Leg extensions while lying on your back. Why this exercise puts your buttocks at risk: leg raises and leg extensions. Paired pectoral muscle stretch

For many girls, the exercise of bringing legs together and spreading them while sitting in a machine seems almost ideal. We ladies are delighted with it: it makes sense and is not particularly difficult.

However, some (and their names are legion) spend a lot of time on this machine, because exercises on it tighten something, remove excess, improve blood circulation, helping to improve “women’s affairs”, develop the buttocks in the right way, improve the appearance of the thigh from the side, etc. .

Is it really? Let's figure it out.

What does it develop and what is the name of the simulator?

So, the abduction and extension of the legs in a sitting machine help us in training the legs, but these two movements are aimed at different muscles: If breeding legs aimed at muscle training outer surface hips then mixing- his inner surface. The exercise is an isolation exercise. Suitable for both women and men.

By the way, it often happens that the simulator is capable of performing only one movement: either adduction or extension. It depends on the design of the simulator. To tell the truth, this is terribly inconvenient in our opinion, but the gym needs to be filled with something. Many fitness centers have these machines. Their design includes a soft seat, a lever system, a compartment for weight adjustment and two stops equipped with soft bolsters, against which the knees rest.

It is difficult to make a mistake in performing these exercises, since they are simple and understandable.

What muscles work

When spreading the legs sitting what muscles are involved:

  • abductors– adductor muscles, gluteus medius and minimus.
  • muscles - stabilizers: quadratus dorsi, erector spinae and abdominal muscles.

Dear girls, we remind you that by developing these muscles, you will not reduce the amount of fat in this problem area. The main task of the leg abduction and abduction exercise in the simulator is to strengthen muscles, and not to get rid of fat deposits.

An article explaining why everything is so unfair:

Muscle atlas when bringing your legs together:

Technique with photos: how to do it correctly?

As we wrote above, the exercises are not complicated and do not require any special skills. So, how to do it correctly with and without a simulator:


Performing leg reduction in the simulator:

  1. Set the required weight for the weights on the machine and adjust the position of the backrest. Take a starting position in which your legs are spread apart and rest against the bolsters or cushions of the machine, straighten your back and rest it against the back of the seat.
  2. Legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees or more. Take a deep breath.
  3. As you exhale, tighten your hips and begin to bring your legs together. Do not change the angle of leg bending.
  4. At the finishing point (legs are completely brought together), stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and tighten the hip adductors as much as possible.
  5. Starting to inhale, spread your legs slowly, without jerking, while observing the technique. Do not bring your legs to the starting position in order to leave the muscles in a tense state. Repeat the movements several times in accordance with the training program.

How to use the breeding machine:

  1. Take your starting position. Sit on the machine so that your thighs are between the side supports. Grasp the handles with your hands, straighten your chest and straighten your back. Now you can start spreading your legs in the simulator.
  2. As you inhale, tighten your abs and spread your legs as far apart as possible. Hold in the extreme position for a few seconds.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position and exhale. Your legs should move towards each other not under the pressure of the exercise pads, but as if resisting it. This means that we do not completely relax the muscles and perform the movement completely under control.

Since these exercises relate to isolation, you should not chase the scales. Very often, girls, inspired by the ease of execution, begin to boast a little about their “strength” and quickly increase the weight. Isolation is just your assistant, your main tool is the queen base ( basic exercises). If you don't make a base or fill it out when doing it, you can say goodbye to beautiful body, 100% guarantee.

We are not saying that isolation is bad, no! Isolation exercises greatly help us to qualitatively load the muscle that previously tired of the base. And then there are those unique people who lift and raise 40 kg, but squat every other time and barely.

Conclusion: insulation is good, but without a base it’s still nowhere.

Bent over

If the machine allows you to change the angle of the backrest, take advantage of this chance. By performing leg raises while sitting in a backward bend, you will maximally load the target muscles - the gluteus medius and minimus.

Reduction and extension with forward bend:

If you keep your body straight or lean forward, it will connect top part gluteus maximus muscles. By the way, one more thing great exercise on the so-called “top of the buttocks” - .


To do this, we turn our backs to the standing exercise machine and the bolsters, grab the back of the chair with our hands and rest our knees against it. The back should be straight and the pelvis should be slightly back. As you exhale, we bring our legs together, resting our feet on the bolsters, and as we inhale, we spread them apart. The legs should not move by inertia - tension should always be present.

From the lower block in the crossover

As for the gym, a replacement for leg extensions can be a side swing from the lower block, which works the thigh muscles. For greater effect, you can first work out with blocks, and then proceed to the “adjustable” simulator.

With elastic band

Interesting option for exercises at home - a real home exercise machine! There are a lot of variations, it all depends on your convenience and imagination. Here are some ideas:

Street trainer
  • Before performing the exercise, warm up hip joints and stretch the inguinal ligaments. This will allow the muscles to better absorb the load and also increase the range of motion.
    View effective joint gymnastics Can .
  • Make sure that the back remained straight. Under no circumstances should you hunch your back on the last reps! If you don't have the strength left, shorten the exercise or help yourself overcome the resistance with your arms.
  • Work slowly and avoid sudden movements. Try not to use the force of inertia.
  • Plays an important role. Your muscles will only be flexible enough if you don't skip post-workout stretching, which helps flush out lactic acid from your muscles, thereby relieving the soreness that usually occurs the day after a workout.

What to replace it with?

The leg abduction and abduction exercise machine cannot be called very effective. It can be replaced with the exercise - "Steps with rubber band to the sides" And plie squat.

What to combine with?

Exercises on this simulator can be used as auxiliary to the main ones (or rehabilitation in case of injury) and include at the end of the workout, but working only with it will not give any progress in improving the shape of your legs, remember this and do not fall for the machine as an exclusive one for training the muscles of the inner thigh.

I think a reasonable question has arisen: why are such not very special ones installed in the halls? effective simulators. The answer is that if they did not exist, fitness centers would discourage most of their female clientele from visiting them. Coupled with the fact that women are afraid of free weights and becoming too big and muscular, it is easier for them to choose a light load for themselves.

So ladies, when it comes to improving the shape of your inner thighs, use the adductor machine wisely and don't focus on it alone.


Let us immediately ask you to note that we are not declaring that this simulator is harmful. Exercises on this simulator are useful in moderation with small weights And low total monthly volume their use. They really create muscle tone abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh, improve the tone of the middle and small gluteal muscles, improve blood circulation in these places.

However they don't clean at all excess fat Moreover, these exercises can even be harmful.

(Degree of tediousness: acceptable)

We have already mentioned that the range of motion in this simulator unnatural for the body, i.e. This movement is not used anywhere outside the gym. And the adductor muscles themselves (which this exercise is aimed at) do not work very much in life. These muscles are a complex of muscles located deep on the inner surface of the thigh and groin. They are difficult to find, because... they are “buried” under other muscles, such as the quadriceps. You use these muscles when climbing stairs, climbing hills, and standing up.
Progress in weight comes quite quickly, but the higher it is, the more it strains the spine. The kneecap will also not thank you for the ever-increasing load.

Thus, it turns out that no matter how you use the leg adduction machine, it most likely will not change your leg composite composition, for these purposes it is a useless tool. And it's all about the biomechanics of movement. The design of the exercise machine itself is sedentary, so the thigh muscles do not work in any way in this position. It often happens that people come to the gym after a hard, sedentary day in order to get their blood flowing and tone their muscles.

And, oddly enough, they choose on their own (or on the advice of a trainer) a sedentary machine to train their muscles. This is not true. You should choose exercises that require balance and that use free weights and weighted walking/standing. In particular, the legs can be replaced with cross lunges or leg abductions on a block - they allow you to achieve significantly better “tuning” of the legs.

What has been written should not be taken as a complete failure of the adductor simulator to work the corresponding muscles.

The main harm is that when you raise your legs in the exercise machine in a large volume, and especially with good weights, you gradually develop and piriformis muscles spasm.

Start piriformis muscle on the anterior surface of the sacrum, and it is attached to the femur. The function of the piriformis muscle is abduction and supination of the hip. Located under the piriformis muscle sciatic nerve- most long nerve in the body, runs from the lower spine, through the buttocks and thighs, down the back of the leg. Although this nerve is located in both legs, symptoms of pinched sciatic nerve usually appear in only one leg.

Have you ever felt when performing this exercise what do you have "cramps" the thigh, some kind of aching pain when moving to the sides, deep inside? No, this is not a muscle that you pumped up so well, it’s a poor nerve asking for mercy.

Pinching symptoms:

  1. The very first symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is pain, which usually begins in the lower back and spreads along the entire length of the nerve: through the buttocks, to the thighs and calves. The intensity of pain can vary from mild to very acute. Sometimes the pain manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation, in other cases it can be similar to electric shocks.
  2. Another common symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is numbness that affects part or all of the leg. Numbness in one area may be accompanied by pain in another. In addition, usually a person also experiences a characteristic tingling sensation in the toes.
  3. One of the most unpleasant symptoms A pinched sciatic nerve is a loss of bladder or bowel control. This condition is rare and requires emergency medical attention. Sometimes this symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is accompanied by lumbosacral radiculitis.

When the legs are brought together in the simulator, with a spasmodic piriformis muscle, even greater compression of the sciatic nerve occurs and symptoms worsen or appear.

Conclusion: this simulator can be used in your training program, but with light weights and a maximum of 1 time per week.


Techniques and nuances for women:

Exercises on the simulator on video for men:

“Here I am...”

The pelvic muscles support the bladder, intestines, and uterus. They help pregnant women bear and give birth to a child. After childbirth, the pelvic muscles weaken. Such changes also occur with age. The consequences of relaxation can be unpleasant. I advise you to perform 5 exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

The exercise involves tensing and relaxing the pelvic muscles. It is necessary to inhale and tense your muscles. At the same time, you meaningfully hold back urination. Hold in this state for 5 seconds. Then, relax and exhale. Repeat 10 times. It is advisable to perform the exercise three times a day.


Squats engage the largest muscles in the body. It’s better to squat without weights first to get a feel for your form. Later, you can use a barbell (placing it on your shoulders).

This type of training actively works the hamstrings, gluteal muscles.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. During squats, push your butt back as if you were about to sit in a chair.
  3. When performing, your thighs will be parallel to the ground. The weight is transferred to the heels.
  4. Repeat the action 15 times (increasing the number of squats weekly).


The bridge is a great exercise for the buttocks. In the process of correct execution, the pelvic muscles.

  1. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Inhale, lift your hips as high as possible, tensing your muscles.
  3. Hold the pose for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

To make it more difficult, you can use a ball. In the starting position, place your feet on it and lift your hips. Follow the steps above.

Lying leg raises

This leg movement is used as the basis for many Pilates movements. By adding lateral leg raises, you activate your hips and pelvic muscles.

  1. Lying on the floor, raise your legs with your knees bent. The thighs will be perpendicular to the floor, and the shins will be parallel.
  2. Begin to slowly spread your legs out to the sides, lowering your knees outward.
  3. Then bring your knees together. Repeat the exercise 10 times, performing 2-3 approaches.

Opposite abduction of arms and legs

The exercise is about balance and stability. The movement uses many muscles.

  1. Get on all fours, keep your back straight.
  2. Straighten and lift at the same time left leg And right hand. Keep your pelvis and shoulders in a neutral position.
  3. Hold the pose for 2 seconds. Do not lower or raise your head.
  4. Take your starting position. Now raise your right leg and left arm.
  5. Do 10 of these repetitions in three sets.

Tip: Be sure to do these exercises if your pelvic muscles need strengthening. Incorporate a few simple movements into your routine that will have a beneficial effect on the body. Remember to consciously contract your muscles during each exercise. This way you will achieve maximum results!

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

At the hours when gym there are a lot of visitors, someone is bound to be training on this simulator. And as a rule, female representatives form the queue for him. After all, leg extensions in the simulator are included in their mandatory leg and buttock training program. Women willingly pump the inner and outer surfaces of the thigh; this type of load is understandable for them, there is no doubt about its expediency and is not difficult.

Regular exercise makes the difference between the waist and hips more pronounced and, accordingly, increases the attractiveness of the female figure.


This exercise does not work on its own, but in combination. If you look at the muscle atlas, it becomes obvious that the main load here falls on the abductors - the abductor muscles of the hips. It is no coincidence that a machine is installed nearby in the gym, where the load falls on the adductors - the adductor muscles.

Instead of resting between sets, it is better to switch from one machine to another: this way the workout will be continuous and tone both types of muscles almost simultaneously. For best effect add to isolated .

Those who practice circles treat this machine as a recreational option. Since this is an easy load for a woman (compared, for example, to pumping triceps and doing push-ups), she goes to the machine to rest between more energy-intensive exercises.

Men should also pay attention to this simulator as an alternative (if these exercises are not indicated). And also as an option for a warm-up load before a serious set, working out bottom part bodies.

Execution technique

  • To master the technique, set the lightest weight for yourself on the simulator (say, 10 kg). Do everything that is said below slowly at first, feeling how the right muscles are involved.
  • Sit on the seat straight: your back is pressed against the backrest, your hands are holding the handrails, your hips are leaning against the support bolsters.
  • Inhale and with a powerful, but smooth movement, spread your hips to the sides to the maximum of which you are capable - exhale. As you exhale, fix the pose and feel the tension in your thighs.
  • Smoothly bring your legs back to the starting position without relaxing them or closing them completely – inhale. The strength of your muscles must be counteracted by the inertial force of the machine.
  • Do repetitions as long as you can do them well (that is, until your muscles burn).

Having mastered the technique, immediately set the optimal weight - that is, the one that allows you to do 3-4 approaches of 12-15 times.

Common mistakes

  • A mistake that is never a bad idea to remember is routinely performing the usual number of repetitions with the usual weight set on the machine. Of course, spreading your legs on a machine is healthier than just sitting, and we've already mentioned the temptation to use the machine for a break. However, the muscles very quickly adapt to such a load, which means that the routine set simply stops giving results. To improve the shape of your hips and legs, you need to vary the loads, each time finding yourself outside your comfort zone.
  • Another mistake is unconscious (uncontrolled) execution. Sometimes you can see a visitor “swinging” on the exercise machine while simultaneously staring at her phone. Trying to do two things, she does both poorly.

During the exercise, you only need to think about the movements you are doing. Inhalation and exhalation is all you should hear inside yourself. And attention should be concentrated on the muscles involved.

  • The third mistake is the wrong ratio. Skewing is possible both in the direction of weight and in the direction of the number of repetitions. Remember: how correctly you do the breeding is much more important than how many times you do it. And how many blocks will be lifted on the simulator from your efforts. This again comes to the question of awareness.


Leg extensions on a lying machine

Be sure to try them, because the change shifts the emphasis, and the muscles are used in a different ratio. When bending forward, the emphasis is on the upper section, when bending backwards – on the middle section, with a raised pelvis – on the lower section. From the outside, the pose may look piquant, but this should not bother you. But in order:

  • By leaning your body forward and keeping your butt against the back of the seat, you will focus on working the upper part of the gluteus maximus muscles.
  • If the seat back of the machine tilts, then perform the exercise by tilting your body back. This way the small and medium gluteal muscles are better loaded.
  • When approaching, place your feet differently: turn your toes outward, on the next approach turn them inward. This gives nuance of elaboration, and you will feel the difference.
  • If the design of the simulator allows, use your hands not to hold the handrails, but to the stand. This is very a good option during a superset after pumping up the back muscles, because you are simultaneously loading the gluteal muscles and stretching the back muscles.
  • An option that no longer depends on the design of the simulator, but on yours physical training. Do not sit on the seat, remain in a half-squat and spread your legs this way. Let cellulite burn with a blue flame.
  • And finally, that very spicy option. Do not sit on the seat; hold onto the counter with your hands. In this pose, your hips will be over the bolsters and you will need to simultaneously open your legs and squat deeply. The exercise is effective for several muscle groups at once.

What muscles work

  • Muscles of the outer thigh (quadriceps, rectus, vastus lateralis, tensor fasciae lata)
  • Muscles of the inner thigh (vastus medialis, sartorius)
  • Gluteal muscles (maximus, medius, minimus)
  • Abdominal muscles (external oblique, rectus abdominis)
  • Quadratus lumborum muscle

What to replace

The leg abduction exercise machine is not the only way to pump up the muscles of the upper thigh. Other ways: on block simulator(in a crossover), leg swings lying on your side (with weights), leg raises lying on your back (with weights), lateral leg raises supported on the back of a chair or on a ballet barre.

If you are healthy and physically fit, these are excellent analogues. If you have problems with the lower back, then your options are lying down or on the described simulator.


When this exercise is performed correctly and regularly, an effect occurs, which in slang is called cut muscles (in this case, the thigh muscles). That is, comprehensive training will make the muscles dense and beautifully drawn.

But this is only achievable when you combine it throughout your workout (or day) power load and cardio.

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fitness expert and founder of the Rakamakafit brand

“Beautiful, toned buttocks were, are and will always be in fashion! It just so happens that a “sad and dejected butt looking down” does not make a girl attractive, no matter how you look at it. Therefore, it needs to be downloaded constantly. Before starting the most effective exercises for the fifth point, think about it: when you get up from a chair, your buttocks also come into play, but they don’t grow or gain beautiful shape. For this to happen, you need to know three important rules.

  1. For volume to appear, you need to be able to work the target muscle and do this from workout to workout. The secret to pumped up buttocks is correct execution exercises when a significant part of the load falls on them, and synergistic muscles are minimally involved. That is, when you, for example, squat, do a leg abduction, a gluteal bridge, you should not feel the front of the thigh, lower back, calves and a little buttock - this is wrong! From now on, before performing any exercise, “turn on” the gluteal muscle with your head, then proceed to perform it and work it throughout its entire amplitude, while only slightly feeling the work of the auxiliary muscles. In order to understand this, you need practice, so pump your buttocks at a leisurely pace, thoughtfully and without jerking. Believe me, such a meaningful approach will give a very cool result!
  2. Know that the gluteus maximus is the most strong muscle human body. Accordingly, it adapts to the load very quickly. Therefore, working with dead weight good only at first. After a month or two, the buttocks adapt and stop responding to this “stress” with growth. There is a need to add additional weight: dumbbells, weights, and best of all, fashionable fitness bands.
  3. Nutrition. In order for muscles to appear, you need to consume more calories than you expend. Nothing in our body comes out of thin air. That is, if you are on a strict diet, practically do not eat carbohydrates and fats, but at the same time actively train, nothing will work out. Agree, this is logical." ⠀

Now, knowing all the secret techniques, move on to the exercises:


1. Pulling the leg back from a standing position

Tilt your body slightly forward, front leg bent. Bend your arms and hold them in front of you. Deflection in lumbar region may be minimal, try to keep your back straight and not slouch. Elastic band just above the knees. We do abductions with each leg, while squeezing the buttocks as much as possible in each repetition.

Reps: 20 (each leg).
Approaches: 3−4.

2. Leg spread, lying on your back

The lower back is pressed tightly to the floor without bending. The band should be in the middle of your calves. Smoothly spread your legs apart as far as the elastic bands allow until you feel a muscle burning sensation. Then close your legs, returning to the starting position.

Reps: 20.
Approaches: 3−4.

3. Leg extensions in a half squat (let’s say a squat option)

Elastic band just above the knees. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, bend your knees. From this position, gently spread your knees to feel the burning of your gluteal muscles at the peak. In this case, it is permissible to lift the inner surface of the foot from the floor and rest only on the outer one. The main thing here is to spread your legs as wide as possible. At the very end (after the fourth approach), add statics: keep your legs in a spread position for 20 seconds, without closing them.

Reps: 20.
Approaches: 3−4.

4. Stepping over

The legs are wider than the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, the back is straight, the deflection in the lower back is minimal, we do not slouch. Place your hands on your waist. Elastic band on the middle of the foot. Lift each leg to the side, lifting it off the floor one by one. Try to work as much as possible through your buttocks to feel them.

Reps: 20 (each leg).
Approaches: 3−4.

5. Glute bridge, lying on the floor

Legs bent at the knees, elastic band in tension. Lying on your back, lift your body up. It is important to make the movement specifically through the buttocks, and not the lower back. Therefore, do not bend it, but keep it exactly at the top point. Another nuance: during movement, the support is not on the entire leg, but only on the heels - this will make it easier to feel the buttocks. At the end of the fourth approach, add statics: hold your body at the top point for 20 seconds.

Reps: 20.
Approaches: 3−4.

6. Jumping out of a squat

Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Squat just below parallel with the floor (knees apart and looking outward, not inward, buttocks squeezed). The elastic band, as usual, is just above the knees. Jump out of this position, pushing off with your hands. Land in exactly the same position. Make sure to keep your knees out to the sides as you land.

Reps: 20.
Approaches: 3−4.

7. Leg abduction from the kneeling position

Get on your knees, palms directly under your shoulders, rubber band in the middle of your feet. Don't arch your lower back, don't slouch, and keep your back straight. First, take one leg back slightly above the position until it is parallel to the floor. At the same time, squeeze your buttocks as much as possible each time.

Reps: 20 (each leg).
Approaches: 3−4.

My legs are not that beautiful, I just know what to do with them.
Marlene Dietrich

Today's post is dedicated to my most beautiful friend who refuses to wear shorts. Her legs, you see, are flabby.
I don’t know why she got it, but it will pass :)

So, we already have legs from ears. All that remains is to make them look stunning.

Not the mind-blowing one from which they run in fear, their heels sparkling, but the one from which they go crazy and strew the path along which you walk with rose petals, wash them with champagne and buy new shoes for them. But let's return from our romantic dreams to unromantic practice.

The beauty of your feet comes from liters of sweat and weeks of pain.
Our goal is to strengthen muscles, remove excess fat and create seductive contours in any conditions, even at home.
Our goal is not to build muscles. Therefore, we will leave barbells, weights and dumbbells aside.
Until you master the technique and feel that all the exercises are easy for you, you can get by with your own weight.

We will do - squats, lunges, stepping, calf raises, leg raises, leg presses and pelvic lifts. The pelvis is the butt. Pelvic lifts, which are done in the bathroom, develop other muscle groups.

Leg exercises.

Basic option.
Feet are shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
From this position we slowly squat, moving our butt back!
Not your knees forward, but your butt back.
The knee should not extend beyond the line of the toes.
To avoid knee injuries, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
The back is straight and inclined. Don't lift your feet off the floor!
The gaze is directed upward.
So: we got into the starting position, sit down smoothly, moving our butt back, slightly tilt our straight back forward, and quickly return to the starting position.
Ideally, do 50 squats. But if you manage to do at least 25, that’s already good, strive to increase the number of repetitions each time. Only 1 approach.

The squat primarily works the quadriceps femoris (the front of the thigh), with the gluteal muscles and hamstrings working to a lesser extent. The wider the legs are, the more the gluteal and adductor (inner lateral) leg muscles are involved in the work. If you transfer your weight to your heels (while your entire foot still remains on the floor), the load on your buttocks increases.

A variant of the squat in which the inner thigh is maximally involved in the work - plie squats.
In the starting position, the legs stand wider than the shoulders, the toes of the feet are turned outward. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
We do the same 1 approach - 50 times.

This is enough difficult exercise, but it can also be complicated :)
When the exercise is already done quite easily, add calf raises to it.
We stood in the starting position, slowly squatted down, returned to the starting position, rose on our toes (at the same time we tensed our legs and butt, felt how tense calf muscles), returned to their original position.

This shaping exercise, which uses all muscle groups in the legs, is indispensable for creating a beautiful leg contour.
Starting position – legs together, back straight. We take a step forward and bend the knees of both legs.
The knee of the front leg does not extend further than the toe. Support for the entire foot.
The knee of the back leg is lowered to the floor, resting on the toe.
The back is straight without bending.
Keep your head straight, gaze directed forward.
We return to the starting position, take a step with the other foot.
1 approach - 50-100 times (25-50 for each leg).

For variety, lunges can be replaced lunge squats.
Initial position. One leg in front with support on the entire foot. The back leg rests on the toe.
From this position we do a squat - just like in a lunge, we bend the front leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor, the knee of the back leg lowers to the floor, the back is straight. Let's look ahead.
25-50 times on one leg, then on the other.
The exercise can be complicated :). Yes, I like to complicate things.
For this back leg we place it on a high support - a chair, sofa, bed, bench...
We squat on one leg, without lifting the other leg off the support.

Another option for variety - pacing.
3 sets of 20 times. Between approaches we rest for 1-2 minutes.
We need a stool or chair or any other high, stable support.
The step platform and stair step are not suitable.
Feet together, back straight. Let's look ahead.
We place our entire foot on the support, rise up, place the second leg, lower the first to the floor, and place the second.
We take the next step with the other foot.

Another variation of this type of exercise is lateral lunges and side stepping.
We also do 3 sets of 20 times. Between approaches we rest for 1-2 minutes.
Side lunges involve internal and outer surface thighs, quadriceps, and gluteal muscles.
Starting position – legs together, back straight.
We take a wide step to the side and squat on the walking leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor, the knee does not go beyond the toe, we slightly tilt our back forward, our gaze is directed forward upward.
The second leg remains in place during the lunge, the support is on the entire foot, the knee is not bent.
We quickly return to the starting position. We go down slowly, we rise up quickly.
The next step is in the other direction.
To maximize the use of the gluteal muscles, we transfer the weight to the heels.

Lateral stepping are made exactly the same as regular ones.
In essence, we step over a support by stepping on it.
The exercise uses all muscle groups in the legs.

The next type of exercise is Swings and leg presses.
Presses, of course, are conditional, because in essence we are not “pressing” anything.
Starting position – get on all fours (support on your elbows and knees). The back is straight, without bending.
Raise the leg bent at the knee (the angle is 90 degrees as usual) until the thigh is parallel to the floor, with the toe towards you.
Push your foot up with your heel.
You should feel the contraction of the hamstrings and gluteal muscles.
We do 3 approaches with each leg 20 times.

Starting position – sit on the floor, leaning on your hands and feet, slightly lift your butt off the floor.
Raise 1 leg up, toe towards you. “Press” the heel up, straining the gluteal muscles until the thigh of the supporting leg is parallel to the floor.
3 sets for each leg, 20 times.

Raising the pelvis.
Develops hamstrings and gluteal muscles.
Starting position – lie down on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet parallel to each other, shoulder-width apart.
Leaning on your feet, lift your pelvis up and squeeze your buttocks.
We do 3 sets of 30 times.
We complicate the exercise;) - everything is the same, only by raising the pelvis, we bring the knees together. The inner thigh is turned on. You can also increase the height of the support - put your feet not on the floor, but on a step, for example.

Lying leg extensions.
Strengthens the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh.
Bonus - the rectus abdominis muscle is strengthened.
We lie down on the floor, legs together, toes pointing towards ourselves, and lift our outstretched legs up.
We spread our legs as far apart as possible and return to the starting position.
Do the exercise at a moderate pace without jerking.
3 times 30 times.
Particularly lazy people can do the same with bent legs.
Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, calves parallel to the floor, toes pointing towards you.

There are many options for leg exercises. In my opinion, these exercises are the most effective, simple and understandable. The most important thing is not to be lazy. We need to perform a set of exercises as intensely as possible. Rest between exercises for 1-2 minutes.

Regarding the quantity. Someone will say - 50-100 squats is a lot, I can’t do that much. Of course, if you really can't do anything else, then don't go out of your way. But, as in any high-intensity training, mentality plays a big role. When I squat 100 times, at the 25th time I think, “No, I can’t do it anymore. Or can I? Maybe I don't want to? Yes, I don't want to. But Beautiful legs I want more." At the 50th and 70th times, the internal dialogue is repeated. Afterwards I just count the squats and don’t think about anything. And this happens with lunges and treadmills….

You can!

You are tired, it’s hard for you, but you can do as much as you need.

It will hurt!

True, not for long.
If you have never accomplished such feats before, your muscles will ache terribly.
On the second day it was especially strong. But, after the 2nd and 3rd training, you will jump and frolic like a deer in a wild forest. Nothing will hurt.

Let's summarize.
2 times per week.
Classic squats – 1 set 50 times.
Plie squats (or Plie with calf raises) – 1 set 50 times.
Straight lunges – 1 set 100 times.
Side stepping – 3 sets of 30 times on each leg.
Leg swings – from a standing position on all fours and “press” from an “almost sitting” position 3 times, 30 times on each leg.
Lying leg extensions. 3 times 30 times.

Rest between exercises and approaches for 1-2 minutes.
You need to drink water. Small sips.
Some exercises can be changed or added.

The training is quite intense. By doing it regularly, you can burn excess fat, strengthen muscles and create a toned silhouette. If you can’t do that many repetitions or approaches, start with at least 1 approach per exercise or reduce the number of repetitions by half, but strive to increase the load.

Yes, you shouldn’t forget about the diet :)

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