Knight tournament in Kolomenskoye schedule. Knights and fair ladies: the St. George tournament has started in Kolomenskoye. Fight between Sergei Zhuravlev and Dmitry Savchenko

The knightly "Tournament of St. George" will again be held on the first May holidays in the center of Moscow.

The best knights from all over the world will compete on the lists in horse and foot combat. There are eight participants in total, six of them have already been identified (three from Germany, Holland and Australia), the rest of the invitations have been sent to different parts of the world. The cry is thrown!

Two days of fighting, no compromises or props, purely historical armor and weapons, maximum adherence to the rules of the Late Middle Ages, a high level of technical training and entertainment. Just like last year, the knights will fight on solid wooden spears in full contact, the affected area is complete, including the head.

Participants will compete for victory in three tournament disciplines:

Collars on solid wood spears with metal coronel tips;

Group horse fights with wooden clubs;

In fights with steel axes (polaxes).

The warriors will be divided into two parties, which will allow a new combination of knights to enter the lists in each round.

"Tournament of St. George" is not only a competition, but also a colorful show, built according to the canons of Medieval ceremonies. The tournament will begin with a helmshow - a ceremony described in the "Tournament Book" of Rene of Anjou. According to medieval tradition, a parade of coats of arms precedes the tournament and allows spectators, judges and ladies to get to know the participants before the start of the competition. In addition to the competitions themselves, guests visit a knight's camp and a historical fair. At the camp, guests shoot at a shooting range with bows, arquebuses and siege weapons, learn fencing, and participate in craft master classes. Entrance to the camp is free. Venerable merchants-reenactors, dressed according to the era, trade at the fair. No consumer goods - only copies, replicas, stylizations of medieval clothing, armor, souvenirs, jewelry. Between the shopping arcades, peddlers ride on donkeys, selling brooms and steamed turnips - medieval fast food. Here they bake bread, sharpen knives, and weigh loads on huge scales. All accompanied by live ancient music.


11:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.

Announcement of the "legend" of the tournament.

12:15 - Helmshaw.

12:40–13:10 - First round of scoring collisions. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.

14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.

15:00–15:30 - Arena. Mele. 3 gatherings of knights, 4 minutes each.

17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 3.

18:00–19:00 - Second round of scoring collisions. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.

11:45 - First block of the theater. Second production.

12:00 - Arena. All knights enter the lists.

Presentation of the Judges and the Court of Ladies.

Announcement of the "legend" of the tournament.

12.1–13:20 - Third round of scoring collisions. Each rider has 3 fights, 3 courses each.

14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.

15:00–15:40 - Foot battles. Each participant fights 3 times.

17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.

18:00 - Arena. Second round of collisions.

Exit of the judges and the Court of Ladies.

18:10 - All knights come out, performance.

18:25–19:15 - Second round of scoring collisions. Each rider has 3 fights, 3 courses each.

19:20 - Award ceremony.

19:40 - End of the tournament.

For the comfort of guests, stands will be erected along the perimeter of the stadium. The tiered system will provide maximum visibility to each of those present, and the canopies will protect from possible vagaries of the weather.

The May tournament will be the second largest independent knightly equestrian competition in Russia, in which participants will compete for a valuable prize, recognition from the audience and loud applause. It is better to purchase tickets for the competition in advance so as not to miss the opportunity to choose the most convenient seats in the stands.

Buy tickets: on the website or at the Ratobortsev office on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 (Moscow, Pravdy St., 24, building 3), telephone for inquiries: 8 495 215-29- 2.

Organizers: agency of historical projects "Ratobortsy". The project is supported by the Moscow Government.

How to get there.

By car: along Kashirskoye Highway to Andropov Avenue, then along the avenue to the intersection with Kolomensky Proezd. There are convenient parking pockets there. From there, walk to the park and, following the signs, to the Tournament venue.

On foot: Kolomenskaya metro station, first car from the center, exit to the Orbita terminal. Walk straight to the central entrance to Kolomenskoye Park, then follow the signs to the Tournament venue.

Information on the website:

Yesterday on the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve the first day of the knighthood took place "Tournament of St. George". An unforgettable and not the most common spectacle for our time attracted quite a lot of spectators. With bated breath, they watched as the best knights, who had come from different parts of the world, converged on the lists in equestrian duels. And it was as if the heroes from the pages of the books of Walter Scott and Alexandre Dumas came to life - proud, brave, noble and beautiful.
Seriously or in a game he will touch with a spear
the king's brow,
And scarlet blood will flow in a stream
from the king's forehead!
Providence gives him the right
punish the king -
He will love him and kill him
love of the king!

"Two Dianas" by A. Dumas.

It would seem, how can one surprise a modern viewer, accustomed to bright special effects, 5D reality, complete immersion and similar innovations? But the fact of the matter is that everything really happens at the tournament. This is not a production, not a theater or a game. Everything here is real, including the danger. No compromises or props, purely historical armor and weapons, maximum adherence to the rules of the Late Middle Ages, a high level of technical training and entertainment. And this is where that complete immersion occurs.

“Tournament of St. George” is not only a competition, but also a colorful show, built according to the canons of Medieval ceremonies. And in order for an unprepared spectator to understand what, how and why is happening on the lists, the tournament host explains the actions of the participants, talking about interesting details and moments. Draws attention to the armor of the knights, explains why this or that action is considered noble or, on the contrary, can be reprimanded, tells for which strikes points are counted and for what they can be deducted, and what additional chances the knights have of winning. So, for example, a court of beautiful ladies watching the tournament from a special platform can help the knight they like by awarding him additional points for his gallantry and nobility. Or they may punish you with a fine for lack of good manners.

Before the start of the tournament, spectators were treated to a theatrical performance that told about the feat of St. George, whose name the tournament bears. This production was also made in the spirit of the Middle Ages. Of course, its text was adapted to modern times, which did not prevent us from getting an impression of how this could have happened once upon a time and, imagining ourselves as noble guests of the tournament, enthusiastically following the unfolding events.
And then that same fascinating spectacle began, for the opportunity to see which the visitors came to the lists. And the knights clad in armor rushed at each other on horseback, with spears at the ready. They got close, the crowd held their breath, only the clatter of the horse’s hooves could be heard, and then a sharp exhalation of relief and disappointment - the knights dispersed without striking a blow. The next race, again all eyes are focused on two figures sparkling in the sun, a second and the crack of a breaking spear, and then an explosion of emotions breaks the silence. The crowd rejoices, the winner takes a lap of honor, showing off and smiling, everyone is happy. And so time after time, the knights converge, finding out who is more glorious and brave, the audience watches them in fascination.
In addition, the tournament program also included team competitions, where the knights had to hold their own banner and capture the banner of the enemy team. And then “every man for himself” battles, where the enemy could be any of the nearby knights. Wooden weapons were used in such battles. However, such a security measure was not invented in our time, but also in the distant Middle Ages. Even then, kings showed concern that well-trained warriors were inflicting unnecessary injuries on each other in tournament entertainment. And gradually the rules changed, and weapons became safer. However, if you think that a blow inflicted by such a weapon is not sensitive, then you are very mistaken. He is quite capable of crushing the armor and cutting down the figure decorating the helmet.
In the interval between competitions, everyone can visit the local fair, buy interesting souvenirs and sweets, and take part in various competitions, such as archery or ballista. Entertainment can be found here for both children and adults. These include various games that were played several centuries ago, and master classes teaching how to bake homemade bread or print books, and a whole knight training course. Here you can also taste medieval cuisine and listen to popular music of that time.
It makes sense to come here even if you do not have the opportunity to purchase tickets to the tournament. After all, all other events are free.

The St. George Tournament will still take place today. So don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in medieval life in Europe.

Address: Andropov Avenue, 39. Directions to the station m. Kolomenskaya. More detailed map.

“St Georges tournament was awesome, a big thanks to everyone involved! I probably haven’t felt this bruised and broken after a tournament.”

Luke Binks, member knight:

“Well the Russian Tournament of St George is over and im still alive. It's difficult to know what to say about it really. It was one of the hardest tournaments i have participated in but with so many fantastic people. I had a great time although being rather beaten up. Today was two sessions of jousting and one of foot combat in between and all were very intense. Now though it is time to rest, heal and get back home!”

Arne Koets, participating knight:

so just back from my latest adventure in Russia… what can i say?i love this event! it is certainly very very hard, running many passes of historical solids, steel ax footcombat and 3 melees. all the cool stuff. but also look at the camp… look at the court of ladies, look at the massive crew in very good kit… every rider had at least two squires… and then the army of grooms… the armourers, everything- I don't know the numbers this year but last year we had 120 people in kit alone… not counting all the market stands and support crew. the riders and fighters have spent a lot of effort in quickly joining the rather exclusive club of historical solids jousters and are people who you can have a laugh with… but who take criticisms very seriously and act upon things to make them better…. from riding to kit from the event… everything you say will be taken into account.

the road to Rome was not built in a day… but this is some speedy roadbuilding.

the event is organized by the Ratoborski event agency who are not only great fun together… they know how to set up an event… run it smoothly, professionally, but also without compromise to historical accuracy. The level of commitment is without equal… and let’s not forget… nothing comes for free… these people have sweated and worked for where they are now….loads of hours.. loads of money… loads of risk…

I heard about 20,000 people were through the gates… so a succes indeed.
of course ‘they ordered good weather’ is an often heard joke… but here it was true…
The city of Moscow secured good weather for the day spending 86 m rubles on sun…. seriously… they made the rain go away….
only in Russia…

Kirill Sutormin, squire-participant:

“So, my first tournament is over. And this is really a life-turning point, and today’s birthday should be a beginning of the new life.”

Ekaterina Borisova, Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism:

“Knight's Tournament of St. George?? Thank you Alexey Ovcharenko, Denis Demin and the entire Ratobortsev team for incredible emotions, a wonderful day!”

Nikolai Izmalkov, jester at the tournament:

“In general, I would like to say thank you) to the organizers, for really being passionate about the idea and being meticulous about the process, the service of the field, for combining their work with ours, which resulted in several entertaining pantomimes, and who were always ready to play along with us!) To the wonderful musicians and theater and everyone who organized this truly complex and huge event and took part in it!

But most importantly - thanks to the audience!) Without whom the tournament would not have been a tournament! We are not participants, we are artists, and believe me, if it weren’t for your involvement and sincere interest, our work would be much less fun!) And for the participants, the knights who have covered themselves with glory, your support is like air!) So the viewer is the main one tournament participant! Thank you)"

Anna Lis, spectator:

“It was divine!... A great tournament! Our warmest thanks to all those who did such a titanic job of organizing this magical walk to the medieval lists! Very good! And it’s great that there are such talented enthusiasts who can make your wildest dreams come true :) This moment when the spear shatters into pieces and the podium gasps enthusiastically as one person - mmm!... We will have these memories for the rest of our lives! :)"

Alexander Petrukhin, spectator:

“Beautiful, I didn’t expect it to be so great, THANK YOU.”

Fedor Soloviev, volunteer:

“So, it’s time for my chaotic volunteer review.
I wanted to go to TSG for a long time, and when I found out that I could do it for free, I was very happy.
I left an application, came to a meeting of volunteers, found a direction of activity and talked with the curator, but as usual, everything went through the cracks and I was not able to participate in the preparation for the tournament. However, at the tournament itself, they gave me a job that was dust-free and interesting, so I don’t really regret it.
I won’t talk much about my impressions of the tournament, and without me people said everything. I will only note that for me this was my first experience of participating in historical projects, and it was at the tournament that all doubts that I was ready to connect my life with were finally eliminated.
In general, the tournament through the eyes of a volunteer, and even with such freedom of action as I have, is much more interesting than through the eyes of a simple spectator. I met a lot of good people, got a lot of unforgettable emotions watching the tournament practically from the field, and overall had a great time. And the suit provides access to almost any tent and gives a reason to talk with anyone.
And in the end, after the end of the tournament, I was able to shake Bogunov’s hand and give him back his happy meal. After this, it’s not scary to die.
I also have a lot of gratitude accumulated and now I will dump them out.
So, first of all, I thank Daria, the curator of all volunteers, for taking care of each of us (and there were a lot of us, volunteers). Thank you so much for your attention to requests and just for your kindness! You are the boss you want to work for.
I also thank Anna, my second curator, for her care, good attitude and historical slippers:3 I really hope to work with you again!
Thanks to those who prepared the food, it was very tasty and satisfying.
And also a big thank you to all those whom I met at the tournament - the guys from the stand with weapons and armor - for the hardware, the opportunity to distribute my leaflets three times faster and just for a good time; Pavel simply for your love of life and fun, which just radiates from you, and also for the opportunity to relax under your awnings and listen to stories; to the cheerful flag seller Ilya - find him, hey.
And of course, to the heroes of the tournament: one and the other. Hey, guys, if you hadn’t come up to me on the first day with a request to bless your brother and didn’t greet me with the constant “You again?!”, the tournament would have been much more boring for me.
And I also express my boundless admiration for Dmitry Savchenko. For me, you are a Man with a capital P.

The red-haired Teuton says hello to everyone he saw at the Tournament, promises to be at Times and Epochs, and also at Ritterweg, to which he so earnestly invited everyone. And he’s still slowly looking for his photos.”

Veronica Koroleva, spectator:

“Dear organizers, thank you very much for such a holiday. Even though it was not easy for me to spend the whole day at the tournament after training early in the morning, but inspired by the courage and strength of our knights, emotions and applause were still flowing like a fountain! Everything is very thought out, especially considering that this is the first such event that YOU are holding. Special thanks and incredible respect to the wonderful presenter, who, with his knowledge and ability to work with the public, enlightened many on the topic of this era.”

Oksana Tokareva, spectator:

“Let me once again thank you for the wonderful tournament, congratulate the winner, all participants and organizers, and also specially note the professionalism of the judges and the wonderful herald Mikhail Susanov, who for the second time at the Kolomenskoye site pleases us with his professionally accurate, imaginative and lively comments!”

Elena Egorchenkova, spectator:

“A magical sight! My daughter is delighted, I hope these impressions will influence her and in the future she will be interested in history. Thank you all so much!”

Alexander Kuznetsov, spectator:

“Yes, the tournament is simply great! Among all the rich selection of events in Moscow, I would give priority to the tournament! Moreover, by a large margin from everything else.”

Timur Yusipov, spectator:

“The tournament was really worth the money. This is the first time such a spectacle has happened in Russia; similar ones, if they happen, are, to put it mildly, not often. The organization is great. Even the cheapest seats allowed us to fully enjoy the spectacle.”

On May 1 and 2, 2016, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will host the second “Tournament of St. George” - the largest equestrian competition of knights in Russia. And although I am not a big fan of all kinds of historical reconstructions, I do not intend to miss this most interesting spectacle (tickets have already been booked and even purchased).

In Europe, the tradition of equestrian competitions dates back to Ancient Rome, and their heyday occurred in the High Middle Ages. The birthplace of those equestrian tournaments that we know about from books and films is Northern France: according to legend, the baron “invented” them here Geoffroy de Preilly (he himself died in a tournament in 1066).

Initially, tournaments served to maintain combat skills, earn money and release irrepressible energy in peacetime. Tournaments were organized by kings or large feudal lords in honor of church holidays, weddings, christenings, births of children, signing of treaties, etc.

On "Tournament of St. George - 2016" eight knights from Russia, Germany, Holland and Australia will compete on the lists in horse and foot combat. The festival program complies with the regulations of medieval competitions, as they are described in "Tournament Book" of Duke René of Anjou (1460) . Two days of fighting, historical armor and weapons, compliance with medieval tournament rules. Without compromises or props: the knights will fight on solid wooden spears in full contact, the affected area is complete, including the head.

Like the knights of the 15th century, the participants in the “Tournament of St. George” will perform in three disciplines :

- josting (from Old French joster ) - horse fights on spears with metal tips;
- mele (fr. melee ) - group horse fights with wooden clubs;
- duels with two-handed steel axes .

The warriors are divided into two parties. This allows a new combination of knights to enter the lists in each round.

"St. George's Tournament" is not only a competition, but also colorful show , built according to the canons of medieval ceremonies.
The tournament starts from Helmshaw - the parade of helmets described in the “Tournament Book”. On it, spectators, judges and ladies get acquainted with the participants before the start of the competition.

According to the Tournament Book, only a knight who had never been convicted of perjury or usury could pass the Helmshaw with dignity. The helmet of the disgraced knight was torn off, the lords and nobles began to beat him, took away his horse and forced him to sit on the fence of the lists for the entire tournament.
If it turned out that a knight had married a commoner, he was beaten and put on a horse backwards.
If a knight was rude to the ladies, he, as usual, was beaten too - until he loudly asked for forgiveness.
Guests of the festival will be convinced of the virtue of the participants in the "Tournament of St. George", and God forbid the knights hide something from the discerning Suda Dam !

"Manes Codex" of the 14th century:

Knights came to the tournament from all over Europe. The retinue of a noble knight included squires, pages, cooks, grooms, musicians and jesters. At the inns of the nearest city there was not enough room for everyone. The cortege was located in tents around the lists. The camp was decorated with coats of arms and banners, and life was in full swing.

In the interactive camp at the "Tournament of St. George" guests shoot at a shooting range with bows, arquebuses and siege weapons, learn to fencing, and participate in craft master classes. People come here during breaks between competitions or just for fun - admission to the camp is free.
Near the medieval tournament, a fair was certainly held to feed, equip and entertain the tent city of the knightly servants. At the "Tournament of St. George" the fair is a self-sufficient "festival within a festival." In tents made from medieval illustrations, venerable merchant reenactors, dressed in the spirit of the era, trade. No consumer goods - only copies, replicas, stylizations of medieval clothing, armor, souvenirs, jewelry. Between the shopping arcades, peddlers ride on donkeys, selling brooms and steamed turnips - medieval fast food. Here they bake bread, sharpen knives, and weigh loads on huge scales. And all this to the accompaniment of ancient music.

I guarantee a photo report from this most interesting tournament for all readers of my blog.
And if someone wants to get to know me personally, then I will be all for it!

Sergey Vorobiev - .