Abdominal muscle separation symptoms. How to determine the separation of the abdominal muscles after childbirth. Important features of physical therapy

Ecology of health: Today is an article on one of the most popular women's topics - diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth. Therefore, men, if you stopped by to see us, you can calmly return to your business, because such trouble does not threaten you due to the lack of opportunity to be in an interesting position.

Today is an article on one of the most popular women's topics - diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth. Therefore, men, if you stopped by to see us, you can calmly return to your business, because such trouble does not threaten you due to the lack of opportunity to be in an interesting position.

You will learn everything about diastasis - what it is, why it occurs especially often in pregnant women, what myths exist around it and what body movements, or rather exercises, will help improve your situation with it.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. What, why and why?

Lately, I often receive emails from young mothers in which they share their problems, in particular about diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, and complain that there is no truthful (non-contradictory) clear information regarding this phenomenon on the Internet. Due to the fact that the number of requests has exceeded the impossibility of responding to everyone, I decided to devote a full-fledged note to this issue, which is in front of you. Well, let's start with this...

Giving birth to a child is one of the main missions of a woman on this planet., and perhaps you would not be reading these lines if such a mission had not been completed by my most beloved woman. However, the birth of a child (and especially a second one) does not pass without a trace for the mother in labor and often brings a whole bunch of additional goodies, in particular, the following:

    weight gain;

    appearance of riding breeches - ears/sides;


    breast enlargement/swelling;

    flattening of the buttocks;

    abdominal muscle diastasis;


Thus, it turns out that by giving life to a new little man, a woman sacrifices herself, her beauty. Therefore, after childbirth, curvy changes make themselves felt for a long time. However, there is enough information about losing weight and creating streamlined shapes, but too little attention is paid to diastasis of the abdominal muscles, although the problem is very common. Therefore, in this article let us try to understand this phenomenon.

Diastasis of the abdominal muscles: the theoretical side of the issue

Diastasis is the separation/divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. As a result of this separation, the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle (Rectus Abdominis) are moved apart relative to the middle fascia of the abdomen, the linea alba. In the picture version, the muscle divergence looks like this.

Diastasis most often (in two cases out of three) occurs in women who have given birth to a second and subsequent child.

The expansion and thinning of midline tissue occurs in response to the force of the uterus pressing against the abdominal wall, and hormones also contribute to the “softening” of connective tissue. A midline more than 2-2.5 fingers wide (about 2 cm) is considered problematic.

Diastasis most often appears precisely after pregnancy, when the abdominal wall is quite soft and the thin tissues of the midline of the abdomen no longer provide adequate support for the torso and internal organs. Young ladies should understand that a slight expansion of the midline occurs during all pregnancies, and this is a normal phenomenon. In some women after childbirth, the discrepancy does not exceed 1.5-2 fingers, however, for the most part, the values ​​go beyond 2.5.

Diastasis often disrupts the slender figure of a flat prenatal tummy and is a serious problem that causes aesthetic discomfort in a woman. In particular, as surveys show, ladies are embarrassed to undress and bare their tops even in front of their betrothed. Therefore, the problem definitely requires a solution. In addition to aesthetic inferiority, diastasis recti reduces the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall, and can also cause low back pain and pelvic instability.

Genetics plays a big role in getting diastasis during childbirth., in particular, miniature and small-sized young ladies are at increased risk. For thicker women and those who are not alien to physical exercise and fitness, pregnancy can proceed without diastasis at all.

In the modern information flow, you may encounter many conflicting opinions and advice on how to restore the abdominal wall and midline after childbirth. Most of these recommendations can worsen the abdominal separation, and in fact you will get even more diastasis.

Therefore, you need to know about...

Myths about diastasis of the abdominal muscles

So, there are the following myths regarding the divergence of the rectus muscles, and in particular the following:

    causes irreversible damage to the abdomen;

    requires only surgical intervention;

    causes constant bloating a.k.a. “mummy-tummy”;

    causes pain;

    the abdominal muscles will never recover after childbirth and will always be weak;

    All women should wait at least 8-10 weeks after giving birth before starting any exercise or postpartum recovery program.

Remember, none of these statements are true.

How can I tell if I have diastasis?

The following simple test will help determine if you have abdominal muscle separation. or there is no need to get nervous prematurely. To identify diastasis, do the following:

    lie on your back, bend your knees, place the soles of your feet on the floor;

    place one hand behind your head and the other hand on your stomach, touching your fingertips along your entire midline, parallel to your waist, at the level of your navel;

    relax your abdominal wall and lightly press your abdominal cavity with your fingertips;

    lightly twist/tear your top part off the floor with crunches, making sure that your rib cage approaches the pelvis. As soon as the muscles begin to move, immediately record how many fingers fit inside them and how deep the fingers go inside;

    also record how many fingers can be placed between the tense muscles slightly above and below the navel (3-5 cm in both directions).

This home test will allow you to determine the size of the “hole” in your stomach - the area around the navel that is not covered by muscles. If such a “gap” is not palpable, then you do not have diastasis, otherwise it does exist, and the degree of muscle divergence depends on how many fingers the “hole” has swallowed. Accordingly, the larger/deeper, the stronger the diastasis.

Don't panic if you feel "big holes" in your belly in the first few weeks postpartum. The midline connective tissue after childbirth is quite soft, but over time and with appropriate exercise, it will slowly but surely regain its former density and elasticity, reducing the size of the holes.

So, you have done the test and suspect you have diastasis. Now let's decide what degree it is, and the following classification will help us with this.

    Type 1 – slight expansion of the white lines in the umbilical region, the most harmless, i.e. virtually no effect on the shape of the abdomen. Formed after the first pregnancy;

    Type 2 – divergence in the lower sections with relaxation of the lateral muscles. It is reflected in the shape of the abdomen, making it slightly protruding from below;

    Type 3 – divergence of the abdominal muscles along all seams, both upper and lower sections. Accompanied by the presence of umbilical hernias and an unaesthetic appearance of the abdomen.

As you might guess, all work to restore the former flat shape of the tummy depends on the stage of muscle separation. The smaller it is (types 1 and 2), the greater the likelihood of achieving prenatal forms naturally (not surgically). The third stage usually involves abdominoplasty. It is also important to understand that when the abdominal muscles diverge and the midline bulges, reverse complete “contraction” is extremely difficult to achieve (especially with type 3) due to the fact that the linea alba does not have muscles - it is connective tissue. Therefore, realistically assess your prospects and the degree to which the efforts expended are necessary.

Why can pregnant women get diastasis?

In fact, abdominal muscle discrepancy is not just for pregnant women, it can be:

    a consequence of incorrect exercise technique;

    a consequence of performing certain exercises and sports;

    a consequence of excessive weight gain.

In pregnant women, diastasis forms when the growing uterus presses on the abdominal wall.– a.k.a. 6 pack abs. If the lower/transverse abdominal muscles are weak and unable to support the growing uterus (its increasing pressure on the rectus muscles), then the 6 pack becomes 2 by 3.

As a result of the enlargement of the fetus, the linea alba (its connective tissue) stretches to the sides. Your organs will now “press” on this connective tissue, and you will look with a protruding tummy and, through the weak point - the abdominal muscles, feel and feel their divergence.

So, we laid down some theory and realized that Diastasis is a protrusion inner abdomen from under the muscles. Now let's move on to practical measures to improve the current “interesting” situation.

Exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. What are they?

First, let's figure out what movements/exercises should be categorically avoided so as not to worsen the situation. These include:

    exercises that involve lying on your back on a fitball;

    yoga poses that involve stretching the abdominal muscles (dog, cow) and breathing with the stomach (vacuum);

    Abdominal exercises that involve bending the upper spine/lifting it off the floor against gravity. For example: lying abdominal crunches, cross crunches, bicycle, roll-ups, cable crunches, push-ups, planks;

    lifting/carrying heavy objects (including children);

    most four-legged exercises.

In the picture version, the compilation atlas of prohibited exercises looks like this.

In general, we can draw the following conclusion - with diastasis, you should avoid “direct” press exercises, you need to focus your attention on certain isometric movements. In particular, the following exercises can be performed with a discrepancy in the abdominal muscles in order to improve the situation.

Exercise No. 1. Lying pelvic lifts (bridge).

Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Start lifting your pelvis by lifting your hips up. Pause at the top, squeezing your buttocks and tensing your abs. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Exercise No. 2. Wall squats with a Pilates ball between your legs.

Press your back against the wall and squat down to a 90-degree angle, placing a small ball at your feet. Hold the bottom position for 25-30 seconds, and then straighten your legs, standing up to your full height.

Exercise No. 3. Raising your leg up from a lying position.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Lift up left leg vertically upward, lifting the body from the surface. Lower your leg, returning it to the starting position. Repeat the same for the right leg, performing 10 repetitions of each.

Exercise No. 4. Slides with your feet.

Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head, stretch your legs. Raising your straight legs slightly, begin to bring them towards your body, taking steps in the air. Complete Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise No. 5. Crunch with a towel.

Wrap a towel around your torso and lie on the floor. Cross its ends at your waist and cross it with your hands. Slightly lifting your head, neck and top of your shoulders, pull the ends of the towel, bringing your chest closer to your pelvis. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

On average, with regular exercise at least 3 times a week, the first visible result can be noticed after 1.5-2 months of training.

Actually, these are all exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, as you can see, simple, but extremely effective.

However, exercise is not a panacea, and it will produce a synergistic effect (2+2=5) when working in combination with a tailored diet and aerobic activity. In particular, it should be remembered that when burning fat, there is a general change (reduction) in circumference, including in the abdominal area, so losing excess weight will help reduce pressure on the rectus abdominis muscles, and therefore the process of “healing” of diastasis will go faster.

Thus it turns out that effective plan The fight against abdominal muscle separation looks like this:

1. power adjustment/setting;

2. inclusion of cardiovascular activity in the daily routine;

3. performing specialized exercises.

So, we figured out the action plan. Now let's answer the question: when can you start working to improve the situation with diastasis?

As for the start time of work, it all depends on the degree of “neglect” of the source material. Those. usually l mild stages of diastasis (1) go away on their own over time- the fabric tightens itself, without unnecessary movements on your part. On average, with a proper diet and avoidance of bad habits, the period is 1.5-3 months.

This might interest you:

All further stages (2 and 3) require action on your part, and the deadlines can be from 5 months to 1 year. Therefore, if you are the owner of 2-3 degree diastasis, tune in to long-term work, which can begin 2-4 weeks after the birth of the child. published

Diastasis recti, which appears after the birth of a child, is a popular topic for women. From this article you can find out what this phenomenon is, why diastasis occurs most often in pregnant women, why it formed around it and how, with what exercises you can get rid of it.

The birth of a child is the most important thing for any woman, but, alas, it does not pass without a trace, accompanied by the appearance of a number of problems:

  • recruited from excess weight
  • cellulite appears
  • breasts spread
  • become flat buttocks(how to start buttocks)
  • Diastasis of the abdominal muscles appears

It turns out that a woman who gives birth to her child sacrifices her own beauty. Changes in your figure may remain for a long time after childbirth. Much has been written about how to lose weight and regain your usual shape, but very little has been written about diastasis, despite the high prevalence of this problem. Let's consider what it is.

What is diastasis?

Diastasis is the separation of the rectus muscles in the abdomen. At the same time, the rectus muscles on the left and on right sides The abdomen turns out to be moved apart from the midline, which is also called the white line. Diastasis occurs, as a rule, after the birth of the second and subsequent children.

The reason why the midline tissue thins and expands is because the uterus presses against the abdominal wall, with hormonal effects adding to the softening of the connective tissue. If the midline is more than 2 centimeters wide, this may present a problem. The abdominal wall after childbirth becomes soft, thinned tissues are not able to sufficiently support the torso and its internal organs. You need to know that if the midline of a woman who has given birth becomes wider by 2 centimeters or less, this is considered normal. But most women in labor have a discrepancy of 2.5 cm or more.

Violating the figure of a woman and the former before childbirth slim stomach ik, diastasis leads to aesthetic discomfort. At the same time, a woman may be embarrassed to change clothes even in front of her husband. And aesthetics aren't everything. The abdominal wall loses its strength and integrity, hence lower back pain may appear and the stability of the pelvis will be lost. Genetics also plays a role - miniature young ladies are in the main risk group. If a woman has a denser build, has been involved in fitness or has been physically active, diastasis may go away.

There is a lot of advice on how to strengthen the abdominal wall and midline tissues after giving birth to a child, and some of them are contradictory, and therefore can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Myths on the topic of diastasis

There are quite a lot of myths about diastasis, for example, it is believed that diastasis:

  • permanently damages the abdomen
  • can only be treated with surgery
  • leads to bloating
  • brings pain
  • weakens abdominal muscles that will never recover in the future
  • exercises for muscle recovery can only be started 8-10 weeks after birth

Remember: these statements are all false.

How to determine if you have diastasis

There is a simple test to detect the presence of diastasis. Try this:

  • lie on your back with your legs bent and feet on the floor
  • Place one hand behind your head and the other on your stomach, touching your fingers in the navel area of ​​the midline
  • lift your upper body off the floor so that your chest moves closer to your pelvis (tighten your abdominal muscles) and when you begin to move the muscles, notice how deep your fingers go inside between them
  • check how many fingers can fit between the tense muscles 3-5 cm below and above the navel

This check will help you identify the presence of a “hole” in your stomach and assess its size. If the gap cannot be felt, calm down: there is no diastasis, but if there is one, then its degree will be determined by the number of fingers placed between the muscles.

Do not panic if you find significant dips in your abdomen in the first days after childbirth: this is due to the softening of the connective tissue, which, under the influence of exercise, will gradually return elasticity, and accordingly, the size of the dips will decrease.

If you find diastasis, try to determine its degree:

  • 1st degree - a small expansion in the navel area, which does not affect the shape of the abdomen in any way. It happens after the very first pregnancy;
  • 2nd degree - the lower sections diverge and lateral muscles, due to which the stomach changes shape, protruding from below;
  • 3rd degree - divergence of both upper and lower sections, leading to an unaesthetic appearance and possible umbilical hernias.

For the first and second degrees, it is easy to achieve the previous shape by performing a set of exercises, no surgical intervention is required, and the third degree requires abdominoplasty. Reverse contraction of the muscles is difficult to achieve, since the linea alba is only connective tissue, there are no muscles there. Therefore, we need to realistically consider possible prospects.

Why does diastasis occur in pregnant women?

Muscles in any woman can become loose, not just in a pregnant woman, under the influence of:

  • doing some exercises incorrectly
  • some sports
  • overweight

The uterus of a pregnant woman presses on the abdominal wall and if the muscles are not able to support the growing uterus, then the white line begins to stretch to the sides. All organs are pressed against the tissue, and the abdomen gradually bulges forward, protruding from under the layer of muscle.

Exercises to help with diastasis

First, let's look at which exercises are strictly prohibited, since they can only worsen the situation:

  • exercises that require you to lie on your back
  • yoga poses that stretch the abdominal muscles, as well as belly breathing
  • exercises for the press, in which the spine is bent in the upper part or lifted off the floor surface
  • lifting and carrying weights
  • exercises requiring support on arms and legs

We can say that we should avoid abdominal exercises and pay attention to isometric movements. To improve the situation, you can perform the following exercises:

If you do exercises regularly at least three times a week, the results can be seen after one and a half to two months of exercise. Exercises to overcome diastasis are simple, but effective.

But such gymnastics by itself will not give much; it must be combined with proper diet and with regular aerobic activity. Don't forget that burning fat changes the circumference of your belly, so if you eliminate excess weight, diastasis will go away much faster.

So, to effectively combat diastasis, the following plan is needed:

  • adjust and adjust nutrition
  • include mandatory cardiovascular activity in the regime
  • perform specialized gymnastics

And one more important question- when to start the battle with diastasis. Much depends on how advanced the situation is. The mild stages will go away on their own over time; without any effort on your part, the tissue will tighten itself. If the diet is chosen correctly, bad habits are absent, the period can be from one and a half to three months. More complex stages will require significant effort on your part, and the period can last for 5 months, or even a whole year. So, if your diastasis is at 2-3 degrees, get ready to work with it for a long time, and you can start 2-4 weeks after the birth of the child.

If you are not confident in your abilities in preparing diets and workouts, then the most the best way will turn to professionals! On our website you can order a compilation individual programs nutrition and exercise during the recovery period after childbirth in the section

So, now you can imagine what diastasis of the abdominal muscles is, where it comes from and how to deal with this scourge. You will definitely be able to defeat him!

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Diastasis: what it is, symptoms, treatment. This article is devoted to this issue. Diastasis recti most often affects women who have given birth to a child. However, this pathological condition is also present in other groups of the population, including men and children.

The rectus muscles are the largest muscles of the abdominal region. Together with the muscles of the pelvic region and back, they are responsible for the correct distribution of load when moving and lifting weights. When diastasis develops, this function is disrupted, which negatively affects a person’s well-being and the functioning of internal organs.

Diastasis: symptoms

Knowledge of the symptoms of diastasis allows for early treatment of this condition and its prevention. Muscle separation usually manifests itself as the development of a bulge in the mid-abdomen. It is most noticeable when the rectus muscles are tense and contracted. Additional symptoms of diastasis include:

  • pain in the lower back, pelvic region, hip joints and knees
  • poor posture
  • constipation
  • bloating
  • urinary incontinence
  • development of hernias in various areas of the abdominal region

What leads to the development of diastasis

Typically, diastasis develops when there is excess internal pressure on the abdominal muscles. This may lead to their divergence. The rectus muscles, which form the anterior abdominal wall, diverge, causing high blood pressure from the authorities abdominal cavity. As a result, a protrusion is formed in the area of ​​the white line.

Pregnancy is the most common reason the occurrence of diastasis. The growing fetus puts pressure on the abdominal muscles, which leads to their gradual and natural divergence. However, diastasis also occurs in men, as well as in women who have never given birth. In such cases, it is often caused by obesity, which leads to the deposition of large amounts of intracavitary fat, putting pressure on the rectus muscles and causing them to diverge. The following reasons can also lead to diastasis:

  • lifting weights during intense physical training
  • improper execution of abdominal exercises, leading to injury (however, a rupture of the abdominal muscle, its symptoms should not be confused with diastasis)
  • frequent or rapid changes in body weight
  • pathological conditions of the abdominal organs, such as cancer or cirrhosis of the liver, leading to a significant increase in volume or the development of swelling
  • elderly age
  • hereditary defects in the structure of the muscles and tendons of the abdomen

Signs of diastasis during pregnancy

Diastasis after childbirth, signs and symptoms are of interest to all mothers, because it is a common and undesirable phenomenon. During pregnancy, women usually develop and progress gradually with diastasis. This is quite normal, because it is the divergence of the muscles that allows the uterus and fetus to increase in volume and ensures the normal course of pregnancy. This physiologically normal process is reversible; the effects of diastasis usually gradually disappear a few weeks after childbirth. However, if the manifestations of diastasis do not disappear even 2-3 months after birth, then contacting a specialist, special sets of exercises and diet adjustments are necessary.

The manifestations of diastasis are affected not only by the degree of muscle separation, but also by the condition and density of the white line of the abdomen. If it is dense enough and in good condition, then a slight muscle separation may not be a problem for the woman in labor. Diastasis observed during pregnancy is to a certain extent due to hormonal changes, leading to softening and increased extensibility of the linea alba.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy are reversible, and after childbirth the linea alba gradually becomes dense and inextensible. Thus, during pregnancy, there is no stretching or rupture of the muscle, but only a physiologically justified divergence of the muscles is observed, that is, there can be no talk about stretching of the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen and its symptoms. Diastasis is a separation of the rectus muscles, not a stretching of them.

Everything should be done to mitigate the manifestations of diastasis during pregnancy, as well as to speed up the restoration of the abdominal wall after childbirth. Since an enlarged uterus significantly changes the proportions of the body during pregnancy, this makes it difficult to assess the degree of diastasis in a pregnant woman. However, before pregnancy and after childbirth, it is quite possible to independently or with the help of a specialist identify the presence of diastasis and its severity.

What signs allow you to assess the severity of diastasis

After giving birth, 2-3 weeks later it is already possible to assess how much the abdominal wall returns to normal. It is advisable to carry out this assessment in several stages:

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and press your feet to the surface. Unbutton your clothes so you can see your belly.

Run your palm along the middle of the abdominal region and feel the linea alba. Start at the xiphoid process and move your palm to the pubic bone. Check for particularly soft areas along the center line. How deep can you push your fingers in?

Using the three middle fingers of one hand, apply pressure to the middle area of ​​your abdomen above your navel. Press your chin into your chest and slowly lift your head off the surface, while keeping your shoulders down. You should not lift your torso; you should limit yourself to simply raising your head. Repeat this action several times. Using three fingers, try to feel changes in the linea alba. Does it stick out? Or maybe, on the contrary, it forms a deep depression? These are the signs that are characteristic of diastasis.

Repeat all the steps, but place three fingers slightly higher, closer to the xiphoid process. Similarly, feel the linea alba below the navel.

Do the same steps, but before pressing your chin and raising your head, exhale and tense your muscles pelvic floor. This will allow you to better palpate the linea alba and assess its condition.

Also try to visually assess the distance between the left and right rectus muscles. After the end of pregnancy, if the body's recovery is successful, this distance should gradually decrease to less than 5 cm. Such an assessment can be done regularly, for example monthly, to track the effectiveness of certain exercises and diet in the fight against diastasis after pregnancy. On our website you can also read an additional article describing how to check for diastasis. We also present to your attention material telling

Diastasis manifests itself in the form of a protrusion along the midline of the abdomen in the form of a roller with smooth contours. It appears when you cough or tense your stomach.

In a lying position, this protrusion is absent, and when palpated, a gap is felt between the right and left rectus abdominis muscles.

Diastasis recti is most often seen in the upper abdomen. Its width can reach more than 10cm.

The cause of diastasis is stretching and thinning of the tendon plate (called the “linea alba”) along the center line of the anterior abdominal wall. This stretching leads to muscle separation.

Under the influence of intra-abdominal pressure, this tendon stretch bulges between the rectus abdominis muscles, which is why a “roller” appears between them.

Diastasis most often occurs in women after pregnancy and childbirth, and in men with obesity and heavy physical activity.

Congenital weakness of connective tissue also contributes to the formation of diastasis.

Do diastasis recti need to be treated?

Only in women with the initial stages of diastasis in the first months after childbirth can a significant reduction in diastasis be achieved without special treatment.

To do this, you need to regularly perform special complex physical exercises, selected by an experienced trainer or physical therapy specialist. Standard exercises with lifting the legs and body from a lying position are unacceptable!

In more advanced stages, as well as a year or more after birth, even special physical exercise, unfortunately, they do not give any results.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles never disappears on its own and only increases over time.

Therefore, surgical correction of the stretched linea alba is necessary for most patients.

Diastasis can lead to serious functional impairments:

  • formation umbilical hernia and hernias of the white line;
  • prolapse of abdominal organs;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Stretching the linea alba not only changes the functionality of the muscles themselves, but can also contribute to disruption of digestion, breathing and circulation, and the emergence of other pathological syndromes.

Therefore, doubts about the need for active action are completely unjustified.

Are there non-surgical treatments for diastasis?

Even with the help intensive training abdominal muscles diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles cannot be removed. This is due to the fact that the white line of the abdomen does not have muscle fibers, and consists of connective tissue.

Moreover, muscle tension during exercise leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure, which stretches the already weakened linea alba.

The use of bandages in this situation also does not allow for a cure.

Therefore, in all cases, except for the early postpartum period, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles can only be eliminated surgically.

Without treatment, diastasis will progress, leading to a significant expansion of the linea alba, an increase in the transverse size of the abdomen, the disappearance of the waistline, and the appearance of a “pregnant tummy.”

The use of new technologies, the use of modern plastic and suture materials, and many years of experience of our surgeons guarantee the highest quality of operations to eliminate diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, the absence of postoperative complications and relapse (recurrence of the disease).

Diastasis recti surgery

Our clinic uses the most modern methods of treating diastasis: obstructive hernioplasty using the latest 3D endoprostheses and endoscopic hernioplasty.

Elimination of diastasis using endoprosthesis

Obstructive hernioplasty is the most effective surgical method treatment of diastasis. During the operation, the defect is closed and the stretched white line of the abdomen is strengthened using a special multilayer mesh (endoprosthesis).

The foreign-made high-tech synthetic endoprostheses we use are very reliable, elastic, highly extensible and therefore do not interfere with muscle contraction and stretching. abdominals.

The use of a mesh endoprosthesis protects the suture area from tension and thereby gives three main advantages compared to traditional surgical techniques (tension plasty with local tissue):

  • Extremely mild pain syndrome. Patients generally do not need to take pain medications after surgery.
  • Short rehabilitation period. The patient goes home on his own the next day after the operation, and a month after the operation he can lift weights and play sports.
  • Minimal risk of relapse. With proper placement of the endoprosthesis, recurrence of diastasis is practically impossible, whereas with the traditional technique it ranges from 6 to 14 percent.

The implant is not felt at all and does not cause any pain or discomfort.

Within a month after the operation, the mesh grows with connective tissue and over time, complete engraftment of the endoprosthesis occurs. The result is an anatomically unified complex that reliably closes the defect ( weakness) of the anterior abdominal wall and protects tissues from repeated stretching.

Installation of the endoprosthesis is carried out either openly, through a small incision at the navel, or endoscopically, through small punctures.

Our surgeons always perform the operation taking into account aesthetic requirements: the incisions made are minimal, the instruments used are atraumatic, and the sutures are applied using ultra-thin suture material.

Endoscopic hernioplasty

The most modern and low-traumatic method of eliminating diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is endoscopic, or closed hernioplasty.

The endoscopic method of eliminating diastasis has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • no visible scars,
  • complete absence of pain syndrome,
  • short recovery period (start of physical activity after a few days)
  • most short term rehabilitation (one hundred percent return to active life in ten days)
  • minimal number of relapses (less than 1%).

Unlike the classic open surgery technique, surgery is performed not through one incision, but through three small punctures in the navel area and above the pubis (0.5 - 0.6 cm).

Special endoscopic manipulators with a miniature video camera are inserted into them, sending an image to the monitor. With its help, the doctor monitors the progress of the operation.

Endoscopic video equipment visualizes veins, vessels, nerves, and the surgeon “bypasses” them during manipulation without damaging them.

Using endoscopic instruments, the surgeon sutures the rectus abdominis muscles, strengthens the area of ​​diastasis with a mesh endoprosthesis and fixes it to the surrounding tissues.

Result of the operation:

  • restoration of normal position and function of the abdominal muscles
  • disappearance of protrusion in the midline
  • improving the appearance of the abdomen, shaping the waistline

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles can be eliminated alone or together with plastic surgery of hernias of the white line of the abdomen.


If there are stretch marks, excess skin and subcutaneous fat on the abdomen, then elimination of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is recommended to be combined with abdominoplasty.

This allows, simultaneously with the correction of diastasis, to remove the skin-fat “apron”, eliminate sagging skin and stretch marks, and form a flat stomach and thin waist.

Surgery to eliminate diastasis recti can also be supplemented with liposuction of the abdomen or other parts.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles before and after surgery photos

Elimination of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles with abdominoplasty

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, an elastic bandage is put on, which must be worn for a month.

At the BEAUTY DOCTOR clinic, patients are accommodated in single and double comfortable rooms.

The wards are equipped with continuous monitoring systems to monitor the patient's condition after surgery. Multifunctional beds create the opportunity to position and feed the patient after surgery in the most convenient position for him.

Each patient is provided with individual nursing care.

Since during diastasis plastic surgery we use minimally invasive and most gentle techniques, postoperative period proceeds easily and without any complications.

You can get out of bed on the day of surgery. The next day after the operation, the patient goes home on his own, and after another 8-9 days comes for a follow-up examination and removal of sutures.

Two weeks after surgery, you are allowed to resume moderate physical activity (running, fast walk). After endoscopic hernioplasty, such loads can be resumed within a few days.

A month after the operation, the patient can already lead a normal lifestyle and play sports.

Diastasis rectus abdominis surgery cost

The cost of surgery to eliminate diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles at the BEAUTY DOCTOR clinic includes all necessary examinations and dressings, as well as observation by the surgeon for six months after the operation.

Operations to eliminate diastasis are performed by highly qualified herniologist surgeons with extensive experience, trained in Russia and abroad:

Do you want to get rid of diastasis quickly and forever?

You're lucky to have found us. Contact us for advice.

  • We will conduct an in-depth diagnosis of the condition of your abdominal cavity
  • We will select for you the optimal treatment method from the entire range of modern high-tech surgical techniques
  • Our specialists - candidates and doctors of medical sciences - will perform the operation using latest technologies, expensive specialized equipment and materials
  • Your stomach will become healthy and beautiful, and traces of the intervention will be completely invisible to prying eyes
  • We will carry out follow-up examinations and monitor your abdominal condition for six months to ensure there is no recurrence (free of charge)

Sign up for a consultation using the form on the website before May 15, 2019 and you will receive:

Consultation with a herniologist surgeon, candidate of medical sciences for 2000 rubles!

The rectus abdominis muscles are connected to each other by a narrow plate formed against the background of an interweaving of tendon fibers that are light in color. Actually, this is where the name of the white line of the abdomen comes from. Diastasis is called its expansion due to pressure, which causes the divergence of the rectus muscles. This disease manifests itself as a protrusion, which is observed in the middle of the abdomen. As a rule, such a protrusion has the form of a roller that occurs under tension. Abdominal muscle diastasis is diagnosed in one percent of the world's population.

Who can get diastasis?

Let's figure out who suffers more often from this pathology - the fair sex or the stronger half of humanity? Diastasis of the abdominal muscles occurs in men as well as in women. Men and women suffer from this pathology as a result of heavy physical activity or obesity.

Diastasis after childbirth in women

Often this disease is diagnosed in women. Typically, diastasis of the abdominal muscles forms during pregnancy, three months after childbirth. Connective tissues during pregnancy, under the influence of a changed background, become more loose. This is necessary to ensure a normal birth. The tissue structure can be restored only after eight to twelve months. But if a woman starts training early (after childbirth) gym to correct her abdomen, she may develop diastasis recti. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that intense loads V postpartum period can lead to the formation of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. The photo shows how it appears.

By the way, speaking about the diagnosis, which sounds like “postpartum diastasis,” it should be noted that it is mainly given to those representatives who have carried and given birth to their second or third baby.

The causes of this pathology

So, as a result of thinning, and, in addition, against the background of stretching of the linea alba, a divergence of muscles occurs on the abdomen. The reason for this may be the following factors:

  1. Presence of pregnancy. Diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth is very common.
  2. Excessive physical stress along with chronic constipation, prolonged and strained cough, etc.
  3. Any conditions that lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.
  4. The emergence of obesity.
  5. Too much quick loss a person’s body weight, which leads to a decrease in muscle tone.
  6. Congenital weakness of connective tissues. Often this condition is accompanied by a hernia of the abdominal wall of different localization.

It should be noted that in most situations, in women after the birth of a baby, the rectus abdominis muscles contract for two months, after which they converge back to the center to their previous pre-pregnancy position. True, the ideal initial state may not always be achieved, for example, this happens with weakened abdominal muscles, as a result of a high level of stretching, due to repeated pregnancies or congenital connective tissue dysplasia.

How can you determine diastasis?

So, in order to check whether there is diastasis of the abdominal muscles, you should perform a simple test. The patient lies on his back and bends his knees, after which he places his feet on the floor. Then you need to bend your neck, then slightly tense your abdominal muscles. To do this, it will be enough just to rise a little. Then use your fingers to explore the area of ​​the navel and midline. If a roller-like protrusion with smooth contours appears in the midline, this, unfortunately, indicates pathology. It is much more difficult to detect this disease in people who are obese. More accurate information can be obtained by performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal wall.

The main stages of this disease

The distance between the rectus muscles in a normal state should be only two centimeters and no more. The severity of diastasis of the abdominal muscles is indicated by the size of the divergence of the rectus muscles, measured in the center between the navel and the process of the sternum. There are three stages of this disease:

  1. At the first stage, the expansion of the white line in the navel area can reach five centimeters. This defect does not directly affect the shape of the abdomen. Typically, the first stage is observed in women immediately after the first birth. A sign of diastasis of the abdominal muscles at this stage is dull, mild pain in the epigastrium along with nausea, constipation and bloating. Often, patients may experience some difficulty walking.
  2. At the second stage, the discrepancy can already reach seven centimeters. At this stage, there is a weakening of the lateral muscle groups along with the formation of an umbilical hernia.
  3. At the third stage, diastasis of more than seven centimeters is noted. At this stage, hernias are very common. In addition to a saggy belly, which is an unattractive defect, patients are additionally concerned about more serious disorders. For example, it is possible to develop muscle atrophy and splanchnoptosis, which is a displacement of the abdominal organs, which is accompanied by various disorders. It should be emphasized that the working capacity of such patients is very limited.

Should the pathology be treated?

The clinical picture of this pathology directly depends on the stage of the disease. On initial stage there are often no complaints, except for dissatisfaction with a cosmetic defect. True, various symptoms may gradually appear, intensifying after physical activity. If left untreated, the disease will definitely progress, disorders of the respiratory system will gradually develop, and serious problems with digestion and blood circulation may arise. A particularly serious danger for patients is the possible occurrence of hernias.

When do special exercises help?

It should be noted that initially, in the first few months after birth, significant improvement can be achieved without surgery. It should be borne in mind that in no case should you prescribe any physical activity on the abs if you have diastasis. The best option is a swimming pool along with walking or running. In addition, there are complexes special exercises with diastasis of the abdominal muscles, which includes simple movements. But they should be selected by a specialist who understands physical therapy. It should be taken into account that lifting the legs with the body in supine position should be excluded. In more advanced cases, or a year after childbirth, certain exercises in the presence of diastasis of the abdominal muscles will no longer be able to bring the expected result. In such a situation, adjustment of the stretched line is required.

Exercises for diastasis recti

Young mothers should not forget that sports training, the purpose of which seems to be to correct the discrepancy of the rectus muscles after childbirth, have absolutely nothing in common with the gym activities that most people are accustomed to. Exercises in the presence of diastasis after childbirth must be gentle. In this regard, in the first months after the birth of a child, a woman should recover, and not try to exhaust herself even more.

It is quite possible to get rid of an unsightly belly if diastasis is not expressed and the exercises are performed correctly. The set of exercises should be selected to be the most comfortable, and at the same time not exhausting. An exercise for diastasis called the “plank” has proven itself to be excellent. It must be said that during its implementation, various muscle groups are trained, and not just the abs. In addition, the following set of exercises is perfect for diastasis:

  1. First you need to warm up your body using a hoop. It is enough to twist the hoop around your waist for about fifteen minutes. By the way, under no circumstances should there be any traumatic ridges on the projectile, much less spikes.
  2. Then an exercise called “vacuum” is performed. As part of its implementation deep muscles the abdomen is tensed for twenty-five seconds.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, lift your shoulders off the floor and tense your abdominal muscles. Then the stomach needs to be pulled in.
  4. Lie down on the floor again bent knees. In this position, you need to raise your pelvis as much as possible. Next, you need to stay in this position for thirty seconds and tense the muscles in your stomach.

The above simple exercises It will be enough to perform several approaches only twice a day.

When should you go to the surgeon?

You should be aware that diastasis will not disappear on its own; moreover, the course of the disease may be progressive. When the form is advanced, quite dangerous disorders often occur. For example, a hernia or strangulation may appear at any time, which can lead to the development of all sorts of dangerous consequences for human health. In addition, with diastasis of the abdominal muscles (pictured) of the second and third degrees, the area of ​​the violation becomes impressive, which affects the required level of surgical intervention.

Sometimes diastasis of the rectus muscles can be accompanied by ptosis of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, as well as the presence of a ventral hernia of different localization. Additional cosmetic problems may arise in the form of postoperative scars or postpartum stretch marks. The surgeon must take into account any anatomical changes in this area along with the cosmetic wishes of the patient. In such a situation, the effect of surgery will be maximum. Next, we will consider what types of operations are performed for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Main types of surgical operations

The goal of surgical intervention is to eliminate diastasis along with strengthening this area of ​​the abdominal area. The result is usually a good cosmetic and functional effect. Currently, there are the following types of such operations:

  1. Performing tension plasty with local tissues. During this operation, for diastasis of the abdominal muscles, a structure is created from the tissue of the anterior abdominal wall. However, at present this technique is very rarely used in practice due to large number relapses along with the lack of the required cosmetic effect. During this operation, the incision on the abdominal wall can be up to eighteen centimeters. How else do you get rid of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles?
  2. Performing tension-free plastic surgery using a mesh endoprosthesis. A mesh made of synthetic materials completely covers the diastasis area. It is fixed along the edge. The disadvantage in this case is that the lack of comparison with the rectus muscle does not allow achieving a good cosmetic effect against the background of abdominal wall reconstruction.
  3. Performing tension plasty with suturing of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth and the additional use of a mesh endoprosthesis. In this case, the diastasis is sutured, and the plastic site is additionally strengthened with a mesh implant. A mesh made of synthetic materials completely covers the area of ​​the sutured diastasis. It is additionally fixed along the edge using suture material. After two months, the prosthesis grows through the connective tissue, forming a single anatomical complex with it. Further, it turns into a fairly strong connective tissue structure, which is up to two millimeters thick. It must be said that such a thickness can withstand quite heavy loads. This plastic surgery makes it possible to reduce relapses by nineteen percent.
  4. The use of tension plasty with suturing of diastasis using abdominoplasty and mesh endoprosthesis. This operation is performed for diastasis, accompanied by ptosis of the anterior wall of the abdominal region and the presence of ventral hernias of various locations. In addition, it is often used in the presence of all kinds of cosmetic problems in the form of, for example, postpartum stretch marks or postoperative scars.

To date different types Plastic surgery using a mesh implant in the presence of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles can be performed using the open method, or using endoscopic equipment through small incisions in the umbilical region. Punctures in the abdominal area can also be performed using laparoscopy.

Performing endoscopic hernioplasty

If you have diastasis of the recti muscles, this procedure has a number of advantages that need to be listed:

  • absence of pain syndrome in patients;
  • minimal risks of developing a relapse of the disease (the risk of relapse is only one percent);
  • the absence of visible scars in patients, which is a huge advantage, especially if the operation is performed on a woman rather than a man;
  • shorter postoperative rehabilitation period.

It should be emphasized that at present there is no one universal method for correcting such a problem as abdominal wall diastasis. In absolutely each specific case, decisions are made individually. Thus, doctors proceed from the stage of the disease, and also take into account the wishes of the patients and associated cosmetic problems.

The good news is that modern surgeons have vast experience various techniques correction of diastasis in the most difficult situations. Thanks to this, they are able to solve the problems of diastasis in every patient suffering from this disease.

The use of the latest technologies in modern medicine along with efficient equipment, ultra-thin suture materials and mesh implants guarantees decent quality of treatment. surgical interventions. At the same time, the risks of postoperative complications and relapses are minimized. True, one thing should be taken into account important factor, which lies in the fact that in the event of the appearance of any pathological disorder, earlier contact with a specialist will significantly affect the results of treatment.

Thus, diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth and not only is a fairly common problem in modern society, which is especially relevant for women who have undergone childbirth. Body changes after childbirth can be generally difficult for women to accept, especially when it causes discomfort not only psychologically, but also physically. physical level. But, fortunately, nowadays this problem is not so difficult to solve if you seek professional help in time. It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations.