Working with a heavy bag. Exercises with a punching bag

What guy isn't excited by movies starring Van Damme, Scott Adkins or Chuck Noris? And the reason for this is quite clear: everyone wants to be able to fight well in order to be able to protect themselves and their family. In fact, learning the basic basics of self-defense is not difficult; it will not take even the frailest boy more than one hour a day (for one to two months). The whole problem is that when we see professional fights of those who have been training for years, we subconsciously understand that we are not ready to make such sacrifices for the sake of skill alone. So let's figure out how to learn the basics of self-defense on your own and in the shortest possible time!

Sparring partner

Of course, it is impossible to learn to fight without having someone to practice your skills on. But everything is much simpler than it seems, because Chinese masters have come up with many ways to train without an opponent. To do this, various techniques are used, including: shadowboxing, honing reactions in hitting a wooden post, or simply practicing punches on a punching bag. It is the latter that we will talk about further, because, despite the imaginary simplicity, few people know how to hit a punching bag correctly. We will tell you how to practice and correctly place the simplest and most effective punches and kicks, which will come in handy to you more than once in life.

How to punch correctly

The most popular boxing combinations of punches “two” (right - left) and “three” (right - left - uppercut) are known to almost everyone, but have you thought that even one single straight punch can be performed different ways. How to properly hit a punching bag with straight lunges can be described in four simple rules:

  1. The blow should start from the toe of the foot opposite the striking hand, accumulate inertia along the thigh, body, elbow, and only then come to the moment of contact. It is best to practice the blow slowly at first, working with the whole body, since correct positioning a blow costs ten times more than even a year of training with incorrect technique.
  2. The fist should not be straight, like a screwed bolt, it should rotate 90-180 degrees around its axis throughout the entire impact movement. This allows you to make the blow stronger and harder.
  3. How to hit a punching bag correctly if for you it’s just a bag? Imagine your opponent, who will be a living person. Don't forget about protection and always be prepared.
  4. No swings! During the punch, your fist begins to move from the point where it was. There should be no retractions. There are two striking techniques: straight and curved. In the first case, you hit straight without bending your elbow, and in the second, you first twist your elbow, minimizing the amplitude.

How to kick correctly

Kicks are not only the most terrible (and sometimes deadly), but also more dangerous than punches. Therefore, before you start active sparring, study in detail the technique of how to properly kick a punching bag, and only after that start training. These strikes require increased body flexibility and good stretch, so don’t overestimate yourself, spend more time warming up and strength training to avoid possible injury.

So, now you are familiar with the basic rules of how to hit a punching bag correctly. And before you understand the basics of self-defense, you only have to take one step, applying all your characteristic perseverance and zeal to the matter. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting!

At the beginning of the twentieth century, almost all decent training halls began to install punching bags, and the best of them were even equipped with rings with props for boxing matches. Therefore, ordinary fans of training in the gym began to ask the question: “Do I need to work and train with a punching bag every day?” The answers may be different, but all respected and experienced trainers believe that it is necessary to practice with a punching bag, since this training should be considered as one of the exercises similar to exercises for the back, abdominals, etc. Now we will tell you about the benefits of daily exercise with punching bag.

Exercises with a punching bag help you have a good interval training. First you need to hit the bag for several minutes. Afterwards, rest for a while and then put on boxing gloves and approach the bag in such a way that you give it your all. During this exercise, an incredible amount of calories is burned, which means you effectively lose weight during such an intense workout. Effect of similar exercises You will feel it all over your body at once. If you hit the punching bag correctly, you will use muscles such as the abs, lower back, arms, as well as a certain part of the leg muscles, because you begin the movement for a high-quality and strong blow from the legs.

Another plus for training with a punching bag is the improvement of your figure. All representatives of boxing have simply an excellent figure, which all men simply dream of.

In addition, training with a punching bag helps you acquire self-defense skills. This is simply an excellent tool for increasing the level of self-defense, which in our turbulent times will be useful to no one. These exercises will also help you develop motor skills, coordination and improve your reaction. After all, all these qualities are simply necessary for us in everyday life.

Another benefit of such training is effective remedy to relieve stress. After all, as the practice of training processes shows, it is stress that becomes the main obstacle to achieving the goal.

Now we will try to give you some advice:

Those who have just started training with a punching bag, that is, beginners, need to take advantage of the recommendations and advice of a qualified boxing trainer. If the blow is incorrect and it is not placed at the proper level, then this can cause injury, and it can also lead to a completely opposite result. Erroneous actions that may be present in the first training sessions when setting a shot have a very bad effect on next training sessions. That is why it is recommended to work with a trainer at all times. initial stage to develop a confident striking technique.

When training with a punching bag, you must be properly equipped and dressed. Wearing the wrong equipment can lead to serious injury and the wrong technique. What equipment and equipment should you have? Firstly: the filling of the punching bag should be made of rubber crumbs. This is necessary so that the impact is absorbed, which virtually eliminates injuries to the hands. This also requires the mandatory use of boxing or training gloves. Gloves should weigh between 400 and 450 grams.

High-quality and well-chosen equipment should effectively help you prevent possible injuries, since the impact will be absorbed. In addition to all this, you will not be afraid of pain and will be able to put into the blow with the effort that is required.

Work with a punching bag must be divided into rounds. You need to give your best in each round. When you acquire and deliver a confident blow, try to diversify your exercises with series and slopes. In this case, you need to move around the pear, increasing the pace to the maximum.

And lastly, daily training with a punching bag will add a lot to your program that has a positive effect on everything training process. As we have already said, you will develop coordination, strength, agility, endurance, and you will also improve your self-defense skills. And this is not at all full list all the benefits. In these workouts, as in others, the main thing is the desire to get the desired result. You need to train with full effort and dedication, and then the result will definitely come.

Training with a punching bag is an excellent alternative to more traditional exercise (running, cycling, swimming). With such fast and intensive training A lot of sweat is produced and a large number of calories are burned. Bag training consists of exercises that are performed continuously over a period of time. By doing exercises with a punching bag, you can work on your leg movements, increase your endurance, and let off some steam.


Selection of equipment and inventory

    Find or buy a heavy punching bag. If you are not ready to spend money on your own punching bag, find a gym that has one. Do you prefer to train at home? There are quite a few heavy pears on sale. Study offers and reviews and buy what is right for you.

    Take a stopwatch. You will need a stopwatch in any device - a phone, a watch, or even a kitchen timer will do. You will need to use a stopwatch during your warm-up, during your main workout, and during your cool-down.

    Take a jump rope. Jumping rope is an excellent form of exercise for warming up. Buy a new jump rope or use an old one that might be lying around on your mezzanine. If you plan to go to the gym, ask the staff to find you a jump rope.


    Work your joints. Start your warm-up by rotating your joints - this will lubricate them and prepare them for stress. Rotate your legs, knees, hips and shoulders. Finally, rotate the brushes.

    Jump rope. Jump for at least 5 minutes, trying to increase the number of jumps. This is an excellent low-intensity exercise that improves blood circulation, increases body temperature and speeds up the heart rate. Jumping also helps improve coordination of movements, which is important element training with a punching bag and boxing.

    • If you have the opportunity to run on a treadmill or ride a bike, you can replace the jump rope with them.
  1. Do some stretching exercises. Finish your workout with stretching. First stretch the muscles of the lower half of the body (calves, hamstrings, lower muscles back). Then move on to the upper half of the body - the core muscles, upper muscles back and to the neck. If some muscles hurt, spend more time on them.

    Put on boxing gloves. These gloves are actively used during training. They are filled with enough material to protect your hands from injury. Buy quality gloves with Velcro fastening - don't skimp! You will use these gloves every day. Gloves made of quality material (good leather and foam inside) will last longer and will reliably protect your hands.

Basics of working with a pear

    Learn to take the correct posture. Place your feet further than shoulder-width apart. If you are right-handed, lean the left side of your torso towards the bag and lift the heel of your right foot. If you're left-handed, do the opposite. Bend your knees slightly. Pull your hands towards your face without lifting your shoulders and elbows.

    Learn to move around. During the exercises, you will not stand in one position - you will circle around the pear. Walk around the pear - do not jump or cross your legs. Remember to keep your legs slightly bent and your hands near your face.

    Hit the bag correctly. It is important to hit the bag rather than push it. During training, you need to make sharp blows, and not try to pierce the target through. Sharp actions allow you to concentrate energy through strong blows and quick movements. If you hit it any other way, all the force of the blow will go into the wrist.

    Learn to jab. Take your starting position. Make a fist with your hand, putting it thumb to the remaining fingers. If you are right-handed, pull forward left hand, if left-handed - right-handed. When hitting, keep your wrist in upright position, and the arm is slightly bent at the elbow. Return your hand to the starting position.

    Learn to cross. You'll have to take a shot right hand(or left if you are left-handed). Take your starting position. Pivot on the heel of your right foot and rotate your leg and hip. At the same time, extend your hand. The right arm should be slightly bent at the elbow. Keep your other hand near your face for protection. Then return your arm, hip, leg, and heel to the starting position.

    Master the hook. Take your starting position. Turn on the heel of your left foot if you are right-handed. Then rotate through your leg and hip. At the same time, extend your left arm horizontally past your body. Raise your elbow slightly. Keep your right hand to your face for protection. Move your arm back to the starting position.

    Try a combination of shots. A combination of strikes is a combination of two strikes. First perform a jab, and then immediately after returning to the starting position - a cross. Return to the starting position.

    Learn to take three strikes. You will need to perform three hits in succession. First you need to perform a jab, then a hook, and finally a cross.

Practicing techniques

  1. Hone your moving skills. Perform the exercises in rounds (8 rounds of three minutes with a minute of rest in between), paying attention to the movement of your legs. In the first and second rounds, go around the bag to the right, making a jab every step or every two steps. In the third and fourth rounds, go around the bag to the left, making a cross (a straight punch with your right hand) every step or every two steps. In the fifth and sixth rounds, go around the bag to the right and perform a combination of two punches for every one or two steps. In the seventh and eighth rounds, go around the bag to the left and perform a combination of three punches for every step or two steps.

    • The goal of leg exercises is to learn how to move around the bag, and not wait for it to return to its starting position.
    • Move with the bag - lean to the sides and don't be afraid to bend. Do not jump around the bag in a rigid position.
    • The pear should be at a distance arm's length from you.
  2. Work on your hitting speed. Perform several rounds of the exercise (6 rounds of three minutes with a minute's rest between rounds), trying to increase your punching speed. Stand at a distance of 50-100 centimeters from the pear. Break each round into fifteen second intervals. In the first and second rounds, lunge towards the bag and perform jabs for 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds and continue until the end of the round. In the third and fourth rounds, do the same, but replace the jab with a two-punch combination. In the fifth and sixth rounds, replace the punch combination with a hook.

    • Don't think about technique during speed exercises. Your task is to quickly contract the muscles, and not to hone the execution.
    • Bend your knees slightly to protect your joints.
    • Remember to breathe. Taking short, shallow breaths will help you increase your hand speed.


Take the position of the left split, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly move into the right. Do about ten transitions to warm up your joints.

  • And the last thing we will devote time to is. Spread your legs as wide as possible and hold in this position. After a few seconds, relax and, as you exhale, begin to slowly lower yourself lower.

With this, you can finish stretching and move on to the technique itself and its development.

  1. In order to master foot technique as quickly and efficiently as possible, I recommend this is a video course

Regular training in this course will turn your legs into truly dangerous self-defense weapons. It contains a large number of combat secrets that will help you finish fights beautifully even against several opponents.

And I will tell you about the so-called classical training.

To develop the correct trajectory, accuracy and speed, regular work in the air will help you; as soon as you master it, then you can move on to projectiles. Decide for yourself which shoes to choose for training, the main thing is that they are comfortable and fit well to the foot.

Let's start with the usual direct blow foot.

It is divided into two types

  • Spot

A quick, precise blow to one point, usually applied to active points such as the groin, solar plexus, and chin. For correct application you need to master a quick movement of the knee forward and a sharp extension movement.

  • trampling

It has a more powerful pushing force, which is based on the full investment of the hips and the entire body. It breaks through all blocks and can even put the enemy on the floor. But there is one minus in it, if the enemy is tactically competent, then he will fail you and make a sweep, be careful.

Side kicks are also in high demand.

The main areas affected are the legs, ribs and head. The areas are quite delicate and can be damaged even with a light blow.

To begin with, I advise you to master the first two levels: legs and ribs. Head shots need to be worked on as the stretch progresses.

Just like the straight line, it is divided into trampling and point.

Yours the main task understand how to correctly extend the hip and then the knee. Practice will help you best, so grab a partner and go practice!

You don't have to hit him too hard. Make slow, precise strikes, favoring proper trajectory rather than force.

Work through each level for a few minutes and when the blows become more expressive, move on to the punching bag, focusing on strength.

It's simple, stretch, work in pairs and on the punching bag, and after a while you will notice that you can handle your legs no worse than your arms. The next step is to unite them, but this is a completely different topic...

And with this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog and you will reach great heights! Thanks for the likes and reposts. Good luck to all.

Anyone who is starting to learn martial arts on their own, they wonder how to properly hit a punching bag. Unsystematic classes are unlikely to be beneficial, so it is necessary to collect information about existing activities here. basic techniques and methods. Improperly applied blows can cause injury to the arms, legs or head.

When choosing a piece of equipment, you need to remember that the punching bag should not be too light or, conversely, too heavy. It is better for men to choose an option weighing half their own weight, for women two-thirds. Before training, you need to wrap your wrists with boxing bandages to prevent damage to ligaments and bones. It is better for beginners not to approach the projectile without such protection.

There are different options for working with a punching bag; today many effective combinations and series of blows have been developed. It is better if the strike options alternate during each lesson. After completing a series of strikes, you need to focus on the strike that is the final one in the combination. When working with a punching bag, you do not need to overload your muscles with excessive loads.

When an athlete has already worked a lot with a bag, he begins to experience fatigue. In this state it is very difficult to follow the technical component of the variations. The striking technique is practically not practiced. The blows are performed incorrectly, and at this time the muscles remember the algorithm of incorrect movements. It is clear that such work with a punching bag will bring little benefit.

Tired of training offensive techniques, it is worth switching to practicing defensive techniques. During these exercises, you will be able to gradually regain your strength without stopping your workout. Beginning fighters should remember that when working with a punching bag or bag, the heart experiences increased stress. You shouldn’t miss your body’s signals and leave problems with your health unattended.

Experts recommend combining strong blows with an accent and probing the weak. When working with a pear, you need to adhere to a certain speed limit. A higher range of motion allows you to practice strikes in a dynamic mode, which is close to combat conditions.

Standing in front of a punching bag or punching bag, you need to throw punches from different stances and in different planes. There is no need to swing the projectile during the impact; make sure that the sound of the impact is clear and loud. Such training should be performed in motion and do not forget about practicing defensive actions. A pneumatic bag helps develop the speed of impact, its accuracy and reaction.

You need to train punches from different angles, so that the projectile comes into random motion, then the punches are delivered clearly and accurately on the surface of the bouncing punching bag. In addition to the punching bag and punching bag, athletes often use such effective equipment during training as tennis ball, secured with an elastic band. This method makes it possible to place a shot and develop its accuracy.

The maximum benefit will come from training during which you will use not only hitting the ball, but also elements of defensive technique: dodging, diving, moving to the side and back. If you need to purchase your first punching bag for home training, you should choose a softer one. Such a projectile will make it possible to hit with full force. A novice fighter will not feel constrained for fear of injuring his hands. The session ends with a cycle of exercises aimed at increasing joint flexibility and muscle elasticity.