A story about fish for children. What do you know about fish? “The Tale of the Sea Fish A bedtime story for children about a fish

A tale about a fish.

Once upon a time there was a little fish in the world. Very small, about the size of a child’s little finger. It had golden scales, red fins, and a green tail. She was so bright, so beautiful. Most of all the fish loved to swim. She could swim both day and night. And I didn’t get tired at all. True, she still did not swim at night. At night she rested in her small house. Her house was in a very secluded place, under a large stone. And it looked like a walnut, only, of course, made from green algae. And the fish also had a girlfriend. Also a small fish. She lived in the same green house, only under a different stone. And they loved to visit each other, that is, to swim. Their conversations were very different. Who built what house, who has what kind of children, and how many evil fish there are around. And then one evening, in a frank conversation, our fish told her friend her fish secret. And it’s not even a secret, but she told me about her fish dream. It turns out that all her fish life it seemed to her that no one noticed her. It's much better to actually be a big fish. Everyone sees you, everyone looks at you, everyone gives way. - And I’m so small that no one notices me. Either they hit you with their tail, or they accidentally push you with their fin,” the fish complained to its friend. The friend listened carefully to the small fish and said: “I know a fat jellyfish that lives near a sunken ship.” She has different potions that she makes from seaweed and shells. Many of our friends swam to her. I myself once visited her on business. I think jellyfish can help you. If you want, we’ll swim to her in the morning,” the fish suggested to her friend. Our fish couldn't sleep all night. She turned over from side to side and kept waiting for the night to pass. The fish was in a hurry, which is why he pushed the time. The night has passed. Morning came at the bottom of the sea, and the sea people immediately began to bustle about. Some started looking for food, some took the children to school. Our fish gathered, and together with their friend they went to the fat jellyfish. Medusa lived in the hold of a sunken ship. Not everyone can live in a sunken ship, but the jellyfish had a steely character and strong nerves. Seeing how a fat jellyfish was brewing a potion in shards, our fish was not afraid, but, on the contrary, told it about its desire. “Well, I can help you,” said the jellyfish, after listening carefully to the fish. - I have one magic potion. But did you think well? - the fat jellyfish asked the fish. “Yes,” the little fish quickly answered. Then the jellyfish brought her a magic potion and read the necessary spell over her. And in front of the eyes of the entire underwater world, our little fish turned into a large golden fish, sparkling and shimmering. The fish looked at its tail and fins and couldn’t get enough of it. And she became so proud and self-important! I immediately forgot about the fat jellyfish and my friend. They're so small. But another life awaited the fish ahead. Big fish house, big fish friends. A golden fish swam underwater with a very important look. Everyone around makes way for her and bows. And she floats, sees no one, hears nothing. That’s why I didn’t notice the danger. I shouldn't have noticed. A shark swam directly towards the fish, hungry after a night's sleep and angry after an unsuccessful hunt. - What a fatty, delicious fish, just right for breakfast! - the shark exclaimed and, without hesitation, swallowed the golden fish, which did not have time to come to its senses. And the little friend deftly hid behind a gray pebble. And who needs it, it’s so small and unsightly. Angelica Samsara. Fairy tales A tale about a fish Copyright reserved 1

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Details Category: Children's stories

fairy tale about fish for children

In the aquarium there lived a small fish, Shustrik-Neon. Her brothers and sisters swam next to her in a flock. Wherever one turns, that’s where everyone goes. The neons looked like they were made of phosphorus: the aquarium lamp made them glow. The little fish seemed to emit a wonderful light themselves: small in size, they swam back and forth in a school and glowed.

At first there were no pebbles in the aquarium. Neons glided along its bottom, grabbing food on the fly. At first, Nimble Neon tried to swim with everyone, without separating from the others, but after a while he fell behind the pack, although this was not easy to do. Together they seemed to succumb to some unknown force, uniting them and forcing them to move in a joint. The fish curiously scurried around the aquarium, settling into their new home.

They were brought from a pet store, where they came from the hands of an amateur aquarist, who had several glass containers with different animals in a huge room, after which the girl Larisa and her mother bought them. The path from the store to the house in a carrier bag seemed dangerous to the neons: they froze in place, looking around. Everything around was in some kind of movement: flying, running, rushing past. But now they found themselves in a cozy apartment, in a spacious aquarium. Later, pebbles were placed on its bottom, and the neons moved to the middle of the water column.

Nimble Neon liked the artificially created flow of water in his new home. He tried to quickly wave his fins, overcoming his pressure. Others were playing with the whims of water next to him. Air bubbles, breaking into the water as if from underground, delighted the small luminous fish, which were to be faithful friends of the girl Larisa for a long time.

There lived a king fish in the sea kingdom. Her scales were blue, her fins were black, and her eyes glowed with a golden sheen. A beautiful crown shone on the fish’s head. The name of the mysterious king fish was Pearl.

The pearl swam through the sea waters in search of adventure. She liked to explore new countries where fish of different colors lived. One day she swam far, far from her home. An amazing landscape appeared before her golden eyes. Emerald algae adorned the underwater hills, shells peacefully dozed in them, and blue snails crawled on the branches of unknown plants. The beauty of the seascape was complemented by nimble fish with velvet fins. They built cozy houses in which they laid eggs and scurried back and forth in search of food. The friendly fish immediately noticed the royal one. They liked her with her amazing eyes, kind speeches and politeness. Residents of the small country were happy to show the guest their sights. They boasted of large crabs that guarded the sandy shores. The crabs were huge, red, waving their huge claws welcomingly.

Zhemchuzhinka was also amazed by the seahorses. They swam so fast across the sea that it was simply impossible to catch up with them. Beautiful sea horses were distinguished by their mobility, unpretentiousness, and quarrelsome character. Their amazing coloring delighted the eyes of the local fish residents.

After tasting the delicious food and carefully exploring the beautiful world, Zhemchuzhinka began to get ready to go home. She said goodbye to every fish on the street, tried to shake the fins of everyone without exception: she liked the inhabitants of the extraordinary sea country so much.

Returning home, the king fish made a new entry about what he saw in his diary, leaving in it a long memory of the hospitable miracle fish.

Speckled mollies

In my aquarium there is a real underwater kingdom of mollies. A couple of black-and-yellow speckled fish unanimously wave their tails with a spatula, transparent fins, and they look at the world with black eyes that look like small beads. One fish is very nimble: it loves to play catch and pinch marble mollies by the forked tails. She has a large black spot on her face, and she is all covered in orange-yellow spots of varying sizes. She doesn’t like marble mollies: the spots on them are different, gray, and have something shiny. But it’s interesting to play catch-up with them.

The fish are agile and fast. You put food on the surface of the water for them, and they grab it and grab it: the food is as if it never happened. I like my fish very much. They even drink tea from small mugs in a small kitchen, hide from danger in pebbles, burying themselves deep, deep in them, and relax in a small grotto in the shape of a blue fish. Mom, however, often jokes that my fish should tie small pots to their back fins to make the aquarium cleaner. The mother grumbles, cleans up after the fish, but loves them.

And at night you can hear “thumpy-thumpy sounds” from the aquarium. This is how mollies play, flapping their fins on the surface of the water. They do this kind of thing during the day, but at night it’s more interesting: “gurgle-gurgle” - and you can’t see who made so much noise.

There are also small black mollies in my aquarium. So they made me very fat. Beautiful little fish: some of them have golden eyes. On the surface, they like to drift: their muzzles rest against the surface of the water and swim after each other.

There is a black blower in my aquarium. This is what fish call a compressor. He blows air at them and creates a current, and also filters the water from dirt. The fish often play with the blower: they pinch it or hide under it, waving their tails in unison. One of the fish will swim right under the hole from which air with filtered water is supplied, waving its fins, and enjoying. The water seems to be stroking her fins.

This is how my little fish live in the fish kingdom.

A message about fish for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. A story about fish for children in grades 1 and 2 can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about fish

Fish are aquatic inhabitants whose bodies are covered with scales. The body of a fish consists of a head, body, tail and fins. With the help of fins, fish turn in the water and change direction. The tail serves as a rudder for them.

Most fish have eyes located on both sides of the head, and the fish can see with each eye separately: it sees immediately in front of it, above it, behind it, and below it.

Fish breathe using gills. They close their gills and take a mouthful of water, and then open their gills and release water through them, “taking” oxygen from the water.

Most fish spawn. Each egg then produces fry. They don't look exactly like adult fish. But a little time will pass and the fry will turn into adult fish.

In winter, when the water freezes, the fish sink to the bottom. At this time, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat little. But there is very little oxygen in the water under the ice, so people make ice holes to make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Depending on the diet of fish, there are:

  • herbivores that feed on algae, midges - caught in the water - these are such fish How: bream, ruff, silver carp, grass carp, bleak and others.
  • predatory fish that are omnivores - pike, carp, catfish, perch, piranha, shark and others.

Depending on their habitat, fish are divided into river and sea fish.

River fish

Sea fish

  • Swordfish is one of the largest predatory fish. It reaches 4.5 meters in length and weighs up to 500 kg. It has a large semi-lunar fin on its tail, its upper jaw carries a sword, and its body is naked, without scales.
  • Monkfish is a large fish up to 1.5 m long and weighs up to 20 kilograms. On the head there is a fishing rod - an appetizing glowing “bait” for other fish.
  • Flying fish are small, from 15 to 25-35 cm. Even the giant flying fish is no longer than 50 cm. Its pectoral fins are slightly shorter than the body and contain a large number of rays.
  • The electric stingray is a large fish, often reaching a length of 2 m and a weight of 100 kg, with an almost round body disk and bare skin, devoid of thorns and spines. They use their formidable weapons mainly to kill prey and, of course, for defense.
  • The zebra fish is a saltwater fish colored with cream and burgundy stripes. The body of the zebra fish is equipped with a large number of fins, spines and other appendages. In a moment of danger, she quickly turns from side to side, trying to stand with her back to the enemy, and hits him with her dorsal fins. Lionfish venom is extremely dangerous.
How long do fish live?

The lifespan of fish is from 5 to 100 years!
Small fish live less, but large fish (pike, catfish) can live to a ripe old age. After all, they have no enemies in reservoirs. If they do not get caught by a fisherman, they will live a very long time.

A tale about a fish.

Once upon a time there was a little fish in the world. Very small, about the size of a child’s little finger. It had golden scales, red fins, and a green tail. She was so bright, so beautiful. Most of all the fish loved to swim. She could swim both day and night. And I didn’t get tired at all. True, she still didn’t swim at night. At night she rested in her small house. Her house was in a very secluded place, under a large stone. And it looked like a walnut, only, of course, made from green algae.
And the fish also had a girlfriend. Also a small fish. She lived in the same green house, only under a different stone. And they loved to visit each other, that is, to swim. Their conversations were very different. Who built what house, who has what kind of children, and how many evil fish there are around.
And then one evening, in a frank conversation, our fish told her friend her fish secret. And it’s not even a secret, but she told me about her fish dream. It turns out that all her fish life it seemed to her that no one noticed her. It's much better to actually be a big fish. Everyone sees you, everyone looks at you, everyone gives way.
- And I’m so small that no one notices me. Either they hit you with their tail, or they accidentally push you with their fin,” the fish complained to its friend.
The friend listened carefully to the little fish and said:
- I know one fat jellyfish that lives near a sunken ship. She has different potions that she makes from seaweed and shells. Many of our friends swam to her. I myself once visited her on business. I think jellyfish can help you. If you want, we’ll swim to her in the morning,” the fish suggested to her friend.
Our fish couldn't sleep all night. She turned over from side to side and kept waiting for the night to pass. The fish was in a hurry, which is why he pushed the time.
The night has passed. Morning came at the bottom of the sea, and the sea people immediately began to bustle about. Some started looking for food, some took the children to school. Our fish gathered, and together with their friend they went to the fat jellyfish.
Medusa lived in the hold of a sunken ship. Not everyone can live in a sunken ship, but the jellyfish had a steely character and strong nerves.
Seeing how a fat jellyfish was brewing a potion in shards, our fish was not afraid, but, on the contrary, told it about its desire.
“Well, I can help you,” said the jellyfish, after listening carefully to the fish. - I have one magic potion. But did you think well? – the fat jellyfish asked the fish.
“Yes,” the little fish quickly answered.
Then the jellyfish brought her a magic potion and read the necessary spell over her. And in front of the eyes of the entire underwater world, our little fish turned into a large golden fish, sparkling and shimmering. The fish looked at its tail and fins and couldn’t get enough of it. And she became so proud and self-important! I immediately forgot about the fat jellyfish and my friend. They're so small. And another life awaited the fish ahead. Big fish house, big fish friends.
A golden fish swam underwater with a very important look. Everyone around makes way for her, bows. And she floats, sees no one, hears nothing. That's why I didn't notice the danger. A shark swam directly towards the fish, hungry after a night's sleep and angry after an unsuccessful hunt.
- What a fatty, delicious fish, just right for breakfast! - the shark exclaimed and, without hesitation, swallowed the golden fish, which did not have time to come to its senses.
And the little friend deftly hid behind a gray pebble. And who needs it, it’s so small.