve the desired results they will have to study for hours in the gym every day, so they make excuses and claim that they do not have that much time. In fact, it is enough for you to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, the lesson should last no more than 50-60 minutes. Try to do your best in strength training, and these three sessions will be enough for you. Pay attention not only to exercise machines, try to exercise with dumbbells and barbells as often as possible. Thanks to free weights, you can work out every inch of your body. Be sure to warm up your body on cardio equipment if your goal is to burn excess fat.

Myth: A woman's workout is different from a man's.

Even some coaches believe that different training programs should be drawn up for girls and boys, but this is wrong. In fact, if the plan includes equal training of all muscles, it will suit not only men, but also women. Any workout should include working out absolutely all parts of the body, regardless of gender and age. You can often see this picture in the gym - men train their back and chest, while women concentrate only on their legs. Each workout should be carefully scheduled and thought out, so try to group exercises wisely and correctly.

If you really want a proportional figure, you only need to use A complex approach which involves working with all muscle groups.And remember, strength training should be as varied as possible!

Experiment with heavy weights

Almost all women who lift weights use small, light weight dumbbells. This weight is useful, but it will not allow you to form good relief And attractive body. To get the most good results, you need to use the weight for work with which your muscles will fail no earlier than in a minute and a half (90 seconds). If you need to lose weight as quickly as possible and improve your appearance, forget about lightweight and replace it with heavier weights.

Strength training for women will not affect your flexibility in any way, just remember to take a few minutes at the end of each session and do flexibility exercises, this will help you prevent injuries from occurring.

Strength training - anaerobic dynamic exercises using weights and resistance. Recommended for building muscle mass through gradual weight gain. Include sets of exercises and work on simulators. They can be used for weight loss, although there is a risk of pumping up muscles.

Effect on the body

It has been scientifically proven that power loads have the most beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthen the skeletal system;
  • reduce the risk of damage;
  • keep cholesterol levels under control;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • prevent the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • improve heart function;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.

But you shouldn’t think that such training is needed only for pumping muscles. They are also important for weight loss. Firstly, they burn a considerable amount of calories, although this is inferior to cardio exercise. Secondly, the started process of fat burning after training persists for almost 24 hours. In this regard, they have a huge advantage over aerobic exercise.

The golden rule that guarantees maximum weight loss states that exercise should begin with anaerobic exercise (20 minutes), after which you can move on to cardio (another 40 minutes). Such combined workouts are considered the most effective.

What do they include

Strength training, like any exercise, consists of three parts: warm-up, main exercises, cool-down. You cannot ignore any of them, otherwise you can overstretch the muscles and damage them.

What equipment is most often used:

  • dumbbells, pumps, body bars, weights and barbells;
  • simulators (Smith, Gakk);
  • improvised and non-traditional equipment for additional weight (for example, a backpack or chains).

Basic exercises:

  • “butterfly” and “reverse butterfly”;
  • lunges with a barbell;
  • sitting, lying down;
  • for legs: straightening, bending, adduction, extension, raising on toes;
  • leg press;
  • , from the bench, on uneven bars;
  • concentrated flexion;
  • bending to the side;
  • abducting dumbbells to the sides;
  • pull-ups;
  • pelvic lifts;
  • simple, plie, with a barbell on the back;
  • straight and oblique twists;
  • pullover;
  • back extension (hyperextension);
  • : flexion, extension, with a barbell, on a Scott bench, with dumbbells, lying down;
  • dumbbell row on a bench;
  • traction on a high block;
  • French press;
  • steps with a barbell.

Women who are afraid to work with weights such as weights, barbells, as well as exercise machines, can be advised to adapt adapted directions in sports. Initially they were aimed exclusively at aerobic exercise, but were subsequently supplemented by force. They not only promote weight loss, but also allow you to form a beautiful, sculpted body.

Power yoga

Developed by American yoga trainer Beryl Bender Birch. She suggested using asanas in classes that are primarily aimed not at body flexibility, but at working all muscle groups. She has two complexes - for beginners and more advanced. Both accelerate metabolism and have a fat-burning effect. With moderate loads, they allow you to lose weight intensively.

Asanas for beginners:

  1. Sumo wrestler.
  2. Warrior.
  3. Sage.
  4. Six points.
  5. Plank.
  6. Boat.
  7. Grasshopper.

More difficult level:

  1. Triangle.
  2. Cobra.
  3. King of fish.
  4. Tree.

Including warm-up and cool-down, classes should last half an hour. Trainings are organized every day, always in the morning, to soak up the positive energy of the sun.

Strength aerobics

Second option aerobic exercise for women. The exercises here are performed with weights at an intense rhythm. This version of aerobics provides intense fat burning while maintaining muscle mass, builds it without increasing fat tissue, and allows you to burn a large number of calories in one session. Program options:

  • AB-Marathon - back and abdominals.
  • ABS - aerobic, anaerobic exercise and stretching.
  • ABT - burning fat in the lower body.
  • Barbell Workout - with a barbell (equally good for both men and women).
  • Body Sculpt - with dumbbells, step platforms, body bars.
  • Circuit Training - circular strength training.
  • Core Barbell - with barbell, core platform and rubber shock absorbers.
  • Core Final Cuts is a core platform.
  • Core Medical Ball - on balance boards with a ball.
  • Core Training - on balance boards.
  • Deadly Force - with a barbell, but at a more intense pace than the previous option.
  • Energy Zone - for endurance, all muscle groups.
  • Flexible strength - back, stretching.
  • Magic Power - for losing weight in the most problematic areas of the body.
  • Power Ball - with a ball, the main load is on the spine.
  • Upper Body - all muscle groups.

Choose the program that will ensure the development of the most problem parts your body. For women power aerobics- this is an ideal option. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to study in groups.

You cannot eat during training, but you can drink a lot of water (as required by the body or every 20 minutes). If your workout involves performing several sets, you can drink in between. protein cocktail.

Eating after strength training

After strength training, you can eat no earlier than an hour later, or even better - wait 2 hours.

What is allowed:

  • 1% kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt;
  • vegetable salad with lemon juice or vinegar (without mayonnaise, sour cream, butter and other high-calorie dressings);
  • fresh fruits;
  • greenery;
  • fresh berries;
  • fat burning cocktails.

There should be no fat. If you need to have dinner after training, the dishes should be either baked, steamed, or boiled. Portions should be small in size. From sports nutrition To restore the body and enhance fat burning within an hour, it is recommended to consume BCAAs, a protein shake (features of use and recipes), amino acids or L-glutamine.

  1. Diets are contraindicated to avoid exhaustion of the body.
  2. BJU ratio: 40/10/50.
  3. Six meals a day.
  4. Portion size = your fist.
  5. Dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu for 2 days


This program is designed taking into account the intensity of exercise and involves a harmonious combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Weight loss in a week will be up to 3 kg.

* NI - low intensity, SI - medium intensity, VI - high intensity

Girls should work out using video programs from famous trainers (they are ranked from easiest to most difficult):

  1. Janet Jenkins. Total body pumping (Total Body Circuit).
  2. Michelle Dozois. We make the figure slim, strong, sexy (Slim, Strong & Sexy Body Sculpting).
  3. Tanya Ante. A whole weight loss system called Shakeology.
  4. . No More Trouble Zones.
  5. Keith Friedrich. Muscle sculptor (Total Muscle Sculpting).
  6. Bob Harper. Exercises for weight loss (Beginner’s Weight Loss Transformation).

A few more program options from the point of view of metabolic and “heavy” training are given in the table below.

Metabolic training (indicated in the table as M) - maximum number of repetitions (15x4) with a light working weight, short rest between sets (no more than 1 minute).

“Heavy” (T) - fewer repetitions (6x2), more working weight, long rest to restore strength between sets (up to 3 minutes).

Complexes of strength exercises

(under the program given above)

We talk about how to properly combine these types of loads.

For men in the gym

  1. Lifting a weight (the weight is selected depending on physical fitness) with one hand. 20 times for each in 1 approach.
  2. Front squats. 10 repetitions in 3 sets.
  3. Hack squats with a barbell behind your back. 12 repetitions in 4 sets.
  4. Pull-ups. Maximum number of repetitions in 4 sets.
  5. Pushups. Maximum number of repetitions in 3 sets.
  6. Scott's bench: seated barbell curls - biceps. 12 repetitions in 3 sets.
  7. Bench push-ups reverse grip. Maximum number of repetitions in 3 sets.
  8. Intense swings of dumbbells to the sides. 20 repetitions in 4 sets.
  9. Leg press in the simulator: extension of the lower leg. 50 repetitions for 1 approach.

For women at home

Power loads are a mandatory part sports training for weight loss. You can choose only cardio exercises, but there will be no such effect. Know how to combine them correctly to achieve not only a slim, but also a sculpted body.

Our relevant articles will help you create a complex for training men and women - exercises:

There are different areas in sports that can be considered universal, and these include strength or anaerobic training. It is used to correct the figure, getting rid of extra pounds and improving muscle relief. You can exercise in the gym or at home, the main thing is to correctly compose the complex, taking into account all the rules.

Warm up before strength training

Since such training involves a heavy load, you cannot do without warming up the muscles, tendons and joints. If you skip this part of the workout, then there is a high risk of injury, and the effectiveness of the exercises is significantly reduced. There are several important principles that relate to how to properly warm up before strength training.

  1. Duration warm-up complex is 15-20 minutes. First comes a five-minute jog with slight acceleration. After that, move on to the joints and start from the upper body, gradually moving down to the feet. For this purpose, multidirectional circular movements. At the next stage, the muscles warm up.
  2. It is important to warm up slowly to feel the muscles and ligaments working. The most popular exercises: bending over, running in place, and others.
  3. After completing the general warm-up, do a special one, which involves preparing for the main exercises. For example, if you plan to do squats with a barbell, then you need to do a warm-up set with a light weight.

Strength training at home

Many people believe that exercising at home is ineffective, but this is a misconception, because if you know the rules and choose the exercises, then the result will certainly come. The main principle of successful training is regularity, so it is better to first develop a plan by scheduling all the exercises. There are several basic rules that will allow you to achieve success in a short period of time.

  1. Strength training for women at home begins with a warm-up and should last at least an hour.
  2. Perform the exercises in several approaches, there should be at least three. If the goal of the exercise is to lose weight and develop endurance, then you should take a break of 30 seconds between approaches. When a person is working on developing muscle volume, you can rest for up to two minutes.
  3. Use extra weight for effective strength training. If you want to lose weight, then it should be small, but to increase muscle volume, on the contrary, it should be maximum.
  4. Exercises for home strength training: squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, various rows, arm extensions, pelvic lifts and others.

Strength training for women in the gym

Most best results can be achieved by working out in the gym on exercise machines. It is important to soberly assess your own level of training, since the load should be feasible. If it is not possible to contact a trainer, then you must first study the operation of the exercise equipment and the technique of performing the exercises. Strength training for all muscle groups must comply with the basic rules.

  1. There is a need to focus on basic exercises, giving stress to several muscle groups at once.
  2. The complex should be designed so that first you perform exercises that work the largest muscles: hips, back, legs, buttocks and chest. In the presence of problem area, it is recommended that the main emphasis be placed on it.
  3. To maintain progress, it is important to regularly increase the load, for example by increasing the number of repetitions or using weight.

Strength training for weight loss

Many will be surprised, but it is exercises with extra weight help burn calories effectively; if you compare them with cardio, then in the same amount of time a person will spend 50% more. A significant advantage is that even after training, the process of active fat burning will occur within several hours. Strength training to burn fat will help you reduce your size, get rid of cellulite and improve your body definition. Such trainings have a positive effect on overall health. There are some features of weight loss exercises that are worth considering.

  1. To start the fat burning process, exercises must be performed at high speed, and rest between approaches should be minimal.
  2. It's best to use light weights but do high reps.
  3. For those who want to quickly say goodbye to extra pounds, circuit strength training is better. Their principle is based on the selection of 4-5 exercises, which are performed one after another with minimal interruption.

Nutrition for strength training

The result, regardless of the goal, largely depends on what a person eats. Avoid fatty, sweet and high-calorie foods, giving preference to low-fat protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Meals on the day of strength training should be fractional and you need to eat at least five times a day. It is important to cook properly, giving preference to boiling, baking and stewing. You need to drink a lot of water, so daily norm should be 2-2.5 liters.

What to eat after strength training?

Here, too, it is necessary to dispel one myth, since many are sure that if you don’t eat after training, you can lose weight faster. Trainers and nutritionists recommend eating immediately after training to close the gap. Select your portion based on 60% protein and 40% carbohydrates. Thanks to this, it will be possible to restore wasted energy and provide amino acids to the muscles. A good option- cottage cheese with fruit. includes a full meal, about half an hour later. The menu may include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

What to eat before strength training?

In order to have the strength to work, it is necessary to give the body “fuel”, but at the same time it is important not to feel discomfort during exercise. Gives energy to the body slow carbohydrates, which are released gradually, for example, they are found in bread and bananas. It is recommended to eat about 40 g in 30 minutes. Since muscles will be loaded, nutrition before strength training should include protein products and about 20 g is enough. You also need to include some fat in this meal - 3 g.

The harm of strength training for women

Many people believe that if you exercise with weights, you can ruin your figure, making it masculine, but this is nothing more than a myth. Strength training can be harmful if the basic rules are not followed and there is no warm-up. Training can be harmful if you have certain diseases, so if necessary, visit a doctor to avoid health complications.

Strength training is an ideal choice for people who want to lose fat and improve their body definition. The main thing is to follow the training rules and choose effective exercises, focusing on desired result. After just a couple of weeks of training, you will be able to see progress, but it all depends on the initial weight indicators and goals.

You definitely need to go to the gym

But no! Strength training for girls, especially beginners, can be done at home. A beginner does not need heavy barbells or complex exercise machines - just a pair of dumbbells or weights, which can even be replaced with a rubber expander. And some exercises - for example, push-ups - are performed without equipment at all. Therefore, if you want to train, but are not ready to spend money on a subscription, train at home.

It is necessary to consume sports nutrition

To get faster and better results from strength training, women, like men, need to eat right - maintain a balance, monitor the caloric intake, and avoid alcohol. But it is absolutely not necessary to use it if you are able to put your main menu in order. Do you eat enough protein, vegetables and fruits, get enough sleep, maintain a calorie deficit/surplus, exercise wisely, give your body rest between classes? Then protein powders, amino acids, gainers, fat burners, energy drinks and other supplements you do not need. If your regimen leaves much to be desired, sports nutrition simply won’t be of any use.

Strength training is harmful to women's health

As Paracelsus said:

“Everything is medicine and everything is poison.”

This also applies to strength fitness. Proper training will only bring health benefits, while erratic training with incorrect technique and inadequate weights will certainly lead to injury and/or overtraining. The exception is contraindications, which include diseases of the joints and spine, problems with the reproductive, nervous and cardiovascular systems, pregnancy, previous injuries and operations. But even in these cases, a compromise can be found - you just need to consult a good doctor and enlist the support of a qualified trainer.

Strength training makes girls masculine

What makes girls masculine, first of all, is hormonal drugs, which are often used by professional athletes. An illiterate selection of exercises can also make your figure somewhat rougher. Otherwise, a woman’s appearance only benefits from strength training - it is rounded, leveled, becomes flat, and - chiseled, proportions - harmonious.

The benefits of strength training for women

Contrary to stereotypes and prejudices, experienced fitness experts know how women's health can benefit from strength training. Its beneficial effect on the body lies in the following aspects:

  • Changes in the qualitative composition of the body. Reducing the amount of fat and increasing muscle mass affects not only your appearance. An athletic body remains strong and healthy longer, often protecting its owner from diseases of the cardiovascular system, injuries, diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Acquiring functional skills. If you develop your body harmoniously, and not just pump your biceps 3 times a week, over time you will develop skills that will be useful in everyday life - improved coordination and balance, increased strength, endurance and flexibility.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Women who play sports are more resistant to colds and infectious diseases. And this quality, by the way, can be inherited by future children with a high degree of probability.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. On our own strength exercises help a woman burn about 500 kcal per hour (the figure varies depending on the intensity of the workout, body weight and other factors). In addition, a certain amount of energy is spent on restoring the body - muscles, tendons, nervous system. Thanks to this, a girl can stay slim without tormenting herself with diets.
  • Effectively combat stress. Strength training is the best way to cope with negativity. Firstly, you simply distract yourself from bad thoughts by concentrating on the exercises. Secondly, during training you throw out your aggression - it even fuels your strength. The main thing is not to forget to follow the technique, even if you want to “tear and throw.”

Strength training for girls: basic rules

If you want to train correctly and effectively, becoming stronger, healthier and more beautiful, remember a few basic rules that will help you avoid mistakes, injuries and bitter disappointments.

  • Adequately assess your strength, health, level sports training and well-being.
  • Always balance the workload with your capabilities.
  • Give your body enough time to recover between strength training sessions.
  • Focus on compound exercises - they work the muscles comprehensively, burn more calories than isolation movements, and provide high-quality training stress.
  • Always monitor your exercise technique and improve it.
  • Change your training program from time to time (every 6-15 weeks) to progress.
  • Follow safety rules, even if you train at home.
  • Do not exercise without sports shoes, in uncomfortable clothes or with loose hair.
  • Don't play music too loud on your headphones - you should be able to hear what's going on around you.
  • Before each workout, do a cool-down (or light cardio) thoroughly before each workout.

Strength training program for women

By tradition, we have compiled an example of a strength training program for girls, designed for 3 sessions per week. To reinforce the above, we decided to focus on basic compound exercises. But this does not mean that you need to strictly follow this plan - you can vary the set and order of exercises depending on your preferences, health status and equipment.

Day 1

  • Romanian deadlift with barbell, 4x10-12
  • Lunges with dumbbells, 3x10-12 (each leg)
  • Traction upper block to the chest, 4x10-12
  • Reduction of arms with dumbbells or in the butterfly machine, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over barbell row to the chin, 3x12-15
  • Lying leg raises, 4x15-20

Day 2

  • Stepping onto the platform (without weights), 3x15-20 (on each leg)
  • Hyperextension, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over dumbbell row, 4x10-12 (each side)
  • Reverse push-ups from the bench, 3x8-15
  • Seated dumbbell press, 4x10-12
  • Crunches on a fitball, 4x15-20
  • , 3x40-60 sec

Day 3

  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders, 4x10-12
  • Weighted gluteal bridge, 4x12-15
  • Lower block row to the belt, 4x10-12
  • Standing barbell row to chest, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises, 3x12-15
  • Dumbbell press incline bench, 4x10-12

Style Summary

Exercises with weights, if done correctly, will not harm you, but, on the contrary, will make you healthier and more attractive. You just need to train wisely and regularly update your knowledge base - we will help you with this.