Record for impact force. Who has the hardest punch in boxing? Mike Tyson's right cross. The strongest punch in the world Who has the stronger punch in boxing?

In boxing, fights are most often won through technique and intelligence, rather than through brute strength and power. However, some boxers are so physically strong that it doesn't matter what their opponent's game plan is. Ultimately, power makes all the difference.

With the kind of power some boxers possess, the gap between technical science and good old-fashioned punching in the ring is closing. We have seen this more than once. Killing power impact is an amazing thing. It provides incredibly exciting fights where the spirit of knockout is literally in the air. Casual fans come to boxing to see thunder and lightning, not technical finesse.

However, not everyone has such a blow. Some boxers are simply not blessed with this unique attribute. While knockout power is largely a physical gift, punching power can't be trained, at least a little.

Want to turn your hands into heavy artillery? Here are some exercises to help you with this.

1. Medicine ball throwing

Medicine balls have long been used in boxing to increase punching power, and there are at least two ways to throw them.

First. You can lie on your back and grab a very heavy medicine ball. Taking the ball in both hands, try to throw it as high as possible, pushing it away from your chest. Catch the ball with both hands and repeat.

Second. Take a medium-heavy ball and take a fighting stance. With one hand, grasp the ball in your palm and push it forward as hard as possible. You can throw the ball against a wall or have a partner throw it back at you. Throw as if you were throwing a punch.

Both methods train explosive force your hands. It is important to throw the medicine ball with the greatest explosion. Do these exercises regularly and you will probably notice an increase in your punching power in the near future.

2. Plyometric push-ups

Plyometric training, also known as “jump training,” is an exercise that forces the muscles to exert maximum force in short bursts. The goal is not only to increase power, but also speed.

Plyometric push-ups are one of the most underrated exercises that can help increase your punching power. Start by getting into a standard push-up position. Lower yourself down as normal, but as you extend your arms, explode so that your hands come off the floor. This exercise trains the strength of the arms, shoulders and chest - all those parts of the body that are responsible for swipe.

You can also vary the exercise slightly by clapping your hands in the air or clapping your chest. Be sure to keep your torso and legs straight while doing this. If you don’t have enough strength yet, you can do these push-ups with your knees touching the floor.

This does wonders for your explosiveness, which then shows up in the ring.

3. Work on a heavy bag

One of the most important tools in the gym for increasing punching power is the heavy bag. With this projectile you can practice delivering your strongest blows to an inanimate target.

Work approximately according to the following schedule: 3 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest. Divide the work into cycles of 10-15 seconds. For 10-15 seconds, try to hit as hard as possible, hitting the bag with a series of crosses, hooks and uppercuts. Then 10-15 seconds active rest, involving light jabs and footwork.

Make sure you pay close attention to technique, as proper technique will ensure that you hit with optimal power.

A legendary boxer who spent a lot of time working on the heavy bag was Roberto Duran, known by the nickname "Stone Fists".

4. Shadowboxing

Believe it or not, shadow boxing is one of the... best exercises to train your punching power as it will ensure that you focus on technique and proper execution of punches, completely forgetting about punching power.

One of the biggest pitfalls in boxing training is that boxers blindly focus on increasing their punching power rather than learning the technique behind it. Shadow boxing helps train correct technique, which in turn helps to train striking power.

Make shadowboxing an important part of your training. Ideally, you should dedicate 3-5 rounds to this each time. Stand in front of a mirror and shadow box, paying close attention to your technique and how you throw your punches. It will be best if a coach or friend monitors you and makes adjustments if necessary.

As you become more technically savvy, your punching power also increases. In addition, shadowboxing develops defense, head movements and footwork.

It is very difficult to focus on specific numbers in kilograms or newtons when talking about impact force. There are two significant reasons for this:

  • The punching power of all famous boxers has never been measured by anyone. And what’s more important here is not so much the strength itself as the size of the knockout component.
  • All blows are divided into two categories: jolting and sharp. Strength indicator Both types of strikes may be the same, but their very essence may differ significantly.

More specifically, a man's punching force is approximately between 200 and 1000 kg. At the same time, the punch force of a boxer weighing 60-70 kg reaches 200 kg, and the punch of a super heavyweight boxer can reach 1000 kg. Quite interesting is the fact that having an impact force of 15 kg or 150 Newtons) and delivering a blow to the chin area, you can already “knock out” your opponent.

However, although there is no special dynamometer that measures the strength of all boxers, there is still an opinion that Mike Tyson has the strongest punch. The force of this blow is approximately 800 kg. A blow of such force can kill a person, not just knock him out. But even blows with less force can lead to quite serious consequences.

Speaking about Mike Tyson, we should remember his other records. At 20, he became the youngest heavyweight world champion. And a year later he became the youngest world champion among heavyweight boxers. he is also the boxer who achieved these titles in the shortest period of time.

Taken from the Guinness Book of Records.

The vast majority of people, even with higher technical education, have a vague idea of ​​what impact force is and what it can depend on. Some believe that the force of a blow is determined by impulse or energy, while others believe that it is pressure. Some people confuse strong impacts with impacts that cause injury, while others believe that the force of an impact should be measured in units of pressure. Let's try to clarify this topic.

Impact force, like any other force, is measured in Newtons (N) and kilogram-force (kgf). One Newton is the force due to which a body weighing 1 kg receives an acceleration of 1 m/s 2 . One kgf is the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 g = 9.81 m/s 2 to a body weighing 1 kg (g is the acceleration of gravity). Therefore, 1 kgf = 9.81 N. The weight of a body of mass m is determined by the attractive force P with which it presses on the support: P = mg. If your body mass is 80 kg, then your weight, determined by gravity or attraction, P = 80 kgf. But in common parlance they say “my weight is 80 kg,” and everyone understands everything. Therefore, they often say about the force of an impact that it amounts to some kg, but what is meant is kgf.

The impact force, unlike the force of gravity, is quite short-lived. The shape of the shock pulse (in simple collisions) is bell-shaped and symmetrical. In the case of a person hitting a target, the shape of the pulse is not symmetrical - it increases sharply and falls relatively slowly and wave-like. The total duration of the impulse is determined by the mass embedded in the blow, and the rise time of the impulse is determined by the mass of the striking limb. When we talk about impact force, we always mean not the average, but its maximum value during the collision.

Let's throw the glass not too hard at the wall so that it breaks. If it hits the carpet, it may not break. In order for it to break for sure, you need to increase the force of the throw in order to increase the speed of the glass. In the case of the wall, the blow was stronger, since the wall was harder, and therefore the glass broke. As we can see, the force acting on the glass turned out to depend not only on the force of your throw, but also on the rigidity of the place where the glass hit.

So is the blow of a person. We just throw our hand and the part of the body involved in the strike at the target. As studies have shown (see “Physical and mathematical model of impact”), the part of the body involved in the impact has little effect on the force of the impact produced, since its speed is very low, although this mass is significant (reaches half the body weight). But the force of the impact turned out to be proportional to this mass. The conclusion is simple: the force of the impact depends on the mass involved in the impact, only indirectly, since with the help of precisely this mass our striking limb (arm or leg) is accelerated to maximum speeds. Also, do not forget that the impulse and energy imparted to the target upon impact is mainly (50–70%) determined by precisely this mass.

Let's return to the force of impact. The impact force (F) ultimately depends on the mass (m), size (S) and speed (v) of the striking limb, as well as on the mass (M) and stiffness (K) of the target. The basic formula for impact force on an elastic target:

From the formula it is clear that the lighter the target (bag), the less force of impact. For a bag weighing 20 kg compared to a bag of 100 kg, the impact force is reduced by only 10%. But for bags of 6–8 kg, the impact force already drops by 25–30%. It is clear that, having hit balloon, we will not get any significant value at all.

You will have to basically take the following information on faith.

1. A direct blow is not the most powerful of blows, although it requires good execution technique and especially a sense of distance. Although there are athletes who do not know how to hit with a side kick, as a rule, their direct blow is very strong.

2. The elbow strike is just a little harder. direct blow. And despite its apparent simplicity, it requires its own technique and skill (otherwise it will be weaker than the direct one). Its destructiveness lies in the rigidity of the entire impact structure and surface. By striking a soft bag with an elbow or knee, we will not get significant strength readings, but in battle the same blows on a hard target will be significant in force (and especially in the pressure developed), which can lead to significant injuries.

3. The force of a side blow due to the speed of the striking limb is always higher than that of a direct blow. Moreover, with a delivered blow, this difference reaches 30–50%. Therefore, side punches tend to be the most knockout.

4. A backhand strike (such as a backfist with a turn) is the easiest in terms of execution technique and does not require good physical training, practically the strongest among punches, especially if the striker is in good physical shape. You just need to understand that its strength is determined by the large contact surface, which is easily achievable on a soft bag, but in real combat for the same reason, when striking on a hard, complex surface, the contact area is greatly reduced, the force of the blow drops sharply, and it turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, in battle it still requires high precision, which is not at all easy to implement.

5. A kick is slightly slower than a side kick, but is still stronger due to the mass and especially the area of ​​the striking limb.

Let us emphasize once again that the blows were considered from a position of strength, and against a soft and large bag, and not in terms of the amount of damage caused.

Projectile gloves reduce impacts by 3–7%.

Gloves used for competition reduce impacts by 15–25%.

As a guide, the results of measuring the force of the delivered blows should be as follows:

Savelyev V.N., 01/15/09, 04/02/09, 12/25/15


There were, are and will be legends in boxing. They all won many titles, had very beautiful fights, set incredible records, and sent their opponents to the hardest knockouts. But which boxers were most feared?

Those who could even break a bull or any other animal with one blow, literally speaking. Usually, super-heavyweights had the greatest strength; they could develop enormous power due to their body weight and refined striking technique.

Let's talk about five boxers whose punching power reached simply unimaginable numbers.

It is worth noting that impact force is usually measured in PSI (pound-force per inch), which corresponds to 6894.7573 Pascals. This unit of measurement is mainly used in the West.

Max Baer

American professional boxer, born at the beginning of the 20th century. During his professional career he fought 84 fights and managed to win 72. And he ended 53 fights by knockout, which is not surprising; with such a powerful blow, few could resist.

He managed to develop a blow into1500 PSI right cross. They say that with this blow he was able to knock out a healthy bull. And one of the opponents, after a severe knockout from Baer, ​​died from head injuries. Max Baer died in November 1959.

Joe Fraser

American professional boxer absolute champion world in the heavy weight category.

Born January 12, 1944 in Beaufort. Fought 125 battles in amateur boxing and scored 120 victories, knocking out 65 opponents. In professional boxing he had 37 fights and won 32 victories, 27 of them by knockout.

He managed to develop a blow with a force of1800 PSI left hook. It was with this blow that he knocked down legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, and subsequently inflicted his first defeat in history.

Mike Tyson

American professional boxer. Probably the most popular and scandalous boxer in history.

He was imprisoned several times as a child and in his adult life, he bit off the ear of professional boxer Evander Holyfield. But despite this, he is a truly legendary boxer. Now he has not been performing in the ring for a long time, but he acts in films, participates in talk shows and is involved in business.

In amateur boxing he had 60 fights and won 54 victories. During his professional boxing career he had 68 fights, in which he scored 60 victories, of which 44 were knockouts.

He scored a lot of knockouts in the first round, most in the first four.

He hits any blows with incredible force, and his combinations are probably difficult for absolutely everyone to resist.

Experts estimate Tyson's right cross in his best years at1800 PSI . Today Mike is 53 years old.

George Foreman

Again an American professional boxer. Born in 1949 in Marshall. He performed relatively little in amateur boxing, had 26 fights and won 22 victories.

During his professional career, he won 76 victories in 81 fights and also knocked out 68 opponents.

Won 3 championship belts(WBC, WBA, IBF). Managed to develop force with a right uppercut1900 PSI . George Foreman is considered the oldest boxer to win the world title.

Ernie Shavers

And again, an American professional boxer. Ernie was born in 1945 in Garland. Interesting fact: He never managed to become a world champion, but he managed to knock out two former champions in the first round.

In amateur boxing he had 26 fights and won 20 victories. Later he switched to professional boxing. During his career, he won 74 victories in 89 fights, 68 of them by crushing knockout.

His right cross is considered the strongest in the history of boxing, he managed to execute it with an indicator1900 PSI . On this moment he is 73 years old.

I hope this material was interesting and useful to you. In the above list, all five boxers are Americans, which indicates the development of boxing in the United States in the 20th century.

What new things have you learned? Which boxers did you know before? Write in the comments.

People are always interested in fame, popularity and recognition. Some people achieve fame through acting, someone simply has the talent to make money. But there are also those who have incredible physical abilities. Sometimes their achievements are difficult or completely impossible to repeat. They set records that make them famous all over the world, glorifying sportsmanship.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records achievements around the globe, often capturing the imagination of its readers. But some achievements are so absurd or insane that no one even tries to repeat them. Also, the book of records does not record impact force in one sport or another. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to instantly determine such an indicator, because this will require the use of a large number of sensors that can cause harm to the athlete during a performance.

But there is no need to be upset, because you can find out what the hardest blow in boxing history was.

It's hard to reason

As mentioned above , impact force - magnitude, which is not easy to measure. For example, on the football field you cannot constantly run after the attackers to detect the speed of the ball, and in boxing it is impossible to be in the ring and record how powerfully this or that fighter hit.

But sports fans, as well as experts and critics are involved in compiling ratings that highlight the strength achievements of athletes.

When answering the question of who has the strongest striking power in the world, it is virtually impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because the strength parameter depends on many factors. Very important point- with what limb the blow was struck and what the circumstances were.

You should also definitely pay attention to fighter's weight to strength ratio. Of course, the resulting force will be affected by the ejected mass and the speed of movement. But there are often cases when an athlete weighs less, but is almost equal in strength to heavyweights weighing 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are a large number of martial arts that teach how to perform powerful strikes. But measuring the force of blows during fights requires special equipment. In this matter, progress has been achieved only in boxing and kickboxing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful attacks with their hands. One of the most famous representatives of the boxing world - Mike Tyson, which everyone probably knows about, although it professional career has long since ended.

  • It is generally accepted that it is the powerful Mike who has the strongest punch in boxing. On numerous attractions where a special punching bag is hit to determine the impact force, photographs of Mike are posted. They indicate that Mike Tyson's punch force is 800 kg. This indicator is truly outstanding, and we can safely say that it has virtually no equal. If you take into account the fact that in order to knock out another person, an uppercut with a force of 15 kg is enough, but you must hit it squarely in the jaw, sharply throwing the hand in a circular path, this is truly extraordinary power.
  • When answering a question, many experts remember the name famous boxer from Western Samoa David Tua. They note that the most powerful hand snatch he performed reached 1024 kg. One can only sympathize with his rivals. If only to this day he could preserve the same beautiful physical fitness, he would have been an excellent opponent for Vladimir Klitschko, who had to fight weak opponents.

The most powerful kicks

No less exciting was the question of whether which fighters have strong kicks. Previously, it was generally accepted that the most trained lower limbs among athletes who practice only karate and taekwondo.

But in last years Numerous tournaments were held mixed martial arts, in which they kick hard, martial arts and Muay Thai have been added.

From time to time, popular fighters take part in various television shows where strength is compared. But the results of demonstration competitions, as a rule, are subjective, because everyone’s technique is individual, and the output power depends on it.

For example, the most powerful kick was performed by heavy league fighter Mirko Crocop, his power reached 2703 kg! This is the strongest breakthrough in the history of MMA. Another athlete, Greek Mike Zambidis, with a weight of 70 kilograms, hit his opponent with his right leg with a force of 1870 kilograms. As you can see, it’s better not to joke with such serious guys.

Strikes using elbows and knees

Real masters - Muay Thai fighters. During performances, they can literally cut an opponent’s skin in just a few hits. Because of this, many fights resemble a bloody mess, and not sports competition, causing shock and misunderstanding among those watching the competition from the outside. But the power of such jerks is truly enormous.

Impact strength is a relative indicator, and much depends on efficiency. Masters Thai boxing managed to prove that an athlete weighing 50 kg can deliver just one blow with his fist, capable of knocking out an opponent.

What distinguished football stars

Football is the game of millions. Football matches attract millions of spectators in front of television screens, thousands of fans in stadiums. In order to send the ball into the goal, you must hit the ball very accurately and strongly. Football critics often point out players who hit the goal with incredible force.