Tank biathlon competition schedule. New sport: tank biathlon! Chinese Victory Day

The second crew of the Russian national team at the tank biathlon competition as part of the V International Army Games Army Games-2019 set a new track record - 17 minutes. 30 sec. The previous record, set by the first Russian crew, lasted only a day.

Just yesterday it seemed that the tank commander, senior sergeant Konstantin Vertunov, gunner-operator senior sergeant Igor Shilenin and driver-mechanic senior sergeant Ilya Ishimov did the impossible. However, today the second crew of the Russian team, consisting of a tank commander, sergeant major Mikhail Zhilin, gunner-operator sergeant major Bato Tsydypova and driver-mechanic senior sergeant Ivan Oseev proved that the impossible is possible not only twice, but three times. These guys improved the results of their compatriots, setting two records at once - the time to complete the route and the speed achieved.

The record-breaking races were observed by a correspondent Federal News Agency.

Let's go!

The minimum task of our first crew looked really simple - to achieve better results than those demonstrated by the first crews of the People's Republic of China and Belarus on August 3. The maximum task was more difficult - to surpass the record in the individual race set by the Russian crew in 2017 - 19 minutes. 10 sec.

The Russian red seventy-two took a position on the third track. According to the draw, crews from Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Iran took part in the race along with our tank crews. Their tanks were painted yellow, blue and green for better identification.

11:00 - horn! Under the roar of a tank diesel engine, leaving behind a trail of black solar exhaust, the Armenian tank was the first to take off from the start and went to the “snake”, also known as the “obstruction and maneuvering area.” The red tank started the race second. At this point, the yellow tank had a 2-minute head start over the red one. 40 sec.

That's it, let's go!

The way the Russian crew loaded the BC was most reminiscent of a circus act. You only had time to blink, and there the shots were already teleported to the tank gun from the closures inside the fighting compartment.

Meanwhile, the Armenians at the firing line began searching for target No. 12, “tank,” located 1600 meters away. The target is not easy - it is glass. Any hit will be immediately noticeable not only to the judges, but also to the spectators.

Four minutes after the start, when the yellow tank was still looking for a “tank,” the red tank had already rolled into the firing line. 28 seconds later the Russians opened fire.

First shot from the cannon! - direct hit on the lower left edge of the target. Then, just 18 seconds later, Igor Shilenin expertly planted the projectile directly into the center of the second target located 1,700 meters away. Another 15 seconds, and our tank’s shell hit the third target, 1800 meters away from the firing line.

After that, the red tank in a cloud of dust rushed past the yellow tank, phlegmatically frozen at the firing line, and became the leader of the race.

The shot from the Armenian tank thundered when the Russian T-72B3 was already flying towards the “ford” - a miss! And the red car was already falling into a pool of muddy rain water, completely disappearing in a giant foamy splash.

I'm going, I'm going!..

It is useless to retell further, because you need to see this with your own eyes. It was a symphony of a red tank masterfully performed by the crew. Without a hitch, without making a single mistake, the Russian T-72B3 went through the course with precision and was the first to cross the finish line. The stopwatch at that moment showed 18 minutes. 55 sec.

The stands howled. The record is down, long live the record!

The Kyrgyz came second with one miss: 25 min. 37 sec. Armenians are third with two penalties: 29 min. 43 sec. The Iranian crew rode along the track the longest, missing everything they could - 38 minutes. 33 sec.

The victory for the Russian tank crews was truly stunning. Colonel General, Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, spoke to reporters immediately after the completion of the race. Ivan Buvaltsev I had a hard time holding back my emotions.

“We have just completed the race of our team, which completed the task in 18 minutes 55 seconds, thereby breaking the 2017 record. The competition continues - the Armenian team is breathing down our backs. All the most interesting things are ahead!..” said Buvaltsev.

“There are a lot of risks here...”

It is curious that when the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu commented on this event, he voiced the reasons that prompted the military leadership of the Russian Federation to organize the Games for the first time in 2015, as follows:

“The first and main thing, which may seem... unexpected to you, is putting the training grounds in order, so that all our training grounds meet the highest standards, so that we can train specialists of any level. The second - when we realized from all the information, from all the data, that our tank crews and artillerymen, motorized riflemen were shooting many times less ammunition during training than their Western colleagues... And this was shown by one of the first sudden checks that we were shooting poorly...”

Let us remind you that the V International Army Games are held from August 3 to 17 simultaneously at 21 training grounds in 10 countries - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Russia. 223 teams from 39 countries representing Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America are taking part in Army Games 2019.

Five foreign countries (France, USA, Slovakia, Turkey and Mexico) sent observers to the Games. Nine countries are taking part in the Army Games for the first time. These are Abkhazia, Jordan, Cambodia, Congo, Cuba, Mali, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Ossetia.

The total number of participants in the V International Army Games exceeds 5 thousand people.

Let us note that the Russian Ministry of Defense annually sends invitations to participate in the Army Games to dozens of countries, not excluding NATO member states. But the majority of them avoid sending military personnel and equipment to the International Army Games. The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense noted that he would not argue that this decision was based solely on political motives.

“Political considerations, of course, are present when they say: “No, well, we won’t participate in them.” There are a lot of risks here. If your equipment is worse, tomorrow you will be worse at selling it,” Shoigu explained.

Ballet at Alabino and T-80

In total, the Army Games 2019 program provides for 32 competitions in field, air and sea training. Throughout the history of the Games, the most popular competition has been and remains tank biathlon. Traditionally, it is held at the Alabino training ground near Moscow.

According to updated data, 24 teams are taking part in Tank Biathlon 2019. They included tankers from Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cuba, Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Russia, Syria, Serbia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and South Africa.

Each team has the right to compete in its own tanks, but only the Russians, Belarusians and the Chinese took full advantage of this rule. The first perform on T-72-B3 main battle tanks. The second - on T-72B tanks, modernized by the Belarusian defense industry to the T-72B3 standard. Well, still others brought their Type 96B tanks, modified for participation in the tank biathlon to the extent permitted by the rules of the competition.

Tankers from other countries, for various reasons, decided to use T-72-B3 tanks provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense. 102 units of such “sports equipment” were needed for the tank biathlon!

In 2019, the teams of tank biathlon participants were divided into two divisions for the first time. The distribution was based on the team ratings compiled based on the results of last year’s tank biathlon. Russia, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other “veterans” were included in the first division. Teams with less experience and debutants are in the second.

Thus, “Tank Biathlon - 2019” will be the first, during which four semi-finals and two finals will take place. At the same time, both divisions will go through three competitive stages: the individual race, the semi-final heats of the relay and the final heat.

The start of the battle of armored “gladiators” on August 3 was preceded by two interesting events - a graceful tank ballet performed by the crews of the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division and the final race of the all-army competition for female tank crews.

The three best crews under the command of senior lieutenant took part in the tank race Marina Pushkareva, corporal Anna Korchagina and Sergeant Albina Trofimova. At the same time, the beautiful tank crews performed not on the diesel “seventy-twos” familiar to spectators, but on the gas turbine T-80UE-1, which received the eloquent nickname “jet tanks” for their characteristics.

Chinese Victory Day

Of course, the distance that the “armored Amazons” covered was less difficult than the one that the guys had to compete at during the tank biathlon. But this in no way detracts from the skill of female tank crews. When the eighties, driven by the beauties, rushed across the tankodrome with the characteristic whistling of turbines, the stands literally roared with delight!..

Well, at 13.00 the sound of a bugle was heard, and the tankers of the “senior” division took off from the start. Tanks from teams from China, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Serbia took part in the first race. Here they were just standing at the start, and now they had disappeared into thick clouds of dust.

At a distance of 4,100 meters, biathlete tankers had to overcome the “barrage and maneuvering section”, “ford”, “rut passage in mine-explosive obstacles”, “mound”, “fire strip”, “anti-tank ditch with a passage”, “model of a rut bridge” ", "comb", "scarp" and "slope". Each crew had to go through these obstacles three times.

During the first round, the tanks fired three shots each with standard ammunition from a 125 mm gun at three targets located at different distances. On the second circle, the tank commander fired an anti-aircraft machine gun at the “helicopters”. On the third circle, the gunner had to hit an RPG target with a coaxial machine gun. The penalty for misses is penalty laps. Error when overcoming obstacles - pit stop.

Difficult? From the stands it doesn't seem like much. In fact, each lap along a four-kilometer distance turned into a battle for the tankers not only with rivals, but also with themselves, as well as with their vehicle. What tactics should you choose - rush along the biathlon course with your horns behind your back or move more slowly and carefully?

The first option theoretically guaranteed a good completion time, but increased the risk of errors, misses and breakdowns. The second one “ate up” a lot of extra minutes and seconds, but it allowed us to save the car and avoid fines.

The Chinese, the main competitors of the Russian team, chose the first option. The result is one miss when firing from a cannon, but the best result of the first day of tank biathlon is 21 minutes. 01 sec. The Belarusians chose option No. 2, hit all the targets, but finished second - 21 minutes. 50 sec. The Azerbaijanis were third - two cannon misses, penalty loops and 24 minutes. 20 sec. The last to finish were the hot Serbian guys, who in the excitement of the race missed all the targets - 32 minutes. 02 sec.

However, the success of the Chinese, as we know, was more than offset by the crews of the Russian team.

How to screw up two engines

The fantastic result of Konstantin Vertunov, Igor Shilenin and Ilya Ishimov demonstrated that the Russian team is in excellent shape and is not going to give up its champion title. How are things going with other teams?

A reserve colonel agreed to comment on the Tank Biathlon 2019 competition to the Federal News Agency Victor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine.

Viktor Ivanovich, to the surprise of many, India, which gladly hosts the “Excellence in Military Intelligence” competition on its territory, refrained from sending its team to the tank biathlon this year. What do you think caused this?

To understand this incident, we should remember the 2017 biathlon, where Indian-assembled T-90S Bhishma tanks arrived. The Indians then managed to screw up two of their engines to death. The engines could not be restored. This immediately deprived the Indian team of two tanks out of three available.

- Excuse me, but how?

The fact was that the Indians decided to adjust the fuel system of tank engines in their own way, but at the same time went beyond the nominal limits.

- Such actions at tank biathlon - how common is this practice?

I probably won’t reveal a big secret if I say that all teams participating in tank biathlon do this to one degree or another. If you open the operating instructions for the T-72/T-90 tanks, it contains a description of the possibility of adjusting the fuel supply and some other, let’s say, tricks that allow you to exceed the nominal operating conditions of the engine, thereby increasing its power.

- We must assume that such actions have not only positive, but also negative consequences?

Naturally, such actions reduce the service life of the engine and increase the load not only on the engine, but also on the service systems. Including the fan drive. This device, which may seem quite simple on the surface, is in fact technologically quite complex. Together with the fan itself, it not only provides a constant air flow depending on the engine power, but also dampens shock loads.

- So what happened to the engines?

It turned out that the Indians, having intervened in the fuel system and achieved an increase in engine power, forced the fan drive to operate in critical mode. Perhaps he could have survived it. But, as it turned out, the Indian-made fan drive was inferior in characteristics to the products of our Uralvagonzavod. As a result, the fan drive and the fan itself were destroyed. This entailed instant overheating of the engine and its jamming. The incident made the Indians doubt the quality of the tanks they produced...

Now it’s clear why in 2018 they competed on Russian T-72B3s instead of their Bhishmas. But still, why don’t we see Indians at all in the biathlon this year?

I suspect that in addition to the story of engine failure, another circumstance played a role here. Indian tankers have never shown outstanding results in biathlon. The Indian team has never been among the top five teams competing for prizes. Despite the large number of tanks in service with the Indian army, despite the rather long history of tank forces in their country, the Indians are unable to convert all this into high results in tank biathlon.

Syrian fighters and Cuban guests

The option of a time-out, which the Indians took in order to better prepare for future competitions, under such circumstances looks quite logical... Many spectators consider the teams from Russia and China to be the main favorites of the World Tank Biathlon Championship. Is it so?

Of course, the Russian and Chinese teams are well prepared. But I wouldn’t discount other teams that also show good results in tank biathlon. These are the teams of Belarus and Kazakhstan, of course. These teams have strong crews, quite capable of competing even for first place.

This year, Syrians are taking part in the tank biathlon for the second time. In 2018, the best result they were able to show in the individual race was 27 minutes. 22 sec. They took twelfth place in the semi-final heats and did not make it to the finals. I remember that some viewers said that they “expected more from tankers from the most warring country in the world.” How do you assess the potential of the Syrian team in the tank biathlon?

Do not confuse combat experience with experience of participation in military sports competitions such as tank biathlon. Based on the experience of my own service, I will say that these are very different things. The experience of using the same T-72 tanks in a real combat situation does not at all guarantee achieving a high result at the Tank Biathlon competition.

One of the debuting teams at Tank Biathlon 2019 is the Cuban team. In your opinion, are Cuban tank crews able to compete on equal terms with the bulk of tank biathlon participants?

To be honest, I haven’t crossed paths with Cubans for a very long time at training grounds and tank tracks. When I worked in Ethiopia with Cuban tank crews in the late 1970s, they were quite decent crews. I don’t think that in their first races at Tank Biathlon 2019 the guests from Liberty Island will show particularly outstanding results. But in the future, the Cubans are quite capable of potentially becoming one of the top five tank biathlon teams.

Victory Monday

The continuation of “Tank Biathlon - 2019” followed on Monday.

On August 5 at 11.00 the race of the second crews of Azerbaijan, Serbia, Belarus and China started, after which the Chinese proved that the words of Ivan Buvaltsev “The most interesting things are ahead!..” are not an empty phrase. The second Chinese crew reached the finish line with a preliminary result of 18 minutes. 57 seconds, almost breaking the record of the first Russian crew.

Well, tank biathlon is a sport in which the strongest win. A lot could still change by the end of the day. This is what happened when at 12.30 the second crews of Armenia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Iran entered the individual race track.

The crew of Mikhail Zhilin, Bato Tsydypov and Ivan Oseev had an extremely difficult task - to prove that the record result of the red tank on August 4 was not an accident. And our guys coped with the task, and how!

Once again, the spectators watched with bated breath the symphony of the red T-72B3 with the Russian tricolor on the tower. To say that Zhilin, Tsydypov and Oseev raced across the Alabino training ground is an understatement. They did not race along the distance, but flew by.

When the red “seventy-two” hit the ground with its tracks after jumping from the mound, many in the stands instinctively closed their eyes. It seemed to the spectators that the tank was about to break into pieces. But the Russian car and crew survived! And they crossed the finish line first.

Result - the distance was completed with a preliminary time of 17 minutes. 30 sec. At the same time, driver-mechanic Ivan Oseev managed to set a new speed record in an individual race, accelerating his armored car to 78 km/h.

It was absolutely brilliant.

The editors of the Federal News Agency congratulate the Russian tank biathlon team and wish them further success.

Let us remind you that the semi-final relays of the first division will be held on August 10 and 12, the second - on August 11 and 13. The final race of the second division will take place on August 15, and the first - on August 17.

The 2019 World Tank Biathlon Championship will be held from August 3 to 17 at the Alabino training and tactical complex as part of the V International Army Games Army-2019.
Teams of the participating countries will compete in battlefield orientation, driving skills, shooting accuracy and fire control on Russian T-72B3 tanks, the team of the Republic of Belarus on the T-72BME (Belarusian version of the tank modernization), and the PRC on modernized Type-96B tanks. The competition is held along a route with natural and artificial obstacles, combat tracks, shooting areas and will consist of stages: individual race, semi-final and final of the “Relay” stage.

In addition to the main program, on the territory of the training ground, viewers will see samples of armored vehicles and weapons of the Russian Armed Forces; will be amazed at the art of military chefs during the “Field Kitchen” competition. The following events will be presented to extreme sports enthusiasts at the site: August 3rd- Open DOSAAF Cup of Russia in motorcycle sports (motobiathlon) and demonstration performances of aircraft modellers, August 4– Cup of the Orienteering Federation DOSAAF of Russia in orienteering (discipline “Labyrinth”), 10th of August– Open Cup of DOSAAF Russia in motor sports, 11th August- Open Cup of DOSAAF Russia in all-around shooting sports, August 12 and 13- paramilitary relay races among military-patriotic clubs, August 17– service-applied dog breeding (demonstration performances).

For children and adults there will be interactive areas (exhibition/photo zone - historical + modern, fire tag area, laser tag area), parkour park, balance board, trampolines, dance floors, and for those who want to show their abilities in controlling their body and equipment there will be A climbing wall, buggies, hydro scooters and many other activities are provided.

Note! It is possible to make changes to the program (in time) based on the number of teams arriving to participate in the competition, unfavorable weather conditions.

August 3 (Saturday)
12.00 – OPENING CEREMONY of the “Tank Biathlon” competition. "Tank Ballet"
* After the opening ceremony is completed: FIRST STAGE of the “Tank Biathlon” competition “Individual Race”. Two races of tank crews.
** One tank crew from four participating countries participates in each race.
12.00 - 16.00 work on the “Typical site of DOSAAF of Russia”.
12.00 - 14.00 DOSAAF Russian Open Cup in motorcycle sports (motobiathlon).
12.00 - 14.00 Aeromodelling (demonstration performances).

August 4 (Sunday)

16.00 - 18.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
11.00 - 16.00 Cup of the Federation of Orienteering and DOSAAF of Russia in orienteering (discipline “Labyrinth”).

August 5 (Monday)
11.00 - 15.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.

* One tank crew from four participating countries participates in each race.
11.00 - 18.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF Russia”.

August 6 (Tuesday)
11.00 - 15.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
16.00 - 17.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. One race of tank crews.
* One tank crew from four participating countries participates in each race.
11.00 - 18.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF Russia”.

August 7 (Wednesday)
11.00 - 15.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
16.00 - 17.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. One race of tank crews.
* One tank crew from four participating countries participates in each race.
11.00 - 18.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF Russia”.

August 8 (Thursday)
11.00 - 15.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
16.00 - 17.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” “Individual race”. One race of tank crews.
* One tank crew from four participating countries participates in each race.
11.00 - 18.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF Russia”.

August 10 (Saturday)

11.00 - 15.00 DOSAAF Russian Open Cup in motor sports.

August 11 (Sunday)

* Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.
11.00 - 15.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF of Russia”.
11.00 - 15.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF Russia in all-around shooting sports.

August 12 (Monday)
11.00 - 13.00 SEMI-FINAL of the 1st group of the Tank Biathlon competition. One race of tank crews.
* Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.
11.00 - 15.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF of Russia”.
13.00 - 14.30 Paramilitary relay race among military-patriotic clubs (13 - 15 years old).

August 13 (Tuesday)
11.00 - 13.00 SEMI-FINAL of the II group of the Tank Biathlon competition. One race of tank crews.
* Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.
11.00 - 15.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF of Russia”.
13.00 - 14.30 Paramilitary relay race among military-patriotic clubs (16 - 17 years old).

August 17 (Saturday)
15.00 - 16.00 Performance by the aerobatic team of the Russian Aerospace Forces
16.30 - 17.30 FINAL of the 1st group of the “Tank Biathlon” competition “Relay”.
*Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the finals.
16.30 - 19.00 Work of the “Typical site of DOSAAF of Russia”.
17.30 - 18.30 Service-applied dog breeding (demonstration performances).
18.00 - Summing up the results of the competition “Tank Biathlon-2019” and AWARDING CEREMONY for the competition participants.

Tank biathlon is an exciting, fast-paced competition! The name is borrowed from the field of winter sports. Indeed: ski and tank biathlon have much in common - athletes compete in speed and marksmanship. True, ski biathlon these days is a purely “civilian” sport, but originally it was also.

Tank biathlon: photos

From the history of tank biathlon

The official year of birth of tank biathlon is 2013. However, in fact, this sport has a long history.

Similar international competitions were first held in West Germany in 1963. The participants in the war game were NATO tank crews from military contingents stationed on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. The first prize was a small silver model of the Centurion tank.

Competitions were held every year until the end of the Cold War. Their goal was to develop cooperation between the armies of NATO countries. Another, unspoken goal was to demonstrate the power of Western armies.

Germans, British, Canadians, Americans, Dutch and Belgians took part - on American Abrams, West German Leopards, British Centurions.

After 1991, when the political situation changed, tournaments in Germany were discontinued. True, joint competitions between Americans and Canadians are still taking place in the United States.

Something similar to biathlon took place in the USSR, although not at the international level. At some training grounds, tank shooting was officially called “biathlon.”

At the beginning of the 21st century, forgotten competitions were revived, but for some time it was not tanks that competed, but radio-controlled models.

Tank biathlon in its modern form appeared only in 2013 in Russia. The author of this idea was Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The minister emphasizes that the purpose of the competition was to develop new methods for training tank crews, strengthening their combat training, as well as developing competitiveness in the Russian armed forces.

The following year, the Tank Biathlon Federation was created.

Tank biathlon rules

Teams from different countries compete. It is desirable that teams from different countries use tanks of their own production. In practice, in most cases, foreign guests use Russian-made tanks. The Chinese and Indians come to the competition in their tanks.

There are other, intra-Russian competitions between tank crews of different military units. However, it is the international tournament near Moscow that causes a noticeable resonance in society.

The tournament, according to the 2014 rules, is divided into four stages:

  • First stage: individual race
  • Stage two: sprint and pursuit
  • Third stage: sports start
  • Fourth stage: relay race

Let's talk about all these stages!

Individual race

Each tank makes three circles along a seven-kilometer route with numerous obstacles and fires at three lines: 1) from a gun at a target in the form of a tank, 2) from a machine gun at a target in the form of a helicopter, 3) from a machine gun at a target in the form of an RPG.

For a miss or for hitting a mine, crews receive penalty points.


The tanks quickly make two circles along a three-kilometer route. At the end of the distance, they hit three targets with a gun at different distances. For a miss - a penalty loop.


The tanks make three circles with a total length of twelve kilometers, hit two tank targets with guns and - on the last circle - an RPG target with a machine gun. For a miss - a penalty loop.

Opposite start

It is not tanks who compete here, but exclusively tankers. They do strength exercises, run and overcome obstacles.

Relay race

When the first three stages are completed, the scores are tallied and the top four national teams are determined. These are the crews that compete in the final round (relay). Each country fields one tank and three crews, which replace each other and compete in the accuracy of artillery and machine-gun fire, in speed, and in overcoming obstacles.

This is an important test not only for people, but also for equipment, since each tank covers a triple distance.

Where and when are tank biathlon competitions held?

The international tournament is held annually at the training ground in Alabino (Moscow region), in the first half of August.

Test site map:

Like other sports competitions, the tank biathlon in Alabino is an open event; anyone can buy tickets and get into the stands.

Which countries' teams are participating in the tank biathlon?

Tank biathlon is a rapidly growing sport. In the first years, the number of participating countries grew exponentially.

In the very first competitions in Alabino (2013), only four teams took part: Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Belarus.

In 2014, twelve teams from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (Russia, Armenia, China, Kazakhstan, India, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Mongolia, Venezuela, Angola, Kuwait) participated.

In 2015, there were thirteen participants (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Serbia, India, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Mongolia, Venezuela, Kuwait, Angola, Nicaragua).

Tank biathlon: video (2015)

In 2016, there were seventeen participating countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, China, India, Armenia, Armenia, Venezuela, Kuwait, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Sergius, Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Iran, Azerbaijan, Zimbabwe).

In 2017, tankers from nineteen countries competed in Alabino (Russia, Belarus, China, India, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Venezuela, Armenia, Tajikistan, Iran, Angola, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Laos, Uganda).

NATO countries do not participate in tank biathlon competitions near Moscow, although they have received invitations.

In all tournaments, Russian tankers took first places. True, in the team competition sometimes Chinese tankers were ahead.

12.00 ─ OPENING CEREMONY of the “Tank Biathlon” competition. "Tank Ballet"

*After the opening ceremony is completed: FIRST STAGE of the “Tank Biathlon” competition ─ “Individual race”.

12.00-14.00 DOSAAF Russian Trial Cup (Canine Sports Federation)

12.00-14.00 Aeromodelling (demonstration performances)

July 29. Sunday

There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

July 30. Monday

11.00-14.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank biathlon”, “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

July 31st. Tuesday

11.00-14.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank biathlon”, “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

10.00-13.00 First stage of the “Field Kitchen” competition.
Fire training competition.

August 03. Friday

11.00-14.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank biathlon”, “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews.
There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

09.00-13.00 Second stage of the “Field Kitchen” competition. Baking bakery products according to any recipe.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

August 04. Saturday

11.00-14.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank biathlon”, “Individual race”. Two races of tank crews. There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

05 August. Sunday

11.00-14.00 FIRST STAGE of the competition “Tank biathlon”, “Individual race”.
Two races of tank crews.
There are four tank crews from participating countries in each race.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

10.00-16.00 All-Russian competition “DOSAAF Russian Paintball Open Cup” (game 5x5, 7x7)

12.00-14.00 Exhibition DOSAAF Russia.

August 07. Tuesday

09.00-13.00 Third stage of the “Field Kitchen” competition. Baking bread according to the recipe.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

12.30-14.00 Paramilitary relay race among military-patriotic clubs (13 – 15 years old).

08 August. Wednesday

11.00-13.00 SECOND STAGE of the “Tank Biathlon” competition ─ RELAY, SEMI-FINAL.
Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

11.00-17.00 Exhibition DOSAAF Russia.

12.30 -14.00 Paramilitary relay race among the military-industrial complex (16 - 17 years old).

14.30-15.00 Taking the oath of the Youth Army members by members of military-patriotic clubs. Awarding the winners of the relay race.

09 August. Thursday

11.00-13.00 SECOND STAGE of the “Tank Biathlon” competition ─ RELAY, SEMI-FINAL.
Teams from four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.

15.00-16.00 AWARDING CEREMONY for the winners and prize-winners of the first stage of the “Tank Biathlon” competition - “Individual Race”.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

10.00-14.00 Closing ceremony of the “Field Kitchen” competition, awarding the winners.

11th August. Saturday

16.30-17.30 SECOND STAGE of the “Tank Biathlon” competition ─ RELAY, FINAL.
Teams from four participating countries (three crews of combat vehicles from each participating country) participate in the finals.

10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF Armed Forces).

10.00-14.00 Master class. Cooking national cuisine according to the time set by the administration of the “Field Kitchen” competition.

10.00-15.00 Open DOSAAF Cup of Russia in motorcycle sports (motobiathlon).”

10.00-16.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF Russia in all-around shooting sports.

10.00-16.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF Russia in crossbow shooting (AP-35).

14.00-15.00 Performance by the aerobatic teams of the Russian Aerospace Forces “Swifts” and “Russian Knights”.

It is possible to make changes to the program (in time) based on the number of teams arriving to participate in the Tank Biathlon competitions and DOSAAF competitions, and unfavorable weather conditions.