BBC Russian Service - Information Services. Member of the Russian national cricket team: “Veliky Novgorod has every chance to professionally develop this sport What is the difference between cricket and croquet

Part 1


    Buy equipment. A proper game of cricket requires several pieces of specialized equipment. A minimum of six cricket wicket posts, four crossbars, two cricket bats and one ball are required. Most teams have uniforms and protective equipment for the wicketkeeper (wicketkeeper).

    • Columns and crossbars are wooden pieces that are used to build wickets, one of the most important objects in cricket. Gate installation is described in more detail at the end of this section.
    • A cricket bat is a large bat made from willow wood, flat on one side and convex on the other for added strength. The ball must be hit with the flat side of the bat to hit it further.
    • A cricket ball is similar to a baseball in size and composition, but is sewn in a straight line like tennis ball and consists of two hemispheres connected by a seam. Cricket balls are traditionally red with white stitching; nowadays white balls are sometimes used for better visibility at large matches.
    • The cricket uniform includes long trousers, a shirt (short or long sleeve) and shoes. Most cricketers wear cleats (studded shoes) for better grip on the pitch, but this is not required. In matches with a traditional red ball, the kit must be white or white with shades.
    • The wicket keeper may wear protective equipment similar to that of a baseball catcher: webbed gloves, shin guards, and a face mask. Other players are not allowed to wear protective equipment.
  1. Explore the cricket field. Cricket is played on a large oval field. In the center of the field is a rectangular area called a pitch. The field boundaries must be clearly marked along its outer edge.

    Mark up crises. Pitch zones are divided into segments by lines called crises (“folds”). There are four types of crises:

    Install gates. The gate is a structure of three pegs, called columns, stuck into the ground, with two crossbars that are threaded through the grooves between each pair of columns (left-center and center-right). In most cases, the batsman whose wicket is knocked off the crossbar by the ball is out, so defending the wickets is an important part of the offense.

    Part 2

    Concepts and rules
    1. Learn the purpose of the game. As with most field games, the goal in cricket is to score more points than the opposing team, which is earned by running from one spot to the next before time is up or you are put out by run-outs by defenders called the “field team.” ". The batting team is called the "batsman".

      Learn the basics of gameplay. In cricket, each team consists of 11 players. An additional 12th player may be on the reserve in case of injury, but cannot be used in any other way. At any given time, the fielding team must have 11 players on the field, while the batting team must have two players, called batsmen. To earn points, batsmen try to hit the ball after it is bowled by a field team bowler and then switch places without an out.

    2. Study the structure of the game. Cricket, like baseball, uses specialized terms to describe each segment of the game. Depending on the length of the match, the number of innings can be from one to two per team. Each innings can contain any number of "overs", which are a series of innings. The following paragraphs provide a more detailed description of these elements of the game:

      • Each time a bowler bowls, whether or not the striker hits the ball, a score is made. After the bowler bowls the ball 6 times in one direction, an “over” is declared. On an over, the bowler must be replaced by a new bowler. Bowlers may not bowl multiple overs in a row, but they may return after one bowl by another bowler. So, theoretically, two bowlers can change places to bowl for the entire innings. When an over is called, the bowler's position moves from one end of the pitch to the other.
        • This also means that strikers can change between overs, depending on which end of the pitch they are at when the over is called. Strikers also rotate depending on how many runs have been thrown, as the bowler only changes position at an over. For example, if only one run is thrown, the pitch edges of the striker and non-striker are reversed, resulting in the non-striker becoming the striker on the next pitch.
      • At any time when a batsman is declared out, he must leave the field and another player of his team must enter in his place. If the fielding team manages to earn 10 eliminations in an innings, then the innings is declared over as there is no longer a batsman left to stand in the second pitch position. Batsman elimination methods will be discussed later.
      • An innings is a single period of play for the entire batting team. In short varieties of cricket, each team is allowed a certain number of overs per innings; once that number is reached, the innings ends in a tie, even if the fielding team has not earned 10 eliminations. In the most prestigious and professional form of cricket, Test cricket, there is no limit to the number of innings allowed, so most innings usually end after 10 eliminations. At the end of the innings, the fielding and batting teams switch places, and the innings for the fielding (now batsling) team begins.
        • Test matches last a maximum of 5 days and take place for six hours a day. In the shortest and most widespread form of cricket, Twenty20, one innings per team is allowed, and the maximum number of overs per inning is 20. Twenty20 matches usually only last a few hours.
    3. Learn the importance of gates. Wickets are the central part of cricket. One of the main ways a batsman is put out of play is to knock one or more of the crossbars off his wicket with the ball, which is called "breaking" the wicket. There are several conditions under which this situation will lead to elimination:

      • If the bowler is able to hit the striker's wicket directly with his serve and destroy it, the striker is considered out of service.
      • If the batsman is outside of one of the popping crises on the pitch, then the bowler can destroy his wicket by either hitting it with the ball hand or hitting the ball directly on it. In this case, the batsman is declared out as a result of a run out.
      • Since non-strikers often leave a popping crisis when the bowler is about to pitch (similar to how baseball players move from bases waiting for a run to the next base), the bowler can put the non-striker out of the game by stopping the pitch and destroying the basket before he can hit. will return to the crisis. This also counts as a run-out elimination.
      • If the striker, while attempting to hit the ball, misses it and steps in for a popping crisis, the wicketkeeper may break the wicket by catching the pitch and hitting the wicket with the ball, resulting in an elimination. This type of elimination is also called a "stampd".
      • If the striker intentionally uses any part of his body to block the ball from hitting the wicket, he is out under the foot in front of the wicket rule. The abbreviation LBW (leg before wicket) is usually used for this situation.
      • If the striker accidentally hits his own wicket and destroys it, he is considered out by “wicket-hitting”. Wicket eliminations occur regardless of what broke the wicket, but only happens when the striker has attempted to hit the ball or has hit the ball and is trying to run to the other end of the pitch.
        • On the other hand, if the striker hits the ball and it hits the non-striker's gate, the non-striker is not out. The bowler can still pick up the ball and throw it at the non-striker's wicket to take him out of play.
    4. Find out more ways to take the batsman out of the game. Besides the wicket, there are other ways to take the batsman out of the game. Some of them are quite common, while others are rare, and if they occur, then only on games. higher levels. Certain more technical eliminations can only be decided by the umpire, two (or sometimes three) of whom are on the field at any given time.

      • The striker is out on a "cat-out" if a player on the fielding team catches the ball before it touches the ground. This is the most common type of elimination. If the fielder who caught the ball stepped over the line of marking out of bounds, the batsman earns 6 runs. This rule applies if the player catches the ball out of bounds or steps over the line after catching it.
      • If a batsman without a bat touches the ball with his hand without prior permission from the fielding team, he is out for “touching the ball with his hands”. This rule does not apply to the ball hitting the batsman after serving and other accidental touches.
      • If a batsman attempts to kick a ball already in play with his arm or body (usually while defending his wicket), or interferes with the fielding team's attempts to return the ball to the pitch and earn an elimination, he is out for "obstructing the fielder". However, a run in which the batsman is between the fielder with the ball and the batsman's wicket is not prohibited.
      • If the striker hits the ball twice without intending to knock the ball off his wicket, he will be declared out. Kicking the ball twice to confuse field players is strictly prohibited.
      • If a batsman is declared out and a new batsman does not enter the field within two minutes, he is declared out by the time-out rule.
    5. Extra points. There are several conditions under which additional wounds may be awarded. They are singled out for the purpose of calculating player averages, but are identical to any other run types for determining a winner. The four additional types are:

      • When a "no-ball" is declared as a result of an illegal serve, a batsman can be out of the game only as a result of a run-out, touching the ball with his hands, obstructing the field or double hitting the ball. Runs awarded when a no-ball is called are considered extra runs, and each no-ball thrown by the bowler must be made up by another throw in the same over. (Thus, a bowler with a one-time no-ball would need 7 innings to reach the over, not 6.)
        • If no runs were scored in a no-ball event, one run is still added to the team's score.
      • When a bowler bowls a wide ball, the batting team automatically scores one run. As with extra points given for a no-ball, the wides must be reimbursed to the bowler by adding innings to his over.
      • If the striker attempts to hit the ball but misses and the wicket keeper fails to catch the ball, the batsman may attempt to earn playing wounds. Such wounds are called "bays".
      • A "leg buy" occurs when the striker tries to hit the ball with the bat but hits it with his body. Leg buys are otherwise identical to regular buys. Leg buys cannot be earned if the striker has not attempted to hit the ball.


I. Introduction.

II. Main part.

1. History of cricket.

2. Rules of the game of cricket.

3. Equipment and equipment for playing cricket.

4. Amateur and professional cricket.

5. Tournament "Ashes".

6. Computer game of cricket.

7. Conclusion.

The topic of my report is cricket. Until recently, I confused the concepts of cricket and croquet, what should not be done, because they are completely different games. After reading a lot of literature, I understood the differences between cricket and croquet. I learned a lot interesting facts about the history of the game and its features. And now I will try to tell you about it.

Residents of big cities enjoy spending time outside the city. Traditional occupations are hunting, fishing, sports. It is no coincidence that the names of many sports games are of English origin. Until now, there are many adherents of football, tennis, basketball, field hockey in the UK. Especially popular today are golf, horseback riding, horse polo and fox hunting.

Tennis is very popular. Wimbledon hosts annual national championships. Two other tournaments - the Davis Cup (an international and men's only championship) and the Whiteman Cup (only for US and UK women) also attract big number spectators.

International golf competitions include the Walker Cup (amateur) and the Ryder Cup (professional) played by the United States and the United Kingdom. National tournaments include the British Open and the British Amateur.

The number of international meetings on athletics thanks to the Olympic Games and records set by British runners.

The annual rowing competitions include, in addition to the meetings of the Oxford and Cambridge teams, the Henley Regatta, which is an event of international importance.

Horse racing includes cross-country running (Derby) and steeplechase (steeple chase). Derbies are held annually at Newmarket Racecourse, which is owned by the Jockey Club. The club holds two types of races. Derby and Oaks are held at Epsom Downs; Saint Ledger - in Doncaster; and Royal Ascot is at Ascot. The largest national steeple chases are held annually in Aintree, near Liverpool.

Dog racing became popular in 1926; there are currently 130 treadmills, which are visited annually by about 10 million Britons.

Car racing is also popular. Every year there are races for the British Grand Prix (Formula 1), the Tourist Trophy (sports cars) and 14 other motor races. The rallies organized by the drivers' clubs take place more than 3,000 times a year.

All over the country, every day, there are necessarily some competitions in a wide variety of sports. Most famous - traditional race The boat of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge passes in London on the river. Thames at the end of March, the Great National Steeple Chase (the oldest and most prestigious equestrian event in the world) takes place in Aintree on the first Saturday of April, the national football championship reaches its climax at London's Wembley Stadium (until 2001) in May, the most prestigious tennis competitions of the planet are held in Wimbledon at the end of June, the Royal Regatta starts in Heinley-on-Thames also in June, and at the end of July a real extravaganza of yachting is held - Cowes Wick Week on the Isle of Wight.

Cricket is perhaps the most popular (after football) game in the UK. It is somewhat similar to a lapta, but there is no Russian recklessness in it. Something baseball... but without the American aggressiveness. Cricket is a 100% English sport. And not of the sort that hooligan football or rugby. It is much closer to tennis or golf, where the audience is restrained and equally grateful to all the players, and where the friendly cry "Marat Safin - hey hey!" causes indignation of the neighbors, as if they are all at least counts and princes, and the troublemaker is a commoner.

Cricket itself is very similar to its fans. The spectacle is measured and viscous, like honey. Sometimes watching a match makes you feel a strong feeling of being at a lecture of a grandfather-professor, monotonously reading his material for a good half a century. Information flows smoothly into your ears and presses some buttons in your brain. You, especially not wanting to sleep, suddenly begin to nod off, and then, unable to fight anymore, find yourself in the arms of Morpheus. A friend wakes you up, announcing the beginning of the break ...

History of occurrence

Cricket - true English game originated in the 13th century. It is in English documents that the word "cricet" is first encountered. Its name comes from the Saxon word for stick. Presumably, from the word "cric" - that was the name of the shepherd's stick, which was used to lock the gates of the pasture. Probably, the shepherds had fun playing ball with the help of this stick curved at the end while looking after the herds.

Presumably, cricket originated from such old games as "stick and ball", "bat and ball" and "trap and ball".

The game originated in the south-east of Great Britain, on pastures for sheep - there was low grass on which it was convenient to roll the ball (it was made of wool or rags). They defended the gate with a shepherd's stick.

The first information about cricket dates back to 1300: the report on the spending of the royal court mentions the amount of 100 shillings and 6 pounds spent on "krieg" and other sports by Prince Edward.

If in the documents of the 15th century there are occasional mentions of boys playing "crackett", then in the 16th century evidence of a passion for this game is more frequent. Oliver Cromwell is said to have played cricket in his youth.

The heyday of this game came at the end of the 18th century. The beginning of this was laid by the team of the English village of Hambledon, who founded the Cricket Club in 1750. In 1787, the Marie-leBon Cricket Club (MCC) was created, which developed new rules a year later.

In 1900, cricket was even included in the list Olympic Games, but for many reasons - the unpopularity of this sport in many countries, the lack of competition - cricket was excluded.

The first Cricket World Cup, held in 1912, failed. It was not possible to determine the winner among the three participants (Australia, England and South Africa) due to bad weather. The second World Cup took place only in 1975. Teams from England, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and East Africa competed for the first World Cup. Since then, this competition has been held every four years.

The British are incredibly reverent about cricket, not recognizing that this game could have been born in some other country. As baseball is played everywhere in the USA, so in England the rules of cricket are known from the cradle.

In addition to England, cricket is very common in India, Greece, Australia.

In Russia, cricket did not take root, although it is very similar to the ancient Russian game of bast shoes.

Basic rules of cricket.

The first set of rules for cricket is the "Code of 1744", which gives the official sizes of various cricket objects.

The rules of cricket at first glance are not particularly complicated, but if you professionally engage in this sport, you will have to study a weighty volume with all the nuances of the game.

The game is played between two teams of 11 players each. The goal of the game is to earn more points (runs) than the opposing team. A match consists of one or more parts, each of which is called an innings. In each inning, one team bats and the other pitches once.

Cricket is usually played on grass. The cricket field is an oval area (cricket field), oval in shape measuring 80 by 60-70 meters, inside which is a 20.12 meters (22 yards) long earthen strip. At each end of a strip of land in the field, three posts are stuck, on top of which two small wooden crossbars are placed. (height 67.5 cm, width 20 cm).

This design is called a wicket. At each gate with bats in hand are the players of the batting team. A player on the serving team, called a bowler, throws the ball from near one of the wickets towards the other, trying to hit the wicket. The player of the kicking team (batsman), standing next to the gate, tries to protect it using a bat.

If the kicker hits the ball, he may run to the opposite wicket. The player standing at the other gate runs towards him, trying to take the place of the striker. Each such run earns a point for the batting team. The serving team tries to catch the ball and return it to one of the wickets. If the ball hit the wicket at the moment when at least one of the running players was between the wickets (behind the line), then this running player is out of the game, and another player of the kicking team takes his place. The batter is also out of the game if he fails to protect his wicket from the ball during the service or the ball is caught by a player of the kicking team after a player on the kicking team has hit the ball or touched the ball with the bat before the ball hit the ground.

When 10 players on the batting team are eliminated, the inning ends and the teams switch sides. If both teams serve once, the inning ends. A multi-day match usually consists of one or two innings (usually 5 days are allotted for two innings). The team with the most runs at the end of the match is declared the winner. If the time allotted for the match expired before it had time to end, then a draw is declared.


Each team consists of 11 players. A well-balanced team will have 4-5 bowlers (players who specialize in serves) and 5-6 batsmen (batsman) who specialize in batting. The most valuable players are the all-round players - those who serve well and hit well. Each team has one special player called the wicket-keeper. His task is to catch the pitched ball missed by the striker and try to hit the wicket with the ball if the striker was behind the line.


Before the start of the match, the captains choose 11 players and determine by lot who serves first.


Each inning consists of a series of overs. A series consists of 6 innings served by the same bowler. The same bowler is not allowed to bowl two runs in a row. During one series, the bowler bowls from one side of the court. The next bowler is serving his series from the other side of the court.


To earn one point for their team, both players of the offensive team must run to the other wicket and touch the ground behind the bat line or any part of the body. Sometimes good hit on the ball allows the attacking team to score more points if the players manage to run from wicket to wicket more than once, while the players of the serving team are trying to return the ball and break the wicket. If the ball bounces (or rolls) out of bounds, the offensive team gets 4 points. If the ball at the same time flew out of the field without touching the ground, then the attacking team earns 6 points. Points can also be awarded in case of violations or incorrectly executed serves.

The first two players on the offensive team are usually the strongest hitters and score the most points.

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What is cricket, why it was banned in 1917, and what do the Indians have to do with it, Viktor Sukhotin, the official scorer of the Russian national cricket team and the captain of the Oka Kroks team near Moscow, told the online publication

How did you get involved in cricket?

I lived in one of the quarters of Beijing, there were many immigrants from the Caribbean. In Jamaica, cricket is the No. 1 game. I became interested in what the guys were doing, and at the age of 13 I started playing.

Many people confuse cricket and croquet. What is the difference besides letter and accent?

Big difference! Cricket is similar to bast shoes, the game uses a bat and a ball. Teams, each of which consists of 11 people, take turns hitting the ball and playing in the field, trying to score the maximum number of points or, accordingly, prevent the opponent from doing so.

Croquet is a game similar in technique to billiards. With the blows of special hammers on a long handle, large bone balls are carried through a small gate. The task of the players is to hit the ball against the ball, drive it through several gates in the fewest number of hits, for the minimum number of hits.

Victor, I know that the game originated in England, how did it get to such distant countries as China and India?

Cricket is well developed in Hong Kong, but not in all of China, but with India everything is simple - firstly, it is a colonial heritage, and secondly, cricket is very well suited for countries with a hot climate. Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of pauses in the game and players do not have to spend the whole game in constant motion.

How are things going with this sport in Russia?

Since 1917, everything has been bad with cricket in Russia. Despite the fact that by 1900 there were 4 cricket clubs in St. Petersburg, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, the game was banned as a bourgeois one. And after 1917, cricket remained only in Arkhangelsk until the end of the civil war. Again, the game was developed already at the beginning of the 2000s.

In 2005, thanks to the efforts of a group of Indians under the leadership of the vice-president of the Russian Cricket Federation and the captain of the national team, Ashwani Chopra, a team was created. At first they played with homemade bats and balls. Then it became possible to order professional equipment, then there were playgrounds on the baseball field of Moscow State University, the Lokomotiv stadium on Volzhskaya, in Karacharovo. Since 2012, a course has been taken to ensure that as many ethnic Russians as possible play cricket. Athletes from rugby, baseball, golf come to cricket teams.

The first tournament in which the Russians took part in the national team - the third division of the European Championship, where the team took 4th place, was held in 2012 in Bulgaria. After that, our team played in 2013 in Spain at the Atkinson Cup, in Malta at the tournament among the teams of the third-fourth division of the European Championship, in 2014 the Russian team took part in the draw Professional League Goa in India and the Continental Cup in Romania.
This year, the main emphasis was placed on the domestic championship and holding international competitions in Moscow.

What are the immediate plans of the Russian cricket team?

Tournaments in Eastern Europe, since our main rivals are located there: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland. Despite the fact that some of these countries were part of the socialist camp, cricket began to develop there earlier than in Russia.

At the moment, the team is deprived of the opportunity to spend the winter season, as these plans were buried by the bulldozers of the Moscow government in Karacharovo.

Team "Oka Kroks". Viktor Sukhotin in the bottom row on the left. Photo cricket24ru

Why do fans love cricket? What is the excitement of the game if, as you said, some players do not play at a dynamic pace?

Cricket is a very strong test of composure and endurance. Despite the non-contact, it is quite dangerous view sports because the ball is heavy. But at the same time, cricket is one of the safest sports. But it is associated with a certain risk - the ball flies at a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour, and, as you understand, anything can happen.

Recently, such an incident occurred with the player of the Australian national team Phil Hughes, who died on the field. This case forced the International Cricket Council to revise the standards of protective equipment in terms of protecting the back of the head and neck.

Fans love cricket for drama. In almost all matches, the intrigue in the game is maintained until the very end, each shot can become a winner, and this level of tension rivets the audience to the game.

How do you assess the potential of Russian regions in cricket? For example, rugby is developing in Veliky Novgorod...

Club "Varyag", yes, I know! It seems to me that in some regions, in particular, in Veliky Novgorod, Tver, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, cricket has great potential, for the simple reason that cricket requires the same skills as playing rounders. The only difference is that the player has to hit a flying ball. And so, after training, the skills are very similar. Basic movements there are the same.

Veliky Novgorod is one of those regions where the lapta has been preserved, so cricket has every chance here.

To play sports professionally, you need to practice them in early childhood. Does cricket confirm this thesis?

In general, yes, but in cricket, technique and experience decide a lot. It does not require excessive physical activity. It is not as physically demanding a sport as, for example, hockey. But on the other hand, here short-term loads are higher than in golf (you have to run and jump). As practice shows, the world's leading players at the national team level play even at the age of 40.

For example, in the national team of Pakistan, the player Misbah-ul-Haq remains in service at the age of 43, Sachin Tendulkar, the best player in the world from India, also played until the age of 40. Many teams have. as a rule, several players who are either under 40 or just over 40. The main requirement for the physical preparation of players is the ability to meaningfully hit a flying ball in 0.4 seconds.

What were some funny moments at the games?

A curious case in 2014 in Romania during a match with Bulgaria there was a hurricane - we barely had time to leave the field, when the pavilions of the stadium were blown away by the wind and the only thing left of it was the towering Russian flag.

Cricket, by the way, is the second most popular game in the world after football in terms of the number of fans. It can be said that Cricket is the No. 1 sport where football is not - South Asia, Australia, South and East Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean.

Girls also love to play cricket. Instagram photo cricket24ru

Now in the topic Olympic sports actively discuss the topic of doping. Do cricket players need it?

On the one hand, doping checks in cricket are quite strict, on the other hand, doping has practically never been used in the entire history of the game. The fact is that in the game you need to maintain concentration, and it does not require supernatural powers. Therefore, doping, in this case, only interferes, not helps.

Not everyone knows that cricket was included in the program of the Olympics in 1900. Due to the fact that until the middle of the 20th century the only format of the game was only a full test format, which is played for up to five days, it did not fit into the Olympic program and dropped out of it quite a long time ago. But when the formats with a limited number of innings appeared (three-hour, one-day), there was talk of a return to the Olympic program.

The Olympic Committee, by the way, is very interested in this, unlike some of the leaders of the International Cricket Council (ICC). The leadership of the council consists of participants from those countries where cricket is traditionally developed, and if strong American, Russian, chinese team, then the hegemony of those countries that now dominate will be broken. They don't want to lose their positions. It turns out a twofold situation: on the one hand, everyone really wants to go to the Olympiad, on the other hand, there is a conservative trend within the federation. At the end of October, a regular summit was held between representatives of the IOC and the ICC, at which the possibility of returning cricket to Olympic program in T20 format or beach cricket, indoor cricket or 6 cricket format (6 people per team, each player plays both serve and bat). The ICC has decided to increase the development of cricket among the top 30 performing nations, which will require a very great effort from our team on the field and our federation off it.

*Scorer - a representative of the judiciary who keeps score in the game.

(croquet, croquet) - sports game, the participants of which, with the blows of special hammers on a long handle, carry the balls through the gates placed on the site in a certain order. Included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. The game is often confused with cricket.

Croquet came to Russia from England in the middle of the 19th century in the early 60s, according to the research of the croquet historian Yu.

For the first time on September 28, 2011, a friendly croquet tournament (sports tournament) was held between Russian and Czech players in the Prague Croquet Club (Czech Republic). Previously Russian players never took part in sports tournaments.

Rules of the game

Sports croquet also includes golf croquet. Golf Croquet). Unlike Association croquet, where extra strokes are given for passing hoops and castling, in golf croquet there are no extra strokes, the players take turns taking only one stroke at a time. There are several variants of the game of croquet for which rules are written. The most common rules are the international rules of the Croquet Association - Association Croquet (Eng. The Croquet Association), on which international competitions in a number of countries, the so-called classic English croquet.

The fields according to the rules of Association croquet and golf croquet are the same: size 35 yards (32.00m) by 28 yards (25.60m), identical arrangement of hoops - 6 pieces (12” (inches) high (30.48 cm), inner spacing between poles 3 3/4” (9.4 cm) to 4” (10.16 cm) supports and crossbar must be 5/8 inch (1.56 cm) in diameter and peg - 1 piece (diameter 1 1/ 2” (3.81 cm), height 18” (45.72 cm), marked with colored stripes - blue, red, black and yellow, the marking serves as a clue to the order of moves). Four balls colored blue, black, red and yellow (or green, brown, pink and white). The balls are 3 5/8” (9.2 cm) in diameter and weigh 1 lb (0.454 kg) and are made from a durable polymer. Special hammers for playing croquet are made of durable and hard wood, metal and plastic, often a combination of materials.

Based on the rules of the Croquet Association, garden croquet rules have been standardized. Garden Croquet) - garden croquet, the rules are similar, but the site is smaller - 17.5 by 14 meters, a reduction in the site is allowed, but prerequisite- 5x4 aspect ratio.

Croquet "Nine Wickets" 9 Wicket croquet) of the American Croquet Association USCA, the Association has standardized these rules. The field size is 100x50 feet or 30x15 meters. There are 2 pegs and 9 gates on the field. Pegs are set 6 feet or 1.8 meters from the smaller boundary, on the central axis (on the larger side). The first gate is installed along the central axis from the peg at a distance of 1.8 m, the second gate from the first at a distance of 1.8 m, another pair of gates is installed on the sides of the axis, from a point at a distance of 16 feet = 4.8 m from the second gate along the central axis, the distance is measured to the sides at a distance of 16 feet \u003d 4.8 m. The central goal is installed on the central axis in the center of the field (distance 16 feet \u003d 4.8 m along the axis from a pair of goals). The remaining gates are installed symmetrically about the center. The game equipment is similar to the equipment of the Croquet Association, sometimes the hoops are set a little wider.

Association croquet, golf croquet, garden croquet, 9 wickets are played by 2 to 4 people, one on one, pair against pair or each for himself.

Russian croquet (garden croquet, yard or home) refers to sports entertainment, which is played in courtyards or cottages, it is allowed to play “according to its own rules” (changing the size of the field, the conditions for additional moves), which turns the game into an exciting and enjoyable pastime.

The court in Russian croquet has a size of 11m by 5 meters. Equipment for the game: balls with a diameter of 9.2 cm, two pegs, length - 50 cm, marked in red and black colors, metal gates - 10 pieces, gate width - 19 cm (from 18 cm, width - two balls), gate height - 30 cm. The hammer, approximately, has dimensions - the length of the hammer is 90 cm, the impact part of the hammer is 16 cm, the diameter of the impact part is 6 cm, as a rule, for Russian croquet, the hammer and balls are made of wood (birch, beech, oak) . Arrangement of equipment on the field: in the center of the field, crossed gates are installed, parallel to the boundaries of the field, - a “mousetrap”, a peg is installed on the five-meter boundary in the center, along the central axis relative to the larger side, the first gate is installed from the peg at a distance of 0.5 m, the second gate from the first at a distance of 1 m, from a point on the axis at a distance of 2 m from the second gates (or “mousetraps”), gates are set to the sides at a distance of 2 m. The remaining gates are installed symmetrically about the center.
From 2 to 8 people can participate in the game according to the rules of Russian croquet. The goal of the game is, in accordance with the rules, to pass your ball along a certain route faster than the opponent by hitting the hammers. The order in the game: playing the first red ball (with one stripe), the first black (with one black stripe), the second red (two red stripes), the second black (two stripes), etc. Balls marked with red and black stripes ( from one to four) are used only in "Russian" croquet. As a rule, the balls are marked (have a full color): red, yellow, black and blue (cyan). When playing, red and yellow balls play against black and blue. When hitting the ball, the hammer can be held in any way, it is allowed to hit the ball only with the impact part of the hammer, it is forbidden to push the ball.
A feature of Russian croquet is that the teams start the game from opposite sides of the field, go towards each other. In the center of the field along its axes there are crossed gates - a "mousetrap".

It is forbidden to push the ball, hit the ball with the side and other parts of the hammer. It is allowed to hit the ball only with the striking plane. Touching the ball with a hammer is equal to hitting. You can resort to this technique if it is unprofitable to move your ball from a convenient position. It is forbidden to pass the gate in the opposite direction (put in position).

Competitions in sports croquet are held according to the approved rules on sites of a regulated size. Every year championships of various levels are held, including international competitions in croquet, according to the international rules of the Association (Association Croquet) or golf croquet.

It should be remembered that each type of croquet has its own rules, the general thing is only the essence of the game, to pass your ball with hammer blows along a certain route through a series of gates. For example, in Association croquet you can castle the ball as soon as it is put on the field, in Russian croquet - only after passing the "mousetrap" (the central crossed gates), in golf croquet there are no castles at all.