Russian hero Timofey Silinsky. The best rips from jumo aka end Comments on the blog "My Sakhalin"

In the regional city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region, in the local history museum, a small showcase attracts attention, telling the story of the local giant Bakulin Timofey Antonovich. People called him Timosha Silinsky, briefly and succinctly.

It would seem that this was absolutely recent, but there are many discrepancies in the documents regarding the Silinsky phenomenon. Approximately, in some the dates of life are 1895–1935, in others 1894–1936. and according to his daughter’s evidence, he and his mother went to the Botkin hospital, where he died, in 1937. So much so that, better yet, the following dates of Timosha’s life are 1894–1937.

Russian phenomenon

The phenomenon of this Russian hero is that with a height of 2 meters 45 centimeters, he had a relatively small weight of 190 kg and had remarkable strength. Unlike the current Guinness record holders, who have a “jelly-like” body despite their enormous weight, Timosha was a real athlete. From the memoirs of his contemporaries, who passed through the whole of Europe during the stage of the Other Ecumenical War: “...Nowhere, in any direction, have I met such a hero, there was not even a hint!” (Veteran of war and labor G. Kravtsov, 01/04/1984, museum materials ).

The life story of Timofey Bakulin (Silinsky) is very interesting. He was born in the village of Ternov, which was near the city of Ostrogozhsk and was popularly called “exile,” in an ordinary peasant family. Until the age of ten, he grew up to be an absolutely normal child, and after that age he began to grow unimaginably.

While Timosha was a boy, his father took him to the fair in Ostrogozhsk. However, suddenly the dad noticed that if you take Timosha into the cart, then there is nowhere to put anything else, and the horse has a hard time making the cart happy. The old man began to deny his son the trip, and he, offended, said: “Then you, dad, won’t go anywhere!” When Dad, having loaded the cart, was eager to get under way, Timofey grabbed the cart with his right hands, and the horse could not budge. They agreed as follows: Timofey will ride in a cart, when he goes down the hill, he will help the horse up the hill, and on a smooth place he will perform next to him. Timosha smiled as a sign of gratitude and fulfilled the agreement flawlessly.

The mature years of Bakulin’s life fell during the time of the New Economic Policy, when, as they would say now, private enterprise was allowed.

Then he began demonstrating strength exercises - first in the district, and later joined a touring circus. He had the opportunity to travel around the district, but cab drivers refused him because of his height and weight, fearing for their carriages. His friend, a sedentary gypsy Ivan Verbitsky, nicknamed Ivan Sereda, made a special cart-phaeton for him, and a couple of horses carried Timosha around the district...

It was then that Timofey publicly confirmed his power and received the nickname Silinsky. And it was like this: “Timofey lived on the Maidan near Sereda,” recalls Grigory Kravtsov, “and we boys chased him in droves when he performed along the street. We pestered him to show his power, but he did not hunger. Somehow the big ones joined in our plea, and he agreed. Ivan Sereda harnessed the horses to the phaeton and sat down at the coachman's station. Timosha took hold of the springs with his two hands, and Ivan began to fasten the horses. The horses could not move the phaeton. In order to avoid a rush of lines, I had to give up this action.”


Even now, on the Maidan and in Peski, formerly settlements, and now microdistricts of the city of Ostrogozhsk, there is still a kind-hearted wish for the born children of the male void: “Grow up, baby, kind-hearted, big and strong, like Timosha Silinsky.”

In the early 80s of the last century, the Ostrogozh Museum of Local Lore managed to communicate with Timofey Bakulin’s eldest daughter, Mareshkina Larisa Timofeevna, who lived in the city of Tolyatti. She learned a lot about her parent's life. What she managed to report added to the knowledge about the Russian hero.

Timofey Bakulin married untimely, to an ordinary Russian young lady Usova Maria Platonovna. She gave birth to three children from the giant - two daughters and a son. The Bakulins have a generation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all dozens of people, just one grandson, Volodya, 1 meter 98 centimeters tall.

Timofey enrolled in a touring circus and initially traveled with him along with his woman. However, when the children arrived, the woman stayed at home, and he was away for three to four months. At the circus, they smashed stones like pounds on his chest with hammers, and he fought with a bear and other fighters.

In that ill-fated summer of 1937, the circus toured Georgia. At first, the clubfoot fell ill with a mysterious illness, then one of the circus attendants, and then Timosha Silinsky. Despite his power, the hero could not overcome the microbe. It was an infection - so called “Botkin’s disease”.

Timofey was taken to Moscow and placed in the infectious diseases department of the Botkin Hospital. When he felt absolutely sick, everything was then reported to the blood. It’s as if his daughter Larisa, who was then 16 and a half years old and already working hard as a paramedic in the village of Ternovoye, remembers this: “We caught the parent alive when he was lying in the isolation ward, dressed inappropriately. The blanket was made from two, and the backs of the bed were freed.

Old Man was delighted to see us and was painfully offended by the doctors who did not inform us about his illness for such a long time. He said to his mother: “I will soon die, and I trembled that I would not envy you. They will not give me to you for burial, I heard from the doctors that I am now a “statesman.” My mother and I didn’t believe it, but it turned out to be true. After we left Moscow, dad died a week later, and we were informed about his death much later. The parent was dissected and wrapped in skeleton. Here is our dad - a giant, standing in a clinical infectious diseases hospital in a glass cabinet for 45 years for the benefit of the science of the medical institute in Moscow...” (message from Larisa Timofeevna Mereshkina, the eldest daughter of Timofey Silinsky, dated November 15, 1982).

Larisa was then about 17 years old, there was little experimentation in life, and her mother was an illiterate woman. And yet, Maria Platonovna achieved an appointment with Mikhail Kalinin, the “all-Union headman.” He listened to her and ordered her to come to an amicable agreement with the widow. She was paid a small pittance in order to be freed from her pleas, but they did not provide a pension for her two still minor children. Maria Platonovna raised them on her shoulders herself and nurtured them as worthy people.

After the Great Patriotic War, Timofey Bakulin’s grandmother moved to live in the city of Vladimir. Her eldest daughter Larisa found the skeleton of her parent in Moscow and showed it to her mother. And Maria Platonovna, until her death, went to Moscow to visit the core of her beloved - she would come to her senses, bow to the core and stand near it for a long time. No one ever inquired about who she was and why she came so often to look at the skeleton. No one cared about whose backbone it was or what kind of phenomenon it was. And to be honest, the phenomenon of Timosha Silinsky is not just a phenomenon on a regional scale, but a heritage of Russia, but... We are not too attentive to ourselves, to our history and to our people in general.

I tried to find the skeleton of my fellow countryman in the anatomical museums of Moscow, but in vain. Probably, the skeleton of the giant is gathering dust somewhere in the storerooms, and his grandchildren, scattered across the expanses of the earth, have probably already forgotten about their giant ancestor.

Timofey Bakulin (1894-1936) – a native of the village of Ternovoye, Ostrogozhsky district, Voronezh province. The giant's height reached 2 meters 40 centimeters, and he weighed 13 pounds (208 kilograms).
Timofey's strength was extraordinary - he could easily, for the sake of a joke, lift the corner of a log barn and slip his battered hat under it. Then this corner was raised again, and the hat, which had turned into a pancake, was again placed on Timosha’s large curly head.
He was always in an excellent mood. Extremely healthy. Built perfectly. He would even be handsome if it weren’t for the brown tan, the slightly protruding lower jaw, and the presence of some kind of hidden sadness in his big blue eyes. He often smiled in surprise with the gentleness of a giant, throwing back his head and showing his wonderful young teeth. And a pleasant smell came from him. It was mixed with the rye wind of the steppe, with the smell of tar, tightly forged boots, with the mint aroma of snuff: Timosha did not smoke, but sniffed.
The rector of the village church, Father Peter, baptizing children, often added after prayers: “Let the little boy grow up kind, strong and healthy, like our Timosha.”
Father was one of the first in Ternovoy to appreciate the heroic abilities of the young man, when one day on Christmastide he playfully grabbed a three-pound barrel of ice and threw it onto the roof of the barn. Timosha did not know what to do with the strength given to him by God, and Father Peter advised the daredevil to join some traveling circus: people would be amused to watch him, and some kind of income would be added to his efforts.
Everything was fine with Timosha’s development until he was ten years old. And then suddenly, almost before our eyes, he began to increase in height, and his shoulders became unusually large. My father’s sheepskin coat became too tight, and my feet no longer fit into my boots. By the age of sixteen, Timosha’s growth had gone so far that he began to enter the hut almost on all fours. It was impossible for him to straighten up to his full height in the upper room, it was impossible for him to fit on the beds. And then, unfortunately, he developed a beastly appetite - Timosha could easily have gobbled up some cast iron cabbage soup. And this cast iron was prepared by my mother for the whole crowded family.
The little one began to show his character more and more often. One day, his father did not want to take Timosha to Ostrogozhsk to the fair: it would be hard for the gelding to drag both of them. “Oh, so!..” - Timosha flared up and, grabbing the back of the cart, pulled it back along with the horse. Dad had to back down.
When Timosha turned eighteen, their family moved to Ostrogozhsk. They settled on Avdeevskaya Street, opposite the carpentry factory (now Osvobozhdeniye Street). Factory people lingered at the Bakulins' courtyard, trying to see Timosha the giant through the fence, to hear his thunderous bass, which made the glass rattle in fear. The surrounding boys made Timosha no longer passable. They really wanted to look at his face, and because they raised their heads abruptly, their hats fell to the ground. Sometimes the guys tearfully begged the giant to throw them over the high fence of the city garden, where they were allowed in in the evening only with tickets, and Timosha gave in, only warning him not to get too tangled under the feet of the dancers.
A circus tent once toured that garden. And Timosha remembered the former advice of the Ternovsky priest to get closer to the circus artists who know how to perform the most extraordinary things in front of the public. "What can you do?" - asked the director of the tent to Timosha. “Yes, for example,” he answered innocently, “I can throw you right under your circus big top and catch you back intact.”
From then on Timosha started new life. He performed in a troupe with huge boa constrictors, hanging rings around them. A multi-pound stone-boulder was smashed to smithereens with one blow of a hammer. He fought with a three-yard bear, which in Timoshi’s mighty hands seemed like a teddy bear. In a word, he did what no one else could do.
His appearance with the acrobat Polina, who was one meter tall, added a special charm to the giant’s performances. She did whatever she wanted with Timosha: she jumped on his shoulders like a squirrel, arranged a horizontal bar for herself on his outstretched arms, the span of which reached almost four meters. For the beauty of the act, Timosha threw Polina high, caught her, tossed her again - and the circus burst with a storm of applause.
That stormy time was associated with a significant event in Timosha’s life - he married the beautiful circus maid Marusa. On this occasion, the groom had to choose a wedding ring. But there was nowhere to be found that could fit onto the giant finger of a circus performer. And then a familiar jeweler came to Timosha’s aid and made a “ring” the size of a Nikolaev silver ruble.
After the tent, Timofey Antonovich performed in large circuses. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Tiflis greeted him with an inevitable full house. Shocked by his giant prowess, the mountaineers gave him a specially tailored Circassian costume with a hat, and in this ceremonial attire he made a tour of Europe, Asia, North America. Newspapers then wrote with delight that Gulliver named Timosha was worthy Great Russia. It was these fabulous heroes who once protected Europe from the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols.
Of course, Timofey Antonovich did not forget about his native Ostrogozhsk. Timosha was greeted like a star, as a person who became a legend during his lifetime. He called all his friends and acquaintances to a specially ordered restaurant, talked about Paris, London, New York he had seen, and there was no end to the toasts. Eyewitnesses of those feasts claimed that Timosha the giant could easily drink a whole quarter of vodka (3 liters!) in the evening and “polish” the forty-degree one with two dozen bottles of cold beer.
In the city restaurant they kept a specially knocked together oak table for Timofey Antonovich and an equally large chair with thick legs that could support such an extraordinary person. Timosha the giant seated his accordion player Izotov and circus cashier Sukhinin next to him. Sukhanov, a well-known shoemaker in the city, sometimes sat down with the giant. Timosha really appreciated him because he, like no one else, could make him boots that were no different from the fashionable ones in St. Petersburg, unless, of course, you count their non-standard sizes - number 54!
During the revolution, during the Civil War, Timosha, of course, had no time for the circus. He earned some extra money, not disdaining even the most unenviable jobs. The old-timers of the Liski railway junction remember Bakulin for the fact that he unloaded the cars for ten people, putting an enormous burden on his shoulders. But he especially amazed Liski at one communist subbotnik in 1923, when he undertook to manually transfer a dozen multi-pound wheel pairs from freight cars to a neighboring railway line.
The memory of the giant, the glorious Russian hero, is worthily preserved today by the Ostrogozh Historical and Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy. Collected are letters and memories of Bakulin's wife Maria Platonovna, their children Larisa, Tatyana and Vladimir, friends and admirers.
Timofey Antonovich died quite unexpectedly - in 1936. All my life I didn’t even have a runny nose - so at first I didn’t pay any attention to the disease, popularly called “jaundice” (hepatitis). Timofey Antonovich was admitted to the Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital in Moscow. Only then medicine could not curb this jaundice. The life of a giant was 42 years...
The scientific council decided: it is necessary to preserve for posterity the skeleton of the tallest, most strong man Russia. And it was done.
The giant’s body, without the family’s permission, was used for anatomical purposes, and Timofey Bakulin’s skeleton is still in the pathology department of Clinical Hospital No. 7 in Moscow.
But Bakulin’s wife, Maria Platonovna, could not understand this decision. She obtained an appointment with the All-Union Elder, Comrade Kalinin, and he told her confidentially that “we must come to terms with this fact.” Science, they say, is necessary for the people. Facts in this science are the same as experience in public life.
The staff of the Ostrogozh Local History Museum dedicated an entire section to the Russian hero, the giant Bakulin. Under the glass you can see his photographs, that same wedding ring, of unprecedented size, an almost half-meter-long last, on which the master shoemaker Fyodor Sakhnov made boots for the giant...
No one in his family was distinguished by extraordinary qualities. Only one of the grandchildren, Volodya, is 1 meter 98 centimeters tall. In the photo next to the strongman stands his father, a man of quite ordinary height.

Source: Newspaper "Commune", 2006

Timothy Bakulin (1894-1936 biennium) - born in the village thorn Ostrogozhsk county Voronezh province. Height giant reached 2 meters 40 centimeters and weighed 13 pounds (208 kilograms).
silischey Timothy was extraordinary - a joke could easily raise the angle of the log barn and shove it under his battered hat. Then this angle raised himself again and turned into a pancake hat again hoisting the big curly head Timosha. Configured
he was always excellent. Remarkably healthy. Complicated fine. It would be beautiful even if it was not brown tan, not bulging slightly lower jaw and some navoloch concealed sadness in large blue eyes. He often surprised with the kindness giant smiled, tossing his head, showing wonderful young teeth. And a pleasant smell came from it. It was mixed with rye wind of steppe, with the smell of tar, hard hobnailed boots, with mint flavor snuff: Timosha never smoked, and sniffed.
abbot rural church father Peter, baptizing children, often after prayers adds: "Let it grow good lad, strong and robust as our Timosha."
Father one of the first Thorn praised heroic abilities fellow when he once playfully grabbed at Christmastime trehpudovy keg with ice and threw it on the roof of the barn. Timosha not know what to do God given him strength, and Father Peter advised Udaltsov cling to some traveling circus: and people will be entertaining to watch him, and to the efforts of some earnings will follow.
All was fine with the development Timosha to ten years. And then suddenly almost became the eyes to add to growth, unusually distributed in the shoulders. Father became close coat and stopped to climb feet into boots. By sixteen deal with increasing y Timosha gone so far that he began to come into the house almost all fours. It was impossible to straighten him already in the upper room at full length, it was impossible to fit on the shelf. Yes, there is still, unfortunately, appetite was played - could easily Timosha uhlopat iron soup. And this mother was preparing to cast the entire populous family.
Increasingly became small to show your character. One day my father did not want to take Timosha Ostrogozhsk the fair: light weight to have to drag them both gelding. "Ah well! .." - Flared Timosha and grasping the tail of a cart, pulled her back with his horse. Bata had to go back down. When
Timosha went eighteenth year, moved their family to Ostrogozhsk. They settled on the street Avdiivka contrary to the joinery factory (now the street Liberation). People have been detained factory Bakulin monastery, trying to see over the fence Timosha-giant hear it thundering bass from which frightened pozvenkivali glass. From neighboring boys died Timosha aisle. They wanted to look him in the face, and because they are bullied cool head, dumped down their hats. Tearfully begged sometimes giant guys throw them over the high fence of the garden city, where in the evening allowed by ticket only, and surrendered Timosha warned only, so not very confused Ogoltsov underfoot dancing.
In the garden once toured circus tent. And he remembered the former council Timosha Ternovsk priest closer to circus performers, adept, able to fabricate to the public the most extraordinary things. "What can you do?" - Asked the director Timosha marquees. "Yes I can, for example - he replied innocently, - throw you under your most circus dome and back tselehonkim catch."
Since that time began at Timosha rebirth. He spoke in the company with a huge boa constrictors, obveshivayas their rings. Pieces in one fell swoop hammer smashing mnogopudovye boulder. Struggled with treharshinnym bear, which seemed mighty hands Timoshin teddy bear. In short, doing what nobody has been able to do.
special charm performances giant gave his appearance with acrobat Pauline, which had a height of one meter. She did Timosha everything she wanted: squirrel jumped on his shoulders, suit yourself horizontal bar on his outstretched arms, the scope of which reached almost four meters. Beauty Room Timosha highly Pauline tossed, caught it, tossed again - and the circus was torn from the applause. That squall
time associated with a significant event in the life of Timosha - he married a maid circus beauty Marusya. On this occasion, the groom had to choose a wedding ring. But this, so inserting their finger on velikansky acrobat, is nowhere. And then came to the rescue Timosha familiar jeweler produce "Ring" in size Nicholas silver ruble. After
tent acted by Timothy Antonovich in large circles. Under the precondition sellout met him in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Tiflis. Shaken by his prowess velikanskoy, mountaineers gave him a specially tailored suit cherkestsa to a hat, and in this ceremonial garb he makes a tour of Europe, Asia and North America. Newspapers then enthusiastically wrote that Gulliver named Timosha worthy of Great Russia. It is such a fabulous heroes fenced at one time Europe from the invasion of the Mongols.
of course, do not forget about Timothy Antonovich his native Ostrogozhsk. Timosha was welcomed as a star, as a man who became a legend in his lifetime. He convened specifically booked restaurant all their friends and acquaintances, talked about he had seen in Paris, London, New York, and there was no end toasts. Eyewitnesses claimed those feasts that could Timosha giant quietly drain for the whole evening Forequarter vodka (3 liters!) And "zapolirovat" sorokagradusnuyu two dozen bottles of cold beer.
kept in a local restaurant for Timothy Antonovich specially hewn oak table and the same large envelope chair on a thick legs, which could withstand such an extraordinary person. Soot Timosha giant next to him and his accordionist Izotova circus cashier Suhinina. Sometimes sit down to a giant and well-known in the master shoemakers Affairs Sukhanov. Preochen Timosha appreciated it for what he could, as no one stitch him boots that did not differ from the fashionable St. Petersburg, unless, of course, do not consider them non-standard sizes - 54 th issue! In
revolution, during the Civil War was, of course, not to Timosha circus. Moonlighting something not shrinking and most unenviable jobs. Old-timers remember the railway junction LISKI Bakulin that unloading wagons for ten, vzvalivaya on their shoulders the burden non-positive. But he was particularly struck by one LISKI communist Saturday in 1923, holding hand perebrosat the adjacent railway line with a dozen many wheelsets from boxcars.
Memory of the giant, glorious Russian hero worthy saves today Ostrogozhsky History and Art Museum of INKramskoy. Collected letters, memoirs wife Bakulina Platonovna Mary, their children - Larissa, Tatiana and Vladimir, friends and admirers. Died
Timothy Antonovich quite unexpectedly - in 1936. All my life, even the common cold did not know - so that no attention is paid to the first hvorobu under the national name "jaundice" (hepatitis). Timothy Antonovich put the Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital in Moscow. Only then could not this medicine jaundice curb. Life giant was 42 years old ...
Scientist council decided it is necessary to preserve for posterity the skeleton of the highest, most powerful man in Russia. And it was done.
giant body without the permission of the family, used in anatomical order, and Timothy Bakulina skeleton and is now in the pathology department of clinical hospital No. 7 in Moscow.
just could not understand this decision Bakulina wife Maria Platonovna. She made an appointment with Union headman Comrade Kalinin, and he told her in confidence that "we must come to terms with this fact." Science, they say, people need. The facts in this science are the same as the experience in public life.
Russian athlete, giant Bakulin employees Ostrogozhsk regional museum dedicated a whole section. Under glass, you can see his photos, then it is an engagement ring, unprecedented size, almost half a meter block on which the master shoemakers Affairs Fedor Sakhnov Tachan giant boots ...
His family no different extraordinary qualities. Only one of the grandchildren, Volodya, growth has 1 meter 98 centimeters. In the photo next to the strongman is his father, a man quite ordinary growth.

提摩太Bakulin(1894至1936年两年期) - 出生在村里刺Ostrogozhsk县沃罗涅日省。巨人身高达到2米40厘米,体重13磅(208公斤)。
Silischey Timosha 。 配置
他总是优秀。值得注意的是健康的。复杂的罚款。这将是美丽的,即使它不是棕色棕褐色,不稍膨隆下颌和一些navoloch隐藏悲伤的大蓝眼睛。他经常感到惊讶与善良巨头 The合,用焦油的气味,很难hobnailed靴子,用薄荷味鼻烟:Timosha从 未吸过烟,闻了闻。
Timosha强劲。” - 父亲第一次刺中的一个称赞同胞英勇的能力时,他曾 Timosha不知道该怎么做上帝赐给他力量,父亲彼得劝Udaltsov依偎着一些旅行马戏团:人们会招待看 Timosha至十年。然后突然几乎成了目光父亲成了亲密的外套和停止爬升到脚的 靴子。由16面对日益ŸTimosha走了这么远,他就开始进了屋子几乎完全一致。这是不可能拉直他已经在楼上的全长,这是不可能的,以适应在货架上。 是的,还有,很不幸,食欲被演奏 - 可以很容易地Timosha uhlopat铁汤。而这个母亲正准备投的整个人口众多的家庭。
Timosha Ostrogozhsk 公平:重量轻,有拖他们两个阉马。 “不错啊......!” - 扩 Timosha
Timosha去了十八年,拘留的工厂Bakulin修道院,想看看翻过栅栏Timosha巨人听到雷鸣般的 低音从惊吓pozvenkivali玻璃。从邻近的男孩死于Timosha过道。他们想看看他的脸,因为他们都欺负冷静的头脑,抛弃了他们的帽子。含泪恳求有时巨头家伙扔在花园里的城市, Timosha警告,所以不是很迷茫Ogoltsov脚下跳舞。 酒店Timosha Ternovsk牧师更接近马戏表演 ,娴熟,能够制造公众最不平凡的事。 “你可以做什么?” - 问导演Timosha跑马灯。 “是的,我可以,例如 - 他傻傻地回答说, - 你扔在你最马戏团 的圆顶和背部tselehonkim渔获物。”
» Timoshin玩具熊。总之,做 什么没有人能够做到。
特殊魅力的表演巨人给了他的外观与Acrobat宝莲,其中有一米的高度。她做了Timosha一切她想要的东西:松鼠跳上了他的肩膀,适应自己在他伸出的手臂单杠, Timosha 宝莲高抛,接住,再扔 - 和马戏团从掌声撕裂。 在Timosha的寿命显著事件相关联的飑 - 时间 - 他娶了一个女仆马戏团 Marusya技演员,是没有出路的。然后来到救援Timosha熟悉的珠宝商生产“环”大小尼古拉斯银 卢布。 以后 - 10吨霍震霆担任安东诺维奇在大马戏团。根据前提出卖遇见了他在莫斯科,圣彼第比利斯。通过他的英勇velikanskoy Cherkestsa美的巡演。报纸然后热情地写道。它 。
当然,不要忘了蒂莫西。 Timosha欢迎,作为一个明星,作为一个男人谁他专门召集预订餐厅所有的朋友和熟人,谈 Timosha 巨头悄悄流失了整整一个晚上前躯伏特加(3升!)和“zapolirovat”sorokagradusnuyu二十几 瓶冰啤酒。
保存在本地餐厅蒂莫西·安东诺维奇专门凿成的橡木桌个粗腿,它可以承受如此非凡的Timosha巨人在他旁边和他的手风琴Izotova马戏团收银 员 Suhinina为没有人一针一线他没有从时尚圣彼得堡的不同,当然,除非,不考虑 这些非标尺寸的靴子 - 54个问题!在
Timosha 马戏团。走穴的东西不缩水,最吃力不讨好的工作。老前辈记得铁路枢纽里斯基Bakulin的卸载货车十,vzvalivaya在他们肩上的担子不积极 (1923) 。
巨人的记忆,光荣俄罗斯英雄值得保存Ostrogozhsky今天历史和INKramskoy的艺术博物馆。收集信件,回忆录Bakulina Platonovna 死亡
蒂莫西安东诺维奇竟意外 - 在1936年我所有的生活,连感冒都不知道 - 所以没有注意根据国家命名为“黄疸”(肝炎)支付给第一hvorobu。蒂莫西·安东诺 维奇把博金传染病医院在莫斯科举行。只有到那时,没有这种药黄疸路边。生活巨头是42岁...
No. 7病理科。
Bakulina 的妻子玛丽亚Platonovna。她做了与联盟头人加里宁同志的任命的信心,“我们必须知道如何面对这个事实。”科学,他们说,人们所需要的 Bakulin一整节。玻璃下,你可以看到他的照片,那么它是一枚订婚戒指,规模空前 Sakhnov大展巨靴...孙子之一,沃洛佳,生长有1米98厘米。在旁边的 的照片是他的父亲,一个男人很普通的增长。

Who among us in childhood did not read folk tales about the heroes of the Russian land? And, of course, in first place was Ilya Muromets, who possessed heroic strength.

As children, we think little about fairy tale miracles - we simply believe in them, and with age we begin to understand Pushkin’s “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!” After all, fairy tales could not be born out of nowhere. There were real heroes on Russian land!

This is not how you treat your own father.

As a boy, I heard legends about Timosha Silinsky. It turned out that this was a real person, and my fellow countryman. In the post-war years, few people were interested in such phenomena; the country was recovering from war devastation.

Rich local history museum named after I.N. Kramskoy in the city of Ostrogozhsk was looted during the occupation, many exhibits disappeared. In the revived museum there was one photograph that amazed everyone. On it were the Bakulin father and son, who were talked about amazing stories. Everyone called their son Timosha Silinsky. He had remarkable strength and was the pride of the entire region.

Timofey was born in the village of Ternovoye, which was located next to the district town of Ostrogozhsk and was popularly called “exile.” His parents were peasants. Until the age of ten, Timosha was no different from his peers, and then suddenly he began to grow by leaps and bounds.

His father always took Timosha to the fair in Ostrogozhsk, but one day he noticed that if he put his son on a cart, there was no room to put anything there - there was no room. And it’s not easy for horses either. The next time it was time to go to the fair, his father told Timosha to stay at home. He, offended, declared: “Then you, dad, won’t go anywhere!” - he grabbed the loaded cart with both hands, and the horse could not budge. They agreed: Timofey will sit in the cart when the road is downhill, when uphill - to help the horse, and on level ground to walk next to him. The boy honestly fulfilled the agreement.

When Timofey had already matured, many asked him about this incident: is it really true that he can hold a cart and horse in place? And Timofey always answered: “I was a foolish boy then.” Today I wouldn’t do that to my own father.

Incident on Maidan

During the NEP years, Bakulin began speaking to the public and showing his strength. At first he worked in the county, and then joined a touring circus. Everything would be fine, but there was one problem: the cab drivers, as soon as they saw the giant, immediately left - they were afraid that the carriages would not withstand the enormous weight of the rider. Then Timofey's friend, a sedentary gypsy Ivan Verbitsky, nicknamed Ivan Sereda, made a special chaise for him, and a pair of horses carried the strong man around the district...

It was in those years that Timofey received the nickname Silinsky. The then resident of Ostrogozhsk, Grigory Kravtsov, recalled how this happened:

Then Timofey lived on the Maidan - in a city settlement, not far from his friend, the gypsy Sereda. We boys ran after him in a crowd as he walked down the street. We tried to run closer and... raising your head, look into his face. When we raised our heads, our caps flew off - he was so huge. One day, passers-by began to ask Timofey to show his strength, and he agreed. Ivan Sereda harnessed the horses to the chaise and sat down in the coachman's place. Timosha took the springs with both hands, and Ivan began to fasten the horses. The horses could not move the chaise. To prevent the lines from breaking, we had to stop this experiment. Since then, Timofey began to be called Silinsky.

Even today, on the Maidan and in Peski (districts of the city of Ostrogozhsk), a good wish for newborn boys has been preserved: “Grow up, baby, kind, strong and healthy, like Timosha Silinsky!” With a height of 2 meters 45 centimeters, Timofey weighed about 190 kilograms and, possessing truly remarkable strength, was a real athlete.

Skeleton for the benefit of science

Having entered the circus, Timofey traveled with him around the Union. At first, on all his trips he was accompanied by his wife, Maria Platonovna, an unremarkable woman. After the children were born, two daughters and a son, the wife had to stay at home. Timosha hardly knew how to read and write, and his friends wrote letters to his wife under his dictation...
His acts in the circus included wrestling with a bear and other wrestlers and lifting weights. They also smashed stones worth pounds on his chest with hammers.

In that ill-fated summer of 1937, the circus toured Georgia. First the bear fell ill, then one of the circus attendants, and then Timosha himself. The hero was taken to Moscow and placed in the infectious diseases department of the Botkin Hospital. The family was informed about Timofey's illness only when his condition became very serious. This is how his daughter, rural paramedic Larisa, recalled it in 1982 (she was sixteen years old when her father fell ill):

We found my father alive when he was lying in the isolation ward, dressed inappropriately. The blanket was made from two, and the backs of the bed were removed. My father was happy to see us, he was very offended by the doctors who did not inform us about his illness for so long. He told his mother: “I will die soon, and I was afraid that I would not see you. They won’t give me to you for burial, I heard from the doctors that I am now a “statesman.” My mother and I didn’t believe it, but it turned out to be true.

A week after we left Moscow, dad died, and we were informed about his death much later. The father was dissected and turned into a skeleton, and then the bones were put on hooks. Here is our giant father standing in a glass cabinet in a clinical infectious diseases hospital in Moscow for 45 years for the benefit of science...

Our heritage

In the early 80s of the last century, the Ostrogozh Museum decided to restore the life story of Timofey Bakulin. Unfortunately, time was lost, and many facts of the biography of the Russian hero were forgotten. But we managed to find out something.

After the death of her husband, Maria Platonovna obtained a reception from the All-Union elder Mikhail Kalinin and asked to give up the body. He listened to her and promised monetary compensation. The widow was paid a small amount of money, but a pension was never provided for her two still minor children, and she raised them herself.

After the Great Patriotic War, the widow of Timofey Bakulin settled in Vladimir. Her eldest daughter Larisa found her father’s skeleton on display in Moscow. From then on, until her death in 1971, Maria Platonovna went to the capital to visit the remains of her husband - she would come, bow and stand near him for a long time.
All members of the Bakulin family are of normal height. Only one of Timofey’s grandchildren, Volodya, is very tall: 1 meter 98 centimeters.

Strange feelings arise when you look at the photographs of Timosha Silinsky and at the stand in the local history museum of the city of Ostrogozhsk with a shoe last of size 54! The author of these lines tried to find the skeleton of his fellow countryman in the anatomical museums of Moscow, but in vain. Perhaps he is gathering dust somewhere in the storerooms, and his descendants, scattered across the earth, have probably already forgotten about their giant ancestor.

But the phenomenon of Timofey Bakulin is not just a regional phenomenon. This hero was a real treasure of Russia... Unfortunately, we are often inattentive to our history, and to ourselves.

In the regional city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region, in the local history museum, a small display case attracts attention, telling about the local giant Timofey Antonovich Bakulin. His popular name was Timosha Silinsky, short and succinct.

It would seem that this was quite recently, but there are many discrepancies in the documents relating to the Silinsky phenomenon. For example, in some the dates of life are 1895–1935, in others 1894–1936. and according to his daughter, she and her mother went to the Botkin hospital, where he died in 1937. So, most likely, Timosha’s life dates are as follows: 1894–1937.

Russian phenomenon

The phenomenon of this Russian hero is that with a height of 2 meters 45 centimeters, he had a relatively small weight of 190 kg and had remarkable strength. Unlike modern Guinness record holders, who have a “jelly-like” body despite their enormous weight, Timosha was a real athlete. From the memoirs of his contemporaries, who traveled all over Europe during the Second World War: “...Nowhere, in any country, have I met such a hero, there was not even a hint!” (War and labor veteran G. Kravtsov, January 4, 1984, museum materials).

The life story of Timofey Bakulin (Silinsky) is very interesting. He was born in the village of Ternov, which was near the city of Ostrogozhsk and was popularly called “exile,” into an ordinary peasant family. Until the age of ten he grew up as a completely normal child, and after that age he began to grow incredibly tall.

While Timosha was a boy, his father always took him to the fair in Ostrogozhsk. But suddenly the father noticed that if you take Timosha into the cart, there is nowhere to put anything else, and the horse can hardly pull the cart. The father began to deny his son the trip, and he, offended, said: “Then you, dad, won’t go anywhere!” When his father, having loaded the cart, wanted to set off, Timofey grabbed the cart with his hands, and the horse could not budge. We agreed as follows: Timofey will ride in a cart, when he goes down the hill, he will help the horse up the hill, and on level ground he will walk next to him. Timosha smiled as a sign of gratitude and honestly fulfilled the agreement.

Bakulin's mature years occurred during the NEP, when, as they would say today, private entrepreneurship was allowed.

Then he started demonstrating strength exercises - first in the district, and then joined a touring circus. He had to travel around the district, but cab drivers refused him because of his height and weight, fearing for their carriages. His friend, a sedentary gypsy Ivan Verbitsky, nicknamed Ivan Sereda, made a special phaeton cart for him, and a pair of horses carried Timosha around the district...

It was then that Timofey publicly confirmed his strength and received the nickname Silinsky. And it was like this: “Timofey lived on the Maidan next to Sereda,” recalls Grigory Kravtsov, “and we boys ran after him in a crowd when he walked down the street. We asked him to show strength, but he didn't want to. One day adults joined our request, and he agreed. Ivan Sereda harnessed the horses to the phaeton and sat down on the coachman's seat. Timosha took the springs with both hands, and Ivan began to fasten the horses. The horses could not move the phaeton. In order to avoid the lines being torn apart, this action had to be stopped.”


Even today, on Maidan and in Peski, formerly settlements, and now microdistricts of the city of Ostrogozhsk, there is still a good wish for born male children: “Grow up, baby, kind, strong and healthy, like Timosha Silinsky.”

In the early 80s of the last century, the Ostrogozh Museum of Local Lore managed to contact the eldest daughter of Timofey Bakulin, Mareshkina Larisa Timofeevna, who lived in the city of Tolyatti. She knew a lot about her father's life. What she managed to report added to the knowledge about the Russian hero.

Timofey Bakulin married early, to an ordinary Russian girl, Maria Platonovna Usova. She had three children from the giant - two daughters and a son. The Bakulins have a generation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all ordinary people, only one grandson, Volodya, 1 meter 98 centimeters tall.

Timofey joined a touring circus and initially traveled with him along with his wife. But when the children appeared, the wife stayed at home, and he was away for three or four months. At the circus, they smashed stones like pounds on his chest with hammers, and he fought with a bear and other wrestlers.

In that ill-fated summer of 1937, the circus toured Georgia. First, a bear fell ill with a mysterious disease, then one of the circus attendants, and then Timosha Silinsky. Despite his strength, the hero could not defeat the microbe. It was an infection - the so-called “Botkin’s disease”.

Timofey was taken to Moscow and placed in the infectious diseases department of the Botkin Hospital. When he became really ill, only then did he tell his family. This is how his daughter Larisa, who was then 16 and a half years old and already working as a paramedic in the village of Ternovoe, recalls this: “We found my father alive when he was lying in the isolation ward, dressed inappropriately. The blanket was made from two, and the backs of the bed were removed.

My father was happy to see us and was very offended by the doctors who did not inform us about his illness for so long. He told his mother: “I will die soon, and I was afraid that I would not see you. They won’t give me to you for burial, I heard from the doctors that I am now a “statesman.” My mother and I didn’t believe it, but it turned out to be true. After we left Moscow, dad died a week later, and we were informed about his death much later. The father was dissected and turned into a skeleton. Here is our father, a giant, standing in a clinical infectious diseases hospital in a glass cabinet for 45 years for the benefit of the science of the medical institute in Moscow...” (letter from Larisa Timofeevna Mereshkina, the eldest daughter of Timofey Silinsky, dated November 15, 1982).

Larisa was then about 17 years old, had little life experience, and her mother was an illiterate woman. And yet, Maria Platonovna achieved an appointment with Mikhail Kalinin, the “all-Union headman.” He listened to her and ordered her to reach an amicable agreement with the widow. She was paid a small amount of money to get rid of her requests, but a pension for her two still minor children was never assigned. Maria Platonovna raised them on her shoulders herself and raised them to be worthy people.

After the Great Patriotic War, Timofey Bakulin’s wife moved to live in the city of Vladimir. Her eldest daughter Larisa found her father’s skeleton in Moscow and showed it to her mother. And Maria Platonovna, until her death, went to Moscow to see the skeleton of her husband - she would come, bow to the skeleton and stand next to it for a long time. No one ever asked her who she was and why she came so often to look at the skeleton. No one cared or cared whose skeleton it was or what kind of phenomenon it was. And if you look at the big picture, the phenomenon of Timosha Silinsky is not only a phenomenon on a regional scale, but a heritage of Russia, but... We are not very attentive to ourselves, to our history and to our people in general.

I tried to find the skeleton of my fellow countryman in the anatomical museums of Moscow, but in vain. Perhaps the giant’s skeleton is gathering dust somewhere in the storerooms, and his descendants, scattered across the expanses of the earth, have probably already forgotten about their giant ancestor.

Timofey Bakunin (Silinsky) was born in the Voronezh region into a peasant family. Until the age of 10, he grew up like all ordinary children, but then he began to grow by leaps and bounds. By the age of 18, a five-kopeck coin passed freely through his ring, and his height reached 2 meters 45 centimeters with a weight of 190 kilograms. Timofey was smart and possessed remarkable strength, and was the pride of his region.

The Russian hero was born in the village of Ternovoye, near the district town of Ostrogozhsk, popularly called “exile.” His father, a peasant, often went with Timofey to the fair in Ostrogozhsk. But then I began to notice that when my son sat on the cart, there was no more room for the goods, and the horse could barely drag his legs. One day, the elder Bakunin decided to leave his son at home, but he grabbed the loaded cart with his hands, stopped the horse and declared: “Then you, dad, won’t go anywhere!” Bakunin had to take his kalancha son with him, but they agreed that Timofey would sit in the cart when the road was downhill, when going uphill he would help the horse, and when out of the blue he would walk next to him. Years later, Timofey was asked about this incident, and he admitted that he did this to his own father because he was a stupid guy.

One photograph of the Bakunins (Timofey and father) is preserved in the I.N. Museum of Local Lore. Kramskoy in the city of Ostrogozhsk. There were more photographs, but the museum suffered during the occupation and many exhibits disappeared. Several more photographs were preserved by his descendants.

Having matured, Timofey moved to live in Ostrogozhsk, in an area called Maidan. It was there that he received the nickname Silinsky. This happened during the NEP years. To support himself and his family (Timofey had married by that time), he joined a touring circus. His friend, the gypsy Sereda, lived next to him. The friend’s neighbor at the time, Grigory Kravtsov, recalled that the boys ran in a crowd after the giant when he walked down the street. “We tried to run closer and, raising our heads, look into his face. When we raised our heads, our caps flew off - he was so huge.”

Kravtsov said that Sereda made a special chaise for his friend, and a couple of horses carried the giant around the district. One day Timofey demonstrated his strength to passersby. Ivan Sereda harnessed the horses to the chaise, sat down on the coachman's seat and began to fasten the horses. Timofey, meanwhile, grabbed the springs with both hands. And he won, because the horses did not budge. It was from that time that the hero received the nickname Silinsky. A good wish for newborn boys also became popular in the city: “Grow up, baby, kind, strong and healthy, like Timosha Silinsky!”

Timofey began to travel with the circus Soviet Union. His signature performances were: fighting a bear, lifting weights, breaking pounds of stones on his chest with hammers. At first, the hero went on tour with his wife, but after the birth of children, a boy and a girl, Maria Platonova remained to live at home. She corresponded with her husband during his tour. Timofey was illiterate, so his friends helped him write letters home.

In the summer of 1937, the circus came on tour to Georgia, and then misfortunes began. First the bear fell ill, then the circus attendant, then Timofey himself fell ill. His condition worsened, and he was taken to Moscow, placed in the infectious diseases department of the Botkin Hospital. Relatives learned about Timofey's illness when his condition became very serious. His wife and daughter arrived at the hospital and found him still alive.

This is what Larisa, his daughter, recalled: “He was lying in the isolation ward, dressed inappropriately. The blanket was made from two, and the backs of the bed were removed. My father was happy to see us, he was very offended by the doctors who did not inform us about his illness for so long.”

Timofey told his wife that he would die soon, but he knew that he would not be given to his family for the funeral, since he was now a “statesman.” Larisa didn’t believe it then, but everything turned out to be true. After his death, Silin was anatomized, and his skeleton stood in a glass cabinet in a clinical infectious diseases hospital in Moscow for 45 years.

Maria Platonovna tried to get permission to release the body, even went to Mikhail Kalinin. The All-Union headman promised her only monetary compensation and a pension for two minor children. The widow was paid a small amount of money, but she never received a pension. From then on, until her death in 1971, Maria Platonovna traveled to the capital to visit the remains of her husband, standing for a long time near his remains. Currently, the skeleton is hidden in the storerooms of the anatomical museum. Perhaps his descendants achieved this. It is noteworthy that all of them are of normal height and only one grandson is 198 centimeters tall.