Hand-to-hand army combat: rules, techniques, competitions. Hand-to-hand combat Military hand-to-hand combat techniques

Good day, Soldiers! In this blog, I mainly lay out a comprehensive system of training a fighter based on key elements, without bothering too much with any specific hand-to-hand combat techniques. But many people are interested in these, aren’t they? Therefore, let’s correct this omission and in a short series of articles we will introduce the reader to some actions: small complexes of combat sequences - simple, understandable, easy to learn, which can be successfully applied in small skirmishes on the street .

Of course, after careful and thoughtful study of these techniques

I know that many people are interested in the following question: “Is there a universal technique in nature: one that alone would replace the entire system of fighter training and would be equally well suited to all combat situations?” Such questions do not appear out of nowhere, but, for example, from a lack of free time, when a person cannot fully train, but the need for his own safety has already appeared, or maybe simply because someone simply does not want to sweat during training and he he just wants to solve the problem in one fell swoop: so he’s looking for a “magic wand” that doesn’t exist.

Semi-universal techniques and actions - they exist, yes! Examples include, for example, Konten's corkscrew movements, which can be used both in strikes and defensive actions, as well as in throws and unbalances. Or the cloud movements of Shou-dao, which allow you to block and deflect to the side even the enemy’s blows that were not noticed by the performer. One can also recall the universal defensive movements from the SHAR school, which simultaneously cover the maximum possible number of vulnerable areas of the body. Or key work modern system UNIBOS. Yes, take for example, developed by G. Popov. Yes, these are semi-universal movements, but this is somehow not quite the same, since a person, asking a question about the existence of a universal technique, means precisely such an action that can work without any special training, an action that does not need to be adapted to the situation . That is, a complete freebie, sir! But, alas, this hand-to-hand combat techniques simply does not exist in nature, and even semi-universal actions require the study of additional satellite techniques, i.e. such techniques that facilitate the implementation of the main one.

Here is at least the first key of Unibos, which is a circular movement inward. To an ignorant person it may seem that this is it. Of course, because on its basis you can free yourself from grips, apply painful pressure, carry out slap defenses, use them in arcing strikes, and break fingers. If the hand is holding a knife, then the options for using this movement instantly expand, starting with multi-purpose knife movements. But this is only at first glance, because in parallel with this movement, a person begins to be taught auxiliary technical elements such as impact on the head, elbow, facial areas, instant strangulation, control, chasing a falling body, etc.

So, I have to disappoint you - there is not and will not be a “one for all” technique, and you will have to be content with what you have: semi-universal movements and complexes consisting of these movements, each of which, however, can be adapted to several dozen different cases, which already saves a lot of time! And in fact, it is enough to master such movements, and then deal with their adaptation to emerging combat situations, endowing these movements with different meanings.

The following sets of techniques, which I will present here, are just such multifunctional movements, i.e., each of them can be used as impact, and as pain, and as a way out of fractures, etc. You can use them, or you can not apply them, but use them in one particular situation, but this will reduce their effectiveness and they will turn into ordinary hand-to-hand combat techniques, tailored for one particular situation. In general, as the person pleases. By the way, this is one of the reasons for the emergence of new styles of martial arts: a person is too lazy to develop some action to the maximum, adapting it to emerging combat situations, and he simply sharpens each one for a specific situation. And he begins to work on this whole thing for years, but in such a way that a mosquito does not undermine his nose, bringing it to absolute perfection

So, the first selection of such techniques is in the form of eight micro-complexes with eight movements each. Each such microcomplex can be studied both in place and in motion, and can also be combined with each other in different sequences. A total of eight such “assemblies” will be published, the actions included in which are selected so carefully that they cover almost everything possible situations battle. In total we get sixty-four tactical hand-to-hand combat techniques, which are not my inventions, but are Bagua Zhang movements, more precisely, an adapted version of the “Floating Body Bagua Zhang, dragon form” complex. Adapted in the sense that I was not interested in the spirit of the complex (in fact, how can you learn to move like a dragon when no one has ever seen one in person), and the main emphasis was on the combat component. This was done with the idea that first it was necessary to learn to defend oneself, and only then move on to, so to speak, “higher spheres.”

And one moment. Before illustrating the movements, I watched both the instructional film and the book and noticed significant differences in the execution of this complex. So there is no need to wonder where the execution is correct: if the masters themselves don’t know... then where can we, mere mortals.

I won’t be able to give absolutely all the transcripts here. possible options applications of these microcomplexes - there are at least four hundred of them, but only the main ones, but you can be guided by the following. To illustrate them all means that this page will take a very long time to load: ten, fifteen minutes, probably. Who will wait that long? Nobody. In addition, the main idea of ​​​​these articles is to show a person the fighting sequences themselves and convey to him the idea that they can be used in many cases, so that he learns to use familiar movements in unfamiliar combat situations. If a person is already given ready-made options for using these movements, then he will simply stupidly memorize them, turning off all work of thought, because this is much simpler and more familiar, no matter how rude it may sound.

So, the reader will have to work through them on their own, turn the whole thing into a creative process, so to speak... Well, or if you have patience, then let him wait for my video course, which will show the main key points.

First, we will analyze these movements separately, then I will show how they are performed classically in the form of “Bagua Zhang of the floating body, dragon form”: this is for those people who want to study the complex in full, but already clearly understanding what and what it is for does. And, you never know - suddenly someone wants to accidentally drop: “Yes, I practice Bagua Zhang...” ;), and in response to him: “Well, demonstrate the complex.”

So, hands on feet, here we go! Basic position:

Movement number one. In Bagua Zhang this technique is called “Palm up strike”, but I simply call it “piercing”. It is being executed in the following way: the person is in a natural frontal stance, with his arms hanging freely. One hand, in a circle across the side, rises up and, continuing to move in a circle, lowers to the level of the solar plexus, palm down. The second hand, while the first has not yet completed the movement, moves forward, striking forward and upward. The palm of the first hand is located approximately under the elbow of the second.

Movements, according to the classics, end simultaneously, but in addition to this option, it is also necessary to work on non-simultaneous, slightly mismatched ending times. This micro-complex is performed with the idea of ​​passing through something: this is how the necessary mental image is formed, which helps to develop the technique more correctly.

Even at first glance at this bundle, there is simply a mass of different and interesting options its application. Be bold in your experiments and don’t give a damn about the smart people who care about preserving traditions in the form of “one action - one option for its application.”

Number two. An interesting feature of Chinese masters is to create a fog over a familiar action so that, drowned in various nuances, students simply cease to understand what they are doing and learn the technique purely mechanically.
For example, a jerk is a simple action that almost every boy is familiar with - what can I explain here? But in the text it begins to take a step this way, place your foot this way, etc. Let’s explain it more simply: from the same position as in the first technique, a step is taken forward and both arms are extended forward. Then the person moves his body back and pulls his arms back with a downward movement.

The main subtlety that gives strength to the movement lies precisely in this step back. Many have probably watched a scene in films in which main character Grabbing his opponents by the heads, he knocks them against each other. So, this action, effective in the movies, is almost impossible to perform in reality without this small pushing movement of the body back. Well, or a step back, if that happens.

I remember reading somewhere that one citizen completely built his combat system on this dash. By hook or by crook, he approached the capture distance, then grabbed the adversary and jerked him towards himself, causing crushing blow head. The reception worked flawlessly. He went far with his universal technique, until this Kent was imprisoned under the article “Robbery and Robbery.”

Number three. Another hand-to-hand combat technique. According to the classics, it is interpreted as a tripping throw. A man steps forward, strikes horizontal plane straight in front of you, cutting movement with your hand. When it almost ends, approaching the chest, the other hand pushes straight forward from under the palm of the hand that is approaching the chest, with the hand facing down. This is followed by a shifting movement back to back leg with a simultaneous pulling movement of both hands.

A throw is possible, a painful one on the arm is possible, a push can be carried out, and it can be thrown out of balance by twisting and much more.

By the way, even in such an ancient art of fighting, Bagua Zhang, the influence of sports can already be felt to the detriment of combat effectiveness. And this despite the fact that the Chinese are extremely jealous of traditions. Speaking about sports and combat, I want to say the following: The main purpose of combat is to kill and maim, and absolutely all movements in a fighter’s arsenal should contribute to this, even steps. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to carefully bypass the enemy’s legs. After all, if, when performing this technique in the “stepping” variant, you do not step on, but step on the opponent’s foot, firmly fixing it, and throw, then if not a fracture, then torn ligaments are guaranteed.

Fourth link. Probably the simplest. The person squats a little, the feet turn inward, the knees almost touch. The arms are crossed in front of the chest so that the left is on top, with the fingers of the left hand pointing up and the right hand pointing down.

From this position, we turn to the right by about forty-five to seventy degrees and take a step to the right with our right foot, while simultaneously extending our right arms and lowering our left.

Accordingly, we do this whole thing on the other side.

Actually, the use of this combination is an ideal combat stance: both when attacking from the front and from the side - all you need is to turn your torso in the right direction. It is very easy to spot it from cloud movements, and in fact, it is part of the “clouds”.

Fifth movement. Having taken one step forward with the right foot, we pull the right hand back (in other words, protection is performed by interception while simultaneously moving outward from the side of the thumb). The left hand strikes with the elbow in a horizontal plane directly in front of you.

Well, maybe not a blow, but pressure, which can be used in a painful position on the opponent’s elbow joint, retraction of his raised arm, or entering a fighting position for a direct strike with the elbow. If you pay attention to the palm, and not the elbow, then while maintaining the same pattern of movements, you can successfully strike. In general, there are simply a lot of application options!

By the way, in the picture at the beginning of the article, there is just an option for using this bundle.

Sixth movement. With the left hand, the attacking limb is intercepted and pulled down to the lower back with a simultaneous slight turn of the body to the left: with this turn we achieve reliable fixation of the enemy’s limb, especially if we also press the left hand to our body Elbow right hand rises in a vertical plane, and then, with a step forward and to the left with the left leg, lowers down until the right hand is opposite the solar plexus, palm down. At the moment of taking this position, the left one ends the piercing movement straight forward with the palm up.

Well, here a low elbow strike after deflecting the enemy’s blow naturally suggests itself. You can also strike with your fist from below in the manner of a boxer: the elbow and the fist are all one, but the movement goes from bottom to top, so what’s the problem?

You can also strike with your elbow not at the opponent’s jaw, but under the elbow of the hand that was intercepted by the left hand. Of course, in this case, the intercepted limb should not be pulled to your belt, but must be positioned higher.

Come up with a few dozen more options for using the ligament. However, like everyone else.

The seventh movement is an open arms position. In the classical interpretation, it is performed with simultaneous movement in a circle, but here there are a lot of purely practical options for application, starting from a stand for a side kick of the elbow of the right hand (if according to the picture) and ending with various movements of the limbs to the sides in order to break through to its center line for delivering a crushing and final blow.

I repeat once again that each of the given combinations can be learned to be used as techniques with different meanings: in strikes, unbalancing, painful, controlling..., the main thing is not to rush straight into training and then stand there cubing, not knowing what to do, but to begin with , just sit down and mentally work on the ligaments, expanding the possible range of their application.

Eighth, interesting movement. Both hands move almost simultaneously in a plane in front of the person, but they move in opposite directions: one clockwise, the other counterclockwise.

One interpretation: you deflect a blow to the face, but the enemy immediately kicks you in the stomach. This is where the second hand comes to the rescue, moving it to the side. By the way, it is possible to spirally twist the opponent’s leg with a continuing circular motion.

To increase the “level of zeal” for learning these techniques, I want to say the following: these actions are very quickly absorbed by the subconscious, surprisingly quickly. There is no need to practice them for several years in a row - the skill comes after just half a year of constant training for about an hour every other day, the main thing is to practice them using this method, and not anyhow, just bulging your eyes. It is necessary to work thoughtfully, with analysis of movements and awareness of your actions - only in this case there will be real success!

Among the main subtleties of the work, you should remember about the correct folding of the fingers (this form was described and shown in the figure), otherwise there is a high probability of simply breaking off your little fingers simply because they caught on something in the turmoil of the battle or the enemy was so lucky I hit them hard and knocked them out completely.

Be bold in your experiments with these movements, try to use them in a variety of situations and with any attacks of your opponent, paying attention to everything. Remember that the sequence of movements itself is more important here, and the “attachments” in the form of various striking forms of the brush can be very different. So what if Chinese masters don’t say anything about this? What does it matter to you? I'm not saying that almost all of these actions are absolutely impossible to apply in the way they are recommended to be used in the Bagua Zhang of “floating body, dragon form” (I won’t say about other forms, I haven’t analyzed them)! They will only act if a person works through contact with the enemy’s limbs, otherwise, through contact control (sticky hands, if anyone doesn’t know).

Here, for example, is the “classical” decoding of the third link: the enemy strikes, you parry him and deliver a direct poke to the ribs with the fingers of your other hand. Then, you need to jump up to the enemy, put your leg (and he stands like a fool with his arm outstretched after the blow - waiting for someone to throw him) behind his leg and, with a pulling movement of both hands back, throw him to the floor.

This is some kind of nonsense. Use excellent combat moves with the lowest possible efficiency! As if on purpose.

I’m finishing up for now, but in the following articles the topic of universalization hand-to-hand combat techniques will be continued.

In this article we will tell you how to learn to fight, since in modern conditions such a skill is useful not only for a man, but also for a fragile girl, which may find itself in a difficult situation.

Each of us at least once in our lives has had to deal with attacks of open aggression from another person. Even if you are a non-conflict person, remember that anyone can become a victim of inappropriate behavior of others. Very often, teenagers find themselves in such situations who, in the opinion of the attacker, are not able to defend themselves on their own. In this regard, every boy, perhaps, wondered: “How to learn to fight?”

Of course, for this you should have the appropriate physical preparation and psychological attitude. We are not saying that you need to get into a fight in response to any remark from the offender. Vice versa, strength of character manifests itself in cases where you can resolve the conflict peacefully and not start a fight at all. However, it is still better to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.
Before you master the necessary techniques, realize that it is simply impossible to learn to fight in one day, tune in regular training and periodic physical activity, be prepared for possible bruises and abrasions.

The main assistants in mastering self-defense skills are endurance, strength and reaction speed. After all, learning to fight is half the battle; it is also important to avoid blows correctly and quickly. To master this skill, you will need a potential opponent, so it is best to turn to a professional in this case. In the hall you will be taught not only how to fight like a ninja or like a special forces force, but will also be told in detail what pain points are present on the enemy’s body, what methods of psychological influence are the most effective, etc. Agree, having such an advantage, you will be able to fight much better and hit your opponent much faster, while avoiding serious consequences, both for yourself and for him.

It happens that there is simply no opportunity to work with a trainer. However, don't despair, You can learn to fight on your own. We will talk about basic skills in this subsection, and also demonstrate several visual exercises.

Agree, any of us can meet a person on the street who, to put it mildly, will be unfriendly. Before you start training at home, watch some video tutorials given below.

And most importantly, remember that the willingness to respond blow to blow should be your main assistant.

What can save you is not technique, not style, or even excellent knowledge of wrestling, but control of yourself and your body. Even if you have not yet mastered any technique, remember the basic street fighting techniques and use them when necessary.

  1. Knee your opponent in the groin.
  2. Point the phalanges of your fingers directly at your opponent's eyes and press hard.
  3. Hit your Adam's apple with your fist.
  4. Use available tools: keys, phone, lighter.

Yes, someone will call it " dirty tricks“, but sometimes in a street fight the main thing is to survive or get as few injuries as possible, and sometimes there may be several attackers, so these techniques can be extremely effective.

If it is still difficult for you to learn how to learn to fight at home, then it is better to go to the gym with one of the trainers in some direction close to you.

How not to be afraid to fight?

Sometimes we face a psychological barrier because not everyone is ready to hurt another person. Some are afraid of miscalculating the blow and causing serious injury. The important thing here is not to be afraid, but to start serious work on yourself, to prepare yourself for possible difficulties.

Before you say to yourself: “I’m weak, I don’t know how to fight,” think about whether you could calmly watch if someone was molesting your girl, and start training right now. Of course, during sparring you will have to face unpleasant sensations. No manual will tell you how to learn to fight if you are not psychologically prepared for it. Don't try to avoid pain, don't be afraid of it, only then can you get rid of fear.

Knowledge is such a precious thing

that there is no shame in extracting it from any source

Very often, “students” (in Nippon Kempo it is customary to call students being trained - “students”) can conduct classes in “home” conditions, but do not understand how?

So, self-training in hand-to-hand combat requires the student to work independently at home.

Self-training in hand-to-hand combat solves a number of problems:
  • consolidation of knowledge, formation of skills and abilities through homework, practical work, test tasks, etc.
  • development of rational methods and techniques for understanding technology;
  • teaching skills, the ability to work independently with “oneself”, that is, self-improvement;
  • development of will, ability to overcome difficulties;
  • formation of character, spirit;
  • development of such positive qualities like perseverance, hard work, organization, etc.;
  • improving the development of motor memory, thinking, and other abilities.
  • By repeating the technique on their own, “students” quickly learn the material, which allows a group of Nippon Kempo students to progress faster and receive more information.

Self-preparation is one of the most important stages of all training. The student, independently remembering and passing the technique through himself, begins to understand and become more aware of the very principles of performing the exercise.

In turn, the skills and abilities acquired in the process of self-training continue to develop when consolidated in the classroom.

When conducting exercises at home or on rough terrain, or on a business trip, the student must understand the fundamental principles of exercise safety:

  • try not to try (when they try without a teacher, they often learn the wrong skill);
  • not to leave health, but to gain it (trying to do more and sharper, many get injured);
  • focus more on the process rather than the end result;
  • remember: that less is better, but more often (the habit of constantly improving oneself is more important than the impulse of “one day”).

We will look at how to do the training work of the main muscle groups to form striking techniques in hand-to-hand combat.

Any blow is formed by pushing off the leg and transferring energy to the hips. That's why they often say “kick with your feet.”

First exercise

One of the exercises for developing legs begins with “explosive” exercises for the muscles of the foot, these are all kinds of “pounces”, jumps, “jumps”. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Typically you need to perform 4-5 sets of 30 seconds.

Second exercise

Other, very useful exercise, these are all kinds of twists in the hips, while behind your back you can hold not only a barbell, but also an ordinary stick or mop. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 approaches for 30 seconds.

Third exercise

This exercise is aimed at combining the work of pushing off the leg and simultaneously throwing the bar or stick forward with both hands. Before performing the exercise, you need to stretch your knee joints well. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 approaches for 30 seconds.

Fourth exercise

Elevated push-ups. Exercises serve to develop the muscles of the back and arms. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 approaches for 30 seconds.

Fifth exercise

The exercise is called “rolling”. Rolling from the base of the index finger joint of the fist, to the elbow and back. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 approaches for 30 seconds.

Hand-to-hand combat exercises with a simple simulator

After physical work with the muscles, we move on to practicing striking techniques on a simple simulator.

To make such a simulator, you don’t need either money or a luxury gym. This simulator is always with you and at hand. To do this, you only need a small rope or lace and an ordinary towel, or any other cloth item (shirt, T-shirt, etc.).

We fix the fabric item in the center and hang it on a hanger or other hook.

On this simulator you can develop the trajectories of strikes of arms, legs, elbows, and knees. Practice combinations percussion techniques. The main thing to remember is that if you have the desire, we will tell you how to make a simulator. And yet, it is important to communicate and practice under the guidance of an experienced person or instructor; we do not treat teeth ourselves, we go to the doctor. And self-medication leads to bad consequences. Do not be ill!

This article will talk about self-defense without the use of weapons, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and how to get out of a street fight with minimal losses.

Every day, leaving home, or, conversely, returning home along a dark street, people are at risk of attack by criminals.

Some of the asocial elements are even capable of killing a person just because he liked the jacket or expensive phone of a late citizen.

How to protect yourself from them? Yes, you can buy , or . But you still need to get the shocker, and this is not easy to do with shaking hands, the same goes for a pistol, but a spray can cannot be used in a headwind, or in a closed room.

There is a second option to ensure your own safety - learn basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. You don’t need to be a titled boxer or have a black belt in karate; it’s enough to master two or three simple techniques

to fight off one or even two gopniks.

Features of self-defense on the street First of all, you need to remember that the street is not, no one will follow any sporting or moral rules. A street fight, in general, is devoid of any rules.

In addition, the factor of surprise is triggered: a person returning through a dark park does not know from behind which bush a criminal will jump out at him, and when this happens, the strong fear experienced at the moment of the attack prevents him from taking adequate actions. All this leaves its mark on the possibilities of self-defense from attacks.

Best shots

To learn these techniques and strikes, you don’t need to go to a specialized section, just have a little time and a friend with whom you can train.
Strikes for self-defense must be effective and aimed at quickly incapacitating the enemy. Considered traditional direct blow.

You should hit the enemy's nose, eyes or jaw; it is much better if the blow is delivered not with a fist, but with an open palm.

Attention: If unprepared person strikes with a fist, a strong blow can tear the joint capsule of the fingers and even crush the knuckles.

A palm strike is less traumatic for the defender, and causes more powerful damage to the enemy, since a very wide area is affected.

Another effective strike for self-defense is uppercut - punch from bottom to top to the jaw enemy.

Uppercut - blow from below to the jaw

For effective self-defense on the street, you can use not only punches from the boxing arsenal, but also “forbidden” techniques.

Banned in sports, because everything is allowed on the street. The most famous "mean" blow is kick to the groin.

Works flawlessly. You can hit with either your foot or your knee. To strike with a knee, you need to grab the opponent's chest with your hands and pull towards yourself, simultaneously striking.

Or you can not make a grab, but simply take a step forward and strike below the belt. This technique also works excellently if the enemy is grabbed by the throat. Note:

You need to hit with your feet when the distance to the enemy is too great to use your knee.

You don’t need to bend your leg at the knee and then shoot your shin like in taekwondo, you just need to throw an oak kick with your foot, sharply raising it up. The next effective technique in a real street fight is

kick under the kneecap with your toe.

Another extremely effective fighting technique is a sharp blow to the solar plexus. You can hit with either a fist or an open palm.

It takes your breath away and causes severe pain, which neutralizes the attacker for a long time.

If the enemy begins to choke you, you can try poke his eyes out with your fingers. To do this, clasp the enemy’s head with your palms from the sides, and thumbs stares into the eyes. You need to press with all your might; if the enemy does not want to remain blind, he will stop strangling.

Self-defense in confined spaces

Quite often, attacks occur in a confined space: on a landing, elevator or entrance, where there is nowhere to turn around, there is no room to swing. Strikes for self-defense in a cramped room must be sharp, accurate, and very, very effective. In addition to kicking the groin, you can punch in the throat criminal.

Good to know: The throat is not as strong as the head or face, so there is no need to be afraid of breaking your fingers.

It can be called very effective and spectacular side elbow strike. You should hit the temple or jaw. The blow is delivered suddenly and very sharply, and it is advisable to turn the body, but even without this turn the enemy will receive severe injuries.

Light blows, like clapping your palms, are strictly contraindicated in a street fight;


Every person has the right to self-defense from attacks on his life and health, but with the right comes responsibility.

If the attacker has lost consciousness as a result of your actions or is clearly unable to continue aggression, under no circumstances should you finish him off.

Finishing off a defeated enemy is punishable.

You should leave the scene of the fight as quickly as possible and call the police; you can also tie up the enemy and wait at the scene of the fight for the arrival of law enforcement officers. The only thing you can't do is finish off. And lastly, if the criminal has a knife or any other weapon, you should not engage in battle, it is better to run away, or give him what he demands. Health is more valuable.

Watch a video about how wrestling techniques can be used effectively in a street fight:

Basic-bush method of training in hand-to-hand combat

Historically established systems of sports and martial arts orient students, as a rule, towards a certain method of combat: karate And boxing- use of a blow, sambo And judo- use of throws and painful holds, aikido- impact of painful grip. But the variety of tasks that must be solved in real hand-to-hand combat dictates the need for multifaceted training of a fighter:

Be able to confront an enemy armed with a bladed weapon without a weapon, to confront a physically stronger enemy or several opponents at the same time;

Fight at close range, allowing for throws and painful holds;

Free yourself from opponents' grips on various parts of the body and strangulation;

Know the methods of escorting, searching, etc.

Such a variety of tasks forced and forces us to look for the most rational ways of teaching hand-to-hand combat. At first, the fighter's training was based on the study of karate.

However, it soon became clear that this type of martial arts alone could not solve the whole variety of problems in hand-to-hand combat. As a result, a method was formed that we called synthetic. Its essence is an attempt to combine karate with other types of martial arts. The new method made it possible to improve the qualitative level of hand-to-hand training, but simple summation various types martial arts brought new problems. The “Achilles heel” of this method is the lack of organic connection between types of martial arts, which leads to an increase in volume training process. The next stage in the development of hand-to-hand training was the identification in the training process of a number of typical combat situations most often encountered in the combat practice of troops (silently removing a sentry, taking a “tongue,” etc.), the so-called situational method. With all the advantages of this method, it is also not without its drawbacks, the main one of which is the lack of versatility in hand-to-hand training. The tactics of this method are based on logical patterns, while a real hand-to-hand fight requires flexible intuitive and creative thinking.

It is obvious that the problems standing in the way of the development of hand-to-hand combat can only be solved on the basis of a systematic integrated approach. This is precisely the approach, in our opinion, that the basic-bush method of teaching hand-to-hand combat has.

The main idea of ​​the method is to divide a complex movement into simple components of movement of various parts of the body.

The execution of any technique is based on a basic movement, which is a movement from one stance to another (specified).

Simultaneously with this basic movement, certain movements are made with the body, arms, hands, etc. The construction of the technique can be considered by analogy with the structure of the “bush”. On the “trunk” of the basic movement is “mounted” the movement of the body, on which, in turn, this or that movement of the arm, leg, etc. is “attached”. For this similarity, the method was called the base-bush method.

In the process of training using this method, the elementary movements that make up the “bush” are practiced. There are relatively few of these movements - a few basic movements in stances, several movements of the body, arms, legs, head. Teaching this simple movements usually does not cause any particular difficulties, since they are natural movements of the human body and do not require special physical effort. Many of these movements, including basic movements, can be included in morning exercises, as well as in the general warm-up carried out at the beginning of the lesson.

By building a “bush” of these movements, a huge mass of techniques can be created for a wide variety of combat situations. It is obvious that simple mechanical learning of such a large number of techniques is very difficult. The student, who has mastered the basic-cluster principle of constructing techniques, has no need for this; the technique is “designed” by him for specific conditions. It is interesting to note here that approximately the same method is used in his practice by the famous Soviet teacher V.F. Shatalov. His method of “reference signals” or “reference milestones” is also based on basic points on which the learner’s memory is fixed, and the rest of the information is “tied” to these points. Shatalov's technique is highly effective.

Thanks to the basic-bush method, the fighter’s actions are based on the work of the entire body. The basic movements themselves are built on the work of the most powerful muscle complex human body - muscles of the hip girdle. These movements, combined with the principle of influencing the enemy’s weakest and most vulnerable places and points, make it possible to resist an obviously stronger physically person or several opponents.

The base-bush approach is universal for various specific situations. The same basic movements and movements of body parts can be used to build techniques for completely different situations in combat: from striking to painful holds, throws and convoys. In addition, the degree of impact on the enemy can be selected depending on the specific situation and the assigned combat mission. Basic movements and movements of body parts are also possible with the use of edged weapons and various improvised means. And in this case, the same body work is performed, but the impact effect is enhanced by the use of special properties of the object (bayonet weapon, machine gun magazine, butt, sharp stick, shovel, belt, etc.). This method has a large number of options for using techniques. For example, having built a technique on one or another basic movement, it can be performed with stepping back, moving forward towards the enemy, moving to the side from the line of attack, with a sharp decrease in the center of gravity of the body, going behind the enemy’s back, etc. Choice of one or another option is determined by the specific situation (narrow passage and corridor, wall or cliff behind, the presence of a second enemy, etc.).

Thus, the basis of a fighter’s tactical and technical actions is the principle of a creative approach to a given situation, which naturally increases the chances of victory.

An important advantage of the proposed method is the possibility of significantly increasing the productivity of the educational process, built on an effective teaching methodology, and, as a result, a sharp reduction in the time required to train a highly technical fighter.

Much credit for the development and implementation of the hand-to-hand combat system based on the basic-bush method belongs to the candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences G.V. Popov.

Sequence of teaching a particular technique

In the process of learning a particular technique or action, a number of relatively completed stages can be distinguished, which correspond to a certain degree of formation of a motor skill. These include familiarization, unlearning and training.

Practice shows that training takes up the majority of the time. Learning, as a rule, is carried out in the first lesson, and only a few minutes are allotted for familiarization with the technique.

Of the above stages of learning, only the first can be distinguished as an independent stage - familiarization, during which students form a holistic idea of ​​the motor act. Unlearning and training represent a single pedagogical process, and if they are divided, it is only conditionally - for educational purposes. Therefore, there is no sharp line between learning and training.

Unlearning is usually understood as the initial mastery of a motor act, the ability to reproduce a technique in the general correct form of movement.

The training is characterized by further in-depth improvement and bringing the technique of performing a technique to automatism, the formation in students of a strong skill and the ability to apply it in difficult conditions.

Familiarization with the reception. The goal is to create in students a correct, complete understanding of the technique being learned and the rational way to perform it. To get acquainted with the reception you must:

Name it;

Show in an exemplary manner overall (at a combat pace);

Explain the practical application (give a tactical rationale for it);

Show, if necessary, in parts or divisions with an accompanying explanation of the technique;

Point out the main thing in the execution technique.

At the familiarization stage, mainly the methods of telling and showing are used. They should help students understand the purpose and significance of the technique being studied, arouse in them a keen interest and desire to master the technique of performing the technique. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, familiarization usually takes one to two minutes.

The correct name of the technique being studied helps to increase the general theoretical level of military personnel and their knowledge of the terminology of hand-to-hand combat techniques. In addition, when naming a technique, students create a certain initial idea about it, which is supplemented and specified in the course of further familiarization.

Before tactically justifying the use of a technique, it is necessary to demonstrate it in an exemplary manner. The demonstration of the technique must be clear, carried out at a combat pace and create a clear visual impression of the technique in general view. A clear and beautiful demonstration by the class leader of the technique further strengthens the interest of the students and serves as a role model.

The demonstration can be carried out not only by the leader of the lesson, but also by a trained military personnel. This demonstration method is usually used when the commander wants to focus the trainees' attention on individual elements of the technique of performing the most complex hand-to-hand combat techniques.

For the correct perception of the technique being demonstrated, the angle from which students see the demonstration of this technique is essential. Therefore, when demonstrating individual techniques, it is advisable to demonstrate them both in one direction and the other, and position the unit in such a way that the leader is visible to every student. The most convenient way to demonstrate hand-to-hand combat techniques is single-ranked or two-rank system. In a two-rank formation, it is advisable to demonstrate techniques while being between two ranks facing each other at a distance of 6–8 steps.

At the end of the introduction, the technique for performing the technique is outlined.

The initial presentation of its fundamentals should be as general and concise as possible, with precise terminology for the name of the technique and its parts. A detailed presentation of the technique at this stage is impractical, since the abundance of new information will not allow students to “catch” and remember individual small details of the technique of performing the technique.

In this case, the presentation of the technique is accompanied by a repeated demonstration of the technique in the sequence in which it will be learned (in general, in at a slow pace or by division).

For a more complete and accurate perception by military personnel of the techniques being studied, especially complex ones, at the end of the explanation it is advisable to point out the main elements in the technique of performing a particular technique and conduct an additional demonstration with an emphasis on them.

Learning the technique. The goal is to develop new motor skills among military personnel. The main thing is to achieve the correct technique for performing the technique.

Depending on the level of preparedness of the military personnel, the structure and complexity of the technique, unlearning is carried out using the holistic unlearning method, the method of unlearning in divisions (parts) and the method of unlearning using preparatory (leading) exercises.

The initial learning of each individual technique is carried out in the following sequence:

Perform in sections or generally at a slow pace in the simplest conditions;

Performing generally at a gradually accelerating pace;


Execution at a combat pace.

The method of holistic learning is used when the technique is simple, accessible to students to perform it as a whole (for example, preparing for a fight) or when it is impossible to perform a technique in sections or does not make sense (strikes with a hand, foot, etc.).

The essence of the holistic training method is that learning hand-to-hand combat techniques is carried out by repeatedly performing them as a whole (without divisions or stops), first at a slow pace in the simplest conditions, and then at a gradually accelerating and combat pace in a variety of conditions and situations, both teams of the lesson leader, and independently.

The method of learning in divisions (parts) allows you to significantly reduce the cost of physical effort and avoid the consolidation of significant motor errors that are inevitable when initial stage unlearning. In general, it is practically very difficult to perform a complex motor action at the beginning of learning on the first try. In a number of techniques, it is easier to master the technique of such actions by learning them in divisions (parts). The division of the motor act at the beginning of learning is didactically appropriate.

The method of learning a technique in divisions (parts) is widely used in the process of learning hand-to-hand combat and is used if the technique is difficult to learn as a whole and can be performed with stops and pauses (painful holds in a standing position, throws, strangulation techniques, etc.). Its peculiarity is that during training, certain positions (parts) of a motor act are sequentially fixed. It provides, on the one hand, a correct understanding of the students about what position the body parts occupy at the moment, and on the other hand, constant monitoring, elimination of errors and clarification of the technique of performing the technique by the lesson leader.

The nature of the division of the technique being studied depends on its structure and complexity, the level of preparedness of the students, but in all cases one should be guided by the requirements of the principle of accessibility of training. At the same time, in the process of learning a holistic technique, it is necessary to remember that division can lead to a distortion of its dynamic structure. Therefore, it should be carried out on the basis of a qualified analysis of technology. Each part should represent a logically complete, relatively independent motor structure, but not turn into very small isolated exercises. A large number of parts or divisions, as practice shows, makes them difficult to assimilate, causes premature fatigue and loss of interest in learning.

Learning hand-to-hand combat techniques in divisions (parts) is carried out according to the following scheme. First, a preliminary order is given on what to do on this or that account, and then the command “Do - ONCE” is given, etc. For example:

“At the count of one - with a step forward, grab the opponent’s legs below the knees with your hands, do - ONCE;

on the count of two - pull your legs towards yourself, push your shoulder under the buttocks and, holding your legs, throw the opponent to the ground, do - TWO;

on the count of three - indicate a kick in pain point, do - THREE.”

In divisions, the technique is performed 3–4 times.

During subsequent executions of the reception, preliminary commands may not be given, but only the commands “Do - ONCE”, “Do - TWO”, etc. are given.

As the technique of performing a technique in divisions (parts) is developed, the divisions (parts) are combined by sequentially attaching them to each other or to the main element of the technique.

After performing a technique for 3–4 counts, it can be performed in two counts: on the first, the main, leading element of the technique is performed (for example, an arm lever outward), on the second, a kick to the painful point is indicated.

To properly develop a technique during learning, you must first achieve the correct actions, and then increase the speed of their implementation. Therefore, after practicing the technique in sections (parts), you should begin to learn it as a whole at a slow and gradually accelerating pace.

After the trainees have mastered the technique as a whole, the leader gives them time to practice it independently.

Learning ends with performing the technique at a combat pace.

At the final stage of learning, the main attention should be paid to consolidating skills in performing techniques by repeating them many times. For this purpose, it is necessary to widely use the method of independent work of students under the constant supervision of the lesson leader.

The method of learning with the help of preparatory (leading) exercises is used, firstly, if the technique as a whole cannot be performed due to its difficulty, and it is impossible to divide it into parts (overhead throw) and, secondly, if the technique is complex and there is a need to first practice the leading exercises, and then begin to learn the technique as a whole or in sections (for example, a throw over the back).

Training in performing the technique. This is the systematic repeated execution of a learned technique in gradually more complex conditions. At this stage, high-quality (automated) mastery of a motor skill is achieved in the process of its practical application, as well as a high level of development of physical, volitional and special qualities.

The system of movements acquired during learning is not yet resistant to various unfavorable factors (various actions, heavy physical activity, fatigue, changes in the external environment, situation, etc.). During training, the formed dynamic stereotype underlying the skill is consolidated, and at the same time, adaptability to various changes in conditions increases.

For high-quality mastery of the technique, it is advisable to make the environment against which the training is carried out as complex as possible, giving students the right to show broad initiative and resourcefulness in solving the problems at hand.

Complicating the situation during training is achieved by:

Changes to opening and closing provisions;

Performing techniques for accuracy, speed and results;

Increasing the number of repetitions, speed and distance of movement, weight of the calculation;

Application of suddenly changing conditions (actions on sudden signals, commands, depending on the behavior of the “real enemy”, etc.);

Performing a technique in combination with previously studied techniques against the background of significant physical and mental stress, both in specially prepared places and in different terrain;

Performing some techniques in conditions of limited mobility (narrow places and passages, on a reduced support area, at height, etc.), poor visibility and wearing personal protective equipment;

Inclusion of the competitive method in training.

A variety of actions make it possible to bring the execution of a learned technique to automatism in any rapidly changing, complex environment, which is extremely necessary for the military-professional application of a skill.

Performing learned techniques in combination with other previously learned techniques is characteristic feature methods of teaching hand-to-hand combat.

Further improvement is carried out in complex training, which is carried out at the end of the main part of each lesson. It can be carried out in two ways:

By consistently performing the learned techniques in the process of various high-speed movements, both in specially prepared places (in an equipped hall, on an obstacle course, on an area for hand-to-hand combat, etc.), and on varied terrain;

In the form of a training battle with planned and sudden actions.

In both cases, military personnel solve assigned tasks depending on the actions of the “real enemy.”

When conducting complex training, a gradual increase in the complexity of the exercises, an increase in the combination of techniques, and a change in the conditions for their implementation are provided. During complex training, in order to develop military personnel's resourcefulness, initiative and quickness of orientation in a constantly changing environment, unplanned actions of trainees based on signals (commands) from the training leader are widely used. In addition, students independently react to unexpected attacking or counterattacking actions of the enemy.

Thus, The final stage training is characterized by an organic fusion of processes of improving the technique of performing techniques and developing a high level of physical, volitional and special qualities in those involved.

To perform a complex training exercise (combinations of techniques and actions), a preliminary command is given, which indicates the starting position, the content of the exercise, the order of its implementation, the final position, and then the executive command “FORWARD”.

Error prevention and correction

For high-quality and quick assimilation of the exercise being studied great importance has a warning and timely correction of errors.

Most often, students’ mistakes are a consequence of imperfect methodology, underestimation by the lesson leader of didactic principles and teaching methods. Students’ poor knowledge of the technique of performing techniques, violation of the correct and clear organization of the lesson, low state of discipline and order are also the direct causes of errors among students.

In addition, at the initial stage of training there are reasons that depend only on the individual qualities of the students:

Insufficient understanding by students of the technique (eliminates with a clear explanation and high-quality additional demonstration);

Poor coordination of movements due to weak physical fitness students (for correction, it is advisable to use appropriate preparatory exercises during the learning process);

Insufficient self-control of students (eliminates by mobilizing attention to the movements and actions performed);

Fatigue is a condition in which unusual movements are performed with excessive muscle and nervous tension (to eliminate it, it is necessary to strictly observe the optimal speed of execution and frequency of repetitions of the technique).

As practice shows, it is easier to prevent an error than to correct it. Therefore, it is necessary (especially at the initial stage of training) to promptly prevent the occurrence of errors, not to allow them to take hold, to identify and eliminate the causes that cause them.

Since at the beginning of learning the technique is mastered in general terms, the analysis and evaluation of its implementation should not be too detailed. Opportunities for self-control of movements, as mentioned earlier, are extremely limited for students. Therefore, you should not try to notice and eliminate all errors in individual students at once. It is advisable to correct them in order of importance: first - the more significant ones, and then - the minor ones.

With the group method of training, errors that are common to all students should first be identified and eliminated, then individual errors (the latter with the help of personal instructions and comments from the supervisor without stopping the learning process).

To correct an identified common error, the comparison method is effective, which consists of demonstrating a technique performed with an error (while maintaining pedagogical tact), and then without an error with appropriate explanations from the lesson leader.

Thus, in order to prevent the occurrence of errors and quickly eliminate them, it is necessary to constantly take into account the previously stated reasons and creatively apply the specified recommendations in the learning process.

Preventing injuries in the classroom

In practical classes, as well as in hand-to-hand combat in other forms physical training, hand-to-hand combat techniques are performed in a variety of settings against the backdrop of significant physical activity and mental stress. Active motor activity during the learning process is associated with the possibility of students receiving severe physical and mental injuries, so lesson leaders must constantly prevent these injuries.

The main causes of injuries during hand-to-hand combat classes are:

Poor organization of classes;

Poor knowledge of teaching methods by class leaders;

Low military discipline;

Lack of preparedness of training places and equipment.

In order to prevent injuries to trainees, the lesson leader is obligated to:

Observe the sequence of exercises, monitor the intervals and distances between students when performing combat techniques, especially with weapons and in motion;

Follow correct use methods of self-insurance and insurance;

Use knives (bayonets) with sheaths on them or mock-ups of knives, small shovels, machine guns (carbines) during classes;

Make sure that snatching of weapons, twisting of arms, painful holds are carried out correctly, smoothly, without the use of great force and immediately stops at the partner’s signal in the voice “Yes” or after frequent slapping on the surface of the field;

Make sure that blows with a knife, hand and foot on a partner are only indicated;

Require throws from the edge of the mat (sand pit) to the middle.

Figure 1.1. Locations of blows to the head.

1 - temple; 2 - bridge of the nose; 3 - jaw; 4 - carotid artery; 5 - larynx; 6 - chin; 7 - eyes

Figure 1.2. Locations of blows to the torso and lower limbs:

1 - collarbone; 2 - solar plexus; 3 - hypochondrium (liver); 4 - lower abdomen; 5 - groin; 6 - knee; 7 - lower leg; 8 - lift of the foot; 9 - base of the skull; 10 - upper cervical vertebra; 11 - kidneys; 12 - coccyx; 13 - knee bend; 14 - calf muscles

Commands given when training in hand-to-hand combat

During hand-to-hand combat classes, as well as in other sections of physical training, formation changes and warm-ups are carried out in accordance with the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

When learning hand-to-hand combat techniques, the following commands are used:

To prepare for battle or take the starting position - “Get ready for battle” or “Right-sided (left-sided) stance “ACCEPT”;

To give an injection on the spot - “COLI”;

To perform a rebound with the barrel of a machine gun (with a hand, a small sapper blade) - “Left (right, down to the right) - RECOVER”;

To strike - “With a fist (edge ​​of the palm, foot, knife) - BEAT”;

To apply injections (blows) in motion - “Apply injections with a bayonet (blows with a butt) on a group of stuffed animals (targets) - FORWARD”;

To perform a self-insurance technique ( painful hold, grab, throw) - “Fall back - start-NAY”; “Lever of the hand outward - start-NAY”; “Back trip (throw) - start-NAY.”

To perform a technique in divisions, the starting position and execution order are indicated. For example, when teaching the rear step: “With a step of the left foot to the left forward, put the opponent down, do - ONCE; knock the opponent's knee bend with your right foot and jerk your hands down to the left and throw him onto the carpet, do - TWO;

Indicate a blow with your heel in the hypochondrium, do THREE.”

To perform the technique as a whole, during the learning process, an order is first given on what and how to do, for example: “Bend your arm behind your back at a slow (fast) pace.” Then the commands are given: “For battle - PREPARE” (“Right-sided stance - ACCEPT”), “Bend your arm behind your back - start-NAY”.

To perform the technique independently, an order is given, for example: “Perform bending your arm behind your back independently 3–4 times,” and the command “GET TO THE EXERCISE.”

To end the exercise, the command “Exercise - FINISH” or “STOP” is given.

The most vulnerable places of the human body

In hand-to-hand combat, blows are delivered to the most vulnerable places of the human body (Fig. 1.1,1.2).

The consequences of impacts to these places are shown in the table.
