Will Russian athletes participate? Games – Olympic and political. Will the acquitted Russians go to Pyeongchang? In what form will they perform?

On December 5, a meeting of the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee will take place, which will decide whether the Russian team will go to the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea. Many international sports organizations and senior sports officials have already spoken out about Russia's exclusion from participation in the 2018 Games.

Athletes from Russia face exclusion from participation in the 2018 Olympics due to... The day before, Vitaly Stepanov, a former employee of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), an informant for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), once again spoke out for the suspension of the Russian national team.

“The Russian doping system has put an end to the Olympic dreams of hundreds of athletes. If Russian athletes are still allowed to participate in the Olympics in Pyeongchang, then it will be unfair to the “clean athletes” who have already suffered,” said Stepanov, quoted by the Sport Express newspaper with reference to the BBC.

However, Russian athletes have a chance for leniency. Thus, the President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) Janez Kocijancic said that the principle of collective responsibility of athletes for doping is unfair and “clean” Russian athletes should be allowed to participate in Olympic Games ah in South Korea.

“My opinion is simple: there should be zero tolerance towards those caught doping. This means that those who used prohibited drugs must be punished, but, on the other hand, I am sure there is no need to execute those who are innocent,” Kocijancic said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel.

As a result, three scenarios are possible for Russia:

1. Participation of individual athletes, but not in the form of a national delegation (under “ neutral flag"without any state symbols).

2. Complete refusal to participate in the Olympics and organization of alternative competitions in Sochi (“goodwill games”).

3. Russia’s participation in the Games, how national team, but in a truncated form. “Clean” athletes from individual sports federations may be allowed to participate in competitions. This is the least painful option for Russia.

Many famous sports stars are in favor of ensuring that “clean” athletes have a chance to take part in the 2018 Olympic Games. Thus, the most titled athlete in the history of the Winter Olympic Games, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, believes that athletes who are not convicted of doping should get a chance to compete in Pyeongchang.

“If the Russians are suspended, I hope the IOC will do so on the basis of clear evidence. If they are not there, then those who are clean should have the opportunity to compete at the Olympics,” sports.ru quotes the biathlete.

Bjoerndalen was also supported by his team colleague Emil Hegle Svendsen, a 4-time Olympic champion and 12-time world champion in biathlon.

“It would be terribly unfair if clean athletes are not allowed to compete. This situation is initially undesirable, and very unpleasant for those who are honest and decent. We athletes know too little about what evidence is available and what exactly happened during the Sochi Games, but it is unusual for everyone to be suspended for the “sins” of a few people,”

13:40. This concludes our live from the Russian Olympic Committee. There was no drama. As expected, Russia called the decision unfair, but agreed that the athletes should not suffer because of this, and therefore the Russians will be able to attend the Games in Pyeongchang, even without an anthem and flag.

13:35. The press conference is over, the decision has been made, the journalists have no more questions.

13:30. Zhukov: “Of course Rodchenkov and his entire team did not exist in a vacuum of space. They caused colossal damage to the Russian and international Olympic movement. But these are double-dealers, they were double-dealers. They were put in charge of defending the ideals of Olympism and pure sport, but they were doing the exact opposite. Please note one of the report's conclusions: Schmida: no state system of doping fraud has been detected in Russia. There is no evidence of this."

13:20. “How many licenses are there potentially?” - they asked Zhukov. “Russia has 208 licenses to participate in the Games - that is, these are potential participants. But only permits will be issued, and no one knows how much it will turn out in the end,” the head replied.

13:15. Important addition from Alexandra Zhukova: “If some athletes do not receive the right to compete at the Olympics from, then we can consider organizing some kind of domestic or international competitions where they could realize themselves. But we hope for a fair decision on the participation of these athletes. And we expect that their cases will be reviewed by CAS in an expedited manner.

13:12. The hockey player also commented on the decision Ilya Kovalchuk.

13:10. Sophia the Great: “Today is very important for athletes. AND decision- this is wonderful, this is great. I speak sincerely. Now all athletes can relax a little and start preparing for the Games, although there is very little time left. I would like to urge Russian society to respect the athletes’ decisions,” concluded the Olympic champion.

13:05. Alexander Zhukov, Vitaly Smirnov, Sofia Velikaya and Ilya Kovalchuk are present at the press conference.

13:00. Zhukov and began the press conference: “A large number of Russian athletes who dream of competing at the Olympic Games took part in the Olympic meeting. The illustrious performed Olympic champions and trainers. Everyone who is directly related to the Olympic movement. The opinion of all the speakers was the same: our athletes need to go to Korea - compete there and achieve victories. The Olympic Assembly unanimously supported the athletes' statement. They expressed their readiness to take part in the 2018 Games, despite the decision, which, of course, is somewhat unfair. At the same time, the meeting supports any decision of the athletes, including those who decide not to go.

12:55. An unexpected look at the press conference - from the head's seat Alexandra Zhukova. A crowd of journalists is waiting for details of the main decision of the Olympic season.

12:50. The main decision of the day has been made. There is a press conference ahead at which they will talk about him in more detail. So far, one thing is clear - Russian athletes will be at the Olympics in Pyeongchang.

12:40. The meeting unanimously supported the decision of athletes who want to compete at the Olympic Games under a neutral flag.

12:30. And this is what the “special service” itself looks like... As they say, sorry, pies.

12:25. You can see this notice on the doors of the dining room. “Special service” is the feeding of journalists who came to the meeting.

12:15. The press conference room is already ready. The start is scheduled for 13:00.

12:05. Head of Information Service of the Russian Olympic Committee Konstantin Vybornov explained that the meeting was needed to express the position of the Russian Olympic community, and also explained in detail how the composition of participants in the 2018 Olympics from Russia would be formed, and noted that the final decision of the Olympic meeting would be announced very soon at a press conference.

Vybornov: OCD will help those who decide to go to the Olympic Games and those who refuse

11:55. The hockey players who came to the meeting in red sweaters also stand out from the general background.

11:45. Athletes from at least four sports are present at the meeting: hockey, short track speed skating, curling and figure skating. This is for whom the decision is really important today. The short track skaters were optimistic and posed for the “Championship” correspondent with smiles.

11:35. This is what the agenda for the Olympic meeting looks like. Topic #1 is obvious. But besides this, there is something to discuss.

11:25. The award was presented, for example, to a famous trainer synchronized swimming Tatiana Pokrovskaya. Olga Brusnikina congratulated my mentor. He also received a well-deserved award Vladimir Yesheev- President of the Archery Federation.

11:15. Before starting a discussion on the issue of athletes’ participation in the upcoming Winter Games will be awarded state awards coaches for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

11:12. Alexander Zhukov And Pavel Kolobkov took their places on the presidium. The head opens the meeting.

11:10. The meeting is about to begin, everyone is waiting for leadership.

11:05. Sports celebrities keep arriving. On the picture - Alexander Karelin communicates with journalists. Immediately after it passed Svetlana Khorkina And Tatiana Tarasova. “I look forward to a humane attitude towards the athletes,” noted the famous figure skating mentor.

11:00. This is what the entrance to the building looks like. The bosses, judging by the cars, are already there.

10:55. These are the kind of exquisite designs that can be found in the toilet - the same one that the finger points to.

10:50. “Championship” correspondents are already in the building. They will be the first to know about the decision of our athletes. Until the meeting begins, a couple of interesting observations. On the second floor there is a finger with the ZASPORT brand. It is unclear where he is pointing. Moreover, the nearest door is the toilet. Symbolic?

10:40. Carefully! The text below contains a spoiler - the future decision of Russian athletes. And one more option - how to surprise and discourage without organizing the boycott that is expected of us.

ROC - Olympic Assembly. Never before has this meeting met on such an important occasion: today it will have to decide whether the Russian team is ready to go to the 2018 Games in Pyeongchang on conditions. That is, in a neutral status, without the right to use the flag and anthem of Russia. The “Championship” monitors what is happening online, the meeting starts at approximately 11:00 Moscow time. Do not miss!

It was adopted on Tuesday at a meeting of the organization's executive committee.

The IOC is ready to allow Russian athletes representing both personal and team events sports at the Games, but only under the Olympic flag. Now the word is up to the Russian side - whether Russia will accept the IOC conditions will be decided at the Olympic meeting on December 12.

What do you think?

"Individual Russian athletes will be able to participate in the Games in Pyeongchang under the name "Olympic athletes of Russia" and will compete in this uniform and under the Olympic flag, the Olympic anthem will be played at the awards ceremonies. “Not a single member of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation will be invited to the Games,” the head of the IOC began his speech with these words, perhaps at the most significant press conference in the history of the organization.

The IOC made its decision based on the work of two commissions, one of which - headed by - was engaged in re-checking doping samples of Russian athletes from the Sochi Olympics. As a result of her work, Russia lost 11 awards and lost first place in the team competition. The second commission, headed by former Swiss President Samuel Schmid, checked information about possible government interference in the Russian anti-doping system. Both commissions began their work after an investigation led by them into the substitution of doping samples of Russian athletes.

The results of the work of the Schmid Commission were first announced on Tuesday in Lausanne. The commission confirmed “systemic manipulation of doping during the Sochi Olympics”, but “did not find any documented, independent and unbiased evidence of support or awareness of the “doping system” by the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation.”

According to Samuel Schmid, such conclusions are based on various sources. “I would like to emphasize that the conclusions of our commission are based not only on the testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, but also on other sources, evidence of correspondence, exchange of letters. There are also other types of evidence. Based on these facts, our commission made an appropriate decision. Our commission made a decision, that there was systematic manipulation anti-doping rules at the Games in Sochi," Schmid said.

“We have never encountered manipulation on such a scale, and this has led to unprecedented damage to the Olympic movement,” added the head of the IOC commission.

Who is punished?

The Russian Olympic Committee was disqualified, and the IOC membership of the president, who also ceased to be the head of the coordination commission for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games, was also suspended. The head of the organizing committee for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi was removed from the same commission.

Also, the ROC must contribute $15 million to the IOC for the development of a global anti-doping system. “The ROC must reimburse the costs incurred by the IOC in conducting the investigation and contribute $15 million to the development of the Independent Testing Authority (ITA) to create a comprehensive anti-doping system,” the IOC release said.

ROC may be restored before the closing of the games in Pyeongchang

The fundamental point is the possible restoration of the ROC’s membership in the IOC even before the closing of the Olympics in Pyeongchang. Thus, the Russians, starting their performance as “Olympic athletes of Russia,” can go to the closing ceremony under their flag on the last day of the Games and hear the Russian anthem.

“The IOC may partially or completely lift the suspension of the ROC by the beginning of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, provided that all requirements put forward to the ROC, participants of the 2018 Games and officials are met,” the IOC said in a release.

“We expect that already at the closing ceremony in Pyeongchang our team will march under the Russian flag, and with this we will close this topic altogether, turn this page forever,” the head noted.

Who will be allowed in?

According to the IOC decision, only those athletes who have not previously been accused of doping will be able to take part in the Olympics. At the same time, the decision on who will go to the Olympics will be made by a special commission, headed by the head of the ITA, Valerie Fourneyron. One commission member will be appointed by WADA, one by the DFSU (Doping Free Sport Unit) and one by the IOC (Richard Badgett, head of the IOC Medical Department).

Athletes who have qualified for the competition, have not been disqualified or suspended for violating anti-doping rules, and have passed doping testing recommended by the working group will be able to apply for participation in the Games.

Also in Pyeongchang, the redistribution of medals from the 2014 Olympics in Sochi will take place; it will be carried out during the corresponding ceremonies during the Games. “As a former athlete, I express my deepest regrets and sympathize with all the “clean” athletes who suffered during the manipulation. The redistribution of medals will be carried out during the appropriate ceremonies at the PyeongChang Games,” Bach said.

First Russian assessment

“The IOC made an important and controversial decision, which has positive and negative sides,” Zhukov said. “The IOC allowed all “pure” athletes from Russia in all sports. The second positive point is that it will be called olympic athletes Russia. Negative aspects - our athletes are invited to compete under the Olympic flag and without an anthem. True, this restriction applies until the last day of the Olympics. It is expected that all restrictions will be lifted before the last day of the Olympics, and then Russian athletes will be able to participate in the ceremony under their own flag."

“The key point is that all sanctions against Russia, all investigations from this moment are stopped. This decision has no precedents in Olympic history. It's tough. But I think that our figure skater’s performance before members of the IOC Executive Committee played a role. Everyone Russian teams allowed to participate,” added the head of the ROC.

The IOC announced its decision, now the Russian side has the say. “The sports community will have to discuss the decision at the Olympic meeting on December 12, discuss it with the participation of all athletes and coaches and make their decision on the conditions of participation in the Olympics,” Zhukov noted.

"The Olympic boycott has never led to any results. I see no reason for a boycott from outside Russian athletes, since we allow “clean” athletes to participate, and this will show the presence of “clean” athletes in the Russian Federation. These clean athletes can build bridges to the future of clean sports,” said Bach.

Just like in the summer of 2016 in Rio, all attention is focused on court hearings. Then, let us recall, lawyers defended to the last the rights of some of our athletes to perform at summer games. Now the scale of the proceedings is even more significant. The visiting branch of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ad hoc, which is located directly in Pyeongchang on an expedited basis, is so overwhelmed with work that yesterday it did not have time to make a decision on two fundamental issues. 32 Russian athletes, including our stars and contenders for olympic medals in the person of biathlete Anton Shipulin, skier Sergei Ustyugov, short track speed skater Viktor Ahn and other iconic athletes, filed an appeal against their non-invitation to the Olympics. These cases were supplemented by 15 more statements from those Russians whom CAS had already found innocent of violating anti-doping rules and restored their results at the last Olympics, simultaneously lifting the lifelong disqualification from participation in the Games. All these applications will begin to be considered on the morning of February 8.

The situation is, of course, paradoxical. On the one hand, International Olympic Committee long ago proclaimed CAS the highest authority in sports. Its decisions are binding, according to the Olympic Charter. But at the same time, the IOC itself is essentially violating this charter. After all, if we think logically, what problems could be caused by inviting athletes whose reputation has been completely restored, and whose guilt has been officially recognized as unproven by the highest sports authority? The athletes are clean, they calmly take part in the World Cups, World and European Championships, and other important competitions. International federations for specific sports have no complaints against them. But for some reason they are not expected at the Olympics? .

The head of the IOC in Korea answers questions from journalists on a daily basis. So today he held a press conference at the main media center. But nothing new leader Olympic movement couldn't tell us. He only said that he hopes to receive a CAS verdict as soon as possible. And he denied the assumption that his department is putting pressure on the court.

Everything that CAS does is a completely different story, which does not concern the sanctions against Russia adopted by the IOC Executive Committee on December 5. They determine whether Russian athletes should be awarded the privilege of invitation to participate in the Olympics according to the Olympic Charter, Bach said.

At the same time, just a couple of days ago he openly regretted the acquittal of 28 Russians in CAS. And he threatened to reform the Court of Arbitration for Sport. What is this if not pressure? Especially considering that the IOC is one of the co-founders of CAS and its important, although not the only, financial beneficiary. The judges quickly caught the signal, declaring in response that they were ready to consider reform issues. So we can only guess how much these attacks will leave CAS free to make a decision that is very important for many of our athletes. I would like to hope that the investigation will still be objective. At least the day before in Sports arbitration court stated that no later than February 8, the IOC is obliged to provide written documents on the non-admission of Russians to the 2018 Olympics.

If the Russians' appeals to CAS are satisfied, they will be guaranteed participation in the Winter Games

Another important news is that any CAS decision made now will be final. If the Russians' appeals are granted, they will be guaranteed participation in the Winter Games. This was emphasized yesterday by the organization's Secretary General Mathieu Rieb. By the way, the only one who spoke to reporters on Wednesday with official comments from CAS. “There will be no other processes,” Reeb explained.

Meanwhile, it is getting noticeably warmer in Pyeongchang. After almost 20-degree frosts, which looked rather eerie in the complete absence of snow, the thermometer had already crept to “-7” the day before. Let's hope that soon it will become warmer not only outside, but also in the soul.