Russian special forces in Jordan. Who organized a worldwide special forces review on the Jordanian stage? Competition between special forces in the game


The story of the Alpha fighters about the international competition Super SWAT International Round-Up -2011

From November 6 to 11, the 29th Super SWAT International Round-Up 2011 was held in the USA. This is the World Championship among special forces, which represent different countries peace. Seventy-two teams entered, and fifty-nine reached the finish line. Several were disqualified, some left on their own initiative - there were complaints about the refereeing.


Hollywood films teach us that the guys from SWAT  are the main guardians of peace and harmony on this planet full of dangers. In reality, everything is much less pathetic. Their job is to knock down doors, get under bullets, disarm gangs.

The Hungarians helped us at the preparation stage - we are in good contact with them; They roughly suggested what the exercises would be, how they counted, how they judged.

We arrived in America. State of Florida, city of Orlando. We were met and accommodated by a representative of the Russian-American club, a former immigrant from Soviet Union. “Be glad you came here at all!” he admonished us kindly.

Most of the teams were American, with Florida State dominating among them. Foreign teams were from twelve countries: Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Kuwait... As the Americans themselves explained, the strongest SWATs were not there: from Los Angeles and Dallas. Why? The Dallas SWAT sheriff told me in a private conversation that “Floridians are suing and that’s why many have stopped coming.”

In general, competitions of this rank are held in the USA three times. Some are called Super SWAT, others SWAT Challenge and also SWAT Round-Up. And only the latter are invited to foreign teams. This is positioned as open championship Mira.

And the sheriff also “comforted” us when, for no apparent reason, they added a minute and a half to us after the first exercise: “Why are you upset? We Americans cannot beat the Floridians, but you Russians have arrived, no one knows you, you have bears there... Be glad that you were even invited to a land of wonders, a country of dreams and great achievements!” We experienced everything that was said ourselves, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

The competition was held for five days. On the first day, each team had to attend theoretical classes. If you don’t visit them, you will be assessed a penalty time - one minute for each participant.

The classes included twenty-nine topics: shooting, tactics, knife fighting... You could choose. We, as special forces soldiers, have “staken out” the most suitable and interesting topics for ourselves. Practical shooting with pistols, training with a carbine.

Dreams, dreams... When we arrived in America, we heard: “You know, the US State Department prohibited foreign teams from participating in such exercises, so go... to the lecture!” And the lecture was called: “Ensuring security on the battlefield.”

Imagine: an old grandfather, the same age as the Vietnam War, speaks English, we all sit and listen to what the translator manages to translate. And so on for four hours. The lecture is a must!

As a matter of principle, we were not allowed to participate in shooting, knife fighting, or the actions of assault groups, that is, what was interesting to us. A purely American position: there is nothing to share with any foreigners. But we, like any Russian who desperately needs something, still after the lecture made our way to the stadium, to the shooting range, and watched how they trained. But, of course, they weren’t allowed in everywhere!


The next day there were two exercises. One of them was closed and was called “Release of the Hostage.” Imagine a closed room into which no one is allowed, the shooting range is fenced off... The team enters, receives ammunition, and, accordingly, a passage limited in red where they must move. If you find a target, destroy it. After this, you need to enter the room through the barricades, clear it, pull out the hostages and lead them to the finish line. Instead of hostages, as you understand, there were stuffed animals.

Well, my team came in, worked everything out quickly, showed, by the way, best time! Weapons - pistols"Glock."

It should be noted that in this exercise the entire team began to move only after the sniper hit the target. The target, a person's face, was shown before the start. It was placed somewhere at a distance of one hundred to one hundred and twenty meters. This was a “trick”: terrorists, military outposts that needed to be eliminated. You remove the military guard, and when a shot is fired, the team begins clearing the premises.

As soon as the team goes, the group approaches the building, gets involved in battle, destroys the “militants” (target saucers), and for each miss thirty seconds are added. The amount of ammunition is strictly limited. Four rounds per gun, I think. Then you enter the room with a machine gun and shoot the “militants” with a pistol.

The snipers used .308 caliber Super Magnum rifles. There were different photos, depending on which it was necessary to act. Let's say a sheriff with a badge is a hostage. Therefore, you cannot shoot at him. Either a woman with a hammer, or she with a pistol - fire! Child with a toy gun. Or a dog. But the dog, which is preparing to jump, therefore needs to be hit.

That is, it was necessary to clearly understand who could and should be shot at, and who should not be shot at. Clearly identify and hit the target. The affected area is the chest or head. Only there. And, after all, they still had to bring 80-kilogram stuffed animals to the finish line, which represented hostages. You drag them in, and only then is the time recorded.

We spent 1 minute 30 seconds completing this task. After the results were posted, our time was 2 minutes 52 seconds! They added time... But for what, excuse me? I asked the judges. Perhaps for targets? But you can see them, they are struck, metal ones - they fell and that’s it.

Nothing was explained to me. The Americans hesitated... I didn’t swear, but told my friends: “Guys, apparently something didn’t work out for us. There are no photographic documents, we will continue to work.”

As a result, out of seventy-two teams, we took seventh place.


The second exercise was called “Fighting in the City.” Something like that. The group is in a Volkswagen, one sniper and four militants. At the command of the timer, she must get out of the car... Meanwhile, the sniper crawls about a hundred meters along a corridor in which it is impossible to climb, dragging a rifle with him. Having entered the firing position, he hits the target, which activates the engine. She, in turn, drives through obstacles, and the attack aircraft must hit her. Four gunmen, four shots. Two shoot from a pistol, two from a machine gun. The distance is approximately 15-18 meters.

It must be if you want to get good result, sixteen hits in the chest area of ​​a moving target. If all the bullets hit the target, then there are “zero” misses. If at least one - 30 seconds of penalty time.

The stormtroopers, before reaching their positions, had to overcome specially constructed rubble (thorns, stones, obstacles) in the building. That is, the sniper is crawling, and at this time the militants are dealing with obstacles. And at the same time they carry with them a punching device - a “bandura” weighing about twenty kilograms. They are dragging me, my dear, because in front of the firing position there is a door that needs to be knocked down.

All speakers were wearing body armor, a helmet, glasses, a gas mask, a machine gun, and a pistol. Each person weighed about twenty kilograms. Plus, the organizers additionally hung two more bulletproof vests on the teams. It turns out that this was determined by the conditions of the championship, we did not know it. These armored vehicles ended up with those guys who were dragging the ram.

In this drill, all sixteen shots hit the end zone of one target. Four more teams shot at approximately the same high level. On this task (we had objective reasons) we came fifth. Both in time and accuracy. Not everyone can be the first!

Then the third exercise began - “Overcoming a water obstacle,” or more precisely, “Rescuing a wounded SWAT employee.” We joked: “Saving Private Ryan,” like in the movie of the same name. This was already the next day.

The sniper and four attack aircraft, on command, ran to the traverse and overcame the obstacle over the water using rollers. After that, they overcame other obstacles, for example, a wall or a pipe, ran up to the firing position, put on gas masks and opened fire from machine guns at paper targets. The distance is 15-20 meters, however, at competitions everyone counted in yards. It was necessary to fire four shots into the affected area.

After that, they ran again, overcame obstacles and fired a pistol at metal targets, also four shots. Then, upon reaching the designated area, we were assigned a “wounded person.” He lay down on the floor or on the ground, and he was “evacuated” to the place where the water barrier was overcome.

At this time, the sniper was working from the sloping roof on two small white plates with a diameter of ten centimeters. The distance is two hundred meters. It was necessary to fire two shots.

After this, the sniper put on a gas mask right on the roof, got off and ran to the firing position and fired four shots from the pistol. The distance is ten meters, the plates are the same. Then he ran up to the assault team and overcame the traverse in reverse order, returning to the finish line. Everything is very simple". At first sight.

To be on the safe side, I specially took a camera and photographed all the targets hit, so that no more “American” nuances would arise during the judging. Recorded every action.

Our time was one of the best - 3 minutes 40 seconds. We ran twenty first, there were seventy teams, which means we were somewhere in the middle. When was it posted? overall result, it turned out that four minutes were added to us, i.e. it became 7 minutes 40 seconds!

We were outraged and began to demand explanations. With the help of a translator, I wrote a protest about this. That we don’t understand the situation with added time. And somehow I wasn’t particularly worried, because there were photos and videos. Now, I think, we’ll file a protest and they’ll sort out the mistake.

When the protest was filed, I approached the chief judge and said:

You know, it’s an incomprehensible situation, why do we have such time?!

You had eight misses!

Fine. We have photos of all targets, there is a video, there is not a single miss!

You know, according to the terms of the competition, photo and video-film documentation is not evidence!

I keep insisting:

Wait, how do you understand this? What will be the evidence?!

Judges' opinion.

Then bring,” I tell him politely, “the targets from our performance.” And everything will be visible!

Just like it was after the second exercise, when I took the target and signed on it

OK, I hear in response.

I approach the judge an hour later and what? He explained that the targets had been destroyed, that they (the targets) had never been shown to anyone and were not going to be shown!

“These competitions have been held for twenty-nine years,” he said soulfully, “and, believe me, the judges are objective and know how to judge.

Looking at this mister, all I could do was express myself obscenely in Russian. Yes, I had to be nervous! I contacted my leaders, and the commander told me: don’t be upset, gather a team and leave. The Brazilians, for example, did just that. They were also condemned, having attributed absurd things. Angry, they refused to perform, withdrew the team, leaving only one fighter who competed in Super SWAT and was, by the way, twice the champion of these competitions.

Fly away?! Why tolerate such chaos, they don’t let you win! After that, I perfectly understood the words of the Dallas sheriff that we would not be allowed to win here, since this was a “political moment.” I understood their logic. Some international team will come and take it the first time and win! And the US State Department simply won’t understand the local special forces employees - what are we paying you money for?! If you train, you train, but you won’t be able to win anything!

Again, the “political moment” is to rub our faces in the dirt. You, they say, can’t do anything, you have last place, and we Americans are the best. That's all!

This means you either need to win clearly for everyone to see, or there is no point in competing. The guys, of course, were upset. But they refused to leave, we are Russians! And the next day we were supposed to have a very important exercise, for the best Super SWAT in the world...


The new exercise involved running. In military ammunition you “reel” one mile, not just like that, of course, but with overcoming a water obstacle, an obstacle course, including natural ones (forest or relief). Having reached the firing line, you shoot from any type of weapon (pistol, machine gun or shotgun) into a 10-centimeter circle.

The counting system is like this. Zero penalty points —zero minutes are added, a slightly larger diameter of five centimeters —one minute, a diameter of ten centimeters —a circle —two minutes are added. Missing the target means three minutes.

After that, you take off the gas mask and rush on, the second mile. You shoot with a gun, for example, then you run another mile - the same, with water obstacles, with an obstacle course. Then you shoot with a machine gun. And so on…

…When we arrived at the competition (they started at six in the morning), we immediately realized: “Whoever registers the fastest will win the slippers.” Accordingly, we showed up a little early. For an hour!

After the third exercise, when we were sued, we gathered in my hotel room every evening and debriefed. I clearly said: “Guys! There is no point in flying nine thousand kilometers here to take some 18th, 40th or 50th place. We are Russians! We always have the winning gene in us. We have always won - starting from the heroes, from Alexander Nevsky and ending with the Second World War and all other wars. It would be a shame if we ended up in the rear. In Moscow they will not understand us, and we will not be able to explain anything. We have to win. And so that it is clear that we are the best!”

In short, we are serious. Under Stalin, if something went wrong, I think we would have been punished to the fullest extent.

So, we arrived at the competition an hour before. The Americans were sleeping, and we were sitting in the car, waiting so as not to miss registration. Five people came forward. The organizers tell us: “Five people are not allowed, only four.”

I had to make a choice. Four great guys - Valery, Mikhail, Alexey and Ilya - represented the third, fourth, sixth and eighth departments. We went to the start. And the uniform is not sports, but military! Why?! They answer that, they say, they changed the rules, but this was not communicated to the Russian team.

…As lyrical digression I want to note that before the start, the Regulations on the Super SWAT competition indicated exactly sports uniform. The "A" management and the veterans of our unit spent a lot of money on us. But we looked decent! The Americans, and not only them, when they saw us in uniform, with a flag, always asked:

Guys, where are you from? What a form! How equipped you are!

- Yoshkin the cat, where did he come from? From Russia!

By the way, we were almost the only ones (except for the Hungarians) who took our national flag. Without hesitation, we hung the Russian tricolor and the unit’s flag wherever possible.


Wherever we were based, we had a “Russian House” - we invited everyone, we even wanted to take pancakes with red caviar with us. But then they decided it wasn’t worth it. It will be too easy. We are special forces and will not stoop to athletes.

I ask the local SWAT team for two machine guns: “Guys, help!” No question - they gave it. Then he ran to the organizers and said, give me two gas masks urgently! In short, we understood all their machinations immediately and quickly got our bearings, prepared everything and took our place at the start. Having realized that we were being judged, there was only one mood - to definitely win!

We ran the first lap. I see Valera is rustling in front, Lyokha is second, then some American, then Misha and Ilyukha. That is, all four Alpha employees are in the top five. And at a distance of fifty meters from them, all the other participants hurry up.

Let's! - I scream. - For Russia!

On the second or third lap, Misha overtook the American and Valera and went first. And this group, which was ahead, became more and more distant from the rest, about a hundred meters away! Then the American took the lead. He is the first, Misha follows. I run in parallel, shouting:

Misha, you will be shot in Moscow! It's a bloody nose, but you have to be first!

And Misha overtook the American on a rather difficult obstacle course! The gap kept increasing - fifty meters, a hundred, a hundred and fifty! And behind them, without losing pace, were Lyokha, Valera and Ilyukha.

When we finished, everyone around us didn’t believe it: “What, Russians?!” I'm hoarse from screaming. The guys came running, we took pictures, hugged, and congratulated each other on the victory. We washed ourselves, changed clothes, and only then did the rest of the crowd of people running join us...

A Brazilian, a two-time Super SWAT champion, whom I have already mentioned, approached us. He said that he has been coming here for ten years, he has been preparing for the next competition for a whole year... and he has not seen anyone like us.

Where did you come from? We don't know anything about you! It doesn’t seem to be huge, there are no mountains of muscles.

Listen, boy! There is such a secret unit...

Briefly told about our unit. The Brazilian was very impressed and wanted to train with our team and see what was what. He himself serves in SWAT, but he is given the opportunity to prepare for competitions.

And these guys you see,” I tell my interlocutor, “they are like crazy, they have come into addresses and stormed them more than once, working against terrorists.

The Brazilian was amazed...


When the results were posted, we again argued with the judges. Since the American came in second (he had many mistakes), he could not rise higher than fourth place. The Brazilian, on the contrary, hit the bull’s eye, but ran worse. Therefore, he had practically no penalty time, and he overtook the American in total time.

The Americans realized that their compatriot had missed the top three and began to make up fairy tales! They came up to me with a question: how old is this or that fighter. I ask why? They started saying, let's hold competitions in two age categories: up to 35 years and after 35. That is, they change their own rules on the fly, just to prevent the Russians from winning! I explained to them that this was not serious.

Would you mind if we give second place to an American?

Wait, there's a Brazilian in second!

No, let’s do it this way: ours is first, you are second, and the Brazilian is third, so as not to be offended... Their team left anyway!

Do as you want, but you saw that the Russians are ahead, that the Russians tore everyone apart!

They wagged their tail...

Yes, we didn’t doubt you.

As a result, we (Mikhail N.) are first in overall shooting, the American is in second place, and the Brazilian is third. They gave him, the poor fellow, additional penalty points, saying he had put his gas mask in the wrong place. You're back.

The Brazilian was upset and said that he would not go to competitions again. It’s necessary to travel for ten years and only now understand what’s what! I said the same thing to the Hungarians. They have been coming here for ten years, they were constantly being told that you can’t do anything, although they are a very prepared team. And the eleventh time they were also convicted.

The commander of the Hungarian special forces, such a healthy man named Attila, said in his hearts: “Yes, I realized that the Americans are bitches after all!”

This is how we won Super SWAT.

On the same day there was an exercise called “Tower”. The snipers had to run into a four-story building, shoot from a window at a distance of two hundred meters at a specific “person,” choosing him among others.

What I want to draw your attention to. This “face” was shown to the sniper in advance; it had to be remembered well so that in the heat of the moment it would not be confused with other faces. Then they had to climb the tower, make another similar shot, hang the ropes and climb down onto them. And on the first floor, use a pistol to kill the militants.

Simple task...

And on command, the assault group rushes forward, firing pistols (Glocks) at the clay pigeons. After that, to the tower, to the fifth floor, and along the ropes that threw the sniper off, they go down and run to the finish line.

Based on the results of all four exercises, we came sixth out of 72 teams. Super SWAT was considered separately.

The next day we ran an obstacle course. It differs from ours, where we are used to working, in its greater power intensity. Lots of activities involved with strong hands, in bundles... You can’t take it by raid.

We performed almost last at a temperature of +35! It was our seventh day in America, acclimatization had not yet passed. And it's so hot. We waited our turn all day. When the waiting became simply unbearable, we were called to the start...

The guys rushed into battle. And almost at the twelfth, extreme obstacle, Lyokha, having received sunstroke, loses consciousness and falls from the rope. And we had a great time!

Lyokha,” I shout to him, “are you running or...

He jumped up, I don’t know how, came back and finally overcame the obstacle. At the end, you had to drag the load on yourself for a hundred meters, wearing a strap. Then you drop the load and rush another fifty meters to the finish line.

When we came running, it turned out that we were seventh. If Lyokha had not fallen, we really would have ended up in the top three. Everyone was upset, I didn’t even want to talk to anyone. And Lekha ran to the finish line, sat down on a chair and fainted again.

Fortunately, there was a medical tent nearby (the Americans had thought of everything). Lyokha, in a semi-fainting state, was dragged there, and the resuscitation doctor restored him. By the way, besides Lyokha, there were four more people from international teams lying there.

I called the commander, reported the situation, he was also upset, but didn’t show it and said: “I’m proud of you!” Of course, I immediately conveyed these words to the team.


In the evening in Orlando, in the hotel conference room there was a ceremonial meeting with the invitation of all teams. We didn't know we would be marked. The host of the ceremony says: “The best international team recognized..." The hall fell silent. And announces us. We burst into joyful screams!

The first overall team place went to members of the special forces brigade for the protection of NASA space defense facilities, the second was SWAT Orange County (on the basis of which we trained).

The best - the first ten teams - were awarded. We honored our Misha, who became the World Champion in Super SWAT. He was given a certificate for the right to choose a Glock of any model for free. But we rejoiced in vain - no one in the States will sell weapons to a foreigner. And it is not possible to take it out. Now the commander himself makes a decision on this matter. We'll see what happens.

Russians became world champions at special forces competitions in Jordan April 28th, 2015

This year the Royal World Championship among elite special forces fighters “Warrior 2015” in Jordan ended with a sensation. Despite the biased attitude of American and Canadian judges, Russian special forces began absolute champions world, leaving far behind both the Americans, the Europeans and last year's favorites - the Chinese. The Russian team consisted of two teams, which were entirely composed of members of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic. They unanimously dedicated their victory at the competition to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that “our fighters wiped the nose of those who seek to look down on the world.” Unlike the Stavropol riot police, the head of Chechnya is satisfied with his special forces.

“We’re flying in like tanks!”

In Jordan, there is a special attitude towards special forces, because the current reigning King Abdullah II was himself a special forces soldier in the past. Every year, The King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center is held here - world-class competitions among representatives of elite military units on the basis of a special training ground with an area of ​​10 square kilometers. About 10 towns have been built at the Royal Training Center for Special Military Units, some of which are copies of real-life settlements. At these test sites, you can perform exercises involving live fire, the use of explosives, various special equipment, and even the use of aviation. Officials estimate that the complex cost more than $200 million to build, but many who have seen it in person suggest the actual cost is much higher. An agreement on the participation of special forces from Chechnya in the world championship was reached in June last year during the visit of the King of Jordan to the republic. Then the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, demonstrated to the king special forces training on the outskirts of his ancestral village of Tsentaroi. As a result, on international championship Two teams from Russia, entirely composed of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, went to the prize of King Abdullah II, ChGTRK “Grozny” reported.

To participate in the world championship, 43 teams from 19 countries gathered, consisting of best fighters from all over the world. The Russians were opposed strong rivals from Iraq, USA, Canada. The Jordanians assembled nine teams, including one for women. But even the absolute favorites, the Chinese, who became the champions of these competitions for two years in a row, were discouraged by the pressure of the Russian special forces. “Guys, we do everything silently and quickly. We’re flying into it like tanks!” - these were the parting words our soldiers received from their commanders, who, in the course of extremely tough competition, sought the honor of representing Russia at such a prestigious championship. The Russian team prepared for the competition with the assistance of international class coaches. The Chechen security forces managed to carry out the final stage of training in Jordan so that the special forces soldiers could fully acclimatize and get used to the local conditions as much as possible.

The competition program, which lasted five days, included 10 difficult exercises by assessing the endurance, speed, and coherence of the team in different conditions. Before completing each task, the fighters did a special warm-up under the strict guidance of the instructor, and also received a special massage to increase concentration. The head of the Russian team, assistant to the Head of the Chechen Republic, Daniil Martynov, carefully conducted a debriefing, analyzed every mistake and explained to his players the nuances of the competition rules and the features of the exercises.

Sharing his impressions with Russian journalists, Mohannad Towalba, an instructor at the Royal Anti-Terrorism Center of Jordan, noted: “The Russian team turned out to be very trained. We, as experts, can clearly see that your fighters prepared extremely seriously,” Rossiya1 reports. According to the instructor of the Kazakhstan national team, Eldar Batalov, there was serious competition at the championship, since the most strong fighters, equipped with top level both weapons and equipment. But the Russians also approached material preparation thoroughly - the uniform of our special forces was truly exclusive. “The competition uniform was made from various types fabrics,” said Dmitry Pilipenko, instructor for tactical and special training of the Russian national team. - Breathable inserts, linings made of hard material with the ability to insert elbow pads and knee pads, and a special elastic belt that does not slip are used. The entire form was developed under our control - we tried, tested, said what to modify and what to change.”

“We broke the Americans”

As a result, our law enforcement officers, having shown character and the will to win, rose to the occasion in all competitions. For example, the Chechen police coped with the task of evacuating a wounded man and destroying a bandit group better than anyone else. The Russians completed the exercise of transporting weight by a huge margin. After moving a metal ladder weighing 75 kg, it was necessary to carry out targeted shooting from different positions at different distances. And here the Russia-1 team was ahead of the former favorites of the competition - the Chinese team. And faster and more correct Russian team Only one participant in the competition managed to cope with the task of freeing hostages in a multi-storey building - the second Russian team improved their already high result by another second.

The awards ceremony of the competition in Jordan became a high point for the Russian special forces, who stood on the podium wearing T-shirts with images of a formidable bear. Our fighters became absolute world champions, winning four gold, two silver and three bronze medals in various disciplines. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, who actively supported his players, said on his official Instagram account: “This is a very pleasant fact. Behind it lies a huge amount of work, the hardest training, and fantastic loads. Our fighters went through all this with dignity and, as they say, wiped the noses of those who want to look down on the world. So here's some interesting data for you. Team USA is in 23rd place! The leader of our team, assistant to the Head of the Chechen Republic, Daniil Martynov, says that the Americans have good equipment, but “we broke the Americans.” They did not expect this from us, they were shocked, they could not oppose anything to our character, will, and skill. And the Canadians were particularly arrogant, which let them down. Despite attempts by American and Canadian judges to help them, they did not rise further than eighth place. And the Europeans, having become convinced that there was no point in competing with Russia at all, turned from participants into spectators. I am proud of our soldiers, I am sure that all true patriots of the Fatherland are proud of them! These officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs proved that there is no warrior in the world who can compete with the Russian special forces!”

According to Kadyrov, hundreds of people gathered with him to meet the winners at the Grozny airport. When the officers of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic walked along the carpet, the team leader - assistant to the head of the republic Daniil Martynov said that the team had made a unanimous decision to dedicate their victory to the 70th anniversary Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War, declaring that they are always ready to defend the Fatherland - Russia.

It is noteworthy that three months before the start of the competition in Jordan, Ramzan Kadyrov announced that the elite of the world’s special forces would be trained in Chechnya. “The Chechen Republic will become one of the world's main centers for training special forces. For this purpose, a complex that meets the most stringent international standards is being built on the outskirts of Gudermes. I checked the progress of construction, the work is being carried out strictly according to schedule,” Kadyrov said. According to him, they plan to train both special forces units of all branches and types of troops and special services of Russia and other countries. In the unique tactical town there will be buildings of a high-rise residential building, a school, a hospital, a kindergarten, and a cinema, intended for training in the release of hostages and the destruction of terrorists. The center will be able to conduct parachute, mountain, forest, water and other training. Until now there have been no analogues to such a center in Russia.

“Sending fighters from Chechnya to such competitions is a very smart move,” political scientist Oleg Sobolev told the SP-South correspondent. - Firstly, given the geopolitical situation, we now really need such victories in the international arena. This is a significant slap in the face to those who recently tried to tear the Caucasus away from Russia. And secondly, each such victory benefits the process of reconciliation and integration of Caucasians with Russians. After all, just reading such news, I want to say with pride - “These are our people!”

I am often asked the question: what place does Alpha occupy among the leading special forces? There is no literal answer to this, since the activities of special forces cannot be assessed on the scale of rating agencies. However, some criteria do exist, and I can say that the Russian Alpha is one of the best combat units in the world.

The 29th Super SWAT International Round-Up - 2011, held in the USA, became a visible confirmation of my words. City of Orlando, Florida. This is an open World Championship among police (mainly) special forces. This year, his sensation was the performance of the team of Directorate “A” of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia. The team consisted of eleven people, including two snipers.

After Alpha employees showed highest results, experts from other countries approached them and asked questions: where did you guys come from?! Although at first the Americans curled their lips in private conversations: you, they say, should be happy by the mere fact of your arrival at such a prestigious tournament. And, accordingly, do not think about any prizes.

And now - a sensation!

Our squad has first and second places in Super SWAT and silver in "Remington super sniper". And the title of "Best International Team".

Seventy-two teams announced themselves at the start, but only fifty-nine reached the finish line. Several were disqualified, some left on their own initiative - there were big complaints about the refereeing.

As our comrades note, the Americans openly condemned their competitors. I'll tell you about one typical episode. Exercise - "Rescuing a wounded SWAT officer."

A sniper and four attack aircraft, on command, run up to the traverse, overcome an obstacle over the water using rollers, then a wall or pipe, run up to the firing position and, putting on gas masks, open fire from machine guns at paper targets from a distance of 15 - 20 meters, however, in competitions everyone counted in yards. Four shots into the affected area.

After this, a new run, overcoming an obstacle and shooting from a pistol at metal targets, also four shots. Then, when the team reaches the designated area, it is assigned a “wounded person” who is evacuated to the point where the water obstacle is crossed.

At this time, the sniper works from the sloping roof on two small white plates with a diameter of ten centimeters. Distance - two hundred meters. Only two shots can be fired.

After this, the sniper puts on a gas mask and runs to the firing position, where he fires four shots from the pistol. The distance is ten meters, the plates are the same. Then he runs up to the assault team and overcomes the traverse in reverse order, returning to the finish line.

Since our comrades were openly condemned at the first exercise, adding time to them without evidence, the team leader specially took a camera and a video camera and filmed all the targets hit so that there would be no arbitrary interpretations on the part of the organizers.

The time was one of the best - 3 minutes 40 seconds. When the overall result was posted, it turned out that “Alpha” had been added four minutes, i.e. became 7 minutes 40 seconds! One can imagine the indignation of people who have clearly completed the exercise, and their victory is fraudulently stolen from them.

However, all attempts to achieve justice were in vain. The protest was rejected. Motivation? It is amazing: according to the competition conditions, photos and video-film documentation are not evidence! The only criterion is the opinion of the judges.

Faced with such open rudeness, the leader of our team asked to bring the affected targets - then everything would be obvious! An hour later he was informed that the targets... had been destroyed!

The guys were outraged and dejected at the same time. We contacted the management in Moscow, they said: pack your things and go home! And then the Alpha officers, having gathered and discussed the situation, decided to stay. Out of principle! "Alpha" is not used to retreating. The employees, as they later said, recalled our heroic ancestors, the “winner gene.”

Therefore, it was necessary not only to win, but to do it at the highest level - so that no matter how hard they wanted, the organizers would not be able to turn the result inside out.

The exercise for the title of Super SWAT Champion included running. In military ammunition, you “reel” one mile overcoming a water obstacle, an obstacle course, including natural ones (forest or relief). Having reached the firing line, you shoot from any type of weapon (pistol, machine gun or shotgun) into a 10-centimeter circle.

The counting system is like this. Zero penalty points - zero minutes are added, a diameter slightly larger by five centimeters - one minute, a diameter of ten centimeters - a circle - two minutes are added. Missing the target means three minutes. After which the participant takes off the gas mask and runs the second mile. After shooting, you run another mile - the same one, with water obstacles, with an obstacle course. Then he works from the machine.

From the very beginning, the four Alpha employees selected for this exercise set a fantastic pace, with two immediately taking the lead. What can you say: there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!

When our guys finished, no one around could believe it: “What, Russians?!” They managed to hug, take pictures, wash, change clothes - and only then did the entire main group arrive at the finish line.

And then the bargaining began. The organizers tried to persuade our team to give first place to the American, who came second with a large number of mistakes. Then they wanted to retroactively introduce two age groups, in order, again, to get the coveted first place. But how can you dispute the obvious? In the end, the truth triumphed.

The Brazilian, who should have been second in overall time, ended up in third position. And he was very upset, saying that he would not go to these competitions again. And the head of the Hungarian team (the Magyars have been going to Florida for ten years) stated in his hearts: “Yes, I realized that the Americans are bitches after all!”

…On solemn ceremony our employee Mikhail N., who became the World Champion in Super SWAT, was awarded a certificate for the right to freely select a Glock of any model. In any store. And again, “American nuances”: no one will sell weapons to a foreigner. And it is not possible to take him out. Then why these beautiful gestures?..

Be that as it may, the Alpha officers showed courage, concentration and an amazing will to win. They prevailed not only with skill, but also with fortitude. During one of the exercises, our friend, having received sunstroke (the temperature was +35°), reached the finish line and lost consciousness there.

We are proud of the guys, honor and glory to them! However, not a single official television channel reported the enchanting victory of Russian special forces in the United States. I'm filling this gap. The country must know its heroes. Even if not to your face.

Well, a short video:

I am often asked the question: what place does Alpha occupy among the leading special forces? There is no literal answer to this, since the activities of special forces cannot be assessed on the scale of rating agencies. However, some criteria do exist, and I can say that the Russian Alpha is one of the best combat units in the world.

Visible confirmation of my words was the 29th Super SWAT International Round-Up - 2011, held in the USA in Orlando, Florida. This is an open World Championship among police (mainly) special forces. This year, his sensation was the performance of the team of Directorate “A” of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia. The team consisted of eleven people, including two snipers.

After Alpha employees showed the highest results, specialists from other countries approached them and asked questions: where did you guys come from?! Although at first the Americans curled their lips in private conversations: you, they say, should be happy by the mere fact of your arrival at such a prestigious tournament. And, accordingly, do not think about any prizes.

And now - a sensation!

Our squad has first and second places in Super SWAT and silver in Remington super sniper. And the title of “Best International Team”.

Seventy-two teams announced themselves at the start, but only fifty-nine reached the finish line. Several were disqualified, some left on their own initiative - there were big complaints about the refereeing.

As our comrades note, the Americans openly condemned their competitors. I'll tell you about one typical episode. Exercise - “Rescuing a wounded SWAT officer.”
A sniper and four attack aircraft, on command, run up to the traverse, overcome an obstacle over the water using rollers, then a wall or pipe, run up to the firing position and, putting on gas masks, open fire from machine guns at paper targets from a distance of 15-20 meters, however, in competitions everyone counted in yards. Four shots into the affected area.

After this, a new run, overcoming an obstacle and shooting from a pistol at metal targets, also four shots. Then, when the team reaches the designated area, they are assigned a “wounded person” who is evacuated to the point where the water obstacle is crossed.

At this time, the sniper works from the sloping roof on two small white plates with a diameter of ten centimeters. Distance - two hundred meters. Only two shots can be fired.

After this, the sniper puts on a gas mask and runs to the firing position, where he fires four shots from the pistol. The distance is ten meters, the plates are the same. Then he runs up to the assault team and overcomes the traverse in reverse order, returning to the finish line.

Since our comrades were openly condemned at the first exercise, adding time to them without evidence, the team leader specially took a camera and a video camera and filmed all the targets hit so that there would be no arbitrary interpretations on the part of the organizers.

The time was one of the best - 3 minutes 40 seconds. When the overall result was posted, it turned out that “Alpha” had been added four minutes, i.e. became 7 minutes 40 seconds! One can imagine the indignation of people who have clearly completed the exercise, and their victory is fraudulently stolen from them.

However, all attempts to achieve justice were in vain. The protest was rejected. Motivation? It is amazing: according to the competition conditions, photos and video-film documentation are not evidence! The only criterion is the opinion of the judges.

Faced with such open rudeness, our team leader asked to bring the affected targets - then everything would be obvious! An hour later he was informed that the targets... had been destroyed!

The guys were outraged and dejected at the same time. We contacted the management in Moscow, they said: pack your things and go home! And then the Alpha officers, having gathered and discussed the situation, decided to stay. Out of principle! Alpha is not used to retreating. The employees, as they later said, recalled our heroic ancestors, the “winner gene.”

Therefore, it was necessary not only to win, but to do it at the highest level - so that, no matter how hard they wanted, the organizers would not be able to turn the result inside out.

The exercise for the title of Super SWAT Champion included running. In military ammunition, you “reel” one mile overcoming a water obstacle, an obstacle course, including natural ones (forest or terrain). Having reached the firing line, you shoot from any type (pistol, machine gun or shotgun) into a 10-centimeter circle.

The counting system is like this. Zero penalty points - zero minutes are added, a diameter slightly larger by five centimeters - one minute, a diameter of ten centimeters - a circle - two minutes are added. Missing the target means three minutes. After which the participant takes off the gas mask and runs the second mile. After shooting, you run another mile - the same one, with water obstacles, with an obstacle course. Then he works from the machine.

From the very beginning, the four Alpha employees selected for this exercise set a fantastic pace, with two immediately leading the way. What can you say: there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!

When our guys finished, no one around could believe it: “What, Russians?!” They managed to hug, take pictures, wash, change clothes - and only then did the entire main group arrive at the finish line.

And then the bargaining began. The organizers tried to persuade our team to give first place to the American, who came second with a large number of mistakes. Then they wanted to retroactively introduce two age groups in order, again, to get the coveted first place. But how can you dispute the obvious? In the end, the truth prevailed.

The Brazilian, who should have been second in overall time, ended up in third position. And he was very upset, saying that he would not go to these competitions again. And the head of the Hungarian team (the Magyars have been going to Florida for ten years) stated in his hearts: “Yes, I realized that the Americans are bitches after all!”

...At the ceremony, our employee Mikhail N., who became the World Champion in Super SWAT, was awarded a certificate for the right to freely select a Glock of any model. In any store. And again, “American nuances”: no one will sell weapons to a foreigner. And it is not possible to take him out. Then why these beautiful gestures?..

Be that as it may, the Alpha officers showed courage, concentration and an amazing will to win. They prevailed not only with skill, but also with fortitude. During one of the exercises, our friend, having received sunstroke (the temperature was +35°), reached the finish line and lost consciousness there.

We are proud of the guys, honor and glory to them! However, not a single official television channel reported the enchanting victory of Russian special forces in the United States. I'm filling this gap. The country must know its heroes. Even if not to your face.