Fun in the pool for older children. Fun in the pool for children of the preparatory group “Young swimmers. "Young swimmers"

Program content: create in children good mood; consolidate the ability to inhale and exhale in the water, open your eyes in the water, slide on your chest, pushing off the bottom with your hands, swim at will.

Equipment: telegram; fish costume; 8 “padlocks” with riddles, on the back of which are the letters “B”, “O”, “D”, “A” (4 locks for the participants of the holiday, 4 for fans on the other door); costumes of Neptune, Little Mermaid, Vodomut; throne; trident; inflatable balls; Balloons; rubber and wicker balls; nets (mesh stretched over a hoop) - 4 pcs.; plastic baskets; a necklace made of plasticine wrapped in colored foil; Neptune's decree; record player; plastic toys; rafts; rope from “kinder surprises”; large sea shell; chocolate “medals” for awarding.

The progress of the holiday

IN. On the eve of the holiday, a telegram arrived at the kindergarten:

“A ball has been announced in the palace -

Full-water carnival.

Come quickly

We are looking forward to guests!

The Little Mermaid and King Neptune."

The teacher reads the telegram to the group, informs them on what day the holiday will take place and offers to prepare bright swimsuits for the carnival.

On the day of the holiday, Rybka (the head of physical education) runs into the group.


There was a big disaster in the kingdom,

Vodomut captured Neptune's palace,

Hid the Little Mermaid - the king's daughter,

The teacher leads the children to the kingdom of Neptune in the pool. The children enter the locker room. Vodomut sleeps there, snoring.

Vodomut. What's that noise? Who disturbed my peace? Who you are? What you need?

Fish. The children learned about the misfortune that happened to King Neptune. They came to him by invitation and want to fight you.

Vodomut. But will some kids be able to fight me - Vodomut himself? Now I will spray you with magic swamp water, and your skin will be covered with scales. They will be very itchy, and you will have no time to save Neptune. You will need to save yourself! (Splashes water on the children. Children squeak and hide.)

Fish. Guys, don't be afraid! This magical water only affects those who are not friendly with water and do not like to wash themselves. Do you like to wash, splash, swim? Then quickly undress and go to the shower. Water will help us defeat Vodomut.

The children undress and take a shower. At this time, Vodomut goes into the pool room and closes the door leading from the showers.

Children who, for health reasons, cannot participate in the festival on the water, together with the teacher, come to the pool as fans. They had to overcome the same obstacles with locks, but on a different door. It is these children, under the guidance of the teacher, who try by any means to open the door for their friends. They succeed because... Vodomut is afraid of tickling.

Children enter the pool area. The waterway is on the other side. Neptune sleeps on a high throne.

Fish. Guys, look, King Neptune is sleeping and doesn’t hear anything. Oh, look what happened to the water? (Inflatable multi-colored balls, rubber and wicker balls, and fabric mud float across the entire surface of the water).

Vodomut. I was able to deceive King Neptune and treated him with a sleeping potion. Now he sleeps soundly. And I took it and muddied all the waters. It’s not for nothing that I am Vodomut.

Fish. Our children are brave. They will not be afraid to enter such water at all. Really, guys? Let's try to purify the water. There are networks here. We will collect all the garbage in them. And when the net is full, pass it on to the guys on the shore. They will throw all the garbage into trash cans and clear the net. Do you agree?

Game exercise “Assemble faster.”

Children go into the water and clean the pool.

Fish. Well done boys! Alone in the field, as you know, is not a warrior. And all together, in unison, we were able to purify the water.

Vodomut. Well, have you fussed? This concludes our holiday. What would a holiday be without Neptune and his daughter the Little Mermaid? I bewitched the little mermaid and hid her. And King Neptune sleeps soundly. (He laughs and begins to sneeze. King Neptune wakes up from the noise of Vodomut.)

Neptune. Who, I ask, is sleeping? Who's muddying the waters here in vain? I will reveal this deception, who is disturbing the ocean? My bow to you guys for dispelling my dream. And I will severely punish the villain. I’ll show you where crayfish spend the winter. Have you decided to deceive me and ruin the kids’ holiday? You won't succeed. Now I will teach you a lesson - I will turn you into sea stone!

Fish. Wait, King Neptune! The water fountain hid the Little Mermaid. If you put a spell on it, we won't know where she is!

Neptune. Oh, you villain! Well, admit it, where did the Little Mermaid go?

Vodomut. What if I tell you, won’t you do anything to me?

Neptune. I promise, just tell me quickly.

Vodomut. The little mermaid sleeps in a cave (points with her hand). I stole her pearl necklace. Here it is! But I won't give it to you. If not for me, then not for you! (Unties the necklace and throws the pearls into the water.) And only a pearl necklace can wake up the Little Mermaid!

Fish. Oh, you shameless one! Guys, do you think we need Vodomut at the holiday? We found out where the Little Mermaid is. We also know how to wake her up. Let's drive him away! Hit the water with your palm so that the splashes fly far, far away, all the way to Vodomut. He doesn't like clean water.

Game exercise “Sea battle”.

The water cannon runs away.

Neptune. You guys coped with Vodomut, well done! Now we need to help the Little Mermaid!

Fish. Or maybe there is no Little Mermaid there at all? Let's check. (The teacher opens the curtain to the “cave”. The Little Mermaid is sleeping there.) Guys, let’s clap our hands, maybe we can wake her up this way? (They clap.) No, nothing works. (To the fans.) Guys, help us, stomp your feet. (They stomp.) No, the Little Mermaid is sleeping, and only a pearl necklace can really wake her up.

Outdoor game “Pearl Finders”.

Children dive into the water, open their eyes and take out “pearls” from the bottom. The fish strings them on a thread, ties them and gives them to the teacher. The teacher puts it around the Little Mermaid’s neck. The little mermaid wakes up.

Mermaid. Oh, what happened to me? I remember that I invited the children to visit, and for some reason I fell asleep.

Fish. Don't worry, Little Mermaid. The holiday was a success. It was the cunning Vodomut who bewitched you and your father. But our brave guys were able to defeat Vodomut and now they want to show you their art - the ability to swim, dive and play.

“I, the almighty king of the seas and oceans, command:

1. All the guys should toughen up, don’t get sick or sick, run, swim and dive!

2. Always let smiles bloom on your faces! Anyone who doesn’t smile is not allowed near the water!”

Fish. Let's guys play the game "Ball Trap" (1 min.)

Let me remind you that Trap marks children with a ball. You can't throw the ball. Whoever the ball touches becomes the Trapper. You can escape from the Trap by diving into the water. Underwater you can only exhale slowly. One, two, three - start! Whoever catches the ball is the Trapper.

Mermaid. Well done guys, they showed their dexterity and skill. Now it's time to swim and play for fun.

Free swimming to music (2 min., using equipment).

Mermaid. Well, our holiday has come to an end. And so that parting will not be difficult, I will give you gold medals. You deserve them! There have never been such brave and dexterous guys in our kingdom.

Children go to the locker room, rub themselves with towels, and get dressed.

, - « Kindergarten»,

Fun in the pool

for children preparatory group

"Young swimmers"

Prepared by: instructor

in physical education


· Strengthen children’s ability to boldly enter the water;

· Lead to mastering floating and lying on the water (“Float”, “Star”);

· Improve the coordination of movements of the arms and legs when swimming crawl;

· Improve the skills of synchronized movements in water accompanied by music (aqua aerobics);

· Teach children to perform movements in the water according to drawing diagrams depicting the elements of swimming (“Arrow”, “Star”);

· Learn to navigate in a given space;

· Cultivate endurance, independence, a sense of teamwork, and the ability to act in a team;

· Create an atmosphere of psychological comfort;

· To develop psycho-emotional stability during public speaking and competitions.


10 children from the preparatory group (5 girls and 5 boys), 5 children from the dance group.


2 plastic bottles for each participant, balls different sizes, boats for everyone, pebbles (for the game “Pearl Seekers”), diagrams (2-4 pcs.), paths (ribbed, health path), massagers; for decorating the pool: balloons, table, umbrella, fruits, mineral water, cups, fresh and artificial flowers, music center with CDs, 10 pcs. sultans (for support group), 2 pins of different colors.

Progress of entertainment:

On land: 10 children in swimming suits enter the pool and line up near the stairs.


Today is an unusual day for us, guests have come to our kindergarten, let's say hello to them. We are happy to welcome everyone to our pool. We'd love to show you what we've learned from the pool. In 2014, Sochi will host winter Olympic Games. Many athletes around the world are already preparing for this event. And I invite everyone to be transported to a hot summer, to imagine that we are all on the shores of the warm Black Sea - we have come to a water competition. We are greeted by our support group "Olympic Stars" (The song “The Sea is Calling” is played by the group “Brilliant.” 5 children with colorful plumes perform a dance).

Presenter: Let's thank our support team (applause)

I invite the competition participants to enter the water.

Entering the water, children line up at the side. Calm music sounds (“Magic of the Waves”).

Presenter: Let's put our palms on the water and say hello to the water. The water is gentle, clean, warm, transparent. We wish everyone good health, prosperity, and good luck. Let's wash our face.

Now let’s do a warm-up in water with bottles - water aerobics.

(to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Presenter commands: Group! Be equal! Attention! Pay off the first or second! Prepared to complete tasks.

1st task: The “Crossing” exercise is performed one by one - working in pairs. Children take turns transporting each other from one side of the pool to the other (2 approaches).

2nd task: Exercise "Arrow". Before performing the exercise, the presenter shows the children a diagram of the exercise and asks them to do it one by one (2 approaches)." align="left" width="384" height="289">

After completing all the exercises, the children are divided into two teams.

Relay races are held.

1 relay"Passing the ball"

2 relay"Throw the ball"

3 relay"Pearl Finders"

4 relay"Hit the target"

5 relay“Whose team will assemble faster”

In conclusion, the children swim in pairs, in the way that they like or have learned (crawl, torpedo, backstroke) long distance(7m).

Exit from the water.


Guys, did you like our trip to the Black Sea?

You tried very hard, well done! Thank you!

Children in swimsuits, hats and inflatable armbands enter the pool area and sit on the gymnastics benches. A specially created large ship is prepared on the water surface of the pool (connected in place are foam plates with sides on which the name of the ship “BRAVE” is written).

Presenter: Dear Guys! An unusual adventure awaits us today. Our ship is called "Brave", and it will take us to the uninhabited islands. On the road! Take your seats.

Children read K. Vanshenkin’s poem “Sailor” and go into the pool. The buckle on the belt sparkles

And it shines from afar,

Striped shirt

It's called a "vest".

And the sailor's cap

Does not have a visor.

It's called a cap

A sailor's peakless cap.

And ribbons curl over her,

They fight in the cold wind.

And they take off and rustle.

And on the tape there are letters in a row.

Winds, blow! Showers, rain!

Hurricane, buzz, dust!

Still lights up on the tape

Eternally the name of the ship.

This is a name for a sailor

It will always be expensive...

The fine rain flows slantingly.

The water rushes dully into the shore.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

Waves dance here and there.

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded.

Children are placed on foam plastic plates and, to the music of I. Dunaevsky from the film “Children of Captain Grant,” swim along the sides of the pool. They stop near a palm tree painted on the screen.

Presenter: You and I have sailed to a desert island. We need to examine him! And to warm up we’ll do some fun exercises.

The guys sit on the side of the pool and do gymnastics (at the swimming instructor’s choice). Presenter: Well done! Oh, who is this? A Pirate runs out (an adult in a pirate costume, with a parrot doll sewn on his shoulder).

Pirate: Yeah! Gotcha, kids! No one can escape - I’ll take everyone prisoner now!

The phonogram of the song “One-Eyed Pirate” sounds (music by R. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin). The pirate dances (free improvisation).

Presenter: Wait, Pirate, shout! Let's be honest! In a sporty way! Agree?

Pirate: Agree! Only I know only one sports game: Whoever I catch, I take him prisoner!

The pirate is trying to catch the guys out of the pool with a big net. The children scatter in different directions.

Pirate: Nothing! I may not have caught any of you, but you won’t be able to start a fire! All the logs for the fire are at the bottom! E-ho-ho!

Presenter: Guys! Here is the red hoop where you will put the logs for the fire. And the logs are actually scattered all over the pool! And if you don’t collect them within 5 minutes, they will become damp and the fire will not be able to be lit!

Pirate: Yes Yes! I have an hourglass and it shows exactly five minutes! So I flip them over and you dive in! One, two, three - let's start!

Children spend five minutes collecting “logs” for a fire (sinking objects) underwater and putting them in a red hoop. At this time, the pirate runs along the edge of the pool and shouts: “You won’t have time!”

Pirate: Well, yours took it! So be it, I'm leaving. But I'll be back with a surprise for you!

The pirate leaves. The presenter places basins with the inscriptions “Soup” and “Compote” on the side of the pool.

Presenter: While the Pirate is away, let's make soup and compote. Let's hold a relay race! Let's split into two teams. Here on this side there are models of vegetables, and on this side there are models of fruits. At the other end of the pool there are basins with the inscriptions “Soup” and “Compote”. One team carries vegetables, the other carries fruits. But that is not all. Having reached the basin, you need to dive under this plastic hoop, stand on your feet and only after that put the object in the desired basin. Is everything clear to the teams? Get ready! Let's start!

The relay race “Lunch on the Island” is held. The winning team gets the right to be the first to start the next competition.

Presenter: Well done boys! Oh, the Pirate is back! With a huge shark!

A Pirate runs out with an inflatable shark in his hands.

Pirate: Here we are! Now my shark will swallow you!

Presenter: It won't swallow!

Pirate: Why?

Presenter: You'll see! Guys, let's feed the shark our lunch. So, the relay race is “Who can feed the shark the fastest.”

The shark is in a small inflatable pool on one side of the larger pool. Children carry dummies of vegetables and fruits one at a time from basins with “Soup” and “Compote” inflatable pool with a shark. You need to carry the dummies in a bucket, swimming from one side of the pool to the other. The winning team in the relay takes the shark for itself.

Pirate: Here you go! The shark was taken from me! What can I do?

Presenter: All you have to do is dance with our guys and give them prizes.

Children perform a dance on the water “Lilies are Blooming” to the music of P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”. After the dance, the Pirate gives the children prizes - large inflatable balls for playing on the water.

The water element irresistibly attracts children of any age into its tender embrace. How to make swimming pool activities even more enjoyable and interesting for children is described in the publications in this section. It brings together the rich and varied experience of teachers in organizing all kinds of holidays, entertainment and leisure activities on the water.

Evaluate a wide selection of ready-made scenarios and notes for holding such events, look at photo reports about their implementation. Many original developments and interesting solutions from colleagues are worth taking note of. We swim, play and develop with pleasure!

Holidays in the pool and children's water activities for every taste.

Contained in sections:
  • Swimming. Swimming lessons, water lessons, fun in the pool
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 310.
All sections | Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water

Scenario of entertainment “Pirates of the Black Sea” in the pool for children of the preparatory group Tasks: Develop children have observation, resourcefulness and dexterity; learn to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop feelings of collectivism and camaraderie. Children come into pool with fun music. They are built along the bowl. A pirate song is coming out...

Scenario of a holiday on the water for children of senior preschool age “Journey for the bird of happiness” Target: Strengthen children's swimming skills. Induce in children a feeling of joy and satisfaction from moving in water. Material: Hoops, buckets of water, rubber toys, bird toy in a cage. Move: Ved: Guys, today we will go on a journey through the seas of our planet Earth, but for...

Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water - Scenario for a New Year's holiday on the water “Umka visiting the children”

Publication “Scenario of the New Year’s holiday on the water “Umka visiting...” Scenario of the New Year's holiday on the water “Umka visiting the children” Prepared by: Exercise therapy instructor - Alla Viktorovna Zakharchenko (Song-dance “Winter has just come.” Children holding hands, go to sit on chairs. Blizzard: Showers New Year Earth with miracles. Here's a fairy tale at the gate We...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Holiday “The Healthiest, Strongest and Agile” in the pool (for children in the preparatory group) Goals: To promote the development and popularization of physical education and health work, propaganda healthy image life, involving children in systematic swimming lessons preschool age, maintaining and strengthening their health. Host: Hello dear guys! Very...

Sports festival on the water in senior groups “Visiting the droplet” PROGRAM CONTENT: Consolidate acquired skills in learning to swim. Cultivate interest in sports. To cultivate courage, dexterity, determination, independence, initiative. ...

Scenario for entertainment on the water “A landing party of environmentalists helps the inhabitants of the seas and oceans” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 Beryozka" in the village of Mostovsky municipality Mostovsky district Approved by: Head of MBDOU No. 1 _ V.S. Spisivtseva June 18, 2019 Pool fun scenario for children senior group...

Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water - Summary of the holiday on the water “Across the seas, waves and oceans”

Goal: To promote the development and popularization of physical education and health work, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the involvement of preschool children in systematic swimming lessons, the preservation and strengthening of their health. Objectives: To evoke positive emotions in children...

Plan of entertainment in the pool for children 3-4 years old “Guests from the swamp.”

Equipment: swimming rings, houses (glued to the sides), small frogs, a frog-shaped swimming board.

Target: creating conditions for the development of skills and abilities of motor activity in water.

1. Strengthen the skill of moving in water in different directions,
2. Educate full immersion in water.
3. Develop attention.
4. Develop the ability to play together and follow the rules of the game

Duration: 15 minutes.

Instructor: Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
Instructor: Today guests came to our lesson!
The instructor shows a large frog board and little frogs (sitting on the board).
Instructor: Who is this guys?
Children: Frogs!
Instructor: Can you jump like frogs?
Children: Yes!
Children jump around the pool in all directions (2 min.).
Instructor: Quaaaah! Guys, do you hear? The frogs want us to show them our pool! Shall we show?
Children: Yes!
Children take one small frog at a time, put on swimming rings and begin to slide (push off from the bottom with their feet) in the loose water, while holding the frogs between their palms outstretched arms, legs straighten back after pushing off. The instructor shows the correct sliding and hand position. If necessary, tell the children that they need to show each side (right, left, far, near).
Instructor: Guys, the frogs are tired and want to rest. Where do we put them to rest?
Children: On the side (on the mother frog, etc.).
children put frogs on a board or side.
Instructor: Children, do you want to show the frogs, while they are resting, how we can still play in the water?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Let's play the game "Sunshine and Rain"! Guys, who else lives in water, swims in it, glides?
Children: Fish (dolphins, etc.)
Instructor: Right! At the signal “Sun”, we put on swimming rings and begin to jump like frogs or swim like fish (your choice). At the signal “Rain”, we all run and get up to the houses (of different colors, glued on the sides). Sun!
Children begin to swim or jump around the pool in loose water (1 min.).
Instructor: Rain!
The children get up to the houses. The game is repeated 3 times.
Instructor: Well done boys! Everyone quickly hid in their houses! I wonder how frogs play in their swamp? Shall we ask them?
Children: Yes! How do you play in the swamp?
Instructor (frog): Quaaa! We love to play hide and seek!
Instructor: Children, where can you hide in our pool?
Children: In water!
Instructor: I suggest we all play hide and seek together, don’t you agree?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Frogs want to be drivers! Do you agree? Let's count to three: one, two, three!
The instructor begins to push the board with frogs across the water, the children hide when the frogs approach. The game is repeated 3 times.
Instructor: The frogs didn’t find Katya and Sasha; they hid the best!
Instructor (frog): Quaaaah! Thank you guys! We really enjoyed your stay! We will definitely come again! And now it’s time for us to go home in theoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!
Instructor: Children, did you enjoy playing with frogs?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Then we will definitely invite them to visit again. Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to get out of the pool!