Russia won the World Practical Carbine Shooting Championship. Russia won the World Championship in practical carbine shooting Shooting Championship Park Patriot


Practical shooting How the new kind The sport originated in California in the early 50s. But officially the International Confederation of Practical Shooting (ICPS) was founded in 1976 in Columbia, Missouri, at the International Pistol Conference. The current president of the IPSC is Nick Alexakos. The central office is located in Canada. The IPSC has more than 90 active regional chapters around the world.

Russia's membership in the IPSC was approved on October 30, 1999. In December 2007, practical shooting was officially recognized as a sport in Russian Federation. The President of the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia (FPSR) is Vitaly Kryuchin.

The essence of practical shooting is best expressed by the IKPS motto: “DVC - Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas” (Latin), which means “Accuracy, power, speed.” The shooter must be able to clearly control his actions with the weapon and strictly follow the set of rules established by the IPSC. There are three equivalent elements of shooting: shooting from a pistol, shotgun and carbine. And the three main principles of shooting: safety, variety and freestyle. The shooting range must provide the ability to move with a weapon in hand, overcome obstacles, and hit targets from any position.

Russia is the only country that has fulfilled all the requirements for a shooting facility to host the World Championship and in 2013 received the right to host the first rifle competition. The championship will take place in the multifunctional fire center of the Patriotic Military Park, suitable for both combat training and competitions.

The event in Russia is supported by high level : The Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Moscow Region. In honor of this event, the Bank of Russia will issue a special anniversary coin of 25 rubles made of copper-nickel alloy with a circulation of 150,000 pieces.

850 athletes from 45 countries, from all continents: Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia will come to Moscow. There were 172 participants from Russia. The strongest teams are considered to be the USA, Norway, Finland and Russia.

DOSAAF shooting competitions in Patriot Park will become a stage of the Russian Cup practical shooting

Today at the Multifunctional Fire Center of the Russian Armed Forces Park "Patriot" All-Russian competitions in practical pistol shooting for the prize of the Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia. Participants in these competitions, held as part of the Army international games-2018, over 100 athletes will become. The event is organized by the Practical Shooting Federation of Russia and DOSAAF of Russia. “The goals of the tournament are to popularize practical shooting and other shooting species sports, developing a culture of handling weapons among citizens, propaganda healthy image life, improving the skills of shooters and others,” said Deputy Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia Vitaly Kormiltsev during the opening ceremony.

According to the rules, the competition consists of 12 separate exercises, which athletes go through sequentially from one to the next. Each exercise includes a shooting task that simulates potential possible situation use firearms. The structure distinguishes between short, medium and long exercises, which differ from each other in the maximum possible number of scoring shots. “As part of the exercise, athletes must knock down all metal targets and hit each paper target twice. At the same time, in order not to lose points, they must not miss or, conversely, hit the penalty target,” noted match director Oleg Solovich. “The main criteria for victory are speed and accuracy.”

According to him, these competitions in the near future will become a stage of the Russian Cup in practical shooting. “These competitions are being held for the second year within the framework of the International Army Games. We believe that in 2019 they will become one of the stages of the Russian Cup in practical shooting,” explained match director Oleg Solovich.

Andrey Soyustov

On June 11, the main shooting event of the year in Russia - the first world championship in practical carbine shooting - ended in the Patriot Park near Moscow.

The winner of the tournament was the team from Russia!

Duel of the XXI century

...A challenge in the form of a cartel impeccable in politeness, a secluded place away from the eyes of idle onlookers, an offer of reconciliation, a refusal, seconds checking and distributing weapons, a wave of a handkerchief and immediately - the ringing of swords or the flash of a pistol shot...

This is how we remember duels from books and films. Nowadays, when duels have become one of the types of sports practical shooting exercises, they began to look completely different.

Are you ready?

Frozen, facing the target field, the two shooters nod.

Timer beep. The shooters don't even fall, but literally collapse, instantly taking up a position for prone shooting. It takes a few fractions of seconds to “invest” in the weapon, find the first target through the optics of the sights and...

And the shots begin to thunder with such speed, as if the fire was being fired not from self-loading carbines, but from machine guns. They fly away in fountains towards the cartridge cases. The sound of bullets hitting metal targets merges into one viscous ringing peal.

Finally, the last shot, the last falling popper and - a new booming sound. This time it's applause!

The first World Championship in practical shooting from a carbine. Duel - YouTube– June 12 2017

This is what a duel between modern sports shooters looked like. The duel, which ended on June 11, the first world championship in practical shooting from a carbine, held in the Multifunctional Center of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot".

Let us remind you that this event was held by the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC with the participation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Moscow region.

Putin's message and 500 thousand cartridges

The significance and scale of the tournament can be judged from the following data.

During the opening of the championship, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin read out the message addressed to the competition participants by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

“You have to demonstrate your art at the first world championship in the history of this sport,” noted the head of state. “I am confident that your healthy competition at the shooting range and friendly communication between athletes and fans will serve to promote sports, spread a high culture of handling weapons, strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the peoples of our countries in the interests of universal peace and security.”

More than 600 shooters from 41 countries took part in the championship. In the first three days of the competition alone, they spent more than 200 thousand rounds of ammunition! In total, a batch of 500 thousand special sports cartridges was produced for the participants.

One more nuance. The first World Championship in Practical Carbine Shooting was served by a record number of judges for tournaments of this kind - 120 people from 20 countries.

In a word, the scale of the event was such that the shooters among themselves called the tournament in “Patriot” “almost the Olympic Games.”

Now a little about practical shooting itself. Its motto is “Diligentia - Vis - Celeritas” (“Precision – Power – Speed”). Thus, the athlete is required to have the ability to shoot accurately and quickly from a powerful weapon. The winner is the shooter who can hit all the targets as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that practical shooting appeared in Russia only in 1999, and became a sport only in 2006, domestic “practice” shooters have more than once convincingly proven international competitions your skill.

An indicative point is that in 2016, Russia took the leading position among 101 participating countries in terms of the number of first places at international practical shooting competitions.

The first World Practical Carbine Shooting Championship once again confirmed the highest qualifications Russian athletes. Having won 11 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze medals, the Russians secured first place in the team competition. Second place went to the Americans (5 gold medals, 1 silver and 1 bronze), and third place to the Finns (4 gold medals, 3 silver and 3 bronze awards).

Why Russia?

With a request to comment on the events of the tournament Federal News Agency addressed to Anna Astakhova- consultant-expert of the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC.

- When did preparations for the championship begin?

If you are asking about the athletes, then I think they have been preparing for this tournament all their lives. If we are talking about the organizers, then, apparently, 2013 can be taken as the starting point. It was then that the 37th General Assembly of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) accepted an application from the Russian Practical Shooting Federation to hold the first world championship in practical carbine shooting in our country.

- Why was Russia chosen as the venue for this tournament?

Because only we had a shooting facility that met all the requirements necessary for holding the championship.

- Are you talking about the center of the Patriot Park?

Yes. The Multifunctional Fire Center is the largest shooting range in Russia, certified for civilian shooters.

- Contrary to the widespread thesis in the West about the “isolation” of Russia, a large number of foreign athletes took part in the championship. Have anti-Russian sanctions affected them?

A number of foreign teams, in particular Austrian, Danish and Dutch, faced the problem of exporting their weapons. Let me emphasize - not the import into Russia, but the export of carbines from their countries of residence.

Million from Kalashnikov

- How was the problem solved?

After receiving an export ban, the Dutch athletes went to court and won their case. The rest were helped by the Kalashnikov concern, which provided the athletes with a Saiga carbine of its production. Not only that, the concern even established a special prize of 1 million rubles, which will be awarded among World Championship athletes competing with Kalashnikov weapons in the Semi-auto Standard and Semi-auto Open classes.

- Who got the million?

The Kalashnikov prize was shared among three Russian and one American athlete. The award went to Evgeniy Yudenkov, Maria Schwartz, Anastasia Tereshina and an athlete from the USA Quan Watson.

- I remember someone from the German team noted the reliability and light weight of the Kalashnikov carbines. Winner of more than fifty national awards and titles, as well as 45 international titles, without exaggeration, the legendary American shooter Jerry Miculek reacted to his acquaintance with the Kalashnikov carbine like this: “Good! Can I have one?" Thus, we can say that foreigners responded generally positively to the weapons provided by the concern. At the same time, one could hear critical remarks from a number of domestic athletes regarding the same trunks... However, let's digress from the “hardware” and return to the people. How did foreign shooters rate the level of the championship?

They familiarized themselves in detail with the shooting galleries, after which they agreed that, yes, this championship should only be held in the firing center of Patriot Park. Everyone really liked the fact that designers from different countries. After which these exercises received appropriate names. For example, the Chinese participated in the creation of the “Panda” exercise, American designers became the authors of “Great Lakes”, etc.

- Politicizing sport is the last thing, however, I would like to know if the Ukrainian team took part in the championship?

No, I didn’t. At the same time, teams from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, i.e. from countries whose governments have, let’s say, rather ambivalent attitudes towards Russia, came to our tournament.

- How many Russian athletes competed at the championship?

- Wow! What about the American ones?

Nineteen. At the same time, the already mentioned Jerry Miculek brought with him his wife and daughter, who also participated in the championship. This is the American family contract. But that is not all. His 22-year-old student also arrived with Mikulek Hunter Keil. He is disabled since childhood. He has a congenital hand injury. We can say that Cale simply does not have hands. But that doesn't stop him from shooting great. An amazing person with fantastic willpower!..

From Russia with love!

- There is an opinion among some shooters that practical shooting is a family sport. How true is this opinion in your opinion?

It seems to me that, in relation to the last championship, it is quite true. At a tournament, there was often a situation where the father acted as an instructor or judge, and the son or daughter were members of one or another team. A family from Moldova performed for us - 6 people at once. In general, many people came with their entire families. If not to participate directly in the tournament, then at least to support our own people.

- Vitaly Kryuchin, president of the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC, not without reason said that shooting is love, and all ages are submissive to it. Not only men and women, but even juniors competed at the championship...

What about juniors!.. Even those who had recently learned to walk appeared here. Such a picture, for example, was completely ordinary. Mom steps forward, and dad moves behind her. On his chest in the “kangaroo” is a child who is only one year and two months old. I also think that many people remember our sports shooter Maxim Burov walking with a large bag containing two small kittens. In between performances, Maxim, to the delight of those around him, fed the kittens milk from a bottle. I think the first world championship in practical shooting from a carbine will be remembered for a long time by everyone who visited the Patriot during its days. The championship has become sports ground, which united the most amazing and most talented people!

- And the end of the tournament was also unusual. After the final ceremony, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to treat the World Cup participants to two 30-kilogram Tula gingerbread cookies in the shape of samovars. From Russia with love!

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