Raising arms horizontally in a crossover. Bringing your arms together in a crossover: execution technique, advantages and common mistakes. What muscles work

Bringing your arms together on a crossover is an isolating exercise for working out pectoral muscles. This movement is recommended for those athletes who already have a decent amount of training experience (more than 1 year); for beginners, crossover work will not be effective. Pumping the arms is most often performed in order to pump the pectoral muscles; during pumping, the target muscle group is filled with blood, and with it a variety of nutrients, due to which muscle growth is accelerated.

Horizontal crossover crossovers are also often used to stretch the fascia (the connective tissue covering the muscle fibers), this also improves speed muscle growth. To increase the effectiveness of crossover training, you need to know about some features of the technique of performing the exercise.

By bringing your arms together in a crossover, you can work out different parts of the pectoral muscles; with the standard version, the lower parts of the chest are most involved. To work the middle of the pecs, you will need to lower the handles on the machine to about halfway, and to use the upper areas, the handles on the power rack should be lowered to the very bottom. How to do this can be clearly seen in the video clip at the bottom of the article.

Common mistakes when doing the exercise

  • Do not round your back, the effectiveness of the exercise in this case will drop many times, you will not be able to achieve the desired contraction of the pectoral muscles.
  • Do not press your elbows to your body.
  • Do not bend your elbows, maintain a fixed angle at the elbow joint. Perform crossover movements solely by contracting the pectoral muscles.
  • Keep your legs parallel, don't put one of them forward, as this will cause one part of your pecs to get more load and the other less, and you may end up with asymmetry in your chest muscles. You can put your foot forward only in one case - if you alternate your legs during one approach, that is, you can perform 5 repetitions with the right foot in front and 5 with the left.
  • Do not perform hand folding if your training experience is less than 1 year.

Let's see what a chest workout should look like with this exercise:

  • (2 warm-up + 3-4X8-12);
  • (1 warm-up + 3-4X8-12);
  • (3-4X8-15);
  • Crossover crossover (3-4X8-15).

We use the information only at the end of the workout to finish off our pecs and pump them up additionally. This technique is considered very effective among professional athletes; to better pump blood into the target muscle group, you can perform several drop sets at the very end. You can also perform several approaches in a crossover at the beginning of your workout to warm up and warm up.

Video with the technique of performing hand folding in a crossover

Crossover is bringing your hand together block simulator. An isolated exercise to shape the pectoral muscles. It is well suited for athletes who have base mass The pectoral muscles have already been built up and need to be polished.

The target muscles for this exercise are the pectorals. Depending on the variation of the exercise, it is possible to emphasize the load on their lower, upper or inner parts.

The pectoral muscles are targeted when performing the exercise.

The muscles of the shoulders, arms and back are used as additional muscles. A number of muscles in the body perform a stabilizing function. In particular, these are the muscles of the abs, legs and buttocks.

The advantage of crossovers

Performing exercises in a block simulator has its own specifics. As for such an exercise as a crossover, its main advantages are as follows:

  • The pectoral muscles are under load all the time. The resistance of the blocks does not allow them to relax even for a second. While when performing chest exercises with dumbbells or a barbell, the effort is more of an impulse nature.
  • By varying the position of the body and the direction of the information, you can work different areas of the pectoral muscles. So, for example, if we do a crossover from top to bottom, it works. If, on the contrary, we pull up the handles of the lower blocks, the emphasis is on. By doing the crossover directly in front of us, we are working on the center.
  • The crossover technique involves stretching the target muscles at the top. This allows you to increase the range of motion and force the muscle to contract as much as possible.
  • Because this exercise doesn't use heavy weights, it's much safer for your shoulder joints than, say, a bench press.

Execution technique

Often in isolated exercises technique plays a more significant role than the weight itself. Crossover is no exception. Our task is not to load the muscle to the maximum (there are basic exercises for this), but to make it work so that it grows in the way we need. Well, or in the case of using exercises for finishing, we are working with an already tired muscle, so heavy weights are also irrelevant.

Consider the crossover in classic form, leaving variations for last.

  • Set the required weight on the machine. It should be the same on the right and left. Use a load that will allow you to perform movements completely under control, without jerking.
  • Stand straight between the posts, bend slightly forward with your back straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Some athletes put one leg forward for a more stable body position when bending over. This approach has its place, however, when using it, it is necessary to alternate the position of the legs from approach to approach. This will avoid asymmetry of the load on the right and left sides.
  • Raise your hands and grab the handles of the blocks so that you feel a stretch in your pectoral muscles. The elbows should be bent (this rule remains the same throughout the entire movement), the shoulder blades should be pressed tightly against the back. Lock yourself in the starting position.
  • As you exhale, without bending your back or changing the angle of your elbows, slowly and under control bring your arms together below you in front of you. Internal sides wrists should be directed towards each other. Concentrate on maximizing the strength of your pectoral muscles. IN lowest point exercises, hold for 1-2 seconds. You can even slightly move one hand behind the other (alternately) to increase the amplitude.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms again to the starting position.

The classic version of the crossover emphasizes the load on the lower chest.

When performing the exercise, do not allow your elbows to straighten. The angle of about 10 degrees is maintained all the time. At correct technique the trajectory of the brushes resembles a semicircle. The back should remain straight at all times. Shoulders should be straightened.

It is also important to control muscle effort and not allow yourself to work with your arms. We train specifically the pectorals, remember this. Avoid jerking - the movement is carried out evenly, the muscles do not relax for a second.

Variations for the top and middle of the chest

As already mentioned, classic crossovers mostly target the lower chest. In fairness, it is worth citing variations of this exercise, the combination of which will help to maximally polish the shape of the pectoral muscles from all sides.

In general, the technique for performing the exercise remains the same, only the position of the body and the direction of pull of the cables change.

Upper chest

When our task is to draw the upper contour of the chest, the handles will need to be pulled not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. That is, the exercise is performed on the lower block.

When using lower blocks, the load is redistributed to the upper chest.

In the starting position, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, lowered down to the sides of the body and slightly pulled back (until you feel a stretch in the chest). Palms are directed towards the body. As you exhale, you need to raise your arms and bring them together in front of you. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Mid chest

To work the middle of the chest, secure the blocks in the middle of the supports and perform the information directly in front of you. In this position, the arms at the end point will not be directed up or down, but forward.

Working on the central part of the chest.

You can also try a horizontal crossover. To do this, place a bench between the supports of the simulator. You lie down on it with your body and grab the handles of the blocks in the lower position. The load will be similar to what you get by doing. However, thanks to the resistance of the simulator, your muscles will not relax for a second, that is, the workout will be even more powerful.

Execution on horizontal bench.

How to build a workout

You can put crossovers in your training program after more severe basic exercises. They should be performed in 10-15 repetitions, 2-3 sets with light or medium weight. The technique of movement is of primary importance.

You can also combine crossovers with push-ups, performing a set of both exercises without a break. That is, for example, you do 20-30 push-ups, then 10-15 push-ups at once, then rest - and the next approach.

Crossover exercise through lower blocks pumps up the upper part and inner edge of the chest and front deltas. Gives shape and “striation” to the top of the pectoral muscles. Isolation exercise.

Crossover through lower blocks purposefully loads the upper chest and is used to achieve a clear separation of the left and right pectoralis major muscles both from the deltas and among themselves in the center of the body, as well as to practice muscle separation of the upper chest.

Working regularly information in the crossover through the lower blocks, you will make your downward side kicks more powerful in boxing or martial arts, you will become much more confident in playing at the net in tennis, you will be more dexterous in grabbing your opponent and holding him tighter in the fight, you will throw the ball stronger in handball and, finally, you will improve the quality of your rings program and on the mat in gymnastics.

Information in the crossover through the lower blocks - an exercise for the pectoral muscles

1. Attach the D-handles to the crossover cables passing through upper blocks, and grab them with an overhand grip. Stand exactly in the middle between the crossover pillars and take a small step forward with one foot. This will give the body a more stable position.

2. Slightly bend your knees and tilt your torso forward 10-20°. Bend your elbows slightly and hold elbow joint in this position until the end of the set.

3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bring the handles together in front of your stomach, just below your chest. At the top point, the handles should touch each other or cross.

4. Pause, exhale and smoothly return to the starting position.

5. Throughout the entire set, the torso, legs, elbow joint and wrists are fixed. All movement occurs exclusively in shoulder joint.

Information in the crossover through the lower blocks - muscles

Tips: information in the crossover through the lower blocks

1. Be sure to hold your breath while bringing your hands together. This makes it easier to keep your torso still and concentrate on contracting your chest muscles. When you exhale and return to the starting position, do not relax your muscles under any circumstances. Actively resist the weight and move your arms in the same direction as you moved them.

2. Do not perform the exercise with fully straightened arms, otherwise you will injure your elbow joints.

3. The higher and closer you bring your hands, the stronger the contraction. top part the pectoralis major muscle, especially its inner edge in the clavicle area.

4. Be sure to bring your arms together or cross them in front of your torso. This will ensure that you fully engage the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor muscles.

5. Do not bend your elbows or lean your body forward when bringing the handles together.

6. To reveal all the details of the pectoralis major muscle and clearly separate the muscles of the left and right half of the body, alternate the crossover through the lower blocks with the crossover through the upper blocks. The latter option focuses the load on the middle and lower parts of the chest, especially on the inner edges.

Friends, hello everyone. In today’s article, I will tell you from A to Z about the crossover exercise (or as it is also called “Breakdown of the arms on block simulators.”

What is it, what exactly is it aimed at (the muscles involved), what are the OPTIONS (variations) for performing this exercise, what are the special subtleties and secrets when performing this exercise, and in general I will tell you how to perform it correctly (technique of execution) + what special nuances (technical points that are important to pay attention to), I’ll also tell you about the PROS (advantages) and MINUSES (disadvantages) of this exercise, at the end we’ll talk about the main mistakes most people make when performing this exercise.. well, etc. those. along the way, I will try to raise all sorts of questions regarding this exercise (and accordingly give full answers to them, without lies and falsehood). Well, let's get started.

I’ll demonstrate right away this exercise in reality (so that you understand what we are talking about):

Exercise: crossover (bringing hands together on a block)

Crossover is an ISOLATING EXERCISE (i.e., not basic, please note this), this exercise does not grow the muscle mass of the pectoral muscles, on the contrary, it shapes them (i.e., it is a formative exercise for the chest), this means that IF YOUR GOAL IS MASS (increasing the size of the pectoral muscles), then this exercise will not suit you, in this case, you need to perform BASIC EXERCISES (in our case, these are “INCENT BAR PRESS”, “INCENT DUMBELL PRESS” BENCH”, “BELL PRESS ON A HORIZONTAL BENCH” (this is exactly what they are designed for, i.e. for hypertrophy (muscle growth)), but when you have already gained meat (sufficient amount muscle mass) on the chest muscles, you can think about giving this meat (on the chest muscles) some kind of shape (look), well, you understand, this is a formative exercise, in terms of increasing muscle volume it does not give anything.

Crossover on a block, as you understand, IS PERFORMED IN A BLOCK TRAINER (special), which is only available in gyms(fitness clubs), i.e. perform this exercise at home, you don’t have such an opportunity, as you understand, and only a major who has a huge apartment area can buy this exercise machine specifically for his home, and anyway, why do it, who the hell knows... something me it went to the wrong place.. In short, the exercise machine looks like two vertical posts that are connected at the top by a frame; on these vertical posts there are adjustable weights (tiles) moving on cables. At the other ends of the cables (at the top) there are handles, which athletes pick up to perform crossovers. This is what the device looks like:

The simulator in which the crossover exercise is performed

P.s. Cable crossovers can be used as an alternative to lying dumbbell flyes.<= переходите по ссылке (почитайте про это упражнение), т.е. это я к тому, что многие люди задаются вопросом, а чем заменить КРОССОВЕРЫ НА БЛОКЕ или наоборот НА ЧТО ЗАМЕНИТЬ РАЗВОДКУ С ГАНТЕЛЯМИ ЛЕЖА?… Чаще всего таки люди не обладают достаточным кол-вом мяса (мышечной массы) на грудных мышцах, они либо новички либо среднего уровня подготовленности, а уже задрачивают эти кроссоверы и т.д. ищут ответы на что бы их заменить и т.д. это идиотизм, как по мне (я уже рассказывал выше, это упражнение не подходит для набора, оно формирующее), а те люди, которые уже набрали приличное кол-во мяса и САМИ ЗНАЮТ, что и как им выполнять, на что заменить это упражнение и т.д. надеюсь, вы меня поняли.

As for the muscles involved in this exercise, as you probably already understand (you guessed it), ONLY THE SHOULDER JOINT WORKS (i.e., the pectoral muscles), THE ELBOW JOINT DOES NOT WORK IN THIS MOVEMENT (the triceps does not work), what does this give us? => We have the opportunity to completely focus on working the pectoral muscles (and purposefully use them).

P.s. if you have already increased meat on your pecs, and want to try something new in your training or give your pecs a shape (look), then in principle you can add this exercise to your complex, however, remember: this exercise is performed at the end of the workout, AGAIN THE SAME AFTER BASIC EXERCISES (BASIC) such as incline press barbells and incline press of dumbbells.., you can read the main article where I give recommendations regarding TRAINING THE CHEST MUSCLES => “How to pump up the chest muscles?”<= переходите по ссылке (рекомендую), там я подробно рассказываю и показываю и даже есть примеры тренировочных программ мышц груди. В общем, если и выполняем данное упражнение, то только в конце после основных базовых движений, ни в коем случае не ставим его в начало комплекса (многие умники на своих гавноресурсах рекомендуют делать в начале тренировки, не слушайте эту чушь).

Crossover options

This exercise has a lot of variations... let's do a full classification.

Firstly, the exercise can be performed depending on how high or low you lower the side handles (with which you perform the movement), i.e. YOU CAN DO CLASSIC HANDS (from the top, when the handles are placed at the top), YOU CAN DO FROM BOTTOM (when the handles are placed at the bottom), also (very rarely, but in some gyms) there is an OPPORTUNITY TO POSITION THE HANDLE IN THE MIDDLE (horizontally), depending on which option you choose, the load will be placed on different parts of your CHEST MUSCLES. Here, see the photos below demonstrating the implementation of the crossover on the upper and lower blocks:

Crossover from the upper block and crossover from the lower block

At the initial stage, I recommend that you move your hands from the top (this is when the handles are placed at the top), then when you get tired, you can try another option (well, for example, from the lower blocks), professionals decide for themselves what and how to do.

Secondly, the exercise can be performed depending on where you bring your arms and how you stand (in the starting position). Those. YOU CAN STAND IN THE STARTING POSITION IN DIFFERENT WAYS (some people stand almost vertically, some make a slight bend forward, some even stand almost cancerously). Do you understand? Here's a photo showing how you can stand while doing the crossover exercise:

Bend the body forward in the crossover exercise

You can bring your hands together in DIFFERENT WAYS, some bring them CLOSER TO THEMSELVES DOWN (in order to emphasize the bottom of the chest) (photo above No. 1), some bring them FORWARD (with a slight tilt of the body) (photo above No. 2), some - then he brings the body very much down (as if becoming cancerous) and makes the wiring (photo below No. 3). All of this (small changes) shifts the load on different parts of the chest muscles, at the initial stage, I recommend doing it either slightly bending forward or even standing in a crooked position and bringing your arms forward, it’s important to feel it, do it, learn it, then you yourself can choose a comfortable one and make the most of it. effective starting position for yourself.

Thirdly, the exercise can be performed WITH ONE HAND, OR WITH BOTH HAND AT A TIME.

Exercise: crossover (can be performed with one or two hands).

In my opinion, this is some kind of pun (for such an exercise), there is no point in working with one hand (someone argues that I feel better this way, the amplitude is greater, etc.), in my opinion this is nonsense, this is an isolating exercise which is performed at the end of the workout in order to maximally load (finish off) tired pectorals, no more. There is no universal advice, but at the initial stage I recommend performing this exercise with both hands (at once) as expected, in the future you can try it as you wish, professionals decide for themselves what and how to do it.

Fourthly, the exercise can be performed either STANDING or SITTING, or LYING (lying on a horizontal or inclined bench), or while kneeling..

Well, you’ve already seen a standing crossover a hundred times, but you’ve never seen it sitting or lying down, so see below for a photo of performing a sitting/lying crossover on the horizon. inclined benches:

Exercise: Seated Crossover

Exercise: crossover on a horizontal bench

Exercise: Incline Crossover

In general, darkness is darkness. All this allows you to work the chest muscles from different angles and intensify your approaches. There is no universal advice, I do not recommend splitting hairs; at the initial stage, do it standing (as you should), and then you can try different variations, and the professionals themselves decide what and how to do.

Crossover technique

This exercise is very complex in terms of technique; only at first glance it may seem that everything is quite easy and simple, however, this is not so, I assure you. So, let's begin.

Go to a special simulator (the one I showed you above), and on each side of the double block (left and right sides), set the optimal weight of the weight (to begin with, put a small one, 10-15 kilograms will be quite enough, then, when you have learned everything 100% technique, you can add weight if necessary). After you have set the required weight (on BOTH SIDES), attach the HANDLES to the hook (up), again on BOTH SIDES. See below what the handles for performing crossovers look like:

Crossover handles

Once you have done all this, we begin the exercise. It is very important at the very beginning of your journey to learn to GRAB THE HANDLES AND STAND IN THE CENTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION CORRECTLY. To do this, you need to first approach one side (I usually approach the left side first, i.e. I grab the handle with my left hand and pull towards myself, and at the same time I help with my right hand (hold) and move to the right side, grasping with my right hand by the right handle, after which I go to the center and slightly forward (so that I would be in the center of the machine and so that my pecs would be slightly stretched), while it is important that your body is symmetrical (that is, very often many people recommend put one leg forward and the other back so that the balance is maintained), I do not recommend doing this because the balance is disrupted (the level of strength on the left and right sides changes), so I recommend that you make sure that your body is completely symmetrical ( i.e. SHOULDERS, PELVIS and FEET), only in this case you will be able to create an optimally symmetrical load IN THE LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE OF THE PHORACT MUSCLES. This is what your position will look like in terms of symmetry and vice versa when you put your leg forward:

Starting position in the crossover exercise CORRECT and NOT CORRECT

However, many people IN PRINCIPLE CANNOT perform this exercise symmetrically (i.e. they take on a decent weight, and their balance is disturbed and they are pulled back), they cannot stand still normally, and have to put one leg forward, in such a way In this case, I would recommend that for the 1st approach, let’s put out your left LEG, and for the 2nd approach, your RIGHT LEG (this way you will create a balance for yourself so that both sides of the chest are worked out with equal force). Therefore, do not be discouraged, there is always a way out J

THE PHOTO ABOVE (demonstrates) the correct and not quite correct execution of the exercise, THIS IS YOUR STARTING POSITION (however, there is an error there, the hands are already brought down, but should be on top, if this is the starting position, I just couldn’t find a normal photo to show you this), here is the starting position of the hands:

starting position of the hands in the crossover exercise

But I found a normal photo (see below):

starting position of the whole body in the crossover exercise

I repeat (in short), grasp the handles in the correct way, go to the center of the machine, take a step forward (+ - in order to stretch the pectoral muscles), while the body is ideally symmetrical (i.e. deltoids, pelvis and feet are symmetrical), well, if you can’t, then one leg forward, the other behind (but in this case, 1 approach is with the left leg, the other approach is with the right leg, i.e. change legs so that there is a balance of strength on both sides of the chest), the back is straight and the body is tilted forward (not deeply down, as if doggy style, although it is also possible, slightly tilted down, as shown in the photo above).<= если вы все сделали правильно, то рукояти с тросом разведены по бокам до легкого чувства растяжения грудных мышц, а локти чуть подсогнуты и находятся позади Вас. ЭТО ИСХОДНОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ.

Next, we begin to move our hands at the lowest point, for this we bring the handles of the crossover in a wide arc to the center of the body, as soon as the hands reach the center, stay in this state for 2-3 seconds (contract the chest muscles, feel them), then slowly under control return along the same arc to the starting position until there is a slight stretch in the chest muscles. That's all. This is what the bottom position looks like, i.e. when you bring your hands down:

Bottom position in crossover exercise

Make sure that the movement occurs only in the shoulder joint; the arms and torso should remain motionless. After all this, repeat the planned number of repetitions and approaches. Regarding the number of repetitions and approaches, as always, everything is individual, usually I always recommend 3-4 approaches of 6-12 repetitions. Why I always recommend this way, you can read in the main articles (learn about all this in more detail), here they are => “How many approaches to do the exercises” and “How many repetitions to do per approach?” BUT IN THIS EXERCISE SPECIFICALLY I RECOMMEND a little more repetitions, 12-15.

Mistakes people make when performing this exercise

Do not round your back when performing this exercise. See the photo below (it shouldn’t be like this), on the contrary, the back should be straight:

Don't round your back when performing a crossover

Do not press your elbows to your body while performing this exercise. See the photo below (this is not correct):

Do not press your elbows to your body when performing a crossover

Avoid bending your elbows too much:

bending your elbows too much

Many people work in this exercise at too fast (so to speak, haphazardly) a pace, brought it together at the bottom point haphazardly, did not pause, did not contract the muscles, and haphazardly returned to the top point... you don’t need to do this, you need to do the opposite do everything slowly under control without any impulse movements, be sure to linger at the bottom point, squeezing the pectoral muscles for 2-3 seconds, then slowly stretch the chest muscles to the top point.

Don't go for weight in this exercise. NEVER!!! It's not compound, it doesn't build muscle, it's ISOLATION (it builds your pecs), so use weights that allow you to perform the exercise perfectly correctly, otherwise you'll either perform the exercise incorrectly, get injured, or both. Do you need it? ...

This is where I end this issue, I hope you found it INTERESTING and INFORMATIVE.

For dessert, a video: a visual and also explanatory demonstration of this exercise:

Best regards, administrator.

Performing exercises requires sports equipment. If the equipment is occupied, then similar loads can be performed, but using other devices. Each simulator helps pump up one or another muscle group. We can talk for a long time about how to replace bringing the arms together in a crossover, because the simulator works different muscle groups of the arms and shoulders.

Description of the simulator

The crossover takes up a lot of space because it consists of two racks with weight and a special support that connects these blocks. Performing the load is as follows: a weight is selected, a handle is taken in each hand and they are pulled together. You won’t be able to do this kind of exercise at home without a simulator.

But in the gym you can find many options that will help replace the exercise machine. As for the muscles that are pumped with the help of the crossover exercise, this is a whole atlas. The work involves the upper and middle bundle of the pectoralis major muscle and the anterior group of the deltoid type.

Exercise options

To work different muscle groups, you can perform the load both standing and sitting. For some groups there is a lying option. Upper and lower block rows in the simulator can be performed with different body inclinations, which increases the efficiency of the load.

Bringing your arms together while lying down in a crossover helps to work the chest muscles, focusing on the upper part and arm muscles. Both experienced athletes and beginners can exercise on the simulator. Correct technique, rhythm and breathing will help you achieve good results.

You can start with a vertical stand, and use different options during the training process. One simulator can comprehensively pump various muscle groups.

Variations for the chest

To the question of how to replace bringing your arms together in a crossover to actively pump up your chest muscles, you can give several answers. The most optimal option is the bench press, since here activity occurs on the lower section of the pectoral muscles.

To achieve the effect, you need to do several sets of 10-15 repetitions. The bench press with a barbell can also be replaced with a similar exercise with dumbbells, which increases the range of motion. The vertical press helps work the upper chest and hits the shoulder muscles.

The bench press with dumbbells is one of the best exercises for working the pectoral muscles. It can be performed both in a vertical position and with different inclinations. Thanks to this, the muscles of the arms, forearms and back will be included in the process, and the muscles of the chest are also actively worked out.

A good way to replace bringing your arms together in a crossover is to raise dumbbells to the sides in a lying position. In terms of effectiveness, it resembles a crossover and a butterfly exercise machine, since it provides a targeted load on the pectoral muscles.

Push-ups on parallel bars and regular push-ups help to sculpt the oblique muscles and strengthen them well, and here the load is distributed among the muscle groups of the arms