A fish with a human face. The fish with the face of a man is pissed off by people. Whims of nature: a fish with a human face

Fish with a human face- does it really exist?

This question is difficult to answer, although the Internet is full of photographs confirming this. In our age of computer technology and Photoshop, taking a photograph of such a fish is not difficult. But on the other hand, there is still a lot of unexplored and unusual things in our world. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Here is some information about such fish.

IN South Korea, in one of the private houses in the province of Chungcheongbuk-do, fish with human faces are splashing in a pond. These are two koi carp. They were born by crossing two incompatible species of carp. Their length is 80 centimeters. And each one has visible “faces” - eyes, eyebrows, ears, nose, lips.

Many believe that these are mutants, but scientists agree that the unusual visual effect is created by unusually arranged heads. What at first glance are considered ears are actually fish eyes located on the sides. And what appears to be eyes are nostrils.

Well, the coloring gives it an even greater resemblance to a human face. The owner of the fish says that they have been living with him since 1986, but does not explain how he managed to breed such a strange breed of fish. And it also does not allow them to be caught for further study. , Why?

But fish with “human faces” can be found in other places. These are fish with certain skull deformities. Typically, such fish are not viable and die in the early stages of development.

But there are exceptions to every rule. And sometimes there are individuals that survive to adulthood.

For example, in Norway there is cod with a “human face”. It is called “Kongetorshk”, which translates as “Cod King”. So this one is a valuable talisman. It is very rare - about one copy per thousand normal individuals.

Catching such a fish is a great success. It is not eaten; it is considered a great sin. It is dried and hung on a woolen thread in the office. You may ask why in the office? It is believed that such a fish is able to predict the weather, bring good luck in business and attract money.

Such a talisman is expensive, somewhere around 3 thousand euros. It is carefully guarded using an alarm system. And maybe it’s no coincidence that Norway is famous for its fishing? Maybe the Cod King is helping her?

So fish with a “human face”- this is not a myth, but a reality. These facts tell us that there is still so much unknown and unexplored around us. And the ancient philosophers were right when they noted “the more I learn, the more I understand that I know nothing.”

Meanwhile, fish with “human faces” can also be found in domestic reservoirs. Below is a selection of photographs of fish with specific skull deformities that give them a resemblance to human faces. Such deformities are well known in fish farming practice. Typically, fish with such anomalies have reduced viability and die in the early stages of development, however, as practice and photographs of amateur fishermen show, some individuals manage to survive to adulthood.

Such anomalies belong to the category of phenodeviants. Their appearance is associated with the effect of unfavorable environmental factors on the fish body during the period of embryonic and larval development. Many authors associate the appearance of such monsters with the pollution of water bodies. It is difficult to say whether these deformities are associated with changes in the genetic apparatus without analyzing the offspring obtained from them.

The other day, an Arab boy from the village of Kfar Kassem made an amazing discovery.

Little Ayub Mahmud Atwa abu Saaluk was so amazed by what he saw that he dropped his fishing rod, fell to his knees and began to pray to Allah. A boy on a beach near an Israeli city saw a fish with a face, writes Factnews.

As soon as I saw this face with lips, I lowered myself and began to pray. I saw that this fish had lips and eyes. Then I took the fish and put it in the water so that it would not die and went back to our village with my friends. I wanted everyone to see it, but the fish died shortly after I returned home,” says Saaluk.

Even though the fish died, Saalouk says he has some plans for it: I keep the fish because hundreds of people come to our house to see it. I've never seen anything like it. If the leadership of the mosque that is near my house, I will make a scarecrow and put it on display for everyone to see.

And remember that when you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

This question is difficult to answer, although the Internet is full of photographs confirming this. In our age of computer technology and Photoshop, taking a photograph of such a fish is not difficult. But on the other hand, there is still a lot of unexplored and unusual things in our world. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Here is some information about such fish.

In South Korea, in one of the private houses in the province of Chungcheongbuk-do, fish with human faces are splashing in a pond. These are two koi carp. They were born by crossing two incompatible species of carp. Their length is 80 centimeters. And each one has visible “faces” - eyes, eyebrows, ears, nose, lips.

Many believe that these are mutants, but scientists agree that the unusual visual effect is created by unusually arranged heads. What at first glance are considered ears are actually fish eyes located on the sides. And what appears to be eyes are nostrils.

Well, the coloring gives it an even greater resemblance to a human face. The owner of the fish says that they have been living with him since 1986, but does not explain how he managed to breed such a strange breed of fish. And it also does not allow them to be caught for further study. Interesting. Why?

But fish with “human faces” can be found in other places. These are fish with certain skull deformities. Typically, such fish are not viable and die in the early stages of development.

But there are exceptions to every rule. And sometimes there are individuals that survive to adulthood.

For example, in Norway there is cod with a “human face”. It is called “Kongetorshk”, which translates as “Cod King”. So such a fish is a valuable talisman. It is very rare - about one copy per thousand normal individuals.

Catching such a fish is a great success. It is not eaten; it is considered a great sin. It is dried and hung on a woolen thread in the office. You may ask why in the office? It is believed that such a fish is able to predict the weather, bring good luck in business and attract money.

Such a talisman is expensive, somewhere around 3 thousand euros. It is carefully guarded using an alarm system. And maybe it’s no coincidence that Norway is famous for its fishing? Maybe the Cod King is helping her?

So fish with a “human face”- this is not a myth, but a reality. These facts tell us that there is still so much unknown and unexplored around us. And the ancient philosophers were right when they noted that the more I learn, the more I understand that I know nothing.

Fish with a human face

In March 2003, news of a stunning discovery in South Carolina spread across the Internet. Its meaning was that an 8-year-old boy, who was fishing on the lake with his grandfather, caught an unusual fish. Its unusualness lay in the fact that it was fish with a human face. Shocked marine biologists, sharing their impressions, said that they had never seen such a mysterious creature before. The fish with a human face actually had a clearly visible male nose and jaw with eerie human teeth. Dr. Gregory Hickens, biologist, specializes in unusual manifestations in wildlife. He stated the following: We have not yet determined whether this fish belongs to a species previously unknown to science that may have lived in the waters North America over many centuries, whether it is a by-product of genetic changes, or whether it is a mutation that occurred accidentally under the influence of some environmental factor. However, one thing is certain: this is one of the most amazing finds of recent decades.

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Whims of nature: a fish with a human face

Note to biologists: fish with human faces have appeared in South Korea. Photos of strange representatives of aquatic fauna were published yesterday in the local press.

For a long time, the owner of a house in the town of Chenhui did not want to show his pets to the general public, although the whole district was talking about them. Chungcheong Today managed to get the sensational material. The unprecedented fish are descendants of common carp and aukhi, which is also called tangerine fish for its beautiful color. Quite large fish - about 80 cm long and 50 cm in diameter - live in a pond near the house of a 64-year-old Korean man. On their heads two lines and two dots are clearly visible, which are very reminiscent of human eyes. Although the real organs of vision in these individuals, like all fish, are located on the sides, and what seems like such are just nostrils.

The creepy-looking individuals are already at a respectable age - they were born in 1986, but so far have not attracted public attention. And the point here is not only in the caring owner, who tries in every possible way to protect his pets from unnecessary glances - new facial features in a strange way began to appear in the fish only recently. Over the past couple of years, fish faces have begun to look more and more human, says their owner.

Scientists say this is a rare case, but they are not particularly surprised. Carp and aukha are related species, and crossing between them can lead to the appearance of offspring, including this one. Unfortunately, in the absence of a male, the hybrids cannot reproduce further. Otherwise, a fish lover from Korea would probably try to increase the unusual population. It is not difficult to imagine the excitement that would seize avid fishermen from the news that such a rarity is found in their places.

In principle, science has long known: in order to breed new species of animals, it is not at all necessary to redraw the genetic code - sometimes it is enough to simply introduce representatives of two different types together. Recently, a similar story happened at the Novosibirsk Zoo: a Bengal tigress gave birth to cubs from an African lion. Unknown animals called ligers amazed not only the city residents, but also venerable scientists. They are surprisingly resilient for half-breeds and have become celebrities - until now only the cubs of a lioness and a tiger were known to the world. But they only live, unfortunately, for a very short time.

Sources: news.pskovfish.ru, mpgu.ucoz.ru, rubakaminfo.ru, www.objectiv-x.ru, www.utro.ru

Many of us have probably seen people with the face of a fish. But here is a fish with a human face... It looks like a sensation, of course. However, one doesn’t really believe such news, especially in our “Photoshopped” times. Meanwhile, fish, as it turned out, have been coming face to face with humans for a long time.

On January 12, RIA Novosti told the Russians that fish with human faces had appeared in South Korea, with reference to the Seoul press, and the Korean bureau of Reuters told the whole world about it.

“Appeared” is, of course, a strong word. Both fish are 19 years old. They live in a private pond located 140 kilometers south of Seoul in the city of Chongju.

Each of the two females is 80 cm in length and 50 cm in girth. The owner bred these hybrids of two varieties of carp quite deliberately, but says that in last years their “faces” began to look more human, or something.

Unfortunately, there is no way to ask the owner of these fish. Nobody even knows his name.

Photo taken on January 10, 2005 of one of two hybrid carp. So where is the man's face? (photo by Reuters/Chungcheong Today).

Meanwhile, I would really like to know from him what he saw so human in the appearance of these hybrids.

It is reported that the nostrils are somewhat reminiscent of eyes, and so they, coupled with the resemblance of a nose (this is a fold of skin, it seems), give the carp a certain resemblance to us. People with such a face must be “not easy to meet.”

And this is the front page of the Japanese newspaper Tokyo Sports dated April 5, 2004. It is written: “After 14 years, a fish with a human face has been rediscovered in Korea. Special report from Seoul Television" (photo from schubart.net).

Nevertheless, the South Korean fish made catchy headlines and, of course, quickly spread across the Internet.

And if the faces (what do fish even call it? It’s not a muzzle?) of hybrid carp were more human than human, the media space would greet them with terrible distrust and unkind remembrance of Adobe products.

But the fact is that stories about fish with a human face have already caught the eye of many.

Fake fish produced for a PR campaign SEGA games(photo from thejump.net and breakthechain.org).

For example, in March 2003, Yahoo! a message was published with the following content (almost literal translation): “An 8-year-old boy, fishing for the first time in his life with his grandfather on a lake in South Carolina, made the catch of the century - he caught a fish with a human face!

Baffled marine biologists say they have never before seen such a mysterious creature with a distinctly male nose and a jaw with terrifying human teeth.

“We have not yet determined whether this fish belongs to a previously unknown species that may have lived in North American waters for many centuries, whether it is a byproduct of genetic changes, or whether it is a random mutation caused by something in the environment.” environment,” said Dr. Gregory Hickens, a biologist specializing in unusual wildlife. “But we can say with confidence that this is one of the most exciting finds of recent decades.”

A strange fish about 20 cm long was caught in Lake HB Robinson by a little boy named Aaron Krendell, who was visiting his grandparents from Detroit.

The 71-year-old grandfather, fortunately for the world of science, took his grandson’s catch to a friend, a professor at a local college, and he forwarded the fish to his colleagues: Hickens and other experts in Miami. A study was started.

“Rumors spread that the fish asked me to let it go back into the lake,” the grandfather laments. “I never told anyone this.”

Other gossip leaked to the local press. For example, many began to say that a nuclear power plant located near the lake was to blame for everything, and that radiation in the wastewater may have created a mutant. The authorities, in turn, claim that there is nothing of the kind."

Unfortunately, the story presented above was not continued. But that's not all.

Anonymous jokers write that in this picture the human face of the South Korean fish is visible much better than in the Reuters image. That's right (image from basscartoons.com).

Many of us have probably seen people with the face of a fish. But here is a fish with a human face... It looks like a sensation, of course. However, I don’t really believe in such news, especially in our “Photoshop” times. Meanwhile, fish, as it turned out, have been coming face to face with humans for a long time.

On January 12, RIA Novosti told the Russians that fish with human faces had appeared in South Korea, with reference to the Seoul press, and the Korean bureau of Reuters told the whole world about it.

“Appeared” is, of course, a strong word. Both fish are 19 years old. They live in a private pond located 140 kilometers south of Seoul in the city of Chongju.

Each of the two females is 80 cm in length and 50 cm in girth. The owner bred these hybrids of two varieties of carp quite deliberately, but says that in recent years their “faces” have begun to look more human, or something.

Unfortunately, there is no way to ask the owner of these fish. Nobody even knows his name.

Meanwhile, I would really like to know from him what he saw so human in the appearance of these hybrids.

It is reported that the nostrils are somewhat reminiscent of eyes, and so they, coupled with the resemblance of a nose (this is a fold of skin, it seems), give the carp a certain resemblance to us. People with such a face must be “not easy to meet.”

And this is the front page of the Japanese newspaper Tokyo Sports dated April 5, 2004. It is written: “After 14 years, a fish with a human face has been rediscovered in Korea. Special report from Seoul Television” (photo from schubart.net).

Nevertheless, the South Korean fish made catchy headlines and, of course, quickly spread across the Internet.

And if the faces (what do fish even call it? It’s not a muzzle?) of hybrid carp were more human than human, the media space would greet them with terrible distrust and unkind remembrance of Adobe products.

But the fact is that stories about fish with a human face have already caught the eye of many.

For example, in March 2003, Yahoo! a message was published with the following content (almost literal translation): “An 8-year-old boy, fishing for the first time in his life with his grandfather on a lake in South Carolina, made the catch of the century - he caught a fish with a human face!

Baffled marine biologists say they have never before seen such a mysterious creature with a distinctly male nose and a jaw with terrifying human teeth.

"We have not yet determined whether this fish belongs to a previously unknown species that may have lived in North American waters for many centuries, whether it is a byproduct of genetic changes, or whether it is a random mutation caused by something in the environment." environment," said Dr. Gregory Hickens, a biologist who specializes in unusual wildlife. “But we can confidently say that this is one of the most exciting discoveries of recent decades."

A strange fish about 20 cm long was caught in Lake HB Robinson by a little boy named Aaron Krendell, who was visiting his grandparents from Detroit.

The 71-year-old grandfather, fortunately for the world of science, took his grandson’s catch to a friend, a professor at a local college, and he forwarded the fish to his colleagues: Hickens and other experts in Miami. A study was started.

“Rumors spread that the fish asked me to let it go back into the lake,” the grandfather laments. “I never told anyone this.”

Other gossip leaked to the local press. For example, many began to say that a nuclear power plant located near the lake was to blame for everything, and that radiation in the wastewater may have created a mutant. The authorities, in turn, claim that there is nothing of the kind."

Unfortunately, the story presented above was not continued. But that's not all.

In 2000, the Japanese company SEGA released the game Seaman, a kind of Tamagotchi. From the moment of birth, the player is invited to raise and educate the fish, which, as you already guessed, has the most human face.

For the new product, it was decided to conduct an unusual advertising campaign: fish skeletons and even a specimen preserved in alcohol were made.

SEGA presented these counterfeits in all seriousness in newspapers and magazines, on television, museums and stores, books and websites.

To this day, photographs can be found on the Internet, where they are sometimes given absolutely fantastic explanations. For example, in some places they write that this is the fish caught by the boy in South Carolina.