The reproduction of the painting was not taken fishing. The painting “They didn’t take me fishing” by Oleg Popovich: a description of the main characters. Painting of the same name by Ksenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova. Didn't take essay fishing

The picture “They didn’t take me fishing” is familiar to all students high school, because in the fifth grade they are asked to write an essay on it. The Russian artist who painted it, Oleg Popovich, devoted his life to creating illustrations for children’s magazines and books, so his canvas is more reminiscent of a simple drawing in “Funny Pictures” or “Murzilka”. Let's take a closer look at the painting in order to understand what the master wanted to say with its help.

Characteristics of the main character

The description of the painting “We Didn’t Take You Fishing” should begin with the characteristics of its main characters. On the canvas the artist depicted four people: one adult and three children. The main attention is drawn to the smallest character - a boy who looks no more four years. He stands and cries bitterly, covering his wet, reddened face with his little hand. It immediately becomes clear to the viewer that the little one was hoping to go fishing with his father and older brother, but they did not want to take him with them. The kid hoped to the last that they would take him; he even prepared a fishing rod and a bucket for this purpose and got up early. But dad considered him too small and left him at home under the supervision of his sister. The father is adamant in his decision, and children's tears are not able to pity him. He understands perfectly well that in an hour the little one will forget about his morning tragedy and get carried away by some interesting game.

Other characters

The protagonist's older brother was much luckier. He looks about 12 years old. He goes fishing with his father and is terribly proud of it. The boy carries a fishing rod in front of him, like a precious trophy, and lifts his head high in front of his crying brother. He has a heavy backpack with gear behind him, but he doesn’t feel its weight. Judging by the boy's reaction, his father is taking him fishing for the first time. This is evidenced by the overly solemn appearance of the character. The boy follows his father and even tries to copy his gait.

The children's father is a serious and intelligent man. These qualities of his are very clearly conveyed by the painting “We Didn’t Take You Fishing.” Popovich portrayed the children's father as focused and focused on the baby's hysterics. Dad is completely calm and unperturbed. He remembers whether he took everything with him on fishing, and little things like the whims of his youngest child bother him little. Behind his back he has the same backpack as his eldest son, and in his hands is a yellow shopping bag. The father casually carries the fishing rod on his shoulder.

The fourth heroine of the picture is the boys’ sister. She appears to be about eleven years old. The girl is very similar to her older brother. She is not interested in fishing, but she has to get up early to look after the baby. The girl looks at her brother with mockery. She had no doubt that they wouldn’t take him fishing. But the girl does not want to calm the baby down. Tired of his frequent tantrums, she simply watches him, crossing her arms over her chest and carefreely twirling a flower in her palms. The sister knows: as soon as the elders disappear from the baby, the baby will stop crying.

Additional elements, background and color scheme

When describing Popovich’s painting “They Didn’t Take You Fishing,” you need to pay attention to the objects that surround the characters. To enliven his work, the artist depicted on it an old fence carelessly knocked together from boards, on which the old green grass and small red grass flies in different directions from under the feet of the heroes. In addition to the people, there is another character in the picture - a sparrow. Attracted by the children's cries, he spins around under people's feet, watching the scene with curiosity. Von Popovich left it white. With this approach, he wanted to focus the audience's attention on what was happening, without distracting it with extraneous details.

Judging by the color scheme, it is immediately clear that for younger and middle-aged children school age The painting “They didn’t take me fishing” was painted. When creating it, Popovich used bright colors (green, yellow, blue, red), which children really like. There is absolutely no black color in the picture, which makes it cheerful, sunny and positive. And even children's tears cannot spoil this impression.

Painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

Popovich’s drawing is often confused with the painting of the same name by artist Ksenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova. The plots, as well as the titles, of these two works are completely identical. But if Popovich’s painting resembles a child’s, carelessly drawn drawing, Uspenskaya-Kologrivova’s canvas is written according to all the rules of Russian painting.

Description of the main characters

In the artist’s painting there are still the same characters: the little one, his brother, sister and dad. The kid is not crying, but simply pouted offendedly and turned away from the family members leaving for fishing. He is ready to cry at any moment. In one hand the boy holds a child’s bucket with accumulated worms, and with the other he rubs his ear in confusion.

The older brother and his father go fishing. Dad walks ahead. He carries a backpack behind his back and holds an oar on his shoulder. Fishing rods and small ones fishing gear he entrusted it to his eldest son. The boy follows his father and turns around mockingly, looking at the offended baby. In the brother's eyes, there is no sympathy for the little one. He is happy that he is old enough to fish. The girl has no sympathy for her little brother either. She looked out of the door of the old dilapidated house and looked at him with a smile. It is clear from everything that the family in which the children are growing up lives in poverty. This impression is enhanced by the gloomy tones that dominate the canvas.

Different eras - same children

In the mid-50s, the painting “We Didn’t Take You Fishing” was painted. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova depicted the gray everyday life of the Soviet village, which had not yet had time to be reborn after the devastating war. In Popovich's drawing the characters are children of the late 80s. They are not familiar with the hardships of war and, apparently, grow up in a quite wealthy family. Popovich, drawing a picture based on the plot of the painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova, showed that children different eras are characterized by the same

Sections: Russian language

  • Develop students' oral and written communication skills.
  • Continue work on developing skills in describing works of art.
  • Continue to develop an interest in works of art.
  • Arouse in students the desire to express their attitude to the picture.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by K. N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing,” photograph of the artist.

During the classes

Conversation about the artist.

Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

On November 27, 1922, Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya was born, painter, member of the Voronezh branch of the Union of Artists. Born in Voronezh. She visited the private art studios of N. I. Kaper and V. A. Zhdanov. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (Faculty of Ceramics, 1949). She studied painting under the guidance of A. A. Deineka. After working at the Moscow Research Institute building materials(1949-1951) returned to Voronezh and since 1953 became a permanent participant in exhibitions of the Voronezh organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. For many years, K. Uspenskaya combined her artistic studies with social and scientific-pedagogical activities. She worked as an associate professor at the Department of Agricultural Architecture at the Agricultural Institute, and worked on various commissions of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. The name of the artist Ksenia Uspenskaya is included in the “Book of Honor” of the city of Voronezh. Works in the genres of thematic painting, portrait, landscape, still life. Author of works: “Portrait of Professor N.A. Uspensky” (1952), “Water procedures are useful for everyone” (1953), “Portrait of a carpenter” (1954), “We didn’t take them fishing” (1955), “Dreamers” (1963) , “White Lilies” (1964), “Portrait of V.P. Krivoruchko”, “Young Artist” (1981), “Spill on Bityug” (2003), etc. Based on the impressions of foreign trips, she created a series of watercolors, pastels, gouaches, among of which: “Children of Madras” (1975), “Untouchable” (1975), “Roofs of Florence”, etc. Uspenskaya’s personal exhibitions were held at the Voronezh Regional Museum of Fine Arts (1973, 1983), and the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists (2000, 2002). Her paintings are presented in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum of Kramskoy, the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Ostrogozh Historical and Art Museum. I. N. Kramskoy.

II. Conversation about the painting.

K. N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing”

Where and when does the action depicted in the picture take place?

By what signs did you determine that the picture depicts early morning?

What morning is shown in the picture?

(The morning is cheerful, joyful, sunny.)

How did the artist show that her father and older brother were going fishing?

How does the picture show that the fishermen are leaving?

(The figures of the fishermen are directed forward. The position of the legs and torso shows that they are moving away.)

Who do you think main character paintings? (A little boy.)

How did you determine the boy's age?

(Doesn't know how to dress properly.)

How did the artist show that the baby is the main character of the picture?

By what details of the picture can you guess that the baby was preparing for fishing?

What is the baby's mood? Why?

How did the artist show the baby’s distress?

(He doesn't even notice how the chicken is pulling worms out of his bucket.)

Describe the boy in more detail, his posture, facial expression, hair, clothes.

Why exactly these two colors were used?

(The artist uses these colors to highlight the main character of the painting.)

How long do you think the boy has been standing in such a distressed position?

(Perhaps, the baby really doesn’t stand in this position for long; he’s unlikely to be angry for a long time.)

Why didn't they take the baby fishing?

Who is watching the distressed boy?

What's her mood? Does she feel sympathy for her little brother?

What impression does the painting make on you?

Do you like the picture?

Why do you like her?

Indeed, the picture is interesting and quite life-like.

Now let's try to compose a story based on this picture.

III. Compiling a story.

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which is depicted in the picture?

How did the kid know that the elders were going fishing?

Did the elders promise the baby to take him fishing with them?

What happened this morning?

(- Dad, can I go with you?

No, son, you are still very small, when you grow up, you will go fishing with us.)

Think about how you can compose a dialogue differently?

How do you think this story will end?

How will you title your story?

IV. Vocabulary, stylistic and spelling work.

Read the words written on the board carefully. They will help you create sentences that you will use when writing your essay.

Rising sun, cloudless azure sky, light green grass, backpack, fishing gear, tin can, catching up, bicycle, upset, blond, upset, offended, somehow, just about, cute, mood.

V. Making a plan.

1. Who is depicted in the picture?

2. Who do you think is the main character, and why?

3. Description of the main character:

a) appearance (facial expression, hair, clothing);

4. Description of minor characters:

b) older brother;

c) sister.

5. Color scheme of the painting.

6. My attitude to the picture.

VI. Compiling oral stories based on the picture.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

VIII. Writing an essay in a notebook.


Speech development lesson.

Evidence in reasoning.

Objectives: repeat the type of speech - reasoning, its features;

Develop logical thinking skills

Find and present convincing evidence;

Cultivate interest in the work of S.Ya.Marshak.

During the classes.

I. Repetition of the type of speech-reasoning.

What is reasoning?

What parts does this type of speech consist of?

  1. conclusion.

What means of communication can you name for the type of speech - reasoning?


Let's prove it.


And that's why.

This is explained as follows.


1.Firstly,... For example,...

2.Secondly,... For example,...

3. Thirdly,... Let's say...


Let's summarize everything that has been said.

Thus, …

Hence, …

II. Preparing for an essay-reasoning.

1.Working with text.

Dear Kolya Biryukov! You say that you love to read, you write essays, but you cannot understand why you need to study grammar. After all, you already know Russian.

Anyone who has not studied grammar does not know the laws of language. He says more or less correctly. But such a person is easily confused. Unbeknownst to himself, he can spoil his language and learn incorrect figures of speech. After all, he has not studied the rules of the Russian language and does not know what is right and what is wrong.

- What is S.Ya. Marshak thinking about in his letter?

About the benefits of grammar.

Can this text be called an argument?

You can call this text a reasoning.

Anyone who has not studied grammar does not know the laws of language.

What evidence (arguments) does S.Ya. Marshak provide?

He says more or less correctly. But such a person is easily confused. He can, unbeknownst to himself, spoil his language, learn incorrect figures of speech

Such a person learned to inflect, conjugate, and combine individual words into sentences unconsciously, just as he learned to walk. This knowledge of the language is enough for him to express the simplest thoughts. But when he needs to express a complex thought that requires explanations and additions, then it will be difficult for him if he does not know the laws of language.

Which part can be called the conclusion?

Studying grammar is necessary and useful.

Retell, then copy down the part of the text that, in your opinion, contains convincing evidence.

Such a person learned to inflect, conjugate, and combine individual words into sentences unconsciously, just as he learned to walk. This knowledge of the language is enough for him to express the simplest thoughts. But when he needs to express a complex thought that requires explanations and additions, then it will be difficult for him if he does not know the laws of language.

Studying grammar is necessary and useful.

2. Perform exercise 475.

Read the student's essay.

It's good to be a sailor! This is the best profession.

When I grow up, I will be a sailor. I will wear a ribbon on my hat. I will sail on different ships on the dark blue waves of the ocean. And when the weather is calm and the sun is blinding my eyes, I will start swinging on the waves with everyone else.

It's good to be a sailor!

What considerations and facts do they cite to prove it?

Sailors are everywhere, they see different countries, different people. And this is very interesting.

I've read a lot of books about the sea, and I like that sailors never back down from any danger. They overcome the storm, they are not afraid of the hurricane. During the Great Patriotic War, Black Sea sailors beat the Nazis not only at sea, but also on the shore, in Sevastopol.

Define the text style.


Guys, before writing an essay, think over the chosen topic, determine the main idea (thesis), select evidence; if necessary, formulate a conclusion. Think about who the reader of your argument will be (editor of the school newspaper, teacher, friend, parents). In what style will you express your thoughts, explain something, prove something?

Topics to choose from: “What do I like to do most and why”,

"Who would I like to become and why"

“What academic subject do I love and why?”

“Why you need to take care of the book.”

IV. Homework: write an essay.


Speech development lesson.

Subject of the text.

Objectives: to teach to determine the topic of the text;

Form the concept of “theme of the text”;

During the classes


Across the blue sky

A roar of thunder passed by,

And again everything is silent.

And a moment later we hear,

How fun and fast

All over the green leaves,

On all the iron roofs,

Along flower beds, benches,

By buckets and watering cans

The passing rain is knocking.

(S. Marshak)

After the first three lines there is a long pause (“... and again everything is silent”); it gives us the opportunity to feel the complete silence that suddenly sets in just before the rain begins. The sound of lines 4-10 not only resembles, but, one might say, conveys the cheerful, dancing patter of raindrops.


The most touching bird is the lark. V (What is the touching nature of the lark?). Naive and simple-minded, like a child. V (Why else can he be compared to a child?) And he sings and rejoices like a child. V (How exactly?) Simple, but so clean!

(F. Abramov.)

3. What is the topic of the text?

For example, the themes of S. Ya. Marshak’s poem “Rain” and F. Abramov’s miniature “Lark” are revealed in their title.

1. Compose a text from these sentences. Name its topic, title it, write it down. Retell the text.

2.The edge of the sun appeared above the neighboring forest. 1. It hesitated a little, as if entangled in the branches of trees, and suddenly rolled out into the open like a golden wheel with fiery spokes. 3. The whole meadow sparkled, sparkled, blinding the eyes with thousands of multi-colored, iridescent lights.

Theme of the text is Sunrise. The title may be the same, others are possible.

For example: “The sun!”, “The sun rolled out into the open space”, “The sun over the meadow”.

2.Work from the textbook p.35, paragraph 18.

Compare these essay topics. Determine which one is the widest. Why? Select headings for the second topic. Write them down.

  1. How I spent my summer holidays.
  2. One of the days of my vacation.
  3. Last days of summer vacation.

The broadest topic No. 1, because the essay will talk about all the days of the holidays, about the holidays in general, and not about any one day.

Headings for topic No. 2:

  1. A trip to the sea.
  2. How I saw a dolphin.
  3. First time at the theater.
  4. My lucky day.

3. Doing exercise 80.

Choose a title for your student's essay. What three parts can this text be divided into? What should be discussed in more detail in the essay, and what should be discussed more briefly?

Last Sunday our whole class went for a walk. We went to the station by tram. We took the train to the village. From there we went to the birch grove. We stopped in a small clearing. The girls started cooking. The boys brought dry spruce branches and lit a fire. After lunch, we played volleyball, sang songs, and collected colorful autumn leaves and the last wildflowers. We returned home late.

Title: Sunday walk.

1 part. Road to the birch grove.

2.part. Rest in the clearing.

3.part. Time to go home!

III. Bottom line.

Guys, tell me, what is the topic of the text?

Where is the theme of the text most often reflected?

IV. Homework: exercise 81.

1.Read. Answer the question in one sentence: “What is this text about?”


Across the blue sky

A roar of thunder passed by,

And again everything is silent.

And a moment later we hear,

How fun and fast

All over the green leaves,

On all the iron roofs,

Along flower beds, benches,

By buckets and watering cans

The passing rain is knocking.

(S. Marshak)


The most touching bird is the lark. V Naive and simple-minded, like a child. V And he sings and rejoices like a child. V Simple, but so clean!

(F. Abramov.)

3. Compose a text from these sentences. Name its topic, title it, write it down. Retell the text.

1. It hesitated a little, as if entangled in the branches of trees, and suddenly rolled out into the open like a golden wheel with fiery spokes. 2.The edge of the sun appeared above the neighboring forest. 3. The whole meadow sparkled, sparkled, blinding the eyes with thousands of multi-colored, iridescent lights.


Speech development lesson.

Essay topic.

Objectives: to teach how to construct statements on a specific topic;

Give an idea of ​​broad and narrow topics,

Develop the ability to correlate the topic and content of a statement;

Cultivate interest in the Russian language.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation, handouts (texts).

During the classes

I. Learning new material.

1) Read the student’s essay. Name its topic.

Horses in golden rays.

In the summer, my older brother and I visited our grandmother in the village. My brother graduated from technical school last year and now works at a factory. In the fall he will go to the army, and then will study at the institute.

The bite that morning was excellent. Grandma was pleased with our catch.

The theme of the text is one of the boy’s bright summer impressions: Horses in golden rays.

Is the essay titled well?

The title of the text is successful: it conveys the brightest, most unusual thing in the picture that captivated the boy.

Indicate sentences in the text that do not help reveal its topic. Omit them when reading the text again.

All sentences of the text, except the 2nd, 3rd and last two, are directly or indirectly connected with this picture. Therefore, if you omit them, the essay will benefit from this: it will be more relevant to the topic.

2) Repeated reading.

In the summer, my older brother and I visited our grandmother in the village.

One day at dawn we went fishing. We arrived at the place. They cast their fishing rods. But I wasn’t looking at the float, but at how the guys were bathing their horses on the other shore. They bathed, sat astride them and galloped along the steep bank of the river. At this time the sun appeared! It was so beautiful: horses in the golden rays of the sun!

They galloped, barely touching the ground with their hooves. Their tails and manes fluttered in the wind and seemed golden...

For several minutes I stood spellbound, although the horses were already far away.

3) Observations on p.35. Determining the broad and narrow topic of the statement.

4) Compare these topics; determine which ones are already, write them down in a notebook.

1. How I rested at a tourist base. Farewell bonfire. On a hike. Neptune's holiday.

2. Summer in the village. At night. Summer holidays in the village.

5) From the topics written on the board, choose a broad one, which would include all the other narrow topics.

1. Autumn leaf fall. 2. In autumn on our river. 3. Fall has come… 4. Autumn morning in the grove. 5..Last autumn flowers. 6. My rowan in late autumn. 7. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

6) Select and write down narrow topics for a broad topic.

Winter fun. Winter. My garden . Favorite corner of nature.

7) Writing from memory.

Read the poem and determine its theme. Learn it by heart, write it from memory.

Birds fly overseas

The harvest time has passed,

On cold gray marble

The leaves are yellow.

The sun hid behind the chintz

curtain of heaven,

Black and brown fox

The forest lay beneath the mountain.

(D. Kedrin)

Autumn theme.

II. Consolidation of new material.

1) Working with texts.

Compare several similar but different essay topics.

Write the beginning of an essay on one of these topics of your choice.

Continue the essay orally.

A game.

A very useful game.

My favourite game.

Let's learn a new game!


Farewell bonfire.

An unforgettable bonfire.

Who lit the fire faster?

One day I was given a game for my birthday. I took it in my hands and began to examine it carefully. On the box it was written “develops memory, attention, logical thinking.” “This is a very useful game!” - Mom said.

III. Bottom line.

When preparing for an oral or written statement, think about its topic.

Every word in the topic title has a meaning.

The statement must be structured so that each sentence in it helps to reveal a specific topic.

IV. Homework: write an essay on this beginning. To this end, clarify the topic for yourself and define its boundaries. Title your essay.

One day in the summer (winter, spring) I went (went) for a walk to the lake (to the park, to the seashore. To the grove, to the forest). The weather was wonderful, and my soul was light and joyful...


Speech development lesson.

Oral essay.

Description of the animal based on the picture.

Objectives: to introduce fifth graders to the description of the animal depicted in the picture;

Prepare them for an independent written essay on a similar


Introduce the word “animalist” into the schoolchildren’s dictionary.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Story about the artist.

Alexey Nikonorovich Komarov is an Honored Artist. A.N. Komarov’s favorite topic is various animals in the natural environment in which they live in the wild. Komarov is an animal artist. A great connoisseur of nature, he knows how to subtly and reliably convey the character and habits of animals. It is no coincidence that his drawings are said to reveal the animal world.

All works by A.N. Komarov are imbued with love for their native nature, its living world. “After all, the same fox, that hare,” according to the artist, “is an adornment of nature! Like a diamond!” A.N. Komarov is widely known as an illustrator of many children's books, primers, the Murzilka magazine, and scientific works.

II. Conversation about the painting.

Look at the reproduction of A.N. Komarov’s painting “Flood”. Until now, we have become acquainted with paintings done with oil paints, and now we will get acquainted with a painting made with watercolors.

Who is shown in the picture?

A hare that climbed a tree to escape the flood.

Tell me where and how he sits?

He sits on a thick branch of an old, strong, thick tree, low above the water that has flooded the island. The hare shrank all over with fear, tensed up, pressed himself tightly to the tree trunk, and pressed his paws.

How did the artist depict the hare? Describe him: what is his head, eyes, ears, fur like?

The hare's head is oblong, its muzzle is light, with a wide dark brown stripe in the middle. The eyes are large, big, big, the pupils are dilated with fear. There is a beautiful dark ring under the eyes. The ears are long, erect, sensitive, alert, like two locators; there are black spots on the tips of the reddish ears. The hare's fur on the chest is yellowish, on the belly it is light gray, smoky, on the back it is dark gray, brown with a brown tint, as if speckled. It feels like it is fluffy and soft.

What can you say about this hare? How did he show himself?

He is smart, cunning, quick-witted, resourceful. He didn’t get confused at a dangerous moment and found a way out of the situation.

Is it possible to judge from this picture how the artist relates to animals, to this hare in trouble?

Can. It is clear that the artist loves animals, sympathizes with the hare, feels sorry for him and hopes for his salvation.

Tell us how it could happen that the hare ended up in the tree.

The long-awaited beauty of spring has arrived. The sky turns blue in spring. Black, loose snow can no longer withstand the warm rays of the sun. Talkative streams flow and ring everywhere. The water rises above the banks, flooding fields, meadows and bushes, forming small islands. On one island, under a bush, a hare was sleeping. He slept so soundly that he did not hear the noise and seething of the rising water. And only when the water touched his paws did the bunny jump up and look around. In fear, he began to rush around the island, and the water kept rising and rising. It seemed to the bunny that nothing could save him. And suddenly he saw a dry, mighty tree. It was an old branchy oak tree. The hare ran up to him and began to jump onto the thick lower branch. Several times the poor thing jumped onto the tree, but each time he broke off and fell down into the cold water.

Finally he reached his goal. So the hare ended up on the tree.

III. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Make up sentences with the words “animalist”, “watercolor”. Write it down.

“Animal artist A.N. Komarov depicts animals truthfully and with love.”

“I really like the funny drawings of the animal artist Charushin.”

“In their paintings, animal artists endow animals with human character traits.”

“Watercolor paints are diluted with water.”

“The painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood” was made in watercolor.”

“I like watercolor drawings.”

IV. Drawing up a plan (collective).

  1. Appearance (head, eyes, ears, body, coat color);
  2. Pose;
  3. Habits;
  4. Character;
  5. My attitude to the picture.

V. Oral description of the painting (example).

The painting “Flood” by A.N. Komarov depicts a hare in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and managed to climb a tree.

With bated breath, the bunny sits on a thick branch of an old thick oak tree and waits for what will happen next: will the water rise? He shrank all over from fear, tucked his long hind legs under him, and stretched his front legs forward so as not to fall from the tree into the cold water. He arched his flexible back, and the fluffy fur on him stood up straight. The hare's chest is yellow with a pink tint, its belly and sides are gray, like a haze. The fur on the back is of different shades: it is brown, and gray, and brown, as if speckled. The hare's head is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert.

The brown hare looks with fear at the water, which approaches the tree itself. The dark silhouettes of trees are reflected in the water, as if in a mirror.

I like the picture and I don’t like it. I like it because it depicts the life of nature in spring and its beauty very well. I don’t like it because the fate of the poor bunny is unclear. Will the water fall or rise, will the hare be saved or drown?


Speech development lesson.

Presentation with a change of face.

Objectives: to teach how to highlight something given from the entire text;

Develop the ability to present text from another (third) person,

Cultivate interest in the work of V.P. Astafiev.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Preparation for presentation.

1. Reading the text.

1. I once got sick, and they gave me a ticket to a southern sanatorium, where I had never been before.

The seaside park was filled with trees and bushes collected from all over the world. There were trees here with an African sultry tint in their wide leaves. Ficuses grew on the street, but I thought that they only grew in tubs in Russian huts. Sung in oriental odes, plane trees and plane trees stood wide, dropping shaggy balls with strings onto the clear paths. The cypress trees, dark and thoughtful, were wisely silent both day and night. And palm trees, palm trees. Low, tall, wide-legged, with the hair of modern young guys.

2. I wandered and wandered around the seaside park, stared, marveled, and suddenly I saw among the overseas bushes three birch trees as thick as a child’s hand. I couldn't believe my eyes. Birch trees do not grow in these places. But they stood in a clearing in thick soft grass, their branches hanging down. Birch trees in our forests, if they grow alone, seem like orphans, but here they were completely lost, did not rustle their bark, did not rustle their leaves, and yet it was impossible to take your eyes off them. The white trunks of the birches were colorful, like cheerful magpies, and the delicate green of the jagged leaves was so nice and calm to look at after the stunning shine of the alien, eye-catching vegetation.

These birch trees were brought along with a grass clearing on the ship, they were given water and they came out, and they took root. But the leaves of the birch trees were turned to the north, and so were the tops...

I looked at these birches and saw a village street. Gate canopies, window frames in the green foam of birch leaves...

2.Working with the first part of the text.

Orally talk about where the writer vacationed and what he saw in the park in the south.

3.Working with the second part of the text.

Three birch trees as thick as a child’s hand, they stood in a clearing in thick soft grass, their branches drooping, their bark did not rustle, their leaves did not rustle, and yet it was impossible to take your eyes off them. The white trunks of the birches were colorful, like cheerful magpies, and the delicate green of the jagged leaves was so beautiful and calm to the eye.

What did they remind him of?

These birches reminded V.P. Astafyev village street, gate canopies, window frames in the green foam of birch leaves...

4.Prevention of spelling errors.

Primorsky, brought, took root, vegetation, growing, saw, colorful, did not rustle, did not mutter, soft.

One by one, nevertheless, foreign, jagged, visors, trim, stunning.

5.Preventing punctuation errors.

I wandered and wandered around the seaside park, stared, marveled, and suddenly I saw among the overseas bushes three birch trees as thick as a child’s hand.

These birch trees were brought along with a grass clearing on the ship, they were given water and they came out, and they took root.

II. Reading text (secondary).

III. Writing a presentation.

Write a third-person account of the second part of the text. Title your presentation.


Speech development lesson.

Description of the animal.

Exposition based on the story “Yu-Yu” by A.I. Kuprin.

Objectives: to introduce students to the type of speech - description (description of an animal);

Describe a cat with an exotic nickname Yu-Yu,

Cultivate interest in the work of A.I. Kuprin.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. The teacher's word.

Guys, you remember that there are main types of speech: narration, reasoning and description. We got acquainted with the first two and their features in previous lessons. In this lesson we will talk to you about description, description of an animal. The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin “Yu-Yu” will help us with this. The title of the story also contains its purpose - to describe a cat with such an exotic nickname: not Masha, not Belka, but Yu-Yu. Let's learn the skill of description from a magnificent artist of words!

II. Preparation for presentation.

1.Reading and analyzing excerpts from the story.

1st excerpt.

At first it was just a fluffy little ball with two cheerful eyes and a pink and white nose. This lump was dozing on the windowsill, in the sun; lapped, squinting and purring, milk from the saucer; I caught flies on the window with my paw; rolled on the floor, played with a piece of paper, a ball of thread, his own tail... And we ourselves don’t remember when suddenly, instead of a black-red-white fluffy ball, we saw a large, slender, proud cat, the first beauty and the envy of lovers.

What should we title this part?



What does the author highlight in the “portrait” of the kitten?

Kuprin highlights:

Body Shape: Fluffy Ball ( round, one piece);

The eyes are cheerful (no color);

Nose: white-pink (compound adjective, shade of color);

Habits (cascade of verbs and verb forms): lapped, squinting and purring, caught, rolled, playing with a piece of paper– mobile, restless);

Color: black-red-white lump (complex adjective!).

2nd excerpt.

In a word, all cats have grown up. Dark chestnut with fiery spots, a lush white shirtfront on the chest, a mustache the size of a quarter arshin, the fur is long and all shiny, the hind legs are in wide pants, the tail is like a lamp brush.

What should we title this part?

"All cats have a cat."

How did the first passage, in which the kitten is contrasted with the adult cat, end?

And we ourselves don’t remember when suddenly, instead of a black-red-white fluffy ball, we saw a large, slender, proud cat, the first beauty and the envy of lovers.

Attention to the screen!

Guys, after the words “Exposition based on the story by A.I. Kuprin “Yu-Yu””, skip one line!

Plan for describing Yu-Yu.

  1. General form : big, slender, proud, the first beauty.
  2. Color: dark chestnut, with fiery spots on the chest.
  3. Special signs: there is a lush white shirtfront on the chest.
  4. Muzzle: a mustache the size of a quarter of an arshin (an arshin is about a meter, i.e. the mustache is very long and expressive), eyes, nose.
  5. Wool: long and shiny all over, i.e. shiny, smooth, healthy.
  6. Paws: in wide pants.
  7. Tail: like a lamp brush (a lamp brush is a fluffy round brush that is used to clean kerosene lamps, i.e. the tail is very fluffy).

- Would you like to have such a beauty at home?

- Why do we imagine Yu-Yu as alive?

Thanks to Kuprin's expressive letter.

Name all the techniques of Kuprin’s artistic language in this description.


  1. large, slender, dark chestnut, long –simply adjectives that describe the physical properties of a cat;
  2. proud posture, fiery spots, i.e. bright, burning, lush shirtfront - epithets;
  3. metaphors: spot from chest to neck - shirtfront, those. White collar; hair on hind legs -wide pants;
  4. comparison: tail - lamp brush (shape, fluffiness, roundness).

3rd passage.

I visited with Yu- I have special hours of calm family happiness. This is when I wrote at night. You scratch and scratch with a pen, and suddenly something very important is missing. the right word. And you will shudder from the soft elastic push. It was Yu-yu who easily jumped from the floor onto the table.

He turns around on the table a little, hesitates, choosing a place, sits next to me right hand, a fluffy, humpbacked lump at the shoulder blades; all four paws are tucked in and hidden, only the two front velvet gloves stick out slightly.

What should we call the third part?

"Family Happy Hours"

How is this passage different from the previous one?

There the portrait is static, motionless, in this description given Yu-yu's habits, her character.

Which part of speech has replaced the abundance of adjectives?


What character Yu-yu in habits?

A soft elastic push, she jumped up... turned around, hesitated, choosing a place, sat down next to her, turned into a fluffy humpbacked lump; turned into a small statue, a sculpture: four paws were picked up, hidden, two front velvet gloves protruded slightly.

What is the general idea about the character of Yu-yu?

Light, agile, graceful; devoted, loving, assistant to the owner, sensitive, always there in times of difficulty.

4. Drawing up a presentation plan.

Attention to the screen!

Exposition based on the story “Yu-yu” by A.I. Kuprin

Yu-yu is always there.

(children's version)


  1. Fluffy ball.
  2. "Cat to all cats":

a) general view.

B) coloring.

B) special signs.

D) muzzle (mustache, eyes, nose).

D) wool.

E) paws.

G) tail.

3) Hours of family happiness:

A) habits of Yu-yu;

B) character Yu-yu.

III. Lesson summary.

Guys, did you like the story of A.I. Kuprin?

IV. Writing a presentation. Examination.

1.Re-reading parts 2 and 3.

2.Questions related to spelling vigilance:

How to spell a compound adjectivedark chestnut and others like him?

These are compound adjectives denoting the shade of flowers, so they are written with a hyphen.

How many N in adjectives long and fiery?

Length + -n-;fire (with a fluent vowel o - -fire- + -enn-.)

Find test words for shiny (gloss), hunchbacked (hump), gloves (finger - finger); jumped up (impossible to check, explained by the alternation -skak- - -skoch-).

Guys, I remind you that when writing a presentation it is important to preserve Kuprin’s style and the imagery of the language.


Speech development lesson.

Essay-description based on personal impressions.

"Our friends are animals."

Goals: to teach how to describe an animal based on personal impressions;

Develop the ability to select expressive means when describing animals;

Cultivate a love for animals.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation, texts.

During the classes.

I. The teacher's word.

Only recently we became acquainted with an artistic description of A.I.’s charming favorite. Kuprina cats Yu-yu... writing a presentation that approaches the style of the primary text is both interesting and useful. But it is no less, and perhaps more interesting, to write your own essay about a four-legged friend - a dog, or a hedgehog, or a hamster, or a bird... let's think about what phrase in the title of the lesson topic is very important, in your opinion.

Based on personal impressions.

What does it mean?

This means that a cat, dog, hedgehog, hamster, bird lived (or lives) next to you, you became friends with them, you take care of them, you studied their habits, character, perhaps you even learned something yourself in the process of communication with animals who not only receive food from us, but also give us their affection and love.

II. Preparing to write an essay.

1.Work with a text excerpt from A. Perfileva’s story about the dog Manyuna.


The dog Manyunya became large, strong, with a slightly plump body (she loved to eat and sleep). Her muzzle was good: her black eyes stood out beautifully against her golden fur, and her ears were long and curled, as if they had been curled by a skilled hairdresser. The short tail was also curly, with elegant wavy fringe hanging from the sides. The paws, slightly turned out, were covered with long silky hair. And yet, Manyunya remained an ordinary lap dog, and not a hunting dog.

Dog, Manyunya – nouns with an affectionate suffix;her face is good - grade.

Describe what she looks like.A description of habits, character, and the history of the relationship with the hostess, how she appeared in the house.

What details of the “portrait” of Manyuni are the focus of the author’s attention?

Muzzle as a whole, eyes, ears, tail, paws. Wool, shape and color of every detail.

Which observations did you find most expressive and artistic?

The ears are curled, as if they had been curled by a skilled hairdresser; Elegant wavy fringe hung from the sides.

2. Drawing up a plan for the essay (each person will title their own essay).


  1. Brief background.
  2. Appearance (head, eyes, coloring, body, tail).
  3. Habits, character (how he eats, sleeps, plays).
  4. An interesting episode from his life.
  5. Why my friend is dear to me.

III. Homework: write an essay according to our plan, edit, proofread paragraphs, check, and most importantly, think through the main idea of ​​the essay.

Artistic examples of animal descriptions:

Jim is our dog. Short-legged, ears to the ground, short tail. A wonderful hunting dog, although old: it will find any game, lift it on its wing, and catch the one it has shot, grab it carefully, without crushing a feather, and deliver it straight into your hands. Jim is unusually smart and kind. He doesn’t fight with other dogs, he never bites anyone, he often wags his tail to everyone he knows when he meets him and, you know, smiles friendly like a dog.

Vitaly Bianki eagle owl, long-eared and of enormous size and with huge cat-like eyes.

Mikhail Prishvin

(about a woodpecker) ... a big-nosed head in a red skullcap stuck out.

The bear cub is like a bear cub: big-headed, big-lipped, awkward.

(about a jackdaw)…all black, only with a gray collar on its neck.

A small duck with a ringed nose, bright green mirrors on its wings, and webbed feet. ...the flat noses were placed on the goiter; chubby cheeks, covered in yellow fluff.

Nikolay Sladkov

(about the cat Ivanovich) ... a huge fat cat Ivanovich, lazy, clumsy. He ate or slept all day long. Sometimes he would climb onto a warm bed, curl up in a ball and fall asleep. In a dream, it will spread its paws, stretch itself out, and hang its tail down.

Georgy Skrebitsky

...a large motley cat carefully sneaks up, crawls and hides, stretched out in the very shore grass: this is what cats always do when waiting for their prey.

A. Bostrom

Smoky gray. With a sharp muzzle - the surest sign that it catches mice well; with a round muzzle - these are more suitable for cuddling with people and purring. This cat caught mice with amazing skill. And I never ate them. She appeared with a mouse in her teeth and, purring in a particularly inviting way, rubbed herself against her mother’s legs. By this triumphant, loud purring we all knew that she had caught a mouse...

V. Veresaev

The swan, due to its size, strength, beauty and majestic posture, has long been rightly called the king of all aquatic, or waterfowl.

White as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes, with a black nose and black paws, with a long, flexible and beautiful neck, he is inexpressibly beautiful when he calmly swims between the green reeds on the dark blue smooth surface of the water.

S. Aksakov

I have a beaded cat - gray with black spots, like beads.

His name is Vasily Vasilyevich.

Fat cat. His ears are round - other cats chewed them on him. Pugnacious cat.

The brightest

Two interesting works about one animal (to see the individuality of the writers’ handwriting),

An interesting work about an animal that is rare in domestic conditions (rabbit, chinchilla, etc.).

Children give


(work of average merit is selected)

  1. What is the main idea of ​​the work? Does it permeate the entire essay?
  2. Does the essay correspond to our planned plan?
  3. Is the work interesting? How?

Laboratory work (writing in notebooks and on the board).


After compiling the table (rubrics), we will invite the children to place the examples from their work written out by the teacher into columns, proving their point of view.

First we read it orally, then we write it down in columns, then we prove it. For example.

The hedgehog spanked on the floor (4) - better: stomped; about the puppy : my tadpole, eared one (1); the puppy was tiny, small, funny (3) – tautology; lived for three years... was cheerful... lived in my room (2)- sluggish verbs, inexpressive.

Did you like the lesson? Let's take a closer look at everything we see around us; Let's be precise and inventive in our words.


Speech development lesson.

Condensed presentation with change in face shape

(based on the story “Chocolate Cake” by A.F. Savchuk).

Goals: to consolidate the skill of concise writing;

Develop the ability to generalize;

Cultivate interest in cultural behavior.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I Preparing to write a statement.

1. Reading the text.

Chocolate cake.

When my birthday came, I invited guests, and my mother bought a chocolate cake for the treat. Well, they came, the guests. And all with gifts. Kolka, neighbor, me board game"Hockey" brought.

“Thank you,” I say to Kolka. – True, I don’t really like this game. I prefer the board game "Football".

Vitka brought me Andersen's fairy tales.

Thank you, I say, the book is wonderful. It's okay that it's not new. It is obvious that all your relatives have re-read it.

Lilya, a classmate, gave me a set of markers.

By the way,” I say. – I just need markers. The only pity is that there are only six colors. You won't be particularly drawn out. I saw a set in the store - eighteen colors!

I put the gifts in the corner and invite guests to the table. I started dividing the cake and pouring the tea. I look - they, my guests, are sitting somewhat boring. I’ve already turned on some happy music, but they still aren’t having fun. They pick at the cake with spoons and look at the plates. Then let's say goodbye one by one and leave. And why didn’t I please them?

2. Conversation.

Did you like the story? How?

How would you briefly answer the bewildered question of the birthday boy: “And why did I not please them?” - when the sad guests, having picked the cake with a spoon, refused to have fun and left one after another?

What is the difference between a condensed presentation and a detailed one?

What can be omitted in the summary of the story “Chocolate Cake” in order to achieve brevity and expressiveness?

The dialogue between the host and the guests can be omitted, but omitted, preceded by a short message about what the boy’s friends gave him for his birthday.

II. Reading the text (repeatedly).

III. Writing a presentation.

State the text in the third person.


Concise presentation.

Chocolate cake.

A.’s birthday came, he invited guests, and his mother bought a chocolate cake for

Treats. Guests arrived. And all with gifts.

Kolka, a neighbor, brought the board game “Hockey”. Vitka brought Andersen's fairy tales.

Lilya, a classmate, gave me a set of markers. Receiving congratulations, the birthday boy made remarks about each gift, and then put them in a corner and began to invite guests to the table.

I started dividing the cake and pouring the tea. He looks - they, his guests, are sitting there, looking kind of boring. He’s already turned on some happy music for them, but they still aren’t having fun. They pick at the cake with spoons and look at the plates. Then let's say goodbye one by one and leave.

“And why didn’t I please them?” the boy thought.


Speech development lesson.

Essay - a story based on a drawing by O.V. Popovich

“They didn’t take me fishing.”


Introduce students to the features of constructing a story based on a role-playing game based on drawings;

Instill dialogue writing skills;

Enrich students’ speech with words related to the theme of the drawing and means of expressing the artist’s intentions.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. The teacher's word.

Guys, the story is based on some incident, an episode. Remember, we recently wrote the essay “How Scared I Was.” What incident (episode) formed the basis of this story?

Today in class you and I will also compose a story, and the basis of this story will be an episode captured by O.V. Popovich “They didn’t take me fishing.”

II. Conversation on drawing.

Look carefully at the picture and say:

Where and when does the action shown in the picture take place?

In the village, since we can clearly see the fence on which hangs a glechik - village utensils; in summer (green grass, flowers blooming, clothes), most likely morning (otherwise you shouldn’t go fishing).

How did the artist show that the father and older brother were going fishing?

The father carries two fishing rods with one hand, and with the other a bag, probably with provisions; on his back he has a backpack, probably with fishing equipment. The older boy has a fishing rod in his hands and a backpack on his back, apparently with his own gear.

How does the picture show that the fishermen are leaving?

They are shown in motion, with their backs turned to the baby; The older brother, proudly raising his head, follows his father.

Who do you think is the main character of the film?

Baby. He is depicted in the center of the picture.

How old do you think he is?

The boy is between 4 and 5 years old. He is short in stature.

How did you guess that the baby was preparing for fishing?

The boy has a fishing rod in his hands, and his bucket of worms lies on the ground.

What is your baby's mood and why?

The baby is in a sad, bad mood. He is very offended and upset because he was not taken fishing.

How did the artist show the baby’s distress?

The kid dropped the bucket out of resentment, one end of the fishing rod touched the ground, he covered his face with one hand to wipe away his tears. He stands in a confused pose, covering his eyes with his hand, pouting his lips. He has red tousled hair, a yellow shirt with red stripes, and brown shorts.

Why didn't you take the baby fishing?

He is still small, he gets tired and may fall into the river.

Who is watching the baby?

The girl is probably his sister. She stands next to him, trying to persuade him to find something else to do, like helping her pick flowers for a wreath.

Do you like this drawing? How?

It shows a very cute baby. My brother, when he gets offended, is very similar to him. And I like how the artist depicted the baby’s resentment.

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which you see in the picture?

This story probably began in the evening, when the kid accidentally heard that his older brother and father were going fishing. He also wanted to go with them and ran into the garden to dig for worms.

III. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Fishing-angler-fisherman-fishing accessories (tackle);

Fishing rod - to fish (for fish);

Worm-(dig up worms);

Jar-(tin can);

Backpack, fence (fence);

Baby (little boy);

Upset, sad, offended;



Run after - catch up - catch up;

Red hair;

Light green grass;

Drawing, painting;

Artist, O.V. Popovich;

Figure, pose, paint, color, composition.

IV. Situational role-playing game.

Now let’s try to revive this picture: to play out what happened the night before, what is happening now and what will happen next. We will become participants in the event shown in the picture. We will play like artists on stage. This will help us compose a story based on the painting “We Didn’t Take You Fishing,” which you will then write at home.

Artist selection:

Baby -….


Older brother-…

One of possible options staging.

Leading author .One evening, when the whole family had gathered for dinner, the father went out onto the porch. He looked up at the sky. There wasn't a single cloud there. The sun was already starting to set. The father thought that it would be nice to go fishing in the morning. He entered the house. The children were already sitting at the table. The father approached his eldest son and said...

Father.- Kolya, shall we go fishing tomorrow?

Kolya .-Let's go, after dinner I'll dig up worms.

Baby.- And I’m with you.

Kolya. - Okay, we'll take you if you wake up early.

Morning has come. The day promised to be good. The baby woke up from some noise. He opened his eyes and saw that his father and brother were already near the fence. Andryusha quickly got up, got dressed, grabbed a fishing rod and a bucket and ran after the fishermen.

Baby .-Dad, wait, I'm with you. Look what worms I dug up!

Father.- No, son, you are still small. When you grow up, you will go fishing with us. Stay at home.

Kolya. - Andryusha, don’t be offended, we’ll take you fishing another time.

Sister .-Andryusha, let's go play!

Baby.- I tried in vain. I worked so hard, but they... didn’t take it.

Sister .-Andryusha, come with me to pick flowers. I'll weave a wreath for you.

IV. Compiling a story.

Guys, I suggest you write your own stories based on a given plot, and act as a writer. However, before writing a story, the author must know laws of its construction. Let's return to the text of the dramatization again.

He said that one evening, when the whole family sat down to dinner, his father and older brother agreed to go fishing in the morning.

Little Andryusha found out that his father and brother were going fishing. He decided to go with them.

From that moment the action began, and we began to follow its development. This plot.

Andryusha prepared worms and a fishing rod, woke up early and asked his father to take him fishing, but his father told him to stay at home.

What was this moment like for the baby?

Very tense, he did not expect that he would not be taken fishing.

The most intense moment in the development of an action is called climax.

The kid was not taken fishing, he was very upset. In this part of the story, you will describe in detail the boy’s posture, his mood, and his facial expression.

How do you think the action will end?

The baby will soon forget about his offense and will have fun playing with his sister, and when he grows up, he will also go fishing.

This is the denouement of the action.

Now that you are already familiar with the features of story construction, you can write a story or script for a film yourself, like real writers.

V. Homework.

Write an essay-story based on the drawing by O.V. Popovich “They didn’t take me fishing.”


Speech development lesson.

The title and main idea of ​​the text.

Objectives: to consolidate the concepts of “theme of the text”, “the main idea of ​​the text”;

Develop the ability to find sentences that express the main idea

The text, its connection with the title, determine and formulate the theme of the text;

Cultivate interest in words.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

II. Fixing the material.

  1. Frontal survey.

Guys, what is text?

Each text is created on a specific topic.

TEXT is a combination of sentences that are related in meaning and grammatically.

BASIC MEANS OF GRAMMATICAL CONNECTION OF SENTENCES IN THE TEXT - order of sentences; word order in sentences; intonation, etc.

What are the features of the text? List.

1. Completeness, completeness, completeness (nothing can be removed or shortened).

2. Unity of theme, monolithicity (fishing incident, premiere of a play, New Year's Eve, etc.).

3. The main idea arising from the plot (i.e. the idea of ​​the text, what the author wanted to say with his text).

4. Title (the title very often expresses either the theme of the story or the idea. The title is the “entrance” to the text, like to a certain building).

5. Coherence of presentation (in meaning and grammatically).

6.Sometimes dividing the text into micro-topics (paragraphs).

What is the topic of the text?

THE TOPIC OF THE TEXT is what (or who) it says.

Very often the theme of the text is reflected in its title.

THE MAIN THOUGHT OF THE TEXT is what it calls for, what it teaches, and why it was written.

The main idea can be expressed in the title or in one of the sentences of the text. But most often it needs to be “found” and formulated.

2.Working with the textbook text p.44, paragraph 23.

What is the text talking about (what is its topic)?

What does a decent person mean, according to Yu.Ya. Yakovleva? Find sentences in which the author expressesthis main idea.


Have you ever heard adults say about someone: “A decent person”? and have you ever thought about what the word “decent” means?

Maybe a person who loves order, is neatly dressed, does not throw his things around the room, comes to work or school on time?

Yes, the root of this word is “order”. But we are not talking about simple order, but about the structure of life itself. This order is loyalty, honesty, nobility, the ability to understand someone else’s misfortune and rejoice at someone else’s luck as if it were your own. The more such order there is around us, the happier people will live.

Decent. Try to quickly understand and remember this beautiful word. And live in such a way that people will say about you: “This is a decent person.”

The text talks about a decent person.

According to Yu. Ya. Yakovlev, a decent person is the structure of his very life. This order is loyalty, honesty, nobility, the ability to understand someone else’s misfortune and rejoice at someone else’s luck as if it were your own. The more such order there is around us, the happier people will live.

  1. Doing exercise 113.

Read the note in the wall newspaper and the editor's comments. Does the article reveal the main idea reflected in the title? Edit this note - you can keep or change its title.

Interesting meeting

Editor's Notes

Recently (1) we invited our bosses and Vita’s grandfather, a labor veteran, to a meeting with us. We showed at the exhibition what (2) we can do (3).

Vita’s grandfather praised us and said: “There shouldn’t be white hands among you. You have to be able to do everything with your own hands.”

Finally they let us go, and we happily ran off to reconnoiter.

1. When exactly did the meeting take place?

2.What was at the exhibition? How did the guys show their products?

3.What attracted the attention of the guests?

4. So, not everything was interesting at this meeting? Maybe you should write about this in some other way or not write at all if the note is called “An interesting meeting”?

The main idea reflected in the title is not disclosed in the note.

Edited note.

Interesting meeting

On October 12, we invited our bosses and Vita’s grandfather, a labor veteran, to a meeting with us. We presented the work of our class at the exhibition. The boys showed wood products: birdhouses, rolling pins, pointers, cutting boards, and the girls had a tasting of pastries and dishes that they had prepared themselves. Vita’s grandfather praised us, saying: “There shouldn’t be white hands among you. You must be able to do everything with your own hands,” and gave us several useful tips, which will definitely come in handy in life.

Everyone really enjoyed the meeting and remembered it, it was very interesting! Each of us would like to repeat it.

III. Bottom line.

Guys, what is a header and why do we need it?

The title very often expresses either the theme of the story or an idea.The title is the “entrance” to the text, like to a building.

What is the main idea of ​​the text?

In the text, sentences are connected not only common theme, but also a certain idea, the main thought.

The main idea is what it calls for, what it teaches, and why it was written.

Main thought can be expressed in the title or one of the text sentences. But most often it needs to be “found” and formulated.

Grades for the lesson...

IV. Homework: find an article in a newspaper, determine its main idea, write it down in a notebook (in calligraphic handwriting) and answer the question: is the main idea reflected in the title of the article?


Speech development lesson.

Etiquette dialogues.

Objectives: to give the concept of “dialogue”, to teach how to compose and

Correctly format etiquette dialogues;

Develop the ability to use polite words in dialogues;

Foster a culture of communication.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes

I. Vocabulary - stylistic work.

Dialogue. DIA – “two”,

Dialogic. logos – “word” (Greek)

II. Learning new material.

Orally: dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons.

1. About the format of the dialogue: the words of each person in the dialogue are written on a new line, with a dash placed in front of them.

For example:


Did you dig a hole? - A pit of cheese?

Digged. - Cheese.

Did you fall into a hole? - Like a head?

Fell. - Intact.

Are you sitting in a hole? - So, alive?

Sitting. - Alive.

-Are you waiting for the stairs? - Well, I went home.

- I am waiting. (O. Grigoriev.)

-Guys, what kind of people does the author of the poem condemn?

Copy and memorize this poem.

2. Explanation of the second part about the punctuation of the dialogue.

but without quotes.

3. Creative cheating (exercise 246)

Insert words that make sense, avoiding repetition of wordssaid, then rewrite. Explain the role of the first and second dashes in each sentence. Indicate proposals with appeal.

- Hello, Vanya! Where are you going? - - -Kate.

- To Petya. He is sick, - - - Vanya.

-What happened to him? - - - Kate.

“I helped my neighbor put out a fire and burned my hand,” Vanya.

-Are you staying with him for a long time? - - - Kate.

- For the whole evening, - - - Vanya.

Words for reference: ask, answer, talk, inquire, tell.

- Hello, Vanya!Where are you going? – Katya asked.

- To Petya. “He’s sick,” Vanya answered.

-What happened to him? - Katya asked.

“I helped my neighbor put out a fire and burned my hand,” Vanya let slip.

-Are you staying with him for a long time? - Katya asked.

“For the whole evening,” said Vanya.

III. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Dictation followed by self-test based on the recording on the screen.

Mother says to the hedgehog:

- It's time to collect leaves.

And the hedgehog shudders:

- Somehow I can’t feel well.


2. Creative cheating.

Recover missing cues.

- …

- Yes, in the south.


- In Crimea.


- Of course I saw it! I swam in it!


- The sea is huge! You stand on one bank, but you can’t even see the other!

3. Creative dictation. Imagine: you remember a conversation with your friend. What requests, advice, suggestions could you hear the following responses from your interlocutor? Make up dialogues consisting of two lines.

1. - …

- Of course I'll help! What are you talking about?!


- Thank you! I'll definitely read it!


- With pleasure!


- Today, unfortunately, I can’t... No way!

Based on the texts of creative copying and creative dictation, draw a conclusion: what style is dialogue typical for?

5.Staging a conversation on the phone - preparing for exercise 249. Phones (mobile) are used.


-Hello! This is from Kolya’s classmate Anton Rybkin.

-Hello, Antosha!

-Please excuse me for disturbing you. Can I have Kolya?

- Just a second.

-Thank you.

-Hi Kolya!

-Hello Anton!

-Kolya, remember, you promised to give me a book on dog training?

-Of course I remember.

-Could you bring it to school tomorrow?

-I'll bring it.

-Thank you, Kolya! Goodbye!

-See you!

6. Doing exercise 249 (independently).

Go ahead and record the telephone conversation using the polite form of address. Use (if possible) the following words:







- Hello! Please ask Kolya.

IV. Result:

- What is dialogue?

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.

-How to format the dialogue?

The words of each person in the dialogue are written on a new line, preceded by a dash.

If the remark is accompanied by the words of the author, then the same punctuation marks are used as in direct speech,but without quotes.

- What words will help you create an etiquette dialogue?

Polite words:







Guys, when composing a dialogue, don’t forget about punctuation marks when addressing, remember that the word please is highlighted on both sides by commas.

V. Homework exercise 242, pp. 105-106, make signal cards with numbers 1,2,3,4.


Speech development lesson.

Essay “How scared I was.”

Goals: to teach how to write mixed-type essays (narration with description);

cultivate a good attitude towards nature.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation

During the classes.

I. Preparation for writing an essay.

1.Perform the exercise for 600 s. 238.

-Sort out the highlighted adjectives.

The peculiarity of the snake isblackbody coloring. On the sides of the head there are two bright orange or yellow spots. The length does not exceed 130 centimeters. No waypoisonous.Lives near bodies of water, among stones, inolddams.

- Determine the description style. (Scientific)

2. Conversation.

-Guys, what type of speech will you use when writing your essay?

Narration with description.

-Will the style of your description of the grass snake remain the same?

No, we will write in an artistic style.

-Where will you start your essay?

From the introduction(where and when the event occurs, setting). According to plan 1. To the forest to pick mushrooms.

-What will you write about in the main part?

About the snake.(meeting with a snake, its description, your impressions of what you saw).According to plan 2. “Snake!”

-In (the denouement) conclusion, what can you say?

About unnecessary worries and worries.According to plan 3. The fears were in vain. (It’s not for nothing that people say that fear has big eyes.)

II. Writing an essay.

- Write an essay on the topic “How scared I was” according to plan:

1). To the forest to pick mushrooms.

2). "Snake!"

3). The fears turned out to be in vain.

Introduce a description of the snake into your essay, using artistic style.

Essay example.

How scared I was.

Mom and I went mushroom picking. It was quiet and nice in the forest. I came across several boletuses. One of them grew near a tall stump.

When I approached a dry stump, something shiny flashed under my feet. Snake! Goosebumps ran down my spine. Mom is somewhere far away, what if a snake rushes at me?!

I looked closer and saw two bright orange spots on the snake's head. And the body of the snake was black. That's how it is! My fears disappeared. I did not touch the harmless snake and moved on.


Speech development lesson.

Types of texts. Narration.

Objectives: talk about types of text;

develop the ability to distinguish between them;

to cultivate interest in the work of Yu.I. Koval.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Studying new material.

Types of speech differ depending on the content of the text (or: the type of speech depends on its content).

In real texts, especially large, detailed ones, types of speech “enter into various interactions, sometimes they join each other, sometimes they penetrate each other. We should not strive to decompose the entire text into communicative types of speech. Moreover, the most frequent types of speech have been isolated and described so far, and not all.”

The main types of speech are narration, description and reasoning. A narrative usually talks about actions and events (what happened first, then, then... and finally). The description depicts objects, people, animals, nature, etc. The reasoning sets out the causes of phenomena and events, their mutual connection. Types of speech can be distinguished by questions: the narration is posed with the question what happened?; to the description - which one?; to reasoning - why?

Supporting entry:

Types of speech. Questions.

Narration What happened?

Description Which one?

Reasoning Why?

II. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Introductory speech about Yu.I. Kovale.

Yuri Iosifovich Koval (1938 - 1995) in his youth was a rural teacher and first composed texts for dictations and other exercises to make teaching children more interesting. Maybe that’s why all his books, imbued with love for the village people, for nature, colored with kind, light humor, are so simple and interesting.

2. Reading the miniature “Horses”

You rarely see horses in our area these days.

And if you meet, you will always be happy.

Once I walked out into the clearing, and suddenly there were horses.

I stopped and looked.

The horses also sensed a loved one, raised their heads and looked at me. And when I went further, the horses moved slowly behind me.

I got worried. I don’t know whose horses are and where they need to go. Maybe they are in the other direction, but they are behind me.

So they followed me, and I was proud. I was no longer a simple person, but with horses.

Then they fell behind.

- What type of speech does this text belong to? How to prove this?

- Is it possible to convey the content of this text in one photograph or slide?

If possible, then this is a description, because its basis is a list of such features of an object that are perceived simultaneously.

The content of the miniature “Horses” cannot be conveyed in one photo, which means it is a narrative.

-Retell the text.

3. Work with a fragment of text from Y. Koval’s story “Sparrow Lake”.

Read the text.

- You should already go to Sparrow Lake. You will find him there, in the forests.

I searched and one day reached Sparrow Lake. Not too big, but not small either, it lay among spruce forests, and three islands cut through its waters right in the middle. These islands looked like narrow-nosed ships that sailed one after another, and the sails of the ships were birch trees.

-What type of speech is the main one in this fragment?

- Is it possible to convey a description of the lake in one photograph or slide?


(Sparrow Lake is not too big, but not small either. It lies among forests, and three islands cut its waters right in the middle. These islands look like narrow-nosed ships that sail one after another, and the sails of the ships are birch trees.)

-Write it down in your notebook.

4.Work with a fragment of text from Y. Koval’s story “Frying Pan” (in writing).

Read the text.

On the Sestra River there is a bay called Skovoroda.

You are sailing on a boat along a narrow channel - it’s like the handle of a Frying Pan - and suddenly you emerge into a bay, small, but so round, as if someone deliberately rounded its banks.

The water here is black and smoky.

The water lilies and egg capsules, large as tea cups, seem dazzling.

Girls in red dresses are stirring hay on the shore. Dragonflies are ringing above them; Grasshoppers fan out from under your feet, butterflies fly up, flutter right next to your face, and whisper something in your ear.

-Answer in writing the question: why is the bay called Skovoroda?

(The bay is called Frying Pan because it resembles a frying pan in shape and even color. The bay itself is small and so round, as if someone had deliberately rounded its shores. The water in it is black. Sooty. And the channel along which you can take a boat out into the bay is narrow, like the handle of a frying pan.)

- What type of speech did you get?


5. Working with the text “Bad” by V. Oseeva.

Read the text, determine the type of speech, justify your opinion.

The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully.

Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

- Shame on you?

- What's a shame? We didn't do anything! – the boys were surprised.

- This is bad! – the woman answered angrily.

- What is expressed in the title of the story: its theme or main idea?

Main thought.

- Explain punctuation marks in dialogue.

Attention to the screen! Read the paragraphs of the plan for the text. Restore their sequence. Write down the plan.

The woman drove the dog away.

"Shame on you!"

The kitten meowed pitifully.

The boys stood nearby and “did nothing.”

"The dog was barking furiously."

(1. “The dog barked furiously.”

2. The kitten “meowed pitifully.”

3. The boys stood nearby and “did nothing.”

4. The woman drove the dog away.

5. “Shame on you!”)

-Retell the text according to plan.

III. Lesson summary:

-What types of speech did we get acquainted with in this lesson?

Narration, description and reasoning.

- How are types of speech distinguished?

Types of speech can be distinguished by questions: the narration is posed with the question what happened?; to the description - which one?; to reasoning - why?

-What other technique can be used to determine the type of speech?

If it is possible to convey the content of the text in one photograph or slide, then this is a description, because its basis is a list of such characteristics of an object that are perceived simultaneously.

If not, then this is a narrative, because its basis is a list of actions that develop sequentially, occurring one after another, at different times.


Speech development lesson.


Goals: to teach how to compose a story based on plot pictures;

consolidate the skill of constructing a story;

to cultivate interest in the work of the Danish artist H. Bidstrup.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Work from drawings.

-Look at the drawings on p. 246 (based on the plot of the Danish artist H. Bidstrup).

II. Conversation.

-What incident do these drawings tell about?

-Where did it all start?

-How did events develop?

-Which picture shows the most acute moment in the development of the action?

-How did it all end?

-What conversation could have happened between the heroes of this incident?

-Will you talk in a serious or humorous tone?

-Will you use gestures and facial expressions in this story?

III. Auxiliary words.

Somehow, one day, it happened when... this story happened recently - this is how, or something like this, stories about some incidents from life begin.

IV. Constructing a story.

There are different types of speech. For example:

A story is one of the varieties of narrative type of speech.

A story is a short literary work of a narrative type, in which we are talking about one but important event in the life of the hero.

The story is based on an event (incident, episode, incident). Therefore, in its construction there are parts associated with the development of this event: plot, climax, denouement.

The plot is the moment from which an event begins and on which its development depends.

Climax is the moment of highest tension in the development of an event.

The denouement is the result of the development of an event, its final moment.

A story may have an introduction and a conclusion.

In the introduction, the author usually explains where, when, and with whom what he decided to talk about happened; in the conclusion, he most often shares his thoughts about the events described, talks about what the incident taught him, what trace it left in his memory.

The structure (composition) of a simple story can be represented as the following diagram:


The beginning




“One day my dad (my uncle, our neighbor, etc.) brought his portrait from somewhere - large and in a large frame...”

V. Making a plan.

1. Once dad brought his portrait...

2.Hang the portrait in the most visible place...

3.Despite everything, we hung him...

VI. Story according to plan (include dialogues).


Speech development lesson.

Description of the item.

Objectives: to familiarize students with the description in detail;

develop the “technique of intense vision”, learn to peer into objects, and not

slide on them;

cultivate interest in artistic descriptions of objects.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Studying new material.

1. The teacher's word.

Today we will take a closer look at the description. The description depicts objects, people, animals, nature, etc. It answers the questions: what? and what? Object, landscape, interior, person. The description can be made in any style. An artistic description is, as it were, colored and permeated with the attitude of the author towards the subject of the description that he seeks to evoke in the reader (listener). An artistic description is internally consolidated by its main idea, and it does not necessarily reveal all the existing features of an object, but only those that concretize this idea.

The description usually distinguishes between:

1) the part that contains general characteristics an object or conveys the general impression of it;

2) the part that talks about individual features and details of this subject. If the description is in an artistic style, then in the first part the main idea can be expressed, which internally holds all its elements together into a single whole.

Sometimes the role of the first part of the description is played by the title of the text or a sentence in which the subject of speech is only named (without its characteristics).

Worditem– ambiguous. In the textbook it is used in the meaning of “a thing (mainly of household use, work, etc.) that serves a particular need, product.”

In the broad sense of the wordplants, animals, buildings, architectural monuments, etc. –also objects.

2.Text on the screen. Children write “according to their voice” in their notebooks.

Description of Vaska.

Little cat, little gray pubis. Vasya is affectionate and cunning, with velvet paws and a sharp claw. Vasyutka has sensitive ears, a long mustache, and a silk fur coat.

The cat caresses, bends over, wags its tail, closes its eyes, sings a song, but a mouse is caught - don’t be angry! The eyes are big, the paws are like steel, the teeth are crooked, the claws are protruding!

- Read the text expressively.

-Prove that the wonderful teacher and writer K. Ushinsky made this story for young children.

(Diminutive suffixes, rhymes within the story. Let’s find them:cat-pubes, cunning-sharp, sensitive ears, caresses-bends, wags-closes, big-steel, curves-graduation.)

3.Work on the description.

Any object or living creature has external and internal characteristics (character).

a) Let us prove that our Vaska has the entire set of physical, external characteristics. The color is gray, the paws are soft, velvety, the claws are sharp, the ears are sensitive, the mustache is long, the fur coat is silk.

-Which part of speech helps describe appearance? (Adjective.)

Let's see what his character is.

Caresses, bends, wags, closes, sings...

Which part of speech helps convey the cat's character? (Verb.)

c) K.D. Ushinsky could put an end to this: the charming cat is described in every detail (details).

But every description has an idea...

-What idea, i.e. thought, is included in the description of the cat?

Is it described to make us feel tenderness or to penetrate into the essence of the cat breed?

-Read the 2nd paragraph aloud.

Ushinsky first describes the portrait as static, constant, but it does not fully convey the character of the animal, so a mouse appears in the description, which is not in the picture, but which Vaska waits for every minute.

d) How would Vaska’s external portrait change? Let your imagination run wild! (The eyes would become big, the paws would turn from soft to steel, the claws would be released.)

-What was the main thing the author wanted to show in Vaska?

(His outer charm and inner cunning.)

3. The teacher's word.

But you can read hundreds of descriptions and learn nothing! Is there a scheme for describing an object, landscape, face, interior? Universal, i.e. schemes for all occasions, no... But we will still try to understand how the description is born. We work with recordings on the screen.

4.Teacher's story.

There was such a wonderful Russian writer - Panteleimon Romanov, who once discovered that he could not see... Yes, he was inattentive to the world around him, like many students who were asked if there was a window in the wall they passed by at the entrance university. 60% of students answered that there was no window, whereas there was...

He became afraid that beautiful world around, diverse, bright, essentially disappears for him, and he already dreamed of becoming a writer... Then he realized that he was suffering from a disease - “laziness of vision” (entry). And then he decided to apply the “Intense Vision Technique” to everything he sees (entry). And this means not skimming over things, but peering into them, studying them. The science of vision was born. A special science when we are afraid to say:round wheel and white snow- this is well known, elementary... And Panteleimon Romanov began to practice with simple objects. For example, a chair. Let's follow his, the writer's, thoughts, his questions and answers. Let's write down:

Chair (object, subject of speech)

1.Where is it located?

- on the terrace

2.What shape is it?

- with sloping back


- heavy


- dark


- Red tree


- antique

7.Current condition?

- tattered


- with inlays (decoration made using the inlay method. Inlay - decorate by cutting patterns, drawings into products made of another material (usually at the same level with the surface of the product. And. metal on wood.)

9.Quality of work?

- tacky (roughly, unskillfully and tastelessly made.)


- from a rich estate to the dacha of impoverished descendants

Let's evaluate the writer's path. He identified in the plan the main features of the chair, answering the question WHAT?

-Are you wondering what happened when everything came together?

On the snow-covered terrace of a country house there stood an old tattered chair, a mahogany chair from Alexander's times, with a sloping back and... inlays, the work of domestic serf craftsmen. Obviously it saw better times, somewhere on a rich estate, and now, having survived five generations, he ends his life with seedy descendants, or perhaps with some rich kulak, who, due to his weight and thanks to the value of the material, left him, like an old invalid, on frost.

Thus, writes Romanov, an exhaustive mastery of the subject occurred.

II. Lesson summary

And we, children, will learn this - description, we will learn to see an object, describe its portrait and appreciate the magnificent, “visible”, “volumetric” descriptions from Gogol and Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov.

III. Homework: make a description plan approximately the same as we did with the chair:

Option I – broom,

II - vacuum cleaner.

And from this plan a miracle description - a story - will be born.


Speech development lesson.

Reasoning in storytelling.

Objectives: to introduce students to the type of speech - reasoning, with its features;

develop logical thinking, the ability to “build” this type of speech according to a scheme

(put forward a thesis, provide evidence, draw a conclusion);

cultivate interest in this type of speech.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Studying new material.

-Do you know who a panther is? a lion?

Listen to two texts. What is the difference?

a) At first glance I recognized the Manchurian panther, called the leopard by the locals. This magnificent representative of the felines was one of the large ones. The length of its body from nose to tail was almost two meters. The panther's skin, rusty yellow on the sides and back and white on the belly, was covered with black spots. These spots were arranged in rows, like the stripes of a tiger. On the sides, on the paws and on the head they were solid, small, and on the neck, back and tail they were large.

(V. Arsenyev)

b) Leo is the king of beasts. They say that he is called that because he can look at the sun. But all other cats can do this too: this is how their eyes are designed. The lion just looks very majestic and regal. He doesn’t look directly at anyone, but everything is somewhere off into the distance. As if he doesn't even notice you. And it roars as menacingly as any other animal. Not a roar, but heavenly thunder.

(I. Akimushkin)

- The two texts differ in that the first describes the physical portrait of a panther, answering the question: what is it like, a panther? – body length, color. The second text answers the question: why is the lion called the king of beasts? These are fundamentally two different types of speech: description and reasoning.

-Today we will learn to reason and prove our statement.

1. Working with text.

Write the text in your notebook.

There are many fish and animals in the sea.

Sharks are called sea robbers, as they scare away and destroy fish, tear nets, and sometimes attack people. It is no coincidence that sharks are considered dangerous fish.

Read the text expressively.

-This text is a discussion.

-How is it built? Findintroduction(first sentence)

Findthesis, t.e. a statement that needs to be proven. (Sharks are called robbers.)

Find threejustification evidencethis thesis. All three pieces of evidence answer the question: why are sharks called robbers of the sea?

Findconclusion and reasoning.

2.Working with the reasoning diagram.

- This short text will allow us to understand how reasoning is built.

Write down a diagram for constructing a reasoning.

Attention to the screen!

- Let us repeat, looking at the diagram, how the text-reasoning is constructed.

Reasoning is a type of text in which the main idea is explained or proven using various arguments.

The reasoning usually consists of three parts. This:

  1. thesis (what is being proven or explained);
  2. evidence (or arguments, reasons, justifications, explanations);
  3. conclusion.

Some arguments may lack a thesis or conclusion.

Reasoning can be an independent type of text and can be included as necessary part into other types of texts (description, narration).

Means of connecting parts of reasoning.


Let's prove it.

This can be proven as follows (as follows).


And that's why.

This is explained as follows.


1.Firstly,... For example,...

2.Secondly,... For example,...

3. Thirdly,... Let's say...


Let's summarize everything that has been said.

Thus, …

Hence, …

Please note: parts of the argument can be connected without special words, but only by meaning and with the help of intonation.

II. Consolidation of the theory.

1.Oral work.

- What am I going to read now? (The teacher reads the new text in parts corresponding to the structure of the argument.)

Both adults and children love to read fairy tales (introduction).

Some of them are called magical (thesis)...

...since they tell about the extraordinary adventures of heroes who rise above the clouds on a magic carpet, end up in the underground kingdom, get living and dead water, and in this they are helped by wonderful helpers (evidence, arguments).

Therefore heroes fairy tales always win (conclusion).

-When reading again, name the parts that correspond to the structure of the argument. (The teacher reads in parts.)

2.Written work on the screen and in notebooks.

- Let's compose a text-reasoning together.

-I'm giving an introduction. My main point:A person knows many professions. The doctor is the noblest of them all.

We will present the evidence first orally, and then write down the text with accompanying punctuation and spelling analysis.


Because a doctor comes to the rescue when a person feels bad: he calms the patient, examines him, diagnoses the disease, listens carefully, prescribes medications and procedures. Doctors are the first to come to the aid of victims on the battlefield, during fires, and earthquakes. They sacrifice their rest, peace, and sometimes spend sleepless nights at the bedside of the suffering person.

- Now let’s make a conclusion (there can be many of them).

That's why…

...only a real person can be a doctor.

...being a doctor is very responsible and honorable.

…I want to be a doctor.

...a dynasty of doctors has formed in my family.

...therefore, society must adequately pay doctors for their work.

…it shouldn’t be money that motivates doctors. And love for a person.

The last conclusion is perhaps the most successful to the stated thesis, so we will write it down.

-So we got acquainted with a new type of speech- by reasoning.It is very important, since we do not always argue our thoughts and do not provide evidence.

III. Preparing for your home essay.

-I’ll now read a short work by a fifth-grader. Is there a drawback to it?

English language– my favorite subject.

I love it because it is easy for me, and I study without the help of my parents. Alla Borisovna teaches the lesson with enthusiasm and explains well. Our class is blooming. Alla Borisovna loves flowers very much. And under her leadership, we turned the classroom into a real garden. I only have A's in English.

From childhood, my dad taught me to work at a desk, and I learned to work. That's why I have good results in learning English!

Review (after the children's reasoning).

Essay thesis:English is my favorite subject. Three pieces of evidence are given:it comes easy to me; I study without the help of my parents(and we love where we are independent);Alla Borisovna teaches the lesson with enthusiasm and explains well.And then there is a violation of logic: the thought “went away” from the subject to the flowers with which the classroom was decorated. Then the student remembered her grades and explained their reason - the habit of work brought up from childhood. Conclusion (That's why I have good results)does not agree with the thesis... What conclusion suggests itself? Either I will become an English teacher, or the English language will help me learn the culture of the English people, or my favorite subject is the one in which you put your soul.


Write an essay-argument on any of the topics:

“Any job loves order,” “My favorite activity,” “My favorite lesson at school,” “Chickens are counted in the fall,” “People need peace.”

Do not forget that the argumentative essay is written according to the following scheme:

Introduction(1st paragraph),

Thesis (2nd paragraph),

Evidence (3-5th paragraphs),


What is your baby's mood and why? How did the artist show the baby’s distress? Describe the baby. Why didn't you take the baby fishing? Who is watching him? Why is my sister smiling? When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which you see in the picture?

1. One day, a shed, a shovel, fishing tackle, worms, a fishing rod, fishing, a tin can, a backpack, he promised to take fish with him for the whole day. 2. Early in the morning, before dawn, barely light, it was barely dawn, we took fishing rods and bait, headed out the gate, overslept, dressed haphazardly, grabbed a can of worms, how am I, I’m still small, you can drown, you’ll be capricious, ask to go home, there’s no time to bother with you, you grow up, you go, you stay at home. 3. He roared at the top of his voice, dropped the can of worms from his hands, tears flowed like hail, the older sister smiled, consoled her as best she could, you’ll go on more than one fishing trip, you’ll catch the biggest fish. 4. I remembered the incident for the rest of my life.

Essay - a story based on a painting by K.N. Uspenskaya - Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing.”

The lesson outline is based on the study and analysis of a work of fine art. The lesson illustrates modern approaches to organizing students' creative work, various active forms of learning and examples of lexical, vocabulary - stylistic, orthographic analysis of text and linguistic phenomena.

The abstract is intended for teachers of the Russian language in secondary schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums.



Methodological development in the Russian language.

Essay-story based on the painting by K.N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing”

Goals: introduce the features of the composition of the story; show by what means the artist reveals the idea of ​​the picture; develop speech skills; learn how to plan an essay.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing”; poem by R. Parve "Two Fishermen"

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Message of the topic of the lesson.

A student prepared in advance reads the poem “Two Fishermen” by R. Parve.

Who are these travelers?

Who's in a hurry there?

To the bank of our river?

Grandfather with a pipe

And little Tiit-

Both of them are fishermen.

Trick-trick -

Grandfather is ahead.


Grandson behind.

Who's there in the bushes

Sitting above the water?

Who's there for the fish?

Is he watching closely?

Grandfatherwith a pipe

And little Tiit

Are waiting,

When it will be

Fish have an appetite.

Here's the float

He barely bent over.

The fishing rod bends in your hand.

Grandfather jerk-

And the roach fish

He's already on the hook!

It's like fishing!

Goes on the hook

Today there is roach after roach.

Grandfather says:

Get ready, son.

The hostesses are waiting for us at home!

Who are these travelers?

Who's in a hurry there?

Who is walking from the river there?

Grandfather with a pipe

And little Tiit-

Both of them are fishermen.


Grandfather is ahead.


Grandson behind

Grandfather caught it

For the whole family

Lots of roach and eels.

Little Tiit

For one cat

Just a saucer


What is this poem about?

How many of you have been fishing?

What feelings did you have when you went fishing?

Have you ever had a time when you were not taken fishing?

Today we will get acquainted with the painting by Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take us fishing”

II. Conversation on the picture.

Look at the reproduction of the painting by Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova “They didn’t take me fishing.”

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place? (In the village)

When does the action depicted in the picture take place? Determine the time of year and time of day.) The action takes place in the summer, early in the morning)

By what signs did you determine that the picture depicts early morning? (The sun is just rising, the sky is pinkish from its rays. There are long shadows on the ground, the kind that happen early in the morning.)

What morning is depicted in the picture? (Cheerful, sunny, joyful.)

Describe the sky. (The sky is clear, cloudless, high)

How did the artist show that the father and older brother were going fishing?) The father carries oars, which means they will fish from a boat. On his back he has a backpack, probably with fishing equipment. The older boy carries fishing rods.)

How did you hear in the picture that the fishermen were leaving?) They are shown in motion, with their backs to the baby, the older brother looks at them as they go.)

That's right, guys, the figures of the fishermen are directed forward. The position of the legs of the body shows that they are moving away. Who do you think is the main character of the picture? (Little boy 4-5 years old)

How did you determine the boy’s age? (The boy knows how to dress properly: his shirt sticks out, his pants are poorly tucked in. He also rides a tricycle.)

That's right, guys, you noticed all this very correctly. Indeed, the bicycle speaks of the boy's age, it is no coincidence that he is depicted in the picture. And how did the artist show that the baby is the main character of the picture? (The baby is depicted in the foreground, almost in the center the picture, separately from other characters, is clearly visible, the gaze of the other two characters (sister and brother) are fixed on him.)

By what details of the picture can you guess that the kid was preparing for fishing? (Near the boy on the ground lies a fishing rod, which he prepared for fishing. He holds a bucket of worms in his hand.)

What is the baby’s mood and why? (“He is very offended, upset, because he was not taken fishing.”)

How did the artist show the child’s distress? (“The boy doesn’t notice how the chicken is pulling worms out of his bucket”; “He threw the fishing rod out of resentment, wrinkled his face, and was about to cry.”)

Describe the boy in more detail, his posture, facial expression, hair, clothes. (“He stands in a confused pose, bowed his head, raised his hand, as if scratching behind his ear, knitted his eyebrows, pouted his lips, ready to cry”; “He has blond golden hair , tanned arms and legs. A ray of sun illuminates his face"; "He is wearing a white shirt with short sleeves and black pants.")

Why were these two colors used to depict clothing? (A boy in a white shirt and black pants stands out well against the background of the blue wall of the house.)

That’s right, and the artist uses color to highlight the main character of the painting. How long do you think the boy has been standing in such a distressed pose? (He hasn’t been standing like that for long, because his father and brother are still in the yard and haven’t had time to leave the gate.)

The baby really doesn’t stand in this position for long, it’s unlikely he’s capable of being angry for a long time. Why didn’t they take the baby fishing? (He’s still small, he’ll get tired and might fall out of the boat.)

Who is watching the baby in the yard? (Sister, she looks out from behind the door.)

Why is the sister smiling? (It’s funny for her to watch the chicken pull worms out of the bucket, but her brother doesn’t see. The sister is happy that her brother stayed at home and she won’t be bored.)

What impression does the picture make on you? (Both happy and sad.)

Why is it funny? (Fun because it’s funny to watch a chicken steal worms from a baby’s bucket, but he doesn’t see. The picture shows a sunny morning, good weather. Delicate light colors are pleasing to the eye, they’re nice to look at.)

Why sad? (Sad because the baby is upset.)

Do you feel sorry for this baby? (Not very much. His grief is not so great. He will grow up and go fishing.)

Pay attention to the bicycle, which apparently speaks not only about the boy’s age, but also that the kid will soon forget about fishing, his grief, and will have fun riding.

Do you like this picture?

Why do you like it? (It shows a very cute baby. The artist interestingly showed the baby’s resentment and the impudent chicken.)

Indeed, the picture is very interesting and life-like. Now let’s try to compose a story based on this picture.

Physical education and training

III.Drawing up an essay plan.

The story is based on some incident, episode, incident. The story can be divided into three main parts: the plot (the event with which the action begins); climax (the most acute, tense moment in the development of the action); resolution (ending, final action).

Writes on the board rough plan essays.


1.Summer is a time of miracles.

2.Description of the painting:

A) place of action;

B) the image of a little boy;

B)father and older brother;

D) sister

3.My impression of the picture.

VI.Vocabular-stylistic and spelling work.

Words with difficult spellings that can be used in a story based on a picture are written down under dictation the day before the essay or on the board after a conversation based on the picture: rising sun, cloudy azure sky, light green grass, backpack, fishing gear, tin can, gate, in the middle ,chasing,bicycle,upset,offended,blond,somehow,just about,cute,mood.

Specify synonyms for the words:

azure (blue, sky, turquoise);

offended (offended, sad);

cute (pleasant, sweet, endearing);

somehow (carelessly, sloppy, sloppy, dishonestly. inattentively, somehow).

Make up word combinations with them on the theme of the picture.

V. Oral essay-story based on the picture.

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which is depicted in the picture? (In the evening, when the baby found out that his father and older brother were going fishing.)

How did the kid know that the elders were going fishing? (He probably heard the elders talking and also began to get ready to go fishing.)

Did the elders promise the baby to take him fishing with them? (The baby probably really asked to take him, and the older brother promised, thinking that the little brother would not wake up early in the morning, he would oversleep.)

What happened in the morning? (Early in the morning the boy woke up, quickly got dressed, somehow tucked in his shirt, pulled on his pants, wrapped them up like an older brother, took a fishing rod and a jar of worms that he had dug up in the evening, and ran after the fish .)

Compose a possible dialogue between a father and a young son.

Students will create a dialogue:

Dad, can I come with you?

No, son, you are still very small, when you grow up, you will go fishing with us.

What was this moment like for the baby? (Very tense, he was waiting for his father’s decision and found out that he would not be taken fishing.)

Describe the little boy’s mood. (The little boy felt bitter and offended. He prepared so hard, but they didn’t take him.)

In this part, tell and describe what is depicted in the picture - the pose, the expression on the boy’s face, show his grief.

How do you think this story will end? (When the father and older brother go fishing, the baby will forget about his grudge and go riding a bike or play with his sister.)

How will you title your story? (Resentment," "It's all gone," "I tried in vain," "I was preparing in vain," "They didn't take it," "Chagrin," "I was offended.")

How would you start your story based on the picture? (One evening, little Seryozha heard his father and older brother Petya talking about fishing. Seryozha also really wanted to go fishing. He quickly ran into the garden to dig worms.)

Sample essay.

“In the evening, little Pavlik played with his sister Nina.

Suddenly he saw that his older brother Sasha was digging for worms. Pavlik immediately guessed that Sasha and his father were going fishing. He ran up to his brother and began to ask to be taken too. The little one whined and begged for so long that Sasha could not stand it and said : “Okay, we’ll take you.” Pavlik was very happy, went up to Nina and boasted: “They’ll take me fishing, but you won’t!”

All evening Pavlik was preparing for fishing. He dug up worms in the garden, prepared a fishing rod, put everything under the bed and went to bed, satisfied.

Morning came. The rays of the rising sun painted everything pink. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The day promised to be good. The baby woke up from some noise. He opened his eyes and saw that his father and brother were already getting ready to go fishing. They took fishing rods, oars, a backpack with food and got ready to leave. Pavlik quickly got up, got dressed himself, pulled on his pants, somehow tucked in his shirt, grabbed a fishing rod and a can of worms and ran out into the yard in a joyful mood after his father and brother.

“Where are you going?” the father asked sternly, seeing his little son.

“I’ll go fishing with you,” Pavlik answered.

Still young, stay home.

Pavlik remained standing in the middle of the yard. Out of resentment, he threw down the fishing rod, pouted his lips, wrinkled his face, and was about to cry. “Well, why, why didn’t they take me fishing? I tried so hard,” he thought. Pavlik was so upset, that he didn’t notice how the impudent chicken was stealing from his jar of worms, which he had dug up with such difficulty. And Ninka looked out from behind the door and laughed: “What, they didn’t take it?! You won’t brag next time.” Then her little brother , she approached Pavlik and said: “Stop sulking, let's go play, ride a bike.

VI.Independent work.Written essay.

VII. Lesson summary.

What work did we meet today?

What did Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova’s painting “They Didn’t Take Fishing” tell us about?

What does this picture teach?