Extension of arms on a block: execution technique. Upper block pull-down for developing the triceps brachii muscle. Triceps extension in the block.

It is the most common for women, as it effectively tightens the area under the arm. As everyone knows, representatives of the fairer sex prefer exercising on exercise machines rather than lifting dumbbells and barbells while in the gym. But you can often see arm extensions on a block performed by men. The main detail, like all exercises, is the correct execution technique, without which it simply will not make sense.

What muscles are involved?

Arm extension on a block is an isolated exercise. It is focused on the triceps, which takes up more than half the volume of the arm. An exercise like the cable curl will increase your triceps strength. It will also help you work the triceps muscle and create relief on your arms, eliminating the so-called jellied meat. If you have some difficulty doing others, then extending your arms on a block will increase your pressing ability and make them easier to perform. Another quite important advantage is that this exercise is safe, since one muscle is involved, there is no tension on the lower back, and at the same time there is no load on it and no risk of injury.


An important role is played by the position you take during the exercise. You must find a position for yourself in which your shoulders and the area up to the elbow are motionless; all work must be done through the strength of your forearm. To do this, you must try different positions and find the most comfortable one for yourself. In search of the best position, you can come closer to the machine or, conversely, move away and try to lean forward a little. But the main thing is not to allow work in the shoulder area, in which case the work will be done by a different muscle group.

Initial position

The first step is to choose the most optimal weight. You shouldn't take on the big ones right away. Choose one in which you will perform the last repetition of the set with more effort. Next, place your hands on the handle with an overhand grip. It is important that your hands are no wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward slightly. In the starting position, your arms should be bent at a right angle. Elbows should be pressed to the body.


Since the extension of the arms from the upper block is an isolated exercise, during its execution you should try as much as possible to carry out movements exclusively through the triceps. Slowly move the bar down until your arms are straight. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, trying to tighten your triceps as much as possible. It is also important to monitor your breathing. At this stage you should exhale. Then slowly return to the starting position. At this time, take a breath. It is best to perform 10-15 repetitions in one approach.

You can also see various variations of this exercise. For example, the handle may be made of rope or another shape. It turns out that the handle matters too. The choice depends mainly on the goal you want to achieve. The rope handle has a greater amplitude, which has a deeper effect on the muscle fibers. The straight handle more thoroughly works the straight head of the triceps, and the V-shaped handle works the outer part. In addition, some athletes prefer to perform pulley extensions with a reverse grip. This way you can achieve the clearest definition of the muscle. But this is a slightly more difficult version of the classic exercise, as more stress is placed on the thumbs, so your hands need to be ready.

  1. Control your triceps and try to use other muscles as little as possible.
  2. When you reach the lowest point, hold for a couple of seconds. In this case, the arms should be in a straight position.
  3. Return to the starting position smoothly, do not throw the weight up.
  4. Remember to keep your elbows close to your torso.
  5. During the exercise, it is also important what position your legs are in. They should be slightly bent, and the body should be slightly tilted forward.
  6. Standing arm extensions on a block are best added to your training program as the final exercise, as it will well “squeeze out” the last remaining strength, which will make the exercises most effective.
  7. If you have just recently started doing arm exercises, do not immediately lift heavy weights.
  8. Extension of the arms from the upper block is not recommended for shoulder pain.
  9. The optimal number of approaches is from 3 to 5 with 10-15 repetitions.

These were all the main subtleties of this exercise. The main thing is not to rush while performing, try to feel the muscles.

This exercise uses all the triceps bundles, but to a greater extent the lateral (outer side) bundle. The main purpose of its use in bodybuilding is to give relief and clearly detail the contours of the triceps muscle, visually separating its bundles from each other.

Triceps shoulder
Auxiliary: elbow muscle.

  • The exercise is performed on a pulley device with a D-shaped handle attached to the cable. Approach the machine so that your working arm is in the same plane with its cable, step back a little with the same leg so as not to interfere with yourself while extending your arm. Tilt your body forward, otherwise performing the exercise will be uncomfortable.
  • Hold the machine frame with one hand, and with the other, grab the handle with an underhand grip so that your palm and thumb are directed towards you, then, bending your arm and bringing your elbow towards your body, pull the cable and lift the weights over the stops. This is the starting point.
  • Inhale, and while holding your breath, pull the handle down, straightening your arm at the elbow joint. Having straightened your arm completely, exhale, and after a short pause, begin to bend your arm in the opposite direction.
  • During the negative phase, do not let the load pull your hand, resist, try to make every effort to hold the handle. Of course, the negative phase should last at least twice as long as the positive one. After completing all the planned repetitions with one hand, turn to the block with the other side and repeat everything again.

The entire time the exercise is performed, the back should be in the position it was initially taken; no movements in the lower back are allowed. The wrist is strictly fixed until the end of the exercise, and the elbow is pressed tightly to the body. If you “release” your elbow, the back muscles will immediately be involved in the training process, and when moving in the wrist joint, the forearm muscles will be involved. These errors inevitably occur when working with too much weight, so do not load the machine, use a weight that will allow you to technically perform the exercise 10-12 times.


at the end of the workout, after heavy pressing and extension exercises, in combination, for example, with “back” push-ups from the bench and French press, or close-grip bench press and dumbbell extension.

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There are a huge number of exercises to train your triceps. One of the favorites of many trainees is the extension of the arms on the block.

This isolated exercise targets the lateral (outer) and medial (middle) heads of the triceps.

Standing arm extensions on a block: features of the exercise

Arm extensions on a block are performed in a block frame, which is most comfortable for distributing the load on the triceps.

Thanks to the work of only one joint (the elbow), standing arm extensions on a block focus the load on only one muscle - the triceps. This exercise completely removes the load from the lower back, making it absolutely safe.

An important point is the position of the body before starting execution. You should take a position that will ensure complete immobility of your shoulders and arms up to the elbows. The movement is performed only by the forearms at the elbow joint.

Experimentally select the most comfortable position in which the body will be fixed in the position described above. Try standing a little closer to the machine or vice versa a little further, tilting your body a little forward. However, do not let your shoulders take part in the movement (then it will be similar to bringing your arms to your body, and this is already training the lats).

Arm extensions on a block can be done with various grips. A direct grip from above loads the outer and middle heads of the triceps, a reverse grip shifts the load to the inner (long) head. It is also possible to use a parallel grip if you hang a rope instead of a handle. Moreover, the more you extend the rope at the bottom point (pronate the hand), the greater the load the long head of the triceps will receive.

Technique for performing arm extensions on a block while standing

The arm extension exercise on a block is not very difficult. However, many, and especially, manage to complicate it to a critical degree. In particular, they do not watch the body, wave their arms chaotically, and set wild working weights. The load during this exercise leaves the triceps and is sprayed throughout the body.

The main task is to take a body position in which the whole body is rigidly fixed, except for the elbows. Some professional athletes sit very close to the machine for this purpose.

The load vector must be directed strictly vertically downwards. Exhale forcefully as you pull the bar down. At the lowest point, be sure to achieve a lockout (full straightening of the arms at the elbow), this is the only way the triceps contraction will be the most complete.

Inhale as you rise. Because the rise occurs due to the gravity of the rams - resist inertia. Make the downward movement powerfully and quickly, the upward movement slowly and smoothly. Try to work with the maximum possible amplitude, constantly making sure that your shoulders are not involved in the movement. In general, the nature of the exercise is slow.


Cable curls shouldn't be your only triceps exercise. Perform first, or, and after extension, when the triceps are pre-tired. Because The exercise is isolating in nature. You will be able to target those muscle fibers that were not completed in other exercises.

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To work out all types of muscles and create the necessary volume, it is important to know what types of exercises exist and how to perform them correctly. And today we will talk about working on the triceps and biceps, which can be pumped up using a fairly simple but effective exercise called “arm extension on a block.”

Often, to give definition to the arm muscles, beginners prefer physical actions that focus only on. However, in order for the muscle groups of this part of the body to develop harmoniously, it is worth training the elbow flexors equally with the extensors, for which special training is designed on a block, as well as extensions with a dumbbell or barbell in various positions (resting on a bench, bending over, sitting or lying on a bench ).

It is worth noting that arm extension in a crossover is one of those exercises that is in demand among representatives of the fair half of humanity. While professional athletes prefer to lift barbells and dumbbells in an inclined position or resting on a bench, gym goers are happy to start doing the arm extension exercise on a block, because they believe that with its help they can get rid of the annoying problem area under hands - “jellied meat”. However, for this it is worth knowing what the correct technique is for performing them in different variations (standing at the crossover, lying on a bench).

This exercise is quite popular, as it is universal and very effective when performed correctly. And they, in turn, can be made in different versions.

Option 1

Standing at the top block, adjust the weight by setting the scales appropriate to your level of training, and attach the most suitable handle (straight or inclined bar, rope). Then clasp the handle with your palms from top to bottom at a distance equal to shoulder width or narrower. Next, slightly tilt your body forward, lean your elbows tightly against your body, and also bend your knees slightly. Now proceed directly to the training.

To evenly pump the bi- and triceps muscles, you need to bring your arms to the starting position - bend your elbows until they form an angle of 90⁰. Then, as you exhale, extend your arms, lowering the handle down until it touches the front of your thigh. After a 2-second delay, while inhaling, slowly bend your arms to the starting position.

Particular attention is required to flexion and extension of the arms when performing this crossover exercise. These movements should be leisurely and performed under control with the participation of the triceps.

Option 2

The second option for performing the same exercise while standing at the top block is to perform the movements with a different position of the hands. In this case, when performing flexion and extension of the arms, not only the triceps and biceps will be involved, but also the muscles:

  • extensors of the fingers and wrist
  • ulna.

Since the movements in this version of the exercise must be performed with a palm-up grip, it is worth installing a special handle on the block. The very technique of reproducing the movements remains the same as with the first option - slow extensions as you exhale and flexions as you inhale.

Alternative exercises

As a compromise to this exercise, another, no less technically complex exercise can be used - extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head in a standing position. It is more effective than training with dumbbells while lying on a bench and is performed as follows:

As in previous cases, flexion is performed while inhaling, and extension is performed while exhaling. When performing this exercise, it is important to keep your core still. When lowering your wrist with the dumbbell down (bringing it behind your head), you need to keep your back straight to avoid arching your lower back. A similar exercise can be performed lying down or sitting on a bench with a short back. In this case, it can be done with both hands, simultaneously holding a dumbbell, barbell or W-shaped bar.

Since this training is technically and physically difficult, it is better to conduct it together with an assistant who could control the reproduction technique and provide backup.

Another alternative to block training is an exercise to work the same muscle groups, performed while bending over or resting on a bench. Unlike bench barbell extensions (French press), these variations allow more use of the long head of the triceps. To train your arm muscles from a bent-over position, it is enough to sit in a stable position with your knees slightly bent and your torso slightly bent forward. At the same time, you should keep your back straight and tilted, and you can lean on your leg with your non-working hand. We bend our working arm at the elbow, holding the dumbbell at an angle of 90⁰. As you inhale, perform extension and as you exhale, perform flexion.

To do the same, but not in an inclined position, but with support on the bench, it is enough to lean on it with your non-working hand and place one knee on the bench. Then also do the exercise, performing extension while inhaling and flexion while exhaling.

When starting to work out the arm muscles on the block, you need to first determine your final goals. This will help you correctly calculate the weight and choose the most optimal handle option. For example, extensions with a rope will help to work the triceps as deeply as possible, and when using other handles, you can pump the triceps brachii muscle from different angles.

Extension of the arms on the block is the main and safest exercise for working the triceps of the arms. The range of movement is achieved by extending the arm in only one elbow joint. Due to this, the exercise is isolating.

Target muscles – triceps hands The forearms are slightly activated.

Different exercise options:

Extension of arms from the upper block with an overhand grip: video

There are many options for performing the exercise. It all depends on the choice of handle or the placement of the elbows relative to the body. Read the article carefully for details.

How to do the exercise? Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, take the handle from the upper block. The humerus bones are parallel to the body. The back is straight. This will be the starting position.
  2. Extend your arms until they are fully extended. Exhale while moving under load.
  3. Return to the starting position by inhaling.
  4. Repeat the movement 15 times in 3 sets.

Application of the exercise

For whom. Anyone of any skill level.

When. Cable arm extensions are best performed at the end of an arm, chest, or shoulder workout. Before extensions on the block, do dips or French bench press.

How many. The exercise should be done in 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Possible options for performing extensions on a block

A more complex and effective way to isolate all three heads of the triceps as much as possible. Due to the fact that the movement occurs with the bottom of the palm down, the load hits the target directly.

Extension of arms on a block with a reverse grip

This version includes more of the outer (lateral) head of the triceps and puts a good load on the forearm muscles. It can also be performed as a grip training for the hands and forearm muscles.

Performed one by one. This helps you better concentrate on the working triceps muscles. Good to perform for failure reps. On the last failure reps, you can help with your other hand.

Arm extensions from the upper block, keeping the elbows in front

This option differs in that the peak load goes to the outer part of the triceps (lateral and medial heads). When the main option distributes the load more evenly and also works the inner part of the triceps - the long head.

There are many different handles available for cable trainers. You can alternate or choose the one that is more convenient for you personally.

For example: straight handle or V-shaped, look at the photo.

Advice! Try to alternate exercise options from workout to workout. This way you will increase the efficiency of your work and achieve better results faster.

Common mistakes

  • Moving your elbows back and forth. Elbows are clearly in one position.
  • Inclusion of trapezius and deep back muscles. It is very noticeable when the shoulders drop and the spine bends in the thoracic region. Keep your back and shoulders straight, in one correct position.
  • Wrong stance. Keep your back straight, lean forward slightly, legs slightly bent. The body must not tilt backwards.
  • Incorrect range of motion – jerks and quick movements. Do arm extensions in the upper block clearly and concentrated.
  1. Maintain the correct starting position. Legs slightly bent, back straight. The pelvis is laid back slightly, the body is tilted forward. The handle is held in a position where the forearms of the hands are parallel to the floor.
  2. Perform the movement correctly. Try to do lowerings twice as slow as extensions.
  3. Breathe correctly. When extending under load, exhale; when the weight is lowered, inhale.