Cultivation of fish in an open natural reservoir. How to make money farming fish at home. What is the best fish to breed

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How to make a do-it-yourself fish pond

An artificial reservoir on a private plot can become a source of not only aesthetic, but also gastronomic pleasure.

With some effort to breed fish, you can get a good help in providing yourself and your loved ones with a valuable fresh product. And if you approach the matter on a grand scale, then earn.

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After all, doing everything with your own hands in the country at home is not so difficult.

Types of fish are selected in accordance with the breeding conditions. The determining factors are air temperature and water composition.

The type of pond is essential - flowing or stagnant. When selecting varieties, one should take into account the coexistence of breeds, competition for food.

The most unpretentious and productive are:

  • Carp or carp- heat-loving, but resistant to temperature fluctuations. Diet - vegetable food and mixed fodder. It enters puberty at 1-3 years, depending on the ambient temperature. Varieties - scaly, mirror and leathery.
  • White amur- a large relative of the carp. Reaches a weight of 50 kg or more. Homeland - the Far East. It eats a large amount of plant food, is used to clean overgrown reservoirs.
  • black carp- similar to white, but feeds on molluscs. Scales of dark color. Well sanitizes ponds from pests of other species.
  • White and motley carp- very similar up to 3 years of age. Then the motley appear spots on the scales. Reach 50 kg. The white carp feeds only on plants. Motley is more unpretentious.
  • buffalo- looks like a carp, native to America. According to the growing conditions, it is similar to carp, but the meat is much more valuable in terms of taste.
  • channel catfish- omnivorous, large, thermophilic. Motherland America. With proper feeding, it has a very pleasant taste of meat.

Less productive, but well amenable to breeding in a man-made pond, are:

Golden and silver carp - unpretentious, fast-growing. Can interbreed with other fish species. Gaining weight up to 5 kg. Feels good even with unfavorable composition of water.

Trout, pike, tench, sturgeon are also bred in artificial reservoirs.

Grass carp is a type of freshwater fish suitable for pond breeding

An important advantage of breeding in a homestead economy is the ability to obtain for personal consumption or sell products that are in great demand all year round.

Fish meat contains a lot of valuable substances and vitamins. Fresh catch has excellent taste.

The capital investment required to start fish farming is not very high. The complexity of growing - from 3 to 5 hours a day. Weather conditions when using an artificial reservoir slightly affect the growth of individuals.

The main investment occurs at the initial stage. It is necessary to build a pool or dig a pond.

The main expenses for breeding - at the initial stage in the manufacture of the pond

Their type and size are determined by the financial capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. The minimum depth of an artificial reservoir is 1-1.5 m.

The volume is calculated from the estimated number of individuals settled in the pond. One fish 10-15 cm long should have at least 50 liters of water, i.e. in one cubic meter

reservoir can peacefully coexist no more than 20 copies.

The quality of water in a mini pond, its chemical composition depends on the source of filling the pond. It also determines the temperature, the presence of food and the oxygen supply of the aquatic environment.

What type of filling the reservoir exists:

  • Stream or river. Water in the reservoir comes from natural sources through the supply channel. The excess is removed by the outlet channel. oxygen and plankton in a pond with such filling is favorable for breeding, because. closest to natural conditions.
  • Spring. Clean water with a high oxygen content is most favorable for breeding fish of different breeds. For a source of food in the territory adjacent to the reservoir, daphnia pits are arranged - small small depressions for the reproduction of plankton. They communicate with the main body of water. Daphnia move to the pond and serve as food for fish.
  • Atmospheric. In the absence of rivers, streams and springs, the source of moisture is rain and melt water. Well-heated water is favorable for the development of vegetation and living organisms.
  • closed water supply. The use of ponds without external water sources has become possible thanks to the use of special equipment: pumps, filters, ultraviolet sterilizers, etc. When constructing a reservoir, special attention should be paid to waterproofing the bottom.

Pond for fish with stream filling

Having decided to arrange a fish pond on the site, you need to determine its location, area and method of construction. If there are no natural sources of filling, the reservoir is built using a closed water supply.

How to choose the right site

The place for the pond must meet the conditions:

  • be away from noisy places and highways,
  • be shaded by trees, but not under them, because falling leaves pollute the water,
  • not be located in a lowland, because there is a risk of contamination by runoff rainwater,
  • have a source of electricity for water purification filter equipment and oxygen enrichment plants.

The scheme of manufacturing a pool for breeding fish

Necessary tools and materials

The most durable is a pond with a concrete bottom. Its device requires significant material and labor costs, which will pay off with interest in the process of long operation.

To build a pond you will need:

  • rubble,
  • sand,
  • cement,
  • grids of reinforcement with a diameter of 3-4 mm and a cell of 30x30 cm,
  • board formwork,
  • roofing material or other material for waterproofing the bottom and walls,
  • tubes for inlet and outlet openings,
  • waterproofing additive for plastering the bottom and walls.

The technology of creating an artificial reservoir in the country

  1. Mark the size of the pond on the ground. For this, pegs and a cord are used. For fish breeding, the shape of the pond does not matter.
  2. Digging a pit by hand or using an excavator. The optimal depth is 1.5-1.8 m, the angles of inclination of the walls are 20 °.
  3. Before concreting, preparations are made from sand and gravel with tamping of the bottom.
  4. Lay waterproofing from roofing felt or film with its output to the surface of the earth.
  5. The first layer of concrete is poured onto the bottom with a thickness of 10 cm, rammed and recessed reinforcing mesh along the entire bottom.
  6. The second layer of concrete is being poured.
  7. Install the formwork for the walls of the pond. When finished, they should be 10-12 cm thick.
  8. Reinforce and pour concrete walls of the reservoir.
  9. Concrete surfaces are covered with plaster with a waterproofing additive or liquid glass. The wall treatment material must be safe for the life of fish.
  10. Install the necessary equipment: pumps, filters, oxygen water enrichers.

Schematic structure of a fish pond

For a successful wintering of fish, a wintering well should be provided.

It is arranged from asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 80 cm or ordinary reinforced concrete rings. In a well buried to the mark of 2.7 m, covered with a wooden shield, the fish will not freeze and will not die from a lack of oxygen.

Even a beginner can build a pond with his own hands. Fish farming will not take much time if the process of stocking, fattening and catching is established. Even if the purpose of fish farming is not to generate income, this activity will bring benefits and pleasure.

Fish farming as a business idea. Setting up a fish pond

What business idea to opt for? Let's try to find an answer to this question. Many of us do not think about how food gets to our dinner table.

We are not interested in where and how they were grown or produced, the main thing is the end result. We want to always consume fresh and high-quality products.

Live fish has always been and will be in great demand among the population.

It's no secret that many men love to sit with a fishing rod by the pond, relax, fish, and making this hobby their business is a dream for many that can come true if you set a specific goal.

Fish business from scratch

It is possible to make fish farming a business, but before making a final decision, you need to study all the subtleties and pitfalls of this business.

Russia is a great country in which fisheries are highly developed. To be honest, several decades ago our fish farms were among the best in the world.

Unfortunately, many of them went bankrupt unable to withstand the competition of foreign companies. Those that still continue to exist are unable to provide the population of the country with the growing needs for live fish.

Therefore, fish farming can be a good solution to the issue of supplying your region with these products.

The ideas of growing fish in artificially created reservoirs are not new, but they do not lose their relevance even today.

There are several directions in modern fish farming:

  1. breeding fish in the pond. This method can be applied to breeding a variety of fish species;
  2. growing fish in the pool. This method is used to breed carp, pike, salmon, perch, bream and many others;
  3. garden breeding. This method is most applicable to growing large fish;
  4. mini-reservoirs (barrels, bathtubs) are also used by some entrepreneurs for fish breeding;

Artificial fish pond

Choosing a suitable site

The site where you can make a fish pond can be located not only in small settlements or outside them, but also in a big city on your own plot of land (if any). If it is not possible to dig a pond or pool, you can make a container from sheet iron.

A reservoir for breeding and raising fish should be suitable for this purpose. The depth of the pond must be at least 150 cm. Its bottom should be free of impurities of peat or silt. Vegetation must be present in the reservoir, but within reasonable limits.

The business will be economically profitable only if the reservoir, in all respects, is suitable not only for keeping fish, but also for its cultivation, selection of caviar and incubation of young animals.

Arranging a fish pond

When creating a pond for breeding fish, you should not focus on its sophistication and decor items. Do not forget that its main goal is to create comfortable conditions for keeping fish.

Consideration should be given to the following when constructing fish ponds: rules and guidelines:

  • small ponds will require serious maintenance, and large ponds will cost you a lot. Based on this, it follows that the optimal dimensions are within 30 - 50 square meters. meters;
  • one of the sections of the pond should be in the shade. In addition, it is worth knowing that in order for the pond not to be flooded during spring floods, it should not be located in low areas;
  • bottom topography is complex, with alternating shallow water with deep water areas, with rapids and ledges of various sizes;
  • For breeding different types of fish, a variety of soil is required.

Fish farming equipment

The main equipment for fish breeding is considered gravity filter. It is intended for pond filtration. This is a hinged device that is quite easy to install, its cost does not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

In order to prevent the fish from suffocating in the water, it is necessary to use compressor.

UV Sterilizer prevent blooming water.

The rest of the equipment that you plan to use may differ depending on what kind of fish you will be raising.

What equipment is needed, and how to use it - the answer to these questions will be given to you directly by its manufacturer.

Additional information can be obtained from courses and seminars on fish farming.

How to breed fish in a pond? Growing technology

Fish in a pond usually grows 1.5 - 2 years. During this time, she manages to gain sufficient mass.

Growth and productivity are affected by the quality of water, the amount of food, and the climatic zone in which the farm is located.

Fish can be farmed both intensively and extensively.

  • Extensive Method- with him, the fish are not fed, they consume natural food. Fish grow with minimal investment.
  • intensive method- in this case, the fish are fed and, in addition, a rich food base is created due to the reclamation of the reservoir.

There are several technologies for intensive rearing of fish in a pond.

Traditional technology. It includes a 2 or 3 year growing cycle. Thus, carp and other herbivorous individuals are bred. The main disadvantage of this method is its multi-stage nature.

Each technological operation is carried out in a special pond. The completion of each of the stages is the descent of water. In the process of implementing this technology, fish are transplanted several times: from rearing ponds to wintering ponds, from wintering ponds to feeding ponds.

All these transplants are fraught with numerous losses. Another disadvantage of this method is the complexity of the processes.

This method can be effective only if a number of requirements are met, namely: the water must be constantly flowing, it must be technically aerated, and the pond must also be limed.

Continuous technology. It has recently been more popular than the one discussed in paragraph 1.

This method involves rearing young stock to a weight of 1-1.5 kg and further keeping the fish without transplantation for several years.

In this case, you will need two ponds - fry and feeding.

Nutrition Features

In order for nutrition to be effective, it is necessary to know factors such as: the biological characteristics of a particular fish species, nutritional requirements and their growth opportunities. The efficiency of nutrition directly depends on the conditions of the environment in which the fish is located. Growth can be accelerated by eating protein-rich foods.

The energy needs of fish are relatively small. For a weight gain of 1 kg, food must contain at least 4500 kcal of energy.

The fry have a great need for amino acids: arginine, leucine, lysine, valine, tryptophan, methionine, etc.

If these amino acids are not enough in the food, the fish may lose their appetite, as a result of which growth rates will decrease. In addition, amino acid deficiency can lead to disease.

The food should include fats of vegetable and animal origin. Their insufficient amount will lead to the fact that the fish will stop growing, there will be a breakdown in physiological functions and watering of the tissues, and irreparable changes in the liver may also occur.

The food must contain fiber. For different types of fish, its content is different. For salmon and trout, it requires the smallest amount - 20%. In the feed for carp and catfish, it should be at least 40%.

Fish feed must necessarily contain biologically active substances. These can be premixes and enzyme preparations.

Feeds of plant origin (cereals) are a source of carbohydrates and B vitamins.

Bran should be included in fish feed mixtures.

A necessary component of a complete feed is feed of animal origin. This is meat and bone and krill meal. For young animals, you need to use dairy products: skimmed milk and powdered milk with a low fat content.

Possible diseases

The big risk in growing fish in a pond is its diseases, which can turn into epidemics. The condition of the fish should be monitored every 10 days. The most common diseases inherent in freshwater fish:

  • aeromonosis (rubella). Symptoms: inflammation of the skin, dropsy, small foci of hemorrhage, bulging eyes;
  • diseases of the gill apparatus (gill rot). The appearance of this disease is promoted by high water temperature and a high content of organic substances in it. Symptoms: pale gill tissue, uneven death of its edges. Big fish stops eating, becomes inactive;
  • discocotiliasis is a disease of salmon and grayling fish species. Young animals are most severely affected by this disease. Symptoms: gill tissue injuries;
  • ichthyophthyroidism is a typical disease for many types of fish. A characteristic feature is the presence of white tubercles on the body;
  • fish dactylogyrosysis - this disease is characteristic of pond fish. The disease is activated in the summer. The little ones suffer mostly. Symptoms: small individuals are not active enough, swim near the surface. The fish is very emaciated, the eyes sink, anemia of the gills is visible.

What kind of fish are bred in ponds?

Before starting a business in this area, it is worth finding out which fish is best to breed, which species will be most profitable. As a rule, many entrepreneurs opt for two options: carp or trout. It is this fish that is in the greatest consumer demand.

Without a doubt, carp is much easier and least troublesome to grow. Money for this purpose will require less than for fattening trout. From the foregoing, the following conclusion suggests itself: the most profitable option in all respects is the cultivation of carp.

: fish ponds

Realization of fish

There should be no problems with the sale of live fish from your pond. All conditions have been created for this in each settlement.

Fish can be sold through a chain of specialty stores, markets or fish departments in large supermarkets.

In order to avoid problems with the management of the outlet, it is necessary to conclude a supply contract with the store director.

In addition, you can find consumers via the Internet.

Business seasonality. Payback

Pond fish farming is a seasonal business. Ponds are filled with planting material only in spring. In order for the fish not to suffocate in the pond in winter, holes are made on the surface of the ice.

Before the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to calculate the number of fish in the reservoir per 1 cubic meter. water. This is necessary so that she successfully wintered, and she had enough oxygen. Fish for sale are caught mainly in autumn.

In the summer, it grows rapidly and gains weight.

The population of the country does not experience a shortage of live fish during the 3 autumn months, when it is actively caught from the ponds.

The rest of the time, products from cages, pool farms and plants with a closed water supply cycle are sold.

The price of such fish is much higher than the one that was grown in ponds.

The seasonality and irregularity of this type of business prevents fish farms from actively developing. They can receive real money only for 3-4 months, and the rest of the time they have to invest in the development of production.

It will be possible to receive a good income only if a well-written business plan is available.

For example, let's take a farm that plans to breed carp. Expenditure part of the business plan:

  • purchase of fry - 10,000-11,000 rubles;
  • wages of workers - 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of fish food - 7,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 20,000 rubles.
  • Total - 68,000 rubles.

The gross profit of such a business can be about 100,000 rubles. If all expenses are taken into account, the income without paying tax will be 32,000 rubles.

The main disadvantage of this type of entrepreneurial activity is a long payback period.

Breeding and raising fish in ponds can only be done by those who are well versed in this and understand what problems they may encounter in the production process.

The competition in this business is very high. But if you feel the strength and desire to work in yourself, success will not be long in coming.

fish pond

Now, in order to make life in the countryside more comfortable and cozy, summer residents instead of potato beds choose various kinds of buildings for a good rest.

The most attractive job in the country is breeding fish in a pond.

And if you are also thinking about making a fish pond, you need to take into account the following basic rules.

Rules for the construction of a reservoir for fish

In order to correctly make a pond in the country with your own hands for breeding fish, you need to weigh whether you can fulfill the following technical conditions:

  1. It should be clarified that a small reservoir needs careful maintenance, and the construction of large reservoirs can be very expensive. This means that the best dimensions of a reservoir for trout are from 25 to 50 square meters. m.
  2. In order to make a pond in the country with your own hands for trout, you can opt for an open area, moreover, so that during the day one part of it is constantly under direct rays of light, and the second is always in a shady place. Do not choose a site for a pond in a low-lying area, then you will soon notice that your site is flooded.
  3. The relief of the base of the reservoir for trout should be complex. It should alternate between shallow and deep water areas with different ledges erected at different depths.
  4. The house by the pond is beautiful, but in order to comply with all sanitary standards and for careful maintenance, neither too close a distance between an artificial lake and a residential building is recommended, nor too far.
  5. Soil must be carefully selected, for example, for trout breeding, it is better to choose solid soil. It can be gravel or pebbles.

The first way to build a pond for fish

First, we will talk about which particular reservoir the fish will feel comfortable in.

Fish, for example, trout, which reaches a height of 15-40 cm, need at least 50 liters of water for a comfortable place.

To build a pond with your own hands for breeding fish, you will definitely use a cleaning pond compressor. Don't forget to get a powerful pond aerator. You can choose any shape of the reservoir.

If there are fish in the pond in winter, you need to build a wintering well. Therefore, before you make a pond with your own hands for breeding fish, determine the seasonality and what type of fish you will grow.

Pond Cleaning Compressor

A pond in the country, which would be suitable for trout, can be made with a concrete base, taking, for example, an oval shape.

We equip it with concrete and pour it on top. To make the structure strong, it is necessary to prepare a reinforcing bookmark.

Before pouring the concrete mix, a reinforced concrete pipe is laid on the base.

All necessary work:

  1. We thoroughly tamp the foundation soil of the building, remove excess debris and plant roots, dig holes for planting vegetation. We lay the wire rod crosswise, while fastening it in the areas of intersection with a soft wire. During the pouring of the base, the mesh is in the concrete thickness.
  2. The base is poured with concrete mixture in the following proportions: 2 parts of cement, 6 parts of crushed stone, 4 parts of sand.

    The solution must be compacted. Then we wait until it hardens and start concreting the walls with a slope. We concrete the walls with formwork. We choose its thickness about 14 cm.

  3. You can arrange waterproofing, here a film for a pond will come in handy: a film for a pond is laid on a slightly frozen concrete coating, then we make concreting. So that the concrete and the film for the pond do not dry out, they should not be left in the sun. Cover them with weed.
  4. The pond at the dacha is filled with water, and the boulders will help make the supply pipes invisible.
  5. A drain pipe is installed on any bank to collect water, if for some reason it becomes more than the volume of the pond can accommodate.

Any unlined artificial pond for trout and any other fish can be made on waterlogged soil, where there is high groundwater. The fish in the pond will feel as comfortable as possible if the artificial pond is constantly cleaned.

Construction of fish ponds

If there is a natural pit in the country house, then with modernization you can make a good reservoir out of it. There will be an excellent solution for such an important process as carp breeding in a pond in the country.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to expand and deepen the ravine, then we close it with a soil dam, pour it along the length in thin layers and then thoroughly tamp it down. For comfort, dry soil can be slightly moistened with water. We make the dam so that it is above the water level.

It is also necessary to arrange a bypass ditch, which will ensure the removal of floods.

After the pond is filled with water, it is not necessary to put fish into it for about 2 months, so that a characteristic muddy cover appears on the base of the pond and the planted plants can take root.

Then we lower the water, and fill the pond again, then fish can be launched into it.

Carp or trout - it's your choice, any species of fish will suit your pond and will take root well with careful care of the pond.

Choosing fish for the pond

Decorative fish for a pond

Cold water trout. You can opt for river or rainbow trout. Such a fish for a pond will be a real decor.

For its nutrition, it is necessary to stock up on feed mixtures. There is no need for special care. However, the house near the pond should not have excessive vegetation, so that it does not slide into the pond.

gold fish

This is a good solution for a country pond. You can feed her anything. Caring for them is easy.

Japanese carp koi

Such fish in the pond look aesthetically pleasing. They will be the decor of a country pond. The abundance of the color of the scales of this fish delights. But to get the necessary conditions for its maintenance, you need to work hard. They eat little.

They are classified as aggressive varieties that can eat small fish. Koi love mixed foods in huge proportions, as a result of which they quickly gain weight.

But they have a clear advantage - they can very quickly get used to people and eventually cease to be afraid of them.

Verkhovka and minnow

They are suitable for those summer residents who like to watch underwater inhabitants. These are small beautiful fish, they quickly move across the pond in flocks.

The disadvantage in breeding minnows is that they need a lot of oxygen. Therefore, if you decide to breed them in your pond, then we arrange special equipment in it, or the fish in the pond will require oxygenator plants.

Only in this case, the house near the fish pond will have an aesthetic appearance.

Carp and crucian

They are among the most unpretentious fish for breeding. They can adapt well to stagnant waters.

They don't need special care. They can be safely bred in a shallow pond.

They quickly gain mass, because they splash less in the water to search for food.


They are unpretentious fish that lead a sedentary life and can live for a long period in ponds with a low oxygen content.

He feels great in a pond, the depth of which is about a meter. But when breeding tench, it must be remembered that the fish in the pond gain mass much faster if the reservoir has a large area of ​​​​water.

Able to get along with any fish, with the exception of crucian carp.

Before putting the fish into the pond, you need to prepare:

    • The acidity of the water. It should be about 8 units. If the mark is below 8 units, then we clean the water. Such a large figure indicates an excessive content of alkali in the water. We measure the pH level all the time, since its data can be different, based on the precipitation or exposure to UV rays. The acidity of a pond liquid can be measured with a litmus test or a drip tester.
    • We increase the level of acidity in the reservoir with slaked lime or baking soda and special preparations.
  • Care must be taken to put peat tablets in the water, so that it will be possible to soften the water.
  • If you put faded grass in the pond, then in a few days the water will clear up and the fish will live there perfectly.
  • If only the water in the pond has warmed up to 14 degrees, then you can only let the fish into it. In the beginning, they need to be constantly fed.
  • We accelerate the "revival" of water and with the help of several buckets of liquid from an already inhabited living reservoir.

Pond maintenance and dredges

The main signs of pond pollution are the acquisition of a dark color by water, a rotten smell, a film of oil on the surface of the water, and a lot of debris. An overgrown pond needs to be cleaned in various ways.

This applies not only to reservoirs, but also to rivers. But there the matter is more complicated. A huge amount of industrial and domestic waste is usually poured into the riverbed.

As a result, you may notice that the biological balance has been disturbed in the composition of rivers and reservoirs, a rather thick silty layer is created at the bottom, oxygen is reduced, the flora and fauna necessary for the life of fish disappear, the number of bacteria increases, swamp gas is created.

Cleaning rivers, as well as reservoirs, is the most important preventive measure that makes it possible to make water useful for the life of fish. Any overgrown pond should be thoroughly cleaned of debris and excess vegetation.

None of the summer residents will like an overgrown pond with a dirty puddle instead of clean water, with overgrown reeds, with numerous frogs. People should monitor the condition of the pond.

Most reservoirs are fed by springs or underground springs. When the water in the pond is polluted, then clean water does not enter the pond, circulation is disturbed.

mini dredger

Mini dredgers are a mobile floating device that has a powerful pumping system. Dredgers will come in handy in your summer cottage for cleaning ponds from debris accumulated in the water and excessive vegetation.

In addition, you can pump out silt from the bottom of the pond. This way you clean the overgrown pond and make the water clear. Dredgers can be used for a small shallow body of water, where cleaning is mainly required.

An overgrown pond can be cleared fairly quickly.

Dredgers make it possible to clean the bottom of the pond without pumping out the liquid, they do not destroy the coastal strips. In addition, the state of the underwater world is preserved.

When working on the base, we direct a jet of water under a certain pressure, loosening the bottom sediment layer in this way. Then the bottom sediments need to be pumped with a dredger pump.

Some models of dredgers are equipped with an auger.

Dredgers are a universal device that every summer resident who decides to arrange a place for breeding fish should have on his site.

T. Rozanova

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Reading now:

By placing suitable fish species in an artificial reservoir, you will always have access to fish delicacies and meat. How to breed fish in a home pond correctly - read this article.

When planning to breed fish in a pond on a personal plot, you need to choose the right type of fish, focusing on financial capabilities, features of the reservoir and water characteristics. In addition, it is important to take into account the water temperature and the climatic conditions of the region. Today we will give the characteristics of the most common types of fish and talk about the features of their cultivation.

What fish is better to breed in a small pond

When choosing a type of fish, they are primarily guided by the climatic zone in which the household plot is located. For example, species adapted for breeding in the southern regions will not be suitable for northern latitudes and vice versa. In addition, the quality of water and the intensity of water supply must be taken into account.

Below are the main characteristics of common species intended for breeding. With the help of these tips, you will be able to determine which fish is best to breed in a small home pond.

Fish breeds

When choosing which fish is best to breed in a pond, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the most common breeds of aquatic pets, the features of their cultivation and the main characteristics.

To help you choose which breed is best for large and small pond breeding, we provide detailed descriptions of the most popular breeds.

It has many useful economic qualities and is bred in many farms. This is one of the most unpretentious freshwater species: it easily tolerates a change in food and the chemical composition of water.

Carp is thermophilic, so the optimal temperature for growth and reproduction is the range of 18-30 degrees. The period of onset of puberty also depends on the temperature regime. In a temperate and cold climate, puberty occurs at 4-5 years, and in southern latitudes - at the second or third. It is noteworthy that males become mature earlier than females. However, if the carp is provided with a consistently high temperature, puberty can also occur at the age of one (Figure 1).

Note: The fertility of females is very high, but it depends on the conditions of detention. As a rule, spawning takes place near the shore, and the optimum water temperature is 17-20 degrees.

The larvae hatch and begin to actively feed within 3-6 days after spawning. To feed the larvae, you need to use small plankton (daphnia, rotifers, cyclops), and with age they gradually switch to bloodworms or mollusks, but they also willingly eat food of plant origin.

Carp grows quite quickly, and at the age of three years its weight exceeds 1 kg, but in good conditions carp can reach a weight of 2 kg.

Figure 1. Carp: adults and fry

There are several types of carp that differ in the type of scales: scaly, mirror scattered, mirror linear and leathery (naked). The first two types are suitable for breeding in temperate climates, but regardless of the type, carp will grow well in a shallow, warm pond with little current.

  • Golden carp

A small fish without antennae, with copper-red sides (Figure 2). It is best grown in stagnant ponds with a muddy bottom. Golden crucian carp is unpretentious to growing conditions, and normally tolerates increased acidity of water or reduced oxygen content. Sexual maturity occurs at two to four years, and spawning occurs in several stages with an interval of two weeks.

Figure 2. Golden and silver carp

Golden crucian feeds on small plankton and aquatic vegetation, and the weight of an adult can reach 3 kg, but more often it is caught after reaching a weight of 0.5 kg. The value of golden carp also lies in the fact that it can be grown in any reservoirs and crossed with other species (for example, with carp or silver carp). Hybrids have high vitality and undemanding to the conditions of nutrition and maintenance.

  • Goldfish

Unlike goldfish with a round body, this species has angular shapes, and the body is covered with large silvery scales (Figure 2). Like the species described above, silver carp is undemanding to the conditions of detention, and can eat both animal and plant foods, but reaches the desired weight much faster.

Note: The silver carp has an unusual biological feature. In cold and temperate climates, the number of males and females in spawning is approximately the same, and in other areas only females are in the offspring, which breed by crossing with other species (carp, tench, golden carp).

Silver carp is excellent for growing in reservoirs with unfavorable water chemistry.

  • White amur

This is a large breed that is fast growing. The homeland of grass carp is the rivers of the Far East and China, and in the European part of Russia it began to be grown only in the middle of the 20th century.

The body of grass carp can reach 1 meter, covered with large scales. Weight is 40-50 kg. It feeds mainly on plant foods, giving preference to young plants, but adults can also eat hard reeds or cattails. In addition, they can feed on terrestrial vegetation that has fallen into the reservoir (clover, cereals, alfalfa).

The rate of growth and puberty depends on the temperature of the water. In southern regions with consistently high temperatures, grass carp grows year-round, but if the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the individual stops feeding and growing.

Note: The ability of grass carp to eat a large amount of plant food allows it to be used as a cleaner for overgrown ponds.

Sexual maturity occurs at seven to eight years (for males) and eight to nine (for females). The term of its onset depends not only on temperature, but also on the food supply. Spawning in natural conditions takes place in the channels of large rivers with a fast current, and in artificial growing conditions - directly into the water column. The larvae hatch in about a day, but in artificial reservoirs this process can be controlled by changing the water temperature.

  • black carp

According to the region of distribution and body shape, black carp is similar to white carp, but its body is covered with large black scales. Under favorable growing conditions, the weight of an adult can reach 55 kg. Unlike white carp, black carp feeds on mollusks, and larvae feed on zooplankton.

Figure 3. Types of grass carp: 1 - white, 2 - fry of white carp, 3 - black
  • White and motley carp

A characteristic feature is a large head with low-set eyes. Silver carps grow quickly, and the weight of an adult can reach 50 kg.

Figure 4. Silver carp: 1 - white, 2 - motley, 3 - fry

White and motley silver carp differ in some external features (Figure 4). The Pied has a larger head and silvery scales with brown spots on the sides. In the bighead carp, the scales are also silvery in color, but do not have spots. In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus: in the variegated gill rakers are long and frequent, while in the white they grow together, forming a network for straining algae and small plankton. These differences can be determined only at the age of 3-5 years, when the individual reaches a sufficiently large size.

The silver carp feeds on various types of algae, and does not perceive artificial feed. An exception is the bighead carp, which can also feed on artificial feed.

Note: The bighead carp also eats animal plankton, so it cannot be grown together with carp, so that there is no food competition in the reservoir.

Sexual maturity occurs earlier in silver carp (at three to seven years), and variegated becomes mature at four to eight years (depending on the region of cultivation). Modern breeders have developed a hybrid of these two species, which is characterized by rapid growth and can eat both plant and animal foods.

  • buffalo

Naturally found in America. This is a large breed that looks like a carp and grows quickly. There are several types of buffalo that differ in size and weight of adults: large-mouthed (up to 45 kg), small-mouthed (15-18 kg) and black (up to 7 kg). In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus and the type of food, but they mainly eat plankton, although compound feed can also be used for cultivation.

Figure 5. Appearance of the buffalo breed
  • channel catfish

A large individual, the weight of which can reach 30 kg. Channel catfish were originally grown in the United States, but later they spread throughout the world. The catfish is heat-loving, and the optimum temperature for growth is 25-30 degrees, but the channel catfish successfully endures the winter even in water bodies covered with a layer of ice. However, it is demanding on the oxygen content in the water.

The channel catfish is omnivorous and can feed on plankton, small mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 5-8 years, and spawning occurs in summer, when the water temperature reaches 20-22 degrees, but for the larvae to hatch, the temperature must be higher (up to 30 degrees).

In temperate climates, channel catfish are grown primarily in cages placed in temperature-controlled ponds. Catfish grows quickly, and its meat is of high gastronomic value, but for this it is necessary to feed it with high-quality protein and fortified feed (slaughterhouse waste or minced fish mixed with compound feed).

  • Trout perch

This is a predator living in the fresh waters of North America. The diet depends on the age of the individual. The fry feed on algae or zooplankton, while the adults eat mollusks, tadpoles, small fish and insects. With a lack of food, cannibalism can begin, therefore, when growing trout perch, it is necessary to ensure that individuals have enough food, and fry must be separated from adults. In Figure 6, you can determine what a trout perch looks like.

Figure 6. Species for breeding in the pond: 1 - channel catfish, 2 and 3 - trout perch

Sexual maturity occurs in the first or third year of life (depending on the temperature regime). Spawning begins when the water temperature reaches 18 degrees. To lay eggs, the male digs a small nest in dense soil, and after the female lays eggs, the male guards the nest for several weeks.

Trout perch grows rapidly, and if it is intensively fed and kept in the right conditions, in the second year of life, the mass of an individual can reach two kilograms. The taste of trout perch meat is similar to trout meat.

  • Sturgeons

Sturgeon breeding is one of the most profitable in fish farming. The most common types of sturgeon are (Figure 7):

  1. Bester is a hybrid of beluga and sterlet. It adapts perfectly to various conditions of detention and can be bred in both fresh and salt water. The bester reaches puberty early, and the individual quickly gains weight.
  2. The Lena sturgeon looks like a sterlet, but it is much larger. Feeds on insects, mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 10-12 years old, and tolerates high water temperatures (more than 30 degrees), but the best temperature for breeding is considered to be within 15-25 degrees.
  3. The paddlefish began to be bred in the USA, but now it is also common in Russia. This is the only representative of insects that feeds on plant foods and zooplankton. This is a large individual, which, under the right growing conditions, can reach a weight of 80 kg and a length of 2 meters. When kept in water bodies with a water temperature of 20-25 degrees, the paddlefish grows rapidly, and already in the second year of life, the weight reaches 4 kg.

Figure 7. Sturgeon species: 1 - bester, 2 - Lena sturgeon, 3 - paddlefish

The paddlefish tolerates winter well and can stay under the ice for several months. Paddlefish meat resembles beluga meat, and caviar is similar to sturgeon.

  • Acne

There are 15 species of eel, but mainly European and Japanese eel are bred (Figure 8). The eel has a long body with short fins. The eel is an anadromous species and breeds in the ocean. For example, the European eel is sent to spawn in Bermuda and the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean, and the current takes the eggs to the European rivers, where it develops in the future.

Figure 8. Types of eel: 1 - European, 2 - Japanese

For growing eel, it is better to use long and narrow containers. Eels are predators, so small frogs, crustaceans, insects and fry are used to feed them.

  • Tilapia

It grows wild in Africa and the Middle East. Tilapia breeds easily, grows quickly and is undemanding to feed. Meat has a high gastronomic value (Figure 9).

There are about 70 species of tilapia, but the genus Oreochromis is considered the most common. The development of eggs occurs in the oral cavity of an adult, which positively affects the replenishment of the population. Under favorable breeding conditions and keeping in warm water, tilapia spawns several times a year, but it does not have high fecundity.

Figure 9. Adult tilapia and its fry

Tilapia is undemanding to the conditions of detention: it can be bred in fresh and brackish waters, as well as in ponds and pools with a low oxygen content. However, for full growth, the water temperature should not be below 13 degrees. It feeds on plant foods, but some varieties also eat plankton.

Belongs to species that feel better in cool water. It is quite easy to breed, and the meat has a high taste. The color of the trout is silvery with black dots, and a bright rainbow stripe runs along the side (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Adults and fry of rainbow trout

The optimum temperature for breeding is considered to be 16-18 degrees, but at the same time there should be enough oxygen in the water. If its content is 3 mg / l and below, the trout dies.

Feeds mainly on insects, tadpoles and crustaceans, but adults may also eat small fish. With artificial breeding, it is better to feed trout with protein feed.

Sexual maturity in rainbow trout occurs at two to three years, and fertility depends on the age and weight of the individual.

  • Pelyad

Found in rivers and lakes with cool water. Differs in rapid growth, undemanding to the conditions of detention and feeding.

Figure 11. Peled (adults and fry)

It can feed on aquatic plants, small plankton and insects. Compared to trout, peled is less demanding on water quality and oxygen content.

  • Chudskoy whitefish

It is found in Lake Peipus, but can also be grown in other artificially created lakes. The weight of an adult individual can exceed 3 kg. For the rapid growth of the Chud whitefish, it is necessary to provide it with clean water at a temperature of 15-20 degrees and high-quality animal feed (Figure 12).

In the wild, it is found in the waters of the Arctic, where the summer is very short. It grows very quickly and reaches sexual maturity in three to four years. Spawning begins in November, when the first ice begins to form (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Freshwater breeds: 1 - Chudsky whitefish, 2 - chir

Due to its rapid growth and simple maintenance, chir can be bred in artificial reservoirs of the northern regions. In addition, a hybrid was created - pelchir (based on peled and whitefish), which is less demanding on feed, has increased disease resistance and accelerated growth.

Can be bred in stagnant cool waters. The only breeding requirement is to provide quality food of animal origin (insect larvae, frogs, tadpoles or fry).

Pike should be reared separately from other species, and since they grow quite quickly, the reservoir for their keeping should be large.

Figure 13. Adult pike and her fry

It got its name due to a biological feature: it changes color after being caught. After being pulled out of the water, he immediately becomes covered with black spots, which fall off and yellow skin is visible in their place. This is because the skin of the tench is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which hardens in the air (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Adult tench and its fry

For tench breeding, it is better to use calm water bodies with a weak current and a lot of vegetation. The tench feeds on small crustaceans, molluscs, insect larvae and food residues that have settled on the bottom. Due to this tench is grown together with other species, mainly with carps. The only drawback of tench is slow growth.

It is found in fresh water bodies with warm water. Catfish are carnivorous, and feed on fry, frogs, crustaceans, and sometimes they can eat small waterfowl.

Catfish can be bred in small ponds, canals, or simply pits filled with water. In winter, the catfish hibernates and is highly resilient. An overview of popular fish species intended for breeding in ponds in household plots is shown in the video.

How to breed fish in a home pond

If there is a free area on the site, it is quite possible to use it for arranging a pond and breeding aquatic pets. In addition, such a reservoir can have not only practical, but also decorative value: if you install a mini-waterfall or an alpine slide on it, such a pond will become a real decoration of the site.

But most often, home ponds are used specifically for breeding and further catching fish for food. It is important to properly organize the conditions for reproduction and growth of livestock, and to choose the right breeds that will easily take root in your reservoir.

More information about breeding you will learn from the video.

What you need to know

To regularly get a rich catch, you need to know exactly how to breed fish in a home pond.

This process has some peculiarities. First of all, you need to properly build an artificial reservoir that is comfortable for fish to live not only in summer, but also in winter. The depth of the pond should be at least 120 cm, but if possible, it is desirable to make the pond deeper. This is necessary, since in severe frost the water will simply freeze and the individuals will die.

Note: In winter, ice holes are always made in ice so that pets do not suffer from a lack of oxygen. If you're planning a large scale breeding, it's best to install a water pump or air compressor right away.

The size of the pond directly depends on the number of livestock that will be in it. For example, for small breeds (up to 10 cm in length), a pond with a water volume of 50 liters is needed, and if the fish grows larger, then a much larger pond will be needed.

Other important breeding points include:

  • Adjustment of the number of livestock is necessary, since when the pond is overpopulated, individuals will begin to get sick or fight for food, which will eventually lead to the death of some of the individuals. To prevent this, part of the livestock will have to be caught for sale or consumption.
  • The correct selection of material for the walls and bottom of the reservoir also plays an important role, since it must be absolutely safe. For this purpose, it is better to choose a high-quality film or special coatings for artificial reservoirs. The bottom must be covered with a layer of sand and gravel with underwater plants, which will not only create comfortable conditions for the life of the fish, but also provide it with additional food.
  • Feeding should be moderate, and active feeding is recommended only in summer or spring, when underwater inhabitants grow and develop. After feeding (after about 10 minutes), the remains of food are caught from the surface of the water so that it does not deteriorate and does not cause water to rot. In autumn, feeding is stopped, because when the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the fish completely stop eating.

It is important to correctly relocate the purchased fish to a new reservoir. To do this, it is placed on the surface of the water for some time directly in the bag for transportation, and only after that it is released directly into the water. This is necessary so that the fish adapts to new temperature conditions and does not experience shock. In no case should individuals caught in the river be released into an artificial pond. They can be infected with dangerous diseases and become a source of infection for other individuals. It is recommended to buy fish for home breeding only in specialized farms or pet stores. If you find a sick individual (lying on its side, swimming strangely, rubbing against objects, and a white coating has appeared on its body), be sure to isolate it and take preventive measures with the rest of the individuals.


It seems to many that it is difficult to breed fish in a pond on a plot, but this task is quite simple and can be done by anyone who knows the basic features of growing.

Figure 15. Basic requirements for home ponds

It is best to populate fish in an existing, natural reservoir located on the site. If this is not the case, they dig a pond on their own. The main feature that will help equip an artificial reservoir in the country is the correct selection of varieties.

So, what kind of fish can be grown in a pond in the country? The best breed is considered to be carp, which feels good in small ponds and quickly gains mass, as it spends less energy searching for food.

Note: A small reservoir is also convenient for the owner, since it is much easier to care for such a reservoir.

For breeding carp or crucian carp, a pond with a size of 4 * 6 meters and a depth of up to one and a half meters will suffice. To determine the optimal number of individuals, you need to calculate the volume of the reservoir. Based on this indicator, no more than 20 individuals are populated per cubic meter of pond water.

Another advantage of a small reservoir is the fact that the water warms up quickly in it, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of carp. The optimum temperature is considered to be in the range of 24-26 degrees. If this indicator is higher or lower, pets will slow down the basic processes of life, they will stop eating and growing.


Breeding fish in a home pond is not a difficult task, but it still requires certain rules to be followed.

The main points to consider are(picture 15):

  • The bottom and walls of the pit must be well leveled and compacted, and it is desirable to additionally cover the bottom with cement;
  • The bottom of the reservoir can be covered with a film or old cameras from the wheels of trucks, and if you plan to grow not only fish, but also crayfish, you need to place old pots or pipes at the bottom in which the crayfish will hide during molting;
  • To fill the pond, you can use any water: well, spring or even tap water. But it is not recommended to populate fish immediately, since the liquid should warm up well in the sun, slightly stagnate and be populated by microorganisms.

To speed up the process of preparing water in the pond for settlement, you can pour several buckets of water into it from another artificial reservoir in which fish are bred or place a bunch of grass on the bottom.

What should be the conditions for fish in the pond

For normal life, fish need to create optimal conditions. First of all, this requirement concerns acidity: its indicator should not exceed 7-8 pH.

Note: If the acidity in the pond is too low, you can always increase it by adding a solution of soda or limestone.

The temperature regime also plays an important role. Before settling, it is necessary to equalize the temperature in the pond and in the containers in which the individuals were transported. This will help reduce the risk of developing a temperature shock and prevent the death of young individuals on the first day after relocation.

Dry food is mixed with water to form a thick porridge, and compound feed can be replaced with cereals or legumes. They are steamed and given out in a swollen form. It is desirable to feed the fish at the same time, and pour the food on a certain part of the pond. It is advisable to equip special pallet feeders for this purpose. They are easy to remove from the water for cleaning, and the use of such devices will help control the amount of uneaten food and prevent water from souring.

How to breed fish in a pond: video

To more accurately determine how to prepare a reservoir for fish breeding and what conditions must be provided for aquatic pets, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video. Its author will tell in detail useful tips and recommendations for keeping and breeding fish in a pond in the country.

How to grow paddlefish in a pond

Paddlefish is an amazing creature, because this species can live in almost any climate, from subtropical to harsh continental.

Cultivation of paddlefish is possible only in reservoirs with a good bottom and the possibility of supplying and pumping water (Figure 16). In fact, ponds in which carp were previously grown are suitable for this species, however, it should be borne in mind that paddlefish must be kept for several years in order to obtain enough meat.

For feeding, natural food of reservoirs (zooplankton and phytoplankton) is used. In order for paddlefish to constantly have access to a natural food base, mineral fertilizers must be applied to the pond, often in fractional portions. It is important to thoroughly dissolve the fertilizer in the water so that paddlefish do not eat its particles and become poisoned. Superphosphate, lime, potassium permanganate, or very high-quality rotted manure after a preliminary laboratory test for chemical composition is suitable for fertilizing a reservoir.


There are some features that must be taken into account when growing paddlefish.

Firstly, fry and adult fish cannot be kept in the same reservoir. When the pond is overpopulated, adults will begin to eat the young.

Figure 16. Breeding paddlefish in a home pond

Herbivorous fish are considered the best neighbors for the paddlefish, with the exception of the silver carp, which is very close to the paddlefish in terms of food intake, therefore, mainly carp, black carp and channel catfish are added to the ponds.

The profitability of breeding paddlefish is also explained by the fact that this fish is very easy to catch using a net or any other simple fishing device.


In order for paddlefish breeding to be successful, it is necessary to provide individuals with a good supply of oxygen, since paddlefish are more demanding on the saturation of the reservoir with air.

Note: The optimal level is considered to be 5 mg of oxygen per liter of water, but the paddlefish will normally tolerate a slight decrease in this indicator (up to 2 mg/l) for a short time.

Larvae and fry are kept separately from adults, and starting from the age of one year, they are bred together with other fish (silver carp, white and black carp).

Grown up individuals, starting from the age of seven, are kept in separate reservoirs, and for the winter they are planted in separate ponds. They must be deep enough, at least one and a half meters, so that the fish can move freely in the water column even after the surface of the reservoir freezes.

The larvae are fed with small aquatic insects and zooplankton, and it is desirable to feed it in limbo. Adults must be weighed during the catching process and only the largest individuals are selected, while the rest are left to obtain caviar.

Artificial reservoirs on a personal plot can perform not only a decorative function, being an effective part of the design, but also bring good benefits. Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs is an exciting activity that allows you to diversify your leisure time and grow environmentally friendly fish. When deciding to create a reservoir for breeding fish in order to realize the dream of fishing in your own dacha, you need to organize everything correctly. This is what we will talk about today.

What should be the optimal size of the reservoir?

An ideal option for a good rest and a favorite fishing activity is the location of the site near an existing reservoir. In the absence of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of nature, the owners of household plots can always breed fish.

Carp and carp can be safely attributed to the number of the most picky fish in care. These unpretentious species perfectly adapt to life even in stagnant and fairly shallow water bodies.

Carp is a fish that gets along well in fairly small areas. As practice shows, carp in small ponds builds up mass faster than in large ponds. This is due to the fact that in a small area, the fish spends less energy searching for food. A small pond is also convenient for the owner, since it is easier to care for a small pond.

The dimensions of the pit may vary depending on the preferences and capabilities of the owner of the site.

A small pond can accommodate up to two dozen crucians and a few medium-sized carps. On average, 10 to 20 fish are taken per 1 cubic meter of water.

For breeding carp and crucian carp, a home pond is optimal, having dimensions of 4x6 meters, with a depth of the reservoir - from 0.8 to 1.5 meters. The main advantage of such a size of the pond is the fairly rapid warming up of water in the summer to a temperature of 24-26 degrees, which is the most favorable for the life of these species. Lowering the temperature in the reservoir to 12 degrees can lead to a decrease in the intensity of feeding and growth activity in fish. An increase in temperature above 30 degrees also leads to a decrease in the activity of the life processes of carp and crucian carp.

Preparing a fish pond

An alternative budget option can be the use of a dense polyethylene film for laying the bottom

With careful use of the film, a sufficiently strong base can last more than one season. Laying at the bottom of the pit pre-glued together car chambers from trucks is also a fairly common option that does not require large financial costs.

If you want to breed crayfish in addition to fish, you can put broken pots, pipes and stones of various sizes on the bottom of the reservoir. Such "hiding places" will allow the crayfish to hide from the fish during the molting period.

The coast of the reservoir can be planted with moisture-loving plants, such as reeds and willows.

You can fill the pond with both well, spring or artesian, and ordinary tap water. Regardless of what kind of water the reservoir is filled with, you should not rush to launch fish into practically “sterile” water in the first days. The water should warm up well in the sun, settle and acquire microorganisms. In other words, the water must become "alive". A couple of buckets of “living” water transferred from a habitable pond, as well as a bunch of withered grass lowered to the bottom of a new reservoir, will help speed up the process of enriching water with microflora.

Creating the right microclimate

The acidity in the reservoir should vary in the range of 7-8 pH. A neutral environment is considered optimal for breeding fish. Decreasing acidity to 5 pH is unfavorable for the life of carp and crucian carp. You can increase the acidity in the reservoir by adding a portion of limestone or a soda solution. To determine the average level of water acidity, measurements should be taken in several places along the perimeter of the reservoir. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the rate of a chemical reaction of the interaction of substances directly depends on such a factor as the intensity of sunlight. Direct sunlight greatly speeds up the process.

It also happens that even the use of additives can only give a short-term effect.

If acidity even under the influence of substances decreases over time, then one should look for the reason that causes the development of such an environment.

An equally important condition for launching fish into a reservoir is the optimal temperature regime. It is very important that the temperature of the fish tank and the pond is exactly the same.

The process of equalizing the water temperature of the tank with fish with the temperature inside the reservoir will reduce the risk of temperature shock in fish, which can lead to the death of even adults during the first day.

After carrying out the preparatory work, you can release the fish.

Material on the choice of plants for the pond will also be useful:

What to feed our fish?

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs also provides for artificial feeding, which can significantly increase weight gain. Since carps are omnivores, it is quite possible to use feed intended for poultry and pigs to feed fish.

Fish gladly absorbs the natural resources of the reservoir: earthworms, insects

Loose loose feed should be applied in the form of porridge or thick dough, which is formed by mixing feed with water in a bucket. Grains of legumes and cereals, which are given in a steamed swollen form, can serve as a substitute for compound feed.

Video example of building a koi pond

The ratio of the volume of grain feed to the mass of fish should not exceed 3-5%. When organizing fish feeding, it is advisable to adhere to a certain schedule. They feed the fish at the same time 1-2 times a day in a specially designated place. Equipping a place for feeding, you can prepare a table-pallet, which is easily lowered and removed from the water. The use of a "feeder" will allow you to control the presence of remnants of uneaten food, the souring of which can spoil the water. To develop a conditioned reflex in individuals, calling the fish to feed, you can use a bell.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
  • Breeding technology

We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for organizing a fish (sturgeon) farm. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

A sample business plan for organizing a fish (sturgeon) farm in the RAS. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project Description

The aim of the project is to organize a fish farm in the village. Novoselki, Melekessky district, Ulyanovsk region. The main activity of the enterprise will be the cultivation of sturgeon fish species with the subsequent sale of marketable fish to the population and organizations.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 850 thousand rubles under the program of state support for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region. Own funds for the implementation of the project will amount to 200 thousand rubles. The total cost of the project according to the business plan is 1,050,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 375,483 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 65.5%;
  • Payback of the project = 31 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs in the region;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments to the budget of the Melekessky district.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational legal form of the enterprise will be peasant farming(KFH). The head of the KFH and its only member will be Ivanov I.I.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems the unified agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied, 6% of the profit of the farm.

Location of the farm: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, with. Novoselki.

How to start a fish farming business

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of a peasant farm in the Federal Tax Service;
  2. A room with an area of ​​235 m2 was built to accommodate a modular RAS for sturgeon breeding. Currently, the procedure for connecting the facility to engineering networks and transferring it to the type of permitted use is underway;
  3. There is a preliminary agreement with FSUE "CaspNIRKh" NEB "BIOS" - a supplier of sturgeon juveniles. This company has many years of experience in growing and breeding sturgeon and is one of the leaders in this industry. Located in the Astrakhan region.

The fish farm will include 3 people: a manager (project manager) and two laborers.

Description of products and services

For more efficient cultivation of products, Siberian sturgeon fry will be purchased. This breed of sturgeon has a high growth rate and excellent taste. The Siberian sturgeon for the year of keeping in the RAS is gaining a marketable weight of 600 - 700 grams and becomes ready for sale. At the same time, the fish is not whimsical enough and consumes many types of both natural and artificial food.

Juveniles will be purchased weighing from 1 to 3 grams, which increases the survival rate of fry on the farm. The price for one fry weighing 1 gram is 12 rubles.

Fish feed will be supplied by manufacturers such as BioMar LLC and Aquafeed LLC. These are reliable suppliers of high-quality and relatively inexpensive fish food. The price of fish food is on average 45 rubles/kg. At the same time, the growth rate of fish consumed by the feed of these producers is 1 kg per 1.2 - 1.4 kg of feed eaten. This is a very good indicator.

In the first two years, the farm will produce about 2 tons of sturgeon per year. In the future, it is planned to increase production volumes by 1 ton annually. That is, by 2018, the farm should grow and sell about 5 tons of sturgeon per year. At the same time, the number of employees will also increase.

Download business plan for growing fish

marketing plan

Competitors involved in the cultivation of sturgeon in the RAS do not work in our region. In fact, the sturgeon market is practically free, not counting competitors from neighboring regions, but there are not many of them either. Demand for sturgeon has only increased in recent years. This suggests that the farm should not have problems with marketing.

The successful geographic location of the sturgeon farm will make it possible to sell products in such large cities as Ulyanovsk, Tolyatti and Samara. In total, the population of the three cities is about 4 million people. This is a very large market. Therefore, it will not be difficult to sell 2 tons of sturgeon per year.

The main clients of our farm are restaurants. They will be supplied with sturgeon weighing about 600 grams (the most popular). The rest of the marketable sturgeon will be shipped in bulk to specialized fish stores and food outlets. It is also possible to sell in bulk to processing enterprises.

To date, the wholesale price of sturgeon is an average of 500 rubles/kg. The peak of sales will fall on the summer season and New Year's Eve. During these periods, a slight increase in prices is possible. In general, the demand for sturgeon has practically no seasonality.

It is assumed that the first batch of sturgeon will be sold after 6 months of the farm.

In 2014 and 2015, the average monthly proceeds from the sale of sturgeon will be 87,330 rubles, in 2016 - 125,000 rubles, in 2017 - 166,000 rubles, and in 2018 - 208,000 rubles.

Production plan

The technology of the modular system of recirculating water supply makes it possible to produce fish in the shortest possible time, reduces the initial investment, and allows obtaining large volumes of fish in relatively small premises. So, in total, up to 2 tons of fish can be kept at the same time on 35m2 of premises. At the same time, the maintenance process is completely independent of weather conditions. Additionally, the installation can be equipped with modules for incubation of eggs, rearing of fish fry and for keeping the broodstock.

The unit must be located in a heated room that meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements. To breed sturgeon in the installation, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at the level of +19 ... +23 gr.

The premises of our farm will meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety, all communications will be connected to it, including electricity, water, heating, ventilation and sewerage.

In this case, all conditions of detention will be observed:

  • Ensuring the correct diet for feeding fish: for juveniles - 6 meals a day from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, for grown fish - 4 meals a day.
  • Providing fish with dissolved oxygen;
  • Ensuring regular circulation of water through the biofilter in order to exclude the occurrence of stagnant oxygen-free areas;
  • Uniform intake of fry into the pools and uniform extraction of marketable fish;
  • Constant cleaning of pools from sediments of dirt and dead fish.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 2 people:

Annual salary costs will amount to 240 thousand rubles.

The duties of the workers will include feeding the fish, cleaning the pools, monitoring the condition and temperature of the water in the system, extracting adult fish for sale, stocking with juveniles and other economic tasks.

Calendar plan

In total, these events will take 116 days and 1.05 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start a business

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the economy.

Total fixed costs of the farm per month will amount to 47,800 rubles.

The main expenses of the farm will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 42% of the total costs, as well as the cost of feed and medicines - 20% of the total costs of the farm.

The calculation of economic indicators is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of the farm:

How much can you earn from farming fish

The farm's net profit based on the results of annual sturgeon sales will amount to 375,483 rubles. The profitability of the fish farm is 65.5%. With such business plan indicators, a fish farm will pay off in 31 months.

The farm will make tax deductions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 94,077 rubles a year.

Recommended download business plan for growing fish, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

The money received can be used both to expand production and successfully invest in other projects. One of the interesting and at the same time reliable ideas is tenement houses. find out cash flow secrets from zero to 150,000 rubles per month.

What equipment to choose

Raising fish in an artificially created reservoir will require a lot of equipment. Otherwise, the water will bloom and the fish will die. First of all, to purify water, you need to buy a special gravity biofilter. As a rule, it has a hinged structure and is mounted within a few minutes. To fill the water with oxygen, compressors are used, they need 2 or more pieces.

You will also need ultraviolet sterilizers that kill germs and get rid of water bloom problems. You can pump water into the reservoir using a hydraulic pump or by constructing a drainage system that allows you to replenish the water level from underground springs and wells. Do not forget about the feeders, as well as other little things that you can buy at any fishing store.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To apply for business registration, you must specify codes from OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of a fish farming business is possible as a formalization individual enterprise, peasant farm or limited liability companies. Note that the first two options are used more often for various reasons: a simplified taxation system, less red tape with paperwork. List of documents required for registration:

  • Application certified by a notary with indication of OKVED codes.
  • Protocol on the establishment of the organization.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.
  • Photocopy of passport and IND code.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Fisheries business plan (21 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Paid fishing business plan (20 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Fish store business plan (18 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Fishing store business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Do I need permission to open

For the cultivation and sale of fish, you will need the appropriate permission from the inspectors of the sanitary and epidemiological inspection. In some situations, a scientific and biological justification may be required, which contains the results of an analysis of water parameters in a reservoir.

Breeding technology

Pay special attention to the choice of fish type. The most suitable for breeding on an industrial scale are the following species:

  • Carp.
  • Perch.
  • Trout
  • Tench.
  • Trout.
  • Carp.

If you are aiming to grow several species at once, then you should take care of compatibility, since, for example: perches are predators, they will eat fry of other fish. It is worth getting automatic feeders, because when overfeeding, the fish slows down its growth. You need to feed at the rate of: 1-3% of the total body weight of the fish per day. Do you want to earn from scratch? Read a set of 50 ways to do it online. Many of them do not require investments and additional knowledge. It is possible to have a stable income without even leaving their home.