Standing dumbbell lateral raises. Dumbbell lateral raises are the best exercise for the deltoids. Dumbbell lateral raises.

Toned shoulders significantly increase self-esteem. It is worth noting that the front and middle delta bundles work most often. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that there is no disproportionate development of the shoulders.

When doing the arm raise exercise, the posterior bundle of muscles is pumped together with dumbbells. This manipulation influences the development of the desired torso.

It is worth noting that the muscular shoulder surface, that is, the deltoid, is responsible specifically for the external contour. The last, posterior component perceives physical activity most favorably and immediately responds to it.

But among athletes, the back part of the muscle is the most lagging behind when compared with the other two. For example, when pressing chest or dumbbells, it is least involved.

But it's worth the work. By starting this process it is possible to change the appearance of the back of the shoulder girdle and arms in a short period of time.

The exercise will have the desired result when the dumbbell raises are performed in accordance with the correct technique.

At the same time, using even a small weight when performed in a high-quality form will yield results. This is a better option than large dumbbells, but is not performed correctly.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides is performed as follows:

  • You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees. In this case, the torso is slightly tilted, the back is bent;
  • take dumbbells in your hands, bend your elbows slightly;
  • inhale while simultaneously moving the dumbbells in different directions;
  • Exhale as you lower the dumbbells.

The exercise pumps up the rear delta. When bringing the shoulder blades together, the middle and lower parts of the trapezius, teres major and other muscles work.

This exercise has many alternatives. As you can see in the photo of lifting dumbbells, the technique can be performed with support on the chest, or lying on an inclined bench.

One of the most popular exercises today is the fly. Apart from the adjustments that everyone makes at their own discretion, the technical methodology remains the same for all athletes and amateurs.

Preparatory stage

To begin with, you need to decide on a fulcrum. This can be either a bench or a wall. This point is optional, but thanks to it there is no need to use other additional movements.

If you practice without a support point, then your concentration will be scattered. Even experienced athletes use the support for quality training.

Technical actions

It is necessary to spread your arms to the sides with dumbbells. First, take them.

  • The torso should be in a parallel position. The back is straight, the lower back bends slightly.
  • Decide on a support and lean on it.
  • Relax, your hands should be under your chest.
  • Before lifting the dumbbells, inhale and gradually lift the dumbbells. There should be no jerks; perform smooth and methodical movements. Don't move your arms back or forward.
  • After the end point, exhale. For the best result, it is worth staying at this point, at this time the greatest peak of muscle work.
  • Put your hands down. Don't hesitate to do the next rep. At the same time, a small amplitude bend is maintained in the elbows.

Note! You need to strive to ensure that your torso is parallel to the floor. If you do not follow this small rule, then the load on the rear deltoids will transfer to the middle part of the muscles.

If your goal is maximum pumping of the back muscles, then the position of the torso must be parallel.

Another option for performing the exercise is to fly dumbbells while lying on a bench. To do this, you need to lie down and take dumbbells in your hands. The movements are the same as standing, but the load is greater. You should find a comfortable position on the bench for maximum accuracy and efficiency of the exercises.

This type of exercise allows you to train and develop the body not only of men, but also of women. Don’t chase heavy weights, take small dumbbells and practice your technique and approaches.

Once you are confident in the correct technique for performing the exercise, you can gradually increase the load without harm to your health.

If the workout is aimed at working the upper part, then this exercise is best suited for the end of it.


The best isolation exercise that effectively works the rear head of the deltoids is the dumbbell lift exercise. The correct technique for performing such a set of exercises will help to sculpt the desired shape of the shoulders and highlight the remaining pumped muscles. Approach the exercises wisely, prepare, read about the technique, or better yet, ask a trainer to clearly demonstrate the exercise. Consistent and correct execution of the exercises will not keep you waiting for results.

Photo of dumbbell lateral raises

Lateral dumbbell raises are a popular exercise for pumping up deltoids, trapezius, and even triceps. Here everyone will learn how to correctly do bent-over dumbbell lifts, technique, instructions with photos and videos.

What is a dumbbell fly?

A relatively popular exercise among exercises for developing back muscles. Unfortunately, it has a controversial negative side due to the complexity of implementation. The athlete must concentrate as much as possible to engage non-target muscles. In fact, visiting any gym you can see that this exercise is performed, but everyone does it in their own way.

This note is one of the mechanisms for building a big back. Here we will learn how to do the right thing to grow exactly those muscles that are shown in the picture. Let’s not go into the advice of amateurs, but rather let’s see how real professionals do it.

The rear deltoid is the poorest muscle that lags behind all the time. She was one of the three who received a negative load. Few people know, but it helps you bench press, perform different variations of bench presses, and much more.

Photo instructions for muscle loading

Therefore, by performing dumbbell flyes, you will strengthen lagging muscles and improve strength performance. The back of the muscles will become more muscular and developed.

So, the muscle mass of the rear delts forms the prerogative in this way:

  • The main task is to pump up the rear and middle deltoid muscles;
  • Additional - rhomboid, middle, trapezius muscles;
  • The stabilizers are the hips, buttocks, spine, forearms, wrists and triceps;
  • In the picture you can see the working muscles while doing dumbbell flyes.

Dumbbell flyes advantages

When doing dumbbell flyes, the athlete receives the following benefits:

  • Pumping up the lagging muscles;
  • Beautiful delta shape;
  • Strengthening the deltoid muscles and back;
  • Strengthening a very vulnerable area of ​​the shoulders;
  • Reducing shoulder injuries;
  • Increased strength indicators;
  • These benefits can be obtained by performing an exercise on the posterior muscle.

Execution technique

There are many different wiring options in gyms. Sometimes athletes, especially professional ones, add something of their own. Others try to follow the book exclusively.

Dumbbell lateral raises are an isolation exercise for working the rear deltoids. Therefore, it is very important to do the exercise with the correct technique, properly and intelligently.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides with the head resting

To do this, you will need a portable bench to support your head. Thus, the body body will not be mobile when moving to the sides. A bench at an angle or a soft part of the wall will suit you.

Bend half forward towards a wall or bench, resting your head on the wall. Hands with dumbbells should be perpendicular to the floor. You are in a bent position with your palms facing each other.

With emphasis on the bench - dumbbell fly

Now take a deep breath and as you exhale, gradually begin to move the dumbbell to the sides. The forearms should have a slight bend. As you exhale, return to the starting position of your hands.

Seated dumbbell raise

This type of exercise is similar to the previous version while sitting. Only you need to sit on the bench with your buttocks. Here you get a more stable exercise that focuses on the rear delts.

Sit on a bench, take dumbbells, put your feet on the step of the bench or on the floor. Place the dumbbells under your calves - this will be your starting position. Lean forward a little and look ahead. Inhale and begin to move the dumbbells as far to the sides as possible. The weight should be average.

Bent over side dumbbell raises

Here you will only have dumbbells in your hands. Difficult to perform due to the lack of supporting stabilizers. Sometimes you can alternate with the first exercise. Take small dumbbells, lean forward, look ahead, palms with dumbbells facing each other and begin to spread them slightly to the sides. The final phase will be to twist the dumbbell back with your thumb.

Side bent dumbbell raises

Lifting a crossover while sitting

You will need a crossover machine. Almost everywhere has it, but older gyms probably don't have it. Attach the handles through the bottom on the sides. Grasp them or ask to be handed to you. Start moving, controlling the tension of the machine cable to the sides. Try hard to do without jerking.

Breeding on a crossover sitting to the sides

The exercise looks fun, but it also requires concentration. The dumbbells should be of medium weight to avoid damaging the shoulder joint. Lie on your stomach on a bench, your legs should be pointing towards the floor, look ahead and begin to spread the dumbbells to the sides.

Lifting dumbbells while lying on your stomach on a bench to the sides

You should familiarize yourself with the nuances and technical side:

  • The rear deltoids do not respond well to large dumbbells. It is best to use small dumbbells;
  • For beginners, it’s best to start with your head resting. This is due to weak trunk muscles;
  • Elbows should always be at a bent angle and not dangle to the sides;
  • The sideways swing should resemble a bird;
  • Hold your hands in a position as if you were carrying heavy bags;
  • Do not rotate your wrists and forearms;
  • “Cheating” with heavy weights with back impulse will not help to work this muscle;
  • You should have a 20-degree forearm tilt;
  • Adjust the bench to suit you;
  • Shoulders are best done at the end of the workout, and not at the beginning, as famous trainers with diplomas advise;
  • These were technical recommendations for the technique of performing lateral raises.


Now everyone is familiar with all the intricacies of oblique movements for deltas. Any athlete who wishes can save our article and tighten up the lagging beam.

Ask questions below in the comments. Let us help everyone get the body of their dreams.

Video instruction

Now we will consider such an important exercise for our deltoids as standing dumbbell swings or lateral raises with dumbbells. This is a no-frills exercise that forces your shoulders to widen and also gives them a great rounded shape.

What is special about this exercise? In the articles where I told you how to train the rear deltoids, I mentioned a certain feature of exercises for the deltoids, namely, that exercises for this muscle group are divided into two types, those that use the front half of our deltoids, and those that use the back half or frontal. Our exercise is a pulling group that works the middle and back of our deltoids. Many people doing this exercise hope to grow huge shoulders, but not many succeed because not everyone knows the correct technique for this exercise.

This exercise is isolated, that is, in swings or lifts, call it what you want, exclusively the shoulder joint is involved in the work, and the elbow at this time is in a fixed position and does not participate in the work. Many people know that if one joint is involved in the work, then the exercise is isolating, since fewer secondary muscles work in it. In our exercise, only the shoulder joint works. When we do lateral swings or lateral raises, we focus the bulk of the load exclusively on the deltoid muscles.

The advantage of such isolation is that you can work out a certain muscle group very well, while losing a minimum of effort. The downside is that such exercises are less powerful. If the exercise is less basic (strength), it uses fewer muscles and, accordingly, is much less conducive to building muscle mass.

Poor and negative load on the shoulders occurs due to the fact that the technique of performing the exercise is disrupted. One of the most popular violations, not only in this exercise, is “cheating”. This violation of technique occurs when a person takes too much weight and in order to do a certain number of repetitions, he begins to help his body in every possible way to push the weight to the top point. Accordingly, when we help with the body, we turn on additional muscle groups, and the load on non-target muscles decreases.


1. Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your torso slightly forward, lower your shoulders down, thereby allowing you to stretch your trapezius. Bend your elbows slightly to reduce the breaking stress on your joints.

2. Inhale and then smoothly lift the dumbbells to the top point. You cannot raise your arms above shoulder level. If you do this, the trapezius muscles will also be involved in the work, but since the exercise is aimed at the deltoids, accordingly you need to make sure that it remains an exercise for the shoulders.

When you are almost at the top, you need to rotate your forearms so that your shoulders drop down a little and it is more difficult for you to raise your arms above shoulder level. In the starting position, the palms face each other; in the upper position, the palms face down.

3. As you exhale, gently lower the dumbbells to the starting position. At the bottom point, I advise you not to lower the dumbbells completely, as this relaxes the muscles, and we need them to be constantly kept under tension in order for the load to be more effective.


1. You need to soberly assess your capabilities. You should not take too much weight, because too much weight will lead to a violation of the technique, and therefore, either the exercise will not bring any benefit, or you will get injured. So evaluate your strength abilities correctly and choose a weight with which you can maintain the correct form of the exercise and can do at least 10 repetitions.

2. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders, so as not to engage the trapezius muscles of the shoulder girdle.

3. You need to make sure that your arms do not go forward, and that the dumbbell swings occur clearly to the sides.

4. When performing the exercise, your elbows should look back and not at the lowest point.

5. Keep your back straight and do not hunch over, so as not to create a breaking load on the spine.

Finally, I advise you to watch an interesting and very informative video from Denis Borisov, where he tells us in detail how to perform dumbbell swings to the sides while standing or raising your arms from the sides.

Along with the usual exercises for pumping up the deltas, there is one more, maximally focused on working out the middle beam - lateral dumbbell raises. This exercise may also be called - swing dumbbells to the sides. In this article we will look at the technique and methodology for their implementation.

Execution technique

  • Before starting the exercise, you should stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and toes slightly apart.
  • Hold the dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip (palms facing in). Keep your arms straight. The gaze is directed ahead.
  • Inhale deeply, hold your breath and begin the exercise.
  • When you lift the dumbbells, bend your elbows slightly.
  • The lift should be completed when the dumbbells have reached shoulder level.
  • Exhale and begin to release the dumbbells to the starting position.
  • When raising your arms, do not allow your body to move. The ideal execution is one in which the body remains straight.
  1. Choose your working weight wisely. Dumbbells that are too heavy will force the muscles of the upper back to work, which will take away most of the load from the deltoids. In addition, according to anatomy, it is impossible to lift very large things in this way, since there is a lever effect here. Ultimately, excess weight will cause you to bend your elbows even more, making the exercise completely ineffective.
  2. Do not lift the weight to a vertical position. As studies have shown, lifting dumbbells from horizontal to the floor and above is carried out by the strength of the trapezius muscles. There is almost no load on the deltas here. So raise your arms only to the horizontal.
  3. Complement dumbbell lateral raises with standing and seated presses. In this case, the deltas will be pumped more deeply and efficiently.
  4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides can also be performed on a block. Grasp the handle of the lower block, which is located to your left, with your right hand, and the handle of the block on your right with your left hand. In the initial phase of the exercise, your wrists will be crossed. In general, the technique of execution is similar to the technique with dumbbells. A one-sided version of this exercise is also perfect.
  5. Inhaling and holding air will help you keep your body upright. The air-filled chest will serve as support for the middle spine.
  6. If you feel pulled forward during the exercise, the weight of the dumbbells is too heavy or your elbows are bent too much. Move the dumbbells strictly to the sides, and bend your elbows at an angle of no more than 10-15 degrees.
  7. Raise your arms with dumbbells vertically for at least one set. This will have a positive effect on the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which, for example, will greatly help in performing a snatch.
  8. Professional athletes also advise periodically “shocking” the deltoids with heavy weight. To do this, take dumbbells that are 10%-15% heavier than your usual weight. With a slow, pointed movement, lift them to an angle of 45 degrees and slowly lower them.

Today we will tell you how to properly train the middle deltoid muscles using the exercise, lifting dumbbells (swings) from the sides.

Shoulder muscles: anatomy

The muscles of the shoulder girdle are better known as the deltoid muscles. The deltoid muscles consist of 3 bundles, each of which works during a specific arm movement.

There is no one exercise with which you could evenly load all the delta beams. For this reason, training this muscle group should include several exercises, each of which more strongly involves one of the bundles.

Best Shoulder Exercises

If we talk about the anterior bundles, then the best exercise for training them is the standing barbell press. However, if you want to fully develop the shoulder girdle, you will have to perform a number of other exercises.

The barbell bench press in a lying position is also aimed at the front bundles. For average weights, you will need to change the barbell to dumbbells, performing their lifts (swings) to the sides, but the rear deltoids are worked together with the spinal muscles. The barbell row to the waist is great for this purpose.

How to make your shoulders wider

A large distance between the shoulders is one of the signs of masculinity and an integral part of a sports figure. There is a very common belief that swimming helps to pump up your shoulders and make them wider. This is true, but there is a nuance: you need to train in the pool from childhood, since in this case the growth of volume is directly related to the growth of bones.

In adulthood, the effectiveness of such training is greatly reduced, and it is better to immediately train with weights. Raising dumbbells to the sides is great for this purpose, since it is the deltoid muscles developed in the middle bundles that expand the size in the shoulders.

Shoulder muscle trainer

There are many varieties of dumbbell breeding. Traditionally, it is performed only in a standing position, but it can be done while sitting (using a machine) or using a block.

However, the classic approach is still preferable, since the muscles are loaded more evenly, and in addition to the arms and deltas, you also train some abdominal and back muscles.

Lifting (swings) dumbbells through the sides while standing, correct technique

Starting position: stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands with the backs of your hands facing your legs. Without straightening your back (keep your posture natural), tilt your body slightly forward, tensing your abs. Your arms should be slightly bent, with your elbows moving back.

Next, smoothly and slowly lift the dumbbells slightly above your shoulders, hold for a second, and then smoothly lower them. The palms can be kept on the floor or to the sides, with the thumb down, which increases the amplitude and load.

You should perform this exercise 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions.

Runtime errors

When performing this exercise, you can make many mistakes, the most unpleasant of which lies in the too fast pace of the exercise, as this can lead to joint injuries. You need to return your hands from the top point smoothly, rather than suddenly lowering them.

Posture is also of great importance - you should not keep your arms straight as a string, and it is better to leave your back slightly bent. Also remember that at the top point your palms should be slightly lower than your elbows.

Is this exercise dangerous?

In terms of injury risk, the exercise described above can pose a serious threat to your health. The greatest danger arises if you took dumbbells that were too heavy or violated the technique of doing the exercise.

Therefore, during the training process, carefully monitor your condition. Perhaps at first you shouldn’t be too zealous and place your palms with your fingers down, but hone the technique on a simpler version with your palms facing the floor. And of course, under no circumstances should you neglect warming up.

Also remember that in this way you are training only one bundle out of 3, and to fully work out the deltoid muscles you need to do other exercises, including with a barbell.